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  1. I'm playing KOTOR and Trask runs up to a door and says, "There's something behind here." It takes a few seconds longer than it should. Then Darth Bandon appears, but doesn't ignite his lightsaber. Trask says, "Damn, another Dark Jedi. I'll try to hold him off. You get to the escape pods, go!" After this, the game doesn't exit the dialogue. It doesn't freeze, but Trask just repeats the angry animation where he shakes his fists to infinity. I have no idea what's causing this bug and no idea how to fix it. Also, I did not install JC's Republic Soldier Fix because as far as I know, it's part of the K1CP mod. I've tried installing and reinstalling everything at least 3 times. I'm at my wit's end. Please help! These are the mods I'm using in order of installation as best I remember: KOTOR Community Patch Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack 1.4.0 (all TSL Patcher Mods except "Lite NPCs Restoration" and "Regeneration" from Override NPC Diversity Pack(all options) Onderon Clothing Smuggler Deluxe Ladies of the Sith Army K2 to K1 Clothing Pack Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.3 Effixian's Taris Dueling Arena Changes Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armor(KOTOR Campaign Guide Variant) Bendak Bounty Non Dark Side Option 1.0 Unused Head Restoration Pack 1.0.0 Sith Commandos[K1] Commandos of the Old Republic 1.1.0 [K1] Republic Soldier's New Shade 1.1.1 JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 1.4(100% Brown) JC's Jedi Tailor for K1(100% Brown Patch) Dark Jedi Wear Robes JC's Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.3(Made sure to install the 'K1CP Compatibility' install option and the "Uthar Armor' option) JC's Robe Adjustment(both a and b) JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 1.0 JC's Blaster Visual Effects Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1) 2.2a Lightsaber and Force Forms 1.6 Heyorange's collar fix for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes K1 1.0.0 KoTOR Weapon Model Overhaul Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework High-Quality Blasters Female Mandalorians Kill Marlena Qui-Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 KotOR Conversion 1.1 Marlena Venn Legends Lyn Sekla Legends [K1] Janice Nall "Legends" and the Incomplete Droids 1.1.1 [K1] Selven "Legends" 1.3.0 Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes For K1 1.2.1 Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes Remove Force Alignment Restriction 1.1 Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance 1.0.2 Ajunta Pall's Swords Revamped K2-style Dialogue for T3-M4[K1] High Poly Grenades Improved Grenades KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits 1.0.1 HK Stats Rework Restored equipment for T3-M4 / HK-47 from TSL – KOTOR 1.0.0 Infinite Droid Utilities Infinite Energy Shields Human Xor Unique Look 1.0.1 High Quality Skyboxes II High-Quality Starfields and Nebulas Invisible Headgear JC's Dense Aliens JC's Vision Enhancement Juhani Dialogue Restoration K1 Rakghoul Fiend K2-Style Dialogue for T3-M4 Korriban Academy Workbench Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions Movie-Style Holograms for Endgame Cutscenes Movie-Style Rakatan Holograms Party Model Fixes For K1, Part II 1.0.1 Quarterstaff Replacement Pack Repeating blaster attacks restoration 1.0.1 Sandpeople Disguise Drop Fix 1.0 Senni Vek Restoration Shaleena Original Head Restoration Sherruk - Attacks With Lightsabers JC's Slave Bastila for K1 Sunry Murder Recording Enhancement Restored Equipment for T3-M4 / HK-47 from TSL T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade 1.1 Trandoshans Rescaled for K1 Unique Party Robes Unique Sith Governor Wookiee Warblade Fix Yuthura Sith Eyes with Light Side Transition 1.0 Zaalbar's Items Belaya's Unique Look Balanced Pazaak Bastila Romance Enhancement Bastila's Lightsaber Lore-Friendly Cassus Fett's Battle Armor Children NPC Fixes Colja's Zaalbar Reskin Darth Bandon Head Reskin Darth Malak reskin pack Darth Malak's Lightsaber Jolee's Lightsaber Juhani Catlike Head
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Coauthored with oldflash. Now available for KotOR I, a mere thirteen years after the original TSL release, thanks to the magic of MDLEdit. This mod adds a whole set of new short lightsabres - one for each lightsabre colour available in the game, and their crystals to the game. They can be found by the workbench in the Enclave on Dantooine, but only after you leave the Enclave for the first time after becoming a Jedi. The box is spawned when you speak to the droid at the exit from the Enclave and it says “The Council has decreed you may come and go as you please” for the first time. For the mod to work, you need to have not been to Dantooine yet, or at least, not undergone Jedi training. Installation Just double-click on the "Install "Fork" Short Lightsabres" icon to begin the installation. Do not attempt manual installation - it will not work. Don't worry about fiddling with the Source Scripts or Screenshots folders - they are not required for the mod to run. Known Conflicts As far as I know, this mod shouldn't conflict with many that are out there, but will conflict with any mod which alters the file dan13_jdroid.dlg. So far as I am aware, the only mod to alter that file was a robe mod which is no longer available, so this issue shouldn’t arise. Known Bugs None that I know of at present. Again, please let me know if you find any.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    *Notice*: This mod is not my own work and is being uploaded to Deadlystream with the permission of the original mod author. After having reached out to Evasto via email, I can confirm his approval via the following: "...if you want to upload it to you're more than welcome to. I haven't done anything with KOTOR in a very long time so while I have revisited Luke's lightsaber since then, it was for a Fallout 4 mod rather than KOTOR. If I ever go back to KOTOR I might use the models & textures I made for Fallout 4 to update the mod (as well as the ROTJ Vader), in which event I'd upload 'em to the Nexus, but who knows when or if that'll happen." Information of note: This mod contains files that work in BOTH Kotor 1 and TSL. Each version of the hilt has a folder included with files for installing in TSL. Please see the installation instructions for more information. The following description is taken from the Readme file included: DESCRIPTION: "This mod is quite possibly one of the more ambitious mods I have made to date. This hilts in this pack belong to our favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who built a new lightsaber following the loss of his father's at Cloud City. This mod doesn't, however, deliver just one hilt. You get three (four, counting a texture variant) variations of the familiar lightsaber wielded by Luke. All three replace the green lightsaber, and also comes with a new green blade texture for your enjoyment. Oh, but wait, that's not all! All three of these hilts have a TSL Version, so you can enjoy these hilts in both KOTOR 1 and 2. Also, for the first variant, I've included an alternate texture which makes the usually copper neck black, giving you essentially four lightsabers to play with. Enjoy the mod!" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Place the necessary files into your KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 Override folder. Keep in mind, these hilts overwrite the default green hilt so you can only have one at a time. Just choose the one you like and extract the proper files to the correct Override folder. (The TSL compatible versions are filed into their own folder, so if you want to use one for TSL, just take the hilt's TSL Version files and pop them into the KOTOR 2 Override folder.) If you don't have an Override folder, be sure to make one. Also, when extracting the files, make sure "Use Folder Names" is unchecked or else the files will be extracted into a seperate folder." BUGS: None PERMISSIONS: This mod may not be distributed on other sites without the express permission of the author (Evasto), and without credit given to the original creator of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. I want to give a very special thank you to Evasto for allowing me to help preserve a mod that has been a long time favorite of mine.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet.
  5. View File [K1] "Fork" Short Lightsabers Coauthored with oldflash. Now available for KotOR I, a mere thirteen years after the original TSL release, thanks to the magic of MDLEdit. This mod adds a whole set of new short lightsabres - one for each lightsabre colour available in the game, and their crystals to the game. They can be found by the workbench in the Enclave on Dantooine, but only after you leave the Enclave for the first time after becoming a Jedi. The box is spawned when you speak to the droid at the exit from the Enclave and it says “The Council has decreed you may come and go as you please” for the first time. For the mod to work, you need to have not been to Dantooine yet, or at least, not undergone Jedi training. Installation Just double-click on the "Install "Fork" Short Lightsabres" icon to begin the installation. Do not attempt manual installation - it will not work. Don't worry about fiddling with the Source Scripts or Screenshots folders - they are not required for the mod to run. Known Conflicts As far as I know, this mod shouldn't conflict with many that are out there, but will conflict with any mod which alters the file dan13_jdroid.dlg. So far as I am aware, the only mod to alter that file was a robe mod which is no longer available, so this issue shouldn’t arise. Known Bugs None that I know of at present. Again, please let me know if you find any. Submitter InSidious Submitted 07/13/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. View File ROTJ Luke Lightsaber Pack by Evasto *Notice*: This mod is not my own work and is being uploaded to Deadlystream with the permission of the original mod author. After having reached out to Evasto via email, I can confirm his approval via the following: "...if you want to upload it to you're more than welcome to. I haven't done anything with KOTOR in a very long time so while I have revisited Luke's lightsaber since then, it was for a Fallout 4 mod rather than KOTOR. If I ever go back to KOTOR I might use the models & textures I made for Fallout 4 to update the mod (as well as the ROTJ Vader), in which event I'd upload 'em to the Nexus, but who knows when or if that'll happen." Information of note: This mod contains files that work in BOTH Kotor 1 and TSL. Each version of the hilt has a folder included with files for installing in TSL. Please see the installation instructions for more information. The following description is taken from the Readme file included: DESCRIPTION: "This mod is quite possibly one of the more ambitious mods I have made to date. This hilts in this pack belong to our favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who built a new lightsaber following the loss of his father's at Cloud City. This mod doesn't, however, deliver just one hilt. You get three (four, counting a texture variant) variations of the familiar lightsaber wielded by Luke. All three replace the green lightsaber, and also comes with a new green blade texture for your enjoyment. Oh, but wait, that's not all! All three of these hilts have a TSL Version, so you can enjoy these hilts in both KOTOR 1 and 2. Also, for the first variant, I've included an alternate texture which makes the usually copper neck black, giving you essentially four lightsabers to play with. Enjoy the mod!" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Place the necessary files into your KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 Override folder. Keep in mind, these hilts overwrite the default green hilt so you can only have one at a time. Just choose the one you like and extract the proper files to the correct Override folder. (The TSL compatible versions are filed into their own folder, so if you want to use one for TSL, just take the hilt's TSL Version files and pop them into the KOTOR 2 Override folder.) If you don't have an Override folder, be sure to make one. Also, when extracting the files, make sure "Use Folder Names" is unchecked or else the files will be extracted into a seperate folder." BUGS: None PERMISSIONS: This mod may not be distributed on other sites without the express permission of the author (Evasto), and without credit given to the original creator of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. I want to give a very special thank you to Evasto for allowing me to help preserve a mod that has been a long time favorite of mine. Submitter Untold Prophecy Submitted 04/18/2020 Category Knights of The Old Republic  
  7. View File Default Lightsaber Replacement [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet. Submitter InSidious Submitted 11/29/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. Version 1.2


    This mod replaces the default lightsaber in the game. It is set up to work with the TSLRCM, in particular the bronze lightsaber restoration. The mod does not replace the default double lightsaber models. To install, drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. To uninstall, take them out again. Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet.
  9. View File Default Lightsaber Replacement This mod replaces the default lightsaber in the game. It is set up to work with the TSLRCM, in particular the bronze lightsaber restoration. *UPDATE v1.2* The mod now does replace short and double lightsaber hilts. To install, drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. To uninstall, take them out again. Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet. Submitter InSidious Submitted 10/24/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible