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  1. View File K1 - No Alignment Penalty No more force point cost penalty for using opposite alignment powers, but you still get the force point cost reduction if you use force powers that correspond with your alignment. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/15/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    No more force point cost penalty for using opposite alignment powers, but you still get the force point cost reduction if you use force powers that correspond with your alignment.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Adds 3 new high level Force powers inspired by the prestige classes from TSL, with effects that change depending on your alignment. SUMMARY This mod adds 3 Force powers to K1 inspired by the unique powers granted to the different prestige classes in TSL - specifically Fury for Sith Marauders, Force Camouflage for Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins, and Inspire Followers/Crush Opposition for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. In TSL, your access to these powers depends on both your character's alignment and class choice. To keep that exclusivity when bringing these powers to K1, and without a way to grant powers in K1 or restrict them based on alignment, I decided to create a single power for each class and make the effects change depending on the caster's alignment. The powers are all universal powers and available at level 15. Each Jedi class can learn one of these powers, coming from the analogous prestige class (Marauder/Weapon Master for Guardian; Assassin/Watchman for Sentinel; Master/Lord for Consular). The power effects change every 10 points of alignment (except in the neutral range from 41-60), becoming stronger as your character moves closer to the light or dark side. Where possible, the effects are modeled off the corresponding power tree in TSL, starting from the lowest tier power and moving towards the highest tier at maximum LS or DS alignment. Some powers have slightly different effects from their TSL counterparts. Neutral characters will experience a balanced but weaker blend of both sides' effects. Any Jedi in your party can learn these powers, but their potential is only fully realized by the main character. DETAILS ============ Force Temper Level 15 Jedi Guardian Cost = 30 FP This power channels the Force to concentrate the Jedi Guardian's inner temperament, placing the light Jedi in a state of composure and heightened defense, or driving the dark Jedi into a furious rage. This power was inspired by Fury, the power granted to Sith Marauders in TSL. The dark side effects are practically identical to Fury, giving bonuses to Strength, Vitality, Fortitude, Will, attacks per round, and granting immunity to Paralysis and Stasis effects, while penalizing Defense. The values depend on the caster's alignment. Additionally, every enemy killed while the power is active grants a bonus to damage up to a maximum of +6. Naturally the light side version of this power enhances defensive statistics rather than offensive. Jedi Weapon Masters don't have a unique power in TSL, but do get a unique feat which boosts blaster deflection. For light Jedi Guardians, this power applies the "Assured Deflection" effect, making it so all incoming blaster bolts are guaranteed to be deflected while wielding a lightsaber, but they can not be returned to enemies while this power is active. It also gives bonuses to Defense, Fortitude and Will saves, grants Critical Hit immunity, and applies a regeneration effect, but decreases damage. Neutral Jedi get a smaller bonus to Strength, Defense, Vitality, Regeneration, Fortitude and Will, with no penalties. =============== Force Camouflage Level 15 Jedi Sentinel Cost = 0 FP This power enhances the Jedi Sentinel's stealth abilities, allowing them to camouflage at will and deliver deadly sneak attacks. This power was inspired by the TSL power with the same name, granted to Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins in TSL. In TSL it is a passive power which allows you to enter Stealth Mode without a Stealth Field Generator and gives bonuses to Stealth. In this mod, the power is castable and will cause you to enter Stealth Mode. After casting it once however, you will always be able to activate Stealth without a belt either through the usual toggle or by casting the power, and will be granted the additional stat bonuses indefinitely. The bonuses include an increase to the Sneak skill and a bonus Sneak Attack feat. The Sneak bonus and rank of Sneak Attack depend on your alignment. Light Jedi gain Sneak Attack V (granted to Scoundrels at level 9) and a bonus to Stealth which scales with alignment up to +10. Dark Jedi get no Stealth bonus but get increasing ranks of Sneak Attack up to the maximum rank of X, providing 9-54 extra damage on Sneak Attacks. Neutral Jedi are given the Sneak Attack VI feat and a bonus of +2 to Stealth. These bonuses will automatically update as your alignment changes. You need at least 1 point manually invested in Stealth to enter Stealth Mode. Unlike in TSL, Stealth is not a class skill for Jedi Sentinels, so Sentinel characters might not usually be built for Stealth unless they started as a Scoundrel. Because of this, I've made an optional patch which makes Stealth a class skill for Sentinels so they can get the most out of this power. ============= Force Influence Level 15 Jedi Consular Cost = 20 FP This power projects the Jedi Consular's influence on others, bolstering the morale and effectiveness of a light Jedi's allies, or crushing the spirit of a dark Jedi's enemies. This power is based on the Inspire Followers and Crush Opposition powers granted to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord classes in TSL. The effects of this power are identical to those in TSL, with Inspire Followers effects applied for Light alignment (bonus to party attack, Damage and Will saves) and Crush Opposition effects applied for Dark alignment (decrease to enemy attack and Will saves). The corresponding power rank (I-V) scales with the alignment of the caster, reaching rank V for an alignment of <10 or >90. For neutral characters, the power applies both effects at rank I. ============= This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe and select the main install option. Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. Optional: Run the patch to make Stealth a class skill for Jedi Sentinels. UNINSTALLATION 1. Remove the following files from override: spells.2da visualeffects.2da effecticon.2da m_imp_temper.ncs m_imp_camo.ncs m_imp_influence.ncs m_fury_heartbeat.ncs m_fury_killcount.ncs k_act_lighthigh.ncs k_act_lightmed.ncs k_act_lightsml.ncs k_act_darkhigh.ncs k_act_darkmed.ncs k_act_darksml.ncs k_def_death01.ncs ip_camo.tga ip_influence.tga ip_influence_e1l.tga ip_influence_e2l.tga ip_influence_e3l.tga ip_influence_e4l.tga ip_influence_e5l.tga ip_temper.tga ip_temper_e1n.tga ip_temper_e2l.tga ip_temper_e3l.tga ip_temper_e4l.tga ip_temper_e5l.tga ip_temper_e2d.tga ip_temper_e3d.tga ip_temper_e4d.tga ip_temper_e5d.tga fury_killcount.utp nat_camo_belt_0n.uti nat_camo_belt_1l.uti nat_camo_belt_2l.uti nat_camo_belt_3l.uti nat_camo_belt_4l.uti nat_camo_belt_1d.uti nat_camo_belt_2d.uti nat_camo_belt_3d.uti nat_camo_belt_4d.uti fx_dot02.tpc v_light_temper.mdl v_light_temper.mdx v_dark_temper.mdl v_dark_temper.mdx If you installed the optional patch, remove skills.2da from the override folder. 2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder. 3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY & OTHER NOTES This mod edits a few vanilla scripts to achieve some functionalities. It will conflict with other mods that edit the following scripts for alignment shifts or NPC OnDeath events: k_def_death01, k_act_lighthigh, k_act_lightmed, k_act_lightsml, k_act_darkhigh, k_act_darkmed, k_act_darksml Known Incompatible Mods Alignment Fancy Bits by ebmar Content Pack: Feats and Powers by TamerBill Otherwise, should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. I recommend installing this after other Force power mods to ensure compatibility. For DS Temper, damage increase on killing enemies will only work in the module that the power is cast in. If you transition to a different area, you will stop gaining damage bonuses from killing enemies until the power is cast again. This specific effect also only works on the main character, though without cheats your party members wouldn't get the DS effects of this power anyway. Please report any bugs or incompatibilities. Feedback on the power effects or balance is welcome. PERMISSIONS Do not reupload this mod or any contained files anywhere without my expressed permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty Thanks JCarter426 and other folks on Discord for scripting help KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol This mod contains assets from SW KOTOR II: TSL
  4. View File Prestige Powers Adds 3 new high level Force powers inspired by the prestige classes from TSL, with effects that change depending on your alignment. SUMMARY This mod adds 3 Force powers to K1 inspired by the unique powers granted to the different prestige classes in TSL - specifically Fury for Sith Marauders, Force Camouflage for Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins, and Inspire Followers/Crush Opposition for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. In TSL, your access to these powers depends on both your character's alignment and class choice. To keep that exclusivity when bringing these powers to K1, and without a way to grant powers in K1 or restrict them based on alignment, I decided to create a single power for each class and make the effects change depending on the caster's alignment. The powers are all universal powers and available at level 15. Each Jedi class can learn one of these powers, coming from the analogous prestige class (Marauder/Weapon Master for Guardian; Assassin/Watchman for Sentinel; Master/Lord for Consular). The power effects change every 10 points of alignment (except in the neutral range from 41-60), becoming stronger as your character moves closer to the light or dark side. Where possible, the effects are modeled off the corresponding power tree in TSL, starting from the lowest tier power and moving towards the highest tier at maximum LS or DS alignment. Some powers have slightly different effects from their TSL counterparts. Neutral characters will experience a balanced but weaker blend of both sides' effects. Any Jedi in your party can learn these powers, but their potential is only fully realized by the main character. DETAILS ============ Force Temper Level 15 Jedi Guardian Cost = 30 FP This power channels the Force to concentrate the Jedi Guardian's inner temperament, placing the light Jedi in a state of composure and heightened defense, or driving the dark Jedi into a furious rage. This power was inspired by Fury, the power granted to Sith Marauders in TSL. The dark side effects are practically identical to Fury, giving bonuses to Strength, Vitality, Fortitude, Will, attacks per round, and granting immunity to Paralysis and Stasis effects, while penalizing Defense. The values depend on the caster's alignment. Additionally, every enemy killed while the power is active grants a bonus to damage up to a maximum of +6. Naturally the light side version of this power enhances defensive statistics rather than offensive. Jedi Weapon Masters don't have a unique power in TSL, but do get a unique feat which boosts blaster deflection. For light Jedi Guardians, this power applies the "Assured Deflection" effect, making it so all incoming blaster bolts are guaranteed to be deflected while wielding a lightsaber, but they can not be returned to enemies while this power is active. It also gives bonuses to Defense, Fortitude and Will saves, grants Critical Hit immunity, and applies a regeneration effect, but decreases damage. Neutral Jedi get a smaller bonus to Strength, Defense, Vitality, Regeneration, Fortitude and Will, with no penalties. =============== Force Camouflage Level 15 Jedi Sentinel Cost = 0 FP This power enhances the Jedi Sentinel's stealth abilities, allowing them to camouflage at will and deliver deadly sneak attacks. This power was inspired by the TSL power with the same name, granted to Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins in TSL. In TSL it is a passive power which allows you to enter Stealth Mode without a Stealth Field Generator and gives bonuses to Stealth. In this mod, the power is castable and will cause you to enter Stealth Mode. After casting it once however, you will always be able to activate Stealth without a belt either through the usual toggle or by casting the power, and will be granted the additional stat bonuses indefinitely. The bonuses include an increase to the Sneak skill and a bonus Sneak Attack feat. The Sneak bonus and rank of Sneak Attack depend on your alignment. Light Jedi gain Sneak Attack V (granted to Scoundrels at level 9) and a bonus to Stealth which scales with alignment up to +10. Dark Jedi get no Stealth bonus but get increasing ranks of Sneak Attack up to the maximum rank of X, providing 9-54 extra damage on Sneak Attacks. Neutral Jedi are given the Sneak Attack VI feat and a bonus of +2 to Stealth. These bonuses will automatically update as your alignment changes. You need at least 1 point manually invested in Stealth to enter Stealth Mode. Unlike in TSL, Stealth is not a class skill for Jedi Sentinels, so Sentinel characters might not usually be built for Stealth unless they started as a Scoundrel. Because of this, I've made an optional patch which makes Stealth a class skill for Sentinels so they can get the most out of this power. ============= Force Influence Level 15 Jedi Consular Cost = 20 FP This power projects the Jedi Consular's influence on others, bolstering the morale and effectiveness of a light Jedi's allies, or crushing the spirit of a dark Jedi's enemies. This power is based on the Inspire Followers and Crush Opposition powers granted to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord classes in TSL. The effects of this power are identical to those in TSL, with Inspire Followers effects applied for Light alignment (bonus to party attack, Damage and Will saves) and Crush Opposition effects applied for Dark alignment (decrease to enemy attack and Will saves). The corresponding power rank (I-V) scales with the alignment of the caster, reaching rank V for an alignment of <10 or >90. For neutral characters, the power applies both effects at rank I. ============= This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe and select the main install option. Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. Optional: Run the patch to make Stealth a class skill for Jedi Sentinels. UNINSTALLATION 1. Remove the following files from override: spells.2da visualeffects.2da effecticon.2da m_imp_temper.ncs m_imp_camo.ncs m_imp_influence.ncs m_fury_heartbeat.ncs m_fury_killcount.ncs k_act_lighthigh.ncs k_act_lightmed.ncs k_act_lightsml.ncs k_act_darkhigh.ncs k_act_darkmed.ncs k_act_darksml.ncs k_def_death01.ncs ip_camo.tga ip_influence.tga ip_influence_e1l.tga ip_influence_e2l.tga ip_influence_e3l.tga ip_influence_e4l.tga ip_influence_e5l.tga ip_temper.tga ip_temper_e1n.tga ip_temper_e2l.tga ip_temper_e3l.tga ip_temper_e4l.tga ip_temper_e5l.tga ip_temper_e2d.tga ip_temper_e3d.tga ip_temper_e4d.tga ip_temper_e5d.tga fury_killcount.utp nat_camo_belt_0n.uti nat_camo_belt_1l.uti nat_camo_belt_2l.uti nat_camo_belt_3l.uti nat_camo_belt_4l.uti nat_camo_belt_1d.uti nat_camo_belt_2d.uti nat_camo_belt_3d.uti nat_camo_belt_4d.uti fx_dot02.tpc v_light_temper.mdl v_light_temper.mdx v_dark_temper.mdl v_dark_temper.mdx If you installed the optional patch, remove skills.2da from the override folder. 2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder. 3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY & OTHER NOTES This mod edits a few vanilla scripts to achieve some functionalities. It will conflict with other mods that edit the following scripts for alignment shifts or NPC OnDeath events: k_def_death01, k_act_lighthigh, k_act_lightmed, k_act_lightsml, k_act_darkhigh, k_act_darkmed, k_act_darksml Known Incompatible Mods Alignment Fancy Bits by ebmar Content Pack: Feats and Powers by TamerBill Otherwise, should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. I recommend installing this after other Force power mods to ensure compatibility. For DS Temper, damage increase on killing enemies will only work in the module that the power is cast in. If you transition to a different area, you will stop gaining damage bonuses from killing enemies until the power is cast again. This specific effect also only works on the main character, though without cheats your party members wouldn't get the DS effects of this power anyway. Please report any bugs or incompatibilities. Feedback on the power effects or balance is welcome. PERMISSIONS Do not reupload this mod or any contained files anywhere without my expressed permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty Thanks JCarter426 and other folks on Discord for scripting help KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol This mod contains assets from SW KOTOR II: TSL Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 10/06/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. View File Non-Aligned passage for Sith Tomb A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 03.10.2021 Installation: Simply copy and paste/drag and drop the file within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove/delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: You might be aware of the Sith Tomb found within the Cave on Korriban, and if you are, you might also be aware that only high Light Side and Dark Side players are allowed inside. In vanilla/TSLRCM, you need to be Level 9 or above whilst your alignment needs to be below 26 (High Dark Side) OR above 74 (High Light Side). This mod will remove the alignment restrictions replacing it with a higher Level restriction. You now only need to be Level 15 or above to enter the tomb, this requirement doesn't conflict with the lore behind the tomb. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but do keep in mind that the tomb is designed to be easier for Dark Side players and harder for Light Side players... it is unknown what would happen if a neutral player enters the tomb but most likely nothing noticeable would occur. But if anything does happen feel free to leave a bug report on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "sec_tomb.dlg". Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware: For such an amazing first game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Sniggles: For requesting the mod on Discord Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 10/03/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. View File NPC Alignment Fix This modification alters the alignment of various npcs to match their allegiance and characteristics, since in KotOR BioWare left everything neutrally aligned with few exceptions. Through this, "vs. alignment group" properties now have more opportunities to take effect as they should. Unlike in the sequel there's no Force Sight so I didn't get too fancy - it's mostly just set values all across the board to ensure everyone is firmly sitting in their respective sides. No longer will the game regard Darth Bandon as this misunderstood Grey individual, but instead as the smug good-for-nothing slimebag we all know him to be. _____________________________ What will this change, really? In terms of combat, the Solari crystal will work fully against every Dark Jedi (and more) you come across. Of course they now have a different fp usage dynamic as you would expect so it more or less balances itself out. What if I'm Dark-Sided? The Mantle of the Force crystal can remove your lightsaber's light-side restrictions. Also don't forget, mods that add items with bonuses versus alignments will benefit from these changes too, so you don't need to limit yourself only to what exists in the base game! Compatibility... As long as you install this mod last there really shouldn't be any issues other than different mods hard overwriting my changes, in which case they will take no effect, but nothing too serious. Due to the number of files this mod entails, it is very likely that any other mods that edit .utc files via override will coincide with the ones my modification references. _____________________________ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, updated by Fair Strides. The Deadlystream community for being an all-around helpful bunch. Submitter TK-664 Submitted 04/05/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 03.10.2021 Installation: Simply copy and paste/drag and drop the file within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove/delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: You might be aware of the Sith Tomb found within the Cave on Korriban, and if you are, you might also be aware that only high Light Side and Dark Side players are allowed inside. In vanilla/TSLRCM, you need to be Level 9 or above whilst your alignment needs to be below 26 (High Dark Side) OR above 74 (High Light Side). This mod will remove the alignment restrictions replacing it with a higher Level restriction. You now only need to be Level 15 or above to enter the tomb, this requirement doesn't conflict with the lore behind the tomb. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but do keep in mind that the tomb is designed to be easier for Dark Side players and harder for Light Side players... it is unknown what would happen if a neutral player enters the tomb but most likely nothing noticeable would occur. But if anything does happen feel free to leave a bug report on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "sec_tomb.dlg". Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware: For such an amazing first game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Sniggles: For requesting the mod on Discord Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  8. TK-664

    NPC Alignment Fix

    Version 1.1


    This modification alters the alignment of various npcs to match their allegiance and characteristics, since in KotOR BioWare left everything neutrally aligned with few exceptions. Through this, "vs. alignment group" properties now have more opportunities to take effect as they should. Unlike in the sequel there's no Force Sight so I didn't get too fancy - it's mostly just set values all across the board to ensure everyone is firmly sitting in their respective sides. No longer will the game regard Darth Bandon as this misunderstood Grey individual, but instead as the smug good-for-nothing slimebag we all know him to be. _____________________________ What will this change, really? In terms of combat, the Solari crystal will work fully against every Dark Jedi (and more) you come across. Of course they now have a different fp usage dynamic as you would expect so it more or less balances itself out. What if I'm Dark-Sided? The Mantle of the Force crystal can remove your lightsaber's light-side restrictions. Also don't forget, mods that add items with bonuses versus alignments will benefit from these changes too, so you don't need to limit yourself only to what exists in the base game! Compatibility... As long as you install this mod last there really shouldn't be any issues other than different mods hard overwriting my changes, in which case they will take no effect, but nothing too serious. Due to the number of files this mod entails, it is very likely that any other mods that edit .utc files via override will coincide with the ones my modification references. _____________________________ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, updated by Fair Strides. The Deadlystream community for being an all-around helpful bunch.
  9. Version 1.0


    TSL Alignment Sound Effect Removal - version 1.0 By Rovan Description ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— This mod removes the sound effects when you gain Dark Side and Light Side points. This mod also removes any potential “super-stingers”, such as when the Exile finds the Jedi with the Hurrikaine Crystal in TSLRCM. This was a mod created for personal use that I decided to release. Installation ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Put the following files into KoTOR 2’s Override: mus_s_darkshort.wav mus_s_darkside.wav mus_s_lightshort.wav mus_s_lightside.wav Uninstallation ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Remove the following files from the Override: mus_s_darkshort.wav mus_s_darkside.wav mus_s_lightshort.wav mus_s_lightside.wav Permissions ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Do not upload this mod to the Steam Workshop. If you use this in your own mod, credit would be greatly appreciated, but it won’t be the end of the world if no credit is given. Credits ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Audacity for existing, and PastramiX for making their TSL Music Improvement mod; without it, I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint which music file is which. Contact Information ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted on, where I uploaded this mod.
  10. For some reason, even if my light side character has 100 influence to my companions, their force alignment (i.e. light side/dark side) always stops at 99 and never go up to 100 (including light side members like Bao-Dur and Handmaiden). While I'm able to make a dark side companion (Hanharr) to have 0 alignment with 0 influence with them. I really want to get them to max alignment because that allow them to get the mastery bonus. I'm wondering if any modder would like to make a mod for this, or at least tell me which file to override. (I've rich background in IT so feel to use all those technical terms)
  11. 1,604 downloads

    This mod removes the alignment restriction for prestige classes. If you are neutral or below you will get sith, anything higher will get you the jedi classes. Just be level 15 and talk to Kreia and she will offer to further your training. To install just drop kreia.dlg to your override folder! Special thanks to everyone in this thread. I am not kidding when I say all I did was lurk, followed their instructions years after they posted. Only tested on TSLRCM. Please comment if you have any problems!
  12. View File Easier Prestige This mod removes the alignment restriction for prestige classes. If you are neutral or below you will get sith, anything higher will get you the jedi classes. Just be level 15 and talk to Kreia and she will offer to further your training. To install just drop kreia.dlg to your override folder! Special thanks to everyone in this thread. I am not kidding when I say all I did was lurk, followed their instructions years after they posted. Only tested on TSLRCM. Please comment if you have any problems! Submitter ForThatOneAnon Submitted 06/23/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  13. View File TSL Alignment Sound Effect Removal TSL Alignment Sound Effect Removal - version 1.0 By Rovan Description ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— This mod removes the sound effects when you gain Dark Side and Light Side points. This mod also removes any potential “super-stingers”, such as when the Exile finds the Jedi with the Hurrikaine Crystal in TSLRCM. This was a mod created for personal use that I decided to release. Installation ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Put the following files into KoTOR 2’s Override: mus_s_darkshort.wav mus_s_darkside.wav mus_s_lightshort.wav mus_s_lightside.wav Uninstallation ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Remove the following files from the Override: mus_s_darkshort.wav mus_s_darkside.wav mus_s_lightshort.wav mus_s_lightside.wav Permissions ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Do not upload this mod to the Steam Workshop. If you use this in your own mod, credit would be greatly appreciated, but it won’t be the end of the world if no credit is given. Credits ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Audacity for existing, and PastramiX for making their TSL Music Improvement mod; without it, I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint which music file is which. Contact Information ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted on, where I uploaded this mod. Submitter Rovan Submitted 02/28/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible