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  1. Large work has gone into ensuring the patcher can mirror TSLPatcher 1:1. Some additional features have been added by request and some TSLPatcher bugs have been fixed. Source code can be found here: If you've ever wondered why TSLPatcher is throwing an error with your mod or why certain patches don't seem to be applied correctly with TSLPatcher, this is a great resource to finding the problem. If you don't understand or want to learn Python, large work has gone into documenting each function and public classes. Just read the docstrings. If you ever needed to install a TSLPatcher mod on Mac or Linux, the library will run natively (without wine) on most distros of Mac and Linux - and resolve case-sensitivity issues. The PyKotor library is the same library used for the HoloPatcher and the Holocron Toolset projects. - both are inherently cross-platform KOTOR tools. This post isn't made to be a plug to HoloPatcher or the toolset, but more a general resource for users and modders alike.
  2. ndix UR


    Version 1.0.1


    View and export Odyssey Engine proprietary texture formats. A lightweight, somewhat quick viewer for textures in TPC format, or the proprietary header DDS format used in Aurora and its descendants. Also provides a capability to export to TGA, which is useful when you find images that won't convert via any other tool. The viewer aspect is a bit of an afterthought, as for the longest time this was just where I tested my TPC=>TGA conversion code. However, over time, I found myself wanting a simple viewer that could preview a lot of images at once, so this happened. The application is cross-platform, available for macOS and Windows. The app is written in javascript, built on Electron using three.js. ============================================================ How do I set it up? Windows: Download the '-installer' file, unzip the 7z package, run tgaview Setup <version>.exe Mac: unzip the package, move to /Applications, run it * This is not a signed application, so you have to do whatever is required to run non-MAS applications on your MacOS version. The application provides file associations for TPC & DDS files. Hopefully the DDS association will not override any you may already have for non-proprietary DDS files. ============================================================ How do I use it? Viewing Drag files in. They should show up. The files you drag in fill the window in a list that generally resembles the file input order. They all show at once, so there's a moderate memory requirement around loading many files at once. For example, loading the 5210 TPC files from TSL takes 2.25G memory on my machine, your mileage will vary. Mouse over images to get info about them in the window's title bar. Click images to toggle scaling the image to fit the window and viewing the information about them in the info panel at the bottom of the window. Double click the background of the window to clear all loaded images. Exporting Use modifier keys while dragging in order to get Export as TGA functionality. A description of the export activity you are requesting shows up in the info panel at the bottom while you are dragging. Export will occur while the file is being loaded. You cannot export already open images without dragging them in again. Files are exported into same directory as original TPC files being dragged, THEY WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING TGA FILES WITHOUT WARNING. When a TPC file is exported to TGA, a TXI file will also be generated if the original TPC file contained such information. When adding alpha blending value to TXI output, only non-1.0 values will be added (as 1.0 is considered default). ============================================================ Features View TPC format 32bpp, 24bpp, and 8bpp compressed and uncompressed images View Aurora proprietary DDS format 32bpp and 24bpp compressed images Export to TGA Export TXI files containing the texture extension information from TPC files Export all detail levels (mipmaps) present in original image file (can help debugging image compressors) Add an alpha blending value from the TPC header into exported TXI file outputs, i.e. '# alphablending 0.67' File association for TPC and DDS formats with provided file type icons
  3. Hey guys! I'm proud to announce that I'll be regularly updating you guys about my mods. Now that I've got plenty of tools working and so on, I can finally say that I can maybe do some more mods First mod that I'll be updating you guys about is my Lightsaber mod for Kotor 1. This mod will recolor the vanilla saber colors, just making them slightly more colored (while still maintaining the same general color, also making them more vibrant. I'll also be adding several different mix and matched colored blades too! I'd say that this mod is about 25% done. I'll also be collaborating with VP (He'll be my "mentor" for this. He'll be helping me with making these crystals customized in the game (ability to put them into sabers, while having their own too). I got the crystals to be in the game, just not separate from the Vanilla crystals. The second mod that I'd like to announce is a "sequel" to my K1 Retextured clothing mod. This one has taken some time to work on and has really taken out a lot from me by retexturing every armor/robe (I know that that's nothing to most of you modders out there, but this is one of my first couple of mods ) This mod will do the same thing as the first one, changing textures (making them HQ also), changing stats, etc... This is I'd say about 75% complete since my internet was down for about five days, so I worked about 6-8 hours throughout this week.
  4. admission: i'm a n00ber sc00ber when it comes to modding and coding. Here's my predicament: i'm working with a mid 2010 mac running on sierra. some windows mods install correctly with wine and then others give me this message "Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "Z:\Applications\Knights of the Old\Contents\Assets\dialog.tlk". Access denied (0). please help! thanks in advance.
  5. View File tpcview View and export Odyssey Engine proprietary texture formats. A lightweight, somewhat quick viewer for textures in TPC format, or the proprietary header DDS format used in Aurora and its descendants. Also provides a capability to export to TGA, which is useful when you find images that won't convert via any other tool. The viewer aspect is a bit of an afterthought, as for the longest time this was just where I tested my TPC=>TGA conversion code. However, over time, I found myself wanting a simple viewer that could preview a lot of images at once, so this happened. The application is cross-platform, available for macOS and Windows. The app is written in javascript, built on Electron using three.js. ============================================================ How do I set it up? Windows: Download the '-installer' file, unzip the 7z package, run tgaview Setup <version>.exe Mac: unzip the package, move to /Applications, run it * This is not a signed application, so you have to do whatever is required to run non-MAS applications on your MacOS version. The application provides file associations for TPC & DDS files. Hopefully the DDS association will not override any you may already have for non-proprietary DDS files. ============================================================ How do I use it? Viewing Drag files in. They should show up. The files you drag in fill the window in a list that generally resembles the file input order. They all show at once, so there's a moderate memory requirement around loading many files at once. For example, loading the 5210 TPC files from TSL takes 2.25G memory on my machine, your mileage will vary. Mouse over images to get info about them in the window's title bar. Click images to toggle scaling the image to fit the window and viewing the information about them in the info panel at the bottom of the window. Double click the background of the window to clear all loaded images. Exporting Use modifier keys while dragging in order to get Export as TGA functionality. A description of the export activity you are requesting shows up in the info panel at the bottom while you are dragging. Export will occur while the file is being loaded. You cannot export already open images without dragging them in again. Files are exported into same directory as original TPC files being dragged, THEY WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING TGA FILES WITHOUT WARNING. When a TPC file is exported to TGA, a TXI file will also be generated if the original TPC file contained such information. When adding alpha blending value to TXI output, only non-1.0 values will be added (as 1.0 is considered default). ============================================================ Features View TPC format 32bpp, 24bpp, and 8bpp compressed and uncompressed images View Aurora proprietary DDS format 32bpp and 24bpp compressed images Export to TGA Export TXI files containing the texture extension information from TPC files Export all detail levels (mipmaps) present in original image file (can help debugging image compressors) Add an alpha blending value from the TPC header into exported TXI file outputs, i.e. '# alphablending 0.67' File association for TPC and DDS formats with provided file type icons Submitter ndix UR Submitted 01/30/2020 Category Modding Tools  
  6. SWKOTOR recently updated on my Mac. I found my saves again and upon editing the save file for a new cheat run, and then running the game through its updated launcher then running the applied changes save file, none of the attributes nor credits I had altered were changed at all. Any and all help and or suggestions with this matter would be hugely appreciated.
  7. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about this stuff and haven't seen anyone talk about it but I was hoping someone here knows something. The bump maps for the water textures are not showing up in vanilla TSL for Mac (from the App store). The texture is there and transparent but there is no "bumpyshinytexture" effect. I've attached a picture of this. The pictured texture is DAN_water03N, but it seems to be a problem with all water in the game. Also, I can override the texture file but I tried putting a new .txi with different effects or values to see if I could change anything like the transparency but it didn't seem to do anything. AFAIK this isn't just a problem with my computer; you can see it in this Youtube video at 20:26. It looks like he is using the Aspyr version, though I don't know if it is on Mac. I'm running macOS Mojave with Intel graphics. I know KOTOR is notoriously weird with these Intel cards but the water bump maps work fine in KOTOR 1 on the same computer so I'm hesitant to blame it on that. I was just wondering if anyone had insight into why this is happening? I doubt it would be a problem if there was an easy fix, but I'm just interested if anybody knows anything, or can confirm whether they've ever seen this with the Aspyr version on either Mac or Windows.
  8. Version 1.1


    First of all: THIS IS TSLRCM/M4-78 COMPATIBLE (That's great news of course) Be sure to download every single file in the downloads! You don't want to miss out on all of the files! Hello there everyone! Guess what? I have another mod, third one this week. Now, then again these took a long time to do. Except since my internet was down for 4-5 days this week, I had a lot of time to work on this mod. What this mod does is replace the vanilla armors with new, HQ textures. This mod also (just like my K1 mod) replaces the stats to make you want to use the lighter armors. All of the armors and clothing replace the core games files. I adjusted the stats of every item (Except for clothing). I made it so that people would want to use the lighter armor, so be aware of the heavy armor. I'm really proud to say that I'm starting to work on more projects along with this one. The fact that I'm making these on a Mac make me want to keep making them, to "prove" to people that you can still mod on a Mac haha. The codes for all of the armors are the same as the vanilla codes, so look them up. I didn’t replace the games core game robes. I placed them randomly through the game. The codes for the robes (Although I'd prefer that you find them in their places inside of the game, are as follows: giveitem a_robe_50 (through) 60 Installation: Unzip all of the separate 7z files, and then place all of the files into the override. I really hope you guys enjoy this mod, be sure to make a review so that I can improve on anything!
  9. Version 1.1


    UPDATED VERSION INCLUDES THE CORRECT FEMALE TXI FOR THE LIGHTNING ROBE!!! Hey there!!!! This is just a small little mod that I decided to create to see what people think of animated robes!!! This is somewhat a test to see if I want to release these kinds of robes or armors later on. So, be sure to leave feedback!!! Anyways, this mod adds four new robes to the game, each with special stats and a custom design! The pictures depicted are not the full representation of the robes!!!!! If you want to view them (in somewhat bad quality) head to my YouTube channel (link in my signature) to see how they look animated!!! You'll have to cheat the items into the game, because I couldn't really create a placeable since I was unsure about one of the modules. Anyways, the codes are as follows: recerobe200 recerobe201 recerobe202 recerobe203 Special Thanks: Special thanks to Fair Strides for helping me out with a dummy mistake (not naming a .txi after the texture's name…) Thanks to my friends out there helping me decide what designs to use for the robes, as well as how they cycle through the textures (i.e: the speed, pulse, etc…)
  10. Version 2.0


    READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! WARNING, IF YOU HAVE THESE FILES IN YOUR OVERRIDE FROM THE FIRST VERSION OF THE MOD, THEN REMOVE THEM FROM THE OVERRIDE!!!! m14ac.git m14ae.git m18aa.git m18ab.git m18ac.git m20aa.git m24aa.git m25aa.git m27aa.git m35aa.git m36aa.git m37aa.git m38aa.git m38ab.git m39aa.git m41ac.git m42aa.git m44ab.git m45aa.git PART 1 (PART 2 IS WAY DOWN BELOW, MAKE SURE YOU READ THAT TOO!!!!} Hey there everyone! This is my first lightsaber mod that I've made, so go easy on me alright? This mod adds in plenty of lightsabers to the game to keep you satisfied, all customized as well as upgradeable. Every crystal except for one includes all three variations of the lightsabers (Short, normal, and double-bladed) Anyways, this mod includes the following: 8 Solid-colored, awesome looking lightsabers 7 Duel-colored, awesome looking lightsabers (The core and outer glow are different colors) 5 Color changing, amazing animated lightsabers. That might be a bias opinion, but oh well I have randomly placed the lightsabers throughout the game, some are hidden, others are in obvious areas. I wanted to mention however, that there is one lightsaber that is hidden so well, I don't think anyone will be able to find it. Trust me, it's really well hidden, and in an unexpected spot. WARNING (YES, I HAVE TO TYPE IT IN ALL CAPS): THERE IS ONE LIGHTSABER (The very well hidden one) THAT IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE DOUBLE-BLADED FORM!!!! IF YOU TRY TO PUT THE CRYSTAL IN A SHORT OR NORMAL LIGHTSABER, IT WILL GLITCH OUT THE ITEM, AND DISAPPEAR! BE CAREFUL! Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher and let it do its work. Manual: Copy and paste all items into your override, but be careful since there's an upcrsystals.2da, which could severally mess up te lightsabers if you have any other mods. I can't guarantee compatibility. Uninstallation: Remove all of the files from your override, and throw in the backup of the upcrystals.2da into your override. Anyways, while I always prefer people to find the items in-game itself, you can always cheat them in. Here are the codes for every item: Burning White: g_w_lghtsbr50 g_w_shortsbr50 g_w_dblsbr050 g_w_sbrcrstl50 Alizarin: g_w_lghtsbr51 g_w_shortsbr51 g_w_dblsbr051 g_w_sbrcrstl51 Brandeis: g_w_lghtsbr52 g_w_shortsbr52 g_w_dblsbr052 g_w_sbrcrstl52 Fuchsia: g_w_lghtsbr53 g_w_shortsbr53 g_w_dblsbr053 g_w_sbrcrstl53 Sapphire: g_w_lghtsbr54 g_w_shortsbr54 g_w_dblsbr054 g_w_sbrcrstl54 Dartmouth g_w_lghtsbr55 g_w_shortsbr55 g_w_dblsbr055 g_w_sbrcrstl55 Cadmium: g_w_lghtsbr56 g_w_shortsbr56 g_w_dblsbr056 g_w_sbrcrstl56 Alloy: g_w_lghtsbr57 g_w_shortsbr57 g_w_dblsbr057 g_w_sbrcrstl57 Catalyst: g_w_lghtsbr58 g_w_shortsbr58 g_w_dblsbr058 g_w_sbrcrstl58 Red Lightning: g_w_lghtsbr59 g_w_shortsbr59 g_w_dblsbr059 g_w_sbrcrstl59 Paragon: g_w_lghtsbr60 g_w_shortsbr60 g_w_dblsbr060 g_w_sbrcrstl60 Ichor: g_w_lghtsbr61 g_w_shortsbr61 g_w_dblsbr061 g_w_sbrcrstl61 Arcanum: g_w_lghtsbr62 g_w_shortsbr62 g_w_dblsbr062 g_w_sbrcrstl62 Kairos: g_w_lghtsbr63 g_w_shortsbr63 g_w_dblsbr063 g_w_sbrcrstl63 Lovat: g_w_lghtsbr64 g_w_shortsbr64 g_w_dblsbr064 g_w_sbrcrstl64 Malachite: g_w_lghtsbr65 g_w_shortsbr65 g_w_dblsbr065 g_w_sbrcrstl65 Gamboge: g_w_lghtsbr66 g_w_shortsbr66 g_w_dblsbr066 g_w_sbrcrstl66 Amethyst: g_w_lghtsbr67 g_w_shortsbr67 g_w_dblsbr067 g_w_sbrcrstl67 Xanadu: g_w_lghtsbr68 g_w_shortsbr68 g_w_dblsbr068 g_w_sbrcrstl68 Then there's the secret one that I'm not giving the codes for. Remember, don't use that one in a lightsaber other than a double-bladed!!!! Btw, in case you do find it, it's called: "Ultimatum" and it's pretty funky/weird… I hope you guys enjoy this mod! Leave suggestions for me either by PM on DS, LF, YouTube, or on my WIP thread on DS!!! Youtube=RealRece Star Wars Gaming Credits: Fair Strides for helping me a lot like always, and making the TSLPatcher (I actually ended up making it, but he helped guide me through making it). Thanks to all of my fans out there who said some great things about this mod while I was working on it, and for encouraging me to continue it. Also for making suggestions for several lightsabers too! PART 2 This is part two of the readme, so whatever I guess. I'll make this one shorter. Anyways, the second mod of this mod adds in 20 new power crystals to the game. (The ones that actually give the lightsabers stats!!!) I really hope you guys understand how tedious the 1,800 tests were. Yes, 1,800 tests. Now, I know that's noter like what Hassat Hunter had to do for TSLRCM, but that's still a lot in my opinion. Anyways, I included the saber crystals to different areas of the game. You will find one power crystal with one of the other lightsabers, so that's a bonus. Can you get lucky and find the really good ones??? We'll see While I prefer you to actually find the crystals in-game, you can always cheat them in… Here are the codes for the crystals: (I'm too lazy to list the names and the codes, so I'm only listing the codes…) g_w_sbrcrstl01 g_w_sbrcrstl02 g_w_sbrcrstl11 g_w_sbrcrstl12 rececrstl71 rececrstl72 rececrstl73 rececrstl74 rececrstl75 rececrstl76 rececrstl78 rececrstl80 rececrstl81 rececrstl82 rececrstl83 rececrstl84 rececrstl85 rececrstl86 rececrstl88 rececrstl89 Hope you all enjoy this mod!!!! Special Thanks: Thank you to all of my supporters out there who really were excited to see this mod come out. I spent a lot of time working and testing out these crystals and sabers. Again, 1,800 minimum tests. And thanks to Varsity Puppet and Darth InSidious for help on trying to fix a problem that i was having. Thanks to Fair Strides again for helping like always, and finding the problem. Thanks to him, I was able to come up with a fix of the problem, although it isn't very pretty.
  11. Version 1.0


    Kotor Retextured Clothing I'm very proud to announce that Malkior, and I have teamed up to make this mod. Basically what this mod will do is replace all of the boring normal clothing/armor/robes from Kotor 1 and replace them with cooler textures, new stats for them, and other things. Just a heads up, some armors might look a little goofy, but I wanted to replace the boring stuff from the vanilla game I edited all of the textures, editing uti’s and collaborated with community members about certain things. Malkior extracted several files (robe files), edited the robes uti’s, and guided me through this very interesting first project (for me). This is my first mod, and I did this all on a Mac. See, Mac players can mod too I would like to thank those of you who suggested several textures, stats, and other things to help me out through this process. I’d like to thank forgetcanon for helping me through the process of getting Kotor Tool to work on my Mac. I’d also like to thank Malkior for guiding/helping me through my first mod, and not backing off even though I rushed him with the robes on my last day of editing (sorry). Finally, I’d like to thank Fair Strides for everything that he has done for me. Even though I’ve only known him for about a month, he’s helped me more than anyone else has with gaming. All of the armors and clothing replace the core games files. I adjusted the stats of every item (Except for clothing). I made it so that people would want to use the lighter armor, so be aware of the heavy armor. And by the way, there’s one armor that I purposefully made super over powered. It costs 100,000 credits, so be ready to spend some money. The codes for all of the armors are the same as the vanilla codes, so look them up. I didn’t replace the games core game robes. I placed them randomly through the game. Installation: Unzip all of the separate 7z files, and then place all of the files into the override. I really hope you guys enjoy this mod, be sure to make a review so that I can improve on anything!
  12. Hey guys, I firgured I'd just make a topic about this and post here whenever I upload piano videos ^^ Most of them will probably be from Coldplay but I will still post other piano covers too. The first two videos aren't good quality, but they'll get better More to come!
  13. Rece's K1 Lightsaber Mod (UPDATED+ADDON) View File READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! WARNING, IF YOU HAVE THESE FILES IN YOUR OVERRIDE FROM THE FIRST VERSION OF THE MOD, THEN REMOVE THEM FROM THE OVERRIDE!!!! m14ac.git m14ae.git m18aa.git m18ab.git m18ac.git m20aa.git m24aa.git m25aa.git m27aa.git m35aa.git m36aa.git m37aa.git m38aa.git m38ab.git m39aa.git m41ac.git m42aa.git m44ab.git m45aa.git PART 1 (PART 2 IS WAY DOWN BELOW, MAKE SURE YOU READ THAT TOO!!!!} Hey there everyone! This is my first lightsaber mod that I've made, so go easy on me alright? This mod adds in plenty of lightsabers to the game to keep you satisfied, all customized as well as upgradeable. Every crystal except for one includes all three variations of the lightsabers (Short, normal, and double-bladed) Anyways, this mod includes the following: 8 Solid-colored, awesome looking lightsabers 7 Duel-colored, awesome looking lightsabers (The core and outer glow are different colors) 5 Color changing, amazing animated lightsabers. That might be a bias opinion, but oh well I have randomly placed the lightsabers throughout the game, some are hidden, others are in obvious areas. I wanted to mention however, that there is one lightsaber that is hidden so well, I don't think anyone will be able to find it. Trust me, it's really well hidden, and in an unexpected spot. WARNING (YES, I HAVE TO TYPE IT IN ALL CAPS): THERE IS ONE LIGHTSABER (The very well hidden one) THAT IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE DOUBLE-BLADED FORM!!!! IF YOU TRY TO PUT THE CRYSTAL IN A SHORT OR NORMAL LIGHTSABER, IT WILL GLITCH OUT THE ITEM, AND DISAPPEAR! BE CAREFUL! Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher and let it do its work. Manual: Copy and paste all items into your override, but be careful since there's an upcrsystals.2da, which could severally mess up te lightsabers if you have any other mods. I can't guarantee compatibility. Uninstallation: Remove all of the files from your override, and throw in the backup of the upcrystals.2da into your override. Anyways, while I always prefer people to find the items in-game itself, you can always cheat them in. Here are the codes for every item: Burning White: g_w_lghtsbr50 g_w_shortsbr50 g_w_dblsbr050 g_w_sbrcrstl50 Alizarin: g_w_lghtsbr51 g_w_shortsbr51 g_w_dblsbr051 g_w_sbrcrstl51 Brandeis: g_w_lghtsbr52 g_w_shortsbr52 g_w_dblsbr052 g_w_sbrcrstl52 Fuchsia: g_w_lghtsbr53 g_w_shortsbr53 g_w_dblsbr053 g_w_sbrcrstl53 Sapphire: g_w_lghtsbr54 g_w_shortsbr54 g_w_dblsbr054 g_w_sbrcrstl54 Dartmouth g_w_lghtsbr55 g_w_shortsbr55 g_w_dblsbr055 g_w_sbrcrstl55 Cadmium: g_w_lghtsbr56 g_w_shortsbr56 g_w_dblsbr056 g_w_sbrcrstl56 Alloy: g_w_lghtsbr57 g_w_shortsbr57 g_w_dblsbr057 g_w_sbrcrstl57 Catalyst: g_w_lghtsbr58 g_w_shortsbr58 g_w_dblsbr058 g_w_sbrcrstl58 Red Lightning: g_w_lghtsbr59 g_w_shortsbr59 g_w_dblsbr059 g_w_sbrcrstl59 Paragon: g_w_lghtsbr60 g_w_shortsbr60 g_w_dblsbr060 g_w_sbrcrstl60 Ichor: g_w_lghtsbr61 g_w_shortsbr61 g_w_dblsbr061 g_w_sbrcrstl61 Arcanum: g_w_lghtsbr62 g_w_shortsbr62 g_w_dblsbr062 g_w_sbrcrstl62 Kairos: g_w_lghtsbr63 g_w_shortsbr63 g_w_dblsbr063 g_w_sbrcrstl63 Lovat: g_w_lghtsbr64 g_w_shortsbr64 g_w_dblsbr064 g_w_sbrcrstl64 Malachite: g_w_lghtsbr65 g_w_shortsbr65 g_w_dblsbr065 g_w_sbrcrstl65 Gamboge: g_w_lghtsbr66 g_w_shortsbr66 g_w_dblsbr066 g_w_sbrcrstl66 Amethyst: g_w_lghtsbr67 g_w_shortsbr67 g_w_dblsbr067 g_w_sbrcrstl67 Xanadu: g_w_lghtsbr68 g_w_shortsbr68 g_w_dblsbr068 g_w_sbrcrstl68 Then there's the secret one that I'm not giving the codes for. Remember, don't use that one in a lightsaber other than a double-bladed!!!! Btw, in case you do find it, it's called: "Ultimatum" and it's pretty funky/weird… I hope you guys enjoy this mod! Leave suggestions for me either by PM on DS, LF, YouTube, or on my WIP thread on DS!!! Youtube=RealRece Star Wars Gaming Credits: Fair Strides for helping me a lot like always, and making the TSLPatcher (I actually ended up making it, but he helped guide me through making it). Thanks to all of my fans out there who said some great things about this mod while I was working on it, and for encouraging me to continue it. Also for making suggestions for several lightsabers too! PART 2 This is part two of the readme, so whatever I guess. I'll make this one shorter. Anyways, the second mod of this mod adds in 20 new power crystals to the game. (The ones that actually give the lightsabers stats!!!) I really hope you guys understand how tedious the 1,800 tests were. Yes, 1,800 tests. Now, I know that's noter like what Hassat Hunter had to do for TSLRCM, but that's still a lot in my opinion. Anyways, I included the saber crystals to different areas of the game. You will find one power crystal with one of the other lightsabers, so that's a bonus. Can you get lucky and find the really good ones??? We'll see While I prefer you to actually find the crystals in-game, you can always cheat them in… Here are the codes for the crystals: (I'm too lazy to list the names and the codes, so I'm only listing the codes…) g_w_sbrcrstl01 g_w_sbrcrstl02 g_w_sbrcrstl11 g_w_sbrcrstl12 rececrstl71 rececrstl72 rececrstl73 rececrstl74 rececrstl75 rececrstl76 rececrstl78 rececrstl80 rececrstl81 rececrstl82 rececrstl83 rececrstl84 rececrstl85 rececrstl86 rececrstl88 rececrstl89 Hope you all enjoy this mod!!!! Special Thanks: Thank you to all of my supporters out there who really were excited to see this mod come out. I spent a lot of time working and testing out these crystals and sabers. Again, 1,800 minimum tests. And thanks to Varsity Puppet and Darth InSidious for help on trying to fix a problem that i was having. Thanks to Fair Strides again for helping like always, and finding the problem. Thanks to him, I was able to come up with a fix of the problem, although it isn't very pretty. Submitter Rece Submitted 05/21/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  14. KOTOR2: TSL ON MAC Step by step guide to make The Sith Lords fully working on your Mac, with Mods and Fixes Introduction(scroll for actual guide) Couple years ago Bioware and Aspyr released a Steam version Mac compatible of Kotor1. The game is working well and i finished with pleasure on my macbook. Unfortunately Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords has not received the same treatment, and in fact it's not available for Mac. But after some research on the internet, I have finally made my Steam version of Kotor2 perfectly working on my mac machine, with complete widescreen support, anti-aliasing and movies. For a complete version of the game i've also installed the TSLRCM (1.8.3) and several other mods. This guide claims to contain all information needed to operate the most important features and fixes you can do on the Windows version, carefully noting that several advices given here are already available on various web sites: what I wanted was just to put together everything I learned (adding some of my own) and share with you all the pleasure to relive the amazing game experience that is Kotor2. So, let's start!What to expectFully working game in widescreen, you can install quite all mods available. Things are not going to work: Frame Buffer Effects (Camera filters for recordings, hologram effects, invisible camouflage), Soft Shadows (although normal shadows and grass actually work), Tricky Anti-Aliasing (Depending on driver used -see below-, you may be able to select only 4x,8x or none at all) Brightness blue tint (as before, it depends on driver used. Most users should not encounter this issue) Any Shader-Graphic effects Mod (Could work with Nvida gpu powered Macs) Personal Hardwdare: MacBookPro 13" mid 2012 NON RETINA (As you can see mine it's not the most powerful mac available, in fact the gpu is an intel 4000 HD, similar to MacBook Air's.)GoG VersionI do not own this version, although some people said that sometimes is going to be more stable than Steam version. Actually the only way to install this game on your Mac trough GoG is to install Paul The Tall's Porting Kit you can find here (go under Gog version) Simply open the program, select Library tab, and search for Star Wars - KotOR2 on the left, and click Download.Steam VersionActually there are two types of software that allows you to install Steam on your Mac: Wineskin, and Crossover. Praising the last one for its immediacy and user friendly configuration, Wineskin seems to be the only working for this particular game. First thing you need is the Kotor 2 Wrapper made by 1Leonard you can find on Link Download and place it on your desktop. Double click on Knights of The Old Republic Click on Advanced, and then Tools Click on Winetricks, and type steam in searchbox. Program is under apps. Check it and click run. Now wineskin will download and install Steam for you. **NOTE**:If you get an error during this operation, there is another way (open spoiler): Install Kotor 2​Now that you have installed Steam, the program should launch automatically. If it doesn't, exit Wineskin and open wrapper again (Knigts of the Old Republic Access with your account, open library, and install your game. Apparently you have to purchase game first . If everything is gone right, whenever you will click on Knights of the Old Republic, Steam will launch, and you just have to select the game, and click play. Game will launch (in 4:3 indeed), movies will show up, and you are able to play without any glitches!!! **Missing texts in Steam application**: check Known Issues section below **Game not launching/Steam won't allow you to play because game is "already running"**: check Known Issues section below.WidescreenThe most important fix you're going to do is Widescreen indeed. I learned these steps from Xuul youtube video Link Here revisited for Mac. Overwrite swkotor2.exe First thing you need is this file This File from widescreenforum by Squ1zZy. You need only swkotor2.exe file. Copy it, throw the rest. Go to Knights of the old Republic 2 directory. This folder is crucial for installing any mod or fix you want, so here how to find it: Right click on wrapper (Knights of the old Republic and click show package content. Here you will find 3 files. One is Wineskin, which we have just used before to install the Steam software, one si Contents (we are not going to use it), and an alias to drive_c. This folder correspond to C: main hard drive of a windows pc. Open it. Now as using windows, go to the kotor2 directory: drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Knights of the old Republic II/ Here you find the original swkotor2.exe. Rename it swkotor2.exe.old, allowing to backup in any moment. Paste squ1zzy’s .exe. Launch the game, go to options and set resolution to 1280x960. Exit game. **1280x960 Resolution not available**: check Known Issues below UniWS Patcher Now you have an executable compatible with UniWS patcher, download it here: Link **NOTE**:As you can see this is a windows program. To run an .exe file you need to open it with Wineskin, so open package content of wrapper then open Wineskin (or just cmd+DownArrow key on wrapper), and select install software. Choose your file and it will simply run as in windows. This method allows you to install any mod and fix you want, TSLRCM included.So at this point all steps are identical to a windows version. The only difference is that your C:\ drive is a folder inside Knight os the Old Republic Launch UniWS with Wineskin, choose Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The sith Lords under "game", set game installation folder as seen above, and set your new resolution. Best solution is to set native resolution of your monitor. In any case you should never go under 785 height value. In my case I set 1280x800. Click Patch. Go in game directory (where you find swkotor2.exe) and open swkotor2.ini. You will probably get an error, so tell mac to open file with TextEdit. Find width and height values under [Display Options] and [Graphic Option] and set them at the same resolution you used in UniWS. Save file. Now game will run in fullscreen widescreen! **Mouse is stuck/Messing with menus and gui**: Check Known Issues below Fixes you may need for Widescreen Widescreen UI Fix by Achilles for unstretched HUD in game (Just follow installation guide, put your files in Override folder inside game directory) This guide for widescreen movies by RenegadeSniper7(You don't need to convert your movie files since Steam version already contains high resolution videos, so jump to step 9 and install HxD as you have done already for UniWS) Installing TSLRCM 1.8.3B and other ModsTo complete your Steam version of Kotor2 you definitely need the Restored Content Mod. At this point, installing this mod is not difficult at all, since you just have to install an .exe file. Download TSLRCM 1.8.3B Open Wineskin (cmd+DownArrow on Knights of the old Republic and click Install Software Choose Setup Executable and then select TSLRCM 1.8.3B.exe. Follow on screen instructions, and when the installer asks you directory's path, remember to search inside drive_c. Path usually appears like this: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Launch game and you will see the new main menu logo. Installing M4-78 and other mods with TSLPatcher Installing M4-78 (that came with an executable installer) and all other mods that requires a TSLPatcher installation will just work exactly as TSLRCM. Just open Wineskin, Install software, choose executable, and find directory inside drive_c (Path may change in your computer): Desktop\My Computer\Users\*yourname*\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\ **NOTE**: any issue, bug or glitch of any mod that not interfere with game graphic functions are not caused by the fact you are playing on a mac. Rather should be caused by incompatibility between different mods. Installing mods without TSLPatcher For all mods that requires to overwrite some files in Override folder or Directory folder (New textures, new sounds, new models, new movies...), just follow instructions given and drag files into right folder following the path inside drive_c: Knights of the Old Republic\drive_c\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Installing KotorTools and KSE If you want to create your own mod you need KotorTools. Forgetcanon made a guide to make it work on Mac through Wine. Link For editing your kotor (1 & 2) save files you can use KSE. This video made by Rece explains how to use it with Wineskin. Known Issues **Missing Texts**: Usually texts in Steam program don't appear at all in your first run. If you got this issue follow this steps: **Game not launching/Steam won't allow you to play because game is "already running"**: **1280x960 Resolution not available**: **Mouse is stuck/messing with menus and gui**: **2x,4x,6x Anti-Aliasing options not available**: **Blue tint appears when launching game**: **Black screen after character creation** I tried to be clear enough for non expert users too, so please tell me if you have any question.
  15. So, I'm not really knowledgeable enough to tell you everything about TXI's, but I (THINK) I know enough to tell you guys about the basics of TXI files. I hope this is actually useful haha. My tutorials are ehh, so I hope this works haha.
  16. File Name: Kotor 1 Clothing Texture Enhancement File Submitter: Rece File Submitted: 16 Mar 2015 File Category: Skins Kotor Retextured Clothing I'm very proud to announce that Malkior, and I have teamed up to make this mod. Basically what this mod will do is replace all of the boring normal clothing/armor/robes from Kotor 1 and replace them with cooler textures, new stats for them, and other things. Just a heads up, some armors might look a little goofy, but I wanted to replace the boring stuff from the vanilla game I edited all of the textures, editing uti’s and collaborated with community members about certain things. Malkior extracted several files (robe files), edited the robes uti’s, and guided me through this very interesting first project (for me). This is my first mod, and I did this all on a Mac. See, Mac players can mod too I would like to thank those of you who suggested several textures, stats, and other things to help me out through this process. I’d like to thank forgetcanon for helping me through the process of getting Kotor Tool to work on my Mac. I’d also like to thank Malkior for guiding/helping me through my first mod, and not backing off even though I rushed him with the robes on my last day of editing (sorry). Finally, I’d like to thank Fair Strides for everything that he has done for me. Even though I’ve only known him for about a month, he’s helped me more than anyone else has with gaming. All of the armors and clothing replace the core games files. I adjusted the stats of every item (Except for clothing). I made it so that people would want to use the lighter armor, so be aware of the heavy armor. And by the way, there’s one armor that I purposefully made super over powered. It costs 100,000 credits, so be ready to spend some money. The codes for all of the armors are the same as the vanilla codes, so look them up. I didn’t replace the games core game robes. I placed them randomly through the game. Installation: Unzip all of the separate 7z files, and then place all of the files into the override. I really hope you guys enjoy this mod, be sure to make a review so that I can improve on anything! Click here to download this file
  17. Rece's Elemental Robes (With Fix) View File UPDATED VERSION INCLUDES THE CORRECT FEMALE TXI FOR THE LIGHTNING ROBE!!! Hey there!!!! This is just a small little mod that I decided to create to see what people think of animated robes!!! This is somewhat a test to see if I want to release these kinds of robes or armors later on. So, be sure to leave feedback!!! Anyways, this mod adds four new robes to the game, each with special stats and a custom design! The pictures depicted are not the full representation of the robes!!!!! If you want to view them (in somewhat bad quality) head to my YouTube channel (link in my signature) to see how they look animated!!! You'll have to cheat the items into the game, because I couldn't really create a placeable since I was unsure about one of the modules. Anyways, the codes are as follows: recerobe200 recerobe201 recerobe202 recerobe203 Special Thanks: Special thanks to Fair Strides for helping me out with a dummy mistake (not naming a .txi after the texture's name…) Thanks to my friends out there helping me decide what designs to use for the robes, as well as how they cycle through the textures (i.e: the speed, pulse, etc…) Submitter Rece Submitted 05/31/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  18. TSL Clothing Texture Enhancement View File First of all: THIS IS TSLRCM/M4-78 COMPATIBLE (That's great news of course) Be sure to download every single file in the downloads! You don't want to miss out on all of the files! Hello there everyone! Guess what? I have another mod, third one this week. Now, then again these took a long time to do. Except since my internet was down for 4-5 days this week, I had a lot of time to work on this mod. What this mod does is replace the vanilla armors with new, HQ textures. This mod also (just like my K1 mod) replaces the stats to make you want to use the lighter armors. All of the armors and clothing replace the core games files. I adjusted the stats of every item (Except for clothing). I made it so that people would want to use the lighter armor, so be aware of the heavy armor. I'm really proud to say that I'm starting to work on more projects along with this one. The fact that I'm making these on a Mac make me want to keep making them, to "prove" to people that you can still mod on a Mac haha. The codes for all of the armors are the same as the vanilla codes, so look them up. I didn’t replace the games core game robes. I placed them randomly through the game. The codes for the robes (Although I'd prefer that you find them in their places inside of the game, are as follows: giveitem a_robe_50 (through) 60 Installation: Unzip all of the separate 7z files, and then place all of the files into the override. I really hope you guys enjoy this mod, be sure to make a review so that I can improve on anything! Submitter Rece Submitted 03/20/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No  
  19. Hey guys! In today's video, I'll be showing all of you Mac players out there (woot woot!) on how to get the KSE to work on a Mac. It's somewhat simple, depending if you know how to use Wineskin Winery or not. Anyways, stay tuned for the special message at the end of the video, since I forgot something important! Everything is explained in this video with step by step instructions:
  20. This goes to all those Mac players out there! Hey guys, I'm here with another tutorial! In this video, I show how you can mod Kotor 1 and 2 on a Mac! It's actually quite simple. All of the details are explained in the video!
  21. Just a heads up: I'm not super good at giving tutorials, so please give me a chance. In this video that I created, I go through the basics of certain modding tutorials. Everything is explained in the video: Finally, my tutorial video is here! If you ever wanted to get started with modding, here are a few simple tutorials on how to mod several things. In this video, I'll show you how to edit: textures, uti (items), utc (characters and creatures), utm (stores), utp (placeable objects), dlg (dialogues), and how to create merchants. I'm only going over really basic stuff in this tutorial. I don't go in-depth; that's being saved for when I know even more about modding. I'll be putting out tutorials here and there about modding, whether it's for how to get mods working, or like this video, showing how to create mods! Tools in this tutorial; Kotor Tool: All other useful tools here: My Deadlystream profile: Fair Strides' Deadlystream profile: Merchant script:
  22. Yes, it's true! KotorTools can be made to run on a Mac! (Or, I suppose, a Linux machine, but this tutorial assumes you have a Mac. If you're a Linux user this is probably useful, but I have no idea how Wine looks on a Linux.) After months of opening KotorTools in Wine and only being able to use the 2da editor for 2das that had already been extracted, irrational-pie and felixfelicitas came up with a way to properly install it on a Mac. No longer shall we be bound to this hell, etc. This tutorial will go into "I have never even touched Wine before" detail, for those of us who have never even touched Wine before. If you have, the bolded instructions should be sufficient. The instructions with pictures are all found here. Click the images to enlarge, etc. You will need: the setup .exe for kotortools Wineskin Winery 1. Create a new blank wrapper for KotOR Tool. Open Wineskin Winery. If you don't already have it, add "WS9Wine1.7.35" to your engines. (It will probably work on others, but when I used 1.2.3 the 2da editor crashed every few minutes. This is just one that I know works.) Create new blank wrapper. Name it kotortools. Or whatever you want, really. It's your party. When it's building the wrapper, it'll ask you about network connection, gecko, and mono. Say yes to the connection. Don't install mono or gecko. When it finishes, click view in finder. You should see Drag it wherever you want kotortools to live- Applications folder, desktop, doesn't matter. You can move it later, too, but I always forget where it automatically saves. (And feel free to close Winery, you're done over there.) Then, right click it and "show package contents." Open Hit advanced. 2. Using Winetricks, download dotnet20 (under dllls). Head to the tools tab. The first thing under Utilities is Winetricks. Open that. Under dllls, you'll find dotnet20. Check the box and hit "run." You'll have to wait for a bit while it downloads, then do a bit of button-clicking to install it. It’ll take a while to do that, too. Be patient. Once that’s done, close the Winetricks. You’re done there. 3. Open your registry editor (regedit). Still on the tools tab, there's regedit. Open that up. (If you're having trouble running kotortools on a windows machine, the registry is probably where you're going wrong there, too.) For KoTOR: Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software, highlight Software. Edit>New>Key. Make this chain of folders: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\BioWare\SW\KOTOR. Highlight KOTOR. Edit>New>String Value. Name the Value "Path," and under data enter wherever your KOTOR game is. If you’ve ever used TSLPatcher to install a mod, the log for that mod will have your path in it. The standard path is something like Z:\Your User Name\Library\Application Support\Steam\SteamApps\common\swkotor\Knights of the Old\Contents\KOTOR Data. Don't just copy/paste this! Actually go check! The Z:\ on the front is very important. If you have the Mac version of KotOR through Steam, don't point it at Knights of the Old You'll need to go further and add Contents\KOTOR Data. For TSL: The above, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LucasArts\KotOR2. Paths will vary wildly, depending on where you put however you run KotOR 2. Remember the Z:\. You’re done here. Close regedit. 4. Download the exe into the wrapper. Under the Configuration tab, hit "Install Software" and point it at your setup .exe. When that's done, make sure that the Windows EXE path is "/Program Files/Kotor Tool/kotor_tool.exe" And that's it! Boot it up and make sure it finds your games!
  23. This is where I learned how to do it: Anyways, in this video I review the 2012 texture improvement mods for Kotor 1 by XediiXarwarz. But the main reason why I made this post is because some people aren't good at following picture and text instructions. So I made a video of how to do it step by step. Skip to 3:00 if you want to know how to fix the issue: