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Everything posted by Malkior

  1. Yeah. I noticed it on my end but hoped it was just isolated to my side. I guess I can just post an update to my personal IP thread in the meantime. Do you know if the issue is resolvable?
  2. From the album: Screenshots

    A preview of some effects I'm working on
  3. Malkior


    Just some stuff I thought might be interesting
  4. From the album: Screenshots

    A preview of some effects I'm working on
  5. From the album: Screenshots

    A preview of some effects I'm working on
  6. I'm a bit out of my depth here, but what if you link the parameters of when they use certain consumables to their combat stance IE Agressive, Jedi, Ranged, Grenade, etc..
  7. Update: I got the OnEnter open, but now I have a DeNCS related question, Is this the appropriate way to do this, or am I way off?.. So, I'm a bit.. stuck.. I dropped the OnEnter .NCS file into the Override, and nothing has happened. Is it dependent on having never visited the area before, and if so, is there a better file to use for my code's inclusion?
  8. Awesome! That looks like it should do it. I shall test it when I can this week, or failing that, this weekend. Next up will be finding the sound files the ARE uses for the thunder sound effect (Or just replace the original with rain and rename the new sounds) and then reading up on Blender so that I can make the animated texture for the sky lightning room effect. I'm just about done with the fireball texture with the exception of a few other minor textures I may or may not work on (Like the Dantooine and Telos grass), so this project may more or less be complete soon.
  9. Alright. Since the OnEnter was the script in question, do you possibly have any tips/links to a tutorial I can use to get the code into the game?
  10. Thank you for the in-depth information and code, but I'm having trouble getting it in my game. (As in I have no idea how) Should I decompile something like OnEnter and insert the new code to run in it, or is there a smarter/better way to do it? Should I even be using OnEnter? Lastly, I can't find a reliable decompiler. I tried DeNCS, but it can't read the files, and HH's Scripting Tool works but doesn't decompile (As far as I can tell)
  11. Alright, now for the 10,000 credit question: Supposing I don't know how to make scripts in the game, how would I get started? Do I crack open Nwscript and track down example scripts, and if so, which are some good candidates to use for a timer-based approach? For bonus points: Can I make do with Blender (Via KotorBlender) to create a new plane for the lightning effect and is there a tutorial on how to export my model to work with the Kotor assets? Lastly, will the thunder sound effect work on the same timer script as the lightning effect? (As the plan is to replace the ambient thunder altogether with a timed script) -This kind of thing is way outside my area of expertise, but I will happily muddle through it if I can-
  12. Alright. 22050 Hz WAV should be quite doable with Audacity. I am a bit ignorant when it comes to scripts, could you point me in the right direction or show me some psuedocode on how you're thinking I should implement the thunder/ lightning effect? (I imagine it would be playing on a timer based on the heartbeat parameter?) Also, were you thinking I should model in a scene for the lightning (Probably by adding lights that play in the sky) in a 3d program, or could I make it in mdledit? Lastly, the info on the grass size working like a charm. Thanks for the tips, guys. (Yes I remade the jungle texture; well I at least blocked in the basic shapes )
  13. I feel like a novice asking this, but do I have to inject the ARE file into the MOD file? Also, I went a little ham with the rain effect and I was wondering, can you add another ambient sound effect (I want to add the sound of pouring rain to the background audio) in addition to the constant thunder to the ARE, or is there a better way to do that?
  14. Update: Okay, so I found out the reason I couldn't locate the lightning emitter... Turns out that "Omen Emitters" are just that; they control the lightning that comes out of your hands during the animation. Sorry about that, it seems the solution was right in front of me the whole time.. 😐 A tad sloppy, but it seems I'm not quite skilled with quaternions yet. (I'm using a calculator online to convert them to and from Euler coordinates) Thanks Ebmar and Darth Parametric for the info on the lightning texture; I have since made my own version (Which is more or less the same as the one in these screenshots), but it's always good to see what others have been able to do. The grass will be another issue entirely. I'm hoping there's some master MDL file hiding in the game assets (As it seems the animation had to come from *somewhere*) but it's also possible that the modelers just kept the slices of grassy area and incorporated them into the area MDL (Which would be next to impossible to find), so I'm going to focus on recreating the grass texture as I had previously albeit hopefully a bit cleaner than my first attempts. I guess in the meantime I will plug away at changing the textures, and if I find more models or anyone has any info on what they're called (Or how the heck to effectively use quaternions), that can be posted here. Again, thanks so much for the help, folks.
  15. Malkior

    SEM - Super Enhanced Mod

    You mean the Search function on this site?
  16. If I may be so bold, I must ask for you guys' assistance yet again. Anyway, I've been trying with little to no success to edit the lightning effect so that the spokes are wider or at least differently arranged. Is there some model that I'm missing which controls how the Lightning spell effect looks? Secondly, I really want to change how the grass behaves and/or how close-up the texture on the grass floor looks in-game. Is there a model or config file that would allow me to alter it? Again, thank you so much for your help thusfar.
  17. Thanks so much for the help! Here are some fruits of my labor.
  18. In this week's episode of "Did You Know?"  <Did you know that the reason the pedestals under the bonfires in Kotor2 Dantooine are a bright white is because Obsidian imported the Kotor1 firepit placeable and forgot/never bothered to add the textures for its ceramic base and wood?>

    1. LiliArch


      You know, that is actually hilarious. Like this one texture that’s missing on Malachor V.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What missing Malachor texture?

    3. LiliArch


      One ground texture at the back of those downed Republic ships (alongside one misplaced one, where a texture with transparency was used in a place where an opaque would make more sense). Can’t remember which ones, I hunted them down once but lost my files.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  19. Always thankful that you guys give us a head's-up when you're planning to do maintenance like this. Instead of just shutting down the site with no warning or explanation like countless others.
  20. Alright. I have another question, if that's okay. I'm not entirely versed in the MDLEdit interface. Do I change the Emitter settings by changing the Controller Data (Data 0:, Data 1:, Data 2:, etc..) , or do I change each individual parameter (Value count, Timekey Start, etc..) or are those supposed to be those values?
  21. It's me again. Long time, eh? I finally have the rain model open in MDLEdit and ready for testing its settings, but I am unsure of how I would do so. Do I inject the MDL into the Module file, or is the Override a better bet? Alternatively, is there a totally different far more efficient method for testing that I haven't thought of? I am also planning to change the campfire, lightning, and explosion sprites if I can. Time is obviously much harder for me to come by these days, so I won't be able to reply and/or test this every single day of the week. (having to focus on work has been challenging to continue on what is essentially a hobby) However, I hope to eventually have something to show for all of this you've helped me with.
  22. Well, I never could have imagined that porting was the solution to this seemingly impossible problem. Looks great Darth Parametric.
  23. Random irrelevant news: Today I learned that Stormtroopers have green visors..  Why did no one ever tell me this?! 

    1. Mellowtron11


      I believe that the original trilogy stormtrooper helmet props were made with green welding visors. Under normal lighting conditions, the visor will look black. When I've seen my brother weld with this type of tinted green visor, the bright light makes the green visor color  stand out more.

    2. Malkior
    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      And Darth Vader's helmet had red eye pieces . . .

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  24. That's the thing that concerns me the most. We have a great deal of people now re-evaluating whether mods should be allowed and even someone setting a LEGAL precedent that they shouldn't be protected by Fair Use. Potentially, (But I do tend to be a bit of a "doom and gloom" sort of fellow, so I will simply say this development is at the very least, disturbing)
  25. It's more bizarre to me that supporters and detractors alike are calling it a mod. How is stripping the guts out of something and rearranging it a modification?