Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. Well, you do know the original cast for Leia, Han, and Luke all reprise their roles in ep 7, don't you? Saw it on the news. I am honestly surprised with Harrison Ford; he had wanted to kill Han off when he got frozen in carbonite in ep 5...
  2. Wow, SH! I just read the Revan book about 2 weeks ago and my first thought when I saw the pic for this mod was: Dromund Kaas! Does this also fix the annoying green glow as well?
  3. Whoa! This is scarier than The Darker Peragus mod! VERY GOOD job. (Which if I remember correctly was done by VarsityPuppet, right?)
  4. Well, you could hex-edit the area models or something to make the game recognize Dantooine's stuff as different-named files than Telos or vice versa. Someone could probably do it for ya at LF.
  5. Neither does your avatar animation. Or the notifications, apparently. Why the software change, if I might ask?
  6. Tyvoka, just a friendly question, but... WHAT HAPPENED?!!! I am very curious to know.
  7. Fair Strides

    Fire And Lightning!

    Yes, no shocky please!!! And Kriea wouldn't stop...
  8. Fair Strides

    Fire And Lightning!

    First a little bit of humor: No I am obviously not dead yet. Now, if only two things could happen: Someone remodeled the fire effect's model and made the blast about the size of a human. Someone re-textured the fire to be realistic(as far as the allotment of reds and yellows).
  9. Fair Strides


    I'll take a look next time I install the game.
  10. Fair Strides


    A thing that bugged me, which I confirmed the other day, is the mismatched stealth textures between the pc and xbox. Could someone rip the xbox version(looks like the haze over a campfire) and replace the pc version(which is just plain useless)? Thanks.
  11. I might mention a suggestion for the update: Reduce the intensity of the shine effect on the twi'leks and Luxa; make the alpha gray-ish instead of black.
  12. This is released? I totally forgot about this mod! Way to go, Malkior!
  13. o_O Wow! Can't wait for the uniforms!
  14. Yes, unless you use the most-current form of the dlg file. EDIT: I'll look through the source code for the DLG Editor and see what I can rustle up, okay?
  15. Well, if they are animation issues, you can use a script and then edit the dialogue.
  16. http://www.lucasforu...ad.php?t=211470 The SWMG_ function actually does work, since I had to debug this function and made it print the name of the object. I would presume that this code should work without any error: int StartingConditional() // Not sure if there is a space in here or not { object oPC = GetFirstPC(); string sName = GetName(oPC); if(sName == "Meetra Surik") { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
  17. You fixed that?! FINALLY!!! In eight years of modding, someone finally fixed that annoying bug. Thank you, HH! Now I don't have to waste skill points anymore...
  18. You guys could just edit every single dlg and tick the box in tk102's dlg editor that removes them.
  19. Fair Strides


    What do you mean here? I don't quite understand what you're trying to tell me.
  20. You might check the dialogue for the path, but I believe you need Intelligence, Awareness, and Persuade. I'm not entirely sure on this.
  21. I like the Twin Sun on the left! On to the main topic: you could check the .utp file, then match the appearance of the placeable to the row in baseitems.2da or find the model. Then you can run it through MDLOPS and it'll tell you the texture. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I can't access KT...
  22. Just the one: baseitems.2da. Copy the placeable's row, change the base model, and then save it. After this, you just need to copy and rename the model, hex edit it as stated above, and you're done. The scripts use the tag of the object, so changing the baseitem shouldn't affect it, unless the scripts call a GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE,...). You could just inject a script using the tut at Holowan Labs to automatically place the random treasure...
  23. Well, a little .GIT editing/.utp editing oughta allow you to edit the model(for the .utp, try seeing if there's a model variation option) and then hex edit the model to use a new texture...
  24. Lookin' good, RV! Will this be a separate Telos release?