Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. And with the new cubemaps, you might replace CM_Baremetal in your Realistic Aliens and Eyes mod(s)...
  2. Yeah, KotOR 1 and 2 only do multiples of 2. Not necessarily square textures, like 1024x1024, but it needs to be a multiple of 2. Most commonly used in KotOR are 256x256, 512x512, and 1024x1024l
  3. Okay, new favorite modder, right here! Now just write up tutorials, or explain the process to me and I'll write the tutorials, for the bumpmaps and cubemaps, and texturing will be so much better.
  4. Not sure. Did you mess with the placeable's walkmesh?
  5. Hey, I can't wait for him to update it with his bumpmap discoveries!
  6. Perhaps check the "read-only" status of the tslpatchdata folder?
  7. Check for read-only on those two .mod files.
  8. Worst case scenario, send me the .jrl file and let me know which game it is, and possibly send over the dialog.tlk
  9. As an addendum to DS's comment, a cubemap is used in a .txi file with the following: envmaptexture And basically gets mapped over the alpha layer. As the alpha layer gets closer to black, that part of the texture would normally develop a transparency, becoming completely invisible at black. When you use the envmaptexture though, the texture is applied in varying intensities instead of the transparency. The most common use is envmaptexture CM_Baremetal for the shine effect on armor, like the Sith Soldiers.
  10. Hmm... If you could test that some more, I'd appreciate it, LiliArch. As it is, I'm wondering if that's happening when you edit the strref of the quest name?
  11. Guys, I was using this for K1R and found several bugs; one where opening a file didn't work as intended, and another where the Field of View for Cameras wasn't saved due to a typo. So, I ask for anyone who has downloaded this tool to look for more bugs for me to fix. I already fixed the two above, and need to investigate one with saving a door's name.
  12. Guys, I was using this for K1R and found a bug with the Planet ID not being saved right (was a typo on my part). I ask that anyone who has downloaded this tool please continue to look for bugs. I fixed the bug above, and found another bug with the "smart placement" of the Quest Info. I'll likely be re-building that from scratch.
  13. You have my sympathies. I helped a guy do a Russian Translation of KotOR for the PC version. If you were looking into the PC version of Inquisition, I could check the dialog.tlk format and try to help you out, if you were interested in translating the game.
  14. He noted that his OS is Win7 64bit, so I'm wondering if he's using the Vista/7 Dll fix?
  15. That's... not really a bug... More of an opinion. But we are fixing bugs. For the most part, 1.0 will be integrating restored content and making sure it works as intended. Most of the vanilla bugs won't be fixed until 1.1.
  16. Do anyone know Fallen Guardian's Email address? He hasn't logged into LF or DS for a week and I need to contact him.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I just send him an email to please get in touch with you via PM. Best of luck.

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      @SH: Can you email me his address? Canderis at LF gave me one for him, but he wasn't sure if it was the most recent one...

  17. I wonder... Malacore5, did you disable Steam's auto-updating for KotOR 2, and what mods you have installed?
  18. If all you wanted done was shape of the skybox altered, all you'd really need would be the .mdl and .mdx. The part about .lyt and .vis is more for replacing the entire skybox with a brand new one, or for making a custom area.
  19. I've done a fair amount of research into this, actually. The Skybox is just another model for the area. See, there are four files that come together to make a skybox: The skybox's .mdl: Controls geometry and shape.* The skybox's .mdx: Extra supportive data for the .mdl, like bones and weights. The Module's .vis: This file determines what area models the game renders when you're in a room.** The Module's .lyt: The layout of the models that make up the area. If a model isn't in here, it's not technically an "area" model. This file controls the positioning of the models. *: The Skybox, being just another model, has no set shape. Dantooine's skybox is a cube with the center of each side bowed outward like a small half-sphere. Manaan's is actually two parts; the first is a half-sphere with the top cut off and the other part is the top. The Tatooine Swoop Race module has the "background" in several parts, with the actual sky being just an incomplete curved sphere... **: I have four models: A, B, C, and D, with D being the skybox. If A-C are arranged in a circle, I don't need to see A when I'm in C, so if I set up the .vis correctly, the game won't render A when I'm in C. What sets Skyboxes apart is that they generally have a mention in each part of the .vis so that they're always being rendered.
  20. And my tools as well, since they use the Paths to find the dialog.tlk files to parse the text...
  21. Well, it's been awhile since we've updated... ZM and me fixed a few serious bugs with the Pazaak Tourney and ended up spending a week going back through it several times to fix any issues that slipped past our QA department. (Hmm... Guess who we hired for that job...) In addition, I've fixed all but one bug on Taris, for which I need FG's help. He also finished most of the Leviathan, save for one little piece of a cutscene that needs checking... So now that we've found some breathing room, ZM and me have been looking at the small things we can restore. That being said, ZM and me looked into and discussed how to deal with the Rough-Cut Upari Amulet, the infamous "Cut Wookie Amulet". The Developer Comments on the item say that it's from the injured Wookie, so ZM and me have agreed to make that the quest reward and put the Echani Vibroblade as a drop on the Mandalorian Leader, that way you get both items.
  22. Well, the second question is unfortunately impossible, as the game was only made with a three-person party...
  23. Potentially, but what about giving both?