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Mutilator57 last won the day on August 25 2019

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140 Jedi Grand Master


About Mutilator57

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  • Birthday 08/16/1998

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    : Finchley

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  1. @ironavenger15 Yeah I had a bit of trouble finding it too. Our mistake was skimming through the readme which links to a thread with the latest version. Here you go. Happy hunting!
  2. @Crazy34 That did the trick! Thanks so much for your help, looking forward to using this
  3. @ironavenger15I'm having the same problem as you. Did you ever manage to find a solution?
  4. For some reason the party mind-reading sequence breaks just after Mandalore says his line. Can't think of what might be causing this conflict since I don't use Partyswap.
  5. Vrook's voice was iconic. Alas thus is the perils of remaking old games. Although I don't see this happening, they could always simply reuse the voice lines from the original if they were that desperate.
  6. Agreed. I've played the originals with mods so many times that they've become the definitive stories. Any deviation, even in combat or appearance, just seems like unnecessary modern hype.
  7. Does anyone remember the name/link of a video response that was posted here to the Critical Philosophy of Kreia video? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

    1. sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY
    2. Mutilator57


      Unfortunately not. It was a video made by another Youtuber picking apart the video I linked. Maybe I'm imagining things!

  8. Been watching your work from afar and I have to say, your latest update looks really cool! Personal preference here, but I think the guards to the Valley have too many colours going on (the one's with the hats). I'd maybe change the colour of their hats to match their paints.
  9. Thrilled I was able to see A New Hope in the cinemas for the first time! Now I know what it was like in 1977!

    1. DarthParametric


      I imagine it was hard to see much dressed like this.


    2. Mutilator57


      The suit, social distancing and mask-wearing all just add to the viewing experience.

    3. Mellowtron11


      Wait, did you have to wear a suit too?

  10. I agree, private admonishment is the way to go. Often (though not always) it seems to be the same offenders.
  11. Before watching it, I thought it was overhyped too. I'll say that I was pleasantly surprised because it's definitely a classic SW experience. That said, some of the episodes were short (under 30 minutes) and there wasn't much overall plot development; it was more a collection of individual stories.
  12. So I had my first day as an instructing solicitor...


    It ends with the courthouse being quarantined due suspicion that counsel had Cornoavirus. This is the same counsel I'd just spent 30 minutes with in a conference room discussing the case. 


    What fun.

  13. Great. It's not like the Old Republic era hasn't already been butchered enough by ToR and Disney. I know a lot of fans have been clamoring for a sequel for years, but I've never seen the appeal. It'll invariably disappoint, not least due to Disney.
  14. Well what can you do after the raging dumpster fire that was TLJ? I thought it was a fair attempt considering what JJ had to work with, but rushed to hell and fanservicey at times (and not in a good way like Rogue One). At least they explained (albeit unsatisfactorily) how Rey was such a Mary Sue. Though I still think the prequels were bad, at least they set up an environment in which EU content had a strong basis to flourish. With this trilogy, I've not the slightest interest in the universe or any of the main characters.
  15. In the absence of higher-resolution textures, these are pretty good. They are a particular improvement for the random NPCs who seldom have any recent texture mods done for them.