Kaidon Jorn

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Everything posted by Kaidon Jorn

  1. OMG OMG OMG! It compiled and it works! Woooo! I just combined c_have_item with the c_have_feat that I made earlier today and it works. int StartingConditional() { object oPC = GetFirstPC(); int nQuantity = GetScriptParameter (1); int i; string sItem = GetScriptStringParameter(); object oItem = GetItemPossessedBy (GetPartyLeader(), sItem); if(nQuantity == 0) nQuantity = 1; if ((GetHasFeat(245, oPC) == TRUE) && (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } Can you see any reason this wouldn't work? Because i left out the part about returning int stack size from the original c_have_item script at the bottom there.... int StartingConditional() { int nQuantity = GetScriptParameter( 1 ); int i; string sItem = GetScriptStringParameter(); if(nQuantity == 0) nQuantity = 1; object oItem = GetItemPossessedBy (GetPartyLeader(),sItem); if (GetIsObjectValid(oItem)) { int nStackSize = GetItemStackSize(oItem); return (nQuantity <= nStackSize); } return 0; } But why is the (int i;) there? What does that do?
  2. Well I have a fix for it for now. I made a check script just for the feat. int StartingConditional() { object oPC = GetFirstPC(); if (GetHasFeat(245, oPC) == TRUE) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } So i'm just using the two starting conditionals for the individual schematic nodes Was thinking maybe i should put c_have_feat at the beginning of the node so it wont even show up if you haven't gotten the feat. I still need to decide if it's going to be a pickable or granted feat. But I really need to take a nap, I have to work tonight.
  3. Uhhgghh, sorry I never got back to you I fell asleep. Trying this now... EDIT Ok wait a minute. Now it's just giving me all options even if I don't have the schematic....
  4. Ok, so... What are P2 and P3 for? And the string parameter field, does that need to change to the actual tag of the item? Or the script is just looking for things with that tag suffix?
  5. It could be. I made the feat pickable for jedi classes ( and now I realized the problem with that, cause I dont want the PC to be able to pick it until it's granted) But for the PC it's granted on saber quest completion just like before. (via script not .2da) So what I wished I had was the basic "c_have_item.ncs" but it also checks for the feat. So that I could put the tag of the scheme in the string parameter of the dialog, then maybe the feat row number in the first little box(P1)? Sorry I'm braindead. wishful thinking? Honestly the feat is completely arbitrary, but I had to be able to gate this s*** somehow.
  6. OK! Progress! Could someone help me out with writing this check script? I need to basically check to see if you have the particular scheme item tag, as well has checking to see if you have the feat. So I took the script "c_have_any_co_cr", changed the item tags and am trying to add the check for feat to it. I know this is definitely not the way to go about it, but if I had some pro at the helm I would be doing good. Here's what I have. Would this work like this? int StartingConditional() { int int1 = 0; int int2 = 245; object oPC = GetFirstPC(); if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "hero_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))) { int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "raid_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))) { int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "enfo_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))) { int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "cbat_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))) { int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "dres_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))){ int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "egrd_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))){ int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "ckni_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))){ int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "reva_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))){ int1 = 1; } else { if ((GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "sinq_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))){ int1 = 1; } else { if (GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "sage_scheme"))) && (GetHasFeat(int2, OBJECT_SELF))) { int1 = 1; } } } } } } } } } } return int1; } And I do have 3 more schematic tags to add down there at the bottom. Which are... dvet_scheme, shdw_scheme, and stal_scheme. How do we condense this all down and make it all concise and pretty? Many many thanks in advance.
  7. Right yeah Thing was, my dumba** forgot to go back and manually re-number the existing (install to modules) section after I added a new part, so it all got installed to the wrong modules. smh
  8. Well it was my changes.ini and yeah i recovered. Everything got shifted down because I added a section, so i had to rebuild half of the modules section. That was a b****. I didn’t have a backup changes.ini but i do now
  9. Welp. I just screwed up my whole mod last night. Don't know if I can fix it. Yeah....maybe next year.
  10. I have to sell the house and move. I could just wait to release next summer or something. Probably will… My brother died from a stroke a few weeks ago and it’s now imperative that i get out from under it (the house) i may be able to get it done before xmas
  11. What might cause this? Anyone? the Claivoyant video effect or something else? It's always worked fine until now. All files were inserted into the modules on this install. EDIT: Never mind. I'm a schmuck. I installed the waypoint files but not the .git file for the area. Derp.
  12. Thanks DP. I don't think I'm going to be able to do that this time around. I am running out of time.
  13. I've decided to make Learn Schematic into a feat rather than a Force Power, because that's the way I think I intended it to be in the first place. So I think the main script that Fair Strides originally wrote is going away and I will have to devise a new script to just check if you have the feat and the schematic you are trying to build. Saber schematics will just be datapads again like in the original mod. No more equippable forearm shields. Just datapads. 13 of those in inventory isn't a huge deal. But you'll have to keep them on you if you want to build that particular lightsaber. I'll just have to re edit the workbench dialog and my append.tlk files once I get a working script. Question: Isn't there a vanilla script function that checks whether you have a feat or not? Haven't been able to scour KT for such a thing yet. Thanks KJ
  14. So I just did a test uninstall/reinstall and SLM took over 25 minutes...because of the companion dialogs. SO... I really am just going back to hard replaces on those since I really don't think it's necessary to write all the saber building sections of the companion dialogs with the patcher. Who agrees?
  15. Of course. Ok well I did have that delayed as well to 0.9, but they still weren't turning off. ............... Ok so I just lifted a line off another script that I know for sure works, and delayed the command. Think this will work? else { object oWP_council_kavar; if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_ZezKaiEll_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("Zezkaiell", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_zez"); CreateObject(1, "npc_zezkaiell", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oZez = GetObjectByTag("zezkaiell", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oZez), 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oZez, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("seek_dblsbr_194", oZez, 1, 1), 4, 1))); DelayCommand(0.9, AssignCommand(oZez, SetLightsaberPowered(oZez, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))); } if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_Vrook_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("Vrook", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_vrook"); CreateObject(1, "npc_vrook", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oVrook = GetObjectByTag("vrook", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oVrook), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oVrook, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("vigi_lghtsbr_190", oVrook, 1, 1), 4, 1))); DelayCommand(0.9, AssignCommand(oVrook, SetLightsaberPowered(oVrook, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))); } if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_Kavar_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("kavar", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_kavar"); CreateObject(1, "npc_kavar", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oKavar = GetObjectByTag("kavar", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oKavar), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON, oKavar), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oKavar, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("kava_lghtsbr_191", oKavar, 1, 1), 4, 1))); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oKavar, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("kava_shrtsbr_192", oKavar, 1, 1), 5, 1))); DelayCommand(0.9, AssignCommand(oKavar, SetLightsaberPowered(oKavar, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))); } } } I should just go try it I guess heheh EDIT: Ok that worked. Thank you DP. On to the next issue....short saber rotation.
  16. Hello Wondering if anyone can see a problem with this. They are successfully equipping their custom hilts but they remain powered on. k_650enter.nss void main() { if (GetLoadFromSaveGame()) { return; } object oEntering = GetEnteringObject(); object oFROM_605DAN = GetObjectByTag("FROM_605DAN", 0); if ((((GetFirstPC() == oEntering) && (!GetLocalBoolean(oFROM_605DAN, 42))) && (GetGlobalNumber("500OND_DarkSide_Iziz") == 0))) { SetLocalBoolean(oFROM_605DAN, 42, 1); SetGlobalNumber("853NIH_CUTSCENE", 1); StartNewModule("853NIH", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { object oWP_council_kavar; if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_ZezKaiEll_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("Zezkaiell", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_zez"); CreateObject(1, "npc_zezkaiell", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oZez = GetObjectByTag("zezkaiell", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oZez), 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oZez, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("seek_dblsbr_194", oZez, 1, 1), 4, 1))); SetLightsaberPowered(oZez, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_Vrook_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("Vrook", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_vrook"); CreateObject(1, "npc_vrook", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oVrook = GetObjectByTag("vrook", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oVrook), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oVrook, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("vigi_lghtsbr_190", oVrook, 1, 1), 4, 1))); SetLightsaberPowered(oVrook, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } if (((GetGlobalNumber("000_Kavar_Dead") == 0) && (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("kavar", 0))))) { oWP_council_kavar = GetWaypointByTag("WP_council_kavar"); CreateObject(1, "npc_kavar", GetLocation(oWP_council_kavar), 0); object oKavar = GetObjectByTag("kavar", 0); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, oKavar), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.3, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON, oKavar), 0.0, 0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oKavar, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("kava_lghtsbr_191", oKavar, 1, 1), 4, 1))); DelayCommand(0.6, AssignCommand(oKavar, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("kava_shrtsbr_192", oKavar, 1, 1), 5, 1))); SetLightsaberPowered(oKavar, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } } } I dont know what I'm doing wrong. As usual I guess.
  17. Handmaiden's new Arbiter revisited... ...I don't know if I like it.
  18. Alright. So Kavar's Escort can now also be used as a shortsaber. Remapped and reskinned. But now I still have to fix the positioning..... There is the age old problem of positioning in the off hand. Can I just go into the ascii file and fix it from there? Do I need to rig it that way? Thanks in advance.
  19. Ok. Remapped it once again and hopefully this is the last time...Sion's Pain.
  20. Aww..ya know this does look pretty good, but I can't leave it like this. It's got to be black. Remapped and reskinned.... AND I remembered to rotate it 90 degrees so the shroud is on the right side. Yay me.
  21. Oh well cool. I'll look through that when I get a chance. I'm about to have to remap and skin Sion's model. Apparently I left a lot of bits unmapped but so far I can't make heads of tails of where they go.