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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Yes, that would help a ton, LOL. Though I would have to look at the models, see if they aren't too high poly. But it certainly would be useful for the landing and take off sequences
  2. Was wondering the same, you can vaguely see some sort of "bump" effect? I would guess you have no idea how that texture is named Jorak?
  3. Have a few new model scripts and bits that help in 3Ds Max. Actually read through a nice tutorial on how to create a big uber city ala Coruscant. Of course doing the take off and landing, we need to have a story board, with all the shots. Just to get what is needed and seen in each shot. Thinking on all the layers involved, background skybox, far off traffic, traffic that's a bit closer. Other ships landing and going... Lots of stuff to keep track off. But doable if it's cut up properly for rendering. It would still take loads of time though, no escaping that Guess I'll have to go and hunt down some tutorials on how to do composites in After Effects. Need them anyway for another mod.
  4. Thanks everbody for the many and plentyfull B-Day whishes :D

  5. Did someone mention neon birght trees!!! Here's a first quick and dirty test run, Jorak It's just the tree for now, it doesn't has its pedestal or holo projector thingy. All in all I like what I got from this test. PM me and we can discuss it further. Don't want to hijack your thread to much
  6. Suffering from insomnia... Not helping to be creative :'-(

    1. Vriff


      I know how that is. I have started a routine to help me sleep every night, but it usually still takes hours. Try drinking some milk, flex and keep your muscles flexed for 20 seconds while laying in bed, and try zzzquil or a benedryl before bed.

    2. Quanon


      Héhé, I've started to practice Tai-Chi and it helps to go through my movements, takes the tension away. But it's more a matter of the mind. I can be very restless, I tried reading, but I get so into my book I keep on reading and suddenly, 3 hrs have passed... Not good ofcourse. x-D

    3. Vriff


      Reading has always made it worst for me too. I get too engrossed in the book and lose track of time and keep telling myself "after this page/chapter".

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  7. Frustrating; Kaurora 13 crashes, no emitter fun for some reason. And older version of Kaurora don't work on Win10 :- /

    1. DarthTyren


      I have 8.1, and won't update to 10 ;)

    2. Quanon


      Haha, I'm not sure what's so bad about Win10. I haven't been following the whole OS scene that much anymore. :)


    3. DarthTyren


      As far as OS's go, if they were still selling new Windows 7 computers when it came time for me to get one, I would have that instead of 8. I don't even want to touch Win10.

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  8. I've got my assets on my PC, no worries there I'm already getting better results for the lightmaps, I'm making sure the big ships and some of the filler objects, like the crates, get their own separate lightmap. It gives far better results, the ships are a real pain in the behind. Ebon Hawk is a model imported from the game, though you can't really tell which data remains within the mesh. The displacement is an obvious one, old X Y Z coords can be really stubborn in 3DS Max to get rid of. Though the most easiest way is to just edit the ASCII file you get after exporting. The lightmap UVW madness, is something I struggle to get corrected, certainly on these meshes out of the game. They cause major havoc all the time. But taking it step by step often is the best way, too much in one goes wrong like 99% of the time. But sometimes you just get lucky and it works like a charm.
  9. When modding goes wrong... You get a good laugh once in awhile Of late I've been revisiting some old areas I made for a mod. I've been adding fresh new walkmeshes, lots of woes, bastards and best of all Lightmaps to further improve the looks fo things. But going back through these old models wasn't all that easy. Some of the original 3DS Max files are lost or I saved the wrong versions. >_< So that means redoing more then you think you would have to do, hahaha, but it pays off in the end. But here's some nice shots when things go wrong; lightmaps are there for all the models, though some of them are... uh, not quite right Famous problem; TO HELL WITH YOUR UVWmaps! SCREW YOU ROTATION! I hope this force field has a return policy.... It has an animation, which makes it even more "wonky" looking. Atton piloting skills at his best: CRASH AND BURN!!! AAAAHHH! Well, at least the game didn't crash on loading
  10. Hey, Could anyone tell how to get the right angle in degrees from, what I think are Vector coords? It's to setup a emitter, I've found the parameters in another area model, but I've got NO clue how the emitters: pitch, yawn and roll thingy is. Does that make sense? But 3Ds Max works in degrees. So I need to convert these numbers. I've googled and found handy calculators, but I don't understand them all that well... Math is one of the things Quanon sucks at sadly o_O Here's what I got: Pos X: -26.7609 Pos Y: 45.0396 Pos Z: -70,7704 Orientation X: 0.4982017 Orientation Y: 0.4930216 Orientation Z: 0.5025856 Orientation W: 0.5060952 Or am I that stupid and already looking at degrees for an angle? It's the W that throws me a bit off.
  11. At last victory! A working walkmesh! Step by step build it up and now works like a charm!

    1. DarthTyren


      Huzzah! What made it work?

    2. Quanon


      I have 4 pillars, with 4 ramps surrounding a platform. So I had to make sure the player can't go through these pillars.

      I added walls and made them NON-walkable. The walkmesh has 2O materials you can choose from: Dirt, Stone, Metal... Water.


      It was because of this NON-walk material I had this odd behaviour. I switched the walls back to Metal and only minor correction on some edges did the trick.

      But I did everything step by step, to see when and where I got faults in...

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Perhaps creating a tutorial alongside your current project will help others wishing to accomplish the same goal.

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  12. Another lost battle with the walkmesh, no matter what I try it refuses to work ingame. I'll stop worrying about it, Lighmaps are priorty.

    1. DarthTyren


      Maybe it's not about finding bad verts. SS sent this to me in a PM: "turn your walkmesh into a poly, select all the vertexes, and hit "Weld". Weld to 0.1 cm, there was a huge difference in the number of verts before and after." Huge lifesaver.

    2. DarthTyren


      Also, if it refuses to work ingame, it might be that you've decompiled it in order to work on it. I remember having that problem with one of your BoS areas.

    3. Quanon


      Yes, decompiling models is bad voodoo, I've been trying to edit my old BoS areas to include lightmaps, but they crash the export script or Kaurora.

      It might be the loose verts and SS method might be the anwser.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  13. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      I was thinking the same on the Z-coords. But Trimesh button? How can it be I miss something like that :P


    2. Sithspecter


      No, don't use the Trimesh button!! It will only complicate things.

    3. Quanon


      Lol, to late, tried to use it, but.. haha, no go, still buggy walkmesh.

      Guess I'll have to start over again, *le sight*... kotor modding at it's best :D

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  14. Lightmaps working, but the area model is upside down somehow x-s

    1. DarthTyren


      Uh, MDLOps has some sort of funky problem with everything, save certain body models.

    2. LiliArch


      I bet that looked hilarious.

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      I'm with Lili on this. I want pics! :D

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  15. Working hard on lightmaps. Alas, the export script sets it value 'null'. Not good >_

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      That's annoying. SG or a different project?

    2. Quanon


      It's for SG. But it's going ok, it's not crashing at least :)

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      You can probably get VP to mimick his nwmax fix for 3DSMax2014 for the export script from KAurora...

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  16. Finished another 5hours render run. 60so frames done. 5min20sec averge for a frame. Oh boy.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Scrapyard Games or something else?

    2. Quanon


      Scrapyard Games, landing and take off sequences ;)

  17. Stunning work Kexikus! Going to use OMG here! Do you have linky you can send to that specific tutorial? I see some awesome possibilties here! Moving storm clouds on the ravaged world of Malachor, moving mist layers... The sea, waves moving on Manaan... A very slow sunset on Korriban... Not sure ofcourse if it's possible, but this could reall 100X times improve atmosphere on most planets Very creative thinking! Hands down, think a new modding god just stood up
  18. Wooot, great stuff! Looks sweeeeet! Glad to have helped!
  19. I think SithSpecter is more qualitfied in this sort of things. He adjusted the Revan model to have a flowing cape. What I know is you need to link your model to the "bones' and super anim file( this file includes all the animations, fighting, talking, etc... ) of the Kotor games. You'll need the NWmax tools and 3Ds Max or Gmax to pull this off. And MDLops to, I think to convert the model file to what Kotor uses. Then it's 2DA editing I believe. But I don't know the right steps involved :-/ Nobody so far has tried this stuff before, not this extensive Like I said SithSpecter might be a better help. But it's a serious chunk of work, I don't think you'll get it done in 15minutes
  20. If we are adding extra 3D buildings, I would get rid of those 2D buildings or add a new ring of 2d buildings further out. Else it's going to look a bit off. I'll see if I can't reconstruct the basic layout of the Taris area models. It'll be easier to get coordinates for said building placeables, less guessing and testing back and forth. It should also get us good idea of what scales we'll need to pull of a nice depth "feeling'. I guess that means I need to make some simpler versions of said buildings to be used in the far distance. No need for tiny details on tiny buildings far away How would we best setup such a mod, for best compatibilty? I'm no expert in this; most of my mods are dead simple @Everyone, thanks for the nice comments!
  21. The building has been adjusted. IMO, the middle section between the towers looked a bit fat so to say. So I cut out a section and continued to texture it fully. It just needs an adjustment to the windows. Compared to the other buildings they looks a bit big I've also already started to constructed another type of building. I might do a second one in that style. To get some consistancy overall. Perhaps I should make these into placeables and put them in the game to, up close like the other buildings? Anyway, here's another sneak peek
  22. Here's a tiny preview on an extra building I'm making. Took some cues from that concept art piece of Taris. What you guys think? To wide?
  23. Model looks great. The only thing I can see that could be a problem is the scaling of the limbs. I get the impression JKA models are bit more skinny and Kotor models more clunky looking.
  24. Thanks for the tip! I haven't thought of resizing the cloud layer. Should be quicker route then redoing it all. Certainly taking in render times, which can be horrible on my old rig.