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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. For the unknown reasons I can't download this. When I clock "download" it just redirects me to main forum page.
  2. I've had same bug in Citadel station docks. But this happened to me even in vanilla, so I suppose it's rare engine bug and have nothing to do with TSLRCM.
  3. 90s kicked ass in PC gaming too. Just remember Doom, Quake, Half-Life, C&C, WarCraft and StarCraft... And, of course, my favorite, Fallout. These games changed the whole industry.
  4. Which version of MDLOps you using? For character models I recommend to use 0.6 - it works much better then 0.5. BTW, you may want to check this tutorial. This method of removing body parts is a little more difficult, but less buggy.
  5. You don't need to use this script. In gMax, after you remove the cape, select aurora base (for Revan model it should be called N_DarthRevan if I remember right), go to the modifiers tab, select path to your export directory and click "export model+anim"
  6. YES!!!! Downloading and preparing my TSL for this.
  7. Going offline for ~2 weeks.

    1. Michele79a


      Hope you enjoy yourself from the break with online!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      See you when you get back, D-man!

  8. Actually, in vanilla game Bao-Dur don't build saber for you. He just looks if the parts you found are in good condition: And later in game when you have all parts, you build your lightsaber yourself: Sorry for offtop.
  9. View File Modders Resource: TFU-style Darth Sion model A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Not SO long ago, Don Kain asked me to edit Sion model to look like his TFU skin. I added flaps and bolts to the model, modeled pauldron. He was going to make the actual skin for it (I almost didn't worked on the textures), but his mod was never released. After that, Drewton asked my permission to use this model in his Sion reskin. I allowed that, but his mod too was not released. So I release this model as a modder's resource. Use it as you like, just give credit to me. Known issues: It's possible, that his flaps will not be animated in some cutscenes. I never really tested, so it's up to you to find out. This mod is not suppored by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian and ME. I don't plan to work on this model anymore, so don't contact me if something is wrong. I release it 'as is', use at your own risk. gMax scene is included so you can fix everything yourself. If you can't - I don't care. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 06/16/2012 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  10. 2,855 downloads

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Not SO long ago, Don Kain asked me to edit Sion model to look like his TFU skin. I added flaps and bolts to the model, modeled pauldron. He was going to make the actual skin for it (I almost didn't worked on the textures), but his mod was never released. After that, Drewton asked my permission to use this model in his Sion reskin. I allowed that, but his mod too was not released. So I release this model as a modder's resource. Use it as you like, just give credit to me. Known issues: It's possible, that his flaps will not be animated in some cutscenes. I never really tested, so it's up to you to find out. This mod is not suppored by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian and ME. I don't plan to work on this model anymore, so don't contact me if something is wrong. I release it 'as is', use at your own risk. gMax scene is included so you can fix everything yourself. If you can't - I don't care.
  11. I play both games in 1920x1080 (with widescreen patch of course).
  12. And one more thing. Vash talks about bond between master and padawan. Exile and Kreia's bond is something different. It's formed very quickly, even before Exile actually became her apprentice. When you ask Kreia abou the bond, she says: "I confess its nature eludes me as well. But the bond is strong, and its roots run deep."
  13. DeadMan

    Movie Mandalorians

    This is REALLY strange problem. One thing I can tell for sure - it have nothing to do with appearance.2da (if the problem were here you won't see even white model, and for sure no helmet). First of all, check if texture (boba_body.tga, jango_body.tga, etc) files are in override. If they're not - try to copy them manually from tslpatchdata folder to override. If they're there, then... I don't know. Looks like your PC for the unknown reasons cannot display these textures.
  14. Theorically, it's possible. I never tried to actually do it (area skinning is really not my thing), but some ingame areas and creatures (some doors on Nar Shadaa and rakghouls, for example) are using bumpmaps.
  15. It's not "bummaptexture", but bumPmaptexture. In simple words it makes models look more detailed then they really are.
  16. Reskinning is much more easier. Making new models IS possible (check my Jedi Master robe mod), but very complicated for most modders.
  17. Workbench and difficulty mods should work. Merchants should work at least partially.
  18. View File [K1] Sith Stalker armor Sith Stalker Armor for SW:KotOR Not so long ago reapper (with my little help) have released his Sith Stalker armor mod. It’s great, but only for TSL. And many people would like to see this armor in K1. So, this mod will add TFU Sith Stalker armor to the first KotOR game. I didn’t integrated it into storyline, so you’ll have to use cheats to get it. Just type ‘giveitem dm_sith_stlk’ (without quotes) in your console and enjoy. Credits: Shiftee – original model for Jedi Academy reapper – model rigging UberBlack – texture. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 05/23/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  19. Version 1.0


    Sith Stalker Armor for SW:KotOR Not so long ago reapper (with my little help) have released his Sith Stalker armor mod. It’s great, but only for TSL. And many people would like to see this armor in K1. So, this mod will add TFU Sith Stalker armor to the first KotOR game. I didn’t integrated it into storyline, so you’ll have to use cheats to get it. Just type ‘giveitem dm_sith_stlk’ (without quotes) in your console and enjoy. Credits: Shiftee – original model for Jedi Academy reapper – model rigging UberBlack – texture. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.
  20. You said to Atton that Revan was Dark Side, didn't you? Then TSLRCM 1.7 Ravager Black Screen Fix should help you.
  21. Can somebody change that? Because the mod IS compatible.
  22. DeadMan

    Sith Stalker Armor

    It IS compatible with TSLRCM. BTW, you'll need to use cheats to get armor ingame: giveitem sith_stlk_1
  23. These models were originally made by JA modder (RevanDark), not LucasArts, Raven or some other company. So yes, it's porting, but it's legal porting.
  24. Voted for Goto's Yacht window update. Just because I use my own robe models
  25. View File [k1]Vibrosword replacement pack This is just a K1 version of my Vibrosword replacement pack, so I will quote the original description: Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 04/12/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes