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Files posted by JumpStationZ

  1. Redhawke's Exile's Item Pack Booster (Robe Pack)

    Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0a
    This is simply an update to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord Robes you get in Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack we did, to make it compatable with the robe collar fix Svösh made, and ilikecommas made the default textures for. This will only be needed if you want to use the cool collar fix that Svösh made and ilikecommas made default textures for.
    This only affects the Padawan style Jedi Master and Sith Lord robes.
    The PrCl R&S Pack is available here: http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/10756.html
    ILC's Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix is available here: http://www.pcgamemods.com/13033
    You should be able to apply these changes at any time.
    Installation Instructions: 
    (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that)
    If you have not allready done so, install the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Mod, and ilikecommas Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix.
    Unzip all 4 of the .tga files in the .rar, to your override directory and overwrite the originals. 
    To use this robe fix you have to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at http://www.pcgamemods.com/13033
    And of course the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack, available at http://www.pcgamemods.com/10756
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. 
    To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem.
    To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  2. Redhawke's Jedi Robe Pack

    Author : RedHawke 08/07/04
    These are some new Jedi Master Robes in some interesting colors
    Red, Gray, Golden Yellow, Brighter Blue, and Pink (Goes great with Jackels Pink Lightsabres!)
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is ok as this one is identical to the one in my Revan the White/Star Forge Booster Pack.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains:
    Jedi Master Robes (Red) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Jedi Master Robes (Gray) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Jedi Master Robes (Yellow) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Jedi Master Robes (Blue) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Jedi Master Robes (Pink) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    You get them on Manaan a metal box spawns a little distance away when you talk to the Pazaak player Jolan Aphett for the first time. It also gives you a few credits and a little Expirience.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    red_mstrrobe09   - Jedi Master Robes (Red)
    red_mstrrobe10   - Jedi Master Robes (Gray)
    red_mstrrobe11   - Jedi Master Robes (Yellow)
    red_mstrrobe12   - Jedi Master Robes (Blue)
    red_mstrrobe13   - Jedi Master Robes (Pink)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  3. Redhawke's Jolee PC Clothes

    Author : RedHawke 10/09/04 Version 1.0
    Jolee's Clothes For Male PC's And The Dark Robe Booster Pack
    This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! Dark Robe Booster Add-On Pack Released. ;^)
    *Note on two folders*
    Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesMod1a" is for Jolee's Clothes for Male PCs.
    Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesBooster1" is the Dark Robe Booster Pack

    This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models.
    And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too!
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    This Mod Does:
    Changes the Male Soldiers Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing.
    Changes the Male Scouts Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing.
    Changes the Male Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing.
    The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Male PC you want.
    I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 in case you want to do add svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothing Texture to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Jolee clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above.(Variant 5 is also included for compatability with my Bastila's Clothes For Female PC's Mod)
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. 
    No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts.
    If you have my Bastila Clothing For Female PC's Mod installed it will ask you to overwrite some files, this is OK as I used the same Armored Clothing items and the Taris Workbench dialogue and script from that mod in this one. 
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    Adding in svösh's Kashyyk Jolee Clothes:
    If you know a little about modding KOTOR, and copying files you could now use svösh's awesome Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes on your Male PC. (This is a lot easier than the Bastila ones as there are no .2da files to edit.)
    1) First step is by copying the Kashyyk Jolee texture svösh made P_JoleeBB02.tga, 3 times. 
    2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Kashyyk Jolee texture P_JoleeBB02.tga to PMBBL04.tga and PMBBM04.tga and PMBBS04.tga, this has now added the Kashyyk Jolee texture in as the fourth Male clothing variant. 
    3) Third step, is to copy the 3 .tga files to your KOTOR override.
    4) Fourth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV and svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them.
    New Item Cheat Codes:
    g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture)
    g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture)
    g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture)
    g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present)
    g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Male Jolee style PC clothing! ;^)


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  4. Redhawke's Kamino Eugenics Chamber

    Author : RedHawke 01/25/05 Version 1.0
    This mod adds a new placeable to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold that allows you to manipulate your PC on a genetic level, though the costs are very high credit wise, the bonuses are well worth it. There are 5 levels of manipulation, each more powerful than the previous, the device even allows you to downgrade a level, if you so desire... but you will get no refunds. ;^)
    With all the in-game credits available with my mods and Shosey's High-Stakes Pazaak this will give you something to spend those vast fortunes on.
    WARNING: This mod should be used in conjunction with Talchia's Hardcore Mod, as your PC can get quite powerful using this mod. (The Blue Tights, and the Big Red 'S' on your chest, is optional!)
    This is fully compatable with my other Item Packs and Mods, and just about everyone else's as well. If you have my Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack installed you will have to copy the single .ncs file from the 'Use With RTWSF Pack' subfolder to your override, after installing this mod to make the two compatible.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you talk to Zaalbar on the Ebon Hawk the first time, best if you have just left Taris and are on Dantooine but it is possible to work later than this if you haven't talked to Zaalbar yet, and or start a new game. 
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    And Revel in your newfound power! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    By using TK102's Zallbar Finds Items Script this generates a Kamino Eugenics Chamber Placeable in the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Bay, as well as giving you some Upgrades and Explosive goodies in one of the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Containers (One of the Plastic Cylenders).
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Thanks also to TK102 who created the Zaalbar Gives Items Mod.
    Also thanks to Darth333, her script help helped to make this possible.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  5. Redhawke's Kreia Prestige Class

    Author : RedHawke 01/22/06 V1.0
    Simple script addition to grant Kreia Jedi Master Prestiege Class if the PC chooses a Jedi Prestiege Class, and grants Kreis a Sith Lord Prestiege Class if the PC becomes a Sith Prestiege Class.
    Installation Instructions
    Place the a_pc_jedi.ncs into your TSL override directory, and load a save before you choose your prestiege class.
    The a_pc_jedi.nss is the source script and is included so you can make this compatable on your end with any mod that uses this script.
    The ForPrCLRobeNSaberMod subfolder contains the script files that are compatable with Maverick187's and My Prestiege Class Robe and Saber Pack. If you have our mod just copy over the a_pc_jedi.ncs file from that subfolder intead and overwrite the one from our mod.
    Uninstallation Instructions
    Remove this file from your override.
    Enjoy! ;^)


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  6. Redhawke's Make Carth Jedi

    Author : RedHawke 09/17/04 V1.0
    This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine.
    This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s). 
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when you first talk to Gar and his wife Rilka (Where he says "Greetings Freind!"), Vor Zarann a Quarren Jedi will appear near the wandering Duros named Kni, Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Carth with you he won't have much to say, until you add Carth in!)
    Follow the Dialogue and you can get Carth Onasi a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing.
    Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, there is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Vor Zarann, Carth is going to become a Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Carth before talking to Vor Zarann as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Carth levels up then talk to Vor Zarann.
    Adds a new item to the game... Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes... they are upgradeable, have custom textures, and are given to Carth by Vor Zarann.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_carth_robe - Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes (Upgradeable, Custom Texture)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)



  7. Redhawke's Mission Clothes Mod

    Author : RedHawke 08/31/04 Version 1.0
    This is a reskin to alter the standard clothes of everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao, I hope you enjoy the new Mission clothes.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods, except the Caucasian Mission Mod, and that has a like clothes texture to this mods in that one. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well.
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract the one .tga to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all this .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes Mission Vao's Clothes, Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on, and she has benn give some cut-off "Daisy Duke" style shorts.
    The standard black/gray clothing was so plain, I thought this looked better.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Mission clothes! ;^)


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  8. Redhawke's Mission Jedi Booster Pack

    This mod enhances my Make Mission A Jedi Mod, it modifies the scripts giving you some Special Jedi Robes for her (Vao's Robes) and Her Lightsaber(s). Vao's Robes are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Its main parts tinted black and then the areas of exposed skin were added. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. This Booster Pack comes in two variants one is for the standard Blue Mission the other is for my Caucasian Mission, the seperate download links are above for either one. The Caucasian Vao's Robes also are useable by Caucasian Female Scoundrel PC's.
    Vao's Robe Stats: +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, Regeneration of 2, Regeneration Force Points of 3, Feat Required: Scoundrels Luck.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). It will ask you to overwrite some files from the Make Mission A Jedi Mod and this is OK.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.

    Any mod that has the following files:

    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new item to the game... Vao's Robes... they are given to Mission by her cousin Ariiaj Vao, they are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Tinted Black and then the areas of exposed skin were added.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: mission_robe69
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to Numark79 for without his Dathomir Scorceress Robe Texture, showing me where to put fleshtones for mine this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)



  9. Redhawke's Mission Jedi Mod

    Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0
    Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod
    This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine.
    This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). 
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.

    Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible.
    That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission.

    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!)
    Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing.
    Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here;
    And lastly, Enjoy!


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. Redhawke's Ord Mandell

    Author : RedHawke 07/16/06 V1.2 (Original Release: 10/06/04)
    Update : 02/25/2020 V1.2i
    Version History
    1.0 original Release
    1.1 Fixed Locked Door Issue [Crosses Fingers] (Thanks to T7nowhere)
    1.2 Enabled Transit Function (Thanks to Kaspian)
    This mod adds a new planet to travel to in KOTOR, ORD Mandell, though the planet is small (5 Areas), it has, what I hope is, a lot to offer. (Includes two new quests for KOTOR)
    I hope you all enjoy the New Planet!

    Run Tslpatcher, if you want to install High Stakes Warren Pazaak, copy and paste files from that folder.

    global.jrl (after running tslpatcher, may require jrl merging with jrl merger tool or manually with kgff editor to make things compatible)

    Installation Instructions:
    Please put all the files in the 'For Modules' folder in your KotOR Modules folder, and place the 'For Override' folders contents in your KotOR Override folder... that's it.
    The 'Source Scripts Go Nowhere' folder doesn't do anything and you can IGNORE IT, is packaged with the mod to help fellow modders out.
    The 'High Stakes Warren' folder contains a script that if placed into your KotOR Override folder it will allow Warren the Quarren to be able to take up to 100,000 Credit Wagers in Pazaak.
    You will have to reinstall this mod if you later wish to install my Recruit RedHawke mod, or my Weebul & Utiinii's Shop and accidently overwrite the global.jrl file from those mods you will need to restore this file from this mod as the one with this mod is the most recent and compatable with all my previous mods.
    This mod should be compatable with just about everyone elses mods as well that doesn't use a global.jrl.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply remove these files from your KotOR Override and Modules folder.
    This Mod Does:
    This mod adds a new visitable planet to KOTOR, ORD Mandell, a republic resupply colony. It has a landing area, and apartment block, an outside area, some Storage caverns, and a suprise area, search the caverns for it.
    ORD Mandell has two merchants available, Sval Raan an Aratech Merchant and representative, he has the usual fare, Medical, Repair, sundries, nothing really extravagent. The second merchant is Baracus the bartender in the Cantina, because of the Juhani Side-Quest Bug not letting you get the Mika Dorin premium merchant offer, Baracus sells the Mika Dorin stuff as well, so now you can let Juhani slice up her tormentor, and still be able to buy good stuff.
    There are two quests available on ORD Mandell, one is from Warren the Quarren, he is a Pazaak player in trouble, and the other is from the Republic Base commander Major Brell Stygian, talk to them and see, feel free to explore first if you want.
    Warning: Recommended Character level for planet is 14+, You will be in for some potentially tough, but really good fights. You have been warned! ;^)
    New Armor: (By Achilles)
    *Republic Battle Armor* By Achilles (Used And Included With His Permission)
    Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
    Defense Bonus: 10
    Max Dexterity Bonus: +1
    Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold
    Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Fire
    Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Sonic
    Special:Upgradeable, ArmorThe Republic has prospered militarily by keeping its troops well supplied 
    with high quality heavy armor, ensuring they are always prepared for the 
    most demanding battle conditions.
    This armor has been modified by me some, to make the files compatable with my other mods, and reduce the texture size a bit.
    You get the Armor as a major-part of the quest reward from Major Stygian.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.   
    And A Big...Big Thanks to DooM_DealeR, for for creating an awesome new area tutorial!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 and TK102 for their previous scripting help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    And lastly, a Big... Big thanks to Achilles who made the Republic Armor and it's texture that makes the two Republic Twilek Officers in this mod look so cool, and more match the common soldiers!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Other Possible Bugs And Module Notes
    There is no planet text on the galaxy map for the planet, this would require editing the dialogue.tlk file and if I included one not only would the download size go up by 1.8 megs or so but it would mess with the non-english versions of the game. You can use TK102's KOTORTlk program to edit your own dialogu.tlk if you want to, the planets name ORD Mandell goes into entry #42505, and the planets description should go into entry #42511, too big to give here. Anyway I wouldn't suggest it, I left it alone and without text myself. :^)
    And I have no idea if the planet will become unavailable like the others do when you crash on the unknown world, I hope it does, but I have no idea if it really will, either way I would suggest once going to the unknown world, if the planet is still available, to avoid going to it, as I don't know what the effects on your savegame would be. If the planet is still available when you leave the unknown world, and you go to it, instead of the Star Forge like you are supposed to... you could mess up your save game so you do this at your own risk!!!
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  11. Redhawke's Prestige Class Bonus

    Author : RedHawke 03/06/05 Version 1.0
    This simple mod alters what happens when you get your Prestiege Class in the game, First you get bonus Force Points, plus you gain either Force Enlightenment if you are a Jedi and Force Crush if you are Sith.
    Weapon Master/Marauder gains 20 Force Points
    Watchman/Assassin gains 30 Force Points
    Master/Lord gains 40 Force Points
    Installation Instructions:
    First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory.
    Unzip the a_pc_jedi.ncs file contained in the .rar into your KOTOR2 override directory, before you get your prestiege class in your current game... or you can always start a new game. The Source folder is for the benefit of fellow modders and the PrClRSPackCompatable folder is only necissary if you have that mod installed.
    If you have Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack installed a compatable a_pc_jedi.ncs is included in the PrClRSPackCompatable subfolder, simply copy the a_pc_jedi.ncs from that folder to your KotoR2 override instead.
    Un-installation Instructions:
    Simply delete this file from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likely a thread titled... "Prestiege Class Bonus Mod is now up at my site"


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  12. Redhawke's Prestige Item Pack

    Author : RedHawke
    The Prestige Item Pack: co-created by RedHawke & maverick187 (Version 1.1 Patcher Update)
    PART I: Introduction (prt1)
    Greetings The Prestige Item Pack, is an item pack that includes many new items designed specifically for the PC once he/she reaches the desired Prestige Class. This pack has several features that will be listed in PART III of this readme file.  The intent of this mod's creation was to add something into the game that was lacking, i.e. items specifically designed for the Prestige Classes. Enjoy the mod. *Note* To view the readme as it was intended line up the dashes to match the width of the notepad screen.
    PART II: Table of Contents (prt2)
    PART I      -   Introduction (prt1)                        
    PART II     -   Table of Contents (prt2)
    PART III    -   Features (prt3)
    PART IV     -   Sabers, Crystals, and Lightsaber Upgrades (prt4)
    PART V      -   The Prestige Robes (prt5)
    PART VI     -   Installation (prt6)
    PART VII    -   Uninstallation (prt7)
    PART VIII   -   In-Game Placement (prt8)
    PART IX     -   Bugs (prt9)
    PART X      -   Acknowledgements and Credits (prt10)
    PART XI     -   Item Cheat Codes (prt11)
    PART XII    -   Screenshots (prt12)
    PART III: Features (prt3)
    This mod was created to have as many features as possible to allow you, the user, a wide variety of choices as to what you may want to incorporate into your game and what you choose to leave out either by default or by choice, you'll see where this comes in when In-Game Placement is disscussed in PART VIII.  Now on to the features.
    --> 18 different sabers, each with a custom blade and hilt texture.
        -> There are 3 sabers for each of the 6 Prestige Classes, 1 short, 1 regular, 1 double
        -> *note* the Jedi Weapons Master and Sith Marauder have a regular size saber acting as        the short saber, and the longer Malak model saber in place of the regular saber
        -> Each of the 6 classes sabers have stats designed for that specific class
    --> For those who prefer the standard game textures, a folder with files to make the sabers     appear as the stadard game sabers has been included.
    --> 6 different lightsaber power crystals, 1 for each Prestige Class
    --> 6 new lightsaber upgrades, 2 power cells, 2 emitters, and 2 lens'
    --> 9 New Robes and Armored Robes, One for each Prestiege Class, and 3 Bonus Robes
    PART IV: Sabers, Crystals, and Lightsaber Upgrades (prt4)
    This mod includes 18 new sabers, 12 new crystals, and 6 new lightsaber upgrade parts, the following are small descriptions of each.
    Jedi Weapons Master:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Weapons Master by increasing Constitution and helps the Jedi           withstand more damage in battle.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a green core and a outer blue beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Strength and damage done vs. Dark side opponents

    Jedi Watchman:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Watchman by increasing Intelligence and the Jedi's ability to          deflect blaster bolts.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a strong Yellow-Orange beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Dexterity and the Stealth and Awareness skills

    Jedi Master:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Jedi Master by increasing Charisma and the Jedi's ability to           regenerate Force Points.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a deep green beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Wisdom and the Persuade skill, and regenerates Force Points.

    Sith Marauder:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Maraude by increasing Constitution and helps the Marauder              withstand more damage in battle.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a red core and an outer violet beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Strength and damage done vs. Light side opponents

    Sith Assassin:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Assassin by increasing Intelligence and the Assassin's ability         to deflect blaster bolts.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a red core and an outer violet beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Dexterity and the Stealth and Awareness skills

    Sith Lord:
    Sabers: These sabers aid the Sith Lord by increasing Charisma and the Sith Lord's ability         to regenerate Force Points.
    Color Crystal: Glows with a red core and an outer violet beam.
    Power Crystal: Increases Wisdom and Force Resistance, and regenerates Force Points.

    Lightsaber Upgrades:
    Power Cell 1: Increases Strength and Damage-Energy
    Power Cell 2: Enhanced Energy Damage
    Emitter 1: Attack Bonus and Increased Damage-Unstoppable
    Emitter 2: Increases Attack, Defence, and Blaster Bolt Deflection
    Focuing Lens 1: On Hit Stun, Increased Defense and Blaster Bolt Deflection
    Focuing Lens 2: Keen and Massive Criticals
    PART V: The Prestige Robes (prt5)
    This mod includes 9 New robes, eash with unique textures, unlike the Sabers the 6 Prestiege Class robes are restricted to their respective classes. The 3 Bonus Robes are not, though they might have a Lightside or Darkside Restriction. Note: This mod will overwrite all the Male Jal Shey and Zeison Sha style robes with the Darth Bandon model, but do not fear we have provided textures (Courtesy of svösh's Revan's Redemption Robes, and parts used in these by me, used with permission) for all the normal in-game robes for you to try out.
    Jedi Weapons Master:
    Robes: Males use Darth Bandon's Model (In Nice Jedi Browns, parts courtesy of svösh), Females use the standard Jal Shey Model (Also In Nice Jedi Browns). The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration, also they provide an enhanced maximum Dexterity Bonus, they are upgradeable as Heavy Armor
    Jedi Watchman:
    Robes: These robes are textured to the color scheme of Obi-Wan Kenobi in EP2, he is the "Jedi Watchman" after all, these robes use the thicker robe model. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration they are upgradeable as Medium Armor
    Jedi Master:
    Robes: These robes are textured to the color scheme of Qui-Gon Ginn in EP1, he is the model of the modern Jedi Master after all, these robes use the thinner robe model. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Charisma, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration they are upgradeable as Light Armor
    Sith Marauder:
    Robes: Males use Darth Bandon's Model (Darth Bandons Texture), Females use the standard Jal Shey Model (Also In Sith Colors). The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration, also they provide an enhanced maximum Dexterity Bonus, they are upgradeable as Heavy Armor
    Sith Assassin:
    Robes: These robes are textured as dark black as possible while still retaining some texture, the Sith Assassins are supposed to be stealthy, so they would not wear anything bright or reflective on their robes, these robes use the thicker robe model. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration they are upgradeable as Medium Armor
    Sith Lord:
    Robes: These robes are textured to the standard Sith color scheme of a nice and imposing black, these robes use the thinner robe model. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength, Charisma, and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration they are upgradeable as Light Armor
    Armored White Jedi Robes:
    Robes: These robes are given to all 3 of the Jedi Prestiege Classes, unfortunately are presently for males only, they use the Bandon Model with a unique white texture, part of a sect of the Jedi that was sadly brought to an end during the war with Exar Kun. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength and Wisdom, grant Regeneration, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration, also they provide an enhanced maximum Dexterity Bonus, they are upgradeable as Medium Armor
    Armored Life-Support Sith Robes:
    Robes: These robes are given to all 3 of the Sith Prestiege Classes, unfortunately are presently for males only, they use the Bandon Model with a unique Vader texture created by Darth_ToMeR, read the robe description for more details. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength and Wisdom, grant Regeneration, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration, also they provide an enhanced maximum Dexterity Bonus, they are upgradeable as Medium Armor
    Sith Master Robes:
    Robes: These Robes are buildable at the WorkBench after a certain point in the game, they are for males only, they use the Bandon Model with the standard Sith Master texture. The robes grant bonuses to your saving throws, Strength and Wisdom, as well as increasing your Force Point Regeneration, also they provide an enhanced maximum Dexterity Bonus, they are upgradeable as Medium Armor

    PART VI: Installation (prt6)
    First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory.
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    Using the TSL Patcher this mod now will modify itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da, upcrystals.2da, and upgrade.2da.
    If you want your sabers to have the regualr game blade textures, just install the files in the "Saber Game Textures" folder.
    PART VII: Uninstallation (prt7)
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, and restore any necissary files from the backup directory the patcher makes in the temp folder you run the patcher from.
    PART VIII: In-Game Placement (prt8)
    When you attain your chosen prestiege class in the game, you will recieve your Prestiege Class Robe, the bonus Sith or Jedi Robe, the Double Saber of your chosen Prestiege Class, the Short Saber of your chosen Prestiege Class, and two Standard Lightsabers of your chosen Prestiege Class, plus 3 additional color crystals and 3 power crystals of your chosen Prestiege Class.
    The saber upgrades and one of the Robes are buildable at the workbench after a certain point in the game.
    PART IX: Known Bugs (prt9)
    There are no known bugs at this time.
    If you discover a bug please report them to us at the Holowan Labratory Forum at www.lucasforums.com or more specifically:
    You may also e-mail maverick187 at, maverick187_187@yahoo.com, although you are much more unlikely to get a response there as it is rarely checked.
    PART X: Acknowledgements and Credits (prt10)
    Fred Tetra: Without your tireless effort on the creation and continued dedication to             upgrading your incredible KotOR Tool this mod would not be possible, for that               we are all in debt to you, and we cannot thank you enough.
    tk102: KSE has helped us in numerous ways, testing out the mod, and for the pure enjoyment        of creating the "Super Jedi" lol, also your help and guidance has been tremendous,          thanks.
    T7nowhere: Thank you, for the encouragement early on when I started modding way back in            KotOR 1, and for the tremendous amount of help when I was learning to model, I              owe a lot to you, thanks T7
    svösh: In many ways you have been my greatest mentor, encouraging me early on in the KotOR         1 days, helping me learn the basics of skinning and texturing and teaching me some          of the finer points of Photoshop, and for the help and direction when I tried to            model, and for letting me use your custom shader for almost all of my mods, and for         letting RedHawke use your original Revan Redemtion concept and adapt it for this            mod, thank you svösh
    RedHawke: Well, what can I say this mod is as much yours as mine if not more your's, we               teamed up for this pack of all packs and I know we'll probably be at it again               sometime, I owe more to you than anybody on this one, thanks buddy.
    stoffe -mkb-: For the awesome TSL Patcher Program.
    Holowan Labs: Thank goes out to all the support from everyone at Holowan Labs, I know                     you've all been waiting for RedHawke's robes, well wait no longer
    PART XI: Cheat Codes (prt11)
    rh_robe_jwm    = Jedi Weapon Master Robe
    rh_robe_jw     = Jedi Watchman Robe
    rh_robe_jm     = Jedi Master Robe
    rh_robe_sm     = Sith Marauder Robe
    rh_robe_sa     = Sith Assassin Robe
    rh_robe_sl     = Sith Lord Robe
    rh_robe_ar     = Armored Sith Robes (Male PC / NPC's Only)
    rh_robe_wht    = Armored White Jedi Robes (Male PC / NPC's Only)
    dt_robe_vdr    = Armored Life-Support Sith Robes (Male PC / NPC's Only)
    u_l_cell99     = Impulse Vibration Energy Cell
    u_l_emit99     = Enhanced Beam Emitter
    u_l_lens99     = Pure Mirrored Lens
    rh_cell99      = Coyonite Energy Cell
    rh_emit99      = Master Khardon Emitter
    rh_lens99      = Vrellite Intensity Lens
    Color Crystals:
    color_wpnmstr_01  = Crystal of the Jedi Weapon Master
    color_wtchmn_01   = Crystal of the Jedi Watchman
    color_jedimst_01  = Crystal of the Jedi Master
    color_sthmrdr_01  = Crystal of the Sith Marauder
    color_sthassn_01  = Crystal of the Sith Assassin
    color_sthlrd_01   = Crystal of the Sith Lord
    Power Crystals:
    u_l_wpnmstr_01    = Crystal, Jedi Weapon Master
    u_l_wtchmn_01     = Crystal, Jedi Watchman
    u_l_jedimstr_01   = Crystal, Jedi Master
    u_l_sthmrdr_01    = Crystal, Sith Marauder
    u_l_sthassn_01    = Crystal, Sith Assassin
    u_l_sthlrd_01     = Crystal, Sith Lord
    g_dbl_wpnmstr001  = Jedi Weapon Master Doublesaber
    g_dbl_wtchmn001   = Jedi Watchman Doublesaber
    g_dbl_jedimst001  = Jedi Master Doublesaber
    g_dbl_sthmrdr001  = Sith Marauder Doublesaber
    g_dbl_sthassn001  = Sith Assassin Doublesaber
    g_dbl_sthlrd001   = Sith Lord Doublesaber
    g_mlk_wpnmstr001  = Jedi Weapon Master Saber (Long Blade, Malak Hilt Model)
    g_lng_wtchmn001   = Jedi Watchman Saber
    g_lng_jedimst001  = Jedi Master Saber
    g_mlk_sthmrdr001  = Sith Marauder Saber (Long Blade, Malak Hilt Model)
    g_lng_sthassn001  = Sith Assassin Saber
    g_lng_sthlrd001   = Sith Lord Saber
    g_lng_wpnmstr001  = Jedi Weapon Master Short Saber (Standard Blade and Hilt Model)
    g_srt_wtchmn001   = Jedi Watchman Short Saber
    g_srt_jedimst001  = Jedi Master Short Saber
    g_lng_sthmrdr001  = Sith Marauder Short Saber (Standard Blade and Hilt Model)
    g_srt_sthassn001  = Sith Assassin Short Saber
    g_srt_sthlrd001   = Sith Lord Short Saber



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  13. Redhawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack

    Author : RedHawke 12/20/05 V1.3
    Mod:  Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack
    New In V1.3: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability.
    Install order for my 3 Item Packs is:
    1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher)
    2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher not necessary no 2da files)
    3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (has tslpatcher)
    New In V1.2: Includes the patch For the Star Forge Bug...
    The Patch Does:
    This adds the items From my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack originally dropped by the fighting Jedi and Sith on the Endar Spire to appear in a new Footlocker in the Endar Spire room where you have to Slice the Computer or Repair the Driod to help you kill the Sith in the next room, before you meet Carth and get to the escape pod.
    These are a collection of custom items I created or are modified original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. 
    A small Warning, some of these items are very powerful, I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is.
    Installation Instructions:
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Item Package Contains:
    Bastila's Focus Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Bastila lightsabers like the single one she wields in the cutscenes, Is also needed to allow for Bastila's Lightsaber to be upgradeable, crystal is found on Brejiks corpse, Bastila's use only, Battle Meditation needed to equip)
    Bastila's Double Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, and found on Brejiks corpse)
    Bastila's Lightsaber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used)
    Bastila's Short Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used)
    Sith Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Sith Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, and in various other places)
    Sith Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Lightaber         (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Short Lightsaber  (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Implant (Powerful Level 1 Implant)
    Sith Neural Band (Powerful Headgear)
    Sith Gauntlets (Again Powerful)
    Advanced Sith Shield (Unlimited Use Sith Energy Shield)
    Sith Computer Bracer (Increases Skills, and other useful things)
    Sith Utility Belt (Once again Powerful)     
    These Sith Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine.
    Improved the Sith Lightsaber found on Korriban, it now uses the same cool model as Darth Malak's and has good bonuses, it is not upgradeable.
    Improved the Sith Mask found on Korriban as well, try it and see.
    Improved Darth Malak's Lightsaber, Exellent Bonuses, allows Malak to deal out even more damage when you face him.
    Improved Marka Ragnos Gauntlets found on Korriban.
    Revans Core Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Darth Revan's Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine)
    Darth Revan's Lightsaber (Red Blade, Uses Malak's Saber Model, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Implant (Very Powerful Level 1 Implant)
    Darth Revan's Gauntlets (Again Very Powerful)
    Darth Revan's Shield Bracer (Unlimited use Heavy Energy Shield)
    Darth Revan's Computer Bracer (Again Very Powerful Bracer, Drastically Improves Skills)
    Darth Revan's Utility Belt (Again Very Powerful)
    Darth Revan's Robes I (Identical to Darth Revan's Robes except it has the discuise property so you become the Darth Revan from the cutscenes)
    Darth Revan's Robes (And once again Very Powerful, no darkside restriction, good guys/gals can wear black too!)
    These Darth Revan Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, read Nemo's Datapad to find out why.
    Star Forge Robes (Very Powerful, Cloned abilities from Revan's Robes, no lightside restriction, found on the Star Forge)
    All Jedi and Dark Jedi Master Robes have been improved, with good bonuses, found throughout the game.
    Further improved Qel-Droma's Robes found on Korriban.
    Dark One's Robes, black color, exellent bonuses, found in Marka Ragnos tomb, and are worn by evil Bastila.
    New in version 1.1
    New Jedi Revan's Lightsaber Color Crystals (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Allows for the creation of the Jedi Revan's Lightsabers below, 1 crystal of each color Found on Selvens corpse on Taris, a second set is found on Sherruk's corpse on Dantooine, in case you all want matched pairs.) :^)
    New Jedi Revan's Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, these all use Malak's Saber Model, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    New Jedi Revan's Double Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    New Jedi Revan's Short Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  14. Redhawke's Rodian Elder Merchant

    Author : RedHawke 08/23/04 V1.0
    This simple mod spawns a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders.
    I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Elder Encampment Area on the unknown world (Where you talk to the Elders for the first time).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC and a Workbench for your use in the Elder encampment upon first entry, Gviian Sluupor an Elder Rodian Merchant is near all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders, Talk with Him and see!
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  15. Redhawke's TSL Armor Pack

    Author : RedHawke 07/26/05 Version 1.0
    This mod brings the 5 armors I did for KOTOR I into TSL. This mod was helped along by a request from Darth Occido.
    Installation Instructions:
    Easy as cake... er' pie. This mod uses stoffe -mkb-'s installer program... so just extract this rar to wherever you want, the desktop is always a safe bet, then run the RedHawke Armor Install.exe and simply tell the program where you have TSl installed. 
    Note: Just tell it where you have your game installed and let the program do the rest. Do NOT point it to your Override!
    The default path is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, the files are indicated in the installlog.rtf file, and be sure to restore the 2da files in the backup directory to your override.
    Armor Stats:
    Antegan Safety Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        +6 (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +2 Dexterity
    Skill Bonus:        +4 Treat Injury
    Regeneration (HP):    2
    History/Notes:        Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers
    A relatively new type of armor, from relatively new makers, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in faster reaction times, as well as including a built in medical unit that increases the wearers recovery rate. The Antegans are relatively new to the military trade but if these armors are an example of what they can produce they will become a force to be reconed with.
    Verpine Modular Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting
    Damage Immunity:    Sonic 100%, Electrical 75%, Fire 100%, Cold 100%
    Saving Throws:        +2 To All
    History/Notes:        Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers
    Another of the Verpine's fine creations this light armor is constructed of fine molecularly bonded components, reducing damage from sound, heat, cold, and electrical attacks, it is modular and can grow to suit its wearers needs. It is highly suited to provide comfort in a variety of environments.
    Verpine Reflec Light Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +8) (+12 Total)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +2 Dexterity
    Damage Immunity:    Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90%
    Skill Bonus:        +8 Stealth
    History/Notes:        Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers
    This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Light Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price.
    Bargawin Glazed Armor (Class 9 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        Base 9 +6 (15) (Max Dex Bonus +8)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +4 Strength
    Damage Immunity:    Energy 100%, Electrical 100%
    Saving Throws:        +2 To All
    History/Notes:        Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers
    This armor created by the Bargawins has only one real purpose, to take out opponents armed with energy weapons, the armors glazing reduces the damage of electrical and energy attacks. These suits of armor are known around the galaxy as Jedi-Killer armor. These suits were all thought destroyed during the war with Exar-Kun, but a rare few survived.
    Verpine Reflec Armor (Class 9 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        Base 9 +7 (16) (Max Dex Bonus +10)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +2 Dexterity
    Damage Immunity:    Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90%
    Skill Bonus:        +8 Stealth
    History/Notes:        Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers
    This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Heavy Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    rh_asa_5001  - Antegan Safety Armor
    rh_vma_5001  - Verpine Modular Armor
    rh_vra_5001  - Verpine Reflec Light Armor
    rh_bga_9001  - Bargawin Glazed Armor
    rh_vra_9001  - Verpine Reflec Heavy Armor
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Stoffe -mkb- for creating the sweet and simple to use TSL Installer Program.
    And tk102 for making the Hidden Compartment Fix that allowed me to easily add these items into the game.
    Also thanks to Darth Occido for without whom this mod would still be gathering dust on my shelf. ;^)
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "RedHawke's TSL Armor Pack Now Up At PCGameMods"


       (0 reviews)



  16. Redhawke's TSL Kamino Eugenics Chamber Mod

    Author : RedHawke 02/07/06 Version 1.0
    This KotOR I transplant mod adds a new Kolto Tank placeable to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold that allows you to manipulate your PC on a genetic level, though the costs are very high credit wise, though I reduced them to half what they were in the KotOR I version of this mod because of the lack of a High-Stakes Pazaak mod, the bonuses are well worth it. There are 5 levels of manipulation, each more powerful than the previous, the device even allows you to downgrade a level, if you so desire... but you will get no refunds. ;^)
    WARNING: This mod should be used in conjunction with Beancounters's Hardcore Mod and or Achilles Game Balance Mod, or both, as your PC can get quite powerful using this mod. (The Blue Tights, and the Big Red 'S' on your chest, is optional!)
    This should be fully compatable with my other Mods, and just about everyone else's as well. Except stoffe -mkb-'s Ebon Hawk Tweak Mod, but you can just overwrite the files from this mod and you won't lose anything from that mod.
    This mod uses the Ebon Hawk Tweak created by stoffe -mkb- so as a side effect of this you also get a Medical Lab Bench in the Ebon Hawk's Medbay as well as after leaving Telos in the Compartment where HK-47 is you will find a plastic cylender that has all of HK's parts so you can get him fixed early in the game.
    Installation Instructions:
    UnRar all of the files in the 'For Override' subfolder into your KotOR II: TSL override directory before you enter the Ebon Hawk and leave the Hidden Telos Jedi Academy, and or start a new game. 
    And Revel in your newfound power! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Mod Does:
    By using stoffe -mkb-'s Ebon Hawk Tweak Scripts this generates a Kamino Eugenics Chamber Placeable in the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Bay, just like in KotOR I, as a side effect because of stoffe's cool tweaks you also get a Medical Lab Bench in the Ebon Hawk's Medbay as well as after leaving Telos in the Compartment where HK-47 is you will find a plastic cylender that has all of HK's parts so you can get him fixed early in the game.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    A big thanks also to stoffe -mkb- who created the Ebon Hawk Tweak Mod, by doing so enabled me to add this one onto the Hawk really easily.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  17. Redhawke's Verpine Armor

    Author : RedHawke 09/15/04 Version 1.0
    This is a new suit of Reflec Heavy, Light, and Mod Armor with some very good bonuses, and stealth and energy reflective capabilities. 
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you go into lower Taris for the first time, and or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is ok as this one is identical to the one in my other mods and won't hurt anything to overwrite it.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Armor Package Contains:
    Verpine Reflec Armor (Class 9 Armor)
     Found in a spawning Metal Box in Selven's Apartment on Taris.
    Verpine Modular Armor (Class 5 Armor)
     Found in a spawning Metal Box in Matrik's Appartment.
    Verpine Reflec Light Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Found on a new spawning Twilek Corpse in Lower Taris, Near the first Canderous Cutscene.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Redhawke's Weebul & Utiinii's Imporium Mod

    Author : RedHawke 09/03/04 V1.1
    Updated: 02/25/2020
    This mod adds a new shop to Tatooine, where some of the best items from the game can be purchased, if you do the little Jawa owner a favor that is. The plucky Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR)
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!

    Installation Instructions (updated)
    Run Tslpatcher.

    Incompatibilities (updated)
    Any mod that has the following files is incompatible:
    global.jrl (this may conflict with other global.jrl mods, use JRL Merger, or manually merge via KGFF editor after running installer).

    Installation Instructions (Redhawke):
    Just extract the contents of the 'For Override' folder into your KOTOR override, and extract the contents of the 'For Modules' folder to your KOTOR modules folder.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program, and it should be able to put what needs to go where.
    If you have my Recruit RedHawke mod installed, it will ask you to overwrite the global.jrl file in your KOTOR override, this is OK as this one is fully compatable with that mod and my Planet ORD Mandell Mod.
    This mod should be compatable with just about everyone elses mods as well.
    NOTE: If you have the Version 1.0 shop allready installed, before installing this version 1.1 go into your KOTOR override directory and delete 2 files; tat17_05mecha_01.dlg, and k_act_talktrue.ncs Then proceed to install this versions 1.1 override files over version 1.0's ones, the module .mod files are the same as version 1.0 so no overwrites are necissary but you can overwrite them if you want to.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all the 'For Override' files from your override directory, and the 'For Modules' files from your modules directory, or simply Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    This mod adds a new shop area to Tatooine, and also adds a connected Czerka built Anchorhead Tunnel Complex area.
    The shop entry will spawn the first time you enter Anchorhead with the mod installed.(Thanks to beancounter for figuring out how to do this!) This makes it easier on all of us. ;^)
    The plucky diminutive Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR)
    Utiinii is your typical Jawa, seemingly simple and straitforward with giants, he sells shiny stones.
    Weebul is the worldly one in the shop and the majority owner, he has had some problems of late that he needs some help dealing with. (I know you can't wait to see!)
    Warning: Weebul's quest in the tunnels will take you up against some very well equipped foes, consider yourself warned... you will be in for a couple of really good fights. ;^)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to DooM_DealeR, for for creating an awesome new area tutorial!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 and TK102 for their previous scripting help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Other Possible Bugs And Story Level Notes
    I know the Taris Sewers can be a point of misery for some, and since we can't create totally new areas yet this is the best possible area to fit the bill. 
    I also know there is a lot of water flowing and it doesn't initially seem like Tatooine, but my thinking on this is Czerka probably has large resivoirs of water under Anchorhead, for company use, and they secretly built the tunnel complexes to service them. That is my explinations for all the water in the tunnels under Anchorhead... And I'm sticking to it. ;^)
    No bugs that I have found, though they are possible.
    Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Weebul & Utiinii's Shop Released (New Areas)' thread, here;
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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    1 comment


  19. Redhawke's Workbench Makes Robes

    Author : RedHawke 02/12/05 Version 1.1
    Added a file I missed.
    This discustingly simple 2da edit mod adds the ability to make Jedi Robes at the Workbenches in the game. This is one of the first things I wanted to "fix" with TSL... so here you go!
    I always was disgruntled that you could make advanced armor components with the Workbench, but you couldn't sew a darn robe???
    Real Jedi and Sith know how to sew! ;^)
    Installation Instructions:
    First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory.
    Unzip the two files itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da contained in the .zip, into your KOTOR2 override directory, and it might immediately take effect or you might have to start a new game. 
    Un-installation Instructions:
    Simply delete these two 2da files from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also thanks to Darth333, her early modding helped to make this possible.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at My Site"


       (0 reviews)



  20. Redhawke's Workbench on Star Forge

    Author : RedHawke 08/25/04 V1.1
    This simple mod spawns a Workbench, on the star forge in the area where you have to fight the Droids just before you go to face Darth Malak.
    I hated that there was no place on the Star Forge to use some last minute crystals and stuff for the fight with Malak, so I fixed it.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Star Forge. 
    If you have my Elder Rodian Merchant mod installed it will ask you to overwrite 2 of the files from that one this is OK as they are the same 2 Workbench files from that mod.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning Workbench for your use in the Star Forge just before the final confrentation with Darth Malak! It spawns right by the door where you meet malak and he kills the 2 Jedi, after you defeat the droids you can then go over and upgrade away!
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also Thanks to Ferrek for finding a bug in version 1.0!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  21. Super Skip Taris & Endar Spire

    Super Skip Taris & Endar Spire by Lit Ridl
    Creation date: September 4, 2006
    For Knights of the Old Republic I
    Installing mod:
    About mod:
    This mod will modify Trask’s dialog giving it some extra dialog options.
    There are 3 additional options (Skip Endar Spire, LS skip Taris, DS skip Taris.)
    Reason why it is called super:
    ·   It has both LS and DS skip Taris options
    ·   No need in replacing something
    ·   All items from standard game-play will be given to you
    ·   It will add all party members that you get on Taris to your party (Carth, Bastila, Mission, etc)
    ·   It sets all globals and Booleans to the right LS/DS value, that prevents your game from the doom
    ·   It gives you alignment/experience points and credits, the same amount with the standard game-play
    ·   You will not lose any quests, they are added when mod is activated
    Lit Ridl – for creating the whole mod
    Yaggles – for idea of skip Taris mod
    Darth HaHa – I decided to make my own mod after I saw his, so he was stim
    Stoffe – for TSL Patcher
    e-mail: [info can found in read-me file]
    NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod is old and has not been tested in years.  You use this mod at your own risk.


       (1 review)



  22. svösh Robe Collar Fix and robes + ilikecommas's additional robes

    Editor: There are 3 separate read-me files in this package.  What you see below only covers the robe collar fix by svösh but the others can be read after you open the package.  As the package as originally saved on JumpStationZ was a bit of a cluster, it should be needless to say that you're on your own for this one.  But I'll say it loudly for the those in the back.  You'll receive no assistance from Staff on this one and you should take all necessary precautions before attempting to use this. Caveat emptor.
    Author : svösh 05/29/05
    -: male / female Master and padawan robes model and UV fix
    UPDATE *** female padawan model FIXED ***
    All right. Not being a fan of the collar on the Jedi robes models, I went ahead and remapped and complied these models. They come with the exported fixed uv cords to use as an overlay in Photoshop or any other layer based graphic applications.
    -: Included in this .rar
    4 models  [ so 8. mdl / mdx count as 1 each ]  
    3 jpg’s are the unwrapped UV’s . The master model uses the same texture
    PFBIM         mdl /mdx        female padawan model FIXED*
    PFBNM       mdl /mdx        female master model FIXED*
    PMBIM        mdl /mdx        male padawan model
    PMBNM      mdl /mdx        male master model
    PFBI01.jpg             female padawan UV
    PMBI01.jpg            male padawan UV
    PFBN01.jpg           male and female Master UV

    Not included:
    My robe skins from the screen shots, where’s the fun in that?
    Consider this a fresh canvas for your skins you will see you have very little to change to fit the edited UV’s
    WARNING!!!! This is basically a model / UV fix to use for new unique robes.  More of a base to use with new mods, If u drop this in override without editing EVERY SINGLE DEFAULT TEXTURE that uses one of the 4 models in this .rar. The collar will appear much worse than it already was
    That being said, there’s nothing stopping you from overriding all robe models with these and editing ALL the default robe skins.
    -: Changes I made
    On the master robes, I only moved the collar in to place. The old placement of the collar is now empty space.
    On the padawan robes, I moved the collar shifted the ring fingers over a touch, and had to move the back half of the sash over and scaled it down a little bit to fit the collar in
    The red outlined UV’s are the torso the green are the hands.
    -: How to use this in Photoshop  or other layer based graphic apps
    Open your edited skin hopefully still in .psd format
    Drag and drop the .jpg for the selected skin you are working on, in to your psd . drag the layer to the top of the stack.  
    Hit W and click in the black area on th UV layer. Now with your selection active go to the menus above..
    Select  > Similar with all the black selected hit   Ctrl +X   or  delete key  now u set the opacity to 20 to 40 % and lock it so u don’t accidentally start editing it
    The rest, I leave to you  

    Just one little thing you can freely use this as your base in any new mods you make or fix up older ones. All I ask is credit for my work with the model’s and uv edits and include this read-me please, and if you can’t type my forum handle from lack of finding the character map. Then please by all means copy and paste it from here.   


       (0 reviews)



  23. Tesla's Nihilus Mask For PCs

    Part of the...

    Nihilus Mask For PCs
    Author : Tesla

    This mod lets you use Nihilus' mask as a usable item, but I decided not to replace the item that you get when Visas brings it to you since it

    gives you a bonus to your force points. So, this is a separate item.

    Cheat Code = nihmaskpc

    All alignments can wear it, no restrictions to party members either and they don't have to be a Jedi class either, and you don't need to have a

    prestige class. 😃

    Extract all files to the override folder in your K2 install dir.

    Or you could put it in a sub-folder in the override folder, since the game now reads sub-folders in it.

    And most important, enjoy being Nihilus for a day ... or 2.


       (1 review)



  24. The Lightsaber Pack

    The lightsaber pack is a collaborative effort by Maverick187 and myself, it consists of 10 custom Lightsabers, 7 are by Maverick187, and 3 are by me, and they are all fully placed in the game by me. This pack include's 7 lightsabers that were all concieved by the various creative minds of the people at The Holowan Labs at www.lucasforums.com, and with the suggestions of several of the people there Maverick187 created 7 lightsabers, each with their own unique custom stats, hilt, blade colors, and each saber has their creators specified unique histories. It also Includes a little extra backstory for my Recruitable RedHawke Mod listed above, including her special sabers.
    1. If this is your first saber mod than extract all the files into your Override directory and you are free to go.
    2. If you already have an edited upcrystals.2da file then listen carefully the upcrystals.2da file that is included with this saber pack works for: all of the sabers in the pack, the Holowan plug-in and all of it's sabers, Achillies Jeid Council sabers, any sabers created by RedHawke as well as my Blade of Balance lightsaber which can be found at pcgamemods.com.
    3. If you just want to edit your current upcrystals.2da file, which ofcourse you will need KotOR tool for than enter the following lines into your upcrystals.2da file:

    ## Darksaber    g_w_drkcrstl01     ****                 g_w_drksbr01          ****
    ## JadenKorr    g_w_cataliststar   ****                   ****              g_w_jadenkorr001
    ## LordSith     sith_lordcrstl01   ****                 lord_of_sith01        ****
    ## DarthBane    g_w_banecrstl01    ****                 g_w_banesbr01         ****
    ## Everlast     everlastcrstl01    ****                 g_w_everlast01        ****
    ## StarLS       g_w_jedicrstl01    ****                 g_w_starsbr01         ****
    ## StarDS       g_w_darkstar01     ****                 g_w_starsbr02         ****
    rhwke_sbrcrstl1   - Hawke's Talisman Lightsaber Color Crystal
    rhwke_lghtsbr1    - RedHawke's Lightsaber
    rhwke_shortsbr1   - RedHawke's Short Lightsaber
    rhwke_dblsbr01    - RedHawke's Double Lightsaber
    0. A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    1. HUGE thanks goes out to all of the people at the Holowan Labs for everything from help with these sabers to intially teaching me how to mod this game.
    2. Big thanks goes out to Fred Tetra for his great KotOR tool and also tk102 for all of his very useful tools such as KSE and many source codes and such, also thanks goes out to Darth333 for making the warpband  which made some testing a bit easier.
    3. Lots of thanks goes out to svösh for letting me use his custom shader for some of the lightsaber hilts amongst other things, svösh has been a great help to me in many mods.
    4. Of course thanks goes out to the people whom suggestede all of the sabers, ReLoaD2K, MattColejk, Emperor Pangasa, Omega-X, LukeKatarn, and PrtyLizardJedi.
    5. Finally the guy who actually deserves most of the credit for this saber pack, RedHawke, whom put all of the sabers into the game where they were suggested to go and did so very sucessfully and also included some custom sabers of his own, without RedHawke this saber pack would not be possible.


       (0 reviews)



  25. Torthane's The Veridian Echo

    The Veridian Echo Mod Read-me

    I. Introduction

    II. Description

    III. Installation Instructions

    IV. FAQ

    V. Credits and Thanks

    VI. Legal Notes

    I. Introduction

    Thank you for downloading The Veridian Echo Mod! I hope it will bring new flavor to Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

    This mod has taken me six months to make and is still not finished. I am releasing this working but unfinished version with a promise to make a patch for it in the near future. Please forgive the rough edges and enjoy!

    II. Description

    So, what the heck is The Veridian Echo Mod? The VE mod is an attempt to re-balance the game play in KOTOR II to make it faster paced and more challenging while placing a higher concentration on advanced tactics and teamwork. In addition to the game play changes I have also worked a good deal on reskinning most of your party members. Some of the changes are subtle while others stand out, but I hope that they are an improvement over the original party member skins. There are few other small reskins included as well. The mod also includes a completely redone weapon set meaning that all of the games included weapons have been modified to deal more damage. The weapon boost effects both your enemies and your weapons making the fights more intense and more oriented around dealing damage before your opponent does. The bosses in the game have been given boosts too and are much more formidable opponents now. The GUI has been cleaned up to make it a little less in your face. Combat sounds have also been given a makeover. The mod also comes with several new items and weapons.

    III. Installation Instructions

    Installation is completed in four steps:

    1. I highly suggest you empty your 'override' folder of all files. If the 'override' folder is not empty I cannot guarantee the VE Mod will work. I apologize that this mod does not use the TSL Patcher tool; some of the .2da files have so many lines changed that it would take me many hours to input all of the data. Perhaps later when I have freer time, I will remedy this problem.

    2. Extract the files inside the mod's 'override' folder into the game's 'override' folder.

    3. If you wish to install any of the extra skins or game play modifiers do that now. Other mods can be installed over the VE Mod now too if you wish. Please note though that no third-party mods or tweaks are guaranteed to work with the VE Mod.

    4. Run KOTOR II and start a new game. Enjoy!

    IV. FAQ

    Q. Can I load a game in progress and still have the changes provided by the VE Mod? 

    A. Some of the changes will be present such as skin changes and general game play changes. Some other changes will not take effect though such as any weapons you had when you loaded your game will not be boosted, party members will not have their custom equipment if you had already recruited them, and other changes.

    Q. The game crashed. What do I do? 

    A. As stated above this release has not been fully tested and there may be many bugs that I missed. So

    if you run into a problem, email me at Torthane@gmail.com and I will try to help you out.

    Q. I keep getting my butt kicked in game. What can I do? 

    A. First check the difficulty level and turn it down if it isn't already. Next rethink your strategy, set up traps with mines, take advantage of Atton's sneak attack ability, use blasters and keep your distance, or use force powers like revive. If that doesn't work use weapons or force powers that stun your opponent and don't sacrifice damage for defense. If even that doesn't work then I can't help you anymore. Sorry!

    Q. The game is too easy. Can I make it more difficult? 

    A. Try playing on hard or install the realistic combat folder. If that isn't tough enough try the masochistic combat folder. If that doesn't work for you, go join the army, normal life isn't enough of a challenge.

    Q. A lot of the portraits are the same. 

    A. I know. I didn't have time to finish them all. The patch will have the rest.

    Q. How do I uninstall the VE Mod? 

    A. Delete its files from the 'override' folder.

    Q. Why don't the Asian and Black female PCs have the new undies? 

    A. Because I didn't have time to reskin them yet. The patch will include some.

    Q. Can I have my Female PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

    A. As long as your female PC is Caucasian then go to the 'extra choices' folder and follow the instructions.

    Q. Can I have my male PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

    A. As long as.......NO!

    Q. The realistic combat is not realistic. 

    A. I didn't have time to test it so you get what you get. The idea is that it is more realistic than normal. I.e.; stuff does more damage.

    Q. Atton has a line down the middle of his face. What's the deal? 

    A. The line is due to a strange mapping error that I have tried to fix forever, but have

    found no solution. I apologize for the line and assure you that I am still trying to fix it.

    Q. I have a suggestion for the future releases of the VE Mod. Do you want to hear? 

    A. Sure, email your suggestion to [See read-me in game folder for contact information] and I'll try to look it over.

    Q. Can I use some of the files in this mod for another mod? 

    A. Please read section VI.

    Q. Why are some of the item pictures missing? 

    A. Once again I didn't have time to finish them. The patch will fix this.

    Q. Visas’ undies are too skimpy. Can I fix this? 

    A. Don't tell her to take off her clothes.

    Q. Why so much about underclothes? 

    A. Who's asking the questions?

    Q. Why isn't the mod perfect? 

    A. Guess.

    V. Credits and Thanks.

    Torthane [See read-me in game folder for contact information] - All of the mod files except for the ones mentioned below.

    Shem - This mod makes use of some of his excellent saber and force power sounds from his ultimate sound mod.

    EmteeMoe - For his modified Mira wire mesh.

    Xcom - For his enhanced grenades script.

    Justin R. Durban (www.edgen.com) - For his dark side and light side music.

    Achilles - For giving me inspiration to make the re-balance portion of this mod.

    NemaSenumi - For her excellent Disciple reskin found in the 'extra choices' folder.

    NemaSenumi - For beta testing the mod for me!

    A huge thanks goes out to all the people at Holowan Laboratories who helped, encouraged, and showed interest all throughout the development of this mod! Thank you, Fred Tetra for the KOTOR tool! And of course, thank you! Yes, you! Thank you for downloading this mod!

    VI. Legal Notes

    This mod is not supported in any way by Lucasarts, Bioware, or Obsidian Entertainment.

    You may freely alter or modify these files for your own personal use. 

    If you wish to use any or all of these files, modified or not, for a public mod please contact me just to double check, and please include me in the credits.

    If you wish to use NemaSenumi's Disciple reskin, please try to contact her at www.lucasforums.com. Or contact me and I will email her.



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