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Files posted by JumpStationZ

  1. numark79's Aayla Secura skins

    Part of the...

    Author: numark79

    [contact information in read-me]

    1.01 Fixed a small oversight in the read-me.

    1.02 Added green, purple, and red skins to the selection.  Also altered the leg portion of the robe slightly, and changed the property of Saves All +2 to Force Point Regeneration +2

    Description:  This is a female Twi'lek skin inspired by and based off of the Aayla Secura character from Ep.II and the expanded Star Wars universe.  It allows the player to select the skin as a playable female character (soldier, scout, or scoundrel) from the start up menu and it also includes a new set of undies to go with her.  it also includes for the player a unique Jedi Robe based off of Prime's Anakin movie-style robe that can be purchased from the weapon merchant Adum Larp on Dantooine.  The robe carries the following properties:

    Modified Anakin-style robe==> Dathomir Sorceress Robe

    Defense Bonus +5

    Max Dexterity Bonus +8

    Force point regeneration, +2


    Just unzip and put all the contents of the zip file into your Override folder.  If you already have skin mods installed that have already modified the head.2da, portrait.2da, and appearance.2da files, you may want to check out the mod first, and either combine/replace these files accordingly, so that nothing gets overridden, 😃 

    Depending on what color you select, you would then put the corresponding robe and robe icon into your override folder.  For instance, if you plan on using the green skin make sure to put the green PFBI14 robe and the green ia_mstrrobe_014 icon into the override folder. 

    Known Issues: If you plan to buy the robe from Adum Larp on Dantooine, the mod must first be installed before talking to him for the first time.

    Acknowledgements:  Thanks once again to Prime for letting me use his robe yet again, 😃 Also, a big thanks to Colja's Aayla Secura Gauntlet mod, which provided a really quick and easy way to work on the skin at first without having to go through the hassle of putting it in as a selectable skin from the character generation screen. 


    If you would like to use this mod as a basis for one of your own, that is perfectly fine.  As long as you ask for permission first, and give credit in your read-me file to me for original work, 😃




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  2. Recruitable Redhawke

    Part of the...

    Author : RedHawke 08/05/04 V1.4
    Updated: Deadlystream 2/25/2020 V1.4i
    This recruit mod allows for the recruiting of a new character "RedHawke" into your KOTOR party.
    This recruit mod has several recruit mod innovations built in, this mod allows the user to pick which NPC they wish to replace, this function is not easy to do, but I think it is well worth it, most KOTOR recruitable NPC mods usually fix who is replaced, but this one does not, and this mod also has an exit fot the NPC at a pre-determined point. 
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!

    Updated Installation Instructions (updated😞
    Run Tslpatcher to install:
    No longer requires any installation order to work with other Redhawke mods, nor any custom "compatible" files.

    Incompatibilities (updated) :
    upcrystals.2da (causes issues with other lightsaber mods)
    global.jrl (may cause issues with other quest mods, use JRL Merger tool to make compatible or manual edit .jrl)
    Any mods that edit the following files:
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to Svosh, The Photoshop Master, for allowing me to use the Evil Bastila clothes texture!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  3. Redhawke's Weebul & Utiinii's Imporium Mod

    Author : RedHawke 09/03/04 V1.1
    Updated: 02/25/2020
    This mod adds a new shop to Tatooine, where some of the best items from the game can be purchased, if you do the little Jawa owner a favor that is. The plucky Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR)
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!

    Installation Instructions (updated)
    Run Tslpatcher.

    Incompatibilities (updated)
    Any mod that has the following files is incompatible:
    global.jrl (this may conflict with other global.jrl mods, use JRL Merger, or manually merge via KGFF editor after running installer).

    Installation Instructions (Redhawke):
    Just extract the contents of the 'For Override' folder into your KOTOR override, and extract the contents of the 'For Modules' folder to your KOTOR modules folder.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program, and it should be able to put what needs to go where.
    If you have my Recruit RedHawke mod installed, it will ask you to overwrite the global.jrl file in your KOTOR override, this is OK as this one is fully compatable with that mod and my Planet ORD Mandell Mod.
    This mod should be compatable with just about everyone elses mods as well.
    NOTE: If you have the Version 1.0 shop allready installed, before installing this version 1.1 go into your KOTOR override directory and delete 2 files; tat17_05mecha_01.dlg, and k_act_talktrue.ncs Then proceed to install this versions 1.1 override files over version 1.0's ones, the module .mod files are the same as version 1.0 so no overwrites are necissary but you can overwrite them if you want to.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all the 'For Override' files from your override directory, and the 'For Modules' files from your modules directory, or simply Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    This mod adds a new shop area to Tatooine, and also adds a connected Czerka built Anchorhead Tunnel Complex area.
    The shop entry will spawn the first time you enter Anchorhead with the mod installed.(Thanks to beancounter for figuring out how to do this!) This makes it easier on all of us. ;^)
    The plucky diminutive Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR)
    Utiinii is your typical Jawa, seemingly simple and straitforward with giants, he sells shiny stones.
    Weebul is the worldly one in the shop and the majority owner, he has had some problems of late that he needs some help dealing with. (I know you can't wait to see!)
    Warning: Weebul's quest in the tunnels will take you up against some very well equipped foes, consider yourself warned... you will be in for a couple of really good fights. ;^)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to DooM_DealeR, for for creating an awesome new area tutorial!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 and TK102 for their previous scripting help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Other Possible Bugs And Story Level Notes
    I know the Taris Sewers can be a point of misery for some, and since we can't create totally new areas yet this is the best possible area to fit the bill. 
    I also know there is a lot of water flowing and it doesn't initially seem like Tatooine, but my thinking on this is Czerka probably has large resivoirs of water under Anchorhead, for company use, and they secretly built the tunnel complexes to service them. That is my explinations for all the water in the tunnels under Anchorhead... And I'm sticking to it. ;^)
    No bugs that I have found, though they are possible.
    Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Weebul & Utiinii's Shop Released (New Areas)' thread, here;
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  4. Redhawke White/Star Forge Booster Pack

    Part of the...

    Author : RedHawke 12/21/05 V1.1 (06/05/04 V1.0)
    Mod: The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher)
    Mod: "Redhawke Booster Pack1a"
    New In V1.1: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability.
    Install order for my 3 Item Packs is; 
    1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (Will be updated to use Patcher too)
    2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher Not necessary no 2da files)
    3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher)
    You MUST have both of my Revan/Sith/Bastila and Blasters/Armor/Droid Upgrades item packs installed to your override directory for this Mod to work.
    This enhances my 2 item packs by better scripting the items into the game, modifying some vendors, as well as adding some additional new items into the game. The New or Modified Items are listed below.
    This Mod also allows your character, when wearing the Revan's or Star Forge lines of robes, to appear as Revan without the mask does, though sometimes your hair or head will clip through the hood and the darn cape has no animations but you still look cool. (Big thanks to Mono-Giganto for figuring out how to do this)
    Installation Instructions:
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability.
    Be sure to delete the file dan13_nemobody.utp from your override directory after installing this mod, or keep the file there for double the items on Nemos corpse. It won't hurt the game if you don't delete the file. :^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, and restore any files from the backup directory made by the patcher program when you installed the mod.
    New Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    g_a_class5006     - Ulric Quel-Droma's Mesh Suit
    g_a_mstrrobe07a   - Star Forge Robes I (Full Masked Revan Appearance)
    revan_whiterobe1  - Revan The White's Robes I (Full Masked Revan Appearance)
    revan_whiterobe   - Revan The White's Robes (Normal Appearance)
    revan_sbrcrstlw   - Revan's Heart Lightsaber Color Crystal
    revan_lghtsbrw    - Revan The White's Lightsaber
    revan_dblsbrw     - Revan The White's Double Lightsaber
    revan_shortsbrw   - Revan The White's Short Lightsaber
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    A Big thanks to Mono-Giganto for figuring out how to have the PC wear Revans Robes without the mask!
    And A Big...Big Thanks to Svosh, The Photoshop Master, for the Revan Model Map!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Other Possible Bugs And Model Notes
    The Revan model was not fully completed by Bioware that is why the cape as well as some of the animations are not complete, you'll notice other things like force lightning erupts from Revans feet instead of the hands this is due to the incomplete Revan model and not by any of us modders. As soon as the KOTOR model format is fully cracked you can sure bet Revan will have a flowing cape and shoot force lightning correctly.
    The Modder Kristykristic has fixed this Force Power problem on the Revan Model get the corrected Models here... http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/16834.html
    Also before the confrentation with Malak on the Leviathan you should switch to the Revan Robes, or any other robes, that does not have the mask as the cutscene that plays when Malak talks to you won't load your PC's head properly if the Revan Robes that have the discuise ability is worn. When Revan's mask is removed you will not see your PC's face. This is why I created the Dark Ones' Robes specifically for the leviathan.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  5. Redhawke Siberian Juhani Skin

    Author : RedHawke 09/10/04 Version 1.2
    This is a reskin to turn our Cathar Jedi friend, Juhani into a nice Siberian Tigress motif, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Juhani.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well, unless you have some that change Juhani's appearance.
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes Juhani into a Siberian Tiger themed character. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered.
    Her Clothes also have a little additional skin/fur showing, I hated the blue parts, I thought it looked better this way.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new cold weather Juhani! ;^)


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  6. DARTHMOELLER's TSL Exile's Item Pack

    Part of the...



    This mod adds new items to the beginning of the game that are specially made for the exile.  The items can be found in a metal crate inside the medical room on Peragus.  The items you find include the Exile's armband, shield, belt, gauntlets, and implant.  I didn't add any clothes because it wouldn't fit well with Atton's "naked Jedi" lines.

    List of Files:

    dm_shield.uti - shield properties file

    dm_band.uti - armband properties file

    dm_belt.uti - belt properties file

    dm_gloves.uti - gauntlets properties file

    dm_implant.uti - implant properties file

    ii_belt_050.tga - belt icon

    ii_FrArmBnds_050.tga - armband icon

    ii_FrArmBnds_049.tga - shield icon

    ii_Gauntlet_050.tga - gauntlets icon

    ii_Implant3_050.tga - implant icon

    metalbox080.utp - metal crate file

    dm_byebox.ncs - script

    a_doormor.ncs - script

    dm_bmedbox80.ncs - script

    NOTE: The source scripts are included in this mod in a folder called "source."




    1.If you haven't done so already, create a folder named "override" (without quotes) in your KotOR II directory.

    2. Next, extract the contents of the .rar file into your TSL override


    3. Use the giveitem cheat (optional!!)

    This way of getting the robes will add the items directly to the player's inventory.  To enable cheats, open your swkotor2.ini file, and under GameOptions, enter "EnableCheats=1" without the quotes.  Then in game, press the ~ button to open the console, which will be invisible.  Type "giveitem <item name>" without the quotes.  The item names are below.

    NOTE: The items are placed in-game, so there is no reason to use the giveitem cheat.

    Cheat Names:

    dm_shield - exiles shield

    dm_band - exiles armband

    dm_belt - exiles belt

    dm_gloves - exiles gauntlets

    dm_implant - exiles implant



    Simply remove all files included in this mod from your override directory.


    Known Issues:


    There are currently no known issues or problems with this mod.  If you do encounter any issues or problems, please alert me via the e-mail above. I will try to fix them the best I can.





    Thanks to Fred Tetra for his amazing Kotor Tool.  Without it, none of this would be possible.


    Thanks to Darth333 and RedHawke for all of their scripting help. Without their help, I would still be lost on how to script.

    Thanks to all the folks at Holowan Labs, for providing guidance and encouragement along the way.  You guys rule!



    Conditions of Use:


    You are free to use this mod for your own personal use.  You may use the source scripts included however you like, even in a public mod.  However, I must grant proper permission in order to use anything else from this mod for a public mod.  If I do grant permission, make sure to give me proper credit in your read-me and include this read-me file with your mod.


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  7. Redhawke's TSL Kamino Eugenics Chamber Mod

    Author : RedHawke 02/07/06 Version 1.0
    This KotOR I transplant mod adds a new Kolto Tank placeable to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold that allows you to manipulate your PC on a genetic level, though the costs are very high credit wise, though I reduced them to half what they were in the KotOR I version of this mod because of the lack of a High-Stakes Pazaak mod, the bonuses are well worth it. There are 5 levels of manipulation, each more powerful than the previous, the device even allows you to downgrade a level, if you so desire... but you will get no refunds. ;^)
    WARNING: This mod should be used in conjunction with Beancounters's Hardcore Mod and or Achilles Game Balance Mod, or both, as your PC can get quite powerful using this mod. (The Blue Tights, and the Big Red 'S' on your chest, is optional!)
    This should be fully compatable with my other Mods, and just about everyone else's as well. Except stoffe -mkb-'s Ebon Hawk Tweak Mod, but you can just overwrite the files from this mod and you won't lose anything from that mod.
    This mod uses the Ebon Hawk Tweak created by stoffe -mkb- so as a side effect of this you also get a Medical Lab Bench in the Ebon Hawk's Medbay as well as after leaving Telos in the Compartment where HK-47 is you will find a plastic cylender that has all of HK's parts so you can get him fixed early in the game.
    Installation Instructions:
    UnRar all of the files in the 'For Override' subfolder into your KotOR II: TSL override directory before you enter the Ebon Hawk and leave the Hidden Telos Jedi Academy, and or start a new game. 
    And Revel in your newfound power! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Mod Does:
    By using stoffe -mkb-'s Ebon Hawk Tweak Scripts this generates a Kamino Eugenics Chamber Placeable in the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Bay, just like in KotOR I, as a side effect because of stoffe's cool tweaks you also get a Medical Lab Bench in the Ebon Hawk's Medbay as well as after leaving Telos in the Compartment where HK-47 is you will find a plastic cylender that has all of HK's parts so you can get him fixed early in the game.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    A big thanks also to stoffe -mkb- who created the Ebon Hawk Tweak Mod, by doing so enabled me to add this one onto the Hawk really easily.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  8. Darkkender's Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest (and patch)

    Part of the...

    Mod Name:  Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest

    Author:    Darkkender

    Supporting Mods & Authors:

    Chainz.2da & his Segan Wyndh Sabers & Jedi Armor,

    Maverick187 & his White Double Saber,

    Mono Giganto & his DL44 & E15 weapons.

    Installation:        This Mod includes a KMM, if you use this system.  Otherwise, just add everything to override folder.  If you have the mods mentioned above, just go ahead and override everything.  The one exception to the override everything policy is the 2da files I tried to make everything as compatible as possible with most everything - except the Holowan Plugin and AIOFPM as time constraints kept me from that.

    What this mod includes:              

    This mod expands on Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndh Jedi Armor adding 7 new armor types, it also expands on his Segan Wyndth Sabers adding 2 new sabers for that mod.  Also included is my creature grenade mod and the Guardian of the Force lightsabers. If you have my recruit Darkkender mod installed, just overwrite all the files in there when prompted as all of the above by me are either compatible with or updates to some of the listed equipment.

    This Mod features 2 new areas available on Korriban.  If you team up with Lashowe to kill the Tukata Queen in the Valley of the Dark Lords, a Rune covered pillar will appear behind her at the cliff’s edge.  Proceed to the activate the pillar and - oh my – you’re in the Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest!

    2da mentions:

    This mod includes 3 2da files baseitems, spells, and upcrystals.  At the time of release upcrystals has been updated from the one Chainz released with his sabers to include Maverick187's white double saber, Darth Nemesis saber, The Guardian of the Force sabers, 2 new Segan sabers White & Guardian, and sketh42's EKUN double saber.


    You should be at least level 16 prior to entering as everything is challenging. (Dry runs took me an estimated hour to complete with all lvl 20 heavily modded characters.)


    Take your time and explore the illusion of the Ebon Hawk before leaving.  If you are using Redhawke's new construction bench, the workbench aboard will be compatible with this mod.

    Special thanks goes out to the following for various reasons told above and untold;





    Fred Tetra


    Mono Giganto



    Darkkender at Holowan Labs PM or look for me on the boards or [See read-me for contact e-mail].

    Note: The patch has its own separate read me, folks.  Read that additional read-me for more information.


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  9. Tesla's Nihilus Mask For PCs

    Part of the...

    Nihilus Mask For PCs
    Author : Tesla

    This mod lets you use Nihilus' mask as a usable item, but I decided not to replace the item that you get when Visas brings it to you since it

    gives you a bonus to your force points. So, this is a separate item.

    Cheat Code = nihmaskpc

    All alignments can wear it, no restrictions to party members either and they don't have to be a Jedi class either, and you don't need to have a

    prestige class. 😃

    Extract all files to the override folder in your K2 install dir.

    Or you could put it in a sub-folder in the override folder, since the game now reads sub-folders in it.

    And most important, enjoy being Nihilus for a day ... or 2.


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  10. Female Scoundrel 2-Piece Undies

    Part of the...

    Author : RedHawke 04/08/04
    This is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit.
    I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them.
    My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them.
    Installation : Just extract pfbas01.tga, pfbasA01.tga, and pfbasB01.tga into your override directory, and that should do it.
    Un-Installation : Just delete the aforementioned .tga files from your override directory.
    And have fun with the new female scoundrel underwear. ;^)
    My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, 
    it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. 
    I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear,
    so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them
    Holowan labs


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  11. Xcom's Grenades Mod

    Ed: The mod has not been tested with TSLRCM so I'm currently listing it as TSLRCM incompatible.
    Title: Grenades Mod
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Xcom
    Idea: JCDenton
    E-Mail: [redacted - see read-me for more info]

    Extract k_sup_grenade.ncs to kotor2\Override directory.
    If you don't have Override directory inside Kotor2, create it.

    The mod modifies grenade and rocket damage and DC based on your demolitions skills which means the higher demolition skill,
    the greater is damage. This works both ways (also when enemy throw grenades at you). The mod also makes Thermal Detonator
    impossible to evade (via Evasion feat).
    I'd like to thank everyone who contributed at Holowan Labs.

    (Feb 25, 2005)


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  12. AVol's Character: Bastila Shan

    Part of the...

    Mod Name:
    "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords" Character: Bastila Shan
    Used one texture (AVolBastBD01) from “Bastila Shan's Jedi Robe v 2.0” by sith_master2000.
    Known problems:
    Sometimes, in the menu of a choice of the new character the incorrect model is displayed. But - do not worry - in game such it does not happen! 😃


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  13. Darth333's Spawning Armband

    Part of the...

    Spawning Armband
    By Darth333

    The idea to make this mod was given to me by Achilles.  He once told me that it was annoying to look for proper dialog entries to test scripts rapidly and more particularly spawn NPCs.
    To get the armband in the game, type the cheat code: "giveitem spawnband" (without quotation marks) for the regular installation and "giveitem spawnbnd" for the mods compatible with the AIOFPM (I removed the a for accidental overwriting.)
    INSTALLATION/REMOVAL - 2 possibilities
    If you want this mod to be COMPATIBLE with the AIOFPM v.3.0.1 (http://www.pcgamemods.com/7313/ ) extract the contents of the following folder to your override directory: aiofmp_compatible
    If you do not have the AIOFPM, extract the files contained in the non_aiofpm_comp folder to your Override directory.

    This mod will conflict with any mods other than the AIOFPM v.3.0.1, using the spells.2da file.

    To remove, delete the files from your Override folder.

    1. Add/remove original party members
    With this new armband, you can add/remove party members from your party at any time during the game. Simply activate the armband and make your selection.
    In order to diminish the risk of screwing up the game, the remove function will only be available when your party members are normally available during the game (ex. you will not be able to remove Zaalbar when is a prisoner on Kashyyyk).
    2. Recruit custom NPCs:
    Select the NPC you want to replace. You can also use it to recruit custom party members and remove your custom recruits from your party when you want.

    For more info on how to recruit custom party members see: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=131944
    To use the add recruit function: open "ad_custom.nss" and replace my_npc_template by the name of the .utc file of the creature you want to recruit in the line:

     string sTemplate = "my_npc_template";
    DO NOT TYPE THE EXTENSION (.utc.) (Per Example, if you want to recruit Dustil from the recruitable Dustil mod, you have to type p_dustil and not p_dustil.utc).
    Finally, replace number 7 in the following lines:

       RemoveAvailableNPC(7);    AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(7, sTemplate);
    By the number corresponding to the party member you wish to replace - see list included in script for quick reference.
    Finally compile your script with HazardX script compiler (for download link and instructions on how to use the compiler, see: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=129789
     - using the compiler is no more complicated than a simple double click on an icon if you make a bat file - )
    NOTE: to behave like a party member, the .utc file of the creature will have to be edited if taken directly from the game (see link provided above concerning recruitable mods)
    To remove the custom, recruit, simply select the appropriate option in the menu.

    3. Spawn NPCs:
    A third possibility is to spawn any creature you wish, including custom creatures, anytime during the game to test your mods and dialogues or for whatever purpose (i.e. you can spawn hostile creatures and fight against them if you wish).
    How to use this: in the following line, simply replace my NPC with the name of the .utc file of the NPC or creature you wish to spawn. DO NOT REMOVE THE QUOTES.  
    and compile your script.
    4. Test your scripts:
    Paste your scripts in the following file: my_script.nss and compile.
    Note: make sure you are in the same module as where you expect the event to happen when you select this dialog option.

    Updated: September 11, 2004
    My email: [see read-me for contact information]
    [link no longer functional]


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  14. Redhawke Enhanced Terminator Droid Pack

    Author : RedHawke 08/19/04
    These are an array of Droid Upgrade items for our two little and understated pals in KOTOR, Hk-47 and T3-M4. It will turn them into 2 walking, or rolling, Terminators, give them the right Firepower and they will reign supreme!
    The new Cyberdyne Droid items come in 3 levels of power, except the droid weapons that only have two levels. 
    These items can be found in game normally as they are on the 2 droids when they join your party or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the read-me. A small Warning, some of these items are quite powerful, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outrageous item is. These are more progressively powerful as the game progresses and your droids level up.
    This is fully compatible with my other mods. Though if you have my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack installed it will overwrite the 2 droid files (p_t3m4.utc and p_hk47.utc) and alter what the 2 droids have when they join your party, these droid items in this pack are not as immediately powerful as those in that pack so if you are happy with those droid items as they are then don't install this pack. 
    This pack will not overwrite any of the droid items from my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack so they can still be aquired by cheat codes, or purchased (If possible).
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Uninstall Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Item Package Contains:
    Droid Equipment
    Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Carbonite Spray)
    Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Carbonite Spray)
    Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Flame Thrower)
    Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Flame Thrower)
    Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Gravity Pulse)
    Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Gravity Pulse)
    Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Shield Disruptor)
    Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Shield Disruptor)
    Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray  (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Stun Ray)
    Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray  (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Stun Ray)
    Assassin Targeting Computer I   (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle and Pistol Feats, +6 Awareness and Security)
    Assassin Targeting Computer II  (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, and Heavy Weapons Feats, +8 Awareness and Security)
    Assassin Targeting Computer III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, Heavy Weapons, and Melee Weapons Feats, +10 Awareness and Security)
    Astromech Combat Sensor I   (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives first 2 Pistol, and Two-Weapon, as well as Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +6 Awareness and Repair)
    Astromech Combat Sensor II  (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, and  first 2 levels of Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +8 Awareness and Repair)
    Astromech Combat Sensor III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +10 Awareness and Repair)
    Advanced Droid Interface I   (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Awareness, +4 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +1 to all Saving Throws)
    Advanced Droid Interface II  (Level 2 Upgrade, +4 to Awareness, +6 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Strength and Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws)
    Advanced Droid Interface III (Level 3 Upgrade, +6 to Awareness, +8 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +3 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +3 to all Saving Throws)
    Molecular Bonded Plating I   (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Defense, +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 1, +1 to all Saving Throws)
    Molecular Bonded Plating II  (Level 2 Upgrade, +3 to Defense, +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 3, +3 to all Saving Throws)
    Molecular Bonded Plating III (Level 3 Upgrade, +5 to Defense, +6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 5, +4 to all Saving Throws)
    Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield  (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Light Droid Shield Unit)
    Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Medium Droid Shield Unit)
    Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield  (Level 3 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Heavy Droid Shield Unit)
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    carb_drdutldev1  - Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47)
    carb_drdutldev2  - Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47)
    flame_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47)
    flame_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47)
    grav_drdutldev1  - Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4)
    grav_drdutldev2  - Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4)
    shld_drdutldev1  - Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4)
    shld_drdutldev2  - Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4)
    stun_drdutldev1  - Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray     (Comes With T3-M4)
    stun_drdutldev2  - Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray     (Comes With T3-M4)
    hk_drdtrgcom1    - Assassin Targeting Computer I   (Comes With HK-47)
    hk_drdtrgcom2    - Assassin Targeting Computer II  (Comes With HK-47)
    hk_drdtrgcom3    - Assassin Targeting Computer III (Comes With HK-47)
    t3_drdtrgcom1    - Astromech Combat Sensor I   (Comes With T3-M4)
    t3_drdtrgcom2    - Astromech Combat Sensor II  (Comes With T3-M4)
    t3_drdtrgcom3    - Astromech Combat Sensor III (Comes With T3-M4)
    rh_drdcomspk1    - Advanced Droid Interface I   (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdcomspk2    - Advanced Droid Interface II  (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdcomspk3    - Advanced Droid Interface III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdhvplat1    - Molecular Bonded Plating I   (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdhvplat2    - Molecular Bonded Plating II  (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdhvplat3    - Molecular Bonded Plating III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdshld1      - Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield  (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdshld2      - Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    rh_drdshld3      - Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield  (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  15. MacLeodCorp's Telos Billboards Set II

    Editor: Additional sample pictures generously provided by @LoneWanderer
    Author : MacLeodCorp 05/25/05 Vrs. 1.0
    Title: Telos Billboards Set: II
    KOTOR II: Exclusive!
    ======Telos Billboards Set: II======
    (Misc. Set)
    Telos Billboards Set: II - While visiting Telos, check out the entertainment billboards. Have you been getting tired of visiting Telos? Well, fear no more! Next time you are on Telos, check out the new entertainment billboards. Within the 'Entertainment', 'Transport', and 'Living' sectors, a lot of changes were made in the advertising. This is a mod, which is based upon donated mod screenshots. I have complied screens of some of the best mods made, and created several movie style billboards.(Don't let the size of this mod fool you!)
    (I'am not too proud of this set, but maybe someone will like it.)
    Set II - Screens:
    Mono_Giganto, Prime
    DeathDisco, Chainz.2da,
    Contents: (7 Items)
    1x - Billboard I - (TEL_BBrds.tga)
    1x - Billboard II - (TEL_BBrds2.tga)
    1x - Billboard III - (TEL_BBrds3.tga)
    1x - Billboard IV - (TEL_BBrds4.tga)
    1x - Cantina/Emporium Sign - (TEL_HSn3.tga)
    1x - Shuttle Computer Screen - (TEL_Mon2.tga)
    1x - Telos Replacement Map - (lbl_map202tel.tga)
    Install: In order to install this set of billboards, drop all files into the KOTOR II override folder.
    Un-Install: Just remove the above filed from the KOTOR II override folder.
    Note: If you plan on downloading the next Billboards Set, these sets will overwrite each other. However, they are two very different sets.
    If you enjoyed this mod, and want to see your mod screens displayed in KOTOR II, add a link to your screenshots in the forum attached to this mod. All feedback is welcome!
    Thank You to: ChainZ.2da, Gsccc, DeathDisco
    Other Credit to: Svosh, RedHawke, and Jedi Knight 72482.
    (With out the above modders, we would not have some of the most coolest mods made.)
    Telos Billboards Set: III "Girls of KotOR" is now looking for screens. Add a link to your screens here or at Lucasforums.com under "MacLeodCorp's (W.I.P.).


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  16. Darth333's Kill Yuka Laka

    Part of the...

    Kill Yuka Laka mod

    This small mod simply adds the option to HK-47 fulfil his long-time fantasy of killing Yuka Laka (and recover your money.)

    Note: it's up to you to discover how to trigger this option.

    Note: If you kill Yuka Laka after the Leviathan, the conversation will be slightly different.

    I added a few new sound files too.




    Extract the following files into your KotOR Override directory.




    Delete the files from your KotOR directory.



       (0 reviews)



  17. CaptainSkye's "Skye's Armor Expansion Mod"

    Part of the...


    This mod simply adds to the supply of armor/robes in SW: KOTOR. It adds 21 new items (15 new armors, 6 new robes, 1 bonus item) to the game.
    Each robe/armor has been placed appropriately somewhere in the game. Some items will show up multiple times throughout the game, while others will only be available in one location.
    Some items you will not be able to receive unless

    you play certain quests or visit certain planets in the right sequence.



    Just place all files into your override folder (this may take a while, but its worth the wait). No .2da files have

    been used in this mod, and I believe it will comply with all other mods. If not, please PM me on Lucasforums.com and I will

    re-release the mod, upgraded to fit in with any mod that it cannot work with.



    If you have KMM, I have included a .kmm file with this mod. If not, I suggest keeping the original mod folder, and when you're done with the mod, copy and past all the things into Override, overwrite the ones already there, and then

    (while they are all still highlighted) right-click them and click "delete".



    [I'm not going to list the stats of the items, or exactly where to find them. That’s for you to find out ]





    Location: Korriban




    Location: Dantooine




    Location: Korriban




    Location: Korriban




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: Starforge (DS only)




    Location: Tatooine




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: Kashyyyk, Dantooine




    Location: Unknown World




    Location: Taris




    Location: Korriban




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: Korriban, Manann




    Location: Korriban, Starforge (DS Only)




    Location: (Scattered)




    Location: (Scattered)


    (Bonus Item) GLOW ROD


    Location: (Scattered)




    I must thank EVERYONE at Holowan Labs for being such great people and for helping me when I needed it. I would like to also give a giant thanks

    to Bneezy for inadvertently teaching me how to mod. And, of course, to LucasArts and Bioware for making a superb game.



    This mod is not made, distributed, or paid for by LucasArts and/or Bioware, and it's not meant for anything but non profit public release.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Redhawke's Verpine Armor

    Author : RedHawke 09/15/04 Version 1.0
    This is a new suit of Reflec Heavy, Light, and Mod Armor with some very good bonuses, and stealth and energy reflective capabilities. 
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you go into lower Taris for the first time, and or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is ok as this one is identical to the one in my other mods and won't hurt anything to overwrite it.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Armor Package Contains:
    Verpine Reflec Armor (Class 9 Armor)
     Found in a spawning Metal Box in Selven's Apartment on Taris.
    Verpine Modular Armor (Class 5 Armor)
     Found in a spawning Metal Box in Matrik's Appartment.
    Verpine Reflec Light Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Found on a new spawning Twilek Corpse in Lower Taris, Near the first Canderous Cutscene.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  19. MacLeodCorp's Telos Billboards Set I

    Editor: Additional sample pictures generously provided by @LoneWanderer
    Author : MacLeodCorp 03/27/05 Vrs. 1.0
    Title: Telos Billboards Set: I
    KOTOR II: Exclusive!
    ======Telos Billboards Set: I======
    Telos Billboards Set: I - While visiting Telos, check out the entertainment billboards. Have you been getting tired of visiting Telos? Well, fear no more! Next time you are on Telos, check out the new entertainment billboards. Within the 'Entertainment', 'Transport', and 'Living' sectors, a lot of changes were made in the advertising. This is a mod, which is based upon donated mod screenshots. I have complied screens of some of the best mods made, and created several movie style billboards.(Don't let the size of this mod fool you!)
    Set I - Screens donated by:
    Chainz.2da, Gsccc
    DeathDisco, MacLeodCorp
    Contents: (6 Items)
    1x - Billboard I - (TEL_BBrds.tga)
    1x - Billboard II - (TEL_BBrds2.tga)
    1x - Billboard III - (TEL_BBrds3.tga)
    1x - Billboard IV - (TEL_BBrds4.tga)
    1x - Cantina/Emporium Sign - (TEL_HSn3.tga)
    1x - Shuttle Computer Screen - (TEL_Mon2.tga)
    Install: In order to install this set of billboards, drop all files into the KOTOR II override folder.
    Un-Install: Just remove the above filed from the KOTOR II override folder.
    Note: If you plan on downloading the next Billboards Set, which comes out on Sunday, April 2nd, 2005, these sets will overwrite each other. However, they will be two very different sets.
    If you enjoyed this mod, and want to see your mod screens displayed in KOTOR II, add a link to your screenshots in the forum attached to this mod. All feedback is welcome!
    Thank You to: ChainZ.2da, Gsccc, DeathDisco
    Other Credit to: Svosh, RedHawke, and Jedi Knight 72482.
    (With out the above modders, we would not have some of the most coolest mods made.)


       (0 reviews)



  20. AI's Hard Core Mod

    Part of the...

    If you just want to use the altered scripts as they are, open the archive with WinRAR or some other application capable of extracting RAR files. Then drag all the files from the compiled(override) folder inside the archive into your game's override folder.
    If you don't have an override folder, create a new folder named override in the folder containing the swkotor2.exe file.

    If you want to alter the scripts to combine them with beancounter's hardcore mod, you'll have to add two lines in the k_ai_master.nss script as described.
    Go to line 155, which should look like...
    DelayCommand(fDelay, GN_DetermineCombatRound());

    Put the cursor at the end of this line and press return to make a new line, and on this new blank line, paste in
    if (!GetPlayerRestrictMode() && !GetFeatAcquired(FEAT_IMPLANT_LEVEL_1)) {

    Then scroll up to the top of the file and go to line 13, which should looke like...
    #include "k_inc_utility"

    Put the cursor at the end of line 13 and hit return to add a new line below it. On this new line, paste in
    #include "Hardcore_Mod"
    Then you need to recompile the k_ai_master.nss script you just modified to get an NCS file that the game can use.
    To do this you need the nwnnsscomp.exe utility. Check the tutorial section at the top of the forum, I think there's a description there about how to compile scripts. Make sure you place any source (NSS) scripts that came with the hardcore mod in the same folder as the scripts from this mod before you try to recompile.
    Since I don't use the hardcore mod myself I haven't personally tested if this works, but from what I've heard from others, it appears to work fine.


       (0 reviews)



  21. Redhawke's Rodian Elder Merchant

    Author : RedHawke 08/23/04 V1.0
    This simple mod spawns a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders.
    I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Elder Encampment Area on the unknown world (Where you talk to the Elders for the first time).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC and a Workbench for your use in the Elder encampment upon first entry, Gviian Sluupor an Elder Rodian Merchant is near all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders, Talk with Him and see!
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)



  22. Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Armor Expanded

    Part of the...

    Author: Darkkender

    Contact: [check read-me file for contact information]

    (Please put 'Kotor' somewhere in the subject)

    Mod Name: [TSL] Segan Wyndh Armor Expanded



    This is an expansion upon Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndh armor for KOTOR 2: TSL.  This includes the original Segan Wyndh Armor adapted for TSL with the new armor upgrade system.  It also includes

    the 7 new variants presented in my Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod for KOTOR 1.  You will be able to build the 8 versions of Jedi armor at the workbench as well as an underlay and overlay.  However, the
    Jedi armors themselves do not have all the features of Segan Wyndh's armor - to keep it unique.



    Extract all files into your KOTOR 2 Override directory.  If you don't have an Override directory, all you need to do is make one.

    This mod also makes use of KMM and includes a KMM file.

    If you are asked to overwrite a 2da file the following mods are considered compatible and there 2da files can be overwritten.


    Compatible mods:

    Redhawke's Exile items

    Redhawke's Workbench robes

    Envida's complete mods package

    Darkkender's Lightsaber Workbench and Guardian sabers

    Any other mods that use the following 2da files should be considered incompatible unless stated otherwise in their read-me files.







    There are none known of.


       (0 reviews)



  23. Colja's Twi'lek Female PC Head

    Part of the...

    Colja's Twi'lek Female PC Head
    Install:Place files into override.
    This mod adds a female Twi'lek head at the start of the game.
    Included are dark side transitions and portraits.
    This mod works with all my previous head mods.
    DO NOT dance for the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa or equip the dancer's outfit on the PC.
    Unfortunately, I do not know how to make this possible but maybe I will update in the future.
    Big thanks to the Holowan Labs mod squad!


       (0 reviews)



  24. Redhawke's Droid Skins Terminator & Crimson

    Author : RedHawke 09/06/04 Version 1.0
    This is a really, really simple reskin texture to alter HK-47's and T3-M4's color schemes to look more like  Terminators, well one Terminator and one Terminator Trash Can.
    This mod is also fully compatible with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatible with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter HK-47's or T3-M4's looks.
    This is a really, really simple reskin texture to enhance HK-47's original Rusty Red to a more cooler Crimson Assassin Droid color scheme and I altered Prime's cool R2-D2-esque skin of T3-M4 with red parts instead of the R2 blue. (Skin used with permission) I like RED!
    This mod is also fully compatible with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatible with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter HK-47's or T3-M4's looks.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract the two .tga to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstall Instructions:
    Simply delete all this .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes HK-47 in to a more cool looking Killing Machine "Meatbags Beware!"
    Changes T3-M4 in to a more cool looking Garbage Can... er'... Killing Machine.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new-er HK-47 and T3-M4! ;^)


       (0 reviews)



  25. Darth333's Nar Shaddaa Sealed Doors

    Part of the...

    Nar Shaddaa Sealed Doors
    By Darth333 (02-27-2005)
    Simple mod that unlocks the two sealed doors on Nar Shaddaa as well as the private doors in Khoonda.
    (Actually it removes the doors in Khoonda as even opened, you could not previously be able to get into the rooms).
    Not much to see, just for curious people who want to explore these areas and modders looking for ideas. (The area on Nar Shaddaa has some good potential for other mods.)
    1. If you haven't already, create a new folder called Override in your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 directory.
    2. Extract the files to your Override directory.
    Delete the files from your Override directory

    Want to learn modding Kotor and TSL?
    Visit Holowan Laboratories:


       (0 reviews)

