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About Arctrooper209

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 12/22/1992

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  1. Oh wow, this looks really cool. I've been playing Neverwinter Nights lately and the toolset that comes with it is so useful. Would be nice to have something even close to that functionality. One question though, I see all the screenshots seem to be of KOTOR 1 assets. Is this designed primarily for the first game or will it work for the second as well?
    I think this is a mod that should be in everyone's override. In the vanilla game grenades quickly become useless, as their low damage and DC makes it so that it is not even really worth throwing them past Telos, which almost makes me wonder why they were put in the game in the first place. By making grenades and rockets scale with the Demolitions skill, it makes explosives actually useful in the later game. I've used explosives with several characters with a variety of Demolitions skill and I personally don't think the damage is that overpowered. However, it does do enough damage where setting a high Demolitions character on "Grenadier" and having them spam grenades is a viable tactic. In terms of compatibility, I have TSLRCM installed with a bunch of other mods and none of them used the .ncs file that this mod uses, nor have I noticed any bugs.
  2. View File Ranged Weapon Expansion Pack This mod adds three new upgrades for ranged weapons, three new weapons (not new models, I used existing in-game models), and modifies the Heavy Mining Laser. All of the weapons also come with lore-friendly descriptions. The included screenshots show the stats of all the weapons and a standard blaster rifle with all of the max level upgrades. Electroshock Blaster can be crafted with Repair 2, CB-100 and the Railgun with Repair 20, and the Heavy Mining Laser cannot be crafted. If you're using TSLRCM you can find the Heavy Mining Laser in-game at Peragus. Item codes and crafting requirements are in the readme. Installation: Simply run TSLPatcher.exe Uninstallation: Remove the .uti files from your override and replace the .2da files with those in the "Backup" folder of the Expansion Pack (created when you installed). Bugs/Issues There is a small visual bug where the feat provided by the weapon upgrades will not appear in the Feats page of character abilities if you have not already learned the first feat in that line. So for example, if you have the Sniper Shot feat, the Master Sniper Shot gained from Tri-Light Scope IV will appear on your list of feats, but if you don't have Sniper Shot the Master version will not appear. However, even if it is not listed on your character sheet, it will be available in combat. Compatibility: Will not fully work with any mod that changes the heavymininglaser.uti, such as Marauder’s Mining Laser Consistency Fix. If you want to use both, whatever mod you want to affect the Heavy Mining Laser, install that one last. So you if you like Marauder's mining laser better, install my mod, then install Marauder's mod and overwrite my heavymininglaser.uti with his. See below for what each level of the new upgrades do and how to craft them: Tri-Light Scope Mark I: Sniper Shot Mark II: Sniper Shot, Keen Mark III: Improved Sniper Shot, Keen Mark IV: Master Sniper Shot, Keen, +1 Attack Skill to Craft: Awareness 4, 10, 16, 22 Overcharged Power Cell Mark I: Power Shot Mark II: Power Shot, +2 Energy Mark III: Improved Power Shot, +3 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Mark IV: Master Power Shot, +1d6 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Skill to Craft: Security 4, 10, 16, 22 Acceleration Chamber Mark I: Rapid Shot Mark II: Rapid Shot, +1 Piercing Mark III: Improved Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing Mark IV: Master Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing, +1 Attack Crafting Skill: Repair 4, 10, 16, 22 Submitter Arctrooper209 Submitted 11/27/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This mod adds three new upgrades for ranged weapons, three new weapons (not new models, I used existing in-game models), and modifies the Heavy Mining Laser. All of the weapons also come with lore-friendly descriptions. The included screenshots show the stats of all the weapons and a standard blaster rifle with all of the max level upgrades. Electroshock Blaster can be crafted with Repair 2, CB-100 and the Railgun with Repair 20, and the Heavy Mining Laser cannot be crafted. If you're using TSLRCM you can find the Heavy Mining Laser in-game at Peragus. Item codes and crafting requirements are in the readme. Installation: Simply run TSLPatcher.exe Uninstallation: Remove the .uti files from your override and replace the .2da files with those in the "Backup" folder of the Expansion Pack (created when you installed). Bugs/Issues There is a small visual bug where the feat provided by the weapon upgrades will not appear in the Feats page of character abilities if you have not already learned the first feat in that line. So for example, if you have the Sniper Shot feat, the Master Sniper Shot gained from Tri-Light Scope IV will appear on your list of feats, but if you don't have Sniper Shot the Master version will not appear. However, even if it is not listed on your character sheet, it will be available in combat. Compatibility: Will not fully work with any mod that changes the heavymininglaser.uti, such as Marauder’s Mining Laser Consistency Fix. If you want to use both, whatever mod you want to affect the Heavy Mining Laser, install that one last. So you if you like Marauder's mining laser better, install my mod, then install Marauder's mod and overwrite my heavymininglaser.uti with his. See below for what each level of the new upgrades do and how to craft them: Tri-Light Scope Mark I: Sniper Shot Mark II: Sniper Shot, Keen Mark III: Improved Sniper Shot, Keen Mark IV: Master Sniper Shot, Keen, +1 Attack Skill to Craft: Awareness 4, 10, 16, 22 Overcharged Power Cell Mark I: Power Shot Mark II: Power Shot, +2 Energy Mark III: Improved Power Shot, +3 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Mark IV: Master Power Shot, +1d6 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Skill to Craft: Security 4, 10, 16, 22 Acceleration Chamber Mark I: Rapid Shot Mark II: Rapid Shot, +1 Piercing Mark III: Improved Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing Mark IV: Master Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing, +1 Attack Crafting Skill: Repair 4, 10, 16, 22
    Very nice retexture. If you're like me and liked the general look of the miner uniform and didn't mind its low stats, but wanted something more stylish when traversing around Telos, this is a good mod to try.
    Great quality robes and was exactly what I was looking for.
  4. No, no major problems except for the visual bug. Also, a way to fix it after it happens would be to take the disguise off and then change your appearance through the save editor. You'd have to figure out what code you were before but that's another option.
  5. I've updated my mod so you can find the items in-game! It appears that I actually am willing to put that amount of effort in. Bit more than an armory now with the changes to Manaan but couldn't resist playing with the editors and making things more interesting. I've tested it several times so it should hopefully go better than the first time I tried to add them in-game.
  6. Yeah PM_Appearance does seem to hold your original information. Using an unbugged save, with a disguise on PM_Appearance is 168, which is what Appearance_Type is without the disguise. Though of course on my bugged save they are both 261.
  7. In a save where the glitch has occurred, I took it off, went into several areas, and the glitch did not go away. When I did all the testing earlier I also equipped it on companions. As for whether it occurs if you use it even once, I doubt it. I did test a little with a save where I had equipped it once or twice before and it wasn't glitched, but didn't spend a lot of time with that save. I'm not sure what else I can do besides do a new playthrough and regularly check on it, and I'm not in the mood for doing that. So on the bugged save Appearance_Type's value is 261. In appearance.2da line 261 is Sith_Soldier_03
  8. Just did a bunch of stuff to make sure. Loading a saved game with it on doesn't cause it, nor does engaging in conversation, entering a new area, using the workbench (saved & loaded afterwards), going on/off the Ebon Hawk, or going to a different planet. I loaded a save once right after saving. Then I quit to desktop, went back into the game, and loaded the save a second time. Still no effect. From what I can tell it isn't related to anything other than the amount of time you wear it. How much time before it occurs is unknown.
  9. Yes, you need to cheat them. I haven't made a way to get them in-game yet. The only items that are overwritten are the "Sith Sniper Rifle" and "Sith Assault Gun". All the rest are unique. Thank you! I'm glad you like them.
  10. Thanks for the pointers. This weekend's gonna be really busy for me but maybe in the next week I will look at messing with the other files and using the patcher. Yes, I've thought about putting the other items in different places. We'll see how much effort I actually want to put in, haha.
  11. Ah, dang, didn't know about the backpack. I just checked to see if it worked in that instance, not other backpacks. I'll get rid of that. As for the weapons, my mod overwrites the "Sith Sniper Rifle" and "Sith Assault Gun". I believe the only gun in this mod that the enemies use in the game is the Assault Gun but, because I didn't add to the base stats, only the ability to upgrade it, it won't change anything. Unless enemies suddenly learn how to use a workbench.
  12. View File Sith Armory From the first time I played KOTOR I’ve loved the Sith armor. Unfortunately, the Sith disguise you get in the game isn’t very good stats wise and you can’t keep it without cheats. For my second playthrough I decided to make my own set. Which then got me started on modifying the Sith weapons and its now become an entire armory. First, I would recommend using A Future Pilot’s “Sith Soldier Texture Restoration” as the item description for the Sith Elite Armor is tailored for a game where the chrome Sith armor is relatively rare. I also think it is just a good mod that stylistically makes more sense. However, it will still work if you don’t use his mod; you’ll just have three armors that are chrome instead of just one. Mod Link: All the items are upgradeable. I tried to strike a balance when creating the stats, so while they aren’t the best you can obtain in the game, they are in the high-end. I have also given lore descriptions for everything, if anybody cares about that sort of thing. As of version 2.0, you can now find all the items in-game. The specific locations are stated in the Readme. I have also modified the Manaan Sith Base. Commander Grann now is force sensitive and wears the Elite armor. The room past the water chambers now contains the Sith Ambassador and two Praetorian bodyguards (both of whom are dark Jedi). There is also a Lite version for those who don’t want the enemies modified, though this will not allow you to find the Elite and Praetorian Armors until Leviathan. WARNING: There is a visual bug where, while wearing the armor, the game will change your appearance so that even if you take it off, you will still appear to be in the armor. This is a bug that occurs with all items with the "Disguise" property and it is unknown exactly what causes it. If this occurs and you want to fix it: unequip the armor, download the SaveGame Editor, and change your appearance back to what it was before. Sith Sniper Rifle (g_w_blstrrfl002) Base Damage: Energy 1d8 Enhancement Bonus +1 Scope: Sniper Shot Beam Splitter: +1 Piercing Damage Improved Energy Cell: +1 Energy Damage Hair Trigger: +1 Attack Sith Assault Gun (g_w_blstrcrbn002) Base Damage: Energy 1d8 Enhancement Bonus +1 +1 Piercing Damage Scope: +1 Attack Beam Splitter: +1 Energy Damage, +1 Massive Criticals Improved Energy Cell: +1 Energy Damage, +1 Piercing Damage Hair Trigger: Improved Rapid Fire Modified Assault Gun (sithcrbn) Base Damage: Energy 1d8 +1 Piercing Damage +8 Energy Damage -3 Attack Bonus Feat: Rapid Fire Bonus Feat: Power Blast Beam Splitter: -4 Energy Damage, +2 Attack Improved Energy Cell: -4 Energy Damage, +2 Attack Sith Armor (ptar_sitharmor1) Defense Bonus: 5 Max Dexterity Bonus: +4 Armor Reinforcement: +1 Defense Mesh Underlay: Resist 5/- Fire and Cold Sith Praetorian Armor (ptar_sitharmor2) Defense Bonus: 6 Max Dexterity Bonus: +4 10% Energy Immunity Armor Reinforcement: +1 Defense, 25% Energy Immunity Mesh Underlay: Resist 5/- Fire, Cold, and Electricity, 1 Regeneration Sith Elite Armor (ptar_sitharmor3) Defense Bonus: 6 Max Dexterity Bonus: +4 10% Energy Immunity Armor Reinforcement: +1 Defense, 25% Energy Immunity Mesh Underlay: Resist 5/- Fire, Cold, and Electricity, 1 Regeneration Sith Marine Armor (ptar_sitharmor4) -Uses same model as Sith Armor. For those using the retexture mod I thought I’d give a version of the white armor that was as powerful as the other colors. Defense Bonus: 6 Max Dexterity Bonus: +4 10% Energy Immunity Armor Reinforcement: +1 Defense, 25% Energy Immunity Mesh Underlay: Resist 5/- Fire, Cold, and Electricity, 1 Regeneration Submitter Arctrooper209 Submitted 11/28/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes