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Everything posted by narshaddaarocks

  1. Hey man, that's great! Thanks for all your hard work on this! I will (like I have for years) continue to watch your mod with great interest. 😂
  2. Hey man, great to see you're still adding and updating this mod! Do you have any more plans for more updates or is this the last one?
  3. Hi, just want to say this is a great idea and I'm enjoying it for TSL. However, when I use TSL patcher to install this for K1 it says two files do not exist which are "di_mp3.ncs" and "di_mp3_sp.ncs". It seems because of this when I click the music player in game the screen for it doesn't pop up. Do you a work around for this by any chance?
  4. Hi, just want to say this is a great idea and I'm enjoying it for TSL. However, when I use TSL patcher to install this for K1 it says two files do not exist which are "di_mp3.ncs" and "di_mp3_sp.ncs". It seems because of this when I click the music player in game the screen for it doesn't pop up. Do you a work around for this by any chance?
  5. This seems very cool! I had no idea there was a female bounty hunter along side the first group of bounty hunters on Onderon. Awesome find+fix!
  6. Hey long time no see everyone! How are things (other than this awful virus lmao)?

  7. One of my favorite lines of dialogue from K2:

    "The credits were good. And Talia has been declared guilty of treason. So I was getting paid and being patriotic. What could be wrong with that? But I can now see the error of my ways. I should go, right now, and contemplate the depth of my mistake."-Kiph



  8. LOL! I got a good laugh out of reading that. Like I didn't even remember Drew said Atris was Bastila's age. Like lol what? And I was also reminded just how badly Drew screwed up Revan and Bastila reading that. Like did the guy forget he wrote K1? So Bastila was basically just watching TV while the events of K2 went down then?
  9. Oh yeah! Was that in a comic? I've only read a few of the KOTOR ones. Yeah, from what I remember Revan went out to the SWTOR Sith Empire and got knocked out and imprisoned by a Sith Lord there until The Exile and this weird Sith dude bust him out. After that, the Sith dude wants to take the Sheev clone out, but gets cold feet during the battle and stabs The Exile in the back and she dies just like that. Like wow, Drew. But like you said, he also screwed up Revan and Bastila, his own creations!
  10. This sounds awesome! Best of luck on this! @Ebony Moon Yep, Canderous said the "Sith came to them with an offer" which clearly meant the remains of Naga Sadow/Kun's forces and not the ones Bioware came up with for SWTOR. The loading screens themselves in K1 like you said stated the Sith species died out long ago, so Bioware retconed their own game! Also, remember at the end of K2 where Kreia says Revan will need Jedi and Sith alike? Well, that's another thing Bioware changed since Revan was locked up in jail during the events of K2.
  11. @Mellowtron11 And it's a shame Zez changed his mind at the end with the other masters. Not sure why, but my guess is Vrook pressured him and Kavar to turn against The Exile.
  12. I agree with you the Jedi like Zez are fine during the game expect for the end game and I'll quote Scorchy on that (with necessary censors, of course 😜) 47/ "Once again, the Jedi Council proves they can’t learn from their past mistakes and start blaming the Exile for everything. What happened to the Master Zez we talked to on Nar Shaddaa, who regretted sending the Exile away? And the amiable Kavar on Onderon, who was starting to admit they f***ed up? They did a complete 180 here." In the droid planet mod at least, Vash gets her cut dialogue which I think implies she was was wiser than what she ended up being in vanilla.
  13. I agree with you Korriban feels crammed in. It would have been cool to revisit Dreshdae and explore it. Also, I find it very sad the only decent Jedi master (Vash) that wasn't a sheep like Zez and Kavar is just killed off without getting a conversation on it. I'd rather she had lived (as in not going to Dantooine) and be the first of the old Jedi to realize how flawed and screwed up they were, but alas. I also wish you could back and explore Onderon again after the civil war to see it back to normal. Speaking of that, I feel like Canderous was affected by the rush released date. It would have been nice to see him talk about Revan more and explain why he's apparently not on speaking terms with Carth. Like maybe have them all meet up again during or after the Battle of Telos would have been cool imo.
  14. Woah lots of Nar Shaddaa bashing is making me sad....JK, JK. K1: Tatooine-for the fun quests, nostalgia, the loads of interactions, and that battle with Calo Nord at the end (I always go to this planet first). K2: Nar Shaddaa (given my name sake :P)-for the mystery, the music, the Exchange battles, the exploration, getting the majority of your remaining party members , and the Genoharadan fight at the end (thanks to my good friend @N-DReW25 ).
  15. You should finish the game! It's very good! Probably my fav game ever tied with KOTOR 1. Though like @Ebony Moon said the end game is very sad/not a lot of fun since we never got a proper conclusion (aka KOTOR 3) and instead we got a book that in my opinion ruined the series since several characters like The Exile and T3 are killed off, Revan is captured for like 300 years and other characters like Bastila grow old and die and never see Revan yeah all that sucks to me. But if you're interested in a fan made KOTOR 3 after finishing K2, then I suggest you try this incredible mod:
  16. Is The Exile the John Wick of the Star Wars universe (ignoring the Revan book, of course)?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ebony Moon

      Ebony Moon

      In Jekk'Jekk Tarr, yeah. And the Ravager. And Trayus Academy.

      The Revan book? Meh. Revan Reborn rules the galaxy, everyone knows that 😈

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      My request thread for a Keanu Reeves head is still up, BTW.

    4. Mellowtron11


      Well jc2, no one stole the Exile's dog, but Atris kept/stole his lightsaber..... :D


  17. The disrespect to Thor continues!

    Yes, I know they did it on the comics once, but that doesn't mean they have to apply it (and several other things I'm not happy about) to the movies!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1Leonard


      How dare they take on their series in new, unexpected ways?!

    3. LDR


      I'm glad they buried the hatchet.

    4. narshaddaarocks


      Alright, maybe I'm being over negative and cynical, but that's what's part of being a Star Wars fan. LOL So I'll wait and see for now.

      I will say the Black Widow, The Eternals, and Doctor Strange 2 movies sound amazing!    

  18. It seems to be when a company goes out of there way to please the "fans" it's always some of the worst imaginable stuff possible, and those of us that didn't ask for it or want it, don't seem to much matter. 

    1. Mephiles550


      That's a really hit and miss thing tbh, what examples did you have in mind?

    2. narshaddaarocks


      If you liked how Thor was before being in shape and fighter, well now he's an overweight drunk who never gets better and they did it that way to make him "relatable" and for laughs.

      Don't have strong feelings on TLJ either way, but I can only assume a lot of people were upset with Luke almost killing Kylo, and maybe they did that to make Luke "complex" or something. 

      If you liked how Thor was before (or Luke) it seems you're cast aside.  But that's just me. I could go on all day about this kind of stuff. :p


    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Thor was already showing signs of PTSD in Infinity War. What we see in Endgame seems like a natural progression of that to me considering what he's been through.

      TLJ was a massive disappointment though.

  19. @DarthParametric Oh, I want to finally make and upload a mod, so what must I do to start? I have all the modding tools downloaded and ready to go. @Sith Holocron Awesome! Thanks for the link! Okay guys, in your opinions and experiences if I wanted to make a Thor head and outfit like here for the games, what should I start with?
  20. The title says it all. Is is possible to say make a Thor costume and head for the games? Or Captain America as well? And for females, what about a Captain Marvel costume and head (not the one with the Endgame haircut)? Or a Black Widow one? I'm not all that experienced in modding obviously, but I'm always looking for ways to keep the games interesting and fresh for me, so is it possible to make what I want? Thanks in advance!
  21. Lol a "certain movie" Disney released a couple a months ago had me thinking if KOTOR 3 is ever made we would see things like Revan and Carth dying (no funeral, sorry Carth), Canderous would be an overweight drunk who abandons his people, Bastila would be so useless and have a "haircut",  HK-47 would no longer want to kill and instead spends his time at DexterJettster's diner chilling with fans, and The Exile would find a way to make sure she can't the person is she now. 

    So yeah, I'll stick with TJM if Disney ever releases a KOTOR 3. LOL!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N-DReW25


      Ironically enough, in TJM Canderous does become a drunkard who abandoned his people and an antagonist in the mod is a purple dude named "Kannos"

    3. narshaddaarocks


      Lol! True, true, but at least Canderous snaps out of it at the end and gets the people back. Thor never recovers and is now a loser for all time. Imagine HK being a loser too that's obsessed with taking selfies with fans for some reason. That diner scene felt like it was lifted right out of Attack of the Clones. 

    4. narshaddaarocks


      I'd like to also say I'm everyone if I'm being overly negative, but I was fan of the Marvel films as much as I am the KOTOR games, so I found it very disappointing they seemed to taking a page out of the Revan book by applying similar things from that book in Endgame. Makes no sense at all, and that's why I said if KOTOR 3 was ever made, you would probably see some of the same things happen to the KOTOR characters. 

      So I'll shut up about it now. Lol

  22. A few things though I prefer 1.2 overall. 1. The teleportation system is good. Less walking that way (can take forever as we all know lol). 2. The gonk droids were a nice touch. 3. I liked Kaah being in the central zone after clearing everything up. 4. Separating the modules in the industrial zone was a good idea. 5. All the new droid voices were nice plus.