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Everything posted by Mellowtron11

  1. Version 1.0.0


    KOTOR 1 Improved Class Feat Gain Mod By Mellowtron11 The feat progression for Guardians and Sentinels in K1 is rather lackluster. The Vanilla game Sentinel had the same number of feats as a Consular. Even the Guardian, the supposed ‘Soldier’ -esque class for the Jedi has the feat progression similar to that of a Scoundrel. Therefore, I changed the Sentinel and Guardian Class feat gains to that of their KOTOR2 progressions. In addition, it seemed like the droid class feat progressions were swapped around in the vanilla game. So to avoid constantly swapping different featgain.2da files around, here’s a mod to fix all of those feat progressions in one fell swoop. Installation Notes- Drop the featgain.2da file into the override folder. Uninstallation- Delete the featgain.2da file from your override folder Changelog 1.0 Guardian K1- 1,3,6,7,9,12,13,15,18 Guardian K2-1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 Sentinel K1-1,3,6,9,12,15,18 Sentinel K2-1,3,6,7,9,12,13,15,18,19 Expert Droid Vanilla- 1,3,5,6,9,11,12,15,17,18 Expert Droid Revised-1,3,6,9,12,15,18 Combat Droid Vanilla-1,3,6,9,12,15,18 Combat Droid Revised-1,3,5,6,9,11,12,15,17,18 Known Bugs-None. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. · Strategy Wiki and Gamebanshee for stats and items info on the KOTOR series LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. He's useful, but by the time you get him, you already have T3 and Bao-Dur in your party, which makes him kind of redundant.
  3. Agreed. Dantooine wouldn't be a bad place in Star Wars to live, farm and camp. Minus the Sith bombardments, Exchange mercenary camps, and looters on that planet.
  4. Very true, and that line of feats saves an equipment slot space. Depending on your starting class, you could make the Sentinel pretty decent in vanilla KOTOR. I once played a Scoundrel Sentinel combo and that combo was very skill heavy. One of my classmates said that he liked playing a soldier Sentinel combo.
  5. I agree. You'll probably have to use both of these load screens anyway since there are at least a couple modules for this mod.
  6. I like the comparison between Lothal and Dantooine. For the most part, they're both rolling grassland planets.
  7. For now, I will probably just worry about the feat progression for guards and sents right now. But I can always make a mod for the Sentinel's AB, feats, skills etc. If you want a good starting point for buffing the Sentinel, this is a good mod to start with.
  8. So I'm making a .2da mod that turns the K1 Guardian and Sentinel feat progression into the much more improved feat progression for those 2 classes from KOTOR2. Problem is, I have no idea what to name this mod without being too wordy. Any suggestions, folks? Anyone that comes up with a good name I will credit in my mod's acknowledgements, by the way.
  9. Finally, a tutorial I can help with! At least with the start.... Download the KGFF Editor- it makes inventory editing much easier than kotor tool. First go to this in KOTOR tool and open the KOTOR 1 tree. Go to Rims-> Modules>end_m01aa.s-rim. Open the Blueprint-Character tab. You'll see a bunch of utc files. These are the character stat and inventory files. The two files you are looking for are the sithappren001 and 002 files. Save them to a folder on your computer. You don't need to edit anything yet. Open KGFF and open one of the files. Towards the middle of the middle of the page, there is a section called item lists> structs. This is your dropable item list for that character. Swap out one of the item codes for one of these items codes aka the template code. Save the changes and drop the file into your override on a fresh start to test. Hope this helps!
  10. I think the problem with Nar Shaddaa in KOTOR 2 is that you don't get a sense of tallness and height like you in other Star Wars games like Jedi Outcast. In KOTOR 2 Nar Shaddaa is all level and flat. Whereas in Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast, you're running up and down buildings and platforms, and you definitely feel that this world is huge. I always felt that was a missed opportunity in KOTOR 2, but that's probably due to the limitations of the Aurora game engine. For K2 Dantooine, the Khoonda siege kind of reminded me of the Ghost Town Gunfight quest from Fallout New Vegas. Help out a small town in the middle of nowhere in a mostly lawless desert. But I got that same feeling from Dantooine that I got from New Vegas-you're on your own, the entire area is heavily downtrodden and there's little rule of law around. As another side note, I really liked the green color of Dantooine that we got in KOTOR 2 as opposed to the Autumn colored environment Dantooine got in KOTOR 1.
  11. From one of my favorite KOTOR2 guides from Gamefaqs, this line came out on the Sentinel class. The class that people blasted the most when KotOR I came out. The popular forum saying was: “Sentinels fight like consulars and cast like guardians”. I got into the KOTOR series several years after its release, so is this what people thought about the Sentinel class when KOTOR 1 first came out? I wasn't on any forums at that time, so I wouldn't know. Of course, as we all know, this class was really buffed in KOTOR 2.
  12. We all probably had a favorite planet in these 2 games. Which planet was your favorite and why? Personally, I always liked Dantooine in both games. Admittedly I am a bit biased as I grew up in the countryside for over a decade. The environment for that planet in both games reminded me of my old home. But aside from the surroundings of Dantooine, I loved the quests. KOTOR 1 had some great quests, like Juhani's redemption, the Mandalorian raiders and the Sandral Matale feud. KOTOR 2 had you poke around in the ruins of the Enclave and literally opened a never before seen level of that planet's Jedi Enclave. There was the siege of Khoonda, and both games let you ransack, err, visit the crystal cave. I also discovered this game by first watching video clips of Dantooine from both KOTOR 1 and 2. So perhaps my fondness for this fictitious planet is due to first seeing it for both of these 2 games.
  13. Getting ready to move out for next month. While packing some books and magazines in a box today,  I found a copy of Star Wars Insider #79 with these advertisements. Man, so many memories from this magazine.



  14. This article is pretty spot on, although the author apparently has not played a level 30 character in TSL where you cut through NPCs like butter in the Trayus Academy. 


    1. Mephiles550


      Jedi Outcast and Academy are the only games where lightsabers felt right, and that was only really perfect with the dismemberment code/cheat enabled. Every other game treated lightsabers like wooden sticks. Those two games knew how to handle a lightsaber, it was a frictionless sword, It cuts through anything like a a knife through paper, at least flesh and most metal.

      These aren't bats, they're not even comparable to standard swords. They're lightsabers, they cut through nearly anything like butter just by coming into slightly close contact with it. Dismemberment with a lightsaber is way easier to perform than with a sword, Star Wars games should stop treating lightsabers like swords that just instantly cauterizes wounds. 

      You know what game could have made a good template with a lightsaber? Metal Gear Rising (sorta). You can shred any enemy into little itty bits with that sword, way more than any star wars game did. THATS what we should have in a star wars game.

    2. N-DReW25


      Me, an intellectual: Remembers back to Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 where Lightsabers were capable of cutting off pieces of Storm Trooper Armor as well as cutting off their arms and decapitating their heads. With the right Lightsaber crystal, a Lightsaber had a chance to either set Storm Troopers on fire or literally disintegrate them whole.

  15. So the original 2004 Battlefront finally got released on Steam a few weeks ago. And I have to ask you fellow forum users- which was your favorite old Battlefront? While the 2005 Battlefront 2 seems to be regarded as the best game in the series by the fans because of heroes mode, space battles and more planets like the Episode III planets, I actually am a little more fond of the original 2004 game. I was introduced to that game at a friend's house in junior high. Both he and I would play LAN games over many of the maps. We were always fond of the big maps with the vehicles, as those maps were usually bigger and had more room for flying and zipping around the battlefield. And there were other little quirks that I liked about this game. The colors were more vibrant and less washed out than Battlefront 2's palette of muted KOTOR 2 -like colors. There were pilot classes on the ground, which I liked as I grew up with the Rogue Squadron novels, comics, and games. (Sadly, the pilot classes were replaced by the engineer class on the ground maps in the next game Which makes sense, but still...). Places that we only saw glimpses of in the movies were expanded on, like Cloud city, the Dune sea, and Endor. Even places we hadn't seen in the movies like Kashyyk (at the time) or Rhen Var were given good treatment and design. You could even go prone, which helped as a sniper class. Heck, as a fan of the R-series droids, I liked the little red and white R4 units that sat around the battlefield ready to fix vehicles. Of course, there were aggravating parts in the game, like droidiekas that took ridiculous amounts of damage with their shields. Dark troopers and jet troopers could jump around the battlefield at will. Sniper NPCS would camp and pick people off if you dallied about too long. And certain map points were prone to bottlenecking enemies into your scope. (Cough, cough, the connecting bridge on the Bespin platforms.). So go ahead and vote. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  16. Juhani's eyes look way more catlike in this picture.
  17. Shame we can't go inside Jolee's hut on Kashyyyk. I doubt there would be much inside, but it would be neat to look.

    Screenshot (328).png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mellowtron11


      Thanks for the link, folks!

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      @Mellowtron11: Though my waistline has expanded, I'm still only one person.  ;)

    4. djh269


      He's referring to ebmar's reply to his status :D

      My waistline has expanded also, I call it my "Winter weight". But I've had it for about 4 years now though...

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Sorry to bump an old thread, folks.... Like what you said Moldy Crow, Sion is definitely more of a Guardian/Maurauder type Sith that uses the force for defense rather than offense. Like light side Jedi Guardians, he primarily uses the Force to buff and heal himself. But overall his command of the Force pales in comparison to Darths Nihlus and Traya. In fact, if you look at KOTOR2's game files, his assigned class is a Jedi guardian for multiple modules.
  19. Should I just advise people to leave the p_jolee001.utc file out of the override folder?
  20. Whoops, I did not know that at all. As far as my modding goes, I haven't gotten into scripting yet. For this mod, I only modified the UTC files and that was it. Of course, users can also select what UTC files they want to drop into the override folder too. I haven't used or downloaded the K1R restoration mod, so your guess is as good as mine.