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Everything posted by zbyl2

  1. Congratulations to all the winners!
  2. Episode IX should focus entirely on new characters, anyway, and keep old trilogy's cast in the background at best. Same for Episode 8, though Luke kind of has to be at least as important as Yoda was in the Empire. I thought The Force Awakens balanced it pretty well by giving Han important enough role and a dramatic death, but letting the new kids lead the movie. The trilogy needs to move forward and stand on its own instead of relying on nostalgia and everyone's favorite childhood characters.
  3. I thought the funniest part of the trailer was them confusing Obsidian with Bioware. I always thought people making those were smarter than that and would at least check the developer when making those, even though it's pretty obvious they haven't played those games in a long time if at all. Carth a "Han Solo type"? LOL. Also I'm triggered by lack of mention of my name TSLRCM. How do you have an honest KOTOR II video without mentioning the cut content? "Inspired a generation of clunky over ambitious RPGs" is on point though. Is that Coruscant mod at 2:19? And what's the mod at 2:21 that gives "sith sabers" power? We should totally make our own. "Experience a Bioware's game, and its sequel partially developed by Obsidian, then finished by bunch of basement dwelling nerds so hopeless, they remade an online video because they didn't agree with it".
  4. Hahahaha what. What's the name of that novel? (edit: nvm, it's called Ahsoka)
  5. I guess I'm zybl now.

    1. superSzym


      Zbyl sounds more Polish. The soul of nationalism, I mean patriotism, calls you to change it back to Zbyl.

    2. zbyl2


      Za późno, już byłem w urzędzie prosić żeby mi zmienili na Zybgniew w dowodzie.

    3. superSzym


      To dość pochopna decyzja, bo znowu jesteś Zbylem.

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  6. Nah, it's fine. I just legitimately had no idea how the gamepad controls work and didn't know if there's anything that can be done about it.
  7. Thanks for the info, Schmengland. We'll see if there's anything we can do about it.
  8. The worst part of the movie was what's-her-name's speeches about hope at the Rebel's base. She has no charisma and is a terrible actress. For a moment at the end I was worried she'd be the only one to survive, glad she didn't. In fact I love how everyone died, I really did not see that coming. The whole ending sequence, stealing the Death Star plans (so the whole second half of the movie, basically?) was pretty awesome. I loved how Rebels were portrayed as terrorists, willing to kill random people to advance their goal, instead of just being righteous, perfect freedom fighters. I wish they did the same with the Empire and showed a "good" side of theirs, instead of making them completely evil. Blind ninja dude was super cool and his final scene was amazing. Now THAT is what the Force is about. Not random game-y Force attacks, but trusting it, and letting it help you. More of that in EVIII please. Other characters weren't particularly memorable though, and the whole opening sequence didn't really seem needed. Whole first half of the movie was mostly hit and miss. Overall not bad. Could have been better though. EDIT: Oh and I totally forgot about the Stormtroopers. Come on they were more useless than ever. It got pretty ridiculous.
  9. After 175 days in America, I'm about to fly home. What a weird feeling.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sounds like you'll have an interesting blog post to make once you're back.

    2. superSzym


      Do you still remember our perfect Polish roads?

    3. zbyl2


      We have roads?

  10. I'll make a mod in 2017.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Zbyl, yiu could be very handy in one of the two secret projects I've rambled about. PM me about it later, if interested.

    2. zbyl2


      PM me the details, altough I have a Big Secret Not-Really-Kotor-Related Project of my own to take care of, and I want to make a New Cool Mod on top of that.

    3. jc2


      How intriguing...

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  11. IIRC we don't add anything to TLK but I may be wrong. Grab an exe from the download section and install the mod into an empty folder to eaisly find all files we changed and added.
  12. Hey, I've always been the translation guy around here! You go back to doing literally everything else, FS
  13. I'm not saying we should, I'm sharing a development tidbit and trying to figure out if others feel the same way I do
  14. Watching Return of the Jedi with someone who knows nothing about Star Wars was hillarious.

    1. newbiemodder


      Sounds like Rogue One should make an exciting date.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      I can see it now "Is there going to be a sequel to Rogue One?'

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Having her google your name and Star Wars... Priceless! :D

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  15. ERF editor for extracting stuff and repacking stuff, DLG Editor for dialogs, and GFF Editor for journal entries (global.jrl in override) and NPC/placeable/object names (uti, utc, utp files) and map notes (git files). Also a language converter so the text actually appears in non english versions.
  16. Thanks for the user of the year nomination, did not expect that! Now I'm waiting for a selfie from DS meet up *not* involving me :P

  17. Question, do you feel that way about the whole planet or just parts of it? I can see where you're coming from when it comes to the 1st half of the Ind Zone, but I feel like we did a pretty good job of making each room feel like it has a purpose in a 2nd half, where the whole droid building proccess is done (RD, design, testing areas). That would be mostly because we actually figured out what's supposed to be there before actually designing quests, while when it comes to the first half we kind of retroactively assigned them functions after the quests were already in place (RSS what?).
  18. There is no Italian version. There's too much text on the planet and nobody attempted to translate it. Sorry.
  19. Trust me, I'm trying! Me too! Hahaha I wish, but that really is his computer it was HILLARIOUS to watch him carry it around.
  20. I posted one with VP couple months back, now I'm hanging out with Fair Strides. I made him go out for a bike ride but he said he's not leaving without his PC
  21. Today I finished 4500 miles bike ride fron NYC to Pacific ocean and now I'm roommates with Fair Strides.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      Who gets the top bunk?

    2. zbyl2


      I do! There's no ladder though.

    3. jc2


      ahaha, what!

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  22. You have to enable easter egg mode to listen to it. You can do it by setting "game completed" flag to 3.
  23. It's cool, Malkior. I know that not everyone is a game developer and a lot of people who aren't (or downloaded Unity last week and are now making an MMO) spread misinformation. But since Unity development has been my main source of income for past few years, I've been around the gamedev community when UE4 came out and a lot of studios started switching, and then again when Unreal became free, and I've participated in numerous "which is better" discussions... and it all comes down to personal preference. Anyway, I'll let you guys get back on topic