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About DarthParametric

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    Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Birthday 03/12/1976

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  1. Took a whole bunch of iterative fiddling with replacement UVs and edited/added meshes, but here's the end result of my first lightmapping test with KBlender:


    Thanks to @seedhartha for adding that feature to KBlender. Works pretty well once you have everything dialled in.

    This version is for K1CP. Now I just need to make some slight revisions to the version for my Dark Side Ending Cutscene Enhancement mod (mainly just baking shadows for the different stunt crowd).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malkior


      Do you happen to have a guide on what needs to be dialed where in Blender? I tried baking new lighting into the Citadel Station module, but it never quite worked (Constant infinite loop when I tried to bake). I would love to see what that module could look like in game.

    3. DarthParametric


      I might put together a few screenshots of the steps when I set up the next one.

      Interiors are also going to require a lot more work, since you'll need to manually place probably dozens of new lights. Outdoor levels are easy by comparison.