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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. Is your PC really the strongest ever at the end of Kotor 1/2?

    Best Weapons, armor and shields and overall gear in the game, plenty of means to heal.

    What does the final boss have?
    Their  dirty clothes and a basic lightsaber. Don't really heal that much, easily preventable with Malak.

    Really, when you think about it, these guys are probably way better then you by the end.

  2. Is it possible to somehow keep the stealth field effect and force vision effect with Frame Buffer Effects disabled? Using my handy dandy override folder perhaps? 

  3. Could someone port the full Ubese Assassin model from TSL to Kotor 1?

  4. I tried to replace the Great Storm Beast on Malachor with a Rancor in Kotor Tool and it crashed a second after it showed the rancor loaded. Do you think the problem was something wrong with the animations or the model being too big and stuck in the map? Or was it something else? I'm stuck. 😕

    1. N-DReW25


      Maybe the big Rancor lacks animations and it crashes the game due to either a missing model or missing model data, did you manage to see the Ranor before the game crashed and did it do anything (Walk, Run, Attack etc)?

    2. Mephiles550


      I saw the rancor at the size I expected and it had regular idle animations. It stood where the big storm beast spawns. But it wouldnt move forward at all so the game crashed after like 2 or 3 seconds looking at it 

    3. Mephiles550


      Actually, I just tried it again and this time it worked! I didn't do anything different either. The fight is actually a lot more intimidating now!

      The only bug I occasionally get when trying this fight is that sometimes, after I kill it, I randomly die. That makes no sense to me.

  5. In terms of decision making, who do you think is the worst Jedi?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spectrometer


      I'm surprised no one mentioned Anakin (I'm an Anakin fan, but even I can't deny that he made some bad decisions, even though in the end he fulfilled the Prophecy).

    3. djh269


      Definitely Anakin, he killed all the Jedi in the Temple including the younglings because he didn't like sand or people with the high ground. "In my point of view the jedi are evil" after killing 8 year olds. 

    4. Mephiles550


      I'm going with Mace Windu on this one.

      Basically said the dumbest shit to convince Ahsoka to stay, which ended up making her leave anyway and he probably didn't care.

      Brought only three other Jedi Masters, one of which Grievous even technically bested,  to take down Palpatine without properly examining the situation.

      Made his own padawan fall to the Dark Side and he had to kill him.

      Treated Anakin worse than any other Jedi did IMO, first one to declare that he should not be trained, did not believe that he was the chosen one,  kept denying him important misions and trust, etc. Always failed to properly reason with Anakin.

      Fell for Palpatine's bait, both before confronting him and after "beating" him right as Anakin showed up.

      Basically I'm convinced Windu is the whole reason why all the fucking Jedi were killed cause of his poor decision making.

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  6. Is it common in the Steam version of TSL for your character to be locked in place in combat and unable to move afterwards cause that's been happening to me alot lately.

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    2. DarthParametric


      It's not the monitor itself, it's the game running at refresh rates beyond what it was designed for (remember it was designed to run at 30Hz/fps on a CRT television). You see similar kinds of things with certain games having physics issues when the game runs faster than it was designed for. As with KOTOR, a common problem with console ports. Another example of framerate-related weirdness - in Fallout 4 above 60fps you will end up getting trapped when interacting with computer terminals, unable to exist.

    3. LiliArch


      unable to exist”, huh? Guess that’s one way to cause a critical existence failure. In all seriousness though, I knew that old games may run too fast thus making it impossible to do anything, because you’ll, for example, just plain hit a wall before having a chance to act, but freezing caused by similar reasons was news to me. It’s a bizarre thought. Well, unless the game is actually run by GPU and not CPU, in which case I can imagine it going haywire.

      Not that I would know, mind you. I’m a software person, not a hardware one.

    4. DarthParametric


      Lol, whoops. Unable to exit. You'd try to exit out of the terminal screen and get stuck in the middle of the standing up animation. The only way out was to load a prior save or teleport via the console.

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  7. I miss before Disney took over Star Wars. I do enjoy much of the new content coming out (minus the new trilogy) and I like how Star Wars is considerably more "organized" now if that's the right way to word it, but some of the magic is gone. Besides the Clone Wars being cancelled, I liked the chaotic nature of the Expanded universe. What was canon? What was the timeline? Hell, idk but I loved all of it. It was a mess full of wondrous creativity to explore and Disney will never give us that because they're plans are much more strict.

  8. It's interesting how the Vertex Objects lightsaber glitch in the TSL Steam update only happens on some maps, and on some maps it can be triggered just from looking at the camera at a different angle, the Onderon Palace is one example.

  9. So Traya was originally supposed to be Yoda's species?

    Would you have preferred that? I think that would have been a really intriguing idea. Would he/she talk like Yoda and have his speech patterns? Would they more or less be exactly like Kreia personality wise? A grey/evil version of Yoda sounds cool.

    1. DarthParametric


      I think you are mixing Bioware's ideas with Obsidian's. The Yoda-species thing was Bioware's idea for K2, but then they refused the gig and used the main plot idea for Jade Empire instead.

  10. Out of curioisity, does anyone have a solid explanation as to why Kotor gets screwed over with Intel HD Graphics? It's not an APU problem because I've used AMD APUs and Kotor runs great, all things working normally. Intel HD, no matter which variety, just doesn't agree with Kotor... or a couple other games for that matter. Odd

    1. DarthParametric


      It's likely down to the way the engine is coded, although it's odd that issues persist with entirely new Intel integrated GPUs a decade and a half later. Perhaps ndix UR could provide some insight based on firsthand poking under the hood.

    2. LiliArch


      My guess is that something in Intel drivers just doesn’t like KotOR’s engine.

    3. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      I'd have to run the GPU caps viewer on the Intel driver to say specifically, but the short answer is that the game uses old OpenGL extensions, often NV_ or ATI_ namespaced ones. The big two have kept those features in their newer packages while Intel has, presumably, not gone back and implemented every historical OpenGL extension. Especially since OpenGL is the ignored stepchild to Direct3D on Windows. Long story short, it is unlikely to ever get better and it's not a hardware issue.

  11. C'mon people, I wanna see some new screens of the week! I'm so bored of Seeing HK's tan at the beach.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I submit this piece for screenshot of the week. I call it Ajunta Pall Dance Party

    2. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      Yes please VP

  12. A bunch of star wars games are being made backwards compatible on the Xbox One today! Kotor II is included!

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Mephiles550


      The Xbox ports are surprisingly really good. Their all visually enhanced and have more anti-aliasing than I thought would have been applied to them.

  13. anytime I see DP post I expect him to reveal his magnum opus... well for that month anyway.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      His magnus opus is his moddin' knowledge!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Magnum. Damn you, autocorrect!

  14. What I think is pretty funny is how the modding community was porting from Kotor 2 to Kotor 1 since the games first came out. I've seen images of HK-47 with his dirty TSL textures ported to Kotor 1 that are over a decade old lol.

  15. Oh wow, I didn't expect Kotor II to ever be re-released for Xbox One. That's interesting. I wonder how that'll turn out.

  16. Would anyone happen to have a link to one of the older HK-50 factory mod builds from before the times of TSLRCM?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Lots of nvm's lately :)

    2. Mephiles550


      If you mean from my status update requests than ya I noticed that also. Sith Holocron was a big help.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Oops, I actually confused you with SH. My bad 0_o

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  17. TSL could have it's lack of content by interpreting that the devs actually intentionally left all of the gaps to be filled in by the players themselves. No HK factory? Maybe you were never meant to find it and the false hope was intentional. :/

    1. 1Leonard


      Sure, I get you. They did a fine enough job, considering their impossible deadline...

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      The Last Jedi parody?

    3. 1Leonard


      Would be a pretty bad analogy if it was, no?

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  18. You know, after this calculus midterm, the upcoming Bio one doesn't seem nearly as bad.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Study hard and good luck!

  19. Does anyone know where the file is for the Nar Shaddaa cantina ambience beat, or what the file is called? I searched all over the TSL directory and couldn't find it.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'll see you in PMs. ;)

  20. Deadlystream... are you ready... to MOD?

    1. jc2


      [it] Always has been, the challenge is on your end ^^

  21. You're all such a nice community. I can't really play Kotor much anymore, but I love seeing what creative mods come out.

    1. jc2


      I concur! Deadlystream is a welcoming star wars/modding community.

  22. TSL is strange. The loading screens imply that the citizens were originally going to be low poly models, but that was changed last minute into better quality models. That's good and all, but then why is the Sith Marauder a low-poly citizen of all things?

    1. HK-47


      I would say that they were used to make the screenshots early on before the high poly were made. Then the low poly in the Trayus Academy are part of the incomplete tasks when the game was rushed out (as is the case with basically all of Malachor V).

    2. N-DReW25


      I bet the Sith Marauder's low poly model was a placeholder for a new appearance that was supposed to be made, similar to how the Archon's on M4-78 where Firaxan Shark's during its development before it was cut. As for the low poly models on the loading screens. I assume most of the starting development was done on the Xbox, perhaps the low poly models were used in early tests of Kotor 2 but during testing, they discovered having high poly models didn't cause lag or issues on t...

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  23. For some reason, TSL refuses to load lightsaber hilt textures. I have no idea why. I'll empty out my override and have only the lightsaber mod, and it'll be a chrome mess.

    1. Mephiles550


      AAAAARGH STEAM. Is there a potential fix?

    2. Mephiles550


      Nvm, so apparently adding spaces in between each word of "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" fixed the issue. Wtf?

    3. VarsityPuppet


      Yeah I don't know what the deal is with that. Could be Aspyr changed something in their code so it changes the way it reads swkotor2.ini

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  24. Even though I dislike the stories of the newer movies, I absolutely adore the visual aesthetics they're going with these movies now. They're doing Ralph Mcquarrie a great service. The New Order has my favorite designs out of all Star Wars factions.

  25. Even though I can't use Brotherhood of Shadow cause It'd be completely incompatible with all of my mods, I still found a good use for Dark Hope's excellent Shadow texture mod.

    1. Mephiles550


      Made the regular yellow and Orange Twilek's full Dark Side transition face texture Hope's Shadow and other Twilek texture in the Heads.2DA. I couldn't just let such good texture mods go to waste.

    2. jc2
    3. Mephiles550
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