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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. Does anyone else find it weird how Obsidion didn't both to animate Revan's cape? It was acceptable in Kotor because you never saw an in-game model of him besides when Revan removes his/her mask, but you actually fight Revan in TSL. Pure laziness.

    1. Mephiles550


      The Nihilus fight wasn't technically complete either. He was animated perfectly fine.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      1-There's a long list of issues with TSL, this Robe issue shouldn't be surprising at this point. 2-If it's really an issue with you, perhaps you should ask this create of the "Revans Flowing Robe TSL v1.1" mod to consider tackling it

    3. Mephiles550


      Trust me, I downloaded the cap fix a long time ago. It's a great mod. I just find it kind of strange to think that Obsidian didn't bother to fix the issue themselves, that's all.

      Something tells me they would have ignored fixing the model even if they had put in all of the content they wanted.

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  2. I returned from the graduation ceremony of someone I know. One of the professors gave a speech in which he quoted a bunch of lines from the Star Wars movies. Let's just say that it felt so weird to both authentically laugh and cringe simultaneously.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Force Cringes. I'd watch that.

  3. The fact that they give you 5000 Credits in the Lehon temple always confused me. You can't go anywhere to spend your credits after you fly to Lehon. :/

    1. milestails


      You could always use RedHawke's Rodian Elder Merchant mod.

    2. milestails


      "This simple mod spawns Gviian Sluupor a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders. I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well."

    3. milestails
  4. Anyone know the model names of the butt-ugly war droids in the Dark Side ending of Kotor so that I can replace them? You know, the ones that look like they came from an early ps1 game and are supposed to look like this:

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The texture is C_DrdWar01.tga if that helps.

    2. Mephiles550


      Found it, it's "stuntdroids"


      thank you anyway, Holocron. I'm now deciding which model to change it with. I really hate how Obsidion decided to include so many low poly models in the game. Now I have to replace them all. Ugh

  5. Does anyone happen to know the name of the floor texture in the Korriban cave? I swear, I can find around a dozen of the same textures in Kotor Tool, but none of them seem to be the one I need. Korriban's textures are confusing. ):

    1. Mephiles550


      Nevermind, I found it. (LRK_Flr)

  6. I'm going through that phase again... time to delete my Override's contents, reinstall Kotor, and download, edit and customize hundreds of mods to my preference.

    1. milestails


      Make sure you always have a copy of the vanilla game folder ready in order to save time.

  7. I just downloaded an old mod for Kotor 1 that is about 75 MB. It has multiple modules that have the "Sle_" in their names, several Sleheyron textures and voice files that reference Sleheyron. Huh... what did I find. :/

    1. Mephiles550


      Interesting. I lol'd at that picture of Sleheyron.

    2. Mephiles550


      Judging by the screenshot of "Sleheyron" I saw on their website, I'm guessing it's just a bunch of Tatooine modules with Sleheyron skyboxes. That feels out of place.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      This has potential for an interesting video. Someone clue in Xuul!

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  8. Still heavily anticipating Jorak's Taris texture overhaul mod. That'll probably be my mod of the year. I've been yearning for a Taris overhaul that feels similar to the original but still feels different enough to be unique as well.

  9. I wish we had a download here for Kotor 1 saves on every location. :(

    1. djh269


      Hello, I've just submitted 548 Kotor 1 game saves. It covers every moment in the game :)

    2. Mephiles550


      That's great, thank you! Now we just have to wait for the mod's approval.

      Are these saves with K1R or not? It doesn't really matter to me eitherway, but I'm curious.

    3. djh269


      Hello again, I'm just sorting things out with Sithspecter as I should of added some more info, unfortunately I didn't install K1R at this point. I can easily do any set in the future!

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  10. My current TSL Override is 3.5GB. Go hard or go home, huh?

    1. milestails


      Big texture mods present?

    2. LiliArch


      My whole TSL folder is ~ 100 GB... never checked the size of an individual Override, though. I have multiple mod combinations present, swapping folders as needed.

    3. Makashi


      Yeah, textures overhauls are quite heavy ;/

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  11. Anyone ever mod Halo CE on PC before? How hard is it compared to Kotor and TSL to mod?

    1. L0ki194


      Rather simple, actually. Step 1 is to always grab Halo Custom Edition for it, which was made by Gearbox, the people who ported Halo CE to PC. Custom Maps you literally just download the file, then drag it to the "maps" folder, and it should be able to play. Currently, I've been hyped about a Single Player mod called "CMT SPV3", which is still in development.

    2. Mephiles550


      You misunderstand me, I know how to install mods but I don't know how to edit mod files.

    3. L0ki194


      Ah... damn, sorry about that. I have no experience in that front unfortunately. I would assume there's at least some tutorials on the Halo Maps forum.

  12. MDLops is a very useful tool, although it's not really friendly to newcomers. I'm using it to fix some texture issues with ToastyFresh's Weapon mod for TSL.

    1. 1Leonard


      Cool! It always bothered me that he never finished it up until now...

    2. Mephiles550


      With some of Inyri's weapon models and a couple of other weapon models available here on DeadlyStream, I'm trying to replace every single ranged weapon in TSL with higher quality ones, the majority of which being ToastyFresh's models. Maybe I'll eventually get to updating some melee weapons at one point, but my priority is on ranged weapons. :)

  13. Do we have an update on ToastyFresh's TSL version on his weapon overhaul besides his old incomplete release?

    1. Kexikus


      I don't think so, no :(

  14. LMAO I just came across this old TSL video. It's something else. I haven't seen this in nearly 5 years. The laughs. XD

  15. I've been playing a lot of Dark Forces lately. The DarkXL engine mod adds a few undesirable quirks, but I'm really enjoying the game now.

    1. Mephiles550


      It's been several years since this version came out. Don't get your hopes up.

    2. HK-47
    3. Mephiles550


      How incredibly interesting and conveniently timed. Nice find, HK-47.

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  16. Anyone remember OldFlash's Final Touch mod? That was pretty much THE mod to have for TSL back in the days before TSLRCM. Well, that and USM, but they were probably incompatible. :X

    1. milestails


      Yeah. I never dug the screenshots for that mod. Oldflash's vision for the game aesthetically didn't jive with mine. Never used it.

    2. Mephiles550


      I mainly used it for the saber hilts, the new remote model and some other robe skins. The mod kicked ass, even if I didn't really care for some parts of it. The Mandalorian model kicked ass.

  17. After a full year of multiple sequels, the only game I enjoy in the Five Nights at Freddy's series is the first one. That one is actually scary, somewhat. The rest just try to hard. FNaF does have a good story though, I'll give it that.

  18. There's a texture in Kotor called "LKA_Lightbeam666". It goes from 1-5 and then just 666. I laughed.

  19. How likely do you think the possibility for a Kotor 1 remake is? TSL seems highly doubtful, but I think there is a possibility, though slim, for Kotor 1

    1. diegodb


      Since EA is in charge now, highly impossible.

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Why do we need a remake anyway, the games are still fine???

    3. milestails


      It will not happen.

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  20. Sleheyron's music really is a masterpiece and it fits the area it's used in, the mysterious box, perfectly. It took me by surprise to see that the track belonged to Sleheyron, but I can slowly see why it fits. I also love how it's named "The Unknown World" as a reference to how it was meant to be played for a planet no one saw in the game and never knew the history about until years later.

  21. Modding Kotor to be just the way I want it after a reinstall can take hours, but the final result, usually, is worth it. Then a few days later, I usually uninstall and reinstall again and have a different mod setup. It's all part of the fun. :)

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I used to be a gaming adventurer like you until... <(0_~)>

  22. Vanilla Darth Nihilus is too easy of a boss, but giving him Force Death Field instead of just lvl 1 Force Drain makes him way to difficult. He'll sometimes use Death Field 3-4 times in one turn. The power can be really broken sometimes when used by enemies.

    1. Mephiles550


      While giving Nihilus Death Field does make him annoying sometimes, I do enjoy the extra challenge and I think it suits a character of his prowess more than just drain life.

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Yes I agree that he was way too easy for a sith lord that destroys planets.

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I always thought that a party member should die in that fight.

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  23. The bit of content that Obsidian absolutely needed to keep in the game was the scene where HK-47 destroys G0-T0. How would the Exile activate the Shadow Generator if G0-T0 was still active and wouldn't allow it? The Remote obviously couldn't stop him.

    1. Rece


      Don't you just love rushed releases?

  24. Darth Vader vs Darth Sion... who wins?

    1. Rece


      Sion no doubt.