Kainzorus Prime

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Everything posted by Kainzorus Prime

  1. Another update, it seems all of the voice clips of the six-armed maintenance unit in the R&D/Manufacturing Department in the Rogue Employee quest, are broken. Static screeching comes out with every single line of dialogue, although it doesn't result in a crash.
  2. Four years later, can confirm that this issue still persists in 1.5.1. Again, the only fix so far is to enter the area solo, and then re-add the party members once there.
  3. Have you tried running the game as admin and unticking it's folder's read-only property?
  4. All I can tell you is my own personal setup, as I know it works with a replacement for these particulars. Wave PCM signed 16 bit, 44100Hz, 1411kbps, stereo files. Placed in both Override and StreamMusic. Files in StreamSounds left untouched. By the way, for points gained you only need the darkshort/lightshort files. darkside/lightside files play in different circumstances, despite being essentially the same.
  5. I've checked this, and no, with the audio files removed, there doesn't appear to be any lipsynch during the conversation, the optics do not "blink", so to speak. But then again, tweaking the joint stereo setting of the files themselves seems to sort the issue, but I'm not convinced this is the only case, with the heavy amount of custom dialogue in the mod. I will report my further findings of such glitches here, if I encounter any along the way. A little bit of further research reveals that the older set of voicefiles for this particular droid from previous version of the mod does not have the crash present. Those files are Wave PCM unsigned 8bit, 44100Hz, 352kbps, mono files, however. I assume the re-recorded lines were somehow badly encoded, and it's what causes the crashes. A similar screeching static, possibly due to a bad encoding, was found in one of IS-43's files in the Industrial Zone. It's his system overload warning performed by a female voice. However, this particular file does not seem to cause the game to crash.
  6. I have encountered a rather strange issue with 1.5.1. The game crashes at every instance of attempting to speak to the Black Market Droid in the Central Zone. The dialogue attempts to start, then there is about a second of static when the game attempts to play the corresponding audio file, which seems to be either corrupted, or simply unreadable by the game, before crashing. I've discovered that removing the audio files themselves let the dialogue play out smoothly and without incident, and even attempted to manually convert the files from stereo to mono in a possible fix, but without any luck. EDIT: Further testing seems to have revealed the issue - the original voice files are 48000 Hz 320 kbps stereo files. Converting them to joint stereo with the same setting seems to sort out the files, allowing the voice clip to play without crashing.
  7. Has to be a wav file, not an mp3. The only time an mp3 replacement doesn't work, is with those particular files. Also, you can just slap the new ones in override to work, I believe.
  8. This is literally a minor thing that has me raising my eyebrow, but I thought I'd share nonetheless. During the initial phase of Red Eclipse boarding the ship, we get a long shot of the camera going all the way from the loading ramp to the cockpit, only for the relevant bit with Kreia incapacitating Handmaiden to play out once it settles into place. My question, why the long and really, REALLY choppy fly cam sequence through the ship is even there? It doesn't show the slavers moving in, nor does it add to the suspense. The cutscene might as well just start in the cockpit and play out as normal. Also unsure why Sion's theme was chosen as a backdrop for the scene as well.
  9. Hmm... possibility of two versions, perhaps? Full one as a disguise item, hoodless one to occupy the dancer outfit/Revan robes. I could set that up personally.
  10. Gentlemen, I have an open request that might finally happen, since the inter-game ports are allowed. The Sith Eradicator armor, sans the mask. Any takers would be much appreciated.
  11. It requires that particular mod, because the new textures use the meshes from it as a base, obviously. They won't work with vanilla meshes, or similar derivatives.
  12. No. It's because Old Men, are the Future.
  13. Oi. I keep this particular user title for a reason, son.
  14. I find it amusing that someone states "I don't have an issue with people messing with my mod", even though I never said such a thing.
  15. For the time being I've reverted to the legacy, slapped a metric crapton of widescreen fixes from here, plus flawless widescreen. Aside from some minor menu stretches, absolutely tiny subtitles at 3440x1440 and not being able to go up to 100Hz refresh rate, it's pretty much the same experience, enhanced further with proper textures showing.
  16. So, I've noticed a rather peculiar thing, and it's the fact a modded set of environment textures which had the shiny envmaps restored, and worked perfectly fine in the disk version, do not display envmaps at all in the steam one. They're as flat as the vanilla ones, as if the alpha channel wasn't present at all. Which is odd, seeing as the modded characters and weapons display all their envmaps correctly. Testing reveals that the Legacy version on Steam doesn't have this issue either. But this means no proper widescreen support for 21:9, or shite environments. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?
  17. The old version modified a single script. As I understand it, the powers were just appended to the list of existing ones that FE activates already.
  18. That might be a convenient solution. But then again, 1.8.5 is the latest RCM version, and no further updates are planned, and I am unaware of any major updates to M4-78. Might be easier to just go with straight module replacements in this particular case. As I recall, I used the module replacement in K1 prior to the initial release of K1R, but never got around to making a compatible version for it at the time.
  19. Hmm, that could pose an issue, since I was aiming to streamline the TSL installer from having to be run fifty times to install each module, and just have it overwrite the .mod files with the Overhauled ones in one go, in a comprehensive TSLRCM+M4-78 package. The biggest issue people whined about was the need to run the installer for each individual module injection in the past.
  20. I see. It does indeed sound like a harrowing mess with all the possible accidental overrides. Think I'll fine-tune the standard version first, before moving on to a workshop-compatible one.
  21. Alright, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaytes. After years upon years of stalling, I am finally getting back in gear to get both versions of this mod updated. Even got K1 and TSL on steam to speed up the process. I do have one question though, is the method of setting up TSLPatcher for the steam version any different than the disc one? If so, I might need pointers.
  22. Got a quick request, which actually was fulfilled years upon years ago on Lucasforums, but that place is dead and buried. Basically, I'd like the Force Enlightenment to activate every single light side/neutral buff AND the heal power when used. As-is, the powers that get drawn into it are rather selective, and having to cast them separately right after FE and healing between battles is a bit of a chore.
  23. If I might make a suggestion - please don't forget to add some metallic envmaps to the environment textures. Obsidian stripped practically every texture of it's alpha channel envmap, making the environments very, very flat in comparison to K1. Restoring the alpha was easy enough on the vanilla textures, but it would be too small resolution for these new ones. A thing to consider.