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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I might have a good Christmas gift for you all this year. Have you been good? Keep washing those hands and wearing those masks and Santa-Cron will leave something for you on his YT channel. (This will likely be better than a M4-78 documentary for most of you. )
  2. 1 point
    The female PC doesn't hear the Disciple's worries about failure was because Extended Enclave does not spawn Disciple on the Ebon Hawk after the Exile apparently "died", and apparently this happens if Handmaiden is a party member. The dialogue files in my patch have been modified to ensure the dialogue of Disciple's thoughts will fire if he is present, but you won't be able to hear his thoughts if he is absent. Unfortunately, I am unable to fix this issue because I have no idea how to edit the relevant files to spawn Disciple there, and currently I do not have the time and energy to learn how to do so. So I suggest you discuss this issue with danil-ch on Extended Enclave's mod page instead.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    There are only five animations, of which I think only two are glitched, so it should be a straightforward fix. I can likely copy over the original idle animations and stretch the arms out myself. The thing is, though, when I update one of these robe mods, I have to update all of them, and I usually put doing all that off until my vacation time. If you want to remove them in the meantime, you can do so with a hex editor. Open the relevant model file, search for pause1 and pause2, and overwrite those characters with something else of the same length, like xxxxx1 and xxxxx2. That changes the names of the animations, so the model no longer overrides those animations, so it defaults to the ones on the supermodel. That will get rid of the arm glitch but bring back the arm clipping.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    If you open PMBBL01 with KotOR Tool you will see "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal" on the bottom left side of the window. CM_Baremetal is another texture you can find with the KotOR Tool. The alpha layer will determine how much CM_Baremetal "shines" through. Pure black = 100% shining through, white = none. So, the edges of the backpack are very shiny/metallic (see below). I'm not sure how things look in GIMP, since I don't use it. This one already has this functionality of the alpha layer doing that, in other cases you can add a basic text file with the extension .txi instead of .txt, with the same name as the texture to add this functionality *. In that basic text file you would simply have "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal", it's like an instruction on what to do with the alpha layer. About Targa (.tga) types (also not sure how it works in GIMP). There's 3 types; the first is just 1 pixel has a color (16 bits/pixel), the middle one (24 bit/pixel) can have a transparency value per pixel next to the color, the third type (32 bits/pixel) has that alpha layer which we need in this case. So in this case you would want to save your reskin as the 3rd type. * This doesn't always work, sometimes another file says "no, that's not how you behave", but that's a problem for another day.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point

    From the album: VP's Screenshots

    Ajunta Pall Dance party!
  9. 0 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Handmaiden Player Head [TSLPort] This mod adds TSL's Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in KotOR/K1. # Background # This was attempted by request of KohlKatarn from DeadlyStream. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 2 choices of installation: Main: Install TSL ported Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in K1, including her original portraits that are ported from TSL Optional: Install custom portraits to replace the original portraits that are ported from TSL The textures are in TPC format and the portraits are in DDS format. # Final Remarks # This attempt was made easier with helps from DarthParametric's "Mira Player Head for K1" change.ini as the guiding hands; as without learning from his mod's setup, this attempt were not going anywhere lol. Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks for the next update are very much appreciated- just PM me or write a public message on my feed. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe]. Uninstallation: Replace the installed files with the files that are stored in the 'Backup' folder. Compatibility: Will be compatible with most mods that are in surface by now. Potentially not compatible with other mods that tries to replaces the model, textures, portraits and messing with 2DAs rows of this installation. Redistribution: You can redistribute this mod or re-release it on any website as long as it meets their requirement; you don't have to ask for permission, but I do appreciate all the kind intention. Also, if you are planning to use the assets from this mod to a mod you will be developing, don't forget to give credits to BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, and LucasArts as inside this mod are their base assets. Anyway, credit to me is always a welcome, welcome. Credits: DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create any customs for the game KohlKatarn for the idea Dark Hope, VarsityPuppet, redrob41, Sithspecter, JCarter426, Kexikus, Salk and Sith Holocron for being inspirational Elwood288 for without his porting discussion I'd have never learnt about it Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit Chuck Chargin Jr./ndix UR for MDLOps ndix UR again for tga2tpc JCarter426 for resource of K1Supermodels that were used on the attempt Darth Sapiens and Paul Ste. Marie for Bioware's DDS Compression Kit stoffe/Fair Strides for TSLPatcher BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for KotOR and TSL All streamers on DeadlyStream All modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for a place to hangout and to discuss Featured in the screenshots is Dak Drexl's "Dak's Endar Spire Retexture" -eb