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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I agree with everything you said. But I think part of the reason Lucas sold the rights was because of all the backlash he got from the prequels. I remember videos of people saying Lucas ruined their childhoods. I remember people bashing a 10 year old kid, Jake Lloyd cause he was just doing what he was told. I remember hearing stories of crazed fanatical SW fans running up to Hayden and yelling you ruined Vader! Let's not forget the crap the actor who played Jar Jar when through that he considered suicide. All this ultimately fell on George Lucas's shoulders cause these actors were just doing what he told them. So if I was him I tried to wash my clean of SW and sell the rights. That's why I find it funny that these same crazed fanatical fans are now begging for Lucas to come back. The same crazed fans like Simon Pegg who bashed him for a decade.
  2. 2 points
    Get ncsdecomp working properly and you'll be our new best friend.
  3. 2 points
    I liked it. I think it did the best it could with the time it had to make up for the flaws with TLJ, answer the questions opened in TFA, keep a similar tone and style to the other movies, and close the entire series out. With how much it had to deal with going in, I think it turned out nearly as good as it could have. I really wish they had had a coherent plan from the start. This trilogy really suffered from the improv.
  4. 2 points
    This was one the word that I came to when trying to encapsulate what I just saw when leaving the theater for 930 AM showing. (As predicted, my wife dragged me there.) So . . . rushed. Rather than dwell on the avalanche of deserved ire that this movie will earn, I'd rather be thankful that this community here exists so we can remember what we like about all of this. KOTOR. KOTOR now. KOTOR forever.
  5. 2 points
    Hahaha it was terrible. So-bad-it's-funny though, so it's not all bad. Much worse than TLJ. I defended some stuff in TLJ, there's nothing really to defend in this one.
  6. 1 point
    So I went to the premier in my country for free. Have to say it was better than TLJ. It wasnt a bad film but wasnt great. Very forgettable. Ian really made the film for me though. But there was alot of unexplained bs that they will probably leave to the extended canon to answer which was disappointing .
  7. 1 point
    Well yeah Hayden was eye candy. I persoanlly think he portrayed Anakin perfectly let me explain. For the first ten years as a Padawan he lived cloistered and was taught not to give into his feelings. The nhe is reunited with Padme who by that time is a total hottie, and he does not know how to handle his strong feelings towards her. Which makes him act wooden and odd. That's why the romance scenes were cringey cause he did not know how to act in that situation, since he was taught not to give into his emotions. Now I know people will say what about Obi Wan and Mace. Well they were older than Anakin and had been trained since they were very young. So they knew how to handle their emotions. I always said it if the Jedi found Anakin earlier he would have not fallen. In the old canon parent's would give up their children to the Jedi if they were Force sensitive. Usually these children were babies. Anakin was discovered when he was 10. For 10 years he had a strong attachment to his mother. Which is why when Qui Gon presents him to the Council Yoda says he senses great fear in Anakin. This fear was for his mother. Basically he suffered from separation anxiety. Anyway I rambling now. Back on topic. SW is garbage now. I will not go see this movie and although it sounds like a good show, I will not watch the Mandalorian either even though "baby Yoda" is so cute. They made Han into a deadbeat dad, they made Luke into a loser who almost killed his nephew, and they retconned Vader's sacrifice. So both Anakin and Luke failed.
  8. 1 point
    Ngl, Hayden was eye candy. I like him a lot in SW. I think Lucas should have let him have more reign in portraying a nascent Darth Vader. I think he had a good feel for Vader; he was constrained by the directing which is why so many say his acting was wooden. I think Anakin should have been a little older, at least as old as Padme. But Jake Lloyd had a lot of spirit. Yeah, Lucas went without a lot of good advice. But, yeah, I like the prequels overall.
  9. 1 point
    I'm sure that played a part, too. A big part. It can get tiring. Sickening what Ahmed Best, Hayden, and Jake Lloyd have been through. While I think their roles could have been written better in the movies,. it's not the fault of the actors. It should be a meme: Now we wish we were kinder to the Prequels.
  10. 1 point
    So retconning Anakin's sacrifice was Disney's idea and not JJ? Well at least I can give him some credit. But yeah from what you posted it sounded like a disaster.
  11. 1 point
    Just want to share it here. It looks like this movie had a lot of production problems which resulted in the mess it became. This reddit post sounds believable.
  12. 1 point
    Wow, those are some big words right there. Funnily enough, I was thinking the same thing for my future projects. I have a Xbox 360 Kinect sensor that can be used for motion capture, but I didn't think you could actually use it for Kotor. I believe you mentioned something along the lines of MotionBuilder right? If we could transfer the motion to the Kotor rig somehow, then I could actually see myself doing the animations. But we need to figure out the proccess first. Great minds think alike I guess. I see it now. I didn't actually realise the Wookie supermodel has the same names of the humanoid supermodels. There are also some animations like creadyr which is the unarmed ready animation that I have to rename to the most sensical equivalent one which in this case I guess it would be g8r1 and things like that. Thanks again.
  13. 1 point
    Too bad, I was thinking of sub-contracting you to work on a mod idea I had requiring custom stunt animations. I'm currently assessing the practicality of trying to mocap it. Stuff like ctaunt, chturnr, chturnl, cpause1, crun are the creature/monster-named equivalents of human animations, in this case taunt, hturnr, hturnl, pause1, run. They need to be renamed to the human equivalent in order to work after being set as an F model. Of course these ones are super easy, but some of the others aren't so straightforward, like the combat anims. I'd suggest having a look here to start with. And you can probably check out TSL's animations.2da, as that is annotated with descriptions for most of the anims, unlike K1's. However be aware that TSL added a bunch of new anims, so you need to make sure you don't use names that don't exist in K1.
  14. 1 point
    Thank you both for the information. I actually saw that thread before opening this one, and I think it's an interesting idea to do. But making an animation takes me ages, so I don't see myself doing 20 or 30 custom anims, at least not for now. I have other things in my priority list first, but I may come back to this in the future. I can do the renaming thing tho, but I need to understand it first: What do you mean all the creature/ monster anims? Do I have to rename also the ones from the other creature models? I didn't touch those at all for this. Also how do I know the names I have to change to? There are some F modeltypes such as the Dark Jedi that uses a supermodel because they are humans but other such as the Wookies have their own supermodel. So each model have their own anims even though they are all F modeltypes. But the Selkath do not have any supermodel and all their anims are inside the model so how do I figure this out?
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Congratulations to @Sith Holocron's roles as the two wayfinders! I... sort of liked it? But sort of didn't like it. I think I need to have it marinate for a bit.
  17. 1 point
    Batman and Robin was shorter. One up for Batman and Robin - a phrase I never thought I'd ever be saying.
  18. 1 point
    At best it is an average ending to a disappointing and chaotic trilogy and a desperate attempt to fix what was ruined by the 8th. TRoS repeats the pattern of previous two though - it answers its questions while posing another (unanswered ones), uses original cast more as marketing tools than 'childhood legends', completely disregards prequel material, seems to be more rushed than AoTC and TSL put together and its plot is so unoriginal it is actually funny. Music is cool, so are visuals but there is and was no plan, I have no idea what was disney story team thinking but clearly neither do they. It has to be said though that it verges on impossible to bind all the plot lines of the previous 8 movies and at the same time make a good 2 h movie that has its own story and action. In the end from a trilogy that had limitless potential we got ANH remake, some wannabe-edgy movie that has no plot, shits on things established by the predecessors and is the longest one with most filler material while those nearly 3 hrs could be better spent story and character-wise and the grand finale that is just an okay adventure movie that turns into bombastic epic battle packed with easter eggs with not much feeling nor explanation or sense behind it. It could have turned out better had one director ran all three movies - in terms of the story, style and vision. But it could've been worse I guess.
  19. 0 points
    My understanding was that it was Kathleen Kennedy who made the final choice of which cut to produce. But it really doesn't matter. The trilogy was made by people who had no real understanding of Star Wars. Sure they mimicked it well at times, but with no understanding of what made Star Wars work. There was no true Hero's Journey with Rey like there was with Luke. Lucas is a fan of Joseph Campbell, who studied myths and legends and why they carry such strength through the ages. Lucas followed the formula of the Hero's Journey. This, combined with a certain aesthetic from such artists like Ralph McQuarrie, is why Star Wars became so huge. Plus Lucas knew how to break the rules a bit to make a fresh take on an old story, such as the hero being the son of the villain- which was ground breaking at the time. Lucas wasn't even sure if it would work, which is why he had Splinter in the Mind's Eye written to be a back up sequel to Star Wars, if Star Wars was a flop. In the book Splinter in the Mind's Eye Darth Vader was not related to Luke or Leia. But the rest was history and we got a truly great sequel. One would think that Disney understood this, considering the works they have put out over the years, but I guess they didn't. There was the famous account of one Disney executive who simply could not understand why women liked Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. Perhaps they had lost their touch when they morphed into a huge conglomerate consuming anything they could get their hands on. But, then again, Disney was the ones who invented the myth of lemmings migrating themselves into the sea by forcing the poor creatures to do exactly that for a film. Lucas should have never sold Star Wars. He wanted to focus on his family, a very understandable reason. But I think it would have been better to let it rest uncompleted than to turn it over to someone else who could never do it justice. Or he should have retained greater control, at least a strong veto on whatever Disney was trying to do. I can't imagine what he must be feeling now, no matter how much like a Jedi he is in outlook.
  20. 0 points
    Yeah, we know that... like 5 recorded endings, many rewrites, reshoots till 2 weeks before release... a bigger mess I cannot remember.
  21. 0 points
    That feeling when you discover that one of your sever hosts has apparently just vanished into the ether, taking ~10 years of SVN databases with it (and your last remote backup is several months old). Merry Christmas indeed.....