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About This File


Kainzorus Prime


Mod Name:

PC Response Moderation



Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other,

mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself.



1. Info


Ever since my first playthrough, I always found some of the PC responses to range from jarring to downright idiotic. Mainly the ones ending with exclamations.

The light side responses sounded childish, naive and overly enthusiastic at random points, rather than adhere to a code which said to moderate emotions.

The dar kside responses on the other hand lacked any sort of finesse, and sounded like they were spoken by a perpetually angry pubescent child.


This mod was designed to tone down these particular sets of responses by removing the exclamations and replacing them with fullstops, and/or rewriting the lines to more apropriate ones.


2. Instalation:


Unpack the dialog.tlk file into the main KotOR directory. When asked to overwrite the original, select yes.


3. Usage


The mod will replace the lines as soon as the dialog.tlk is placed into the main KotOR folder.




Download default dialog.tlk file here - http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php#de


Replace the modded file with the one downloaded from the link above.


5. Credits:


Special thanks to:


Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources.




This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian.

Please do not contact them for support of this mod.



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks

and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are

trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp.


Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment.


All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

What's New in Version 1.01


  • Fixed some punctuation errors.
  • Adjusted some lines.
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User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Thank GOD! KotOR definitely needed the player dialogue rewritten. TSL's player dialog was much better(not perfect) but better, part of the reason I like TSL more.

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I really love this mod.  I added it and the conversations are much better. I never liked how some of them were either, considering you use to be a powerful Jedi and then powerful Sith Lord. I mean even people with power know how to talk instead of immature like.  It is an awesome mod and give it 100/10! :)

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Does this work with Android phones, with a paid Google kotor game? Please help me understand.

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Hey, was trying to make this great mod compatible with a few other mods and was wondering if you had a TSLPatcher version laying around?

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Any chance I could use this with K1R 1.1? I have a feeling they are not compatible but I would like to find a way to use both if possible?

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I must first say that is is an essential mod in my Override. :)


Your writing is both measured and definitely speaks well of The PC as an actual character rather than a rambling moron. (

Unless Revan's mind really was affected by the Jedis' efforts, and he's partially brain-damaged. :P



As a personal request, could you maybe fix/change the "Force, what's that?" or "The Star Forge, what's that?" or, "Sith Empire, what's that?" statements that make me cringe every time I read them?.... 

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Is this KR1 compatible?


There should be no issues if you install it before K1R, as K1R appends additional dialogue to the same file. (You can reinstall K1R after replacing the dialogue.tk file, should work fine.)

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Will this mod conflict with other mods that edit dialog.tlk, such as Inyri Forge's PC Female Mandalorians mod? I absolutely adore your mod and find it pretty much essential at this point, I hope I can run both mods.



Okay, so I have attempted to use both mods, and unfortunately they do not work together. Keep this in mind, if you use this mod. You will not be able to have sexy Mandalorian ladies in your game :C

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Get on it please! 


I agree with this.


I would also like to see a version of this that uses TSLPatcher.

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I finally had a chance to review your work at length. Pretty good! Definitely a good idea removing all those ridiculous exclamations and general idiocy.


Of course the quality is a bit uneven. An intention seems lost on occasion, e.g. some of the threats lose force. And you overcompensated a little towards unnatural, pompous dialogue. For example, you seem to think replacing verbs with nouns is automatically an improvement, e.g.:

"If you resist me, Carth, I'll destroy you" -> "Resistance will only lead to your destruction, Carth"


Overall, though, a good effort.

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  • Haha 1

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New here: does the fact that there's no TSL Patcher version mean that this won't work with the BoS:SR mod?

It has no TSL Patcher, so you would have to use this first, then apply anything with TSL after, like K1R or BoS:SR.

Thats what i was told, and how i will make my mod folder.

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PC Response with KotorR doesn´t work for me :(. Have installed PC Response first and then KotorR. After editing a new character and press play, the game drops to desktop. no chance to get into game again. have to use TaskManager and kill the kotor.exe


I had only installed these two mods.

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PC Response with KotorR doesn´t work for me :(. Have installed PC Response first and then KotorR. After editing a new character and press play, the game drops to desktop. no chance to get into game again. have to use TaskManager and kill the kotor.exe


I had only installed these two mods.

Check in Graphic Options "Frame Buffer". If you have this Active, uncheck this and start a new game again, sometimes it's causes errors.

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