1 Screenshot

About This File

The K1 Community Patch (K1CP) is a compilation of previous bugfix mods and a multitude of new original fixes put together with the intention of resolving the many and various issues that KOTOR has. This includes some well-known game breaking bugs/softlocks, broken quests, inaccessible content, as well as lesser issues such as problems in conversations, visual inconsistencies, player annoyances, etc. The intention is for the changes to be as seamless as possible, fixing and improving things whilst still retaining the original developer intent.

A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and allowed them to be included in this patch! Unfortunately, the individual list of changes has grown far too long to be included in this post. However, you can view a detailed breakdown of each author's individual contributions in the included readme file and a summary of the changes the current version has made since the previous release in the changelog file.

List of Contributing Authors (alphabetical):

  • A Future Pilot
  • blennus
  • danil-ch
  • darthbdaman
  • DarthParametric
  • Ebmar
  • Frykas
  • Gimmick5000
  • jc2
  • JCarter426
  • Kainzorus Prime
  • Kexikus
  • KOTOR 1 Restoration Team
  • Leilukin
  • Markus Ramikin
  • N-DReW25
  • ndix UR
  • R2-X2
  • Red Hessian
  • Salk
  • th3w1zard1
  • Thrak Farelle
  • WildKarrde

Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files.

Warning: Never run the installer from inside the archive! Always extract the archive onto your hard drive first.

N.B.: With the advent of version 1.10.0, K1CP has migrated away from the use of TSLPatcher and switched to HoloPatcher. This allows for additional patching functionality and resolves some bugs encountered with TSLPatcher. HoloPatcher is also multi-platform. The bundled installer is the Windows version, but Mac and Linux users can download the appropriate installer for their system here.

It is highly recommended that you do not install the game on your system's C drive, especially in Program Files. Windows can have permissions issues when trying to install the mod to a C drive destination. If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's Properties pop-up in Steam.

The mod now has translations in French and Russian, available as separate patches. To use, first download the base K1CP v1.10.0 archive and extract it to your harddrive. Download your translation patch of choice and extract its contents into K1CP's tslpatchdata folder. Proceed to install the mod as normal.

Traduction (Français - Harlockin):
Le mod a maintenant des traductions en français et en russe, disponibles sous forme de patchs séparés. Pour l'utiliser, téléchargez d'abord l'archive de base de K1CP v1.10.0 et extrayez-la sur votre disque dur. Téléchargez le patch de traduction de votre choix et extrayez son contenu dans le dossier tslpatchdata de K1CP. Procédez à l'installation du mod comme d'habitude.

Переводы (Русский - olegkuz1997):
Мод теперь включает в себя переводы на французский и русский языки, доступные в виде отдельных патчей. Для использования сперва скачайте базовый архив K1CP v1.10.0 и распакуйте его на жесткий диск. Скачайте нужный вам патч с переводом и извлеките его содержимое с заменой в папку tslpatchdata K1CP. После чего приступите к установке мода как обычно.

Compatibility/Known Issues:
K1CP uses module injection in an attempt to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. This may result in issues with mods that simply put files in the Override folder. It is recommended that you consult the individual authors of any large scale mods, particularly those that edit DLGs and scripts, as to whether their work is compatible with K1CP. Some mods will likely require updates, some may need to be installed in a specific order, whilst others may be fundamentally incompatible.

K1CP currently only supports the English language version of the game, and makes a number of edits to the TLK file in English. If anyone is able to provide translations of these changes to other languages, please let us know.

The KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is incompatible with K1CP, however there is ongoing work to re-create the K1R mod for K1CP: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2345-restored-content-for-k1cp-demo/

These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve:


If you find any others, especially with changes/additions K1CP makes, please report them on the Github issue page or here on Deadly Stream so they can be addressed. Be sure to include as much information as possible, including a list of all the other mods you have installed, the order you installed them in, steps to reproduce the problem, along with screenshots and save files, if appropriate. You may also be directed to provide the install log file, a list of the contents of your Override folder, and specific MOD files from your modules folder.

Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is the recommended approach for uninstalling K1CP. However, HoloPatcher does provide uninstall Shell (Bash) and PowerShell scripts which will work as long as K1CP was the most recent mod installed.

Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it.


  • All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream
  • Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool
  • tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF
  • JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS
  • stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd
  • bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax
  • ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+
  • seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+
  • Cortisol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor
  • th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher
  • Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools
  • DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools
  • Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds at https://kotor.neocities.org/modding/mod_builds/
  • danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template
  • Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes



What's New in Version 1.10.0   See changelog


You can read the full changelog at https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

Added French and Russian translation optional files.

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Hace 15 minutos, DarthParametric dijo:

Adjunte el archivo de registro que se creó en la carpeta del instalador.

instalarlog.txtIs this, right?

Edited by Gonza2332

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Well for starters, you have clearly installed the mod multiple times. Do not do that. Start from a clean installation of the game.

Beyond that, it installed successfully. What's the problem?

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Hace 10 minutos, DarthParametric dijo:

Bueno, para empezar, claramente has instalado el mod varias veces. No hagas eso. Comienza desde una instalación limpia del juego.

Más allá de eso, se instaló exitosamente. ¿Cuál es el problema?

Tuve que instalarlo varias veces porque no vi ninguna modificación en el juego. Incluso transfirí los datos de Steam a una unidad fuera de C.: como decía el post, pero esta vez es la primera vez que lo hago en esta descarga tanto del juego como de Steam (que volvió a la C.: conducir). El problema es que los bugs y errores siguen sin solucionarse, pude jugar con paciencia teniendo que cargar juegos porque no podía moverme o porque el juego se bloqueaba, pero ya es insoportable porque las texturas se volvieron locas cuando llegué a las pistas de Dantooine. . He guardado partidas de juegos pasados porque no quiero perder el progreso, entonces puede ser eso, pero mi principal preocupación es que los archivos en la propia carpeta kotor sigan igual, sin modificaciones, no sé si eso debería suceder

Edited by Gonza2332

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You cannot use existing saves. You must start a completely fresh game from scratch.

Disable grass in the settings to fix your problem on Dantooine.

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Just now, DarthParametric said:

No puedes usar guardados existentes. Debes comenzar un juego completamente nuevo desde cero.

Desactive el césped en la configuración para solucionar su problema en Dantooine.

Thanks you very much, thats was my principal problem, have a good day

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12 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Yeah it's because of HoloPatcher being packed as a self-contained Python application. Your options: update your AV's definitions, whitelist the file/folder, submit a false-positive report, swap to a different AV.

Would downloading Holopatcher separatley and pasting the application in the K1CP file work? I tried this and it was able to install. 

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HoloPatcher has been updated several times since K1CP released, so that exe will have a different "signature". Since the detection is entirely heuristic, it's a crap-shoot as to whether any particular version will be flagged or not. But as far as functionality goes, there's no problem using the separately downloaded exe. We'll likely switch to a new version of HP in the event we push out a hotfix at some point.

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20 hours ago, Gonza2332 said:

I'm sorry if I expressed myself wrong, English is not my native language and I am using a translator. I can download and extract the file, but when I run the installer and choose the game folder, it has no modifications, only a few folders are added to the folder where the installer was extracted, but the game still has the same problems as before try to install the patch. I don't know if it's something with my PC or if I'm doing something wrong, or if you just have to add some files or folders to the game, know what they are, I hope you can help me.

You should have an 'errorlog.txt' or a 'installlog.txt' in the same folder as HoloPatcher if it was a holopatcher error.

Sounds like you're saying your game already has problems before installing k1cp? If so you should be asking in tech support. Try reinstalling your game, or post more informative details so we can help you.

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20 hours ago, th3w1zard1 said:

You should have an 'errorlog.txt' or a 'installlog.txt' in the same folder as HoloPatcher if it was a holopatcher error.

Sounds like you're saying your game already has problems before installing k1cp? If so you should be asking in tech support. Try reinstalling your game, or post more informative details so we can help you.

I got my antivirus to not consider the Holopatcher installer a threat and it installs, but I don't get any installog.txt after. All I get is a "remove these files' in the 'backup' folder. Also, the Holopatcher installer closes by itself. And sometimes the backup puts other things in there like streamsounds and some module files. It gives me something different each time for some reason. 

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That should be it, yes.

If you do find something that's not in the TLK (i.e. a local string in a DLG, etc.) then please report it - preferably on the Github repository linked in the description and readme - and we'll address it in a subsequent patch.

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Here's the french translated append.tlk file. I didn't modify some line "Trandoshan Battle Cry 1" and the like 'cause i'm not sure if they should be. I'll look into the other dlg etc. but it'll be a pain to find local string


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 3 hours ago, Harlockin said:

Here's the french translated append.tlk file.

Thanks. We can provide it as an optional download. We'll probably need a separate readme for it. Would you be willing to translate that as well once it's written? Probably won't happen until the weekend.

 3 hours ago, Harlockin said:

it'll be a pain to find local string

There shouldn't be any, in theory. But it's always possible that something slipped through the cracks, especially from older inclusions from the early versions of the mod.

3 hours ago, Harlockin said:

I didn't modify some line "Trandoshan Battle Cry 1" and the like 'cause i'm not sure if they should be.

That's fine. The soundset StrRef text only appears when viewing the SSF (you can see it in KTool, etc.). It's not visible in the game itself.

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3 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Thanks. We can provide it as an optional download. We'll probably need a separate readme for it. Would you be willing to translate that as well once it's written? Probably won't happen until the weekend.

Sure no problem

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I'm not sure if I should write here, but since threads on GitHub are based mostly on bug reports, and that's not the point of my post, I'll write.
It's a beautiful complex mod, which was worked on by many talented modders, and I think that it should be translated into Russian, there are also a lot of people here that love this game. So, so to speak, I am also taking up the baton.
In this regard, I want to clarify something for myself.
Is the translated one supposed to be only append.tlk? It seems pretty small (only 40 lines). Probably need to dig into the mod files.
The first 11 lines look like just the cut off the tails of the original game. These are the closing lines of quests that would hang in the log until the penultimate island planet under certain situations. Since I translated K1R back in the day, this isn't a problem (I think even the lines are the same).
Next comes some edits to a side quest with the son of one of the nobles on Dantooine, a stumping of tails with the Dustil quest, line 31 fixes the gender Revan, I assume? Which is not good, because we use 2 dIalog.tlk the second one is the letter "F" on the end. So we have two text files for both genders. I assume the line from the mod will overwrite them? Well never mind, we can write something in between.
I've been translating in TalkEd, will there be no problem with it? I mean errors with Cyrillic and not reading the format.
Anyway, here is the append.tlk file translated into Russian. I'm willing to translate anything else that is needed if you point it out to me.


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On 3/12/2024 at 1:29 PM, olegkuz1997 said:

Is the translated one supposed to be only append.tlk? It seems pretty small (only 40 lines). Probably need to dig into the mod files.

Yes, that should be all of it. There aren't many changes: mostly to add missing journal entries as you noticed.

On 3/12/2024 at 1:29 PM, olegkuz1997 said:

Which is not good, because we use 2 dIalog.tlk the second one is the letter "F" on the end. So we have two text files for both genders. I assume the line from the mod will overwrite them?

You can add a file called appendf.tlk for the female variations of each line. TSLPatcher (and I presume HoloPatcher) will patch both dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk if both append.tlk and appendf.tlk files are present. appendf.tlk needs to have the same number of lines as append.tlk, even if there is no translation difference. It would probably be easiest to duplicate append.tlk, rename it to appendf.tlk, and then modify only the lines that require a different translation.

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Something is causing Webroot to identify the installer as malware. It is not doing this with the installers of other mods.

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3 minutes ago, MotleyNerd said:

Something is causing Webroot to identify the installer as malware. It is not doing this with the installers of other mods.

It's a false-positive:

On 3/3/2024 at 6:04 PM, DarthParametric said:

Yeah it's because of HoloPatcher being packed as a self-contained Python application. Your options: update your AV's definitions, whitelist the file/folder, submit a false-positive report, swap to a different AV.

You can also try downloading the latest version of HoloPatcher and using that instead - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2243-holopatcher/


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Dudes, I want to say a warm thank you for the patch, fixes a lot of ridiculous things that BW and LA etc didn't bother to fix. I respect the gameplay and story part, dialog fixes, animations, etc, actually that's why I installed it. BUT why not make a small part of the patch optional? For example -high-polygonal npc models, I do not care about graphics at all, and my computer is ancient. I do not know the guts of the game, but on Taris after installing the mod began terrible lags, in all cantinas and the upper city. I could be wrong, but this patch replaced some wandering mooks with MC player, am I right?
I'd like to enjoy the story, not the graphical contrivances.
What do you think about that, hmm?

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The vision that plays when the player rescues Bastila plays again in the Taris apartment. According to the patch notes, it should only play once. 

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It's possible some other mod broke it. List the other mods you have installed and attach tar_m02af.mod from your Modules folder.

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