Sithspecter 909 Posted August 21, 2016 A lot of the time around here, we see folks' beautiful finished creations! They are certainly wonderful, and deserve recognition. However, most of us (there are a few exceptions), had less-than-stellar first mods. We all had to start somewhere. So let's revisit our very first mods for better or for worse. Post pictures, a description, and what you were thinking when you first came up with the mod! My very first mod was titled "World War 2 New Area Beta". In an extremely ill-considered mod attempt, I decided to re-create the movie Kelly's Heroes in KotOR. Did it make sense? Not even a little bit. Did I have any modding experience? Absolutely not. But that didn't stop young Sithspecter from taking a crack at it. I made one or two areas associated with the mod (extremely poor quality), before giving up and moving on to better things. That didn't stop me from releasing my already terrible progress though, and here were the results: ] 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted August 21, 2016 Impossible Difficulty Restoration. I had decided to share a bit of K1R while it was in early development in the form of giving people that option. I wonder who was here long enough to remember it being a separate mod download? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted August 21, 2016 My very first released mod was a red-head version of the third female asian head, PFHA03. It actually reminded somebody (I think VP?) of the Bloodrayne series, which I had not (and have not) ever played before or heard of. I just saw Miro42's Mara Jade mod and felt we needed a decent red-head mod. So I decided to try it on my favorite head. Sadly, I no longer really know what I was thinking with the eyes, but I might update it at some point to bring in better eyes. Here's the link: My first ever actual bit of modding was reskinning Glovemaster's Halo Energy Sword to be a more accurate white-blue instead of his pink-purple-white shading, but that was never released. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 21, 2016 My first KOTOR mod was this thing called TSLRCM, albeit to be fair some other people worked on it too. It was HORRIBLE 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted August 21, 2016 My first KOTOR mod was this thing called TSRLCM, albeit to be fair some other people worked on it too. It was HORRIBLE We're really proud that you're willing to own up to that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 21, 2016 TSLRCM? That thing is so horrible that I get ZERO requests for it in the modding request thread. My first and only mod is Aleema Keto's Robe Description Correction. A simple fix designed to fit in with established lore (read: Wookiepedia) regarding Aleema Keto's past. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthRevan101 104 Posted August 21, 2016 My first mod wasn't too long ago, wherein I added a small quest/merchant character to the game. It was really just to see if I could do it. My first proper mod I guess is an expansion of that - a mod that allows you to recruit said character by replacing T3-M4. It's a rough job compared to more polished recruitment mods (Like Recruitable Kay) but I was quite proud of it when I released it. Here's the uggo in all his purple glory: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canderis 180 Posted August 21, 2016 I've long since lost the files so I don't have any pictures, but my first mod I added a gotee to mullet-man. It looked like sharpie. I was 12 years old. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 21, 2016 My first KOTOR mod was this thing called TSLRCM, albeit to be fair some other people worked on it too. It was HORRIBLE I thought that was by Team Iriaz.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eauxps I. Fourgott 81 Posted August 21, 2016 My first KOTOR mod was this thing called TSLRCM, albeit to be fair some other people worked on it too. It was HORRIBLE Hey, that was my first mod! ...that I played, that is. Never made one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted August 21, 2016 Onderon Traveler Clothing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 21, 2016 ...that I played, that is. Never made one.First mod I played would be Ulic's Peragus fixes... followed by TSLRP's leaked beta. The giant list of bugs I made for that mod, promptly ignored, were very helpful to eliminate them all in TSLRCM (or just bother Zbyl and Stoney with, excluding that mod's specific issues of course). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted August 22, 2016 You don't know what you've started here, SithSpecter.... My first mod was released on PCGameMods on June 7, 2005, when woolly mammoths stalked the earth, small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri, all this was fields, and you young people don't know you're bo- sorry, where was I? The mod was called Recruit Darth InSidious v1.1b. It was version 1.1b, because I'd needed a lot of help from Darth333 to make the damn thing work, since I'd more or less just directly copied the source code for Recruit RedHawke, down to the filenames. >_ There are no screenshots, because, having been released in the Dark Ages Before Time Itself, and more to the point, before I had broadband, I never made any - partly because there were no new textures. (I can't take one at the moment because KotOR I and Windows 10 don't like each other very much). Testing it earlier, the scripting is OK, minus a couple of idiotic bugs (somehow the text in the dialogue that fires the spawn script has vanished, and the recruitable NPC has no clothes). You can, however, choose which party member to replace, and there's a comparatively large* amount of truly terrible dialogue. Herebelow is a sample of said truly terrible dialogue: Darth InSidious (for it is he): My ship was damaged badly due to some misplaced hyperspace co-ordinates. We flew into an asteroid, and I was forced to take an escape pod down here. Player: 1. You have no ship, but surely there are others who can take you where you wish? 2. Why are you standing half-naked in the corridor? 3. You're lying! Darth InSidious: Because my clothing and armours are hidden, to prevent thieves from taking them..... Player: Oh. Okay then.... Darth InSidious: Good....good....I shall collect my luggage and go to your ship. I sense, however, that someone must leave you ship for a time, for there are many on board...... And so on. In 2006, I still had designs on revisiting the mod, something I'm now very glad I didn't. Fortunately, I can't remember much about the development process, though I seem to recall having to hand-grind the eye of newt. *Comparatively large amount, compared to most recruit mods then, and, come to think of it, now. But not compared to, say, Recruitable Kay, or, say, Ralph Roister Doister. My first KOTOR mod was this thing called TSLRCM, albeit to be fair some other people worked on it too.It was HORRIBLE Pshaw, you say worked. You were, what, the beta-tester? Anyway, I seem to recall both of us being involved in a series of betas for another mod, long ago... was it by Team Brith? Team Kataarn? Anyway, I'm sure it's definitely coming out any day now. The mod's developer assured us he would definitely get it finished in between having MEGA SEXY SEX with his SUPER HOT GIRLFRIEND WHO IS DEFINITELY REAL OKAY. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eauxps I. Fourgott 81 Posted August 22, 2016 Onderon Traveler Clothing You made that one? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted August 22, 2016 You made that one? Yep. First mod. I only had an Xbox at the time so it was super hard to even get a screenshot of what the mod did. Back then, KOTORFiles would reject any mods that did not have at least one screen shot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eauxps I. Fourgott 81 Posted August 22, 2016 Yep. First mod. I only had an Xbox at the time so it was super hard to even get a screenshot of what the mod did. Back then, KOTORFiles would reject any mods that did not have at least one screen shot. Cool. That's actually one of the mods I use now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted August 22, 2016 Ahahah TSLRCM 1.8.3 with the installer that wasn't even a tslpatcher installer. It was like a beautiful installer, I didn't even select where it went; it just went there! I was so ignorant, I found it off of Oh man it was amazing. I loved almost every inch of it. Sadly, not so much that droid planet. Wow that was about 3 years ish ago. I gotta say I'm thankful for all the modders that helped create TSLRCM. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadMan 103 Posted August 22, 2016 First mod? I don't remember, it was so long ago. But I'm sure it was some minor robe reskin for personal use (so it was never released). After that there were some custom lightsaber color crystals with really cheating stats, but I played with Hardcore mod, so they weren't very game breaking. Never released it too. Sorry, there are no screenshots, it was too long ago. The first released mod? I believe it was early version of this, released on PCGameMods. And some time after that I released the very first (and really ugly) version of mod which evolved into THIS. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 22, 2016 My first mod is only about two years old and is the Canon Galaxy Map for K1. I had always used bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix in my numerous unfinished TSL playthroughs and when I finally got to play Kotor 1, I was really pissed that the map is sooo bad in this game (especially since I've always loved to study Star Wars galaxy maps) So at some point, I think it was when I did my second K1 playthrough, but it might have been directly after the first one as well, I took bead-v's mod and tried to figure out how all of this works to apply it to K1. And it turned out to be easier than expected, I published my first mod and I'm still here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 22, 2016 VP, Weren't you known as VPcombat on KotOR Files around the time you released that mod? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jorak Uln 458 Posted August 22, 2016 My first mod were the Pazaak animated textures 2 1/2 years ago, which turned out better than i expected but only because i practised a lot of texturing on the K2 helmets before my first release. They looked awful - e.g. for the force shield one i just took a ressource with a fire texture and plastered it onto that helmet... and i remember i was also doing a lot of practise on the PLC panels as well - took me at least 100 tries until they looked like something. The first tries i didnt show in the forum - were horrible, but step by step it got better until much later the mod was released. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LDR 234 Posted August 23, 2016 Mine was the infamous New Krath Items mod. I was 12.;106809 Haven't done anything remotely of note since. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 23, 2016 LKIM was pretty noteworthy. Used it tons of times back in the day. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhaboka 92 Posted August 25, 2016 LKIM was legit. I've never released a mod, although I do I have my own custom saber colors mod (I'm very obsessive-compulsive about such things). But the first mod I every recorded a voiceover for appears to be a Basic rendering of Daemon Drexl's dialogue for a BoS:SR add-on that never got released. First released one might be Newbie's Korriban expansion, not sure... The one I want released the most that's still kicking around in development is Insidious' K1 holocrons mod - my VOs for that were awesome, and I don't usually think anything I do is awesome. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted August 25, 2016 The one I want released the most that's still kicking around in development is Insidious' K1 holocrons mod - my VOs for that were awesome, and I don't usually think anything I do is awesome. Which one? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites