ZM90 100 Posted June 16, 2015 File Name: KotOR 1 Restoration File Submitter: ZM90 File Submitted: 15 Jun 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 Read-Me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NAME: KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2TYPE: RestorationVERSION: 1.2SIZE - Unzipped: 145 Megabytes, Zipped: 47.2 MegabytesDATE RELEASED: May 31, 2016KOTOR 1 RESTORATION FORUMS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» DESCRIPTION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING: IN ALMOST ALL CASES, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO INSTALL THE K1R RESTORATION BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! THE ONLY EXCEPTION SO FAR IS KAINZORUS PRIME'S NPC OVERHAUL... The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» INTEGRATED MODS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With permission, the following mods (or group of fixes) have been included in K1R 1.2: - Salk's Dialogue Fixes 2.0 (Fixes various typos in the English version of the game)- Kainzorus Prime's Korriban and Manaan Music Fixes (correct music now plays)- Red Hessian's Desert Wraid and Shyrack Texture Fix (proper textures)- Kexikus' Manaan Quest Endings- Kexikus' Fixed Shields (Shields now block the proper damage types)- danii-ch's KotOR Bug Fix Attempt 1.0 (Bastila Romance glitch, Calo's soundset, and tweaks/corrections to the Leviathan)- All of the fixes from*/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» RESTORED CONTENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the content that can be restored has been. This includes content for literally every planet. - Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla "Hard" difficulty- Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC's injuries. (Thanks to zbyl2 for this!)- Numerous restorations to the Lower City- Numerous restorations to the Under City- Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel- Restored Droid Items- Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina- Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights.- Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it- Sith Base, numerous restorations- Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do.- Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)- Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)- Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave- Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC's gender.- The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of "Glowing Puddle" however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version.- Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann's modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas.- Restored Crattis dialogue to sell lightsaber crystals.- A swathe of Jawa-work on Tatooine.- Restored dialogue with Bastila's Mother.- Restored shape-shifting for Genoharadan Rulan on Kashyyk.- Pazaak Tournament on Manaan.- Restored Party Dialogue on Sea Floor.- Alternate way into Sith Base on Manaan.- Funny dialogue with bartender on Korriban.- Alternate route on Leviathan.- Goodies on Unknown World, including restored Injured Sith Apprentice.- Restored Female Dark Side Ending.- Restored the True Form of the Sith Armor Quest on Taris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~»» Original game: » Taris:- Item Duplication exploit with Brejik's gear- Dueling exploit to get two of Bendak's Blaster- Zelka's assistant Gurney informs you about selling the serum after you've given it to Zelka » Dantooine:- Resolving the Sandral-Matale Feud peacefully would allow you to keep talking to Rahasia and restarting the cutscene- Wandering Jedi near the Ebon Hawk forgot to keep walking after they were done talking to you » Ebon Hawk:- Infinite DS exploit when you make Sasha leave the ship. Her leaving is now part of the dialog- Originally, Bastila only had three comments on the visions. A line was re-used for a fourth interaction, allowing you to see all four visions if you travel between planets before the Leviathan » Tatooine:- If you rescued Griff without Mission, Griff would meet you at your ship; Mission would have no clothes on » Kashyyyk:- Several bugs related to Bacca's Blade would prevent you from ever obtaining it » Manaan:- Bug in the Iridonian Mercenary's dialog would make it seem to freeze, requiring you to hit 1 or 2 to proceed- Elora would confess to Sunry's affair if Bastila or Jolee is present, but you wouldn't get any plot EXP from it- Bug in Ignus the hotel owner's dialog, preventing him from testifying for you if you Force Persuade him- Getting exiled from Manaan would not remove any unfinished quests on the planet » Korriban:- Mismatched soundsets for the three Sith that attack you in the Valley of the Sith Lords- Blowing up the pillar in Ajunta Pall's Tomb; you could still interact with objects and permanently glitch out whicever party members are with you. Now changed to a dialog instead of an inventory- Having to fight your way out of the Sith Academy would not remove any prestige quests that you would never be able to turn in » The Leviathan:- Multiple camera angles and lack of gender checks during Saul's interrogation » Yavin Station:- Multiple dialog errors when the Trandoshans arrive, causing the dialog to break at several points » General stuff:- Bug during Xor's ambush that would prevent Ziagrom and any other messengers from ever spawning, locking you out of a unique store and the other party members' quests- Many TLK corrections involving grammar and typos. »» K1R Bugs: » Taris:- Playing Pazaak with a mechanic in the Vulkar Base would not update the "Pazaak Rules" quest- Bug between Rakghouls and a Sith Patrol in the Sewers, interrupting their dialog- Interaction with Main Level computer in the Vulkar Base giving a node error- Angry Aqualish in the Vulkar Base Sub-level would have two triggers to his conversation- Vulkar Coward on the Main Level had a blank line with audio- Gamorrean Cleaver had several issues involving description, name, and wielding- Elevator Passcodes and the "One for the Mechanic" quest not disappearing after Taris » Dantooine:- Crattis Yukal not mentioning buying crystals- Sharina Fizark's first name was "Cantina" by mistake- Republic Sentries now attack Kath Hounds if they get within range » Kashyyyk:- Various issues related to Jolee's extra fight have been fixed; the entire scene was re-done differently » Manaan:- You are no longer able to ask Ceeiia or Irog questions until after you beat them; this was to avoid getting trapped into playing them again » The Leviathan:- All doors involved in all of Major Hurka's cutscenes now close at the right times- Two guards now walk into the Medical Bay properly- Lip-sync corrections all-around with Major Hurka's content- Cutscenes for Major Hurka now play out only once and work properly in all (hopefully) conditions- If you use Major Hurka, you are now able to also see Canderous' comm message like you normally would have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There weren't too many bugs in KotOR 1, thus there is such a short list. »» Taris:- Retracted the added NPCs in the Lower City (due to them being custom content)- Retracted the added NPCs (Caalin and his bodyguards) from the Vulkar Base Sublevel(due to them being custom content)- Streamlined the Vulkar Base's restored content; should be understandable and easy to follow- Fixed the issue with interacting with the Sith Guard beside the elevator into the Lower City- Fixed holes in the Sith Armor Quest that would prevent obtaining a second set- Fixed issues revolving around Yun Genda and Sarna's dialog about the party »» Dantooine:- Fixed all the Jedi around the Ebon Hawk on Dantooine to keep on walking after talking- Fixed Iriaz-Kath Hound relations- Restored a Mandalorian Datapad that was previously unobtainable in-game- When you recruit Juhani, she should be wearing actual clothing- Fixed an occurence where certain dialog options with Shen and Rahasia would cause them to not appear at the Jedi Enclave when the should have »» Kashyyyk:- When you recruit Jolee, he should be wearing actual clothing »» Korriban:- Fixed Juhani's dialog about Korriban's evil so that it could actually be triggered after you found the Star Map »» Tatooine:- Retracted the Jawa confrontation in the Dune Sea(due to it being custom content) and instead brought in Jawa Scavengers »» Manaan:- Fixed occurrences and movements of the restored Echani Mercenary and Gonto Yas- Restored Gonto Yas at the Manaan Hotel (Go to the hotel after the Pazaak Tourney to see the new dialog)- Restored Hukta Jax and his thugs attacking the PC for winning the swoop race- Re-arranged and edited Pazaak Tourney dialogs to try to avoid game-breaking errors »» The Leviathan:- Fixed Major Hurka's content running twice- You are no longer able to access the spacesuits if Major Hurka is helping you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» INSTALLATION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation. Alternatively, a secondary installer has been made for convenience. It will not patch the files like the TSL Patcher will, but it should be less of a headache for most users. HOWEVER, IT WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! Note: The K1R team is not responsible for any incompatibility issues that may arise from the use of this mod in conjunction with other mods. Also, in order to provide the best feedback for us we recommend that you play K1R with NO other mods installed. Note 2: If using the TSL Patcher AND your game is in English, before installing, copy the dialog.tlk file bundled with this package into the KotOR directory. This will give you the grammar and typo fixes to the vanilla text. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~»»»» TSL PATCHER INSTALLATION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1) Double click K1R_1.2_Installer.exe found in the main directory of the unpacked folder.2) Click the button labeled Install Mod.3) Click yes to the box that'll pop up... if you wish to proceed with installation.4) Watch as all the little file names and progress reports scroll by and wait until the installer is complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» BUG REPORTING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There are 2 ways to report bugs:1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream. TO REPORT THROUGH PM 1) Go to DeadlyStream ( and search for the user Fair Strides ( )2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week. TO REPORT THROUGH THE BUG THREAD:1) Go to the Bug Thread ( )2) Reply quoting and answering all of the questions as they apply to your issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» VOICE ACTOR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pazaak Tournament Mandalorians...ZhabokaFilters for Zaerdra's lines......ZhabokaFilters for sea floor lines......Zhaboka Thanks Zhaboka. You really brought life to the characters, and those parts would be pretty lame without you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» CONTRIBUTORS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZM90:-Restored "Impossible Difficulty" to the game.-Restored the majority of Juhani's cut dialog.-Restored Sharina Fizark on Dantooine.-Restoration of the cut Dantooine lockers.-Restoration of the alternate darkside female ending-Restoration of a few other surprises so keep a eye out!-MANY Fixes and restorations throughout the game zbyl2:-Restoration of Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris-Fixes to Gana Lavin's appearance consistency Fallen Guardian:-Restored Hurka on Leviathan-Various edits to Leviathan-LOTS of work on Taris-Fixed Trask's soundset-Restored/Aided in restoration of various Kashyyyk elements LDR:-Restored various items on Unknown World-Began restoration of injured sith apprentice (dialogue) Fair Strides:-Finished restoration of injured sith apprentice-Secret surprise in Unknown World Temple :D -Pazaak Tournament on Manaan (with advice and aid from ZM90 and advice from LDR and Fallen Guardian)-Bug-fixed the Demo, created installer-Restored Rulan's Shape-shifting and Wookie Amulet. Malkior:-LOTS of grammar and typo fixes... LiliArch:-Various adjustments and fine-tuning of the Taris Lower City-Hex-editing models for low-end computers-Texture fix for the Scoundrel (Male only?) clothing that I had honestly never noticed until you said something Seamhiann:-Iriaz Restoration-Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration-Deadeye Duncan Restoration-Echani Mercenary Restoration Dan Loto:-Taris Lower City module, tar_m03aa-Taris Lower City module, Dan Loto's permission to edit some things. Namely the citizens will be attacked by the Vulkars and the vulkar scout will no longer have player initiated dialogue but script initiated.-Random walk script, real2. File name changed to rw, but all of the coding is Dan Loto's work. Pra_Villion-For the totally AWESOME K1R Launcher! A BIG thanks to all of you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» TEAM MEMBERS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ZM90, Team Leader - Mandalore, Team Member - Jatku, Team Member - Fallen Guardian, Team Member - LDR, Team Member - Fair Strides, Team Member and main producer of the 1.1 update (and 1.2 update) - Malkior, Beta Tester - LiliArch, Beta Tester (though, putting them on a test is more like setting off a permacrete detonator in an apartment... ) - GrandmasterArcturus, 1.2 Beta-tester and LPer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» SPECIAL THANKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To the tool creators of the community ~ Kotor Tool.....................A VERY special thanks to Fred Tetra~ K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor.....tk102~ Lipsynch Editor................JDNoa~ DeNCS Script Decompiler........JDNoa~ AniCAM.........................JDNoa~ ERF Editor/TSLPatcher..........stoffe (and later Fair Strides) And a shoutout for SithRevan (RIP) for beginning the restoration crusade for KotOR 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» REDISTRIBUTION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The K1R 1.2 OFFICIAL may NOT be redistributed in any way without the explicit permission of the K1R team and the proper credit given. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~» LEGAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hevy_1138 1 Posted June 16, 2015 OMG. that was quick. Thanks! But, uh, when i have the time after school. Maybe this friday i'll test it, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melias 0 Posted June 16, 2015 DUDE, I have no words to explain how much happy I am for this project. For real, thanks so much. You just did happy a so oldman guy . Anyways, I have a question -maybe is just a personal doubt- : Dont you think the Sunry killing is actually a cut content? I mean, the witness said he ran away really fast to be an oldman, and Sunry told us we could find evidences inside the Sith Base. I always did think that killing was actually paid for the Sith, cause you got an extra mission about killing an assasin who can "take any form" and maybe, just saying maybe, they used him to "take the Sunry's form" and kill their own agent to force the planet to taking their side. That mission did make me feel so sad every time I did it, cause I always did think it was the real end for the Sunrys Killing. Maybe that killer should have drop a note or a panel with the "job" writen on it and you could prove Sunry was innocent. The secondary quest about that Changeling Assasin end just killing him and do not give to you "nothing" more than XP and Credits so... I dont know. I dont know, is just a question, how I said. Thanks again for your awesome work, buddies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 16, 2015 DUDE, I have no words to explain how much happy I am for this project. For real, thanks so much. You just did happy a so oldman guy . Anyways, I have a question -maybe is just a personal doubt- : Dont you think the Sunry killing is actually a cut content? I mean, the witness said he ran away really fast to be an oldman, and Sunry told us we could find evidences inside the Sith Base. I always did think that killing was actually paid for the Sith, cause you got an extra mission about killing an assasin who can "take any form" and maybe, just saying maybe, they used him to "take the Sunry's form" and kill their own agent to force the planet to taking their side. That mission did make me feel so sad every time I did it, cause I always did think it was the real end for the Sunrys Killing. Maybe that killer should have drop a note or a panel with the "job" writen on it and you could prove Sunry was innocent. The secondary quest about that Changeling Assasin end just killing him and do not give to you "nothing" more than XP and Credits so... I dont know. I dont know, is just a question, how I said. Thanks again for your awesome work, buddies. Well, the shapeshifter you mentioned is for the Genoharadan. And The Republic has a recording showing Sunry's killing Elassa, Sunry admits to doing so, and in the Sith Base there is a datapad where Elassa said the she'd be killing Sunry the night Sunry killed her... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ninko 64 Posted June 16, 2015 I am so excited that this is out!!!!!!! I am so happy that you have finished this project! Amazing work!!! :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daemonjax 4 Posted June 16, 2015 This is for informational purposes: Running the installer (while sandboxed using sandboxie) onto my heavilly modded (over 60 mods) kotor game folder produced the following warnings, along with the names of the mods which contain the conflicting file(s): K1BugfixAtt 1.0 -- I imagine these mods do the same thing, so conflict is expected. Update: Verified that they're not identical at the hex level, but I could not see any differences when compared using kotor tool. I'd just use the newer one (K1R's version). • Warning: A file named bp_calo_ambush_2.utc already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Juhani cat-like-head mod (items in locker folder section of mod -- which I could live without or easilly merge since it probably just uses the dialogue to create the backpack; Update: verified it's 3 added calls to fire the script k_hjuh_GiveLugg.ncs -- download merged dlg file: • Warning: A file named k_hjuh_dialog.dlg already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Restored Movies -- I imagine these mods do the same thing, so conflict is expected. Update: Verified they're identical: • Warning: A file named k_ren_taris03.ncs already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Restored Movies -- I imagine these mods do the same thing, so conflict is expected. Update: Verified they're identical: • Warning: A file named k_ren_unkturret.ncs already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... LordDeathRay's KOTOR Improvement Mod (LKIM) -- I can merge the differences manually if need be: Update: Minor differences in appearance and inventory. I'll just go with K1R's version for safety. Note: I had already removed a lot of files from the LKIM mod because I didn't agree with his changes. • Warning: A file named kas25_mandcomm.utc already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Lightsabre forms (the 14 form version): Update: Verified I just needed to add the firing of a script. Merged download: • Warning: A file named kor39_utharwynn.dlg already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Sharina Fizark Restoration 1.1 -- I imagine these mods do the same thing, so conflict is expected. Update: Verified the dialogue files are not identical. Since K1R advertises it has "Restored Sharina Fizzark on Dantooine", I would use K1R's version and uninstall the restoration files made by previously by Sekan. • Warning: A file named tat17_03shari_01.dlg already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Whatever... We can safely ignore these two: • Warning: A file named PFBBS01.tga already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... • Warning: A file named PMBBS01.tga already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge (BOS SR): Hopefully can resolve using JRL merger tool: Update: Merged BOS SR + K1R global.jrl (untested): • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\5\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\6\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\7\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\8\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\9\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\10\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\11\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\12\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\40\EntryList\1\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... File listing of K1R tslpatcher backup folder: Volume in drive R has no label. Volume Serial Number is 1DE2-1F24 Directory of R:\K1R 1.0\K1R 1.0\backup 06/16/2015 05:17 AM <DIR> . 06/16/2015 05:17 AM <DIR> .. 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 5,389,946 dialog.tlk 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 5,890 _m40acdart03999_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 10,642 ba02cs001.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 15,610 ba16cs005.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 8,266 ba18cs005a.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 19,714 ba18cs005b.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 65,938 ba55cs005.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 43,906 N_M1ANLEVE98003_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 59,026 N_M1ANPOP094000_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 43,690 N_M1ANPOP094001_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 48,874 N_M1ANPOP095005_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 13,018 N_M1ANPOP096000_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 47,362 N_M1ANPOP096004_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 70,258 n_m1anpop096005_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 35,050 N_M1ANPOP096006_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 53,194 N_M1ANPOP097000_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 52,978 N_M1ANPOP097001_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 54,058 N_M1ANTRAS98027_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 57,730 n_m1antras98028_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 48,226 N_M1ANTRAS98029_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 57,946 N_M1ANTRAS98036_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 38,290 N_M1ANTRAS98037_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 44,338 N_M1ANTRAS98038_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 47,146 N_M1ANTRAS98046_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 27,922 N_M1ANTRAS98047_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 28,570 N_M1ANTRAS98048_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 40,234 N_M1ANTRAS98057_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 28,138 N_M1ANTRAS98058_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 59,674 N_M1ANTRAS98068_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 54,706 N_M1ANTRAS98069_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 28,786 N_M1ANTRAS98070_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 101,794 n_m1antras98078_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 57,514 n_m1antras98079_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 32,890 n_m1antras98082_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 47,578 N_M1ANTRAS98088_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 39,154 N_M1ANTRAS98092_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 48,658 n_m1antras98094_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 61,402 n_m1antras98095_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 49,522 n_m1antras98096_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 67,450 n_m1antras98097_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 60,538 N_M1ANTRAS98102_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 62,698 N_M1ANTRAS98103_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 61,834 N_M1ANTRAS98104_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 35,266 n_m1antras98105_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 27,274 N_M1ANTRAS98109_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 40,018 N_M1ANTRAS98116_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 27,706 N_M1AOPOP097001_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 71,986 N_M1AOPOP097008_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 67,234 N_M1AOPOP099005_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 79,114 N_M1AOPOP099010_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 124,690 N_M1AOPOP099012_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 30,082 N_M1AOPOP099017_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 45,634 N_M1AOTRAS99027_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 55,570 N_M1AOTRAS99068_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 57,298 N_M1AOTRAS99069_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 24,682 N_M1AOTRAS99070_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 46,066 N_M1AOTRAS99073_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 63,562 N_M1AOTRAS99074_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 61,834 N_M1AOTRAS99075_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 74,362 N_M1AOTRAS99077_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 48,442 N_M1AOTRAS99078_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 47,362 N_M1AOTRAS99079_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 49,090 N_M1AOTRAS99086_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 43,258 N_M1AOTRAS99090_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 60,106 N_M1AOTRAS99104_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 16,258 n_m1bncart01030_.wav 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 161,200 manm26aa_loc.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 13,615 tar_m10aa_loc.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,623,396 danm13.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 649,173 danm14aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 604,625 danm14ab.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,132,031 danm14ac.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 168,922 danm14ae.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,799,806 kas_m24aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 619,390 korr_m37aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,326,246 lev_m40aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 306,339 lev_m40ad.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,625,657 manm26aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 959,647 manm26ab.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 895,570 manm26ad.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,112,391 manm26ae.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,060,572 manm28aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 44,405 STUNT_42.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 737,897 tar_m02ad.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,258,930 tar_m02ae.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 813,754 tar_m03aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 367,123 tar_m03ab.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 406,004 tar_m03ad.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 865,544 tar_m03ae.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 367,934 tar_m03af.MOD 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,663,474 tar_m04aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 906,845 tar_m08aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 590,527 tar_m09aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 638,729 tar_m10aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 973,999 tat_m17aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 2,394,030 tat_m18aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 746,927 tar_m02aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 4,653 heads.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 106,954 appearance.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 23,753 spells.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,662 forceshields.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 27,332 globalcat.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 17,173 placeables.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 15,107 visualeffects.2da 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 132,865 global.jrl 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,464,291 k1r_paztourney.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 2,101 k1r_oilslick.utp 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 1,126,953 unk_m44aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 666,886 tar_m05aa.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 102,872 tar_m03ac.mod 06/16/2015 05:17 AM 663,549 tar_m10ab.mod 06/16/2015 05:18 AM 907,195 lev_m40ab.mod 06/16/2015 05:18 AM 67,196 kor33_bartender.dlg 06/16/2015 05:18 AM 97,537 tat17_08yuka_01.dlg 06/16/2015 06:13 AM 0 listing.txt 115 File(s) 40,749,833 bytes 2 Dir(s) 3,839,922,176 bytes free It's easy for me to trace back which previous mod I installed caused the conflict due to how I have my folders structured. And since I ran the installer sandboxed, no actual changes were made to my game folder. There's no very easy way to merge dlg files (unless all the changes are documented). I have two mods which touch dialog.tlk (PC Response Moderation and, once again, Lightsabre Forms) so there's another potential issue. Then there's also keeping your finger's crossed for the success of JRL merger tool and the robustness of the K1R changes.ini file. Update1: I get even more global.jrl warnings while running K1R's installer on a fresh copy of global.jrl that I extracted myself from _newbif.bif. What's up with that? Dunno, but my merging experiment ends here for now. • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\5\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\6\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\7\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\8\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\9\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\10\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\11\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\37\EntryList\12\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\40\EntryList\1\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\101\EntryList\0\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\101\EntryList\1\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\101\EntryList\2\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\101\Name(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\0\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\1\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\2\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\3\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\4\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\5\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\6\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\7\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\8\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\EntryList\9\Text(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "Categories\102\Name(strref)" in global.jrl, skipping... Update2: Ahh... figured it out: It seems that the global.jrl included in the tslpatcher folder has already been modified, and so tslpatcher needs that one to be present to perform its diff on. Heh, kinda defeats the purpose of using tslpatcher at all for that file. Anyways, the merge appears to be successful: The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 0 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 0 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 0 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 0 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 0 with new value in second file! Adding new ExoLocSubstring "0" to field "Name" from the second file for entry at index 4. The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 1 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 4 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 4 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 6 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 6 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 6 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 6 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 6 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 6 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 12 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 13 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 15 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 15 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 16 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 17 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 17 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 18 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 19 at index 7 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 7 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 9 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 9 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 9 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 9 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 9 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 9 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 11 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 11 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 11 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 8 at index 11 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 11 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 11 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 9 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 13 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 14 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 15 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 15 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 16 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 16 at index 12 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 12 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 8 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 11 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 11 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 12 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 12 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 13 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 13 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 14 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 15 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 15 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 16 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 17 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 17 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 18 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 18 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 19 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 20 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 21 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 21 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 21 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 22 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 22 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 22 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 23 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 23 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 23 at index 13 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 13 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 16 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 16 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 19 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 1 at index 19 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 19 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 19 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 19 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 19 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 20 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 20 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 20 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 20 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 20 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 8 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 21 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 21 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 22 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 22 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 22 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 22 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 22 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 22 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 22 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 22 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 25 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 25 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 25 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 25 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 25 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 25 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 26 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 26 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 26 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 26 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 26 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 27 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 27 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 27 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 27 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 28 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 28 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 28 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 28 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 28 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 28 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 30 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 30 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 30 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 30 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 30 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 30 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 30 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 30 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 32 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 32 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 32 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 32 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 32 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 8 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 9 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 34 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 34 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 36 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 36 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 36 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 36 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 37 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 37 with new value in second file! Adding new ExoLocSubstring "0" to field "Text" from the second file for entry at index 37. The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 37 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 37 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 37 with new value in second file! Adding new ExoLocSubstring "0" to field "Text" from the second file for entry at index 37. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 37 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 37 with new value in second file! Adding new ExoLocSubstring "0" to field "Text" from the second file for entry at index 37. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\5\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\6\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\7\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\8\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\9\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\10\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\11\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\12\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\13\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\14\ found in second file. Copying new entry Categories\37\EntryList\15\ found in second file. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 39 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 39 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 39 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 39 with new value in second file! Copying new entry Categories\40\EntryList\1\ found in second file. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 1 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 8 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 9 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 10 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 10 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 11 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 11 at index 42 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 42 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 44 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 44 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 44 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 44 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 11 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 14 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 45 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 45 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 46 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 46 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 46 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 46 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 46 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 47 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 47 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 47 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 47 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 9 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 9 at index 47 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 47 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 49 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 49 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 49 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 49 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 49 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 49 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 1 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 51 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 51 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 51 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 51 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 51 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 52 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 52 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 52 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 52 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 52 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 52 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 55 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 55 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 55 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 55 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 61 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 61 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 61 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 61 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 61 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 61 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 61 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 61 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 63 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 63 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 63 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 63 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 63 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 63 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 67 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 67 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 67 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 67 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 67 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 67 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 9 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 11 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 13 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 13 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 15 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 17 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 17 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 18 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 19 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 19 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 19 at index 68 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 68 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 69 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 69 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 69 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 69 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 69 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 69 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 70 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 70 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 70 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 2 at index 70 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 70 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 70 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 71 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 71 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 71 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 71 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 71 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 71 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 72 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 72 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 72 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 72 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 73 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 73 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 73 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 73 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 73 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 73 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 74 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 74 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 74 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 74 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 74 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 75 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 75 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 76 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 76 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 76 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 76 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 76 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 80 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 8 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 80 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 9 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 80 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 80 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 88 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 88 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 88 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 88 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 90 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 90 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 90 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 90 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 3 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 92 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 92 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 92 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 92 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 92 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! Adding new ExoLocSubstring "0" to field "Text" from the second file for entry at index 93. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 10 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 14 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 15 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 16 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 17 at index 93 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 93 with new value in second file! Copying new entry Categories\93\EntryList\18\ found in second file. The "ID" value for entrylist 0 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 94 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 94 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 1 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 2 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 3 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 4 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 5 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 6 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 6 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 6 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 7 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 8 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 8 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 9 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 9 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 10 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 11 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 11 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 12 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 12 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 12 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 13 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 13 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. The "XP_Percentage" value for entrylist 13 at index 98 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 98 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 1 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 1 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 2 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! The "ID" value for entrylist 3 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 4 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 4 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 5 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 5 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! The "End" value for entrylist 7 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. The "ID" value for entrylist 7 at index 99 in the second file is modified, using it. Modifying the StrRef of field "Text" for entry at index 99 with new value in second file! Copying new entry 101 from second file, adding as TypeID/ListIndex 109. Copying new entry 102 from second file, adding as TypeID/ListIndex 110. Running Tag uniqueness sanity checks... Tag uniqueness sanity check completed: No problems found. Merged BOS SR + K1R global.jrl (untested): Update3: Ok, so I think I got everything merged. Time for a new playthrough! Wish me luck! I hope the above was useful to someone else! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diegodb 31 Posted June 16, 2015 First of all congratulations for this release.I assume that for the K1 Overhaul mod work with the K1 Restoration I must first install the Overhaul and then the KOTOR Restoration? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Urnoev 0 Posted June 16, 2015 Awesome! And awful! I've installed K1R 0.9 just yesterday and planned to start another play-through today... and now I can reinstall everything. On Linux with Wine... But I'm sure it's worth it. Thank you very much for your ongoing efforts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daemonjax 4 Posted June 16, 2015 First of all congratulations for this release. I assume that for the K1 Overhaul mod work with the K1 Restoration I must first install the Overhaul and then the KOTOR Restoration? That's the way I did it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 16, 2015 Update2: Ahh... figured it out: It seems that the global.jrl included in the tslpatcher folder has already been modified, and so tslpatcher needs that one to be present to perform its diff on. Heh, kinda defeats the purpose of using tslpatcher at all for that file. Anyways, the merge appears to be successful: Ah... we'll get this patched up ASAP... For now, you'd just need to extract the global.jrl from KotOR Tool. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted June 16, 2015 Ah marvelous! I commend the hard work and dedication on this project! Will the "What's Restored in K1R?" thread need to be updated with new information? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 16, 2015 Yes, within the next few days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted June 16, 2015 Ah, at last! Can't wait until I can download this when the weekend comes! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted June 16, 2015 Correction: "Contributers" is spelled "Contributors." And excellent detective work Daemonjax! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diegodb 31 Posted June 16, 2015 Man what a fun experience is this K1 Restoration! And in regards with Overhaul and K1 Restoration is exacly like you did Daemonjax it worked great.Thank you guys for this, you're amazing! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted June 16, 2015 Will you guys allow KOTOR 1 Bug Fix v1.0 be compatible, or did you guys at least fix the most notorious bug in KOTOR called "Bastila Romance Bug"? Random Hater: I'm going to kill you! You just turned this website into a M+ Video Game! Me: Oh, please. Is that an actual sin? Random Hater: YES! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 16, 2015 Will you guys allow KOTOR 1 Bug Fix v1.0 be compatible, or did you guys at least fix the most notorious bug in KOTOR called "Bastila Romance Bug"? Random Hater: I'm going to kill you! You just turned this website into a M+ Video Game! Me: Oh, please. Is that an actual sin? Random Hater: YES! Can you link me to the mod? And I can't really "allow" a mod to be compatible, as a work like that would probably need to just be re-done with K1R's files, assuming we haven't done that mod's job already. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daemonjax 4 Posted June 17, 2015 Will you guys allow KOTOR 1 Bug Fix v1.0 be compatible, or did you guys at least fix the most notorious bug in KOTOR called "Bastila Romance Bug"? Random Hater: I'm going to kill you! You just turned this website into a M+ Video Game! Me: Oh, please. Is that an actual sin? Random Hater: YES! I'm using the KOTOR Bug Fix Attempt 1.0 mod you're referring to, and the only conflicting file was bp_calo_ambush_2.utc. K1BugfixAtt 1.0 -- I imagine these mods do the same thing, so conflict is expected. Update: Verified that they're not identical at the hex level, but I could not see any differences when compared using kotor tool. I'd just use the newer one (K1R's version). • Warning: A file named bp_calo_ambush_2.utc already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... I don't know for sure if everything is working as intended, but so far it seems to and I haven't seen anything that would make me suspect otherwise. That bugfix mod just replaces a few scripts and dialog files (and that one utc file)... those other files aren't touched by K1R. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted June 17, 2015 Can you link me to the mod? And I can't really "allow" a mod to be compatible, as a work like that would probably need to just be re-done with K1R's files, assuming we haven't done that mod's job already. Certainly, give me a moment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damned 20 Posted June 18, 2015 Great to see this mod finally released. I personally will be waiting for Sleheyron to be finished before I install this though, just to get the complete experience and so all the rough parts can be ironed out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scoutception 17 Posted June 26, 2015 So, I have no idea if this is the right place or time to be asking this, but do you still have plans for further versions of this mod, and if so, what will they mainly be focused on? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 26, 2015 So, I have no idea if this is the right place or time to be asking this, but do you still have plans for further versions of this mod, and if so, what will they mainly be focused on? The 1.1 will at the least be bug-fixing the 1.0 and will take a look at at least some of the vanilla bugs. 1.2 we hope to be the last version and will involve fixing all the bugs we can and addressing the game's typos or Audio-subtitle mismatches. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiliArch 115 Posted June 29, 2015 Whatever... We can safely ignore these two: • Warning: A file named PFBBS01.tga already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... • Warning: A file named PMBBS01.tga already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... Yeah, they're simply the default scoundrel clothing edited slightly to remove a seam which most people wouldn't even notice. Just take your pick of what want your scoundrel's default clothing look like. By the way, FS, or whoever has written the readme: it is both male and female. See? 'PF' and 'PM' BBS01. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mollymcglone11 0 Posted July 6, 2015 Great to see this mod finally released. I personally will be waiting for Sleheyron to be finished before I install this though, just to get the complete experience and so all the rough parts can be ironed out. that will never happen, at least not for years and years and years. it looks like that planet was abandoned v early on, so theres not much content to "restore" rather than just to "create." the modules you can walk thru look pretty empty. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted July 6, 2015 that will never happen, at least not for years and years and years. it looks like that planet was abandoned v early on, so theres not much content to "restore" rather than just to "create." the modules you can walk thru look pretty empty. Funny. That's why SithSpecter has been working on the mod for a long time. I'd check the WIP section before you post something like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites