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Found 7 results

  1. View File [K1] Yavin IV Planet Mod Name: [K1] Yavin IV Planet Mod Author: MotOR Squad + Master Zionosis Translator: ĐeceptiKain TSLPatcher: EGJason Date: 05/03/08 E-Mail: Contents: 1 Description 2 Installation 3 Uninstallation 4 Future Releases 5 Bugs 6 Adknowledgements 7 Permissions 8 Website 9 Spoilers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Description --------------- This mod will add an entire new planet to KotOR I, Yavin IV. They're are 10 new modules in total and a great new storyline. 2 Installation ----------------- Simply run the new installer. If you also want the MotOR Yavin launcher copy the Launcher folder to your KotOR directory. 3 Uninstallation ----------------- Just remove all these files from the relevent folders in your K1 directory. 4 Future Releases -------------------- -Voice Overs for non alien species Of course if there is any bugs or errors these will be assessed as well. 5 Bugs ------ None that i know of, if you find any PM me at Holowan Labs please. There is, however, the issues that crop up with other mods installed, most notably with Brotherhood Of Shadow. This patcher version may correct some issues with that, but probably not all. I reccomend that you install Yavin IV first, then Brotherhood Of Shadow. 6 Adknowledgements ------------------ A massive thanks to the original creators of the Yavin mod (MotOR) and allowing me to translate the mod. A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also thank you ĐeceptiKain for your excellent work on the translations, without you this wouldn't have happened. And a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And another thank you to EGJason who got the mod to TSLPatcher state. 7 Permissions ------------------- This mod may only be used/modified with my consent. 8 Website ------------------- Visit my website to see what other mods I have created and what I will be doing in the future. 9 Spoilers ------------------- There are quite a few puzzles, riddles and secrets in the mod, many that made me even think that the mod was 'broken', well I have play tested the entire mod and after going through the messy process of decompiling certain scripts I found out that the mod does work properly. To complete certain things you will have to concentrate considerably on what you have recently done or aquired. If you do get completely stuck consult this table below -The door that does not open in Exar Kun's Tomb in the Chamber Of Spirits is actually a mirage, you can walk through it after you have aquired the crystal of darkness. -The most tricky part of the mod is the door puzzle, it is completeable but quite tricky to get your head round, it took me about 30 mins to figure it out, so if you figure it out straight away then maybe I'm just stupid. But here is the combination if you get stuck: Open door 5, then open door 3, kill the spirits, then go back and open door 4, then door 1 will be open. These are the only tricky parts I can remember, if you find any more don't hesitate to ask in the project thread at Lucasforums. Submitter MotOR Squad Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Name: [K1] Yavin IV Planet Mod Author: MotOR Squad + Master Zionosis Translator: ĐeceptiKain TSLPatcher: EGJason Date: 05/03/08 E-Mail: Contents: 1 Description 2 Installation 3 Uninstallation 4 Future Releases 5 Bugs 6 Adknowledgements 7 Permissions 8 Website 9 Spoilers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Description --------------- This mod will add an entire new planet to KotOR I, Yavin IV. They're are 10 new modules in total and a great new storyline. 2 Installation ----------------- Simply run the new installer. If you also want the MotOR Yavin launcher copy the Launcher folder to your KotOR directory. 3 Uninstallation ----------------- Just remove all these files from the relevent folders in your K1 directory. 4 Future Releases -------------------- -Voice Overs for non alien species Of course if there is any bugs or errors these will be assessed as well. 5 Bugs ------ None that i know of, if you find any PM me at Holowan Labs please. There is, however, the issues that crop up with other mods installed, most notably with Brotherhood Of Shadow. This patcher version may correct some issues with that, but probably not all. I reccomend that you install Yavin IV first, then Brotherhood Of Shadow. 6 Adknowledgements ------------------ A massive thanks to the original creators of the Yavin mod (MotOR) and allowing me to translate the mod. A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also thank you ĐeceptiKain for your excellent work on the translations, without you this wouldn't have happened. And a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And another thank you to EGJason who got the mod to TSLPatcher state. 7 Permissions ------------------- This mod may only be used/modified with my consent. 8 Website ------------------- Visit my website to see what other mods I have created and what I will be doing in the future. 9 Spoilers ------------------- There are quite a few puzzles, riddles and secrets in the mod, many that made me even think that the mod was 'broken', well I have play tested the entire mod and after going through the messy process of decompiling certain scripts I found out that the mod does work properly. To complete certain things you will have to concentrate considerably on what you have recently done or aquired. If you do get completely stuck consult this table below -The door that does not open in Exar Kun's Tomb in the Chamber Of Spirits is actually a mirage, you can walk through it after you have aquired the crystal of darkness. -The most tricky part of the mod is the door puzzle, it is completeable but quite tricky to get your head round, it took me about 30 mins to figure it out, so if you figure it out straight away then maybe I'm just stupid. But here is the combination if you get stuck: Open door 5, then open door 3, kill the spirits, then go back and open door 4, then door 1 will be open. These are the only tricky parts I can remember, if you find any more don't hesitate to ask in the project thread at Lucasforums.
  3. View File Quanons Taris Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric: Submitter Quanon Submitted 06/30/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric:
  5. Version V1.3


    This mod started by a request from SithHolocron to give Malachor better looking skies. Though when the skies where ready, the other textures looked really off. The contrast between the jagged cliffs and the sky was just to big in my opinion. So the mod evolved into a full reskin of the exterior areas of Malachor. All the rocks, debris, cliffs and floor got a new texture. Only a few things haven't been changed; the broken and crashed spaceship parts and those broken eggs from the storm beasts remain the same. A nice little preview:
  6. Hi, I've just seen some screenshots of the Sleheyron mod and I noticed how similar they look compared to M4-78. The sky, the colors, the area, the layout... I even compared the leftover textures and they looked similar (some Sleheyron textures were going to be applied to Dxun, as seen in the early screenshots for TSL). I came up with the theory that M4-78 is in fact Sleheyron, just after it has been colonized by the Sith. Is there any official connection between these "two" planets?
  7. Malachor Exterior Reskin By Quanon View File This mod started by a request from SithHolocron to give Malachor better looking skies. Though when the skies where ready, the other textures looked really off. The contrast between the jagged cliffs and the sky was just to big in my opinion. So the mod evolved into a full reskin of the exterior areas of Malachor. All the rocks, debris, cliffs and floor got a new texture. Only a few things haven't been changed; the broken and crashed spaceship parts and those broken eggs from the storm beasts remain the same. A nice little preview: Submitter Quanon Submitted 04/21/2014 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible