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  1. View File KotOR High Resolution Menus Bubbling up from the font of dark knowledge, ndix UR presents KotOR High Resolution Menus, a UI mod package providing full high resolution menu and UI support for Knights of the Old Republic. The tyrrany of 640x480 menus and 6-item lists is over. Normally, when you increase the game's resolution using a widescreen patcher like UniWS, the menus stay very small in the middle of the screen and the borders get larger. This package is designed to be used *after* the widescreen patcher has done its work. It scales the menu screens up so that they fill the screen. This package requires modification of the swkotor.exe file using a supplied patcher, and is only known to work with GoG, 4-CD, and macOS (x86) versions of the game. It should be compatible with any Steam version that uses UniWS. The main content of the package are sets of GUI files (.gui), scaled for specific resolutions. The package contains GUI files for over 30 common resolutions with the following aspect ratios: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. Here is a list of the currently supported resolutions: Installation Find the gui.WxH folder matching your resolution, modify your executable using the supplied patcher, copy the GUI files to your Override/ folder. The details for this process can be found in the package README.pdf file. Read it. Follow the instructions therein. The documentation includes everything you need to know to manually patch your EXE if the patcher does not work for your version. Uninstallation Remove the GUI files, restore the original backed up version of your swkotor.exe file. IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a resolution hack or widescreen patch, such as you get from using UniWS. You should already be successfully running the game at the resolution you are trying to get menus and UI for. Nothing in this package will give you any additional resolutions available. That is not what this does. If you are trying to get high-res menus for one of the resolutions supported by default (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) there is probably no point to using the GUI files named 'mipc*' provided by this package (mostly the in-game "HUD"), however, this scenario is untested. There are a few of the GUI files in this package you can use without modifying your executable. Here is that 'safe' list, in case you are unable to modify your executable: It gets you the main menu, some dialogs, and the in-game HUD elements. Thanks DarthParametric for testing, contributing a double-clickable thing for Windows users, and prompting me to finally figure out the needed EXE modifications. tk102 for GFF2XML and XML2GFF source code, which made it a lot easier to get this up and running. Known Issues The patcher is currently incredibly limited, making no effort to search for values, only looking at specific locations where they are in the executables I have access to. This package does not contain any higher resolution artwork. At high resolutions, menu backgrounds will be blocky, and the striped list backgrounds are unlikely to line up with list items. For numerous reasons, you will want to get a high resolution menu art package. The game's initial character selection screen does not lay out the selectable characters properly according to GUI file field values. It is useable, but not perfect. The blue hilight borders had to be removed from around the characters to maintain a clean look. The map screen is scaled up, but the map itself is not. Furthermore, the position of the map within the frame is somewhat random/poorly understood. The map, however, is completely useable, and the points of interest and player indicator are all positioned accurately relative to the map. Some of the 3D models in menus, such as on the character stats or character generation screens, display line artifacts over them. This is caused by the very low quality graphics being scaled up to provide the border overlays. Extracting the graphics as TGAs, scaling them up, and placing them into Override/ sometimes solves these problems. This package omits statussummary.gui and dialog.gui. Scaling them up cause problems. The files don't behave as expected, and it seems to not require a customized version in order for them to work as one would want. You might notice 1280x1080 in 21:9 even though it is not 21:9. It is for split-screen on 21:9 monitors. Rescaling the dialog/cut-scene letterbox (which is optional) seems to introduce occasional issues with letterbox placement, particularly when the letterbox animation happens. This may be fixed at some point in the future. There is no scaling on font size, and as far as I know no one has figured out how to do it, so users on TV/couch setups may not find the help they are looking for with this. Upgrading 1.4 to 1.5: If your resolution was not previously supported, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.3 to 1.4: If you have Polish version, you can run EXE patching process If you have 32:9 display, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.2 to 1.3: Copy all the .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2: Repeat the EXE patching process on a backup EXE if you want letterbox scaling Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1: Remove dialog.gui from your Override/ Copy 1.1 pazaakgame.gui to your Override/ Submitter ndix UR Submitted 10/29/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  2. Version 1.0.0b1


    A very simple CLI-based tool that'll take a folder of GUIs made for one resolution and patch them to work for another resolution. Please report any bugs. Simply input the path to the GUI file (or folder of GUI files) and the output location, your desired resolution, and let it work. GUI Resizer CLI Tool Overview This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to adjust and scale GUI (Graphical User Interface) files based on different screen resolutions. The tool reads `.gui` files from the popular game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and adjusts the layout to fit various resolutions and aspect ratios. It supports multiple resolutions and can handle batch processing of files. Features Multi-Resolution Support: The tool can adjust GUI files to fit several resolutions across different aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 5:4, 21:9, 3:2, and 1:1. Batch Processing: You can process multiple GUI files at once, making it easy to adjust a whole directory of files. Logging: Outputs logs to track the processing of files, including which resolutions were processed and where the output files are saved. Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS with Python 3.8+. Usage Basic Command To run the tool, use the following command: python3 --input <input-path> --output <output-path> --resolution <resolution> Parameters --input: The path to the `.gui` file(s) you want to process. You can specify a single file or a directory containing multiple `.gui` files. --output: The directory where the processed files will be saved. --resolution: The target resolution(s). Use the format `WIDTHxHEIGHT` (e.g., `1920x1080`). You can also specify `ALL` to process all common resolutions. Example To convert all `.gui` files in the directory `input_files/` to fit a 1920x1080 resolution and save them to the `output_files/` directory, run: python3 --input input_files/ --output output_files/ --resolution 1920x1080 Logging If logging is enabled, a log file named `output.log` will be created in the specified output directory. This file will contain details of the processing operations performed. How It Works 1. Input Handling: The tool takes in `.gui` files or directories containing these files and reads them using the `pykotor` library. 2. Resolution Scaling: The tool scales the GUI elements based on the specified target resolution(s). It calculates scale factors based on the original dimensions of the GUI and applies these factors to resize elements accordingly. 3. Output Generation: The processed GUI files are then saved to the specified output directory, organized by resolution. Credit: Cortisol for PyKotor (90% of the code) DarthParametric for testing and brainstorming the idea
  3. Version 1.5


    Bubbling up from the font of dark knowledge, ndix UR presents KotOR High Resolution Menus, a UI mod package providing full high resolution menu and UI support for Knights of the Old Republic. The tyrrany of 640x480 menus and 6-item lists is over. Normally, when you increase the game's resolution using a widescreen patcher like UniWS, the menus stay very small in the middle of the screen and the borders get larger. This package is designed to be used *after* the widescreen patcher has done its work. It scales the menu screens up so that they fill the screen. This package requires modification of the swkotor.exe file using a supplied patcher, and is only known to work with GoG, 4-CD, and macOS (x86) versions of the game. It should be compatible with any Steam version that uses UniWS. The main content of the package are sets of GUI files (.gui), scaled for specific resolutions. The package contains GUI files for over 30 common resolutions with the following aspect ratios: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. Here is a list of the currently supported resolutions: Installation Find the gui.WxH folder matching your resolution, modify your executable using the supplied patcher, copy the GUI files to your Override/ folder. The details for this process can be found in the package README.pdf file. Read it. Follow the instructions therein. The documentation includes everything you need to know to manually patch your EXE if the patcher does not work for your version. Uninstallation Remove the GUI files, restore the original backed up version of your swkotor.exe file. IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a resolution hack or widescreen patch, such as you get from using UniWS. You should already be successfully running the game at the resolution you are trying to get menus and UI for. Nothing in this package will give you any additional resolutions available. That is not what this does. If you are trying to get high-res menus for one of the resolutions supported by default (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) there is probably no point to using the GUI files named 'mipc*' provided by this package (mostly the in-game "HUD"), however, this scenario is untested. There are a few of the GUI files in this package you can use without modifying your executable. Here is that 'safe' list, in case you are unable to modify your executable: It gets you the main menu, some dialogs, and the in-game HUD elements. Thanks DarthParametric for testing, contributing a double-clickable thing for Windows users, and prompting me to finally figure out the needed EXE modifications. tk102 for GFF2XML and XML2GFF source code, which made it a lot easier to get this up and running. Known Issues The patcher is currently incredibly limited, making no effort to search for values, only looking at specific locations where they are in the executables I have access to. This package does not contain any higher resolution artwork. At high resolutions, menu backgrounds will be blocky, and the striped list backgrounds are unlikely to line up with list items. For numerous reasons, you will want to get a high resolution menu art package. The game's initial character selection screen does not lay out the selectable characters properly according to GUI file field values. It is useable, but not perfect. The blue hilight borders had to be removed from around the characters to maintain a clean look. The map screen is scaled up, but the map itself is not. Furthermore, the position of the map within the frame is somewhat random/poorly understood. The map, however, is completely useable, and the points of interest and player indicator are all positioned accurately relative to the map. Some of the 3D models in menus, such as on the character stats or character generation screens, display line artifacts over them. This is caused by the very low quality graphics being scaled up to provide the border overlays. Extracting the graphics as TGAs, scaling them up, and placing them into Override/ sometimes solves these problems. This package omits statussummary.gui and dialog.gui. Scaling them up cause problems. The files don't behave as expected, and it seems to not require a customized version in order for them to work as one would want. You might notice 1280x1080 in 21:9 even though it is not 21:9. It is for split-screen on 21:9 monitors. Rescaling the dialog/cut-scene letterbox (which is optional) seems to introduce occasional issues with letterbox placement, particularly when the letterbox animation happens. This may be fixed at some point in the future. There is no scaling on font size, and as far as I know no one has figured out how to do it, so users on TV/couch setups may not find the help they are looking for with this. Upgrading 1.4 to 1.5: If your resolution was not previously supported, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.3 to 1.4: If you have Polish version, you can run EXE patching process If you have 32:9 display, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.2 to 1.3: Copy all the .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2: Repeat the EXE patching process on a backup EXE if you want letterbox scaling Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1: Remove dialog.gui from your Override/ Copy 1.1 pazaakgame.gui to your Override/
  4. Version 1.0.0


    THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double the usual ram in its dev units. Meanwhile, the retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty spaces to add extra RAM to your console internally. You NEED to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod converts your Xbox Kotor 2 game folder into a 720p version of the game. You must have soldered additional ram into your console or you will get a black screen, as additional ram is expected. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to hex edit additional Xbox games to unofficially force 720p mode, but this causes several issues that make Kotor 2 unplayable. The goal of this mod is to combine a 720p hacked .xbe with a variety of fixes so that Kotor 2 can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. This mod is a fully tested and recommendable way to enjoy the game. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor 2 game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor 2. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: This mod is fully tested, compatible, and stable with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version! I recommend installing that mod, testing it on your Xbox, and then installing this one on top of it. Another Note: A 720p AI upscaled cutscenes mod should work fine on Xbox if you prefer that over the vanilla upscaled movies. I have only tested the movies that I upscaled without AI for Xbox. If you want to try this, choose a 720p option. Also look at the Issues section below and consider keeping a few of my movie files! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with 720p upscaled Xbox versions (to eliminate significant black space and fill the screen.) Issues: -Three movies (only 1 in vanilla game) stutter on Xbox when displayed at 720p. To eliminate this, I reduced them to 18fps. They're all very short exterior ship shots and I think this is a decent fix. Effected movies are NarMov03, permov08, and permov09. -The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. -Atton's intercom cutscenes on Peragus and the Coruscant trial scene don't have special camera effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. -Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. -The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. -Some feats and powers gui elements seem to be hardcoded to a degree unlike the first game. This isn't really an issue and this stuff turned out well, but it's not ideal. -There's a minor gui element on the main interface that seems to be entirely hardcoded. It's the text bubble that pops up when you pick a fighting behavior script for a character on the toolbar, or when you go in stealth. This is stuck at its original position, which luckily is out of the way and in a decent spot! --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Hellraiser988 Came in at the end and helped a bit with testing and debug. Provided test feedback on the character screen, a stuttering movie, and the pazaak game screen. He probably would have helped me make the whole mod if we had gotten together earlier! There aren't a lot of people who care to make dedicated mods for Xbox Kotor, so shoutout to this guy. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ERFEdit 0.5 by Stoffe with fixes by Fair Strides This was used to replace game script files in various .mod modules to make scripting changes within the scope of the swoop race minigames. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor.
  5. View File Kotor 2 720p Xbox Mod (Hardmod required) THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double the usual ram in its dev units. Meanwhile, the retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty spaces to add extra RAM to your console internally. You NEED to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod converts your Xbox Kotor 2 game folder into a 720p version of the game. You must have soldered additional ram into your console or you will get a black screen, as additional ram is expected. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to hex edit additional Xbox games to unofficially force 720p mode, but this causes several issues that make Kotor 2 unplayable. The goal of this mod is to combine a 720p hacked .xbe with a variety of fixes so that Kotor 2 can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. This mod is a fully tested and recommendable way to enjoy the game. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor 2 game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor 2. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: This mod is fully tested, compatible, and stable with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version! I recommend installing that mod, testing it on your Xbox, and then installing this one on top of it. Another Note: A 720p AI upscaled cutscenes mod should work fine on Xbox if you prefer that over the vanilla upscaled movies. I have only tested the movies that I upscaled without AI for Xbox. If you want to try this, choose a 720p option. Also look at the Issues section below and consider keeping a few of my movie files! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with 720p upscaled Xbox versions (to eliminate significant black space and fill the screen.) Issues: -Three movies (only 1 in vanilla game) stutter on Xbox when displayed at 720p. To eliminate this, I reduced them to 18fps. They're all very short exterior ship shots and I think this is a decent fix. Effected movies are NarMov03, permov08, and permov09. -The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. -Atton's intercom cutscenes on Peragus and the Coruscant trial scene don't have special camera effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. -Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. -The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. -Some feats and powers gui elements seem to be hardcoded to a degree unlike the first game. This isn't really an issue and this stuff turned out well, but it's not ideal. -There's a minor gui element on the main interface that seems to be entirely hardcoded. It's the text bubble that pops up when you pick a fighting behavior script for a character on the toolbar, or when you go in stealth. This is stuck at its original position, which luckily is out of the way and in a decent spot! --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Hellraiser988 Came in at the end and helped a bit with testing and debug. Provided test feedback on the character screen, a stuttering movie, and the pazaak game screen. He probably would have helped me make the whole mod if we had gotten together earlier! There aren't a lot of people who care to make dedicated mods for Xbox Kotor, so shoutout to this guy. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ERFEdit 0.5 by Stoffe with fixes by Fair Strides This was used to replace game script files in various .mod modules to make scripting changes within the scope of the swoop race minigames. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor. Submitter bizotry Submitted 08/22/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod 1.0 THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double ram on its dev units. The retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty places to add double the RAM to your console. You need to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod makes Kotor 1 comfortably playable at 720p on a ram upgraded original Xbox. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to patch additional Xbox games to force 720p mode. Having extra RAM installed is needed to prevent most games from crashing. This works out well for changing the resolution of Kotor, but causes several issues that make the game unplayable. The goal of this mod is to fix those issues so that Kotor can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: The Yavin dlc is compatible! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with edited pc versions that display as well as possible in 720p mode. Issues: Cutscenes display in a small box, as large as I could make them while respecting their aspect ratio. This is the best I could do to fix cutscenes being essentially unviewable. (Sidenote: Kotor 2 doesn't have this problem due to using a different video format) The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. Carth's intercom cutscenes on the Endar Spire don't have special effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor.
  7. View File Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod (Hardmod required) Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod 1.0 THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double ram on its dev units. The retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty places to add double the RAM to your console. You need to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod makes Kotor 1 comfortably playable at 720p on a ram upgraded original Xbox. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to patch additional Xbox games to force 720p mode. Having extra RAM installed is needed to prevent most games from crashing. This works out well for changing the resolution of Kotor, but causes several issues that make the game unplayable. The goal of this mod is to fix those issues so that Kotor can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: The Yavin dlc is compatible! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with edited pc versions that display as well as possible in 720p mode. Issues: Cutscenes display in a small box, as large as I could make them while respecting their aspect ratio. This is the best I could do to fix cutscenes being essentially unviewable. (Sidenote: Kotor 2 doesn't have this problem due to using a different video format) The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. Carth's intercom cutscenes on the Endar Spire don't have special effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor. Submitter bizotry Submitted 08/02/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  8. Hello. I need help with TSL, I'm making new icons for GUI and I'm 95% done, but one problem turned out to be no use for them, since the icons themselves in the game are very small, no matter how much I searched for different GUI, but the same situation is everywhere, however, somewhere in the vastness of YouTube, I saw in the review when the player went to the abilities\powers tab, he had quite large icons I have already downloaded the visual GUI editor /, there is a field for finding icons, but there is no size of the icons themselves, or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please help me, in response I will fill in the tests for GUI in 256 and 128 quality
  9. View File Lightweight GUI Patcher A very simple CLI-based tool that'll take a folder of GUIs made for one resolution and patch them to work for another resolution. Please report any bugs. Simply input the path to the GUI file (or folder of GUI files) and the output location, your desired resolution, and let it work. GUI Resizer CLI Tool Overview This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to adjust and scale GUI (Graphical User Interface) files based on different screen resolutions. The tool reads `.gui` files from the popular game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and adjusts the layout to fit various resolutions and aspect ratios. It supports multiple resolutions and can handle batch processing of files. Features Multi-Resolution Support: The tool can adjust GUI files to fit several resolutions across different aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 5:4, 21:9, 3:2, and 1:1. Batch Processing: You can process multiple GUI files at once, making it easy to adjust a whole directory of files. Logging: Outputs logs to track the processing of files, including which resolutions were processed and where the output files are saved. Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS with Python 3.8+. Usage Basic Command To run the tool, use the following command: python3 --input <input-path> --output <output-path> --resolution <resolution> Parameters --input: The path to the `.gui` file(s) you want to process. You can specify a single file or a directory containing multiple `.gui` files. --output: The directory where the processed files will be saved. --resolution: The target resolution(s). Use the format `WIDTHxHEIGHT` (e.g., `1920x1080`). You can also specify `ALL` to process all common resolutions. Example To convert all `.gui` files in the directory `input_files/` to fit a 1920x1080 resolution and save them to the `output_files/` directory, run: python3 --input input_files/ --output output_files/ --resolution 1920x1080 Logging If logging is enabled, a log file named `output.log` will be created in the specified output directory. This file will contain details of the processing operations performed. How It Works 1. Input Handling: The tool takes in `.gui` files or directories containing these files and reads them using the `pykotor` library. 2. Resolution Scaling: The tool scales the GUI elements based on the specified target resolution(s). It calculates scale factors based on the original dimensions of the GUI and applies these factors to resize elements accordingly. 3. Output Generation: The processed GUI files are then saved to the specified output directory, organized by resolution. Credit: Cortisol for PyKotor (90% of the code) DarthParametric for testing and brainstorming the idea Submitter th3w1zard1 Submitted 11/14/2023 Category Modding Tools  
  10. Version 1.0


    These are basically High Definition upscaled assets for the first Kotor title. I was inspired by the games original awful stoneage 800x600 artwork and NDIX's groundbreaking work. Mod does not touch every original GUI element, and as such is not yet feature complete. For one, most LOADING SCREENS are still missing HD versions. They will come eventually. My hope is people find these as pleasing of an improvement, as i did. Instructions, such as they are, are in the README. As, this is my first mod, any ideas, suggestion, criticism, repackaging improvemts are highly encouraged. The Mod has been created with 16:9 aspect ratios and 1080/1440p in mind. I shall do my best to fix any potential problems. REQUIRED MODS: Universal Widescreen (UniWS) Patcher - KotOR High Resolution Menus 1.3 ndix UR - K1 Main Menu Widescreen Fix 1.1 By DarthParametric - Recommended MODS: HD NPC Portraits 1.1 by ndix UR OBVIOUSLY THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  11. View File K1Loading ConceptArt Description: This mod replaces all the loadscreens with new HD ones, based on High Resolution Upscales of original KOTOR Concept art. Though not exclusively. Im also including, the sourse images, as This mod replaces all the loadscreens with new HD ones, based on High Resolution Upscales of original KOTOR Concept art. Though not exclusively. Im also including, the source images, as a separate download, for those with preservation, creative tendencies. Important, this mod is meant exclusively for for people using 1440p resolution + HD Menu/UI mods. I hope to provide a 1080p version at some point, however feel free to do so yourself for your preferred resolution. K2 version, coming soon, i hope. Installation: MOD IS FOR 1440p ONLY!!! This mod should be installed AFTER KOTOR High Resolution Menus and HD UI Menu Pack by ndix UR. THIS MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE with any other Loadscreen mods. Drag and drop all the files from the Zip into your KotOR override folder. When prompted, make sure to overwrite the file "loadscreen.gui" INCOMPATIBILITY: THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LOADSCREENS IN COLOR. FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE THE FILES FROM LOADSCREENS IN COLOR PRIOR TO INSTALLING. IF YOU FAIL TO REMOVE LOADSCREENS IN COLOR PRIOR TO RUNNING THE GAME, YOUR GAME WILL CRASH. Permissions: Feel free to modify and redistribute. Please do not redistribute unmodified versions. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter JackInTheBox Submitted 07/13/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Description: This mod replaces all the loadscreens with new HD ones, based on High Resolution Upscales of original KOTOR Concept art. Though not exclusively. Im also including, the sourse images, as This mod replaces all the loadscreens with new HD ones, based on High Resolution Upscales of original KOTOR Concept art. Though not exclusively. Im also including, the source images, as a separate download, for those with preservation, creative tendencies. Important, this mod is meant exclusively for for people using 1440p resolution + HD Menu/UI mods. I hope to provide a 1080p version at some point, however feel free to do so yourself for your preferred resolution. K2 version, coming soon, i hope. Installation: MOD IS FOR 1440p ONLY!!! This mod should be installed AFTER KOTOR High Resolution Menus and HD UI Menu Pack by ndix UR. THIS MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE with any other Loadscreen mods. Drag and drop all the files from the Zip into your KotOR override folder. When prompted, make sure to overwrite the file "loadscreen.gui" INCOMPATIBILITY: THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LOADSCREENS IN COLOR. FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE THE FILES FROM LOADSCREENS IN COLOR PRIOR TO INSTALLING. IF YOU FAIL TO REMOVE LOADSCREENS IN COLOR PRIOR TO RUNNING THE GAME, YOUR GAME WILL CRASH. Permissions: Feel free to modify and redistribute. Please do not redistribute unmodified versions. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. ndix UR

    HD UI Menu Pack

    Version 1.1


    HD UI Menu Pack for Knights of the Old Republic v1.1 - 20180318 by ndix UR (DeadlyStream user) This modification adds high resolution UI menu textures. 2K is the base resolution. The content is redrawn vector art, no modified scale-ups here. It is focused on menu backgrounds, and includes some of the overlay components for the menus. Pure Vanilla (PV) Edition aims to provide the closest match to the original menu texture assets. This mod doesn't touch a lot of the 'extra' menu-like GUI elements yet, such as the galaxy screen, computer interfaces, pazaak, etc. It also doesn't mess with the main menu at all yet. Requirements You must be running menus at a high resolution for this to really work. At the default menu size, this mod will probably look bad. You must have KotOR High Resolution Menus or an equivalent mod installed for good results. Known Issues The original textures were for 640x480 menus. The 4x sized textures in this package would look best at 2560x1920, which nobody really uses. If your display is less than 2560px width, you may experience seams where different textures are intended to meet seamlessly. The game just isn't that good at scaling UI textures with alpha channels used for transparency. There's nothing I can really do about it. There are some sprites in the menu processes that haven't made it into the package yet. They may sometime. I've added x/y clamping to some textures that should have transparent edges over 3D backgrounds. It makes the transparent edges work well, but the diffuse edges work less well. It seems you can't have it both ways, and this is the trade off. Install / Uninstall To install, copy the files from the package Override/ folder to the Override/ folder for your KOTOR game installation. To uninstall, remove the TPC files for this package from your KOTOR game Override/ folder. Legal THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. The content of this mod is free for use and reuse, with no implied warranty, you can redistribute it, in original or modified form. If you do, a credit of some kind is nice but not required.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This mod aims to fix all* the stretching that occurs in widescreen (16:9) resolutions. There have already been other mods to fix the main HUD, but there are a lot of other elements in the game that are in need of correction, such as the pause menu, galaxy map, loading screens, etc. *For now, I recommend that you download "Widescreen UI Fix for Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords" by Achilles to fix the HUD, and combine it with this mod to un-stretch everything else. I have included my own experimental version of a 16:9 HUD, but right now I think most people would prefer Achilles' version.
  15. Version 2.0.0


    This mod replaces all the saber icons [Mantle of the Force, Heart of the Guardian and Malak's Lightsaber included] with the all new Cool Saber Icons. -= BACKGROUND =- When I switch around the lightsabers on the equip-list menu I had noticed that the blue lightsaber icons wasn't blue enough -- it was more purple than blue for this eyes, so I decided to make it blue, similar to the blade's color. The color of the icons were inspired by JCarter426's "JC's Lightsaber Visual Effects", the K1 version in particular. In the end not only the color that was changed, but the overall style of all the icons as well. -= ABOUT THIS MOD =- Inside this mod are 22 new Cool Saber Icons in TPC format -- covering all the available [saber] icons [including the unobtainable Malak's] in vanilla game. Preview -- As in v2.0.0 the hilts were rendered using VarsityPuppet's "Hi Poly Tin Cans" [ported to K1 by Fallen Guardian] enhanced by DarthParametric's "Alternative Textures". DP did the neat work as well on rendering them for me to repurpose as icons. As for the background bits I used and combined the TOR assets ported and provided by Magnetiicz. -- provided as well user-friendly TGA/DDS/TXI cleaner and mod-uninstaller for convenience purpose. -= FINAL REMARKS =- As it stands now Malak's Lightsaber is unobtainable in-game in a regular way. However, you can use cheat-console then type for giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06 to get one. I planned on allowing players to obtain one in-game sometimes in the future -- probably with the next update. There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! -= INSTALLATION =- Be sure to check for _CLEANLEFTOVERS folder first and read the Readme for further required actions When you're sure and ready -- hit the [Install Mod ->] button! -= UNINSTALLATION =- Available in the _UNINSTALL folder -- be certain to read the Readme first! -= COMPATIBILITY =- Is NOT compatible with mods that share the provision; doing same thing, same assets, etc. -= REDISTRIBUTION =- I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions -- so be considerate to not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. If you're to use the assets from this mod - please be kindly to ask for permission first -- that way I know what's up, and if it's interesting enough I might offer to be involved, hahah. Or at least we'll talk. Cheers! -= CREDITS =- The Almighty Force BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for Knights of the Old Republic/The Sith Lords/The Old Republic VarsityPuppet and Fallen Guardian for VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans - KotOR 1 which models used for rendering DarthParametric for Alternative Textures for VP's Tin Cans and rendering the sabers -- also feedbacks on this project as well the past-present knowledge along with his creation that I took learn from Magnetiicz for Ui_Icons_Swtor which ported TOR assets used and combined for the sabers' background bits JCarter426 for JC's Lightsaber Visual Effects that comes as inspiration -- -- and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to. Had learned a lot from their mods and been practicing using their methods Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview stoffe for TSL Patcher and Fair Strides for the updates [bundled with K1CP] djh269 for K1 saves [entire playthrough] that's really helpful for testing of this mod Tool Makers wasn't mentioned -- can't make it without y'all! Members of DeadlyStream All active/inactive modders that direct/indirectly influenced me to get into modding DS for being a home -- a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DS staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site - eb
  16. View File [K1] Cool Saber Icons This mod replaces all the saber icons [Mantle of the Force, Heart of the Guardian and Malak's Lightsaber included] with the all new Cool Saber Icons. -= BACKGROUND =- When I switch around the lightsabers on the equip-list menu I had noticed that the blue lightsaber icons wasn't blue enough -- it was more purple than blue for this eyes, so I decided to make it blue, similar to the blade's color. The color of the icons were inspired by JCarter426's "JC's Lightsaber Visual Effects", the K1 version in particular. In the end not only the color that was changed, but the overall style of all the icons as well. -= ABOUT THIS MOD =- Inside this mod are 22 new Cool Saber Icons in TPC format -- covering all the available [saber] icons [including the unobtainable Malak's] in vanilla game. Preview -- As in v2.0.0 the hilts were rendered using VarsityPuppet's "Hi Poly Tin Cans" [ported to K1 by Fallen Guardian] enhanced by DarthParametric's "Alternative Textures". DP did the neat work as well on rendering them for me to repurpose as icons. As for the background bits I used and combined the TOR assets ported and provided by Magnetiicz. -- provided as well user-friendly TGA/DDS/TXI cleaner and mod-uninstaller for convenience purpose. -= FINAL REMARKS =- As it stands now Malak's Lightsaber is unobtainable in-game in a regular way. However, you can use cheat-console then type for giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06 to get one. I planned on allowing players to obtain one in-game sometimes in the future -- probably with the next update. There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! -= INSTALLATION =- Be sure to check for _CLEANLEFTOVERS folder first and read the Readme for further required actions When you're sure and ready -- hit the [Install Mod ->] button! -= UNINSTALLATION =- Available in the _UNINSTALL folder -- be certain to read the Readme first! -= COMPATIBILITY =- Is NOT compatible with mods that share the provision; doing same thing, same assets, etc. -= REDISTRIBUTION =- I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions -- so be considerate to not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. If you're to use the assets from this mod - please be kindly to ask for permission first -- that way I know what's up, and if it's interesting enough I might offer to be involved, hahah. Or at least we'll talk. Cheers! -= CREDITS =- The Almighty Force BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for Knights of the Old Republic/The Sith Lords/The Old Republic VarsityPuppet and Fallen Guardian for VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans - KotOR 1 which models used for rendering DarthParametric for Alternative Textures for VP's Tin Cans and rendering the sabers -- also feedbacks on this project as well the past-present knowledge along with his creation that I took learn from Magnetiicz for Ui_Icons_Swtor which ported TOR assets used and combined for the sabers' background bits JCarter426 for JC's Lightsaber Visual Effects that comes as inspiration -- -- and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to. Had learned a lot from their mods and been practicing using their methods Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview stoffe for TSL Patcher and Fair Strides for the updates [bundled with K1CP] djh269 for K1 saves [entire playthrough] that's really helpful for testing of this mod Tool Makers wasn't mentioned -- can't make it without y'all! Members of DeadlyStream All active/inactive modders that direct/indirectly influenced me to get into modding DS for being a home -- a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DS staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site - eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 12/10/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  17. View File Android GUI fixes Modifies some UI elements of the KotOR Android port. There are three .gui files in the package: ftchrgen.gui - Fixes the Feats selection menu not fully showing the last row of feats. areatransition.gui - Moves the Area transition UI element to the center of the screen, makes it slightly bigger and centers the text. xymipc210x7.gui - Moves the Combat message UI element to the center of the screen INSTALL Copy .gui files to android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/override (I also recommend installing KOTOR Widescreen Fade Fix) Please note that I can't guarantee these edits will have the intended result on your device. Tools used: Visual KotOR GUI Editor (KGE) 0.0.4 K-GFF 1.3 Submitter Spulifan Submitted 09/27/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  18. Spulifan

    Android GUI fixes

    Version 1.0.0


    Modifies some UI elements of the KotOR Android port. There are three .gui files in the package: ftchrgen.gui - Fixes the Feats selection menu not fully showing the last row of feats. areatransition.gui - Moves the Area transition UI element to the center of the screen, makes it slightly bigger and centers the text. xymipc210x7.gui - Moves the Combat message UI element to the center of the screen INSTALL Copy .gui files to android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/override (I also recommend installing KOTOR Widescreen Fade Fix) Please note that I can't guarantee these edits will have the intended result on your device. Tools used: Visual KotOR GUI Editor (KGE) 0.0.4 K-GFF 1.3
  19. Version 0.92


    This mod fixes UI stretching that happens when playing K2 on ultrawide resolutions (21:9). In addition, even after patching the game .exe with UniWS to play in ultrawide, your character's replies are invisible, making the game impossible to play. I provide a method to fix this issue (using Hex editing). Simply fixing the UI stretching is unsatisfactory, as the game UI is not adapted for ultrawide screens. This results in an elongated, ugly and impractical UI. The text boxes are too large,the buttons too wide and too spread out on the screen. As a result, interacting with the UI is tiresome and requires way too much eye and mouse motion. Therefore I opted to redesign the game UI so that everything is centered on the screen and easier to access. The downside is that many spots are left black, which is not visually pleasing. I believe the letterboxing fix can be useful to people running 1366x768 and who cannot see dialogs. Disclaimer: This mod was only tested with the GoG version of the game (i.e. without the Aspyr patch), upscaled using UniWS to 3440x1440. I do not know how the UI files would look using either Flawless Widescreen or the Aspyr version. I have not tried any other ultrawide resolution. The UI fix is not fully tested, and some parts of the game may still contain some stretched elements. Installation instructions - stretched UI: Simply download and extract, then copy the files from the downloaded override folder into your game override folder. Installation instructions - letterboxing fix: Here is the entire procedure to properly patch your game exe so that it runs in ultrawide. We are aiming at doing 3 things: 1. Use UniWS to automatically patch your swkotor2.exe to the right resolution, following this video 2. Manually Hex edit your swkotor2.exe to play movies in your native resolution, following this video. The hidden benefit is that it will speed up your game loading because you will not have to change resolutions to play the logos movie. 3. Manually Hex edit the game to change the letterboxing scaling, restoring your ability to see dialog options in game. In K1, this was done by the excellent KotOR High Resolution Menus, but there seems to be no equivalent for K2. Before doing any of this, backup your game exe !! 1. I will not provide any instruction for step 1 because UniWS is pretty straightforward. 2. Even though step 2 is well explaines in Xuul's video, I will provide here text instructions. Once you have performed step 1, you need to download and install a hex editor (such as HxD). Open your swkotor2.exe with your hexadecimal editor, and look for the Hex strings: 80 02 00 00 75 15 81 3D E8 C1 80 00 E0 01 80 02 00 00 C7 44 24 10 E0 01 In both these lines, 80 02 and E0 01 are the width (respectively height) at which videos are played, in hexadecimal. You need to change them with your desired width and height. First, use a hexadecimal converter to convert your desired width and height into hexadecimal. For the hexadecimal values to be read by the game, you need to swap the digits pair-wise for each value (if that is not clear, an example is provided below). Finally, you can replace 80 02 and E 01 by your own values in the lines above. Example: for 3440x1440. First you convert them to hexadecimal, giving 0D 70 and 05 A0. Then you swap the two pairs of figures, giving 70 0D and A0 05. Then you just need to replace 80 02 by 70 0D, and E0 01 by A0 05. The resulting lines should look like: 70 0D 00 00 75 15 81 3D E8 C1 80 00 A0 05 70 0D 00 00 C7 44 24 10 A0 05 That was step 2. Don't close the hex editor, we still have one step to do. 3. For step 3, we need to locate the letterbox scaling value into the game exe. You need to locate the hex string 5F 70 00 00 B9 6D DB 3E 20 EE 70 00 00 A7 40 00 The value of the letterbox scaling is B9 6D DB 3E. This is too small, making the bottom part of the letterbox -hence your dialog options- invisible on ultrawide. You need to replace it with a higher value ( 4A 92 A4 3E, as suggested for widescreen by K1 HR Menus works fine, but feel free to enter your own value). You need to replace B9 6D DB 3E with 4A 92 A4 3E, giving: 5F 70 00 00 4A 92 A4 3E 20 EE 70 00 00 A7 40 00 Now save and enjoy ! Known issues: the feat/power selection tree, at character creation or levelling up doesn't look nice and there's too much space between the icons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to scale like the rest of the UI, and I don't know how to fix it for now loading screens still look stretched, the solution here is to edit the loading screens directly and not the UI I did not rescale the pazaak screen, as I would also need to rescale the background pazaak texture for it not to be ugly Incompatibilities: This mod will not be compatible with any mod that alters the UI. The only I can think of right now is TSL galaxy map fix pack, at least the version which changes the planet position. My mod will put the planet positions to their vanilla spot. Credits: Visual KOTOR Gui Editor, an awesome tool for gui editing KOTOR Tool, to extract game files tpcview KotOR High Resolution Menu for finding the letterboxing fix in K1,
  20. View File Ultrawide UI & dialog/letterboxing fix (for UniWS, 21:9) This mod fixes UI stretching that happens when playing K2 on ultrawide resolutions (21:9). In addition, even after patching the game .exe with UniWS to play in ultrawide, your character's replies are invisible, making the game impossible to play. I provide a method to fix this issue (using Hex editing). Simply fixing the UI stretching is unsatisfactory, as the game UI is not adapted for ultrawide screens. This results in an elongated, ugly and impractical UI. The text boxes are too large,the buttons too wide and too spread out on the screen. As a result, interacting with the UI is tiresome and requires way too much eye and mouse motion. Therefore I opted to redesign the game UI so that everything is centered on the screen and easier to access. The downside is that many spots are left black, which is not visually pleasing. I believe the letterboxing fix can be useful to people running 1366x768 and who cannot see dialogs. Disclaimer: This mod was only tested with the GoG version of the game (i.e. without the Aspyr patch), upscaled using UniWS to 3440x1440. I do not know how the UI files would look using either Flawless Widescreen or the Aspyr version. I have not tried any other ultrawide resolution. The UI fix is not fully tested, and some parts of the game may still contain some stretched elements. Installation instructions - stretched UI: Simply download and extract, then copy the files from the downloaded override folder into your game override folder. Installation instructions - letterboxing fix: Here is the entire procedure to properly patch your game exe so that it runs in ultrawide. We are aiming at doing 3 things: 1. Use UniWS to automatically patch your swkotor2.exe to the right resolution, following this video 2. Manually Hex edit your swkotor2.exe to play movies in your native resolution, following this video. The hidden benefit is that it will speed up your game loading because you will not have to change resolutions to play the logos movie. 3. Manually Hex edit the game to change the letterboxing scaling, restoring your ability to see dialog options in game. In K1, this was done by the excellent KotOR High Resolution Menus, but there seems to be no equivalent for K2. Before doing any of this, backup your game exe !! 1. I will not provide any instruction for step 1 because UniWS is pretty straightforward. 2. Even though step 2 is well explaines in Xuul's video, I will provide here text instructions. Once you have performed step 1, you need to download and install a hex editor (such as HxD). Open your swkotor2.exe with your hexadecimal editor, and look for the Hex strings: 80 02 00 00 75 15 81 3D E8 C1 80 00 E0 01 80 02 00 00 C7 44 24 10 E0 01 In both these lines, 80 02 and E0 01 are the width (respectively height) at which videos are played, in hexadecimal. You need to change them with your desired width and height. First, use a hexadecimal converter to convert your desired width and height into hexadecimal. For the hexadecimal values to be read by the game, you need to swap the digits pair-wise for each value (if that is not clear, an example is provided below). Finally, you can replace 80 02 and E 01 by your own values in the lines above. Example: for 3440x1440. First you convert them to hexadecimal, giving 0D 70 and 05 A0. Then you swap the two pairs of figures, giving 70 0D and A0 05. Then you just need to replace 80 02 by 70 0D, and E0 01 by A0 05. The resulting lines should look like: 70 0D 00 00 75 15 81 3D E8 C1 80 00 A0 05 70 0D 00 00 C7 44 24 10 A0 05 That was step 2. Don't close the hex editor, we still have one step to do. 3. For step 3, we need to locate the letterbox scaling value into the game exe. You need to locate the hex string 5F 70 00 00 B9 6D DB 3E 20 EE 70 00 00 A7 40 00 The value of the letterbox scaling is B9 6D DB 3E. This is too small, making the bottom part of the letterbox -hence your dialog options- invisible on ultrawide. You need to replace it with a higher value ( 4A 92 A4 3E, as suggested for widescreen by K1 HR Menus works fine, but feel free to enter your own value). You need to replace B9 6D DB 3E with 4A 92 A4 3E, giving: 5F 70 00 00 4A 92 A4 3E 20 EE 70 00 00 A7 40 00 Now save and enjoy ! Known issues: the feat/power selection tree, at character creation or levelling up doesn't look nice and there's too much space between the icons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to scale like the rest of the UI, and I don't know how to fix it for now loading screens still look stretched, the solution here is to edit the loading screens directly and not the UI I did not rescale the pazaak screen, as I would also need to rescale the background pazaak texture for it not to be ugly Incompatibilities: This mod will not be compatible with any mod that alters the UI. The only I can think of right now is TSL galaxy map fix pack, at least the version which changes the planet position. My mod will put the planet positions to their vanilla spot. Credits: Visual KOTOR Gui Editor, an awesome tool for gui editing KOTOR Tool, to extract game files tpcview KotOR High Resolution Menu for finding the letterboxing fix in K1, Submitter Verinen Submitted 05/20/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  21. Version 1.5


    ImmersiveHUD (or short iHUD) for Android-KotOR by MilesTeg --------------------------------------------- ===== Description ===== This is a simple, lightweight fix to tone down the very bright HUD. It's especially useful if your device can't handle frame buffer graphic effects (=unable to adjust brigthness). I mostly adjusted the alpha channels to add nearly full transparency (reduce brightness of GUI elements). Additionally, I've adjusted HUD-Elements for dialog scenes. Now, while choosing answers you can see your own player character instead of a huge blue menu blocking the view. Requirenments: You'll need 1 MB additional internal storage How-To Mod your Android-KotOR: ===== Installation & Usage ===== Like every mod for android you simply extract and copy all files from ''iHUD-mod/'' and/or ''/iDialog-mod/'' to ''/Android/data/com.aspyre.swkotor/files/override/'' (if not present, create an override folder). Restart KotOR and enjoy the game Uninstall: Delete files from override. ===== File contents ===== iHUD-mod - mod files for your android-override dir iDialog-mod - mod files for your android-override dir for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) ===== Credits / Reuse content ===== You may use this mod for any non commercial use and without contacting me. Thx to **KOTOR-Tool by FredTetra **Xoreos Tools **Reddituser u/Rasral123 for his great tutorial Big thanks to Obsidian and Bioware for this great game. THX Aspyr for this solid game port! ===== Changelog ===== v1.5 added iDialog (Dialog-Menu doesn't block your view) v1.0 release 28/04/2019
  22. View File K2 Portrait Restored I am ashamed to say, this took longer, than it ever should have. Such a simple thing, when you think about it. Oh well. Description - Better? charakter portraits for your favorite crew, who all hate eachother. And finally, some use for that awesome Obsidian art. Disclaimer: OBVIOUSLY THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Mods are made entirely as a labor of passion and for none profit purposes. All rights to intellectual property reserved by Obsidian/ Disney? Submitter JackInTheBox Submitted 09/14/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    I am ashamed to say, this took longer, than it ever should have. Such a simple thing, when you think about it. Oh well. Description - Better? charakter portraits for your favorite crew, who all hate eachother. And finally, some use for that awesome Obsidian art. Disclaimer: OBVIOUSLY THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Mods are made entirely as a labor of passion and for none profit purposes. All rights to intellectual property reserved by Obsidian/ Disney?
  24. View File HD MENUS AND UI Assets These are basically High Definition upscaled assets for the first Kotor title. I was inspired by the games original awful stoneage 800x600 artwork and NDIX's groundbreaking work. Mod does not touch every original GUI element, and as such is not yet feature complete. For one, most LOADING SCREENS are still missing HD versions. They will come eventually. My hope is people find these as pleasing of an improvement, as i did. Instructions, such as they are, are in the README. As, this is my first mod, any ideas, suggestion, criticism, repackaging improvemts are highly encouraged. The Mod has been created with 16:9 aspect ratios and 1080/1440p in mind. I shall do my best to fix any potential problems. REQUIRED MODS: Universal Widescreen (UniWS) Patcher - KotOR High Resolution Menus 1.3 ndix UR - K1 Main Menu Widescreen Fix 1.1 By DarthParametric - Recommended MODS: HD NPC Portraits 1.1 by ndix UR OBVIOUSLY THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter JackInTheBox Submitted 03/14/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  25. View File [K1] T3-M4 Custom Portrait [K1] T3-M4 Custom Portrait This is a T3-M4 custom portrait mod. The concept is much inspired by "Artistic Fanart Portraits [K1]", authored by Mutilator57. Base image was taken from here, with some edits then adding background for artistry purpose to better suit the playthrough experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] then hit the [Install Mod ->] button! You may want to remove any instance of TGA/DDS format of PO_pt3m3 in the 'Override', either before/after the installation. Make a backup if you want to Uninstallation: remove PO_pt3m3.tpc from the 'Override' and/or replace with the backup ones Compatibility: will not be compatible with mods that share the same scope with this mod This mod will have direct effect anytime and anywhere it had been installed The mod was play-tested with KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R and K1:Community Patch/K1CP installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: you may distribute the mod; just don't claim it as your own, and give credits where it's due. At last, leave appreciation to BioWare & LucasArts with any inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant's work here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played starwars.wikia for providing the base image Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc stoffe and Fair Strides for the magnificent TSLPatcher All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site Snigaroo for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor - thanks! The place is so much fun - and inspiring! :jarjar: -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 05/16/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes