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Found 11 results

  1. Version 1.0


    =Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Mysterious Box Music for Unknown LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1) DESCRIPTION: In vanilla KotOR 1, the Mysterious Box uses an ambient music that is not used anywhere else in the game, while the Unknown World uses the Sand People Enclave's ambient music for all the areas on the world outside the Temple of the Ancients. This mod will make the Mysterious Box's ambient music played in some areas of the Unknown World, specifically the Central Beach, North Beach, Temple Exterior and South Beach. This change is made because both the Mysterious Box and the Unknown World directly involve the Rakata, and to diversify the ambient music used for various areas of the Unknown World a bit. However, this mod does not change the ambient music of the Rakatan Settlement, the Elder Settlement and the Temple of the Ancients. NOTE: In order for this mod to take effect, you must use a save before visiting the Unknown World for the first time. Music preview: 2) INSTALLATION: Extract the Mysterious Box Music for Unknown you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run MBMUW Installer.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the unk_m41aa.mod, unk_m41ab.mod, unk_m41ac.mod and unk_m41ad.mod files in the Modules folder in your KotOR directory, when you install this mod a new folder named backup will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 3) UNINSTALLATION: If a backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the backup folder, cut and paste any .mod files from the folder and paste the file in in the Modules folder in your KotOR directory. If no backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the Modules folder in your KotOR directory, and delete unk_m41aa.mod, unk_m41ab.mod, unk_m41ac.mod and unk_m41ad.mod. 4) KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5) MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is not compatible with any other mods that modify the track name of the ambient music played in the Central Beach, North Beach, Temple Exterior and South Beach of the Unknown World. This mod is compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R). 6) PERMISSION: You may do whatever you want with this file. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. 7) CREDITS: Kexikus for K1 music overview spreadsheet ( Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.1.0


    *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (1.1) AUTHOR: LDR FILENAME: ldr_repshipunknownworld FILESIZE: 176 MB -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- There are 2 available methods of installing A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World. The standard installation method is done entirely though TSL Patcher, and doesn’t require you to do anything beyond simple button clicking. The manual installation is for those unable, for whatever reason, to use TSL Patcher, and involves the copying and pasting of files from folder to folder. NOTE: With the standard installation method, this mod is far more likely to work alongside any other mods you may currently have installed, which may not be the case should you use the manual installation method. I have attempted naming files in a way where there should be a minimum chance of mod conflicts, but you never know. This mod also has an "Optional" installation meant to use in conjuction with either/both of SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. To uninstall, remove the files from their respective folders in the SWKotOR directory. ------------------------------ » STANDARD INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Double click TSLPatcher.exe. 2) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory. 3) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete. ------------------------------ » MANUAL INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Open up the tslpatchdata folder. 2) Copy all files with a .wav extension and paste into the streamwaves folder located in your SWKotOR directory. 3) Copy all files with a .mod extension and paste into the modules folder located in your SWKotOR directory. 4) Copy everything else (With exception to changes.ini and info.rtf) and paste into the override folder located in your SWKotOR directory (If there isn't one, create one). ------------------------------ » OPTIONAL INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Additional install options have been provided for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. 2) Double click TSLPatcher.exe. 3) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory. 4) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete. --------------- Mod Permissions --------------- You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me. ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ This mod adds 6 new modules, 9 new items (3 equippable inventory, 4 datapads, 2 keycards) on the Unknown World, making the crashed Hammerhead explorable. You must have a save before setting foot on the Unknown World. -------------------------------------------------- » Version 1.1 Changes -------------------------------------------------- - Fixes a bug where the party was prevented from spawning in during the confrontation on the beach on a DS playthrough following completing the Temple. - Corrects reported spelling/gramatical errors. - Integrates optional install paths through TSLPatcher for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. ----- BUGS ----- Any mods that modify the unk_m41aa OnEnter script will be incompatible with this mod. "Frame Buffer Effects" turned off in the swkotor.ini results in audio logs without the blue camera effect. If you find any please post them in the comments or send me a direct message. I will address them as soon as I can. ------------------- » MODULE/ITEM NAMES ------------------- For this to work correctly in conjunction with your own mod, you must not use any within the following list as names for your custom module/item reskins. m41ae m41af 152unk 153unk m41ai m41aj LHC LHW Blaster Pistol template 020 Forearm Band template 019 Gauntlet template 019 ------------- Voice Acting ------------- DarthTyren as Medical Officer Audio Log Mellowtron11 as Engine Officer Audio Log Sith Holocron as Republic Captain Audio Log Zhaboka as Kolgrim ----------- Permissions ----------- Permission granted from Darth InSidious to use his alternative beach Hammerhead textures. Permission granted from DarthParametric to utilize his edited mdls from both his Endar Spire and Harbinger Hull Repair mods. Permission granted from SithSpecter to utilize integration for his High Quality Blasters for Modders resource and colored loadscreen templates mod. Permission granted from Thor110 to repurpose his ported K1 Harbinger modules. ------- Credits ------- - To the people who created the tools which have allowed me to create this mod. - Kotor Tool..........................Fred Tetra - K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor..........tk102 - ERF Editor/TSLPatcher...............stoffe - MDLOps..............................cchargin/JDNoa - Lipsynch Editor.....................JDNoa - XVI32 Hex Editor....................Chmaas - CSLU Toolkit........................Oregon Health & Science University My beta testers: djh269, jc2, N-DReW25 and Zhaboka. I couldn't have done this without you! JCarter46 and DarthParametric for handholding me with regards to literally all scripting that was above basic level. Thank you so much. Lachjames for his assistance in helping me generate/test .lip files. Snigaroo for bug reporting and feedback for the 1.1 patch. All of the wonderful folks at DeadlyStream (and Holowan Labs), that led me on and helped me when I hit a snag. All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You!
  3. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 25.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor 1 you can obtain an armor called Mandalorian Assault Armor which disguises your character into a blue Mandalorian as if your actually wearing there full body armor which was a good feature about the last few missions in kotor but if you play TSL you will know that the Mandalorian Assault Armor has a unique armor reskin which for me was a big slap in the face since I personally liked seeing Canderous as a Mandalorian but when I was searching through the game textures I found out that the TSL Mandalorian Assault Armor texture appears in the files of Kotor 1 meaning that the Texture appearing in TSL was intended for Kotor 1 but was cut at the last minute and replaced with a disguise though personally I would prefer the disguise though the Hardcore Restoration Fans say otherwise Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "g_a_class9010.uti" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. Version 1.2


    The KOTOR Revisited Collection: The Unknown World is a critical moment in the KOTOR story and a nice place to explore. With this textures pack I wanted to highlight the contrast between the absolute beauty of this world and the tragic fate of the Rakata survivors, now living among the wrecks of stranded ships. WARNING: if you are a hardcore vanilla supporter, this mod won't be for you (and there are already a lot of vanilla upscaled textures mods available). Not that this mod is not lore-friendly compared to the SW universe (to me at least it is) but it changes most of the vanilla textures by original and home made ones. Click here for a Vanilla VS Revisited comparison My main inspiration when creating these textures was the SWTOR game and The Clone Wars serie. This mod DOES replace textures for: - Architecture /Wrecks - Grounds - Rocks - Vegetation - Rakata NPCs and Rancors. This mod DOES NOT replace textures for: - The Republic ship interiors - Skybox (using the great High Quality Skybox II is strongly recommended) - The Ebon Hawk - Textures are TGA 2048x2048 pixels (based on my experience there's no need to go highter in resolution in this game. 4K textures on old graphics games is just a waste of ressource to me). The total size is 1.2gb on your HDD once installed. - These textures add maximum details with minimum tilling effect. On a low poly game with no normal/bump maps, tilling REALLY IS your enemy. - I used a soft cell shading style because in my opinion photorealistic textures on low poly meshes just look weird and not that great (but again this is my taste). - Hi quality Reflection effects added to metallic objects like walls, wrecks,... - On a vanilla unmodded game (if such thing still exist): Extract the file and drop the Override folder in your game install folder. That's it. - On an already modded game: there's a high probability that you already have the same files than this mod in your Override folder. These files can be TGA or TPC (or both). So follow these steps: 1/ Extract the file and drop the Override folder in your game install folder. Overwrite existing files when asked. 2/ Download and use the Removes duplicate TGA/TPC tool (easy to use but make sure to read the description). When asked delete the TPC duplicates. By doing this, you make sure there is no conflict with existing modded TPC files in your Override folder so my textures will appear as expected in your game. NOTE: This pack does not cover 100% of the Unknown World textures so it is recommended to install it over a vanilla overhaul textures pack to get a complete HD experience. Just make sure you are installing a Vanilla overhaul BEFORE installing my pack. - Could you make a TPC version? I've tried to convert the mod in TPC but this format breaks many reflection effects when a texture uses an Alpha channel. As I'm not used to work with this format I don't know how I could fix it and to be honest I don't really care. If a simple solution exists then why not providing a TPC version. - I don't like this or that, could you change it? It is a very personal project from a pre-Disney SW fans so like any old school SW supporter I'm very stubborn and closed-mind. It will be unlikely that I take your idea in consideration, but you may try. - Do you plan "revisiting" others places from KOTOR? I've already done a few planets (see the collection above this page) and more may come in the future. - Kexikus and his High Quality Skybox II mod which I used on my pics. - ShiningRedHD and his Ultimate Unknown World High Resolution mod which I used as a template to help me finding correct files/textures in the game. It was also my "vanilla" benchmark used to calibrate my own textures colors and luminosity. - Many other modders for all the files I'm using on my game and can not list here.
  5. View File Unknown World Revisited The KOTOR Revisited Collection: The Unknown World is a critical moment in the KOTOR story and a nice place to explore. With this textures pack I wanted to highlight the contrast between the absolute beauty of this world and the tragic fate of the Rakata survivors, now living among the wrecks of stranded ships. WARNING: if you are a hardcore vanilla supporter, this mod won't be for you (and there are already a lot of vanilla upscaled textures mods available). Not that this mod is not lore-friendly compared to the SW universe (to me at least it is) but it changes most of the vanilla textures by original and home made ones. Click here for a Vanilla VS Revisited comparison My main inspiration when creating these textures was the SWTOR game and The Clone Wars serie. This mod DOES replace textures for: - Architecture /Wrecks - Grounds - Rocks - Vegetation - Rakata NPCs and Rancors. This mod DOES NOT replace textures for: - The Republic ship interiors - Skybox (using the great High Quality Skybox II is strongly recommended) - The Ebon Hawk - Textures are TGA 2048x2048 pixels (based on my experience there's no need to go highter in resolution in this game. 4K textures on old graphics games is just a waste of ressource to me). The total size is 1.2gb on your HDD once installed. - These textures add maximum details with minimum tilling effect. On a low poly game with no normal/bump maps, tilling REALLY IS your enemy. - I used a soft cell shading style because in my opinion photorealistic textures on low poly meshes just look weird and not that great (but again this is my taste). - Hi quality Reflection effects added to metallic objects like walls, wrecks,... - On a vanilla unmodded game (if such thing still exist): Extract the file and drop the Override folder in your game install folder. That's it. - On an already modded game: there's a high probability that you already have the same files than this mod in your Override folder. These files can be TGA or TPC (or both). So follow these steps: 1/ Extract the file and drop the Override folder in your game install folder. Overwrite existing files when asked. 2/ Download and use the Removes duplicate TGA/TPC tool (easy to use but make sure to read the description). When asked delete the TPC duplicates. By doing this, you make sure there is no conflict with existing modded TPC files in your Override folder so my textures will appear as expected in your game. NOTE: This pack does not cover 100% of the Unknown World textures so it is recommended to install it over a vanilla overhaul textures pack to get a complete HD experience. Just make sure you are installing a Vanilla overhaul BEFORE installing my pack. - Could you make a TPC version? I've tried to convert the mod in TPC but this format breaks many reflection effects when a texture uses an Alpha channel. As I'm not used to work with this format I don't know how I could fix it and to be honest I don't really care. If a simple solution exists then why not providing a TPC version. - I don't like this or that, could you change it? It is a very personal project from a pre-Disney SW fans so like any old school SW supporter I'm very stubborn and closed-mind. It will be unlikely that I take your idea in consideration, but you may try. - Do you plan "revisiting" others places from KOTOR? I've already done a few planets (see the collection above this page) and more may come in the future. - Kexikus and his High Quality Skybox II mod which I used on my pics. - ShiningRedHD and his Ultimate Unknown World High Resolution mod which I used as a template to help me finding correct files/textures in the game. It was also my "vanilla" benchmark used to calibrate my own textures colors and luminosity. - Many other modders for all the files I'm using on my game and can not list here. Submitter Laast Submitted 06/26/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Temple Main Floor - Missing Lamps Fix Lights are always nice in a dark places. Though it'd be nicer to know where it came from... What Happened? Inside the Temple Main Floor, there are rooms with source of lights that comes from nowhere. I was terrified... thought at first they're missing the GIT reference for the placeables, appears they're not, as they're not placeables. With second thought, perhaps they're missing their render flag? Again, no lamp meshes with the room model as pointed by DarthParametric. Apparently, they are missing their lamps which caused by missing references for the objects. In essence, the lamp is not part of the room model nor a placeable, instead a reference model called by the room's. What Does This Mod Do? This mod adds the missing reference for the lamps to four of the rooms inside the Temple Main Floor module. Optionally, it can also readjust the facing point of two Rune Covered Pillars inside one of the room, which I think could improve the aesthetics and immersion that's missing from the original setup. Here's a before-and-after screenshots of what this mod mainly does - And the optional that readjust the pillars' facing point - What Can You Do? There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. What You Should Do? For best experience with the game itself, I suggest you to have KOTOR 1 Community Patch installed. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer and choose INSTALL option, then hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: remove these files from the Override folder - m44aa_04a.mdl m44aa_04a.mdx m44aa_05a.mdl m44aa_05a.mdx m44aa_15a.mdl m44aa_15a.mdx m44aa_17a.mdl m44aa_17a.mdx Compatibility: will not be compatible with mods that edits and/or replace the relevant models, also mods that possibly changes the module layouts/LYT The mod can be installed anytime - anywhere as the game's progress, and will have direct effect instantly It is play-tested with the latest version of KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R and is compatible with it. At the other hand, it was only by far tested with K1:Community Patch/K1CP v1.7, though assets-wise, there's nothing to be conflicted with the 1.8 version Redistribution: you can redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites, just don't claim it as your own. Though I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. Be advised then, most likely I will not provide ones if I don't know where it re-hosted. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. Inside this mod are resources which can be repurposed for your likings in one condition; please include the unmodified-original sources along with the release of the project. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. Said and done, give credits to BioWare & LucasArts with the release - as without them this enjoyment would be non-existent. A bit of appreciation to this peasant here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've ever played DarthParametric for helpful insights, troubleshooting, and information regarding the model name in the first place, also for past-present knowledge which allows me to create mods and all his outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mods and been practicing a lot using their method ROTNR for Creating Module Files in KotOR tutorial which opened the gate for me to packaging a custom MOD/module Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax stoffe for the magnificent TSL Patcher and ERFEdit Fair Strides for improving TSL Patcher functionality and the very helpful KotOR Toolset tk102 for K-GFF Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on /r/kotor -eb
  7. View File A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (1.1) AUTHOR: LDR FILENAME: ldr_repshipunknownworld FILESIZE: 176 MB -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- There are 2 available methods of installing A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World. The standard installation method is done entirely though TSL Patcher, and doesn’t require you to do anything beyond simple button clicking. The manual installation is for those unable, for whatever reason, to use TSL Patcher, and involves the copying and pasting of files from folder to folder. NOTE: With the standard installation method, this mod is far more likely to work alongside any other mods you may currently have installed, which may not be the case should you use the manual installation method. I have attempted naming files in a way where there should be a minimum chance of mod conflicts, but you never know. This mod also has an "Optional" installation meant to use in conjuction with either/both of SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. To uninstall, remove the files from their respective folders in the SWKotOR directory. ------------------------------ » STANDARD INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Double click TSLPatcher.exe. 2) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory. 3) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete. ------------------------------ » MANUAL INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Open up the tslpatchdata folder. 2) Copy all files with a .wav extension and paste into the streamwaves folder located in your SWKotOR directory. 3) Copy all files with a .mod extension and paste into the modules folder located in your SWKotOR directory. 4) Copy everything else (With exception to changes.ini and info.rtf) and paste into the override folder located in your SWKotOR directory (If there isn't one, create one). ------------------------------ » OPTIONAL INSTALLATION ------------------------------ 1) Additional install options have been provided for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. 2) Double click TSLPatcher.exe. 3) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory. 4) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete. --------------- Mod Permissions --------------- You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me. ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ This mod adds 6 new modules, 9 new items (3 equippable inventory, 4 datapads, 2 keycards) on the Unknown World, making the crashed Hammerhead explorable. You must have a save before setting foot on the Unknown World. -------------------------------------------------- » Version 1.1 Changes -------------------------------------------------- - Fixes a bug where the party was prevented from spawning in during the confrontation on the beach on a DS playthrough following completing the Temple. - Corrects reported spelling/gramatical errors. - Integrates optional install paths through TSLPatcher for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods. ----- BUGS ----- Any mods that modify the unk_m41aa OnEnter script will be incompatible with this mod. "Frame Buffer Effects" turned off in the swkotor.ini results in audio logs without the blue camera effect. If you find any please post them in the comments or send me a direct message. I will address them as soon as I can. ------------------- » MODULE/ITEM NAMES ------------------- For this to work correctly in conjunction with your own mod, you must not use any within the following list as names for your custom module/item reskins. m41ae m41af 152unk 153unk m41ai m41aj LHC LHW Blaster Pistol template 020 Forearm Band template 019 Gauntlet template 019 ------------- Voice Acting ------------- DarthTyren as Medical Officer Audio Log Mellowtron11 as Engine Officer Audio Log Sith Holocron as Republic Captain Audio Log Zhaboka as Kolgrim ----------- Permissions ----------- Permission granted from Darth InSidious to use his alternative beach Hammerhead textures. Permission granted from DarthParametric to utilize his edited mdls from both his Endar Spire and Harbinger Hull Repair mods. Permission granted from SithSpecter to utilize integration for his High Quality Blasters for Modders resource and colored loadscreen templates mod. Permission granted from Thor110 to repurpose his ported K1 Harbinger modules. ------- Credits ------- - To the people who created the tools which have allowed me to create this mod. - Kotor Tool..........................Fred Tetra - K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor..........tk102 - ERF Editor/TSLPatcher...............stoffe - MDLOps..............................cchargin/JDNoa - Lipsynch Editor.....................JDNoa - XVI32 Hex Editor....................Chmaas - CSLU Toolkit........................Oregon Health & Science University My beta testers: djh269, jc2, N-DReW25 and Zhaboka. I couldn't have done this without you! JCarter46 and DarthParametric for handholding me with regards to literally all scripting that was above basic level. Thank you so much. Lachjames for his assistance in helping me generate/test .lip files. Snigaroo for bug reporting and feedback for the 1.1 patch. All of the wonderful folks at DeadlyStream (and Holowan Labs), that led me on and helped me when I hit a snag. All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You! Submitter LDR Submitted 04/21/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. View File [K1] Temple Main Floor - Missing Lamps Fix [K1] Temple Main Floor - Missing Lamps Fix Lights are always nice in a dark places. Though it'd be nicer to know where it came from... What Happened? Inside the Temple Main Floor, there are rooms with source of lights that comes from nowhere. I was terrified... thought at first they're missing the GIT reference for the placeables, appears they're not, as they're not placeables. With second thought, perhaps they're missing their render flag? Again, no lamp meshes with the room model as pointed by DarthParametric. Apparently, they are missing their lamps which caused by missing references for the objects. In essence, the lamp is not part of the room model nor a placeable, instead a reference model called by the room's. What Does This Mod Do? This mod adds the missing reference for the lamps to four of the rooms inside the Temple Main Floor module. Optionally, it can also readjust the facing point of two Rune Covered Pillars inside one of the room, which I think could improve the aesthetics and immersion that's missing from the original setup. Here's a before-and-after screenshots of what this mod mainly does - And the optional that readjust the pillars' facing point - What Can You Do? There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. What You Should Do? For best experience with the game itself, I suggest you to have KOTOR 1 Community Patch installed. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: run the installer and choose INSTALL option, then hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: remove these files from the Override folder - m44aa_04a.mdl m44aa_04a.mdx m44aa_05a.mdl m44aa_05a.mdx m44aa_15a.mdl m44aa_15a.mdx m44aa_17a.mdl m44aa_17a.mdx Compatibility: will not be compatible with mods that edits and/or replace the relevant models, also mods that possibly changes the module layouts/LYT The mod can be installed anytime - anywhere as the game's progress, and will have direct effect instantly It is play-tested with the latest version of KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R and is compatible with it. At the other hand, it was only by far tested with K1:Community Patch/K1CP v1.7, though assets-wise, there's nothing to be conflicted with the 1.8 version Redistribution: you can redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites, just don't claim it as your own. Though I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. Be advised then, most likely I will not provide ones if I don't know where it re-hosted. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. Inside this mod are resources which can be repurposed for your likings in one condition; please include the unmodified-original sources along with the release of the project. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. Said and done, give credits to BioWare & LucasArts with the release - as without them this enjoyment would be non-existent. A bit of appreciation to this peasant here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've ever played DarthParametric for helpful insights, troubleshooting, and information regarding the model name in the first place, also for past-present knowledge which allows me to create mods and all his outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mods and been practicing a lot using their method ROTNR for Creating Module Files in KotOR tutorial which opened the gate for me to packaging a custom MOD/module Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax stoffe for the magnificent TSL Patcher and ERFEdit Fair Strides for improving TSL Patcher functionality and the very helpful KotOR Toolset tk102 for K-GFF Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on /r/kotor -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 12/31/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  9. View File Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World =Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Mysterious Box Music for Unknown LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1) DESCRIPTION: In vanilla KotOR 1, the Mysterious Box uses an ambient music that is not used anywhere else in the game, while the Unknown World uses the Sand People Enclave's ambient music for all the areas on the world outside the Temple of the Ancients. This mod will make the Mysterious Box's ambient music played in some areas of the Unknown World, specifically the Central Beach, North Beach, Temple Exterior and South Beach. This change is made because both the Mysterious Box and the Unknown World directly involve the Rakata, and to diversify the ambient music used for various areas of the Unknown World a bit. However, this mod does not change the ambient music of the Rakatan Settlement, the Elder Settlement and the Temple of the Ancients. NOTE: In order for this mod to take effect, you must use a save before visiting the Unknown World for the first time. Music preview: 2) INSTALLATION: Extract the Mysterious Box Music for Unknown you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run MBMUW Installer.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the unk_m41aa.mod, unk_m41ab.mod, unk_m41ac.mod and unk_m41ad.mod files in the Modules folder in your KotOR directory, when you install this mod a new folder named backup will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 3) UNINSTALLATION: If a backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the backup folder, cut and paste any .mod files from the folder and paste the file in in the Modules folder in your KotOR directory. If no backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the Modules folder in your KotOR directory, and delete unk_m41aa.mod, unk_m41ab.mod, unk_m41ac.mod and unk_m41ad.mod. 4) KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5) MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is not compatible with any other mods that modify the track name of the ambient music played in the Central Beach, North Beach, Temple Exterior and South Beach of the Unknown World. This mod is compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R). 6) PERMISSION: You may do whatever you want with this file. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. 7) CREDITS: Kexikus for K1 music overview spreadsheet ( Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 07/25/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the last few levels of the game just fine. But after over TWENTY times (pathetic I know) it can get just a tad repetitive. So I figured why not a mod that HEAVILY changes the last couple levels in the game? Because I couldn't mod if my life depended on it, that's why. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of new areas, new dialogue (maybe even a new ending?) So here's just a list of things that I would do myself, but can't because I'm not a modder. Warning: Spoiliops Ahead Unknown World Changes -Add Hammerhead Wreck Entrance (around corner by Black Rakatan Tribe) -Add Hammerhead Wreck Interior (basically a darker Endar Spire w/ UW Skyboxes) -Add 1 of 2 Hyperdrive Parts in Hammerhead (second being by Freighter Wreck) -Add Sith outside Temple -Add dialogue option w/ Bastila where Revan explains how he's done with the Light and Dark Side and how Bastila can follow him/her as well. Bastila calls Revan weak, swears allegiance to Malak and flees. -(Lightside Only) Add a part where Revan & his/her Party are captured by the Black Rakata and have a team of party members try to rescue him/her (something like the Goto captures Exile part in KOTOR 2) -Change "Invisible Mandalorian" Quest to where they'll only spawn if you talk to Garn -Change opening fight w/ Rakata by rusted engine -Change Rancor health to make them a bit stronger -Remove Duros survivors -Remove Rancors by Elder Tribe -Remove Plasma Vents Star Forge Changes -Add Health to Bastila in Command Center -Add Health to Star Forge Battle Droids -Add Battle Droids in Deck 2 -Change Malak killing Jedi scene as to where he's on the other side of the room and have a cutscene of Revan running after Malak while he kills the Jedi in the same fashion he does. They talk across the room and Malak activates the generators. While Revan is fighting, he casually walks out. -Change Droid Generator part to where Revan can't disable them in the room and have him fight the droids for a while until it cuts to the party outside the Ebon Hawk w/ the Jedi waiting for Revan. Revan contacts T3 and tells him he and 2 party members of choice have to get to a Computer Console to shut down the factory. The player's party fights their way through an army of droids to the armor generating console and has to shut down the factory with 50 spikes (dropped via the droids). -Change Malak meeting Revan scene in Factory where Malak is on top of the middle ramp looking down at Revan. They talk, Malak twirls his saber and he jumps at Revan. -Change Malak's Health, Strength, Wisdom and Dexterity to make him an actual challenge. -Change Malak fight where instead of having to get rid of the captive Jedi, Revan has to drain Malak's health bar multiple times and each time he does, a cutscene engages. The first is where Malak talks about how Revan continues to amaze him, calls him a fool and talks about how the Star Forge is alive. Instead of saying, "not when I can draw upon the power of all these Jedi" he just says "You cannot beat me Revan. Not here on the Star Forge". So a bit of voice splicing is required. He twirls his lightsaber and they fight again. The second time Revan drains Malak's health, Revan Force Pushes Malak and slashes his metal jaw off. Malak is enraged tells Revan he's tired of this game, uses Force Lightning and tells Revan that he has surpassed them and accomplished what they never could. He talks about how Revan is nothing and how he stand alone and They fight one more time. Malak falls, gives his dying speech and dies. Misc. Changes -If Revan told Bastila that there's no light or dark for him/her anymore, Bastila walks up to Revan in the Factory and Revan talks about how Malak was right about him/her standing alone. The screen fades to black, Revan remembers how Jolee told him that they have the choice as to where they'll take their destiny, Revan and Bastila run out the door and the Star Forge explodes. Instead of cutting to the Celebration on the Unknown World, it cuts to a brand new BIK Movie of Revan (hood and mask) and Bastila in a ship, they look at each other and jump to Hyperspace. Roll credits. Now, I'm not expecting anyone to bow to my whim and make this real. I was just babbling about how I would've liked to have Kotor end. Not everything in here was original, as I had seen some of this in a fan film a couple years back. If anyone actually DOES try to make this happen, that would blow my mind. Still, as a wise hermit told me, you have the choice of which way to take your destiny.
  11. View File Mandalorian Assault Armor Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 25.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor 1 you can obtain an armor called Mandalorian Assault Armor which disguises your character into a blue Mandalorian as if your actually wearing there full body armor which was a good feature about the last few missions in kotor but if you play TSL you will know that the Mandalorian Assault Armor has a unique armor reskin which for me was a big slap in the face since I personally liked seeing Canderous as a Mandalorian but when I was searching through the game textures I found out that the TSL Mandalorian Assault Armor texture appears in the files of Kotor 1 meaning that the Texture appearing in TSL was intended for Kotor 1 but was cut at the last minute and replaced with a disguise though personally I would prefer the disguise though the Hardcore Restoration Fans say otherwise Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "g_a_class9010.uti" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/25/2016 Category Skins K1R Compatible