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Found 17 results

  1. View File No Cross Class Skills by Eudalus - HoloPatcher Version No Cross-Class Skills - Compatible Version Just a simple restructuring of Eudalus' "No Cross-Class Skills" mod that uses HoloPatcher for maximum compatibility with other mods Original Mod: No Cross Class Skills Install: Just run the HoloPatcher, but make sure to do so after any other mods that alter skills.2da Uninstall: Copy the skills.2da from the mod's backup folder to your Override Credit: Eudalus on NexusMods for original mod Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive of my mod projects Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/26/2025 - Release. Very simple mod, not anticipating any issues Submitter HoboKingNiklz Submitted 03/26/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    No Cross-Class Skills - Compatible Version Just a simple restructuring of Eudalus' "No Cross-Class Skills" mod that uses HoloPatcher for maximum compatibility with other mods Original Mod: No Cross Class Skills Install: Just run the HoloPatcher, but make sure to do so after any other mods that alter skills.2da Uninstall: Copy the skills.2da from the mod's backup folder to your Override Credit: Eudalus on NexusMods for original mod Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive of my mod projects Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/26/2025 - Release. Very simple mod, not anticipating any issues
  3. ChaosRonin

    Party Tweaks

    Version 1.3


    Party Tweaks Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords By ChaosRonin --------------------------------------------------- Overview --------------------------------------------------- This mod will do a few things: - Set all party members level to 1 when they join. - Set skills using their class templates (Skill Point Per LVL + INT)*4 to set initial skills using their original skill point placement as templates with two exceptions being the Handmaiden and Disciple as they have quite a few bonus skill points. - Fix any inconsistencies between Vitality/Force/Skill Points. - Set level 1 feats with an aim towards build freedom for the player while staying true to the character, hopefully no more redundant feats. - Set believable extra feats or force powers if characters come with more feats or force powers than their class levels allows with the exception of unique feats. Overall this mod allows you to have more control on how to build each party member and have less redundant abilities. Installation -------------------------------------------------- Copy files to Override folder. If using TLSRCM place the p_hanharr.utc file in the TSLRCM Compatibility folder instead. Compatibility -------------------------------------------------- This mod is currently not compatible with other mods that alter the same files unless they use TSL Patcher, in that case you can try loading my mod first then using the other mods TSL Patcher. I can not guarantee anything so do it at your own discretion. Also you need to start a new game or install this mod before loading an area where a party member will spawn. Uninstall -------------------------------------------------- Delete the 12 following files from your Override. - p_atton.utc - p_baodur.utc - p_disciple.utc - p_g0t0.utc - p_handmaiden.utc - p_hanharr.utc - p_hk47.utc - p_kreia.utc - p_mand.utc - p_mira.utc - p_t3m4.utc - p_visas.utc Permissions -------------------------------------------------- This mod can be uploaded or shared as long as I am credited. Please contact with any inquiries. Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------- Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool. Stoffe for the TSL Patcher. The Modding Community for enhancing my many plays of K1 & TSL & inspiring me to mod. JC2 for his Party Leveler TSL & TSL NPC Stat Fixes 1.1 by Mellowtron11, as they gave me the inspiration for the work I did here. All who made TSLRCM & M4-78 EP possible. Strategy Wiki’s KOTOR2 Guide for the class templates and party stats at time of joining. Legal --------------------------------------------------- Star Wars, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic & Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords & all other associated material are the intellectual property of their respective legal owners & creators. This mod is not legally endorsed by any party.
  4. Version 1.0


    This is my very first mod, and actually, quite a simple one at that. All this really does is give your player-character some extremely powerful stats at the start of the game. Perfect for those of us who are too lazy to do it properly. This will work with TSLRCM + M4-78EP, for those who are curious.
  5. View File Party Tweaks Party Tweaks Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords By ChaosRonin --------------------------------------------------- Overview --------------------------------------------------- This mod will do a few things: - Set all party members level to 1 when they join. - Set skills using their class templates (Skill Point Per LVL + INT)*4 to set initial skills using their original skill point placement as templates with two exceptions being the Handmaiden and Disciple as they have quite a few bonus skill points. - Fix any inconsistencies between Vitality/Force/Skill Points. - Set level 1 feats with an aim towards build freedom for the player while staying true to the character, hopefully no more redundant feats. - Set believable extra feats or force powers if characters come with more feats or force powers than their class levels allows with the exception of unique feats. Overall this mod allows you to have more control on how to build each party member and have less redundant abilities. Installation -------------------------------------------------- Copy files to Override folder. If using TLSRCM place the p_hanharr.utc file in the TSLRCM Compatibility folder instead. Compatibility -------------------------------------------------- This mod is currently not compatible with other mods that alter the same files unless they use TSL Patcher, in that case you can try loading my mod first then using the other mods TSL Patcher. I can not guarantee anything so do it at your own discretion. Also you need to start a new game or install this mod before loading an area where a party member will spawn. Uninstall -------------------------------------------------- Delete the 12 following files from your Override. - p_atton.utc - p_baodur.utc - p_disciple.utc - p_g0t0.utc - p_handmaiden.utc - p_hanharr.utc - p_hk47.utc - p_kreia.utc - p_mand.utc - p_mira.utc - p_t3m4.utc - p_visas.utc Permissions -------------------------------------------------- This mod can be uploaded or shared as long as I am credited. Please contact with any inquiries. Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------- Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool. Stoffe for the TSL Patcher. The Modding Community for enhancing my many plays of K1 & TSL & inspiring me to mod. JC2 for his Party Leveler TSL & TSL NPC Stat Fixes 1.1 by Mellowtron11, as they gave me the inspiration for the work I did here. All who made TSLRCM & M4-78 EP possible. Strategy Wiki’s KOTOR2 Guide for the class templates and party stats at time of joining. Legal --------------------------------------------------- Star Wars, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic & Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords & all other associated material are the intellectual property of their respective legal owners & creators. This mod is not legally endorsed by any party. Submitter ChaosRonin Submitted 02/15/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 2.2a


    In KotOR 1 there is an obvious balancing issue concerning weapons that is especially noticeable in the early game, ie: Taris. What is it? Ranged Weapons are utterly outclassed by melee weapons. Yes, i know a stun stick isn't more powerful than a heavy repeater but I'm addressing the general problem here - In almost all situations you'll be better off charging at an enemy using your vibroblade instead of firing a blaster rifle, even when it seems like using a blaster would be the best option. The developers at Obsidian noticed this and in KotOR 2 blasters are now a viable option as well. So this mod changes the base stats of ranged weapons (damage, criticals etc.) to be like the ones on K2. But that's not all - I've also modified the lightsabers as well. Basically, ranged weapons and lightsabers will be statistically equal to their K2 counterparts; except for some weaponry damage values that i've kept unaltered purposely - It doesn't make sense that, for example, a disruptor and an ion pistol would do the same damage against an organic target. So following that: Blaster Pistols now do 1-8 damage instead of 1-6; Disruptors' critical threat range is now 18-20x2 instead of 20-20x2; Ion blasters' critical multiplier is now x3 instead of x2; Regular lightsabers now deal 2-20 damage instead of 2-16 etc... ____________________________________________
  7. Version 1.1


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 9.7.2016 1.1 Update Release Date: 1.8.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstall: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: During your adventure you come across a few "Alignment Restricted" Items meaning depending on the item you must meet the Alignment given for example the Star Forge Robes require an Alignment of Light Side so if your Neutral or Dark Sided you CANNOT wear the Star Forge Robes and get it's good stats. So what this simple mod does is remove that restriction so you can wear the Circlet of Saresh while also wearing Darth Revan's Robes if you really wanted to. The following items have been effected: Circlet of Saresh Star Forge Robes Darth Revan's Robes Qel Droma Robes Marka Ragnos Gaunlets Tulak Hord's Mask Solari Crystal (If I missed any, please let me know) Known Bugs: None but if there is, just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with things that edit... g_a_jedirobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe07.uti g_i_mask22.uti kor38a_gaunlet.uti kor38b_mask.uti g_w_lghtsbr01.uti g_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_lghtsbr03.uti g_w_lghtsbr04.uti g_w_lghtsbr05.uti g_w_lghtsbr06.uti g1_w_lghtsbr01.uti g1_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr01.uti g_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr03.uti g_w_shortsbr04.uti g_w_shortsbr05.uti g_w_shortsbr06.uti g1_w_shortsbr01.uti g1_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_dblsbr001.uti g_w_dblsbr002.uti g_w_dblsbr003.uti g_w_dblsbr004.uti g_w_dblsbr005.uti g_w_dblsbr006.uti g1_w_dblsbr001.uti g1_w_dblsbr002.uti Permissions: You are NOT allowed to claim this work to be your own Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Thanks to R2-X2 and djh269 for noticing that I forgot about the Solari Crystal and the Mask of Tulak Hord in the 1.0 release Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  8. View File Ludicrously Overpowered Stats This is my very first mod, and actually, quite a simple one at that. All this really does is give your player-character some extremely powerful stats at the start of the game. Perfect for those of us who are too lazy to do it properly. This will work with TSLRCM + M4-78EP, for those who are curious. Submitter Drip Lord Submitted 06/10/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. View File Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1) In KotOR 1 there is an obvious balancing issue concerning weapons that is especially noticeable in the early game, ie: Taris. What is it? Ranged Weapons are utterly outclassed by melee weapons. Yes, i know a stun stick isn't more powerful than a heavy repeater but I'm addressing the general problem here - In almost all situations you'll be better off charging at an enemy using your vibroblade instead of firing a blaster rifle, even when it seems like using a blaster would be the best option. The developers at Obsidian noticed this and in KotOR 2 blasters are now a viable option as well. So this mod changes the base stats of ranged weapons (damage, criticals etc.) to be like the ones on K2. But that's not all - I've also modified the lightsabers as well. Basically, ranged weapons and lightsabers will be statistically equal to their K2 counterparts; except for some weaponry damage values that i've kept unaltered purposely - It doesn't make sense that, for example, a disruptor and an ion pistol would do the same damage against an organic target. So following that: Blaster Pistols now do 1-8 damage instead of 1-6; Disruptors' critical threat range is now 18-20x2 instead of 20-20x2; Ion blasters' critical multiplier is now x3 instead of x2; Regular lightsabers now deal 2-20 damage instead of 2-16 etc... ____________________________________________ Submitter TK-664 Submitted 04/11/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. I would like whichever one of these is easiest to be accomplished with minimal influence on the game itself: A- The Jedi Armors to have NO "Max Dex. Bonus" in their stats or increase that value in particular to a Max Dex. Bonus of 10000000000 or whatever... OR B- To have standard robes replaced with Zeison Sha and the other jedi armors (visually only) .... OR C- I want to ALWAYS be wearing the model for the Zeison Sha Warrior Armor (Blue one with mail skirt) as Kiera and Vissas are ALWAYS wearing their robes regardless of what is equipped Option "A" would be best since i could still use under/overlays and seems like a decent press of the "delete" key in the right spot... should be rather simple to accomplish what im going for, change the appearance.2da... change the Armor stats to remove/alter Max Dex... or reskin the robes entirely. I'm tired of search engines NOT understanding my request and sending me to reskins of the Jedi armors because NO ONE likes them. although there was ONE that i saw and liked but it REPLACED the armor im trying to KEEP 😕 *Bonus* if it is AT ALL possible to have the Max Dex. Stat removed or drastically expanded for the Jedi Armors *especially Zeison Sha Warrior* , and reskin/exchange the Jedi/Sith robes to be the Jedi/Sith robes from KOTOR 1 and do the same with the "Master" robes and equivalents with the 'Padawan-Jedi robes' models in KOTOR 2 (making Kotor 2's placeholder for Padawan -> Jedi -> Jedi Knight robes to be the 'robeless' robes from Kotor 1 and the placeholder for Kotor 2's Master tier robes would be replaced with the models for the Kotor 2's Padawan/Jedi Robes. Purely visually, robe stats would stay as they are in base game only Jedi armor would have altered stats with the removal of 'Max Dex. Mod') *I would be extremely happy and willing to resume my playthrough with just option "A" but if you had a glimmer of compassion and a spare chunk of time, maybe take a look into adding this as well *this isn't my actual request but since I'm asking in the 1st place and I've seen it around, just replacing things id rather keep* Thank you SOOOOO much, I've looked for over 2 hours to try and do any of this myself, cuz I don't like asking people to do something if i can just do it myself... but after my 2nd hour passed and i was just fuming at the concept that after HOW many years no one has wanted to either look a particular way (IE cool blue Jedi plate mail) , got sick of having more Dexterity than they are allowed to use/ not wearing armor for stats, or even thought the bulky robes post Jedi look bad enough to, well, replace with the Jedi armor models... so here i am ^-^
  11. I would like whichever one of these is easiest to be accomplished with minimal influence on the game itself: A- The Jedi Armors to have NO "Max Dex. Bonus" in their stats or increase that value in particular to a Max Dex. Bonus of 10000000000 or whatever... OR B- To have standard robes replaced with Zeison Sha and the other jedi armors (visually only) .... OR C- I want to ALWAYS be wearing the model for the Zeison Sha Warrior Armor (Blue one with mail skirt) as Kiera and Vissas are ALWAYS wearing their robes regardless of what is equipped Option "A" would be best since i could still use under/overlays and seems like a decent press of the "delete" key in the right spot... should be rather simple to accomplish what im going for, change the appearance.2da... change the Armor stats to remove/alter Max Dex... or reskin the robes entirely. I'm tired of search engines NOT understanding my request and sending me to reskins of the Jedi armors because NO ONE likes them. although there was ONE that i saw and liked but it REPLACED the armor im trying to KEEP :/ *Bonus* if it is AT ALL possible to have the Max Dex. Stat removed or drastically expanded for the Jedi Armors *especially Zeison Sha Warrior* , and reskin/exchange the Jedi/Sith robes to be the Jedi/Sith robes from KOTOR 1 and do the same with the "Master" robes and equivalents with the 'Padawan-Jedi robes' models in KOTOR 2 (making Kotor 2's placeholder for Padawan -> Jedi -> Jedi Knight robes to be the 'robeless' robes from Kotor 1 and the placeholder for Kotor 2's Master tier robes would be replaced with the models for the Kotor 2's Padawan/Jedi Robes. Purely visually, robe stats would stay as they are in base game only Jedi armor would have altered stats with the removal of 'Max Dex. Mod') *I would be extremely happy and willing to resume my playthrough with just option "A" but if you had a glimmer of compassion and a spare chunk of time, maybe take a look into adding this as well *this isn't my actual request but since I'm asking in the 1st place and I've seen it around, just replacing things id rather keep* Thank you SOOOOO much, I've looked for over 2 hours to try and do any of this myself, cuz I don't like asking people to do something if i can just do it myself... but after my 2nd hour passed and i was just fuming at the concept that after HOW many years no one has wanted to either look a particular way (IE cool blue Jedi plate mail) , got sick of having more Dexterity than they are allowed to use/ not wearing armor for stats, or even thought the bulky robes post Jedi look bad enough to, well, replace with the Jedi armor models... so here i am ^-^
  12. Version 1.5


    Hey there everyone! First off, thanks for downloading my mod! I really appreciate every fan that I have out there, so thanks again! This is TSLRCM compatible. Alright, who cares about introductions right? Let's get right down to what this mod is. So, I added 51 new power crystals to the game. Each one does a couple of special things to your lightsabers that I don't think most people have done. (well, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone really come out with a crystal mod like this.) Anyways… I placed every crystal to pop up in certain situations (i.e: certain dialog options, what classes you choose, etc…) as well as placed them randomly throughout the game. Well, yeah that's about as much as I can say honestly. I really hope you guys do find this mod pretty interesting. I am a bit too lazy to type out every crystal, with it's stats and what-not. I'll type out the codes (although I REALLY, REALLY want you to find the crystals in-game instead of cheating. If you want to know which crystal code belongs to which, check out my WIP on Deadlystream and look for the numbers after each crystal name. Anyways, here are the codes! They're pretty simple, just: rececrstl200 all the way to 250. Here's a little sneak peak at how some of the crystals work: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: There are two ways, depending on which file you downloaded. There's the TSRCM version, and the non-TSLRCM version. They are both easy to install, so yeah. Anyways, just run the TSLPatcher and it'll automatically install every file. For the non-TSLRCM version, you'll just have to cheat all of the items into the game. UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just remove all of the files from your override, and replace any backups found in the backups folder. COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: Unfortunately, this mod is NOT compatible with a mod like SLM. I believe it is for Duplisaber, so that's always good PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without my consent. Ask me on any site, like DS, YouTube, Steam, etc… and I will tell you if you can put my mod somewhere else. And now for my special thanks: Fair Strides is first and foremost as he is for every one of my mods. I mean, I can't describe how helpful and how much of an awesome guy he is. It's just beyond me that I know someone like him. He helped me with scripts (as with every script that I have to make) as well as help with guiding me through making certain parts of the TSLPatcher. Malkior for some recommendations on crystal names, stats, and descriptions. Akko for suggesting a crystal to me, which I made the description make it seem like it's his crystal . Everyone out there who commented on my posts as well as kept up the support. Oh, and thanks Xuul for that comment, I never would have thought you would comment on one of my projects haha. Well, you did make a mod review for my bad mod that I made haha. Anyways… Enjoy!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  14. View File Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 10/01/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  15. First of all let me start by saying I'm a carbonite encrusted fossil from the now defunct KOTOR Fan Media site where we had: Modding, Fanfic, FanArt, and even some clubs dedicated to Carth, Bastia etc. One of the most popular topics on the forums was finding out how many different ways people tailored both games to make their own unique KOTOR experience. So, I thought it might be done here too. It's pretty simple... 1. Describe your PC. Classes, Alignment, Romance (or not), Appearance, Backstory, and what they are best and worst at. 2. How do you use your NPC'S? 3. Planet Order. And so on... I'll start with my Revan just to get things going... Revan LSF: Programmed Name, Gia-Sade Solaris. Programmed age, 28. Starting Class: Scout. Jedi Class: Consular. Weapons: Melee and Hand-to-Hand Expert. Vital Stats: Height: 6'0'' Weight: 135 pounds. Hair: Long and Black. Eyes: Bright Aquamarine Skin: Pale. Lightsaber preferences and Styles of Combat. Paired Sabers MoF with Solari Crystals and Kryat Dragon Pearls. Also an expert with Single blade, and Saberstaff. Level of all forms: Expert. Primary Form: Niman. Fallback styles: Soresu and Shien against ranged enemies. Makashi, Ataru, Djem-So against Melee enemies. Juyo used against Sith Masters and Lords. Fighting style: A slipstream where she all her knowledge of combat styles, Echani, Deralian, Mandalorian, and Jedi, with dance steps, twirls, spins, and acrobatics to take control of and move with a fight. Awful with: Blasters and explosives. Romance: Carth Onasi. Backstory: Both Revan and Gia-Sade Solaris come from Deraila, a planet with a culture juxtaposed with an enlightened cultural and educational environment (Like Classical Athens) with an ancient Celtic martial tradition. They are Empathic humans, who have complex social rules on physical contact, and an obsession with following the proper etiquette of wherever they may be in the galaxy. In other words, they value "the proper way" of doing things so as to not offend others, and they expect others to treat them the same way. Highly advanced, they never strive for "perfection" just continually striving to become the best selves they can be. Very adaptable, pragmatic, and above all disciplined! Still, their Empathy leads them to form strong attachments to others, which they cannot break. As such they tend to be loners. NPC's: Bastila: I take her out when I know there will be a lot of Lightsabers, and on Tatooine. Canderous: My Ranged Weapon Tank! Take him when there's lots of shooting, and whenever there's another Mandalorian out there. Carth: My Pistol Jockey turned Captain Cuisinart, by the time I get to the Livathan. HK: Duh, My other Ranged Tank. Take him when I need to Laugh or Infiltrate. Jolee: He's my healer, my teacher, and the Grandfather I always wanted. He gets out everywhere I can! Juhani: Give her a Lightsaber, let her go kill bad guys. I take her everywhere but Tatooine. Mission: Any place that needs sneaking around with locked doors. T3-M4: My cutie is great in Sith Military Bases! Zaalbar: The Prince of Kashyyyk is a melee tank. He's not great against Force Users, but good on Maanan against crazed Selkath! Planet Order: Used to be- Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Korriban, Manaan. However, now that I have the K1R I'll use Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Maanan, Korriban. Well, there's my Revan! I tried to upload her picture but I couldn't... it's here at
  16. View File Remove Force Alignment Restriction A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 9.7.2016 1.1 Update Release Date: 1.8.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstall: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: During your adventure you come across a few "Alignment Restricted" Items meaning depending on the item you must meet the Alignment given for example the Star Forge Robes require an Alignment of Light Side so if your Neutral or Dark Sided you CANNOT wear the Star Forge Robes and get it's good stats. So what this simple mod does is remove that restriction so you can wear the Circlet of Saresh while also wearing Darth Revan's Robes if you really wanted to. The following items have been effected: Circlet of Saresh Star Forge Robes Darth Revan's Robes Qel Droma Robes Marka Ragnos Gaunlets Tulak Hord's Mask Solari Crystal (If I missed any, please let me know) Known Bugs: None but if there is, just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with things that edit... g_a_jedirobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe07.uti g_i_mask22.uti kor38a_gaunlet.uti kor38b_mask.uti g_w_lghtsbr01.uti g_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_lghtsbr03.uti g_w_lghtsbr04.uti g_w_lghtsbr05.uti g_w_lghtsbr06.uti g1_w_lghtsbr01.uti g1_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr01.uti g_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr03.uti g_w_shortsbr04.uti g_w_shortsbr05.uti g_w_shortsbr06.uti g1_w_shortsbr01.uti g1_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_dblsbr001.uti g_w_dblsbr002.uti g_w_dblsbr003.uti g_w_dblsbr004.uti g_w_dblsbr005.uti g_w_dblsbr006.uti g1_w_dblsbr001.uti g1_w_dblsbr002.uti Permissions: You are NOT allowed to claim this work to be your own Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Thanks to R2-X2 and djh269 for noticing that I forgot about the Solari Crystal and the Mask of Tulak Hord in the 1.0 release Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/13/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  17. Rece's K2 Power Crystal Addon UPDATE View File Hey there everyone! First off, thanks for downloading my mod! I really appreciate every fan that I have out there, so thanks again! This is TSLRCM compatible. Alright, who cares about introductions right? Let's get right down to what this mod is. So, I added 51 new power crystals to the game. Each one does a couple of special things to your lightsabers that I don't think most people have done. (well, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone really come out with a crystal mod like this.) Anyways… I placed every crystal to pop up in certain situations (i.e: certain dialog options, what classes you choose, etc…) as well as placed them randomly throughout the game. Well, yeah that's about as much as I can say honestly. I really hope you guys do find this mod pretty interesting. I am a bit too lazy to type out every crystal, with it's stats and what-not. I'll type out the codes (although I REALLY, REALLY want you to find the crystals in-game instead of cheating. If you want to know which crystal code belongs to which, check out my WIP on Deadlystream and look for the numbers after each crystal name. Anyways, here are the codes! They're pretty simple, just: rececrstl200 all the way to 250. Here's a little sneak peak at how some of the crystals work: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: There are two ways, depending on which file you downloaded. There's the TSRCM version, and the non-TSLRCM version. They are both easy to install, so yeah. Anyways, just run the TSLPatcher and it'll automatically install every file. For the non-TSLRCM version, you'll just have to cheat all of the items into the game. UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just remove all of the files from your override, and replace any backups found in the backups folder. COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: Unfortunately, this mod is NOT compatible with a mod like SLM. I believe it is for Duplisaber, so that's always good PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without my consent. Ask me on any site, like DS, YouTube, Steam, etc… and I will tell you if you can put my mod somewhere else. And now for my special thanks: Fair Strides is first and foremost as he is for every one of my mods. I mean, I can't describe how helpful and how much of an awesome guy he is. It's just beyond me that I know someone like him. He helped me with scripts (as with every script that I have to make) as well as help with guiding me through making certain parts of the TSLPatcher. Malkior for some recommendations on crystal names, stats, and descriptions. Akko for suggesting a crystal to me, which I made the description make it seem like it's his crystal . Everyone out there who commented on my posts as well as kept up the support. Oh, and thanks Xuul for that comment, I never would have thought you would comment on one of my projects haha. Well, you did make a mod review for my bad mod that I made haha. Anyways… Enjoy! Submitter Rece Submitted 06/17/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible