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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Lots of off-topic here but here's my opinion on the Revan and Exile getting faces and all that - you have imagination, use it. I've had it enough with people crying about how their Revan was female, or had another face, or was dark side (same goes for the Exile). If you don't like it, then that's your problem. Personally, I like them and I like the four flashpoints made for them (even thought the Exile appears only in 2 and tells very little). I like their voice, their faces, I even like the book, "Revan".
  2. Okay, here's my collection of screenshots: First pic - my jedi trooper, taken when the there was still trial to level 15. Second pic - look who I found outside the Citadel Third pic - a 9gag jedi here Fourth pic - a fan of Obi-Wan I met Fifth pic - no explanations needed here, I think Sixth pic - If you have watched The Fifth Element, you'll get it Seventh pic - looks pretty comfortable to me Eight pic - what can I say, I'm the best
  3. Tharan: I'll just clone myself and let the clone do all the hard crafting for me I've got some screenshots and since this is the screenshot thread, I'll share the best of them with you.... but I don't know how. A little help, please?
  4. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    Yeah well, in my defense I'll say that all my knowledge about endgame comes from the trailers and random videos on youtube. Anyway, I wanted to learn what does Story gear mean and you gave me an answer. Thanks.
  5. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    But you can buy ops gear from the GTN.
  6. You know, this reminds me of the a pre-F2P Huttball match, where we lost, but we had the first four places (I was second, as usual). I think I've had 3 nooooo moments - when I was this close to killing an operative (and you know how hard they are to kill), when I was playing with a friend on Coruscant and one jedi d*ck stole our loot chest and when I was playing on Tatooine and a JK stole (again) my loot chest. Personally, I never do that, even to imperial players. I mean, if he/she saw it first, it's his/hers.
  7. I really hope they remove the stupid restrictions on names and gear customisation. It's really cheap and unfair, even for EA. About the expansion - I wonder what will they do for level 55 dailies. I'm excited for the new content, of course, but I doubt I'm buying it anytime soon.
  8. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    Hold on, so you can only equip gear that drops in the operations themselves or you can equip gear that you can buy with comms that drop in the operations? I'm sort of confused right now...
  9. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    What exactly does Story equipment mean? I read from Dulfy's site that the artifact unlock allows you to use PvP and Story gear. Is Story gear only for Story mode of ops or is it PvE gear in general?
  10. I can't believe that I can't hide my headslot and can't unify my gear's colors. It's not a game breaking issue but it sure is irritating. Hope they remove this and the restriction on my companions' look soon.
  11. I suppose the higher level you become, the harder the datacrons to get become?
  12. Too bad I'm on The Red Eclipse. Btw are there datacrons on every planet? I checked at and it says that there are datacrons only on the origin worlds, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Taris, Nar Shaddaa and one on Tatooine.
  13. gua543

    New Onderon Merchant

    Ankarres Sapphire? I don't think I've seen that before.
  14. It's official guys, TOR goes F2P on the 15th of November. I have some characters on The Progenitor too so if there are any EUs here who don't want to play on The Red Eclipse, you know where to find me.
  15. Hmm, are you sure this friend of yours wasn't high on that mission? Also, when Canderous Ordo plays KotOR, the game patches to 1.3, gets K1R 2.0, Revan is voiced by the same man that voice him in TOR and, last but not least, the game acquaries Battlefield 3-like graphics.
  16. A blaster? Don't you mean a roundhouse kick? Still, Canderous is a bigger badass than Kyle. Do you remember his story about the meteorite that started shooting at him? I believe that was a Yuuzhan Vong ship and I believe that they were so scared from him that they delayed their attack on the galaxy with 4000 years :truestory:
  17. Try repairing your internet connection. This worked for me.
  18. I believe Canderous Ordo is the Chuck Norris version of Star Wars, not Kyle.
  19. Not trying to be rude or anything but wouldn't it be better if the mask was the same color as the armor or vice versa?
  20. Red Eclipse is better than ever, there are 150+ people every day on Korriban and 100 more on the fleet. There were even 80 people on Dromund Kaas around 4 o'clock this morning. Time passes so quickly when you're having fun with a friend... but the headache is making me regret my decision about staying 6 hours on the PC.
  21. Data, holo, not a big difference for me.
  22. HH, you're going to have some hard time finishing Kaas in trial mode. The Dark Temple is going to be impossible to do.
  23. It won't be a wise idea to use Darth Andeddu's holocron because Bane found it on Prakit (I think), which is planet with long lost hyperspace coordinates, just like Tython. You could take some ideas from TOR, like different holocrons give you different shards/parts, which you have to bring somewhere so that you can combine them and get a cool lightsaber crystal or even a new lightsaber.
  24. Why not just download the invisible headgear mod? This is for KotOR and this is for TSL.