Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. Not sure why you felt the need to capitalize that. It's a little much to assume I know the contents and placement of every container in every level of the game... The issue seems to be that the game uses the same file name in both levels (and likely MANY more times in other levels), so I have to ask now: How/where are all of your changes stored so far? Do have ERF Edit and do you know about .mod level packages?
  2. That would highly depend on what box... For example, do you mean the one where you get the class-specific loot when Trask tells you to grab your things?
  3. Except that following that approach, would he not end up overwriting the dialog.tlk file used by TSLRCM, with all the added/fixed entries? Thus the problem with the workshop... If someone were to get me the files, I guess I could work up a TSL Patcher for Rovan. I'm used to making the installers by now, and they're usually about as complex (if not more so) as this one will be. Also, I'd appreciate knowledge of how to contact the author.
  4. I did mention that not all of the .mdl and .mdx file format had been deciphered. And the color really isn't in the .mdl or .mdx files. You would need to be editing the .gui file for that to have any effect. At this point in time, I don't know if changing the model will be possible for you (well, I know a very complicated way that would require 3DSMax or GMax and in the end might or might not even work). But changing colors or textures should certainly be within the realm of the .gui files. A note on the .gui files: Leave the Alpha and the Color fields in the main struct (in the same "branch" the Controls list is connected to) alone and the default values.
  5. Long-story short, if there are no .nss files included in the mod, you aren't going to be able to do this...
  6. If you'll look, I said there was a "place left for main character's model", not that the model itself was there. The game is hard-coded to make your model appear using settings from the .ini file to determine the model, and according to the CurSithLord entry in the .ini file (I think 4 makes your character show up). But all that is K2-exclusive.
  7. Maybe because game remakes tend to be illegal and people just find any way they can to rationalize the project...?
  8. Well I was certainly not trying to be insulting. I've just downloaded the MDLOps from the site again before making this comment, and there is indeed the following file: readme_MDLOps_0-7.txt Or if you have an older version of MDLOps, you can try to locate readme mdlops0-5.txt or... Hmm... The 0.6 version done by JDNoa years ago seems to have left out many of the documentation files. You might try downloading the MDLOps from the Modding Tools section of the Downloads page. As for proper use of MDLOps, you will first want to delete all the .mdl and .mdx files you have (including the "-k1-bin.mdl" and .mdx files) and re-extract your menu models with KotOR Tool. After that, the following steps will work for you: 1. Open MDLOps and select the .mdl file. 2. Click the Read and Write button. This will produce the "-ascii" .mdl file. 3. Edit the "-ascii" .mdl file however you want. 4. Save the "-ascii" .mdl file. 5. Select the "-ascii" .mdl file in MDLOps. 6. Click the Read and Write button. This will produce "-ascii-k1-bin" .mdl and .mdx files (or "k2-bin" files if the MDLOps is in KotOR 2 mode). 7. Move the "-bin" files to your Override folder and rename both to the original filenames you extracted from KotOR Tool.
  9. It's not that it's not for non-programmers; it just doesn't try to provide a fancy interface of buttons, check buttons, and what-not that would have to be custom-tailored for each file type... If you were to open a .utc file, you'd see wildly different information, but at its center, the file formats are the same. The key for editing the file is the labels themselves. In the case of .gui files, you can look at the tag for an idea of what the control does. Currently, this is how you edit .gui files. However, here's my cheat sheet that I've worked up so far while working on a project for a while now: GUI_Sub-sections.txt As to your last comment, that was an ancient program that I don't believe was ever publicly-available; more of a debugging aid for the programmer of K-GFF.
  10. I think I should note that you haven't read the read-me for MDLOps, as it was actually very thorough on how to operate it... The "-ascii" file is the only one you can edit in Notepad (or anything, really) and that's the decompiled model. You need to select that as the model in MDLOps and then do the same as if you were decompiling it.
  11. If there was a .exe file in that zip file, then there was an editor. K-GFF displays the data in the file (whether it's a .utc, .git, or .gui doesn't matter) in a tree-and-branch format. You need to click on an entry and then the section on the right will be populated with the info. You can edit it there, then click on another entry in the tree to confirm the changes before saving.* *: You need to do this, or the entry's changes won't register!
  12. MDLOps will decompile and compile models. You can edit models in 3DSMax or GMax using the NWMax plugin (a link to a particular version is stickied in the forums, I think in the General KotOR Modding section). Also, not all of the model format is known, and certain things are only supported by KAurora or MDLOps, individually. I actually told you this in your main menu thread...
  13. Not sure if you ever went back and looked at all the replies in your main menu thread, but someone mentioned that you could open .gui files in K-GFF. There's no visible/graphical editor, though.
  14. Yes, you need both of those listed mods for this mod to look and function properly.
  15. First day back. A chaotic hell full of mayhem, bugs, crashing, and programming woes... I'm home! ;)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Feel free to post in my latest blog! ROFL

  16. mainmenu_01.mdl and .mdx = Sion mainmenu_02.mdl and .mdx = Darth Traya (cut appearance) mainmenu_03.mdl and .mdx = Darth Nihilus mainmenu_04.mdl and .mdx = Darth Traya (in-game appearance) mainmenu_05.mdl and .mdx = Blank (place left for main character's model) mainmenu_06.mdl and .mdx = Restored extra with Darth Nihilus, the Twin Suns, and the Cannok However, I need to rip some code from KAurora for use with MDLOps before editing these would even be viable. IF ATTEMPTED WITH MDLOPS: - No fog or lights IF ATTEMPTED WITH KAURORA: - No animations And right now, it'd be easier to rip the Emitter and Light info from KAurora than to figure out why KAurora screws up the animations.
  17. Carth moving slowly is a result of me slowing him down. This was because he often tries to walk way too fast in the hallway, just like Bastila. Solo mode was used for the cutscenes themselves, hence why it's turned on. Had the scenes gone correctly, this would have been turned off. To be able to get the space-suits, try using KSE to set the global numeric "K1R_HURKA_STATE" to 0 or 1; either one should work, since the space-suits aren't given if the numeric is set to 2 or more.
  18. I've been on break ever since the 15th of January. My break ends on Monday, and I think I know how to do the installer now.
  19. If you were to open the .uti and note the Baseitem, then open the baseitems.2da file, you can find the row. The row should have a part about base class or something. The format for icons is like so: "i" + + "_0" + The number comes from the texture variation entry in the .uti. If it's below 10, then you add a 0 for the first digit ( "001" instead of "1"). The format for textures is like so: + The Texname comes from the tex column of the appearance.2da row. The number is the same as the icon. Let me explain something here... At the end of the baseitems.2da's columns, there is a column called "bodyvar". For armors, this will have values like A, B, J, L, M, .etc. These tell the game which model and tex columns in the appearance.2da to reference. If your Baseitem type was Armor Class 4, your item would be referencing the C body var, so the game would look for the model in the modelc column and it'd grab the base texture name from the texc column: (examples assume base game and Armor Class 4 baseitem) Baseitems.2da: Row: 38 itemclass: a_class4 bodyvar: C Appearance.2da: Row: 5 (counting from 0, or 4 if you go by the 2DA Viewer) modelc: PFBCM texc: PFBC Assuming your Texture Variation in your .uti file was 1, your texture would be: PFBC01 and your icon would be: ia_class4_001
  20. As to the first paragraph, Malkior, this can happen if the mod tells TSLPatcher to replace the appearance.2da file in the user's override folder with the one from the tslpatchdata folder before making changes to the file...
  21. There's this mod of mine that replaces the original Soldier outfit, but with the way KotOR's models work, there's not a whole lot of lee-way for things like this (hence the replacement)... http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/190-custom-class-clothing/
  22. There's actually no limit on the number of rows. There's various ways that the files interact and share information (if anyone's good with art, do you want to help me make a flow-chart? ), but long-story short is that the NPC and creature file (.utc files) reference a row in the appearance.2da file for their appearances in-game. It's the same with the scenery objects and containers, but with placeables.2da. Ditto for doors, but it's genericdoors.2da. The heads are linked to the appearance.2da with the normalhead and backuphead columns in appearance.2da, and that's it. The portraits are linked to the appearnce.2da with the three appearance columns in portraits.2da telling the game which appearance.2da rows use that portrait set.
  23. Ah, you mean in the actual skybox. I thought for a moment you were meaning the area modelling that SS did... I'm not sure if SS has any plans to touch-up the skybox textures themselves or just leave them as-is for the restoration, but there's certainly no harm in someone making new textures after the mod's released.
  24. The Skybox has all but a top, so SS had to make one up and work up a texture for it... Not sure what you mean by "look less obviously alpha", though.
  25. Yeah, but I don't know that we'd be able to find someone who could come close to the party members, so those are basically out.