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Everything posted by Salk

  1. Thanks for the heads up, DarthParametric.
  2. Hello! Changing the original (and ugly) splash screen with a custom one is an easy job? Someone could kindly give me a few pointers about how to do it? Is is a simple replacing of one single file (that is my hope)? Thanks!
  3. I am trying to figure out what the difference between the 0 and 1 values is... 4 might indicate a class forbidden feat and 3 a class granted feat...
  4. N-DReW-25, you misunderstood. I do want the NPCs to follow this rule and in fact I have modified files accordingly. I tested it with Bastila and now she joins the party in Taris and is able to wear both Light and Medium Armor. But I would like to know if it is enough to add the Feats to those three files I mentioned above of if I should do it for the 00x versions of them as well (Bastila alone has 6, if I am not mistaken). So of course we think exactly the same!
  5. Hello! I believe that Jedi should be able to wear armor from the very beginning (light for Consular, light and medium for Sentinel while the Guardian should be allowed to wear any - this would sort of mirror the three non Jedi classes). In order to make it happen, I believe I need to make some changes to the feat.2da file. Namely, raws 4, 5 and 6 and columns jcn_granted, jgd_granted and jsn_granted swapping -1 with 1. Preliminary tests seem to indicate that is the right thing to do but I have 2 questions: 1) There are columns called jcn_list, jgd_list and jsn_list with value ranging from 0, 1, 3 and 4. What do they stand for? 2) The changes made wouldn't apply to the joinable NPCs: Bastila, Juhani and Jolee. What files should be changed in order to remedy that? Is it enough I add those starting feats to p_bastila.utc, p_juhani.utc and p_jolee.utc or...? Thanks!
  6. The mask I always disliked among the original ones was i_mask_004. Not very fond of i_mask_001 and i_mask_002 either. I second i_mask_006 could be replaced with the respirator but I am not sure it'd be a clear improvement (color wise, yes... design wise, maybe).
  7. I really like what you are doing here, CarthOnasty. I think I will wait for version 2.0 to be released though. Keep up the excellent work!
  8. Well, this is tentatively fixed. I found out the game uses K_Star_Map >= 40 to keep track of post Dantooine destruction.
  9. Neither of those is a Boolean so it'd be not so easy to track down what value I should be using, unfortunately. Looking at k_inc_ebonhawk it seems like K_CAPTURED_LEV is set to 10 when escaped. I suppose I could use that?
  10. I am trying to remedy this but to do it right, I would need to know if there is some variable I can check against the destruction of Dantooine. Anybody that has it at hand? Thanks!
  11. Hello! When the Player leaves Dantooine the first time and travels to any other destination, Zaalbar will approach to mention the food supplies being dwindling. The dialogue ebo_zal should start the Quest and I get the "Journal Entry Added" when the dialogue finishes. But when I check on the Active Quests, the entry is not there, for some reason which escapes me but that has possibly to do with the oddity of the script k_pebo_zalmove which removes the entry itself (!) via RemoveJournalQuestEntry("ebo_supplies"); The entry should be: Zaalbar is concerned about the emergency food stores in the Ebon Hawk's cargo hold. The Wookiee's natural fixation on food might be causing him to worry unjustly, but you should still check it out just to be safe. Once the Player investigates the Food Supply crate, the Quest starts properly with another entry: Something, or possibly someone, has been into the food supplies. You might want to conduct a search of the ship to try to find the culprit. Can someone confirm that this is not just a local problem with my game? Thanks!
  12. Hello! Can someone confirm me that saving the game while having the Speed Force Power (any level) would cause an extension (complete renewal?) of the time left? Thanks!
  13. Well, I guess that there is only so much that I could do and I suppose I should pull the curtains on this and upload the textures. I fear that a non half-assed job would require for me to work on the models and their placement on the trees (which is done awfully by Bioware as the attached images in the thread show). Thanks again everyone for your help, support and solutions!
  14. Thanks, ebmar. But from what I understand, those additional files (LDA_leaf02bump.tga, LDA_leaf02bump.txi) are not being used since I never really enabled the specific flag in the model (I don't even know which one it is or where to find it - I was looking in KotOR Tool)?
  15. Hello and thanks for your advice. I am sure you are right about not noticing any difference but then I have to wonder why the original game comes with files like LKA_leaf01.tpc and its twin LKA_leafo1bump.tpc? Isn't the latter a map for the first? Thanks for telling me how to do it anyway.
  16. Hello and thanks for your help! Does it mean I have to install KOTORMax which in turns requires 3DS Max or alternatively Gmax to change a flag? Is MDLOps needed as well? I am starting to have a splitting headache...
  17. I am bumping my own topic because I am really trying to understand how bumping ( ) works within KotOR. I am satisfied with what the leaves look like but I am not happy with how flat the branches look in the game and I was thinking that maybe something could be done about it. But my ignorance is alas deep and trying to understand what the most promising topic was suggesting was difficult so I am hoping DarthParametric or some other kind and knowledgeable soul may come to my rescue. My wife (bless her soul, she is the one doing the bulk work on GIMP) has created a new texture file and called it LDA_leaf02bump. Then from what we read, it was a matter of adding extra information to the original LDA_leaf02.txi file and create a new LDA_leaf02bump.txi file to tell the game to use the additional texture. I tested it in game and I see no difference whatsoever (at least it didn't crash!) so if someone can tell me what we are doing wrong and give us some pointers, that'd be truly great. I am not sure whether or not we would even need to do something with some .mdl/.mdx files? I never worked with anything of the sort and I was hoping not to, honestly. Thanks a lot! LDA_leaf02bump.tga LDA_leaf02bump.txi LDA_leaf02.txi LDA_leaf02.tga
  18. View File [KotOR] Pazaak Fixes&Tweaks In an attempt to salvage some material from the now defunct SW:KotOR Upgrade project, I have decided to share this modification with the community. The basic idea is to allow players that dislike profoundly to reload upon losing Pazaak matches to have a better chance at winning. In KotOR, the player is unfairly forced to start each round of Pazaak, favoring considerably the AI. While I could not remedy this injustice, I could work around it by redesigning the three Pazaak decks that the AI uses against the player to counterbalance the odds. Winning is still hard and mostly a luck-based matter. It is made actually more difficult because most opponents now do require the player to win more than they have (as opposed to the original fixed amount of times) in order to unlock special events or dialogue lines about running out of funds. And when they do wage their cards but end up winning, they would play for credits again. Thus the need of nerfing considerably the value of the AI's cards. In the process, a number of bugs have been corrected and improvements to the dialogues have been made. More can be read in the included Read Me file. Enjoy! Submitter Salk Submitted 07/13/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
  19. View File [KotOR] Dialogue Fixes In an attempt to salvage some material from the now defunct SW:KotOR Upgrade project, I have decided to share this modification with the community. This file is meant to replace the original dialog.tlk that comes with the original game. It is meant to be used exclusively with the English version of the game. It is technically compatible with every other modification that alter this same file by patching it, provided this is installed first. Two versions are offered: one that includes only corrections and a revised one that includes most of the changes found in the PC Response Moderation modification by Kainzorus Prime. Enjoy! Submitter Salk Submitted 07/13/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Hello! I have just tested the encounter using the optional Vanilla Inventory and Difficulty. I am satisfied with the difficulty and amazed by the quality of your visual overhaul but I noticed you can still take her special weapons from the remains which I was hoping not to. Could you please take the extra step and not make her drop her customized blaster and sword in your next update? It's just a suggestion, of course. I have myself changed the .utc file already so that she won't drop her weapons.
  21. Congratulations on the new version! Cheers!
  22. After fiddling a little with Soft Lights I managed to find a better color tone for the leaves and now I'd like to call it done unless there is something more that I should be considering. I know the texture lacks proper shadowing but I am unsure about how to proceed with that because the game shows the texture from different angles and the shadowing would be inconsistent if applied by the texture itself. Doesn't the engine compute the light?
  23. Thank you, ebmar. I appreciate your words. Unfortunately this is the first thing I have ever done when it comes to texturing and I am sure it is a quite poor job. I would love to make the leafs have a better shade and tone but I fear I don't know how to do that. The original leafs were quite detailed but then I had to scale their size to just a few pixels and they have lost a lot. Again, I am sure any competent texture artist could have done a much better job. Even like this it is still an overall improvement though (granted that the shading is better in the original, low resolution texture). I have added a few more brown leaves so that it does look even slightly better now.
  24. Hello ebmar and congratulations for the release of your modification. I was wondering if you may consider in the future an option to allow the user to enjoy the great visual overhaul without making changes to the NPC's stats and keep the challenge at a level that is similar to the original game? I am not sure whether Selven would drop her powerful weapons she uses in the fight but I, as player, would rather that she doesn't (for balance reason). Thanks for your hard work on this and for sharing it with the community.
  25. Thank you, DarthParametric. Your support and contributions are invaluable, as usual. I did check the Boab and I must say it does look much like the trees in Dantooine. I could have probably found a better texture for the wood if I had known that sooner but overall I am moderately satisfied this time. I'll also make sure to use GLIntercept for future screenshots. Thanks again.