I've rarely worked with the Portraits.2da file before. Would it be possible to modify the characters to allow for dark & light-side portraits or is that beyond what Kotortool can do with the 2DA file?
This is more of a "proof of concept" as I'm not quite satisfied yet with Mandalore. . .
As you can see, the picture frames aren't the same size. This would be fixed in the final version, of course.
I don't know any other way. However: If someone here is in contact with him and would like to pass along a message, he or she should PM you or djh269 any relevant details.
Unless you get permission from Dak, you're not going to be able to publish any works that are derivative of his work. That will limit the folks willing to help you. So focus your efforts on getting in touch with Dak.
Once I get confirmation from users that they've used the above information to their satisfaction, I'll combine my entries and post this in the Tutorial section. I think this community needs new tutorials.