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Files posted by PapaZinos
Restored Enclave Sublevel
By PapaZinos in Modder's Resources
This is a modders' resource -- not intended for general use. It includes alternate versions of the four submodules in the enclave sublevel from TSL that had damage baked into their room models, now restored to their pre-bombing condition. That includes removing rubble, replacing flickering/dead lights, and cutting back on vegetative overgrowth. Lightmapping looks good too. I've exported the models in both K1 and TSL formats, default is TSL because I made this for Thor110's Expanded Galaxy Project, but K1 versions are in a subfolder.
I've also included a VIS file for the module which is a merge of Thor110's additions for Visibility File Fixes with new edits of my own, particularly to compensate for the removal of some rubble in the rotunda with the glass dome which at least partially obscured submodules getting unloaded. I would use the exact same VIS even for the vanilla module, though.
Just add the included models to your mod project. I did include versions for K1 ports, which you can find in the "K1" subfolder. Don't forget the VIS. You don't need to ask for permission to use these, just give credit in the description/readme.
Included Files:
Thanks to seedhartha for making modeling for these games simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset.
I would also like to thank Thor110 for buffing up the module's vis for his Visibility File Fixes mod, and allowing me to include those edits in this version. I also want to shout-out his Expanded Galaxy Project, the reason I made these in the first place.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Robes With Shadows For TSL
There is nothing more central to a Jedi's life than a cool outfit, except maybe a sweet saber to boot. So why put on robes with missing textures on their backsides when you could be impressing Sith Lords with your nice getup? Why settle for the shadow of a limberjack when a cool silhouette is half the reason you don the cloak? Let's fix up the game's robes!
This mod will provide you with some fixed up versions of all the game's robe models -- that's both the thicker and thinner variants of the Jedi robe, the Jal Shey armor, Kreia and Visas' robes, and the Handmaiden's hooded robe. All models will have various issues fixed up, as well as fitting shadows. Any outfit that uses one of these models, regardless of texture/color, will be improved for you, and that includes any new robes from any other mods (just make sure they don't replace one of the listed models in the below Included Files). Fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes by DeadMan or of svösh's Robe Collar should read the Compatibility section below for how to install the included patch that makes these mods work together.
This mod also fixes the floating shadow head issue when dual-wielding melee weapons, as well as a minor game error caused by a mismatched model name. As of version 1.3, I have also fixed a base game glitch where female robe models had twitching hands -- the animation's clipping fix is still there, just without the twitching issue.
And since it's 2024, I figured what the heck: as a bonus, all included models are now higher-poly (slightly). The boots, as well as some spots by the knees and shoulders which looked especially blocky now look smoother and more in tune with the rest of the model. See the above pictures for the difference.
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
For those who have the Aspyr patch, once in-game, I recommend turning on soft shadows if you have not already (OPTIONS->GRAPHICS->ADVANCED GRAPHICS->SOFT SHADOWS). Note that this may impact game performance.
If you have TSLRCM installed, check the Included Files section below for any file listed with an asterisk (*). These files are already in your override after installing TSLRCM, so you should delete those versions in order for the new ones to work. The new versions already include all the changes made in the base TSLRCM version, and I have included a folder labeled "TSLRCM backup" which contains those older versions should you need to back them up. If you installed TSLRCM via Steam, you can find the relevant files to delete in "Steam\steamapps\workshop\485537937\override".
Place the files included in the "TSLRCM backup" folder into your override if using TSLRCM, and then remove "Ultimate_Robes_Repair_For_TSL" from your override.
Included Files:
This mod is fully compatible with any mod which does not replace any of the files listed above. If a mod does include any such models, you will have to pick which version to use, and remove the other from your override. If using TSLRCM, make sure to install that mod first, and make sure that any files listed with an asterisk above are successfully replaced by this mod. See the Installation section for more details.
This mod is compatible with head mods such as Visas Reduced Model Clipping.
Any texture mods that add new or alter robe skins are compatible with this mod. However, many robe mods will attempt to replace model files (.mdl/.mdx) as well, rather than just textures (.tga/.tpc), so keep an eye out for what files are included with other mods.
For fans of Movie-style Jedi Master robes, DeadMan was gracious enough to allow me to create a compatibility patch for anyone who would like to use that mod alongside this one. Simply take the files included in the Compatibility Patch folder out into your override in place of the versions included in the main mod folder. Make sure these versions also replace the ones used in the Movie-style mod and TSLRCM. I have similarly created a patch for svösh's Robe Collar and any mods which use it. The patch merges all of our edits. Installation is the same as for the Movie-style patch. It should work for mods such as Achilles TSL Robe Mod (TSLRCM Edition).
Compatible mods include Jedi Journeyman Robes by Stormie97, which uses a different model as its basis, and much of Effixian's work, such as Effixian's Lore Keeper's Robes, Strider Robes, and Handmaiden Clothing Reskin.
Thanks to seedhartha, NdixUR, Symmetric, and Purifier for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I would also like to thank DeadMan and svösh for allowing me to make use of their models to create a compatibility patch for this mod and their respective ones.
I would also like to thank muitafruita for pointing out some additional issues with Kreia's robe models that needed fixing, and DarthParametric for being the one to recognize how to fix them.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Robes With Shadows For K1 (JC's Port)
I have created a simple mod that adds the shadows for robes used in Robes With Shadows For TSL to your K1 game, for those using any of JC's robe mods that adds TSL-style cloaks. Having at least one of the mods listed below is a requirement for this one, and they must be installed beforehand. This is compatible with all included versions of the mods by JC, and any textures you are using with it.
1. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1: for those who want to use the more classic looking Jedi robes of TSL in their K1 game.
2. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1: for a blend of the K1 and TSL style.
3. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1: for party member specific robes.
First, install at least one of the mods listed above if you have not already. This mod is specifically for people using one of those mods. If you would like to create backups of that mod's original files, just create a copy of the files listed below, before installing the versions that come with this mod.
To install this mod, download the 7z file and unzip anywhere on your computer. You can extract 7z files with native programs like Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Once the files is unzipped, find the subfolder with the name corresponding to which JC mod you are using, and copy all files within to the override folder of your game, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\override". When prompted, overwrite the versions of the files currently in your override with the new versions.
Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override. Which files you have can vary by which JC mod you are using.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically pose compatibility issues for mods like this. This mod requires either JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1, JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1, or JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1 to be installed first.
Big thanks to JCarter for his port of TSL robes to K1, and for giving the community permission to work with his models. The robes included here are just the ones from his mod with edited skeletons, so most of the work here was done for me. I also want to thank Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, modeling work would be much tougher without you guys. I would like to thank Salk as well, for suggesting this mod.
This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
- jcarter426
- shadows
- (and 2 more)
Spark Effect - Ebon Hawk
Something's gone wrong with the Ebon Hawk. Not only are sparks flying out of its panels every which way, but those sparks look less like sparks and more like Pac-Man's power pellets. Most likely because the spark objects in the local geometry are not making use of the same effects technology the rest of the game's sparks are, namely motion blur for that streak look. This mod takes fixes up the sparks used in the game's prologue to use the same technology as the rest of the game, for a stronger look more consistent with the rest of the game, while retaining all of the same intention as the original ones. For clarity, this is not a texture mod, but a model one. It is compatible with any texture mods of your choice. Check out the included video below to see the differences.
spkeff.mp4 Installation:
Download the .7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". You can open .7z files with programs like Archive Utility on macOS, or by downloading free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
Remove the folder "Spark_Effect_v1.0" from your override.
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the files listed below. This mod is compatible with "Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs".
You can also check out ShiningRedHD's "Ebon Hawk HD - 4x Upscaled Texture" on NexusMods for a high definition version of the exterior of the ship. Dark parts of the ship's map bothering you? Check out "TSL Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map" by Ashton Scorpius.
Included Files:
Thanks to Cortisol and Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset and KotORTool, respectively, and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender. I would also like to give a big shout out to ConansHair for the idea for the mod, and for lending me his thoughts.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
spkeff.mp4 spkeff.mp4586 downloads
Harbinger's Arrival Performance Enhancement for TSLRCM
Full Description:
The mysterious arrival of the Republic hammerhead warship is one of the most ambitious and engaging cutscenes in TSL. Unfortunately, ambitious cutscenes can be a harbinger for more than just a man with severe psoriasis -- players may experience issues ranging from cutscenes stuttering and looping, loading screens before and after loading a new module mid-cutscene, breaking animations, to game windows minimizing and skipping the cutscene entirely, permanent black screen, and even game crashes. Thus this mod's mission was twofold: 1) Provide a range of general improvements and fixes that everyone will benefit from regardless of cutscene performance, as well as 2) Create a more stable version of the cutscene that generally performs well on any device. I am happy to report that results have been exciting:
1) General improvements
- Atton now always faces the correct direction when speaking to you
- Kreia actually shows up meditating in the morgue when you hear her speak, rather than standing right behind Atton
- Kreia no longer visibly stands behind Atton in certain earlier shots of him speaking
- The Peragus mining facility asteroid is no longer right outside the Harbinger window before it actually enters the asteroid field
2) Performance improvements
All in-game portions of the cutscene are now rendered in the same module -- your game will no longer be trying to load an entirely new module twice over, all while trying to play pre-rendered cutscenes. This means that your game's mid-cutscene workload has been drastically reduced, and so issues known to occur specifically with the Harbinger Arrival cutscene are much less frequent. I have also scripted in "guardrails" for many minor glitches that can occur mid-cutscene.
Note that this is not a 100% guarantee players who were having issues before never will again; TSL is nearly old enough to be legally considered an adult in the US, and its pre-rendered scenes are just not optimized for many modern machines. However, this mod was tested on a non-gaming laptop now a few years old, with the game running from an external hard disk drive, on a modern operating system, in full-screen mode, with several different visual mods installed. This meant that attempting to run the original Harbinger cutscene 10 times translated to the cutscene failing to play without major issue 10 times. After switching to the new version, any types of issues, major or minor, were encountered less than 1 out of 10 times. Hopefully, even a potato from your local grocery store can now successfully play the Harbinger Arrival cutscene, so long as it can generally play most TSL cutscenes successfully.
Harbinger Enhancement_compressed.mp4
For reference when it comes to performance, this footage was recorded on an old laptop, with the game running on a modern operating system from a hard disk drive, with multiple other programs running in the background, and the following mods installed that can be seen in the video:
- Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.2 (responsible for restoring proper lighting to the Harbinger, showing the administration level proper behind Atton, and other model fixes)
- Harbinger Bridge Repairs (responsible for fixing several geometry errors, two visible during cutscene)
- KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes 1.0.0 by Naelavok (responsible for the upscaled pre-rendered scenes)
- TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus (responsible for the much-improved skybox seen from both the catwalk and the Harbinger bridge)
- Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 by Vasilii Zaytsev (responsible for the static 3d asteroids surrounding Peragus II)
- Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment by Sith Holocron (responsible for that excellent HD computer monitor before Atton)
- Kotor 2 Unlimited Worlds Texture Mod (responsible for the nicer-looking textures throughout the level, from the catwalk to the asteroids)
- Ultimate Character Overhaul REDUX (responsible for the HD character textures)
This mod 1) stabilizes the Harbinger cutscene so that your game is much less likely to experience issues 2) places Kreia in her usual meditation spot in the morgue for her dialogue, and 3) fixes a number of minor issues with the cutscene.
Download and run the installer, or else follow manual installation instructions. For Steam installations of TSLRCM, direct the installer to "Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937", and not the main game folder with the executable. 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip for windows and Linux. The installer is a .exe file, which can be run natively on Windows, or with programs like Wine for macOS and Linux.
For an existing game, use a save file before going to the asteroid exterior. Save files made any later will not be affected.
Take 104per.mod out of the provided backup folder and place it in your modules folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. Take a_con_atton_end.ncs out of the provided backup folder and place it in your override folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. You can safely delete 104per.lyt and 104per.vis from your override folder. The files 104pera.mdl/.mdx/.wok come from Ultimate Peragus Models Repair, you can keep or delete these at your discretion.
Additional Tips For Improving Game Performance:
If you are having trouble running pre-rendered scenes in general, you can try the following:
-- Go into your graphics settings, and under advanced options, disable frame buffering. If that does not work, try lowering or disabling all options. If the pre-rendered cutscene plays afterwards, you can up your graphics settings afterwards for normal gameplay.
-- Try running the game in windowed mode, rather than fullscreen. Close your game and open "swkotor2.ini", found in the same folder as your main game executable (for a Steam game, that's "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II"). Under both "Display Options" and "Graphics Options", change "FullScreen=1" to "FullScreen=0". Restart your game.
-- Uninstall/disable any non-essential mods that may relate to the cutscene or the area it takes place in.
Peragus in particular also suffers from memory overflow if you play the game too long in one sitting. This can cause dialogue to start skipping, or for issues with game cutscenes. This can usually be avoided by:
-- Quitting and restarting the game once in a while: doing it once before heading out to the asteroid surface, and again right before attempting to leave the Harbinger engine deck (the third and final level with the spooky lights) is usually enough to avoid problems.
-- Avoiding skipping dialogue yourself, which can sometimes lead to memory overflow. If you do skip a lot of dialogue, quitting and restarting the game will fix the issue.
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they make no modifications to the scripting or dialogue of the Harbinger's Arrival cutscene. For instance, if you are installing N-DReW's Mini Mod Collection for TSL, be sure not to add the included 104atton.dlg or 104kreia.dlg to your override, or remove it if you already have, as that would create a major incompatibility. This mod is for players using TSLRCM version 1.8.3 or higher.
You may view this mod's changes.ini inside the "tslpatchdata" folder for a complete list of every altered module element.
Feel free to check out "KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes" by Naelavok for higher-resolution cutscenes, if you have not already.
There are some other great mods out there that improve the visual quality of the cutscene. "Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment" by Sith Holocron, "KotOR 2 Unlimited World Texture Mod" by facemeltingsolo, "TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus", and "Ultimate Peragus Models Repair" by yours truly are all compatible with this mod. "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior and "... A Darker Peragus" by Canderis are also compatible.
Big thanks to Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset and Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool for making file extraction, module editing, and .mod file building easy, Fair Strides for the DLG Editor, JdNoa and Dashus for simple script decompiling with DeNCS, Blue for the KotOR Scripting Tool, Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit, and for making inter-mod compatibility infinitely more feasible with TSLPatcher.
Have a bug to report? Please click on "Get Support" and give a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
- tslrcm
- enhancement
- (and 4 more)
Ultimate Peragus Models Repair
How did the Peragian miners die? Probably the lack of oxygen. Peragus is facing many structural issues, from the gaps in the floors, walls, and ceilings, and other model errors, many of which expose the facility to the vacuum of space. It may be too late for the miners, but it's not too late for you! Let's get to work on patching things up.
This mod builds upon the work started by DarthParametric with "Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0.0". I have recreated and improved upon the fixes of that mod from scratch, as well as included fixes to a very large number of other model issues. If you currently have the other mod installed, you should remove "[TSL]_Peragus_Administration_Level_Room_Model_Fixes" from your override upon installing this mod in order to avoid any mod conflicts.
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs such as PeaZip on Windows and Linux. If you are updating from a previous version of the mod, just delete the old "Peragus_Model_Fixes" folder from your override. The version number is included in the folder name.
Remove the folder "Ultimate_Peragus_Model_Fixes_v1.3" from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files.
This mod works very well alongside "Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment 1.0" by Sith Holocron, and will correct the same asteroid image and text displacement issue from the asteroid exterior. It will similarly work well alongside other Peragus mods which affect textures or placeable models and lighting, such as VarsityPuppet's "Peragus Tweak 1.4", "A Darker Peragus REDUX 1.0" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus 2.0" by Canderis. It is also compatible with backdrop improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements 1.4", Vasilii Zaytsev's "Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2", and Replacement Peragus II Artwork by Trench 1.0 uploaded by Sith Holocron. This mod is not compatible with DarthParametric's "Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0.0", but fixes the same issues (and many more).
Big thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender. I would also like to thank DarthParametric for making "Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0.0". Thanks to DarthRaindrops for pointing out the UV mapping issue for the column texture.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
PapaZinos' Alternates
This page is a database of alternatives to some of my mods that I felt needed to be placed elsewhere than their normal page. Think of it as like a collection of some of your favorite snack brands, but only the flavors that most people don't buy. Few looking for cool ranch Doritos want to find themselves surrounded instead by the clam chowder, German potato, or Caribbean citrus jerk flavors, so those of you with more niche palettes can come here to find what you are looking for. Here you can find your clam chowder Doritos.
These alternates may be created for several reasons, primarily by request. Thus this page may serve as a resource for other modders who feel these versions better suit their own mods.
I will provide a brief description for each, any other pertinent info or instructions can be found on their original mod page as linked. For most people, I recommend using the versions of the mod found on those original pages, unless directed here by another mod you are using or you simply find the changes described below to your liking.
Mods Available:
Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for K1 - No Animation Edition -- Version 1.03 of the parent mod offered a version of itself that removed all of the misaligned blinking animations from the models. Since version 2.0, these animations have been aligned to their textures, but anyone who got used to or simply prefers the ship without them can download a version here that removes them, and otherwise is up-to-date with v2.0.0 changes.
Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for TSL - No Animation Edition -- Version 1.1 of the parent mod offered a version of itself that removed all of the misaligned blinking animations from the models. Since version 2.0, these animations have been aligned to their textures, but anyone who got used to or simply prefers the ship without them can download a version here that removes them, and otherwise is up-to-date with v2.0.2 changes.
Ultimate Harbinger Repairs - No Dirt Overlay -- Upon request, I have created an alternate version of the Harbinger mod that removes TSL's dirt overlay from every model on the ship. This may be beneficial to those using certain HD texture mods for the ill-fated cosmological hammerhead.
LEH_EHawk01 for TSL - I added an alternate version of TSL's Ebon Hawk cockpit that uses the LEH_EHawk01 texture that the first game/prologue used. Compatibility options for the various animation options, and up-to-date with v2.0.2 of Ebon Hawk Repairs. This is primarily for people looking for compatibility options for texture mods that offer high resolution or otherwise retextured versions of LEH_EHawk01 but not LEH_EHawk02. If you are looking for a high resolution version of LEH_EHawk02, try tjsase's TSL HD Cockpit Skyboxes.
These modifications are not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of any of these modifications is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via usage of any modifications found on this page.
Party Model Fixes For K1, Part II
Those of you familiar with Party Model Fixes by redrob41 know it is a cool mod that fixes up some of the game's models for your K1 party members. Cool enough that I figured it was time for a sequel -- we are going to do even more fixing up of our compatriots:
Carth: His unique outfit has a holster which hung by some leather that was missing a texture on one side, rendering it invisible from certain angles. This fixes up that issue, alongside some bonus texture mapping fixes to his opposite pouch and jacket, including the collar fix that redrob41 worked on in their original mod.
Zaalbar: Our wookiee friend had some hairs that went missing depending on the angle, again due to missing textures on the opposite sides of some geometry. This fixes that right up, alongside some other messy texture mapping for some of his fur.
Jolee: Sometimes Jolee likes to just hang out in a swim suit, socks, and... some kind of bizarre ankle brace. I could not tell you what it does, but it is unlikely to be doing its job given that it disappears when viewed from the other side. This fixes up another classic case of one-sided texture syndrome, and makes some small improvements to texture mapping.
Mission: Originally Mission was set to just use adult models when wearing various armors, likely due to time constraints. Therefore, I have made some alternate armor models more suitable for a kid to use. These are just edited versions of the vanilla models, with similar texture mapping, so it is all very vanilla-looking and compatible with any texture mods. This will add the new models to your game and set her appearance.2da row to use them. Her unique models in vanilla are fixed up less noticeably to reflect the changes, and include similar texture mapping fixes to the arms that redrob41 did.
This mod is intended to be installed after redrob41's Party Model Fixes, but does not require it to work. All changes will be applied immediately, and do not require that you start a new game.
Download the included .7z file and extract it anywhere of your choosing on your computer. You can unzip a .7z file with tools such as Archive Utility on MacOs, or by with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Simply run this installer, directing it to the location of your main game folder with the executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor".
The installer is an .exe file, which Windows can run natively. Mac and Linux users might consider checking out Cortisol's HoloPatcher -- a new tool that is meant as a cross-platform alternative to traditional KotOR mod installers. Alternatively, executable files can be run on Mac or Linux with programs using tools such as Wine. If you are having trouble with either of those options, I have included some instructions for manual installation in the download's "ReadMe" file.
If you happened to have previously installed another mod which placed an appearance.2da file in your override folder, the installer will give you a warning reporting as much upon completion. This is of no concern -- so long as you get no other warnings or errors, the mod is installed correctly and ready-to-go.
The mod will overwrite any conflicting model files (.mdl/.mdx) in your override folder, but not any appearance.2da file it finds there, merely edit the existing one. Be sure to back up anything you want to keep ahead of time. The Included Files list below contains all the files that will be installed to the override folder.
Delete all of the files listed below from your override folder. If you had an appearance.2da file in your override folder prior to installing, you can find a backup version in the mod's "backup" folder, which was automatically created during installation, and place that in your override. If you are unsure whether or not a previous mod had put that file there or not, it is better to make use of the backup.
Included Files:
This mod is fully compatible with any mod which does not replace any of the model files (.mdl/.mdx) listed above. Files that edit appearance.2da are compatible so long as they do not change Mission's armor model cells.
If you intend to install Party Model Fixes by redrob41, I recommend doing so before installing this mod, or what you install here will be overwritten.
Expect compatibility with most any texture/reskin mods -- so long as they do not replace models (.mdl/.mdx files) as well as textures, there should be no conflict.
Thanks to seedhartha, NdixUR, Symmetric, and Purifier for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I would also like to thank Stoffe and Fair Strides for making inter-mod compatibility infinitely more feasible with TSLPatcher. Shout-out to ConansHair for pointing out that weird bright spot on Zaalbar's rump.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for TSL
The fastest ship in the galaxy is also a work in progress. When they are not out and about with you, the gang spends most of their time just trying to keep the Ebon Hawk up and running. But the many gaps in walls, ceilings, and floors, the mysterious black panels, missing hull pieces, and see-through metal is a lot for even our expert Iridonian to handle. So let's give Bao-Dur a hand! So to speak.
Version 2.0.0 contains lots of new goodies, such as fixed lightmapping, lights for dynamic objects where they were missing, re-cut geometry for computer panels to match blinking animations to the appropriate textures, loosened walkmeshes to remove some invisible walls, and a host of new texture mapping improvements. This mod also now has you covered for the damaged Ebon Hawk seen in the prologue, fixing the same sorts of issues.
Download the 7z file for the mod version of your choice and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II". 7z files can be opened with Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs such as PeaZip on Windows/Linux. If you are upgrading from an older version of this mod, you can safely delete that "Ultimate_Ebon_Hawk_Repairs" folder from your override.
If you use either "Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)" or "More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)" by Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, ebmar, and Xarwarz, I have made special versions of relevant submodules wherein I recut the computer panel geometry again to match the ship animations to the textures exactly. Due to the high quality of these textures, I was able to make the cuts in this version even nicer than the ones I made for vanilla. Just take the files found in the "Animated Monitors" subfolder, place them into the main mod folder, and enjoy.
Remove the folder "Ultimate_Ebon_Hawk_Repairs_for_TSL" from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. This mod is not compatible with "Ebon Hawk Model Fixes" by bead-v and ndix UR, but fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more. If you currently have the other mod installed, you can avoid any mod conflicts by removing either "EbonHawkCockpitFix_v2.0" or "Ebon Hawk Cockpit Fix" from your override, depending on which version you currently have. If you are looking for an Ebon Hawk repairs mod for the first game, that is available here.
If you are looking for some other ways to make the ship a little more livable, there are many texture mods out there that are well worth the installation, and all of them compatible with this mod. Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, ebmar, and Xarwarz have authored both "Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)" and "More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)". I recommend using either version in conjunction with this mod, and have even made special versions of some of the ship submodules to cater to those textures exactly -- if you use either mod, and I recommend you do, I highly suggest reading the relevant bit in the Installation section for more details.
You can also check out ShiningRedHD's "Ebon Hawk HD - 4x Upscaled Texture" on NexusMods for a high definition version of the exterior of the ship. Dark parts of the ship's map bothering you? Check out "TSL Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map" by Ashton Scorpius. If you have any compatibility questions, feel free to ask, though there are not too many mods out there also working on the Ebon Hawk's models, as opposed to textures. For a mod such as this, checking for compatibility is as simple as ensuring a different mod does not contain any files of the same name as those included in the list below. Note that this mod includes three minorly-edited lightmaps, as listed above.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender. I also want to give a big thank-you to bead-v and ndix UR for their work on "Ebon Hawk Model Fixes", and for their generosity. I would also like to thank Pcthoros for reporting the light issue for mobile users.
For those of you curious about that mystery object in the first few screenshots, the Ebon Hawk's main hold is surrounded by a black box meant to make all the geometry errors throughout the ship less noticeable. I removed it, sealed up all the gaps in the above screenshots, as well as many more, then put back the pieces that were not accidentally visible to the player.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for K1
When dealing with crime lords, beware. Davik Kang's prize ship has a state-of-the-art security system -- it is filled with hulls gaps to suffocate the lungs and texturing errors to boggle the mind. If we want to get the Ebon Hawk flying safely, we ought to patch things up.
The goal of this mod was to provide all of the same fixes provided by Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs For TSL to your K1 game. This mod patches the same issues as Ebon Hawk K1 Fixes 2.0 by ndix UR, as well as many of the others I worked on for TSL.
The latest version includes some big improvements to the alignment of the ship's geometry and animations to the monitor textures it uses. I have included in the download a folder labelled "Animated Monitors"; these files serve provide significantly higher-quality alignments to those using either "Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)" or "More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)" by Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, and Xarwarz. I personally recommend using those texture mods for the monitors, and installing the contents of the included "Animated Monitors" folder to your override folder after installing the rest. See the Installation section for more details.
If you would like to simply remove the blinking animations entirely, you can find an alternate version of the mod for download in PapaZinos' Alternates to do just that.
Download the 7z file and extract the contents of the "To Override" folder to your game's override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
For those using my monitor texture mods of choice, either "Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)" or "More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)" by Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, and Xarwarz, make sure to install the contents of the included "Animated Monitors" folder to your override. To install, simply copy the files included in the "Animation Fix Edition" subfolder to your override after copying the files from the "To Override" folder. Select "replace" when prompted.
Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For compatibility with the KotOR 1 Community Patch and Darth Parametric's Taris Escape Sequence Adjustments, simply install this mod after those ones.
Looking to introduce some much-improved ship animations that are made for their textures? Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, and Xarwarz have authored both "Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)" and "More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)", both of which do the job well. I recommend using either alongside the files in the "Animated Monitors" subfolder aforementioned in the Installation section.
I would like to thank Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I also want to give a shout-out to muitafruita for suggesting including the medbay walkmesh fix from TSL to K1 as a way to improve PC spawning.
This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Taris Undercity Repairs
Taris' Undercity is home to the strangest of galactic life. Not rakghouls, but floating grass. Specifically, there is one little area by the front of the Undercity pod crash with a little walkmesh error, that creates some floating grass the player can float over. This mod just fixes that out for now, it may grow later if I find other things in the module that could use work.
Download the 7z file and extract the contents of the "To Override" folder to your game's override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically create compatibility issues for mods like this.
Thanks to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset.
This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Ultimate Harbinger Repairs
The Harbinger is a victim of double-sabotage, by both a group of cult assassins and one crazed protocol droid, who did their jobs a little too well. There are missing pieces of the ship's hull geometry, UV errors, lightmapping issues, and broken animations all throughout the ship. Let's fix them up!
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. This mod also includes an optional 16x upscale of the cracked window texture, which can be found in the "Additional" subfolder. Simply take the .tpc out into the main mod folder to activate it, if you wish.
Also, be sure to uninstall version 1.0, "Harbinger Bridge Repairs", if you previously installed it. This mod is made for and tested on PC, so if you are attempting to install this for a different platform, you will have to let me know how it works for you.
Remove the folder "Ultimate_Harbinger_Model_Repairs_v2.0.1" from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For this mod I have fixed up 56 of the shipd's total of 57 submodules, so it will not likely be compatible with mods that replace any of the area models for the ship. The mod is therefore not compatible with "Harbinger Hull Fixes" by DarthParametric, though it fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more.
This mod may be compatible with other lighting mods such as "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus" by Canderis. The four lightmaps included in this mod are all custom-made and named, so there should be no file name conflicts, it is simply a matter of how they look in-game against those mods' lightmaps.
This mod is fully compatible with visual improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements", and most any texture mods. It also includes an optional upscaled version of the cracked window texture that I recommend, which you can find in the "Additional" subfolder.
Huge thank-you to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, Cortisol for making my life easier with the Holocron Toolset, and ndix UR for making image compression convenient with tga2tpc.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
TSL Turrets Models Repair
There are two kinds of turrets in the Star Wars galaxy: the up turrets and the down turrets. The up turrets have all the nice geometry a turret needs, while the down turrets eschew their lower geometry in favor of nice shadows, since their undersides are not actually visible to people. A harmonious balance -- or so we all thought. It turns out that there are many opportunities to see the bottoms of the down turrets, exposing their empty underbellies for everyone to see. Their shadows are also incomplete and janky-looking. Let's restore balance to this galaxy!
If you have not checked out Khoonda Turrets Model Repair, I suggest you do that as well. That will set the turrets around Khoonda to the up models instead of the down models, as they were meant to be. That will mean that they have all the geometry they need without the extra model shadows, which look no good on the higher-up turrets.
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
Remove the folder "TSL_Turrets_Models_Repair_v1.0" from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. I highly recommend using this mod in conjunction with Khoonda Turrets Model Repair, of you have not checked that out already. This mod will fix the lack of geometry issue there as well, but that one will remove the nasty-looking shadow it has.
Big thank-you to seedartha, Symmetric, Purifier, and Ndix UR for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction convenient with the Holocron Toolset.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Citadel Station Hangars Repair
Citadel Station is facing more issues than just a lack of fuel. Just getting to your morning shift in bay control can be hazardous -- they forgot to vacuum-seal all the hangars! In each hangar you can find gaps all along the tops of each of the entrance-side walls. Screenshots don't really do it justice. So let's patch it up!
To Install*:
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder. For the Steam version of the game, this can be found at "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". You can unzip a 7z file using Archive Utility on macOS or by downloading a free program such as PeaZip for Windows/Linux.
*Note: I have since created a mod fixing up models for the entirety of Citadel Station, and included the original hangar fixes available here. I recommend downloading that mod instead for your greatest convenience .
To Uninstall:
Simply remove "Citadel_Hangars_Repair" folder from your override folder.
Included files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not also affect/replace the above files.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Eentertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs
Citadel Station is facing more than just a lack of fuel. Just getting to your morning shift in bay control can be hazardous -- they forgot to vacuum-seal the place! As a result, you can find gaps in walls, floors, and ceilings all exposing the station to space. Not to mention the many lighting, walkmesh, and UV errors that leave the station looking a little too much like the planet it orbits. Let's patch things up!
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted using Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs such as PeaZip for Windows and Linux.
Remove "Ultimate_Citadel_Repairs" from your override.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not replace any of the files listed above. This mod includes the same files and fixes included with Citadel Station Hangars Repair, with many more added on. If you previously installed that mod, you can safely delete "Citadel_Hangars_Repair" from your override.
Texture mods for Citadel Station will also be compatible. Some cool other mods to check out for Citadel Station are Citadel Station Signage by Sith Holocron, HD Czerka Droid by ScrierOne, and the Kotor 2 Unlimited World Texture Mod by facemeltingsolo.
Here's a fun one: for those of you playing 2003's Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and 2005's Battlefront II on PC, Citadel Station has been made a playable map for both, thanks to the work of JamyzGenius and teancum, respectively. You can find the mod for Jedi Academy here, and Battlefront II here. Check the mods out on YouTube for yourself.
Thanks to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol and Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset and KotOR Tool, respectively.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
- repair
- citadel station
- (and 3 more)
Telos Model Repairs
Chodo Habat and pals were strong-armed out of their control of the Restoration Project before they could complete their work. This means that some key components for a healthy ecosystem were never imported from Dxun, such as water and physics, leading to some funky model errors. There are streams with invisible water, floating leaves, floating rocks, illusory rocks, UV errors, and one hole in the ground exposing Telos to the great void. Let's give our Ithorian friends a hand.
There are two versions of the mod available to download, one of which has been made for compatibility for users with High Quality Skyboxes installed. Download the 7z file for the version of your choice, and extract to your game's override folder. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. If you are upgrading from a previous version of the mod, be sure to remove that "Telos_Model_Repairs" folder from your override after installing the new version.
If you are using the High Quality Skyboxes compatible version of the mod, make sure to remove 231teld.mdl and 231teld.mdx from your installation of High Quality Skyboxes in the override folder to ensure you see all changes made. Kexikus has generously allowed me to incorporate the necessary model changes from High Quality Skyboxes into the compatibility version, so that these mods may be compatible. If you installed High Quality Skyboxes via Steam, you can find the relevant mod files at "Steam\steamapps\workshop\208580\2312186259\override".
Remove "Telos_Model_Repairs" from your override folder.
Included Files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above models and walkmeshes. High Quality Skyboxes works alongside the compatibility version of this mod. Texture mods that do not alter the above models are fully compatible with either version.
Some other great, compatible mods for Telos to check out are Telos surface 4k Retexture by coremar, TSL ORIGINS - Telos Overhaul by Jorak Uln, and Kotor 2 Unlimited World Texture Mod by facemeltingsolo.
I would like to thank Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol and Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset and KotOR Tool, respectively. I would also like to thank Kexikus for allowing me to merge the necessary changes to makes this mod compatible with High Quality Skyboxes.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Repair Your Airspeeder... Again!
Spoiler-Free Description:
Nobody likes to see a group project go to waste! This mod allows you to repair your speeder once and for all upon completing the Nar Shaddaa main story, and restores some of Obsidian's original game dialogue along the way. Rather than being told that the speeder has been sabotaged beyond your ability to repair, you will be told specifically which part that you installed needs to be replaced, and given an opportunity to find it at a location made available towards the end of the Nar Shaddaa main story (for the exact location, see step #8 of the full walkthrough provided below or attached images).
This mod restores original dialogue for certain party members, and the opportunity to gain/lose influence with them as you see fit.
You should install TSLRCM prior to installing this mod. For an existing game, use a save file made before visiting Nar Shaddaa for the first time (this mod won't affect any areas of the game you have already been to).
Full Description (Contains Spoilers):
Download the 7z file and extract to somewhere on your computer that is easy to find. 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. For full compatibility and your own personal convenience, this mod comes with an installer which comes highly recommended. Simply run the installer, and direct it to your TSLRCM installation. For Steam installations, direct the installer to "Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937", and not the main game folder with the executable. The installer is an executable file that can be run natively on Windows or with free programs like Wine on other platforms. If for whatever reason you have trouble with the installer, open the "Manual Installation" folder and follow the instructions of the ReadMe file inside.
Follow the instructions within the ReadMe pertaining to your installation method.
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they make no modifications to any airspeeder-related files or affect the new airspeeder cameras for other purposes (automatic installation) or replace the included files installed manually. Requires TSLRCM 1.8.3 or higher.
Modifications (Automatic Installation):
Modifications (Manual Installation):
Full Walkthrough (Contains Spoilers):
Big thanks to Fred Tetra for KotORTool and Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset for making file extraction, module editing, and .mod file building easy, Fair Strides for the DLG Editor, JdNoa and Dashus for simple script decompiling with DeNCS, Blue for the KotOR Script Editor, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit, and for making inter-mod compatibility infinitely more feasible with TSLPatcher. It really does take a village to make one speeder fly.
Have a bug to report? Visit this mod's "Get Support" page and let me know!
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Khoonda Turrets Model Repair
The Khoonda turrets are on the fritz again. And who can blame them? A cursory inspection reveals that salvagers have clearly stolen their internal components, as they appear to be missing half their geometry! Let's switch these turrets to the correct model.
For an existing game, use a save file made before visiting the Khoonda Plains for the first time (this mod won't affect save files made any later). This mod requires TSLRCM in order to install properly.
Download the 7z file and extract to somewhere convenient for you to access on your computer. You can run the recommended automatic installer in the "Installer" subfolder, or open the "Manual Installation" subfolder and follow the instructions in the included read-me to install it yourself. The installer is an .exe file, which may be run natively on Windows, or with free programs like Wine on macOS and Linux.
Run the automatic uninstaller in the "Uninstaller" subfolder, or open the "Manual Installation" subfolder and follow the instructions in the included read-me to uninstall it yourself.
Modifications (Automatic Installation):
-khoonda_turre001.utc appearance type changed from 182 to 640
-khoonda_turre002utc appearance type changed from 182 to 640
-khoonda_turret.utc appearance type changed from 182 to 640
Included Files (Manual Installation):
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not attempt to overwrite the data listed above. This mod requires TSLRCM.
Another good mod to check out if you have not already is "Khoonda flag fix" by FF97, which will restore the missing texture for the Khoonda flag above the building.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit, and of course for TSLPatcher.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Don't Let Kreia Fly Your Speeder!
NOTE: The fixes provided in this mod have since been wrapped up into a larger mod, Repair Your Airspeeder... Again!, which also includes new and improved camera angles to boot. Download this mod if you do not want the other changes provided by that mod.
If you have ever fixed up your own speeder on Nar Shaddaa, you know how much work has to go into it. You might also notice that whoever takes your speeder to the docks not only crashes it through the railing but also parks it halfway onto the catwalk, missing the opening space for speeders almost entirely. How embarrassing! Breathe easy, there's a fix: install this mod and the Force will be with your parking job.
You should install TSLRCM prior to installing this mod. For an existing game, use a save file made before visiting the docks for the first time (this mod won't affect save files made any later).
First download the 7z file and extract to somewhere on your computer. 7z files can be extracted using Archive Utility for macOS, or with free programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Users have two options for installation: you can run the installer in the "Installer" folder (macOS and Linux users will need Wine to run .exe files) or open the "Manual Installation" folder and do it yourself, following the instructions in ReadMe.txt. Either method is easily done, but the installer maximizes compatibility with other mods.
-wp_airtaxi location and orientation in 303nar.git (via running the installer)
-sw_startloc004 location in 303nar.git (via running the installer)
-303nar.mod replaced (manual installation)
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they make no modifications to the data listed above according to their install method. Running the installer maximizes compatibility, by modifying the necessary data in your 303nar.mod rather than replacing it wholesale. Requires TSLRCM 1.8.3 or higher.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit 0.5, and of course for TSLPatcher.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Eentertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
Nar Shaddaa Docks Repair
The most crucial mod you have yet to install! There is a gap in one of the walls at the Nar Shaddaa docks, alongside the third pillar from the left on the long-side exterior wall! You can see several of the interior apartment assets, including the Aqualish and Gran whispering to each other, through said gap. If you make use of Kexikus' High Quality Skyboxes II (and I highly recommend you do), the gap is even more noticeable. Fear not, dear Jedi, there is a fix. Download this mod and the wall is repaired. A good night's sleep will be yours again!*
To Install:
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder. For the Steam version of the game, this can be found at "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". You can unzip a 7z file using Archive Utility on macOS or by downloading a free program such as PeaZip for Windows/Linux.
To Uninstall:
Simply remove "Nar_Shaddaa_Docks_Fix" folder from your override folder.
Included files:
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not also affect/replace the above files.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender.
Neither this mod nor its author guarantee improved quality of sleep as a result of this mod. Stay tuned for feature-inclusion in a future update.
Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair
It looks like the Exchange is getting desperate to keep refugees from leaving the Refugee Sector. Their new bag of tricks includes: removing pieces of architecture from the landing pad, creating over a half-dozen wall and floor gaps, causing crates and railings to pop in and out of existence before your very eyes, and installing a railing inside of the airspeeder. That will make anyone's head spin! Let's fix the place up.
Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II". 7z files can be extracted using Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs such as PeaZip on Windows and Linux.
Remove the folder "Nar_Shaddaa_Landing_Pad_Fixes" from your override folder.
[Included Files:]
Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files.
Big thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender.
This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
- nar shaddaa
- models
- (and 2 more)