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Everything posted by MrPhil

  1. Can't wait to see what you'll come-up with, Malkior!
  2. It was made way before tsl rcm, so it is a risky proposition. If you try-it, please report here if it was compatible. Glad I helped you, Lestat!
  3. New episode of my modded LP for ME3 is up:

  4. It might be blocked in some country. I was personally able to download these mods often. You could use a proxy to get these files. Otherwise, I,ll see what I can do for you
  5. I can't figure where this is... Feels like Telos, but where exactly?
  6. It's a Kristy Kistic mod.;85846
  7. MrPhil


    Can't believe I missed this! Amazing, Xarwarz!
  8. OBS is really pissing me off. I have a dual setup at home where I'm sometimes using my headset, and one where I'm using speakers. Seems like switching from one to the second disabled my mike and I lost a one hour long video because there was no sound! Activated the mike back and recorded-it again: another hour lost, because now, even if the mike is working, the game sounds aren't actually recording!

    1. Xuul


      I know the feeling.

      I wish I was more familiar with OBS so I could help you

    2. MrPhil


      Hah, I got-it to work at the third attempt. Uploading now!

  9. As far as I know, nobody picked that up yet.
  10. I was able to test-it in-game, but it looks like I was unable to record anything but a black screen. It looks way better, Jorak!
  11. MrPhil

    Bypass HK factory?

    What's that setup you got, then?
  12. Looks like my game decided to be screwed for me. I'll have to vanilla everything, which will take time... Maybe next week, this will happen. My computer decided to go all wonky on me for a second, sound problem (choppyness) began to appear on youtube, my username went to default before reverting to my modified version. Also, don't expect too much HD, because I can't seem to have OBS to work on higher definition. Stay tuned, this will happen. Just not right away.
  13. If nobody is rushed, I might try to do a vid of this. Maybe this next weekend!
  14. I've started a Let's Play for Mass Effect 3

  15. We can't help you if you get any errors/bugs, if you stick to 1.8.2. Frankly, it's just not worth the headache: get 1.8.3 (the "whole" 127 MB), vanilla your game (meaning uninstall, manually remove all that remains and reinstall. If you did not have backups, tis as good a time as any to get some now), patch-it with the relevant official patch, then install TSL RCM 1.8.3. Also, for peragus, get the kill-blaster (with Kotor Save Editor 3.3.3 or 3.3.4) and kill 'em all faster! Honestly, that's the best way to get no bugs. There's a reason we are at 1.8.3, and not 1.8.2 anymore
  16. Probably best to vanilla your game prior installing anything too, just to be sure you don't get any bugs...
  17. You'll have to give more informations about the error, your build system-wise and mod-wise, because I have successfully used this mod and can confirm it works.
  18. Video is up: Thank you Xuul! Would any moderator mind adding the link to the original post, because I don't think I can edit that one...
  19. There might be a way: contact Newbiemodder and ask him about the how. Best thing to do would be to test-it yourself and report bugs to him directly, so that he can help you fix them. I remember, back in the day, it was hell to make-it work even with the old version of TSL RCM (which means the "compatible" version is probably outdated with 1.8.3).
  20. This looks real good. I don't know how I managed to not see this. Will try-it in next playthrough for sure!
  21. If you could give a spotlight to this mod I'm pretty proud of, I'd appreciate-it. Worked hard on-it. [TSL] Twin Sun to Asari 1.0 No mods required No new game required Compatible with TSL RCM, any version.
  22. MrPhil

    Aurek Besh

    NO WAY! I've written something in Aurek besh? Aw, and I told myself I'd NEVAR do that