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Files posted by JumpStationZ

  1. Agent Xim's Korriban Crystal Cave

    Part of the...

    Dantooine has a crystal cave and all Korriban gets is Shyrack caves and a bunch of tombs?  Problem solved!  Now Korriban has its very own, brand-new cave full of crystals... and a couple critters too!

    In the back of the Shyrack Caves, there's a passage... a passage to the inhospitable surface AND an access tunnel to the crystal cave. You'll be given the option of taking the side passage or backing away once you get to the passage.

    Beware of the Deathadder Kinrath! Hack and Slash your way through a pile of Kinrath on steroids. Then, if you turn your attention to the recently deceased Dark Jedi Master's remains, you'll find a couple items that may help you on your way...


    Run Korriban Crystal Cave Install.exe


    Agent Xim

    Changes to v1.1

    - New texture for Deathadder Kinrath

    - Updated to use TSLPatcher for installation


    - Special thanks to Stoffe for TSLPatcher

      (available from http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php)


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  2. Redhawke's Kreia Prestige Class

    Author : RedHawke 01/22/06 V1.0
    Simple script addition to grant Kreia Jedi Master Prestiege Class if the PC chooses a Jedi Prestiege Class, and grants Kreis a Sith Lord Prestiege Class if the PC becomes a Sith Prestiege Class.
    Installation Instructions
    Place the a_pc_jedi.ncs into your TSL override directory, and load a save before you choose your prestiege class.
    The a_pc_jedi.nss is the source script and is included so you can make this compatable on your end with any mod that uses this script.
    The ForPrCLRobeNSaberMod subfolder contains the script files that are compatable with Maverick187's and My Prestiege Class Robe and Saber Pack. If you have our mod just copy over the a_pc_jedi.ncs file from that subfolder intead and overwrite the one from our mod.
    Uninstallation Instructions
    Remove this file from your override.
    Enjoy! ;^)


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  3. Alveron182's Mission Vao at 19 years old

    Part of the...

    This is my first attempt at any skinning/modding but since I really enjoyed Mission Vao in Kotor I, I wondered what she'd be like 5 years later at 19.
    This Mod has Mission Vao as a selectable PC and includes her own clothes with Darkside transitions. Which makes the character select robes at character selection all messed up, but not to worry, once you're in game and equip clothes they'll be fine. I used the white Twi'lek Assassin Models for clothes/head and just reskinned them.

    The following files are included:
    P_Mission19BA01.tga      -  Underwear
    P_Mission19H01.tga       -  Normal Head
    P_Mission19H01D1.tga     -  1st Darkside Head Transition
    P_Mission19H01D2.tga     -  2nd Darkside Head Transition
    PFBLMV01.tga             -  Lightside Dancer Outfit
    PFBLMVD01.tga            -  Darkside Dancer Outfit
    PMVB01.tga               -  Lightside Clothes
    PMVBD01.tga              -  Darkside Clothes
    po_pmission19            -  Lightside Portrait
    po_pmission19d1          -  1st Darkside Portrait
    po_pmission19d2          -  2nd Darkside Portrait

    All the files should be placed in your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override Folder. Except the .jpg and ReadMe files. If you don't have one just move this one there.
    If you have Kotor Tool you should be able to Extract Mission's .wav Files and copy them into your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotoR2\StreamSounds Folder and Extract and edit your soundset.2da and put that in your override folder. Then just use kotor saved game editor to add Mission's soundset to your saved game.
    I've also included some .jpg files of screenshots.
    I'd also like to thank everyone who has every taken the time to do Modding/Skinning or produce any program to help with it. I have had so much fun using the mods here. I have tried almost everyone of them here that you fine people have shared which is the main reason why I even considered trying my hand at it... you are to many to mention here so I will just say THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH !
    I do feel I should mention Fred Tetra whom without his Kotor Tool I would be lost. Thanks Much!
    I don't know of any bugs other than the selection screen body graphics which are fixed once in game, but if anyone finds something wrong please email me j_bailey21@hotmail.com
    Enjoy !


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    1 comment


  4. Redhawke's Exile's Item Pack Booster (Robe Pack)

    Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0a
    This is simply an update to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord Robes you get in Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack we did, to make it compatable with the robe collar fix Svösh made, and ilikecommas made the default textures for. This will only be needed if you want to use the cool collar fix that Svösh made and ilikecommas made default textures for.
    This only affects the Padawan style Jedi Master and Sith Lord robes.
    The PrCl R&S Pack is available here: http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/10756.html
    ILC's Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix is available here: http://www.pcgamemods.com/13033
    You should be able to apply these changes at any time.
    Installation Instructions: 
    (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that)
    If you have not allready done so, install the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Mod, and ilikecommas Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix.
    Unzip all 4 of the .tga files in the .rar, to your override directory and overwrite the originals. 
    To use this robe fix you have to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at http://www.pcgamemods.com/13033
    And of course the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack, available at http://www.pcgamemods.com/10756
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. 
    To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem.
    To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  5. Redhawke's Darth Revan Cutscene Style Robes

    Author : RedHawke 11/28/05 Version 1.1
    New in version 1.1: Added in the Masked Revan Robes as well, allowing you to make either version... Re-made the mod with TSL Patcher for complete compatability. Due largely to multiple requests for the masked versions of these robes.
    This mod adds in the ability to make eight robes in the game, using the hooded Maskless Revan Cutscene Model and now the Masked Revan Model, unfortunately the model is just as unfinished in TSL as it is in KOTOR I, but I have gotten a lot of requests for them so here you go. They are buildable at the Workbench, depending on your level (At Least 20), your Repair skill (At Least a 29 and up for the others), and alignment on which ones will be available to your pc to build.
    Installation Instructions:
    First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory.
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    NOTE: You will need to completely uninstall the previous version of this mod before installing this version... sorry. But this should have no effect upon your savegames, as the original uti files and skins are un-altered.
    Using the TSL Patcher this mod now will modify appearance.2da, itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da.
    Un-installation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, and restore any necissary files from the backup directory the patcher makes in the temp folder you run the patcher from.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    To stoffe -mkb- without whom the TSL Patcher would be just a dream!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Revan Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at PCGameMods and my site"
    Version 1.1 Bug Notes: If you run the patcher without uninstalling the previous version of this mod (specifically the itemcreate.2da and itemcreatemira.2da files) there will be a glitch at the Workbench that will allow construction of 2 robes at a time, of course if this doesn't bother you then this is a non-issue.


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  6. svösh Robe Collar Fix and robes + ilikecommas's additional robes

    Editor: There are 3 separate read-me files in this package.  What you see below only covers the robe collar fix by svösh but the others can be read after you open the package.  As the package as originally saved on JumpStationZ was a bit of a cluster, it should be needless to say that you're on your own for this one.  But I'll say it loudly for the those in the back.  You'll receive no assistance from Staff on this one and you should take all necessary precautions before attempting to use this. Caveat emptor.
    Author : svösh 05/29/05
    -: male / female Master and padawan robes model and UV fix
    UPDATE *** female padawan model FIXED ***
    All right. Not being a fan of the collar on the Jedi robes models, I went ahead and remapped and complied these models. They come with the exported fixed uv cords to use as an overlay in Photoshop or any other layer based graphic applications.
    -: Included in this .rar
    4 models  [ so 8. mdl / mdx count as 1 each ]  
    3 jpg’s are the unwrapped UV’s . The master model uses the same texture
    PFBIM         mdl /mdx        female padawan model FIXED*
    PFBNM       mdl /mdx        female master model FIXED*
    PMBIM        mdl /mdx        male padawan model
    PMBNM      mdl /mdx        male master model
    PFBI01.jpg             female padawan UV
    PMBI01.jpg            male padawan UV
    PFBN01.jpg           male and female Master UV

    Not included:
    My robe skins from the screen shots, where’s the fun in that?
    Consider this a fresh canvas for your skins you will see you have very little to change to fit the edited UV’s
    WARNING!!!! This is basically a model / UV fix to use for new unique robes.  More of a base to use with new mods, If u drop this in override without editing EVERY SINGLE DEFAULT TEXTURE that uses one of the 4 models in this .rar. The collar will appear much worse than it already was
    That being said, there’s nothing stopping you from overriding all robe models with these and editing ALL the default robe skins.
    -: Changes I made
    On the master robes, I only moved the collar in to place. The old placement of the collar is now empty space.
    On the padawan robes, I moved the collar shifted the ring fingers over a touch, and had to move the back half of the sash over and scaled it down a little bit to fit the collar in
    The red outlined UV’s are the torso the green are the hands.
    -: How to use this in Photoshop  or other layer based graphic apps
    Open your edited skin hopefully still in .psd format
    Drag and drop the .jpg for the selected skin you are working on, in to your psd . drag the layer to the top of the stack.  
    Hit W and click in the black area on th UV layer. Now with your selection active go to the menus above..
    Select  > Similar with all the black selected hit   Ctrl +X   or  delete key  now u set the opacity to 20 to 40 % and lock it so u don’t accidentally start editing it
    The rest, I leave to you  

    Just one little thing you can freely use this as your base in any new mods you make or fix up older ones. All I ask is credit for my work with the model’s and uv edits and include this read-me please, and if you can’t type my forum handle from lack of finding the character map. Then please by all means copy and paste it from here.   


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  7. Redhawke's Workbench Makes Robes

    Author : RedHawke 02/12/05 Version 1.1
    Added a file I missed.
    This discustingly simple 2da edit mod adds the ability to make Jedi Robes at the Workbenches in the game. This is one of the first things I wanted to "fix" with TSL... so here you go!
    I always was disgruntled that you could make advanced armor components with the Workbench, but you couldn't sew a darn robe???
    Real Jedi and Sith know how to sew! ;^)
    Installation Instructions:
    First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory.
    Unzip the two files itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da contained in the .zip, into your KOTOR2 override directory, and it might immediately take effect or you might have to start a new game. 
    Un-installation Instructions:
    Simply delete these two 2da files from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also thanks to Darth333, her early modding helped to make this possible.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at My Site"


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  8. Darth333's Manaan Force Choke mod

    Part of the...

    Manaan Force Choke mod
    This small mod simply adds the option to force choke a few NPCs on Manaan during conversations.
    (Hukta Jax when he threatens you, one of the Sith who laughs at you, and one of the Selkath standing near the Sith girl who mocks you.)
    Note: it's up to you to discover how to trigger these conversation options.
    I added a few new sound files too.
    Installation (2 steps):
    1. Extract the following files into your KotOR
       Override directory:
        - man26_sithsolar.dlg
        - man26_sel2.dlg
        - man26_hukta.dlg
        - forcechoke2.ncs
    2. Extract the three .wav files to your KotOR streamwaves directory.
    Delete the files from your KotOR directory.
    Thanks to Gameunlimited for his help with the script.


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  9. Redhawke's Bastila Clothes for PC

    Author : RedHawke 10/08/04 Version 1.0
    This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Female PC's able to wear Bastila's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Texture, the default Scout gets the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Texture.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Female PC's clothing or clothing models.
    And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too!
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    This Mod Does:
    Changes the Female Soldiers Default Clothing to the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    Changes the Female Scouts Default Clothing to the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    Changes the Female Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Female PC you want.
    I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 and variant 5 in case you want to do add svösh's good/evil Bastila's Clothing to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Bastila clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above.
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. 
    No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    Adding in svösh's Good/Evil Bastila Clothes:
    If you know a little about modding KOTOR, copying files, and using KT to edit appearance.2da you could now use svösh's awesome Good/Evil Bastila Clothes on your Female PC. 
    1) First step is by copying the 2 good/evil textures svösh made P_BastilaBB02.tga and P_BastilaBB03.tga, 3 times each. 
    2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Good Bastila texture P_BastilaBB02.tga to PFBBL04.tga and PFBBM04.tga and PFBBS04.tga, this has now added the Good Bastila texture in as the fourth clothing variant, 
    3) Third step, is then to rename the three copies of the Evil Bastila texture P_BastilaBB03.tga to PFBBL05.tga and PFBBM05.tga and PFBBS05.tga, this has now added the Evil Bastila texture in as the fifth clothing variant. 
    4) Fourth step, you will have to edit appearance.2da or else the metallic parts won't shine and will be see through, open up your override's appearance.2da and change all of the female PC lines 91-135, you want to change only the envmap cell to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes in all of the Female PC lines 91-135. Click on a line you didn't edit, and save the appearance.2da to your override.
    5) Fifth step, is to copy the 6 .tga files to your KOTOR override.
    6) Sixth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV or Armored Clothes V and svösh's Good/Evil Bastila's Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 and clothing variant 5 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them.
    New Item Cheat Codes:
    g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture)
    g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture)
    g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture)
    g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present)
    g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Female Bastila style PC clothing! ;^)


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  10. Redhawke Sith Robes

    uthor : RedHawke 08/08/04
    These are some new, Dark Gray and Gray/Black, Dark Jedi and Sith Master Robes.
    The Sith Master robes have Sith Rank Insignia on shoulders as well as medals (Fruit Salad) on chest, and are as close to the Sith Uniforms I can get using a robe.
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is ok as this one is identical to the one in my Revan the White/Star Forge Booster Pack, and my colorful Jedi Robes Pack.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains:
    Dark Jedi Master Robes (Dark Gray) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Dark Jedi Master Robes (Gray/Black) [Defense Bonus: 5, +2 to Strength, +2 to Wisdom]
    Sith Master Uniform Robes (Dark Gray) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
    Sith Master Uniform Robes (Gray/Black) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
    The Sith Master Robes are the same as the other two robes except they have the chest Sith Medals, and Sith Rank insignia on the shoulder patches, I used these because the sith uniform was not available in the game for the PC to wear, you fit in better at the academy.
    You get them on Korriban a metal box spawns a little distance away when you talk to the docking bay mechanic for the first time. It also gives you a couple of red lightsabers, some crystals, a few credits, and a little Expirience.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    red_mstrrobe14   - Dark Jedi Master Robes (Dark Gray)
    red_mstrrobe15   - Dark Jedi Master Robes (Gray/Black)
    red_sithrobe16   - Sith Master Uniform Robes (Dark Gray)
    red_sithrobe17   - Sith Master Uniform Robes (Gray/Black)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  11. Darkkender's Lightsaber Crystal Expansion

    Part of the...

    Mod: Lightsaber Crystal Expansion Read-me


    Jetstorm: New saber icons and colors

    Maverick187: New Single and Double saber hilts

    Darkkender: Mod assembly and in game placement.


    OK, this mod provides updated and improved textures of the Yellow, Orange, Gold, & Silver sabers and adds 10 new lightsaber colors all together.




    Sky Blue







    And an Updated version of Darkkender's Guardian Saber with new hilts as well.

    Once you enter the Ebon Hawk for the first time, go to the storage compartment. There you will find a workbench labeled Darkkender's Workbench.


    Darkkender's Painted Droid Armor Mod

    Maverick & Redhawk's Prestige Pack

    Shadow Blazes Saber Pack and Odyssey saber

    Envida's Ebon Hawk Storage compartments mod

    X-com's saber mod

    Darkkender's Guardian Saber Mod

    There may be mods with incompatibilities. However at the time of this release, I cannot recall which mods. However, any mod compatible with the Painted Droid armor mod remains compatible.

    Consider this the read-me as after uploading this I realized the read-me is blank.

    Just extract install to override folder as standard.


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  12. Redhawke Enhanced Standard Lightsabers

    Author : RedHawke 05/25/04 V1.0
    This is a very simple mod to slightly increase the base stats of all the standard lightsabers in the game.
    Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Violet Lightsabers (Single, Double, and Short): +1 Attack, +2 Blaster Bolt Deflection
    HoTG and MoTF Lightsabers (Single, Double, and Short): +2 Attack, +4 Blaster Bolt Deflection
    These bonuses are before any crystal upgrades. All other base attributes are unchanged, like damage, etc.
    This Item Pack is fully compatible with my other Item Packs.
    You can upgrade the stats in a previously saved game by simply changing the color crystals out of your lightsabers at the workbench.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Uninstall Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  13. Redhawke's Kamino Eugenics Chamber

    Author : RedHawke 01/25/05 Version 1.0
    This mod adds a new placeable to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold that allows you to manipulate your PC on a genetic level, though the costs are very high credit wise, the bonuses are well worth it. There are 5 levels of manipulation, each more powerful than the previous, the device even allows you to downgrade a level, if you so desire... but you will get no refunds. ;^)
    With all the in-game credits available with my mods and Shosey's High-Stakes Pazaak this will give you something to spend those vast fortunes on.
    WARNING: This mod should be used in conjunction with Talchia's Hardcore Mod, as your PC can get quite powerful using this mod. (The Blue Tights, and the Big Red 'S' on your chest, is optional!)
    This is fully compatable with my other Item Packs and Mods, and just about everyone else's as well. If you have my Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack installed you will have to copy the single .ncs file from the 'Use With RTWSF Pack' subfolder to your override, after installing this mod to make the two compatible.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you talk to Zaalbar on the Ebon Hawk the first time, best if you have just left Taris and are on Dantooine but it is possible to work later than this if you haven't talked to Zaalbar yet, and or start a new game. 
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    And Revel in your newfound power! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    By using TK102's Zallbar Finds Items Script this generates a Kamino Eugenics Chamber Placeable in the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Bay, as well as giving you some Upgrades and Explosive goodies in one of the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Containers (One of the Plastic Cylenders).
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Thanks also to TK102 who created the Zaalbar Gives Items Mod.
    Also thanks to Darth333, her script help helped to make this possible.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  14. Redhawke's Mission Jedi Booster Pack

    This mod enhances my Make Mission A Jedi Mod, it modifies the scripts giving you some Special Jedi Robes for her (Vao's Robes) and Her Lightsaber(s). Vao's Robes are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Its main parts tinted black and then the areas of exposed skin were added. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. This Booster Pack comes in two variants one is for the standard Blue Mission the other is for my Caucasian Mission, the seperate download links are above for either one. The Caucasian Vao's Robes also are useable by Caucasian Female Scoundrel PC's.
    Vao's Robe Stats: +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, Regeneration of 2, Regeneration Force Points of 3, Feat Required: Scoundrels Luck.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). It will ask you to overwrite some files from the Make Mission A Jedi Mod and this is OK.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.

    Any mod that has the following files:

    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new item to the game... Vao's Robes... they are given to Mission by her cousin Ariiaj Vao, they are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Tinted Black and then the areas of exposed skin were added.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: mission_robe69
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to Numark79 for without his Dathomir Scorceress Robe Texture, showing me where to put fleshtones for mine this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)



  15. Dark Light Jedi Knight's Be Jedi Now

    Part of the...

    Jedi Mod
    Author: Darklight Jedi Knight
    Thanks to: Fred Tetra, Bioware, Lucas Arts, and George Lucas.
    File Size:
    Programs Used: KOTOR Tool
    email: [see read-me for contact information]
    Creation Date: 05MAR2005
    Description: A mod that lets you play as a Jedi for the whole game and also makes all party members Jedi. I also altered some backpacks, stores, footlockers, etc. to contain lightsaber crystals.
    Installation Instructions:
    1. Copy all files to your Override folder.
    2. Launch a new game. Select the class that you want.
    Class Listing
    3. Check in the footlocker and there should be 3 lightsabers, and a Jedi robe.
    Notes: I placed a Mantle of the Force crystal at that bum's shop in the Undercity.
    Wahahahahahaha!!!!!! I did that to taunt you!!!!!!! I can do anything evil I want to and not fall to the dark side. You can use cheats to get it, but remember, cheating leads to the dark side.


       (0 reviews)



  16. Redhawke's Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack

    Author : RedHawke 05/22/04
    Mod: Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack
    These are a collection of custom non-jedi and droid items I created or are improved original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. 
    A small Warning, some of these items are powerful, I tried not to be too outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. 
    This is fully compatable with my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.

    If you have any mod that edits the following files, then you may have incompatibility issues:
    p_bastila.utc ; p_cand.utc ; p_carth.utc
    p_hk47.utc ; p_jolee.utc ; p_juhani.uti
    p_mission.utc ; p_t3m4.utc ; p_zaalbar.utc
    tar02_bountyh023.utc ; tar02_bountyh022.utc ; rsldcrps002.utp
    Take especial note of the "p_xxx.utc" because they are PARTY MEMBER files.
    Other files will listed within the mod will also cause issues, but those are more apparent as .uti's (items) 
    and are clear from the description to be modified by Redhawke's Item Pack 2a (this mod).
    This Item Package Contains:
    Carth's Combat Armor    (Exellent Bonuses, On Carth)
    Ordo's Battle Armor     (Exellent Bonuses, On Canderous)
    Prototype Battle Armor  (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Bargawin Shadow Armor   (Replaces them ingame, on Mission, bought on Yavin)
    Prototype Modular Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Misc Equipment
    Advanced Combat Sensor (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Advanced Agent Belt    (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Advanced Stabilizer Gloves (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other Characters/places)
    Sith Power Gauntlets   (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Vibro Weapons
    Improved the Prototype Vibroblade found on the Red Sith Soldier on the Endar Spire, Carth has one as well.
    Improved Mission's Vibroblade that comes with Mission
    Enhanced the Bargawin Assault Blade, bought on Yavin Station, Canderous has one as well.
    Carth's Heavy Pistol    (Hand Cannon, 2 Come with Carth instead of his standard wimpy little blasters)
    Prototype Heavy Pistol  (Hand Cannon, 2 Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Cassius Fett's Pistol   (Hand Cannon, Found on Selven if you have installed my Revan/Sith/Bastilla's Item Pack, otherwise I believe it can be bought on Korriban)
    Prototype Assault Rifle (Heavy Rifle, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and on HK)
    Prototype Repeating Blaster       (Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Improved the Bargawin Assault Gun (Artillery, Bought on Yavin Station I believe)
    Prototype Heavy Repeating Blaster (Also Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Improved Ordo's Heavy Repeating Blaster    (Artillery, comes with Canderous)
    Improved the Bargawin Heavy Repeat Blaster (Also Artillery, and also Bought on Yavin Station I Believe)
    Improved Zaalbar's Bowcaster      (Heavy Rifle, found in locked strongbox in sewers near where Zalbar is located)
    Droid Equipment
    Improved the Composite Heavy Plating  (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with both droids, and is bought on Yavin)
    Improved the Advanced Droid Interface (Level 1 Upgrade, 2 Come with each droid, and I believe is bought on Yavin)
    Bargawin Droid Shield                 (Comes with both droids now)
    Bargawin Flame Thrower                (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK)
    Bargawin Stun Ray                     (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3)
    Bargawin Shield Disruptor             (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3)
    New Bargawin Carbonite Projector      (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges
    New Bargawin Gravity Generator        (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges
    Assassin Targeting Computer           (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with HK)
    Astromech Combat Sensor               (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with T3)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  17. Darth333's Mind Trick

    Part of the...

    By Darth333
    Custom Icon by Svösh
    Special thanks to TK102 for his Darkside choker which I used as an example for making this force power.
    Remember the Jedi Knight series? This is a level 9 light side force power, that allows you to turn your enemies into allies for a duration of 23.5 seconds.
    Source code included.

    The script (.nss and .ncs) and the spell.2da files
    have been modified to fit the following situations.
    Extract ONLY ONE of the following kits to your Override directory depending on what is applicable to you:
    1. If you are not using any other custom force powers or items that required a spell.2da file ( TK102'S DarKside Choker, GameUnlimited's force replication and Darth Khasei's force powers) extract the following files to your Override directory:
        - spells.2da
        - K_sup_trick.ncs
        - ip_trick.tga
    2. If you have installed TK102's DarkSide Choker, GameUnlimited's force replication or Darth Khasei's force powers, extract the following files to your override directory:
        - multi_spells.2da and RENAME IT spells.2da
        - k_sup_trick1.ncs
        - ip_trick.tga
        - g_i_frarmbnds51.uti
            With the permission of TK102, I included the g_i_frarmbnds51.uti file
            so that the DS Choker will not conflict with this mod (you still need to download the
            Darkside Choker by TK102 - just replace the original .uti by the one included
        in this package.)
    Delete the files from your Override directory

    Feedback is always appreciated.
    Updated: June 19, 2004
    My email: [see read-me for contact information]
    [link no longer functional]


       (0 reviews)



  18. Redhawke's Custom Sith Templar Items

    Author : RedHawke 09/11/04 1.0
    This is a new Crimson Sith Templar Mask, Gloves, and Robes, the mask uses the Sith Mask Model, with a New Crimson Skin, the robes use the same texture from my Recruit RedHawke Mod's RedHawke Robes. A small Warning, these items are pretty powerful, I tried not to be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is.
    It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes Mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes as they will appear transparent in the PC's torso area. If you don't want to have the hooded Revan Robes and like the look of the normal Revan Robes then you will have to do some appearance.2da editing on your own, you will have to change the "envmap" cell on all of the PC entries lines 91-180 to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes.
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. I say again, if you want the mod like the screenshots you will have to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes or they won't look like this.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory, before you go to the Area with the Krayt Dragon Cave the first time, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate with KMM.
    This Item Pack Contains:
    The Crimson Sith Items are found in the Krayt Dragon Cave on Tatooine.
    Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin)
    Feat Required:    Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC)
    Damage Immunity: Fire 90% / Cold 90%
    Immunities:    Mind-Affecting
    +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +4 to Wisdom, +4 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws
    Bonus Feats:     Force Focus
            Improved Force Focus
            Master Force Focus
    Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round
    Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round
    Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets
    Feat Required:    Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC)
    Immunities:    Poison
    +4 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection
    Bonus Feats:     Weapon Focus: Lightsaber
            Specialization: Lightsaber
    Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round
    Regeneration (FP) 2 Per Round
    Crimson Sith Templar Robes
    Feat Required:    Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC)
    Defense Bonus:    +8
    Damage Immunity: Electricity 75%
    Immunities:    Critical Hits
    +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom, +4 all Saving Throws
    Bonus Feats:     Force Jump
            Improved Force Jump
            Master Force Jump
    Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round
    Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    rh_templr_mask   - Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin)
    rh_temp_gauntlet - Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets
    rh_templr_robe   - Crimson Sith Templar Robes
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    The ancient and long forgotten true Sith Crimson Templars, fierce warriors and force users, they were in fact an ancient True Sith variant of the Current Sentinel class. They were the elite special forces of the True Sith, and were masters of the battlefield. The Ancient True Sith possessed the knowledge of talisman creation, this was taking raw materials and manipulating the Force and these materials to literally 'create' items of intense force power.


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  19. Redhawke's Mission Clothes Mod

    Author : RedHawke 08/31/04 Version 1.0
    This is a reskin to alter the standard clothes of everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao, I hope you enjoy the new Mission clothes.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods, except the Caucasian Mission Mod, and that has a like clothes texture to this mods in that one. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well.
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract the one .tga to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all this .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes Mission Vao's Clothes, Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on, and she has benn give some cut-off "Daisy Duke" style shorts.
    The standard black/gray clothing was so plain, I thought this looked better.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Mission clothes! ;^)


       (0 reviews)



  20. AVol's Character: Darth Vader

    Part of the...

    AVol's Character: Darth Vader (ver. 0.92.36 beta)
    This modification allows to play as Darth Vader or equip to your character Darth Vader's Armor.

    Instructions for use:
    Using the "giveitem" cheat command (Optional!)
    To enable cheats, in your game directory edit swkotor.ini and under [Game Options] add EnableCheats=1.  Start the game then when playing press ' to bring down the console prompt, which is not visible.
    At the console prompt, type "giveitem avol_arm_vader" to add the Darth Vader's Armor suit to the inventory.  These can then be equipped by the player with the appropriate feats from the inventory screen.
    This is a beta-version and there may be some problems with animations!
    You can use only wield a lightsaber one-handed!
    Game may crash when you select your character!
    New in ver.0.92.36:
     + The problem with a leg getting out through a cape at run is corrected
     + Some changes in model
     + Some changes in a texture
     - Animation is in development
     - Problems at a choice of the character are not corrected
    At creation of a head used parts from model of a helmet from the mod "Vader's Helmet" by GSCCC.

    Run "Install AVol's Char Darth Vader.exe" and follow instructions. At inquiry, select yours installation folder (NOT "Override"!!!). The default path is: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2".
    Copy all files from your BackUp folder (created during installation) (Default: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ BackUp_AVol_Vader_<yyyy-mm-dd>") in your game folder (Default: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 ").


       (1 review)



  21. Commas' Exile Robes Mod

    Part of the...

    Changes in v1.1:
    Updates to the armor texture
    Minor color tweaks to all textures
    Female textures now have belts
    This is a brand new robe that you will find in the PC's quarters on the Harbinger with custom skin and stats. Right now it is for Male PCs only. There is both a Light/Neutral and a Dark robe.
    ***IMPORTANT*** For these textures to work you MUST have svösh's robe collar fix for the Padawan robes in your override. This means the files PMBIM.mdl, PMBIM.mdx, PFBIM.mdl and PFBIM.mdx.
    svösh's robe collar fix can be found at his website: http://www.angelfire.com/crazy2/xclone_0101/kotor_mods.htm/
    Restricted to: The Exile
    Defense Bonus: 4
    CON +2
    Damage Immunity: Piercing, Slashing Bludgeoning 10%
    Force Resistance: +10
    Damage Vulnerability: Fire 25% for 2 Rounds
    While you were exiled you had to face many challenges beyond the Outer Rim. You decided to fit your trusty old robes with some light armor. During your adventures you had to talk your way out of many close calls, but sometimes battle was unavoidable. Through the combination of time and many narrow escapes these robes have begun to deteriorate and show evidence of many battles, but they still offer quite a bit of protection.
    As a result of being cut off from the Force during your exile these robes have built up a natural resistance to the Force, however since they in such a state of disrepair they are highly susceptible to the forces of nature, but this can be easily negated using underlays.
    Dark Side Description:
    While you were exiled you had to face many challenges beyond the Outer Rim. You decided to fit your trusty old robes with some light armor. During your adventures you made quite the reputation for yourself along the Outer Rim, evidenced battle the many battle scars in this armor, the result of "negotiations" gone awry.
    While you were exiled your hate for the Jedi slowly built up. As a result of being cut off from the Force these robes have built up a natural resistance to the Force, however since they in such a state of disrepair they are highly susceptible to the forces of nature, but this can be easily negated using underlays.
    Further Explanation of the Stats:
    ok, so i feel like i should explain the stats just a little more.
    •Restricted to: The Exile - they were his/her robes, there is no reason why Atton should be wearing them, they have sentimental value to the Exile.
    •Defense: 4 - this is there because the best robes, the Jedi Master Robes, offer a defense bonus of 3. The Exile Robes have light armor plating on the chest, so it stands to reason that it should offer just a little more defense.
    •CON +2 the armor by absorbing some of the damage dealt to the exile allows him to stay alive that much longer, this is reflected by the boost to vitality that the +2 to CON gives him.
    •Force Resist: +10 My reasoning for this is that like an item can have a taint of the dark side left on it, the exile being cut off completely from the force has left a mark on these robes that he wore during his exile causing them to become resistant to the force in the same way the exile himself is (i.e. like when Nihilus tries to "eat" the exile) the exile's natural resistance to the force from being cut off has permeated these robes during their exposure to him while he was cut off.
    •Damage Immunity to Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning - this is also reflected by the armor plating that would help resist against melee based attacks. i used an immunity so that the amount you are protected is proportional to the damage you receive. a damage resistance of ten would have been too powerful that early in the game, and not powerful enough later on. i also got rid of the immunity to energy that i had, because in the Star Wars universe blaster bolts always took down Storm Troopers despite the armor they wore, and this armor is much less advanced than theirs.
    •Damage Vulnerability: Fire - i know that negative properties tend to be frowned upon, but i felt that these robes were becoming a little too powerful for what they were, and i decided that since these robes are practically falling apart already that they don't hold up well against fire based attacks. so while it is a negative stat, it makes sense in regards to this robe. besides the robe is upgradeable with underlays, so one of the better "Environment Underlays" will pretty much negate this anyway.
    This Mod contains the following items:
    1) k_152area_enter.ncs - the script that executes the script that spawns the robes and executes the real OnEnter script
    2) 152_har_enter.ncs - the real OnEnter script
    3) exfootlckr.ncs - the script that spawns the robes
    the nss files for these scripts can be found in the "Source" directory.
    1) ex_robe_99.uti - robe parameters
    2) PMBI99.tga - Male Texture
    3) PFBI99.tga - Female Texture
    4) ia_JediRobe_99.tga - Icon
    Dark Exile:
    1) ex_robe_98.uti - robe parameters
    2) PMBI98.tga - Male Texture
    3) PFBI98.tga - Female Texture
    4) ia_JediRobe_98.tga - Icon
    and also some screen shots, might as well see what you're getting

    1) If you have not done so already create an Override folder in your KotORII:TSL directory. KotORII:TSL allows for the use of a subdirectory, so you may create one if you so desire.
    2) Unzip all the files into Override (or a subdirectory within Override).
    3)***IMPORTANT*** For these textures to work you MUST have svösh's robe collar fix for the padawan robes in your override. this means the files PMBIM.mdl, PMBIM.mdx, PFBIM.mdl and PFBIM.mdx.
    svösh's robe collar fix can be found at his website: http://www.angelfire.com/crazy2/xclone_0101/kotor_mods.htm/
    4)***IMPORTANT*** If you are using Envidia's Harbinger Crew Quarters mod make sure you install this mod SECOND. This mod will overwrite some of Envidia's scripts (specifically k_152area_enter). Envidia's mod will still work, but only if that script is overwritten with mine, as i have edited it to execute both my scripts and Envidia's, so BOTH MODS WILL STILL WORK. Also if you keep your mods organized into sub-directories you will need to manually delete Envidia's k_152area_enter script and use mine (it can be in any directory). I have included the source for all the scripts in the "source" folder so you can edit them as you see fit.
    4) Enjoy!
    Just delete the files from override
    Known Issues:
    This Mod should be compatible with all other mods used for this area (Redhawke's and Envidia's) but should you encounter any compatibility problems please contact me [via the email listed in the read-me].
    First of a big thanks to Fred Tetra for creating KotOR Tool, without his work, pretty much none of this would be possible.
    Also a big thanks to Nodakrattler for his help testing the mod, and to stoffe -mbk- and Darth333 for their tips on scripting and to Darth Melingous for his pshop tips and Mono_Giganto for finding the error in my script that final made it work
    Thanks to svösh for his brilliant robe collar fix, thanks to him i could finally make the robes look the way i wanted, and thanks to Achilles for making the padawan robe templates for svösh's fix, without him i never would have known how to use the fix in the first place.
    And shout outs to all the people that posted in my WIP thread that i may have left out THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT this was the first mod i had made in about a year, and the constant support from everyone really helped me keep going even when there were times that i thought it would NEVER get done.
    And finally a huge thanks to everyone at Holowan Labs the BEST KotOR modding community on the internet! without its limitless resources and friendly inhabitants modding wouldn't be nearly as fun!
    You may alter this mod as you see fit, but only for your own personal use, if you want to use any or all of these files for any public release you must contact me first via the email at the top of this read-me. If I give permission, please give me credit as Ryan Sprinkle "i like commas"
    Thanks for Downloading and ENJOY THE MOD!


       (0 reviews)



  22. Prime's Republic Clone Trooper Mod

    Part of the...

    TSL Republic Clone Trooper Mod
    Email: [see read-me for contact information]
    Website: [link no longer functional]
    Porting the mod to TSL.  Skinned each armour texture and helmet texture.  
    Jointly skinned the DC-15 rifle.  Edited the creation files for the armour,
    helmet, and blaster rifle.  Created the icons for the armour and helmets in the

    Additional KOTOR Modders:
    Email: [see read-me for contact information]
    Imported the clone and pilot helmets created by the Jedi Academy AOTC/TC
    team.  Made the helmets wearable by the PC and party NPCs.  Created new
    heads to replace those for the Republic troopers.
    Email: [see read-me for contact information]
    Jointly skinned the DC-15 blaster rifle and created the icon.  Edited the
    appropriate files to replace the republic troopers and Carth with clone troopers.  
    Created the textures for the clone replacement of Carth as well as new clothes.
    Modeled the DC-15 baster rifle.

    This mod adds Republic Clone Troopers to The Sith Lords.  It is essentially a port of the KOTOR
    clone trooper mod.  There are multiple armours and helmets that reflect those seen in Attack
    of the Clones.  These variants are:
    Standard Trooper - White
    Sergeant - Green
    Lieutenant - Blue
    Captain - Red
    Commander - Yellow
    Pilot - Yellow with unique helmet
    The clone trooper armour that is wearable by players and party NPCs.  The mod
    includes both body armour suits and helmets, and they can be equipped independently
    of each other. Along with altering the characters appearance, the clone trooper armour
    provides the following bonuses to the player characters:
    Body Armour:
    Defense +14
    Max Dexterity Bonus +0
    Limited environmental protection
    Awareness +4
    Immunity to poison
    The mod also includes the DC-15 blaster rifle which is fully upgradable.

    The clone trooper gear can be installed in by the following steps:
    1. Extract all the files into the Override folder in the The Sith Lords directory.  The
    files will be placed inside their own directory in there.  This allows the armours and blaster
    to be created during the course of the game.  
    Note: a high enough experience level and repair skill are required to create the items.
    2. Using the "giveitem" cheat command (Optional!)
    This method will add the armour and helmet to the player character's inventory.
    To enable cheats, in your game directory edit swkotor.ini and under [Game Options]
    add EnableCheats=1.  Start the game then when playing press ' to bring down the console
    prompt, which is not visible.  At the console prompt, type "giveitem <item name>" to add
    the item to the inventory.  
    The item names are:
    Soldier: soldier_armour, soldier_helmet
    Sergeant: sergeant_armour, sergeant_helmet
    Lieutenant: lieut_armour, lieut_helmet
    Captain: captain_armour, captain_helmet
    Commander: commander_armour, commander_helmet
    Pilot: pilot_armour, pilot_helmet
    Rifle: g_w_hvrptbltr097
    These can then be equipped by the player with the appropriate feats from the inventory screen.

    Simply remove all the files from the Override directory.

    Modding Information:
    Several configuration files have been altered from the original game.  The following is
    information that can be used to combine this mod with others that affect the same files.
    You will require the kotor_tool to merge these files.
    - added lines 209-221
    - added lines 214-226

    Known Issues:
    If you encounter issues, please report them to Prime's email address specified
    above.  I will do what we can to correct them.
    NOTE: if you already have a modified itemcreate.2da or itemcreatemira.2da file in your Override
    directory, DO NOT replace those with the versions included in this mod.  This will
    have undesirable effects on the other mods.  You will have to choose which mod you
    want to use.

    Thanks to the AOTC/TC for allowing us to use his awesome Jedi Academy clone trooper
    helmets.  Thanks to all the original KOTOR members of the team for coming together and
    working on this mod.   
    Thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the truly fantastic kotor editing tool.  Also
    a appreciative shout out to the many friendly folks at the Lucasforums' Holowan
    Laboratories board who have provided guidance and insight as well as answering
    numerous questions.
    Finally, thanks to Bioware for making a truly kick ass game...

    This mod is not supported in any way by Lucasarts or Bioware.
    You may alter or modify these files for your own personal use.  
    If you wish to use any or all of these files for you own public mod, please
    contact PRIME for permission at the email addresses at the beginning of this file.  If
    we grant permission, please give us credit and include this readme file with your mod.
    If you wish to use the clone trooper helmets in a mod, you will also have to get permission
    from the models' creators, the AOTC/TC team (http://www.aotctc.com/).


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  23. Darth333's Force Choke Anyone [TSL]

    Part of the...

    FORCE CHOKE ANYONE (force power) v. 1.1
    By Darth333
    A while ago, tk gave me the permission to release a TSL version of the dark side choker he made for Kotor 1 so here it is with a few modifications.
    This force power allows you to force choke anyone in the game except your party members.
    I modified tk102's original mod to make a force power which will appear in the friendly force power menu (where healing is) instead of using an armband. You can use it at any time and not
    only during battle.
    The other modifications I brought are:
    - reduced area of effect (8m instead of 17m, which should allow you to target a NPC with more precision)
    - removed the possibility to target droids (maybe I should have added an exception for G0-T0...)
    - removed the possibility to target puppets (poor Remote!)
    - removed the possibility to target some NPCs which had the friendly faction but were not party members
    - new icon for the force power menu

    Other comments from the original mod:
    - The first time you choke a specific NPCc,  it will cause a choke simulation but with no damage (safety measure to avoid killing NPCs by mistake). 
    Force choking the NPC a second time will start causing damage to the already choking victim.
    - Dark side Points:  If the user is neutral or good, he/she will receive dark side points when using this armband to harm someone - no dark side points are given when force choking a NPC for the first time.
    Using the force power:
    - You will be able to select the force power in the level up menu only if you already have "Wound", which is a level 6 force power.
    - Once you have Wound and Level 6, you will be able to select Force Choke Anyone in the level up screen.
    Force Choke Anyone is not the Regular Force Choke from the game. It has its own Icon: a green icon with a man choking.
    - The force power will be available at anytime in your friendly force power menu (same menu as heal).
    - Don't go killing everyone in the game: if you kill key NPCs, you'll may end up unable to progress in the main quest.
    Choose your victims carefully. The script will target the nearest NPC. Use the force...and your head.

    This force power is compatible with any other force power mods previously installed.
    To install simply double click on Install_ForceChoke.exe and extract to the SWKotOR2 directory.

    Delete the following files from your overide directory:
    spells.2da (careful if you are using other force powers mods: deleting this file will delete your other force power mods)

    The source code (.nss file) has been included.
    - tk102 for making the DS choker for Kotor 1 and giving me permission to release it for kotor 2 and for making various modding tools
    - Stoffe -mkb- for making the TSLPatcher: spells.2da conflicts are now part of the past!
    - Fred Tetra for making Kotor tool.


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  24. Darth333's Spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

    Part of the...

    Spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan
    By Darth333

    A simple mod that spawns Deadeye Duncan on Manaan to access some unused dlg and sound files.
    Drop everything into your Override folder
    To uninstall, just delete the man26_reparg.dlg and spawn_deadeye.ncs


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  25. Redhawke's Correction Armband

    Author : RedHawke 03/01/05 Version 1.1
    This simple armband mod gives you an armband, that can give you Lightside or Darkside points at will, also it will allow you to gain or lose influence with the NPC's currently in your party, this function works outside the Ebon Hawk only.
    New in Version 1.1: Added the ability to Increase or Decrease Main PC's Attributes (One or Two points at a time), and Increase or Decrease the Main PC's Skills (One, Two, or Five points at a time). The reason I did this is to ease in Workbench and Item mod testing.
    I created this armband, my first by the way, because I grew tired of all the LS or DS hits I had to take in conversations to gain influence with a particular NPC, or to complete cartain quests... basically I wanted to be able to play the Lightside or the Darkside my way... and I didn't want to edit a thousand dialog files to do so, this was the easiest solution. 
    You will have to use the giveitem cheat to get it, this is a purely cheating/testing device after all.
    Installation Instructions:
    Run tslpatcher.
    Un-installation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, and use backup folder to replace spells.2da.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    rh_correction  - Correction Armband
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Darth333 for without her Whereami armband this would have not been possible...
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Bug Notes:
    Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "TSL Mod: Correction Armband now up at my site"


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