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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 9 hours ago, Pablopz said:

    the truth is I'm a bit disappointed, apparently I never received an answer,

    I guess I'll have to stay with the desire, I'm sorry for the inconvenience with my request :c 

    the truth is, it's only been 24 days since your initial post, could be worth being a tad more patient perhaps? :) though I can't say a lot as I can be quite impatient myself.

    Hopefully somebody helps or offers you the information to get you to your end goal, I have this strange feeling there is a mod out there for Atton's Ribbed Jacket, or that I have come across one, or perhaps it was a mod for his jacket and not one you could wear.

    What I can say or do know is there are a limited number of slots for armour variations and while it should be a fairly simple process, modelling for the game is relatively tricky so I have read / heard / been told and have tinkered with some myself, without knowing all the intricate details it's not an easy thing to do for certain.

    If I wanted to achieve this I would download one mod that gives you a new piece of armour and then open that model and then Attons jacket model in Blender and figure out how to essentially merge them, but I would also likely give up due to bones / rigging. :D

    good luck.

  2. 3 hours ago, RossiRoo54 said:

    Oh ok I see, thank you very much! Do we know if anyone is planning on making an "official" version though?

    Define "official"

    Given that no mod's are official that is just not possible.

    If you just mean if anyone was planning to release it as a mod, I don't think anyone has plans to do so.

  3. Having long abandoned this project I am locking this thread.

    But I am also going to leave a note and a recommendation.

    My recommendation is that you check out the Republic Commando Remaster project :

    And my note is that I am still dabbling in the Unreal Engine, both UE2 & UE4 for a couple of different projects and that I recently decided to write a tutorial on porting Star Wars Republic Commando's levels to Unreal Engine 4, this tutorial should also work with any other UE2 era game or level.

    Though more specifically UT2003/2004/Republic Commando and it also worked for Stargate SG-1 : The Alliance's leaked game files.

    Tutorial Link

    UE5 Project Template :

    Automated Script for Extracting, Converting & Preparing Files :

    This video shows a variant of the script in action, for Stargate SG-1 : The Alliance.

    I initially only started this project as a way to check out AI upscaling techniques anyway.

    Have also been getting the textures upscaled by Topaz GigaPixel AI for my UE4 port project. ( I also donated these upscales to the RC Remaster project I recommended )

    Original :

    Upscaled :

    UE4 Previews :


  4. 14 hours ago, Sith Holocron said:

    Here's a question for those following the thread: At what resolution should be movies be at a minimum?  Reply with your thoughts below.

    The same as the original movies to ensure compatibility. In my opinion that's the only sane option. But I would definitely suggest rendering them at a varied set of resolutions to avoid them having to be upscaled.

    9 hours ago, Mephiles550 said:

    I'd be cool with an overhauled Coruscant for Kotor 2 basically being half Taris modules since Taris isn't in Kotor 2 anyway.

    This is something I have been working on slowly though I don't plan to release it separate from my project.

  5. 18 hours ago, zbyl2 said:

    No one stole anything. Please don't start such rumors. You probably didn't mean to, but it can be interpreted that way, and Aspyr has always been very respectful of our work and nothing happened without my & HH's knowledge or permission.

    It was no rumour, I was merely referencing real world situations not related to this topic ( ie : society as a whole ). Apologies for the confusion.

  6. On 6/19/2022 at 4:22 AM, rkimbal45 said:

    Hope they getting paid

    That's not the world we live in, unfortunately we seem to be living in some sort of dystopian capitalist hell-hole where stealing art is not only allowed but encouraged and enforceable by terms and conditions. But on the other hand, people aren't smart enough to make it anything but.

    • Dark Side Points 3

  7. On 6/16/2022 at 12:29 AM, rkimbal45 said:

    So...trying to find this out as I can't seem to find if it has been answered anywhere directly.  Is the DLC for the switch version THE MOD? or has Aspyr done the same work that you all did?  Btw, as I say every few years YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

    It's just TSLRCM released for Switch as DLC as far as anyone knows. That's certainly the most likely anyway.

  8. 4 hours ago, Salk said:

    Finally I got the chance to install this modification on top of my heavily customized game.

    I did follow the installation instructions accurately but something went wrong. The install.log did not report any error and the only warning was about finding the liv_m99aa.mod file in the modules folder of my game. Most files were added and some were instead replaced. I have a total of 79 new or modified files in my override directory after installation.

    Unfortunately I cannot provide the log of the main install because it seems TSL Patcher overwrites (pretty stupidly, in my opinion) the current one with the one coming from the additional component (Visible Forcefield), which I installed.

    I attached that log here for scrutiny but it reports a successful installation.

    I describe what the problem is. When I disembark the EH, the party is spawned at the standard location used in the original game (the corridor) and I have no way to even go back (there is no "exit"). I noticed some changes in the corridor which confirmed that the main installation should have been successful, just like the install.log reported and the pictures I am attaching here showing the RIM and the modified MOD of the area are further confirmation about it.

    Yavin before:


    Yavin AFTER:


    I can provide screenshots of the party spawning, if needed.

    I have also installed the High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes files and the EH reskin but I doubt that is relevant.


    installlog.rtf 1.87 kB · 1 download

    I had this happen on K2 at first when I ported it and on K1 when I first installed it to test it, such an awesome addition to the game, I think it was because I had possibly been there in that save before.

    So that might be something worth considering. I loaded an earlier save in K1 and warped there and it worked fine.


    • Light Side Points 1

  9. On 4/25/2022 at 7:21 AM, Revanbeta50 said:

    I have but remember as I said I need to combine the appearance file from the mobile tslrcm to access the full mod that's all I am ask I do have a computer but ever time I try to use it 

    It says that appearance file already in override file so that means it needs a patch so I can combine the whole mod

    And as I siad I have a computer and I have no problem with this mod but I really need appearance to work 

    It sounds like you might just need to replace the appearance.2da in the mod with the one from your override, though you might also need to edit the changes.ini to ensure that it properly does whatever it is that it does. But I can't say for certain as I am not familiar with the NPC overhaul mod / haven't used it.

  10. 7 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    Bro I ues this mod 4 to 5 times on Android and it is a bitch. Most of the mod works but the appearance file I need it to be able to patch with the kotor 2 mobile tslrcm appearance need it will be fix

    As I am sure people have said, get a PC and install it to the game on there, then transfer it to Android. < that is the only way forward.

    • Light Side Points 2

  11. This is shaping up to be really decent, nice work. I like the layout.

    While I added this area to the ported version of the game I am not certain what I plan to do with it yet. So I might request in advance permission to include / port it for my project, though no guarantees I will use it yet anyway, I will have to wait and see how it turns out and make my decision later on as I might make use of the area myself yet, I am not sure for the time being.

    Either way, keep up the good work!


    • Thanks 1

  12. On 3/6/2022 at 11:36 PM, Mephiles550 said:

    I'm wondering how Lehon will work for Kotor 2. I assume that the Star Forge is still a mystery to those who weren't either present at it's battle or top Sith/Republic officials. If you make Revan light sided, then Lehon could be a place of mystery, with secrets of the Star Forge lost. If Revan is dark sided, then the Star Forge is still there, just not used and is dormant. It'll be kind of hard to hide that fact, unless it's your intention to make the Exile aware of the Star Forge. 

    I am not certain on what I am doing with Lehon just yet. Those are some good questions though.

    UPDATE 1 :


    The above appearances and many more have been fixed for the port. Available at : and on the Discord server for the project.

    There have been a few new mods included with the main part of the project, primarily model fixes by PapaZinos.

    As for what I am doing with Lehon, my thoughts are to potentially leave it out for now and create an end-game quest where you follow in Revan's footsteps, during the current free roam part of the game.

    There is a lot of stuff to work out for both parts of the project but each and every fix brings it a step closer.

    UPDATE 2 :


    The recent addition to the Yavin Station hanger has been added to both parts of the project for the next patch.

    Above is a link to the original mod for the first game.

  13. darkside.thumb.png.71e7a9a15c621f0e87b8e5e320085b2c.png

    It is now possible to play through both the dark and the light side of the first game in the second games engine. As of the latest patch 1.1.3 available on the Discord server for the project.


    Now moving forward I can fix the remaining bugs and start expanding upon both games.

    • Like 1
    • Light Side Points 1

  14. I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on this latest "Expansion" Legacy of the Sith.

    Personally so far I have pretty much given up playing the game due to this expansion and ultimately think it's a complete mess right now, coupled with the unnecessary UI "upgrades" that look ridiculously tacky and the loss of an absolute tonne of moves due to the new class system, I am starting to think I will never play the game again.

    Which is a real shame as I put a lot of time and money into my account / characters / the game in general.

    Still hoping that they just roll back to 6.0 odd.

    The expansion itself is also rather lacking when it comes to content, as well as being very buggy.

    What does everyone else think of it so far?


  15. 2 hours ago, Saul_R97 said:

    Modern controls for dialogue menu using WASD and Space bar as select. By default they are mapped to the directional keys and enter and can't be remapped.


    Much appreciation for people taking request, feedback and the kotor modding community.

    This won't be possible due to the way everything works, at least without fully reverse engineering and recompiling the game it wouldn't be possible as far as I can tell from a quick glance at it all.

    For a moment I thought it would be possible via bindablekeys.2da but I don't think it is actually possible. Sorry

  16. 9 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    Please help us MOBILE uesers this is one of the mod us MOBILE  uesers need to complete kotor 2977034112_Screenshot_20211120-220853_OperaMini.thumb.jpg.889f6c6e96b906b7c86dc63908e9e927.jpg

    You should ask in one place at a time, not both in a category and in-turn one of it's categories.

    While I can't say for certain as I don't use the mobile version of this game, I would imagine it already works fine. Install on PC, copy across etc. Same as any other.

  17. 7 minutes ago, brents742 said:

    Yeah the double layers made me worry too if it would play nice, or even at all. I can't think of any other areas where this occurs. What interests me is why the developers went to the effort they did to make these rooms to begin with. They either had plans at one point, or were really committed to the common area rooms being able to look down into an empty area. Worst case scenario, One or two of them can be copied and moved over to a different area that has room for them on the main level. Apparently there was a secret cloning facility within the Dantooine Enclave according to 'canon' so that's an option, more likely I'll house Sith and Jedi artifacts here and the like in addition to a large training area.

    Could have just been to give it a feel that it was bigger than it actually is, given that it is destroyed it is possible there would be lower levels that are caved in or inaccessible.

    That is certainly always an option ( adding a copy of the room to the layout / are off in the distance, kind of like how there are some little rooms for cutscenes at a distance in other levels throughout the game.

  18. 7 minutes ago, brents742 said:

    Yeah, I tried to warp directly to a waypoint I placed where it should show, but no luck of course. Time to learn walkmeshes! The Kotor Level Editor has really helped the process along from a design standpoint, not too hard to use once you iron out how to work with it.

    I still haven't properly worked it out properly, used it a couple of times to place some assets then let it sit for a while as I still have a lot of scripting left to do.

    But I know the RoR developer made a tutorial on using it, which I need to re-watch at some point.

    What I did at first was use K-GFF editor to quickly add lots of assets stacked on top of each other to the level, then used KotOR toolset to roughly place those assets and KotOR Level Editor to refine their positions, certainly was handy to be able to see what you are working with.

    Hopefully it's not too tricky to add a room under a room, as I have this strange feeling it won't play nice. But if it doesn't you could always cut it out and make it it's own room / module altogether.


  19. 15 hours ago, brents742 said:

    So it seems that every common room area (the rooms with the 4 pillars), has an expansive open area underneath. There are 4 of these areas in total. The possibilities of what to do in these space, if I can figure out how to get down there, are huge.


    Another interesting thought, you might need to make a walkmesh for it as well as make the ceiling. But I am guessing you might know this already given the image you have chosen to use.

    Though sealing the room shouldn't prove to be too tricky, nor should adding a walkmesh if it requires one.

    Could definitely be an interesting training area or something, perhaps even add a doorway just for show but teleport the player down there.

    Edit : yeah doesn't look like it has a walkmesh down there, unless KotOR Toolset cannot generate it due to it being directly below another.


    • Light Side Points 1

  20. 19 minutes ago, EAF97 said:

    The chat glitched for some reason and I didn't see any messages on there. I was forced to refresh the page

    Ah well that was a bit of a waste of time then. Nevermind.

    Basically from what I can tell, you need to spend a little longer looking around DeadlyStream at the various resources. ( it can take time, but there is more than enough to guide people to making pretty much anything in the game available on this site )

    If at some point you have speakers you can always re-watch that part of the stream from my YouTube channel. As I don't think you mentioned that you had no speakers in your messages on Twitch.

    1. The audio files need trimming of their fake headers, the program SithCodec can handle that or you can trim them manually with a hex editor.

    2. Locating the audio files will require you open the dialog files and find the name of the file.

    3. My tutorials cover placing NPCs and similar things.

    I think that covers the questions you asked.