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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 4 hours ago, Ausanan said:

    Is there a mod that is just for the textures of the birds that fly around on Telos' surface and Dantooine? For some reason the birds are bright pink / purple. As if they have no texture. It's not a huge deal as its a minor thing. But is there a mod already out there that can fix this, or can one be made?

    They look grey to me, so I am not sure what the issue is for you.


  2. 14 hours ago, Ausanan said:

    Hi everyone. 

    I have no idea if this would be possible, my kotor mod making experience doesn't go beyond cutscene upscaling. But would it be possible to essentially 'port' 2 features from TSL to K1? 

    The 2 features I'm referring to are datapads opening up and reading automatically upon picking them up. And when you loot a any sort of container or corpse etc. Having said container then having it say it is empty. I'm sure everyone else has mistakenly gone to loot something they already have. Where you don't have that issue in TSL because it will actually tell you that it is empty.

    Thanks for your time everyone.

    I don't think this is possible unfortunately, however a script might be able to alter the name of placeables to add (Empty) to their name, but it would have to be a heartbeat script added to every placeable in the game, not really worth it in my opinion.

    I might be wrong though as I haven't actually looked into it but I would imagine that considering there is no gui menu that pops up when opening datapads in K1 that it would not be possible to add one.

    Alternatively you could use the KotOR to TSL port I have been working on to make use of these features.
    It is available at Nexus Mods & ModDB but it is not quite finished yet, lot's of issues remain for me to fix.


  3. On 3/1/2021 at 8:36 AM, ebmar said:

    And they seem to be only happening in TSL, as they are not there in K1's -- far as I can recall.

    Interesting -- have that noted to when similar problem arises on my end. Will see if it actually does something, cheers! 🍻

    Indeed, KotOR1 did not have a NextNodeID nor a NodeID for each line.

    I have begun taking note of which dialogs skip and altering them as required, but it's rather a long and tedious process.

    Given that it isn't repeatable unless you don't quit the game, perhaps it would actually be possible to test from within the override next time I come across it myself in-game.
    I believe even then sometimes it doesn't repeat when loading a save.

    Something I am also going to do is take a look at all of the dialog files in TJM as while watching a streamer play TJM nearly every dialog in the game skipped consistently and I suspect the NodeID's are all missing.


    Update After looking through the dialog files in TJM modules, I can see that none of them contain the NextNodeID and all NodeID's are set to 0, which is generally the case when making a dialog file that no one is going to bother to go through and number all of the NodeID's, understandably of course as it takes quite a while, I presume that Obsidian's software for writing .dlg files handled this automatically when adding new nodes to the dialog tree.


    Additional even 3cfd's dialog in the very first level has the NextNodeID set to 54 while only actually having 34 Nodes.


    Conclusion : either the community needs a dialog editing tool that will properly number the NodeID's when creating them, or people need to manually go through and fix every line of dialog in the game, checking and counting their NodeID's to match ( this would be insanely tedious and could take a long time )

    Something else worth noting, is that the currently available Dialog Editor, when creating a TSL Dialog File, doesn't even add the NextNodeID field to the GFF filetype, this combined with numbering each NodeID 0 is bound to cause some sort of problem.


    Old Part of Post!

    Another Update : Having looked through even more dialogs, I believe I mistook NextNodeID for meaning something other than what it says it means, I think that the NextNodeID just keeps track of how many nodes are in the dialog file and isn't actually used for anything other than adding new nodes to the dialog tree.

    As some seem to be set to a Node that doesn't exist ie : the next node number

    While some are set to node numbers that equal more than the amount of nodes in the file. ( presumably Obsidian ripped out lines and didn't update the node numbers )

    However, properly sorting through the Node numbers does solve the missing text borders and hopefully the dialog skipping issue too.

    For the moment I have been setting the NextNodeID to 0 simply because it solves the border issue and the available dialog editor doesn't make use of it ( if that is even it's purpose ) because throughout the games files, the way it is used is inconsistent, many being set to 0, some being set to what would be the next number in the list and some above the number of entry nodes even in the file.

    So I suspect it is just the misnumbered Nodes in the dialog tree that is causing the skipping issue, while the NextNodeID may or may not be being used for another purpose by the engine in setting up the borders.

    Ultimately the NodeID's themselves must have a purpose and if they are all out of line, it has to be having some negative effects on the system, I certainly hope that this resolves the issue once and for all. But only time will tell.

    After reminding myself that correctly setting the NextNodeID fixes the vacant black borders, I have determined it absolutely must be playing a role in the dialog file actually starting.


    Having finally manually ( crazy I know ) numbered every NodeID and NextNodeID in my port of KotOR1 I am hoping it will provide definitive proof that this is or isn't a fix for the dialog skipping issue, if it isn't nevermind at the least it's all ordered properly and the cinematic borders always come in properly.

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  4. With the amount of time I have spent with my head buried in the games files I have discovered what I believe is the actual cause of the dialog skipping issue.

    Instead of just explaining how to fix it I am going to go more in-depth and explain some of the reasons why and how I determined this was the issue.

    in a .dlg file, each line has a NodeID number, the overall .dlg file itself also has a NextNodeID entry which I believe corresponds to the starting line.

    The port that I have been working on is absolutely littered with dialogs that skip or are missing the text borders, simply because none of them have the NextNodeID or NodeID's set up properly, the NextNodeID's are set to 0 and every node in the dialog tree is also set to 0.

    Just a moment ago I saw a dialog skip during a stream and decided to bite the bullet, sit down and properly analyse as well as fix that specific dialog file as well as make a post about it to get a discussion going.

    The dialog file in question is 903sion.dlg from 906MAL.mod

    in total it has 124 nodes or 0-123, after manually counting through every node in the dialog file, I noticed that it had three nodes with the NodeID 0, it was also missing NodeID #3 & #123

    on top of that, the NextNodeID was set to 123 meaning that when the dialog file started, it had nowhere to go.

    Hopefully in time the community can get every dialog file in the game checked over for this problem.


    P.S. : I am aware that for years people have suspected it to be a memory leak and that it could not be fixed, however the very behaviour of the dialog file pointing to a non-existent node would definitely cause some sort of problem, right?

    I know that actually proving this one way or the other isn't going to be easy because it doesn't happen so often for some people, but when the black borders for the text are missing, correcting the NodeID's fixes it and I have fixed several of these live on stream myself.

    If for any reason it turns out to not be the issue then I apologise for potentially getting everyone's hopes up but I am certain that we will never know if we don't try.

    • Like 1

  5. Necroposting never bothered me, but it'll probably annoy someone, the best thing to do is download the tools and get stuck into the games files. Merging two altered versions of the same dialog will require you to look through them both and manually create the new nodes to match, while transferring or copying across the contents / scripts / settings and might take a few tries to get working.

    As for using TSLPatcher, I am not sure if it can merge DLG files, if it can it might be worth reading the documentation and finding out that way.


  6. 54 minutes ago, bbb18 said:

    Hello everyone!!

    I would like to make a mod request, if possible.

    Something that always bugged me, was when you are on Dxun (Mandalorian Camp), it actually looks like a camp! There are patrols, people training around the camp, etc. But after the surprise sith attack, when we return from onderon, except for Zuka that keeps doing his thing on the terminal, almost everyone else stops doing what they were doing before and just stand there (even when they say that kelborn made them train and put the camp to 100% lol).

    What i would like to request is, if it's possible to make the camp be the same as before, when we return from Onderon? For the exception of Kelborn position of course.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Interesting idea, I will take a look next time I am on Dxun as this sounds like something that needs changing, chances are it will be a part of my main project, but I shouldn't have too much trouble releasing such a thing on it's own as well, though no guarantees on when I will get around to trying :)

    • Like 2

  7. Modelling takes quite a bit of time, you would probably be better off just using one of the many custom heads available, or possibly finding one that looks similar and recolouring the hair.

    It might also be beneficial to wait for more than a whole day to see if anyone answers your mod request, perhaps a week, or a month? People do have their own lives to live ( not me ) and some people only stop in here from time to time.

    There are quite a few tutorials available for modelling for kotor, perhaps you could give it a go yourself?

    • Like 1

  8. 5 hours ago, DeadMan said:


    IMO the best version for modding is the one from GOG.


    Is there something special about the GOG version Vs the Original?

    Steam users can also set the game to LegacyPC to obtain the original version.

    On 2/14/2021 at 10:38 PM, bendarby24 said:

    Let me know which version I should go for :)

    Honestly if I were you, I wouldn't get another version, the original version is as dependable as they get, if you are desperate for the shiny perks go download the Cracked Aspyr Patch available at :

    This works with GoG, Original, LegacyPC etc

  9. 3 hours ago, StarSpangledAvenger said:

    Hey guys!

    I'm brand new to modding. As in "first day of pre-school" new. I downloaded some modding tools from here and started playing around with them, primarily KotOR Tool. I've even made some tiny mods for TSL that actually work in the game.

    Where I'm seeking help is with quests that end with rewards or loot. For example - on Dantooine, when you alter the will of the dead salvager and turn it in to Zherron, you're rewarded some random items. How would I go about modifying what items a quest like that rewards the player? Is it a scripting issue? Is there a specific file I need to track down? I'd appreciate any advice or even a link if this has been covered somewhere else on the forum.


    Depending on where the loot is coming from, be it a character or a placeable or even a script, they will be referenced within the associated files.

    I would suggest K-GFF Editor and ERFEdit to help achieve this.

    Use ERFEdit to open the relevant level's .mod or .rim files.

    You can also use KotOR Toolset for a quick overview of the map to help you track down the item visually.

    From there you will need to edit the .utc (character) or .utp (placeable) and their inventory, alternatively if it is controlled by a script you will likely need to use DeNCS to decompile it and then KotOR Scripting Tool to recompile it after editing.




    • Light Side Points 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Ausanan said:

    Right, I see what you're saying. I suppose in that case it's not piracy, but still it is a selfish thing to do. And I know what you mean about the workshop. Before I gave up on the workshop I did find a way to make workshop mods compatible with non workshop mods. But way too much of a hassle and took up extra storage space.

    It certainly is, though in this one case ironically and hilariously their installation broke and didn't work and they ended up following the reddit build guide from scratch over the next few days.

    But I am sure that is not always the case.

  11. 1 minute ago, Ausanan said:

    That's straight up piracy. Was it reported and if so, did twitch ban the person who did that?

    I added a note to my previous post, I personally wasn't sure whether or not to report it, technically between two people that own the game it is not piracy.

    But it does prevent websites getting accurate download numbers for mods, as well as that the users that prepare the packages more than likely get hailed with likes, follows, views and credit.

    It seemed like a regular occurrence though I have only been on twitch a few weeks I have seen it a fair few times now while passing through kotor 1 & 2 streams.

    The majority of users over there either use the Steam Workshop ( which as we all know is a complete mess ) some use the reddit build guide, some have never heard of mods for the game and some share their installations or pre-built packages that contain the mods.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Ausanan said:

    Prebuilt installations? As in, the full game with the mods already installed? If so, not only is that theft of the mod authors work, but that would be piracy of the game right?

    Yes, that is basically what I witnessed on a live stream I watched the other day. Some use pre-built install folders such as many here set up for themselves, but instead of keeping it for themselves they share them around Twitch, but the one I watched the other day literally downloaded someone elses SWKotOR2 installation folder that had been uploaded in it's entirety to their google drive.

    Note : Considering they own the game and can prove it, it isn't technically piracy, same as it is perfectly legal to download a rom if you own an original copy of the game.

  13. 4 hours ago, Skeet1983 said:

    Hi guys. I was able to get game to run in 1920*1080 fullscreen, but I still have the "no movement combat bug". In the past, for Kotor 2, I used Nvidia Profile Inspector to limit FPS to 72 and that fixed the combat bug for that game. Now, for both Kotor 1 and 2, I use the Nvidia Control Panel to limit FPS. For Kotor 2, limiting game to 72 FPS worked, but can't say the same for Kotor 1. For Kotor 1, I tried 72 FPS, 60 FPS, even 144 FPS (Native Laptop Refresh Rate), and none of those worked. Any help greatly appreciated  :)

    Check all your other settings, I helped somebody sort this out recently and they had to alter it in four different places.

    In-Game, Windows, Nvidia Control Panel and on the Monitor itself to 60hz, if that doesn't work turn off v-sync

  14. 3 minutes ago, spideyseth said:

    Kotor machinima has been popping up recently. I know how to use kotor tool and script with I just would like someone to point me in the right direction as to how it could be done? How would fight scenes or walking scenes or unique dialogue scenes be done?  Example:

    Check the tutorials section, it is effectively like building a mod.

    • Light Side Points 1

  15. Bao Dur & Force Fields

    This mod makes it so that Bao-Dur actually uses his arm and the associated animations shown in the cutscene that introduces his ability in order to open force field doors in the Military Base on Telos.

    For now that is the only place it works until I remember or rediscover any forcefields elsewhere in the game that he has the ability to open.


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    • TSLRCM Compatible


  16. 8 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    Modders have, I presume, fixed most of these bugs either way by now. I'm specifically interested if any of them were fixed in the vanilla PC version when it shipped - "raw vanilla," if you will.

    I kind of doubt anyone can give you an exact answer to that except possibly Obsidian themselves, though I guess you never know. I suspect there will be some fixes but probably not that many.

  17. 55 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    My current playthrough of The Sith Lords (Xbox version, played via Xbox 360) has had me taking note of the irritating bugs with quests in the game, as well as some other bugs. And so I'm curious as to what other bugs (particularly with quests) people know about, whether they've run into these, what causes them, and whether any of these were fixed for PC.

    It might be worth looking through the official list of fixes for both games in the relevant modifications or restorations.

    As for what is fixed in the base game, I would take a look at the patch notes of the official versions.

    I cannot say whether any of these were fixed, but I would imagine most of them either were, have been or are being worked on.

  18. 3 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    I have a much smaller, and less-controversial project in mind for the immediate future, if anyone still cares.

    Controversial projects are my speciality and it's not that no-one cares, I think a few people have put quite some effort in to their replies.

    Unfortunately everybody has a different view on both what the games stories actually are, represent, mean to them and how they interpret each and every aspect of the story which means that when discussing something like this, it is almost inevitable that everyone will be at odds or in conflict about certain key points somewhere along the line.

    You have raised some interesting points I think and certainly many that I have heard raised before and perhaps even a few that I have thought about myself, but I definitely feel after playing it through in recent years that it started to make a lot more sense to me, especially with TSLRCM.

    Yes it's not perfect, yes it's not what Bioware might have made, but it is what we ended up with.

    Have you played TSLRCM and been through all of Kreia's deep conversations? I remember there being some key points about why Revan left his place at the helm of the Star Forge. Nothing specific but enough to satisfy me, though I could be remembering it wrongly myself, this is one of the problems discussing these things. ( As I remember it, Revan went to look for something on the outer edges of the galaxy, that is good enough for me ) as good or bad, seeking something powerful or hidden is almost always worth it. Especially if it could be something related to the force.

    Before settling on anything like this, I would suggest re-playing both games to make sure that there aren't any small details that I, you or anyone else has forgotten or missed out on.

    It could be interesting and no one is telling you not to do it, just raising what we think are key points in relation to the points you have raised.


  19. 2 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    No implication of a cataclysmic superweapon or of some potent Jedi other than Revan playing a pivotal role (or Revan being late to the battle). Every implication of Revan themself, leading the charge and ultimately overwhelming the Mandalorians through force, cunning, and sheer cussedness. Explicitly saying that the Mandalorians were fought to a standstill and then pushed back, which while not the most detailed is still very much at odds with the sequel's conceit of the Mass Shadow Generator being what did the job and the Exile being the one behind it.

    I guess this is just down to the two games being made by different developers and written by different people, unfortunately I suppose some of these things are the main reason some people tend to prefer the first or the second more, personally I thought they worked together quite well leaving the player to imagine the ultimate conclusion and backstory of the player character in both games. Though there is of course still a lot amiss and that might not add up so well, correcting this could mean potentailly rewriting both games, or just rewriting the second in it's entirety.

    2 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    1. Canderous explicitly refers to it as the final battle. Here is the entirety of what he says about the Battle of Malachor V: "I still remember that final battle in the skies above Malachor V. The two fleets filling the space around it, outshining the stars...It was not your ships or your men or your vaunted 'fight for freedom' that won this, the final battle of the war. It was by the actions of one person - you - that the Republic prevailed. Your strategies and tactics defeated the best we could send against you. Even Mandalore himself was taken aback by the ferocity of your attacks, the tenacity of your defenses and the subtleties of your plans. You fought us to a standstill and then began pushing back. We didn't really have a chance. It was by the actions of one person, the Jedi Revan, that you prevailed."

    Ok, now I remember it a bit clearly but it still sounds more like a campaign was led during that last battle that ultimately broke through their lines during a large battle over Malachor V, the inevitable conclusion I think is ultimately irrelevant as it is after the fact.

    2 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    2. The thing about the Star Forge is that Revan abruptly abandoning the Sith and the Star Forge is consistent with neither the implications of the first game's Dark Side ending (the wickedly triumphant return of Revan the conqueror, Star Forge at their disposal and poised to take the galaxy) nor what this game tries to retcon Revan's goal to have been (toughen the galaxy up and build up military in preparation for a nastier outside threat). Having reclaimed the Star Forge, Revan would then abruptly abandon it instead of resuming the original agenda because...?

    I kind of agree with this one, but no one can say with certainty what any one person would do in any given situation, there could be a reason to shy away from being the centre of attention in the galaxy for a while.


    It certainly could be possible to tie the two games together a bit better, but major changes to the dialog is a tricky thing to do.

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  20. 5 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    The game doesn't explicitly encourage you, no. The encouragement comes from the experience of the game basically punishing you for not refraining. It is encouragement in effect.

    But never mind this thread anyway...

    It only punishes you, from a certain point of view. ( namely the view of someone who has played it before )

    P.S. I am taking your suggestions seriously and trying to consider them in the context of the worlds as I understand them and the games, I would also happily point you in the right direction and make suggestions for making these sorts of edits, I am also trying to take on-board suggestions from the community at the moment for improving both games.

  21. 6 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    And you know, I did specifically say that you're encouraged to refrain from leveling up too much while on Taris. Not that you're encouraged to refrain from leveling up at all, just encouraged to refrain from leveling up too far too soon.

    At no point does the game suggest you do not level up, therefore there is no encouragement to refrain from levelling up too far too soon.

    I think you are mis-remembering it to be honest, I remember it being tough but I remember it also being a satisfying challenge to complete, it is also a challenge that not everybody takes on, which I think is also part of the point, not everyone does all the side quests for various reasons. Be it that they have done it before or they don't have the time, or that they just don't want to.

    Personally I like to do them and I like them to be challenging, if you can find something in the game that truly encourages you to refrain from levelling up, I would like to hear it because I am confident that there is no such suggestion or encouragement, other than that which comes from online guides or people who have already played the game.

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  22. 17 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    6. The inconsistency is that the dialogue in KotOR 1, sparse on info though it is, implies an intense but straightforward battle, not a battle where the Republic resorted to a cataclysmic superweapon to turn the tide. "The Republic broke our ranks" does not really paint a picture of "The Republic used a gravity crush superweapon that wrecked their own fleet almost as bad as it wrecked ours"; it paints a picture of Republic troops and/or ships battering their way through the Mandalorian lines.

    I took those to be two separate battles, but maybe I read it wrong. Considering info is spare as you say maybe we are both reading it wrong.

    1 Considering the character was on their way to the Star Forge, going to the closest planet to the Star Forge, might have made some sense, rather than darting off to the other end of the galaxy.

    As for the Star Forge, I don't think it really needs any mention of what happens to it or who might control it, I thought that was all meant to be a part of the end and your own imagination as to where you think the story truly goes from there. It is also made to be quite clear that no one even knew what happened, or only knows vague details that have spread across the galaxy like wildfire but likely remained inconsistent with the truth.

    From a certain point of view! lol :)

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