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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. Endar Spire - Tech Demo

    This is a demo / proof of concept that I came up with while working on the Expanded Galaxy Project, I will not be working on any more levels for the first game any time soon and if I do the rules on DeadlyStream would not allow me to upload them.

    I made sure it was okay to upload this tech demo / preview.

    It is compatible / intended for use with the Expanded Galaxy Project 0.8.2

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    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  2. Expanded Galaxy Demo

    Keep in mind this is still a demo / early access for a project that is insanely oversized and may never be fully completed, so probably best for most users to avoid this project / mod for the time being until I have cleared things up a bit more. But feel free to check it out if you wish.


    The goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to provide as much additional content for both games as possible.

    NOTE : The current included readme is outdated, so the installation instructions are included below.


    Installation steps for the project.

    #0 Install KotOR2.

    #1 Install Official 1.0b Patch ( Steam users don't need this )

    #2 Install TSLRCM 2022

    #3 Install M478EP 1.5

    #4 Install Coruscant Jedi Temple

    #5 Install Expanded Galaxy 1.1.8  ( Download included on this page )

    This is all required for the project to work properly.


    Also make sure to download and install the latest patches, I will upload everything in a single package eventually.




    Credit to everybody that helped me along the way or contributed.

    bead-v        - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod
            - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes
            - Kreias Vibrosword
            - Rocket Launcher Sounds
    Ashton Scorpius    - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Ebon Hawk Map Unlocks On Enter Instead
            - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix
            - Twilek Head Fixes Option A
    Darth Insidious    - advice
    DarthParametric    - advice
    DarthRevan101    - advice
    Darth_Sapiens    - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will update this to say the correct version numbers
    JC        - advice
    JCarter426    - K2 Loadscreen Template
            - Republic Soldier Fix for K2 v1.1
            - VO Fix for K2 v1.1
            - Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM v1.1
            - Minor Fixes for K2 v1.5
            - Shader Fixes for K2 v1.1
            - Feat Fixes for K2 v1.1 ( Not Included Yet )
            - Minor Fixes for K1 v1.1
            - Dense Aliens for K1 ( Not Included Yet )
            - Jedi Tailor for K1 v1.4 ( Not Included Yet )
            - Korriban - Back in Black for K1 v2.3 ( Not Included Yet )
            - Republic Soldier Fix for K1 v1.3( Not Included Yet )
    Stoney        - Sleheyron Demo / Maps
            - Placeable Ebon Hawk Model ( Included in the Port )
    ebmar        - advice
    Effix        - advice for a fix
    InSidious    - advice & TSL Lost Modules
    deathdisco    - Coruscant / Jedi Temple Mod ( Not Included but required )
    TimurD2003    - M4-78 Fog Fixes
    Kexikus        - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon
            - Extended Jedi Council Meeting
    VarsityPuppet    - Malachor V Sideways opening doors
            - Peragus Tweak ( removed due to a bug )
            - Trayus Rank Reform
    danil-ch    - Extended Carth Meeting
            - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses
            - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene
            - Sensor Droid Appearance Change
    Schizo        - Re-scaled Trandoshans
    Alvar007    - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional )
    lachjames    - KotOR Save Importer For TSL ( included and optional for now )
            - K2 Overlay Console ( included and optional, normaal and steam versions )
    Marauder    - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation )
            - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional )
            - Robe Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation )
            - Droid Anatomy Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation )
    jonathan7    - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional )
    ndix UR        - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix
    ZimmMaster    - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix
    Markus Ramikin    - Kill The Ithorian
    LDR        - Terentatek Models
    Darth Shan    - Extra Difficulty Options
    seedhartha    - Advice on Importing/Exporting in Blender & Creating the latest KotOR Blender Plugin!
    N-Drew25    - Selkath Xbox Voice Files
    PapaZinos    - Various Level Model Fixes
    SithHolocron    - Nar Shaddaa Docks' Computer and Monitor Upgrade and Animated Swoop Monitors
    zbyl2        - Advice & Help finding files that do stuff in TSLRCM.
    Cortisol    - PyKotOR itself.
    th3w1zard1    - various updates to PyKotOR that helped with the installers for the project.

    many more and a big shout out to everyone that has supported the project on the Discord channel.




    Thanks to everybody that made this project possible, I will update the read-me and many more things in time.


    Discord : - For Testing & Story Discussion as well as the latest patches.


    There is now an installer included.

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    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  3. Not that I know of, but you could open it with K-GFF editor and copy across the missing entries / structs, if you can easily locate which structs from which lists you need to copy across then it should be a little quicker. ( I would suggest collapsing everything in K-GFF and comparing them side by side slowly, then copying across the missing entries. )

  4. I was wondering would it be possible to add the ability to delete faces from the walk meshes, specifically Face 80 of "202tel04.wok" which blocks the area behind the door in the Entertainment Module on Telos, faces 86 & 87 can simply be set to metal, but Face 80 is a wall so no matter what it gets set to it blocks the player.

    Thanks again for these amazing programs.


  5. 14 hours ago, zbyl2 said:

    No, one can get whatever they prefer. Steam is easier, but exe is better if you want to use other mods.


    Only times it doesn't ask for install directory, that I know of, is if you already had TSLRCM or M4 installed.

    As a hack, if you can't uninstall TSLRCM, you could just have it install on C and copy everything it installs to your kotor folder.

    Ah that's good to know for when I get around to getting it on Steam as well for testing my projects with.

    I don't know if this will work with the Steam Version either but I find running the "swupdate.exe" or "swconfig.exe" updates the registry for the game when I have several versions of the game installed for testing purposes.

  6. On 5/12/2020 at 4:52 AM, Logan23 said:

    Im a tad confused,... been away for a long time. 

    Are the files of kotor 1 maps for use in kotor 2 game? 

    Was looking at your uploaded files.

    In short yes, the v0.4.0 Modders Resource release was a sloppy port of all levels from both games into both games, realistically for learning / saving time, though for anyone wanting to learn they would be better off following my tutorial on porting a module from either game.

    In long form the project itself is / was a bit all over the place, but v0.7.9 is completely separate from the Modders Resource version and introduces Sleheyron, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, Yavin, Lehon and features a tie in story with the Coruscant Mod.

    Currently I have been hard at work decorating Sleheyron as it was completely barren, in doing this I have also laid out the majority of it's quest line.

    Thanks to Kexikus I have now included the Expanded Council Mod and used the 7 new council members to tie in the stories of all the new planets introduced into the game.


    I will be releasing v0.8.0 within the next few weeks which should contain a fully furnished Sleheyron and accompanying quest line.

    Yavin Orbital Station has a merchant on it allowing access to the upgradeable swoop bike pieces, another mod included thanks to bead-v.

    A lot going on with this project and it's just me working on it unfortunately but I am focused on this version, while learning what I can and can't do along the way.

    Note : I decided to set "GBL_MAIN_SITH_LORD" to 4 after completing the game, finally giving a use to the ability to display your character on the main menu.


    Mystery Box K2 Preview

    Endar Spire - TSL - Preview


    A preview of "end_m01aa" and "end_m01ab" built for the TSL engine.

    So far I have only rebuilt the first two levels, there is still a lot to fix.


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  7. On 5/7/2020 at 3:39 AM, Shiny Boots said:

    Could use the Sewers as the lower levels of Coruscant and just rename the Rakghouls Cthon

    Interesting idea, I wasn't planning on including the under city though, only the lower city. ( but again this might not happen at all, I have cut it at the moment as I have too many areas to work with.

    For the moment here are a bunch of preview screenshots of 0.8.0 which I am still working on with intermittent internet access until I get proper internet installed on the 18th I won't be likely to upload an update until then or afterwards.

    Expanded Galaxy v0.8.0 Preview Screenshots




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  8. On 1/16/2019 at 10:58 PM, JediArchivist said:

    My work so far proves that porting The Jedi Masters to Mobile KOTOR 1 should be possible!

    A bit of help with continuing this endevour would be very much appreciated!

    Possible, sure, likely? No, it will face the same problems as a K2 to K1 port, which is that most if not all of the games scripts will need rewriting, including any from TSL that are used by TJM.

    As for loading a save, are you taking a save from K2 and putting it into K1? that sounds like a bad idea to me, there will be all sorts of missing variables.

    It sounds like either the models broke during the conversion or you don't have all the textures, it could also be missing walkmesh files, though it sounds like when .vis / .lyt files arent working or are missing and the character doesnt spawn in correctly, cant move and their head is off their shoulders.

    Are you just using the modules directly from TJM into K1 mobile? Rebuilding them might help but will only reveal more problems.

    It's definitely a good way to learn about kotor modding though, that's why I wrote a tutorial on the porting process.

    Talking of TJM I need to try it out at some point, I haven't yet.

  9. Czerka Site Cleanup

    It was suggested to me that I release some of my fixes separately from my main project.

    This happens to me every time I play the game and while playing again for testing purposes this annoyed me so I changed it.

    This mod just moves a mercenary at the Czerka Site which almost always causes one of the companions
    to go running off after a battle, I find it incredibly annoying, especially after fighting your way
    through the minefields, turrets, droids and mercenaries.


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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  10. 14 hours ago, HK-47 said:

    What is this fixing? All I see are random screenshots of things. Images that only show the "Before" don't tell us anything.

    Sorry I used these screenshots to track down the models missing from the .vis files.

    I figured if I showed a photo without the black / missing rooms that I would have the same issue of people not understanding what had been changed, I will upload after shots when I get a chance, I just didn't think it was too difficult to understand what the images were portraying.

    11 hours ago, StellarExile said:

    For some reason in KOTOR 2 sometimes areas become black and cannot be seen. I believe this mod fixes the respective files and removes the issue.

    Correct, this mod fixes this in the areas shown in the screenshots, I haven't come across any more in the game except on Coruscant which required the same fix as the Dantooine Jedi Catacombs.

  11. Alternate Galaxy Map

    This changes the positions of Korriban and Dantooine to where they were in the first game.

    The screenshot shows the new positions and I have edited out the new planets from my main project.

    I haven't tested this but it will work with TSLRCM and M478EP, in future I will provide an alternate file to accommodate the Coruscant mod.

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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  12. Free Roam

    This is another edit for my main project that I decided to package separately.

    It adds the ability to manually travel to Malachor V and to Free Roam after completing the game.

    Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences )


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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  13. 6 hours ago, zbyl2 said:

    They work as MP3s, you don't need a fake WAV header.

    Dunno why some, listed in this thread, apparently crashed the game for people

    It crashes the game for me, I removed the references from the dialog file and made some alterations to M4-78 recently, I also tried the files posted by Sith Holocron either on this or another topic and they didn't work for me either ( didnt crash but no sound )

    Great job overall to everyone involved in M4-78, it's quite enjoyable once you get past its shortcomings and I think it should be considered a staple mod for most users, the main issues I had were the level that was split into three different pieces really awkwardly, I combined them into one for my main project and then released the fixes as a standalone, I might also alter it so that it is not a requirement to finish M4-78 to complete the game.

  14. Deny Carth an Audience

    This is another edit for my main project that I decided to package separately.

    It adds a very simple dialog option allowing the player to deny Carth an Audience on Telos.

    Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences )


    • Submitter
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    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  15. HK Factory Cleanup

    This mod lines up the HK-50 and HK-51 droids at the HK Factory on Telos.

    I felt they looked out of place all slightly out of line so I lined them up with one another.

    All of these small changes are included with the Expanded Galaxy Project but somebody suggested that I package them separately so here they are.

    I am also looking for suggestions for things to fix throughout the course of the main game, so if you know of anything feel free to message me.

    Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences )


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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  16. M478EP Level Fixes

    It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here are the changes I made to M478.

    I combined the level that is usually split into three chunks into one and added some new doors to separate the areas, I also edited the positions of a lot of computer panels that were previously at odd rotations of positions and generally looked out of place on a droid planet, I also adjusted a few of the doors that were slightly out of line with the scenery.

    Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes worth making to M478.


    • Submitter
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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  17. Missing Door - Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels

    This adds in a missing door from the Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels that is either absent from TSLRCM or was never there in the first place, though I believe it was there in my un-modded playthrough but it was some time ago.

    Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences )


    • Submitter
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    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  18. Turret Placement

    This mod literally just lines up the two turrets shown in the preview image, somebody suggested that I release all fixes / changes that are not specific to my main project separately so I have even included this.


    • Submitter
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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  19. Academy Cleanup

    This mod literally just removes the holographic planet present in the Polar Academy, it is not there in the original game but was added in TSLRCM, so I decided to remove it as I think it looks out of place.

    Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences )


    • Submitter
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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  20. Visibility File Fixes

    It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here is my first set of fixes for two levels on Nar Shaddaa and two levels on Dantooine.

    The preview images show what happens before applying these fixes.

    Let me know if you find anywhere else in the game that this occurs and I will look into fixing it.


    • Submitter
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    • TSLRCM Compatible


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  21. 19 hours ago, DarthTycho said:

    I briefly checked out some of the new changes and it's amazing to see the galaxy map filled out like it is.

    Thanks for checking it out, always good to know that it works, it alters various levels throughout the game now and a lot of M478, I am still looking for many things to fix or alter, I need to give it another playthrough at some point soon.

    There are likely missing .txi files for the transparent textures on Lehon, I will hunt them down when I get a moment, I have recently reconverted Sleheyron and got it working, though the sky box does not work yet but most of the buildings / floor all works, I also added the correct doors.

    I will fix the relevant transitions to and from the Rakatan Bases as well as unlock the doors to the temple, as well as lower the health of enemies in many areas.

    Unfortunately I haven't got the swoop track levels working but I will try again at some point, there is a lot to do in the ways of actually writing dialog files, placing characters, enemies, placeables and triggers to use, though I am trying to make use / re-use and alter what already exists in many areas.

    Being able to manually travel to Malachor V should make a nice difference to the way the game plays

    I am toying with the idea of using the Taris Lower City areas for a new floor to Coruscant as well as using the Taris Sewers for exiting Visquis Base on Nar Shaddaa, I have prepared the relevant levels but am not sure on if I will use them without getting them reskinned.

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  22. On 2/22/2020 at 11:21 PM, JediArchivist said:

    Great work so far! The mod is coming along nicely and looking really good! I can't wait to see how this project will grow in the coming years...

    Do You plan on also including Taris and Lehon (the Unknown World, home of the Rakata) in your mod?

    Lehon is a beautiful world and i have an idea on how it could be used in your project. There is a narrow road in the upper left side from the Ebon Hawk ramp which leads could lead to the partially sunken Republic Ship there, You could use the Harbringer or the Endar Spire (or combine both) to craft the unsunken and visitable part of the ship! I also have an idea for a story involving it...

    There is no plans to include Lehon as of yet, but I might look into replacing Malachor IV on the planet list because the cutscene makes you travel there.

    Taris cannot be included for obvious reasons.

    I did have thoughts of using the Taris Sewers for Kiras getaway through the Escape Tunnel on Nar Shaddaa, but it depends how well it would fit in.

    I have just uploaded 0.7.1 which is the latest and I have tested quite thoroughly, there are a few bugs that I know of but there shouldn't be anything game breaking.

    After completing the game all these levels can be travelled by the player, I will slowly be adding in the ability to complete / hand in any quests that the player might have left as well as possibly pick up new ones, but this will be after making use of the new planets during the main game.

    It's a slow process but I am still working on it all.

    So it seems your comment got me thinking about it, so I decided to dive into the galaxy map scripts again, I have now managed to enable the final four slots making use of the Ebon Hawk, Peragus, Malachor V and Telos Polar Academy Slots.

    For the moment I have set it up so that the tutorial galaxy map dialog skips over actually using the galaxy map, it also does the same for when leaving peragus.

    Sleheyron & Lehon can be travelled to.

    I might end up removing Sleheyron as it is converted from the Demo and the models didnt convert properly, perhaps in future if the new Sleheyron gets released I could add it in, if not it is another planet slot that could be used, but for the moment it exits to the Sleheyron Demo Docking Bay, which for the best part works.

    Malachor V only appears on the galaxy map when you have defeated Nihilus.

    There is a duplicate version of the Yavin Orbital Station for the extra planet slot, Malachor V is also removed from the galaxy map after completing the game.

    All of this is available on page 4 of this topic, it still requires TSLRCM, M478EP and the Jedi Temple / Coruscant mod.

    All this means is the player never sees the galaxy map until leaving the Academy on Telos and getting the Ebon Hawk back.

    Malachor V remains selected after completing the game.

    Sleheyrons docking level mostly works, the rest dont.

    Kashyyyk & Manaan still have slight map problems.

    Exiting Kashyyyk enters Hyperspace for the Ebon Hawk.

    Leaving the Ebon Hawk in Hyperspace exits to the previous planet.

    The End Game Levels are duplicates of the main game levels so will be a little buggy, but work for the most part.

    That should be the majority of bugs that I know of for the moment, I have tested heavily with a playthroughs worth of saves in depth but not played the game all the way through so there are bound to still be problems to found.

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