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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. How did you convert the map? I used MDLEdit for all of my conversions, but I have just broken the lightmaps again somehow, struggling to fix it again and in testing out every solution I have found out that the animations on the map work on the m50aa_01a.mdl that you converted however they do not work on mine.

    Worried that I may have to reconvert every map manually through a 3D modelling program which will be time-consuming, though I have a feeling I have just messed something up somewhere and not noted it as I had the lightmaps working, though I do not remember if the animations / lights flashed as they do with the first mdl you have provided here.

    The only file I do not have is the .vis file which breaks the map anyway, I have re-installed both games and started a port of just the Yavin Orbital Station Module again from scratch in hopes of solving and definitively noting what the problem is as for your map I just remember adding the .tpc lightmaps hidden in the texture packs ( but I did have all three texture packs installed at once in seperate folders ) but this doesn't seem to work either.


    Note : this is a really strange problem, I would have thought the animations would be contained in the tpc but I suppose the surface / geometry could have a specific setting they require for textures to work.

  2. Old message about important detail I failed to notice!

    On 1/7/2019 at 7:28 PM, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

    No, not really! I just didn't want to make any assumptions, which looking back I clearly failed :D

    indeed, sometimes little details can help a google search, so you are welcome.

    Ah I see, the only detail I actually missed is that NWN is Bioware / Bioware made the Aurora Engine XD how the hell did I not know that? Great game I use to play years back and I can't even remember Bioware made it! For some reason I thought NWN was a different companies game.


    • Like 1

  3. Old message.


    Yeah 100-140 errors sounds about right, the problematic maps were

    Korriban m38aa,38ab and 39aa for K1 to K2
    Telos Restoration Zone, Dxun and Dantooine for K2 to K1

    However a lot of models reported animation errors, duplicate animations and a few other errors, I generally ignored this due to most of them coming from files I was not actually interested in using for the moment.

    ie : you will get less errors if just converting the maps ie m01aa - m50aa and 000test to 999dia.

    I still hopefully plan to release a K1 to K2 port if allowed by everybody here that would require users to manually copy files from the first game to the second game, but we will see, alternatively I will just have it as a personal install.


    • Like 1

  4. Old message about using the NWN Model Viewer to easily view models from the game.


    NWN Model Viewer Assets ( Old Release, New Release on ModDB ) I will write a tutorial to go along side the files but basically you need to extract the models.bif from the game using Kotor Tool and then combine them with the resource I have provided on ModDB which is intended for my module re-skinning tutorial, combining your extracted files with these will allow you to easily flick through all of the models in the game to pick for using.

    This is a small release of files that will make it easier for people to make modules, it will also help me pick out objects to use to make the galaxy look and feel a little different and to prevent any duplicated modules looking too similar, the idea was suggested to me in a Private Message as they thought I had made the NWN Model Viewer and asked about an easy way to flick through all of the placeable objects in the game, I decided doors were also a good shout and I will also do the same for the maps to make it easy to pick which pieces of which modules people might want to use in creating a new map.



    and I will soon release the maps in original form with the relevant textures too, this is to allow for easier viewing of the placeable objects and doors, as well as maps and models in general in the game, also making it easier to document and record exactly what placeable objects are what, maybe in a .doc somewhat similar to how people have many guides to what movie files are in the game and cut-scene modules etc.

    To view these models you will also need the NWN Model Viewer from this link


    • Like 1

  5. Previous message.


    I will update my tutorial at some point but unfortunately if you want to automate the process I would prefer people took the suggestions I gave and worked out how to do it themselves, I simply used Bulk Rename Utility, Xpadder and an Xbox 360 Controller as well as MDLEdit for Batch Conversion of the models and maps, as mentioned in heavy detail in my tutorial, the thing you may be forgetting to do is to convert to ASCII in K1 or K2 mode dependant on the map and game you are porting from and then set it back to K1 or K2 mode for the Binary conversion again relevant to the game you are porting the map to.

    As mentioned in my topic some maps do not port properly, I even explain the steps I took to get them working.

    I do plan on writing more tutorials, but not until I know each area that I will be writing about well enough.

    Though a little rushed, I followed my own tutorial several times, though this doesn't prove it's easy to follow.

    You are best off sticking to doing a single module at a time until you get a good feel for exactly what files you need.

    As previously mentioned I do still hope to release as a modders resource, but people will have to be patient and give me a few weeks or more to get a good start on my main project, as mentioned with the K2 to K1 maps, there was too many problems with foliage and I could not resolve this issue during the conversion, I also had to convert it "planet by planet" instead of all at once so that I could note down which pieces failed to convert properly and to save me ending the MDLEdit process all the time through task manager.

    Currently preparing the modders resource folders containing mdl, mdx and .wok files for all placeable objects, maps and doors as well as all the textures for each model, the NWN model viewer is really handy for these packs I will release allowing users to easily flick through content that can be used in module creation, Placeables especially.


  6. Previous message.


    Unfortunately there are often many reasons to things like this, most likely considering how popular K1 is compared to K2 as well as their market research to prove it may not be worth it in the long run when looking at a time / money / profit ratio or from a business perspective.

    I personally am very interested in pursuing this officially after the bulk of work for my main mod, even if people think it is a crazy idea to contact Obsidian, I personally do not and if there would be a cease and desist order I guess at least this way I could get it before starting work on the idea.

    But without permission I would not pursue it as I would not want to prevent an official release which could be superior or of similar quality.

    On 1/6/2019 at 2:26 PM, JediArchivist said:

    I can't help but wonder why Aspyr decided to abandon the idea to make a Kotor II port. It just seemed like a great way of making lots of Star Wars fans happy and a relatively easy prophit opportunuty for the company...
    On the forums people talk about technical and legal issues that would prevent Kotor II TSL to be properly ported to mobile platforms, but that doesn't make any sense at all, because:
    - Technical:
    1. Kotor I and Jade Empire were already ported succesfully, so there is a proven, effective workflow for the porting process that has been already implemented with great results.
    2. Kotor II runs on the Aurora Engine (based on nwscript), same as Kotor I and Jade Empire (which were already ported). Kotor II uses a slightly updated version of the engine, while Jade Empire uses an even more updated version of the Aurora Engine and features highly complex combat mechanics, and it was still sucessfully ported to mobile platforms nevertheless!
    3. Kotor II has already been ported to Mac OS, and is present in the official Mac OS App Store, and it is a known fact that IOS is a modified version of Mac OS (that shares the same kernel and UNIX core, but is optimised for mobile devices).
    Considering the facts above, it would look like most work is pretty much already laid out ahead for the developers, at least for porting the game to Apple's IOS. There is also the increase in computing power and storage speed for mobile devices, that happened since Kotor I was ported, so there should be even less limitations and work to be done involving reducing the size of the downloaded and installed files of the game and other tweaks necessary to make the game run smoother, as was the case with Kotor I.
    On an iPad Pro 2, the game would most definately run and look nothing short of absolutely stunning!
    - Legal:
    1. Since Aspyr Media already got the rights to port Kotor I, Kotor II and Jade Empire to the Mas OS and Linux operating systems, and thay got the legal right to publish these 3 games to Steam, and most importantly to the Mac OS App Store, and since they already ported Kotor I and Jade Empire to IOS and Android as well and published the 2 games on both the IOS App Store and Android's Google Store, what is stopping them in porting the app to IOS and releasing it to the Mobile Apple App store as well? Isn't it basically the very same thing as the Mac OS App Store from a legal standpoint? Both the Mac and the Mobile App Store are owned by the same company, have the exact same License Agreement, can be accesed with the same User Account that signed the same EULA, and are basically stored on the same datacenters!
    2. Some people stated on the forums that there might be a legal problem preventing Kotor II being ported to mobile, involving the fact that the game was developed by Obsidian instead of Bioware. If that was the case, how come this did not prevent the game to be ported to Linux and Mac OS as well, and how come despite this the game has been legally published to the Apple App Store? The same people also stated that Aspyr officials informed them that Disney / EA did not agree with the porting of the game. Again, the same question arises here, then how / why was the Linux and Mac OS port and the Apple App Store publishing possible, since it involves the very same legal envirnoment?
    In conclusion, I cannot find any logical explanation as to why this great game with a huge fanbase has been excluded from Aspyr's project list...


    Update All doors in K1 have been edited so the player can not only walk through them but open them with no challenge, this is for testing purposes.
    I still need to add a duplicate peragus door, but this will take five minutes.

    Nearly on the final step, adding the new galaxy map / planets and backing it up as v0.25 as a completed modders resource to be released when I am finished with it.

    I also have plans for a few other handy tutorials and modders resources that should make module creation a little easier for anybody new to it or unfamiliar with the filenames they might need to use to populate a map, such as a comprehensive guide to what module pieces are what as well as placeables and placeable objects.

    I will also be cutting up every module there is in order to make an alternate "modders resource" made of map pieces cut and arrange into tilesets to allow for the creation of new buildings and dungeons for the game with little work, this mod in general should also allow for much more diversity when modding either K1 or K2.

    Another resource I will be releasing will be a folder with all of the placeable objects and relevant textures for them in a single folder as well as a link to the NWN model viewer, giving users a nice folder / easy way to view all of the placeables / placeable objects in the game, I will also have a map version of this resource and I will release it to save users time extracting the games contents, converting and arranging things in such a way could take hours for some people.

    Really looking forward to constructing new maps, given all the pieces available in both games it should allow for an awesome amount of content to be made by me and other users after release, I will also be re-constructing all of the maps in one file ( per module ) rather than in pieces per map for an alternate project.

    Hoping to turn this into a comprehensive mod that combines both games and adds all the necessary content for both as well as easy mod compatibility with both games and vice versa, also removing .6GB of files that are contained in both games.

    Please let me know what you all think about the ideas in general, any specific ideas amongst the bundle of plans I have talked about, many of which may be abandoned in the long run if they prove to be an un-manageable workload.


    • Like 1

  7. If you have an Xbox controller or a program to create macros you can use that to quickly extract the entire directory in that format to gain all the textures, split them into m01/m02 folders and then search for "*.*" let it finish searching and then cut and paste it into either the same directory ( end_m01 or dan_m13 ) for the corresponding module.

    I have been using Xpadder, it made extracting models for easy viewing with this program much less painful for me.





    • Thanks 1

  8. Previous message with my reply and notes about using Xpadder & a 360 controller to do most of the basic editing for me.


    Looks good!

    On 1/6/2019 at 12:05 PM, JediArchivist said:

    Kotor 2 on mobile already sort of exists... You can just run K2 on a Windows Tablet / Phone with a virtual Joystick emulator and that is about it!


    Also, EA / Obisidan never actually did port K1 to IOS and Android...they simply comissioned a third party company called Aspyr media to port it, and they did a market study to see if it was worth it to port K2 as well...and ultimately decided not to go ahead with it.


    So, there would be no market cut in this case since there is no intention to launch a K2 Mobile port in the future, and it is already an almost two decade old game, so every year the chances of it being ported to mobile actually fade more and more!

    As another example...Beloko games did an unofficial Android port of the Star Wars Jedi Knight shooter games, and there were no legal problems of any kind! The way they adressed the issue was that they just provided an alternate engine for the game that ran on Android, and the user had to own a genuine copy of the game, and copy the .pak files from the PC version into the Android engine in order to play the game!


    Nice bit of information there, considering you can run it windows tablet and mac, as well as modded xbox and pc, thats enough platforms to start for sure!

    We will surely have to wait and see.

    For the meanwhile here is a small update and a tip on how to use a really good program meant for gaming for modding purposes.


    Using Xpadder I used a large amount of copies of a template door and renamed them to the same as the current door file name with a "-" at the end so that I could reset all the doors to an easy to open state as well as opening and changing generic type I can then delete the initial file and rename it to remove the "-" as well.

    I have made quite a few more little shortcuts / macros this way now and it has proved very handy ( I also did the same for extracting ASCII / Textures from Kotor Tool for NWN Model Viewer and or Map Reconstruction Efforts for another project )



    I am now able to automate a lot of the processes I would use in everyday modding and programming using my xbox 360 controller, so I can sit back, relax, watch a series, listen to music and make sure I do all the basic editing without the repetitive part.


    • Like 1

  9. I understand, just not sure if I would include them myself, like I mentioned I plan to hand pick all the texture mods I would like to include or link to and not sure I would want that, but perhaps when I see it in game I will change my mind ^^ I will check it out when I have the chance but it won't be until after my playthrough of K1 and K2 because I want to see them in their original position to get a feel for everything again, the story, how it originally looked and think about integrating the story of my mod so it fits with the rest of the game.


  10. On 10/16/2018 at 5:34 AM, mrmann said:

    I am looking for players for a multiplayer session with a mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2 called Humans vs Bots 3 as it is a mod that's intended to be played with multiple people for a cooperative experience


    If you are interested, let me know.

    I am definitely interested in this, I will unpack my modded version of BF2 at some point and a fresh copy of it ( I was working on a little mod a while back that I set aside for a while ) and was also hoping to include a lot of other good mods for an end / ultimate build of the game just like I am for my current Expanded Galaxy TSL mod.

    What exactly does the mod do, my guess is it improves the AI / Bots, which would be good to see!


    • Like 2

  11. Onderon looks amazing, but I feel like the Czerka office does not look right, the sign looks good, but the walls don't look how I remember them, maybe I am wrong but other than that the Telos hallways look amazing!

    I cannot wait for my chance to use every texture update out there for my playthrough of both games.


  12. 11 minutes ago, Jorak Uln said:

    Well thank you!

    About Cz 198 - new areas are always  a welcome addition, though time is a big factor. Since a long time i want to finish my K2 texture overhaul and its still some way to go.

    However, if you want to make Cz 198, dont worry about retexturing; porting the modules & making the questlines working is the more important part. They always can be retextured afterwards.



    This was definitely my initial thought and just a thought for the moment and can easily use the textures they have for the moment there are also a lot of other people working on texture overhauls of the game and I plan to ask everybody that does if they would like to be included with my mods in the relevant areas as well as I will be hand picking the best textures and maybe asking people to vote for the textures that fit the game and look the best / stick to the original feel, but I did already think about making some areas from all of the Czerka Assets from both games and a Sith Base from all the bases in the game as well, I was planning to cut it up into the pieces and also make some new pieces / label them as they need to be as a sort of set of pieces to build maps with and both use them as a base for my plans and a release for modders to use.


  13. Spoiler
    19 minutes ago, Jorak Uln said:

    During the works on Telos i tried a different approach to  the Czerka Sign while being  inspired by the awesome London conference Signs of Deus Ex:



    new - shiny appearance/reflections ingame:


    Wow that is absolutely amazing! I could actually see it working in-game!

    Though perhaps take a look at CZ-198? I had thoughts of using all Czerka map assets / parts and placeables from both games to make a CZ-196 or something.


    Some amazing work going on in this thread, definitely amongst a lot of things I am looking at including in an overall either list or compilation / mod or install for K2 and or K1 or both.


    That is an awesome design for the Peragus Monitor, but is it just me or does it not fit the original feel? Perhaps it could be re-used somewhere along the lines or included with my mod with your permission, if not I will make a list of links for the best mods to go alongside my planned mod.

    • Like 1

  14. Previous messages about porting SWTOR Textures, Models, Voices & information regarding the Odyssey & Aurora engines.


    SWTOR porting for textures and models as well as voice overs could definitely give the game a fresh feel, great idea! @Jorak Uln

    On 1/6/2019 at 12:27 AM, Jorak Uln said:

    Do you mean Kotor 2?

    in contrast to K1 the planets feel a lot too short although storywise TSLRCM does excellent to make up for it. However, the missing  areas from K1 Dantooine, Korriban ported to K2 and filled with quests would surely help. 

    Speaking of some bonus quests - what about porting some SWTOR questline voiceovers & recreating them in K2 to expand/flesh out the game further?

    Implemented to the plot they might come in handy to emulate the feeling of a "fresh playthrough" again.....


    This some thing I have already looked into, especially seeing all the SWTOR ports around the site already, I was looking into textures and maybe even an area or two for a specific prequel type quest I have planned that ties into a bonus questline most if not all characters in SWTOR will have followed. ( Details on this in the near future, I don't want to drop spoilers for it in-case I am unable to achieve my goal due to it being a heavily linked story to all three games )

    As for voice-overs I didn't really think about that, sounds, combat shouts and vocals others have mentioned and made mods for around the site, but I didn't think of it at first, this is a great idea! if it would be possible to find the necessary pieces to create some basic quests not too reminiscent of SWTOR.

    There is a lot of Audio to go through and still some of SWTOR I have not played, so there is a lot to look into.

    The new planet I had planned ( Hoth ) has already been scrapped unfortunately due to my poor memory and it not being applicable to the story element I was going to use it for.

    Question What does everybody think about a complete port of KotOR over to TSL for an Ease-of-access focused mod intent to save space for users and make both games more easily accessible and built into a single launcher program.


    Note With it being such an old game I feel this would be a nice feature, though due to the double nature of it and all the extra content for both, it may lead to most people having bigger installs, but in the long run it should reduce the overall waste. ( around 2 - 4GBs is my estimate )

    It will also combine the placeables, placeable objects, characters, swoop tracks and more allowing for more diversity from future mods by other users.

    Additional A few new ideas for the mod such as a CZ-196 or Czerka themed area made out of all the Czerka assets in games, of which there are quite a few, such as the pieces on Kashyyk, Korriban, Telos, Tatooine and some odd pieces that I hope to reconstruct into new maps for the game such as the Sith Base modules which could easily be used to map out some new locations.

    There is also now a lot of placeable objects, placeables, characters, sounds, music and more from both games which will help make maps made of these pieces feel new and not just a carbon copy of the places they will be made from.

    This will also help with recreating the maps for another project I have planned for a different Star Wars game.

    Aurora Engine Research Upcoming ( I will find out which was the most up to date game released before Bioware was handed the Aurora / Infinity Engine ) as well as look into any changes made by Obsidian ( if any other than strapping it on top of the first game ) and see if I can add any new features, effects, elements, assets and more.


    If anybody has any suggestions or relevant knowledge about the Aurora Engine please let me know, I have read around and looked into this before, the general consensus is that it cannot be done, but I believe otherwise, just that it may not be as easy as one would hope, my initial thoughts were to debug two copies of the game running at once using modified "swplayer.ini" files, but before doing so also debugging to check if the [Server Options] code is even executed at any point throughout the operation, personally I believe it will be executed when the player clicks new game and is finished creating a character, the potential for a new launcher and a "Join Game & Host Game" instead of "New Game & Load Game" stands out to me if this is the case.



    I will be buying the following games as NWN1 is 2002 / 2003 and NWN2 is 2006 so inbetween this the Aurora Engine was handed to Bioware, though from what I know it is heavily modified.

    Neverwinter Nights 1
    Neverwinter Nights : Shadows of Undrentide
    Neverwinter Nights : Hordes of the Underdark
    Neverwinter Nights 2
    Neverwinter Nights 2 : Mask of the Betrayer

    Thoughts & quick notes


    c++ debug the game to see if server options is executed at any point in the programs operation
    if it is the server will need to be set before running the game in the swplayer.ini file
    as well as the user picking between being the client or the host ( different .ini file of same name )
    or an additional menu would need to be added to the game ( or an exterior client program ) in order
    to access a lobby of games or connect to a specific address.

    Direct Connect is the most likely option
    but a lobby would of course be best.

    Chances are this won't work and will require a lot of research into the aurora engine games, every single one
    their progression over time and the specific point in time where the engine was handed to bioware and chopped
    in half to remove the online element, in hopes of re-introducing the aspect.

    this would allow multiple players to play the story or assist each other with quests.

    though this would be strange given such a single player setting, it would also be possible to completely revamp
    the game to become a from scratch kotor 2.5 or swtor -0.5

    K2 & K1 in a single installation quick notes



    k1 / k2 port / packaged into one file is pretty much already ready, didn't mean to port the entire game
    but it happened... in hopes of editing everything out for my mod...

    allowing for the user to have one singular 6gb ( roughly ) installed game package rather than

    two 4+ gb installations.

    I would really like to know what everybody thinks about both of these ideas as well as anything else I have mentioned.

    Aurora Engine Games


    Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate
    May 27, 2008
    A new Adventure Pack for Atari's Neverwinter Nights 2.

    Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
    November 18, 2008
    Storm of Zehir is an expansion for Neverwinter Nights 2. It adds full customization for a party of 4 and a free roaming overland map.

    The Witcher
    October 26, 2007
    MAC PC
    The Witcher is an Action Role Playing Game developed by CD Projekt RED and is based on the book "The Last Wish" by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. An Enhanced Edition was released in September, 2008. A director's cut version was released for North America on July 31, 2009.

    Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
    September 28, 2007
    The silver shard of Gith is gone from your chest, replaced with a mysterious hunger for souls. You find out what happpened and discover a cure before the hunger consumes your very soul.

    Neverwinter Nights 2
    October 31, 2006
    MAC PC
    The sequel to Bioware's Dungeons and Dragons PC role playing game of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 2 puts the player in the role of a peasant that must realize his importance in the world through an epic adventure.

    Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
    December 2, 2003
    MAC PC
    Hordes of the Underdark is the second and final expansion to Neverwinter Nights, which continues the story of Shadows of Undrentide. It was released in 2003 and adds extra content for high level player, such as the ability to reach level 40 (raised from 20).

    Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide
    June 21, 2003
    MAC PC
    Shadows of Undrentide is the first expansion to Bioware's Neverwinter Nights, and was released in 2003. It added a new 20 hour adventure, five new prestige classes, weapons, feats, skills, spells and monsters.

    Neverwinter Nights
    June 18, 2002
    MAC PC
    Bioware's epic RPG lets players choose between a noble paladin, a sly rogue, or a powerful mage on a quest to erradicate a plague that's afflicting Neverwinter and to save the world from a powerful foe that is once again on the rise.

    Infinity Engine Games


    Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
    April 1, 2016
    MAC PC + 4 more
    The first new Infinity Engine game since 2002, Siege of Dragonspear is an official expansion for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition developed by Beamdog that acts as a bridge between Baldur's Gate 1 and 2.

    Icewind Dale II
    August 28, 2002
    Icewind Dale II was the last game to be built on the Infinity Engine. Based on the DnD 3rd Edition ruleset, the game lets you build a party of up to six characters who make their way through the harsh winter of the Forgotten Realm's Icewind Dale region.

    Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
    June 21, 2001
    MAC PC + 2 more
    You must fight the most powerful spawns of Bhaal that have been plaguing the lands and destroy them for the sake of Tethyr or your own personal gains.

    Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
    February 19, 2001
    Heart of Winter is the official expansion pack to Icewind Dale, featuring new quests, items, spells, and some technical improvements to the game.

    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
    January 1, 1999
    MAC PC + 3 more
    Take hold of your destiny as you journey across mysterious lands, encounter many magical creatures and meet many memorable characters in a large fantasy world.

    Icewind Dale
    June 20, 2000
    MAC PC
    Though graphically and mechanically similar to Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale focuses less on story and more on lots of combat.

    Planescape: Torment
    December 12, 1999
    MAC PC + 4 more
    An isometric RPG using Bioware's Infinity Engine, Planescape: Torment is set in the Planescape universe and tells the dark and provocative tale of The Nameless One, an immortal searching for his identity.

    Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast
    April 30, 1999
    MAC PC + 3 more
    Tales of the Sword Coast is the official expansion pack to Baldur's Gate. It includes several new quests, enemies, and spells.


    • Like 1

  15. All of my previous post moved below.

    On 1/5/2019 at 10:24 PM, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

    Signal the tower!


    To arms!


    Just don't talk about those plans here again, and keep on doing what you are doing. Edit your OP to not say that, and edit your funny and good post to keep it all good. This is unfortunately your best course of action.

    Increasingly the internet is composed of busybodies, crybabies and tattletales that will try to control you any way they can to satisfy strange needs. Ignore them as much as you can.



    I will leave this message to correct things as I will make my intentions clear that I will not pursue this immediately simply because it could prevent an official K2 mobile release.

    As for contacting the makers, maybe a bad idea but who knows, TSLRCM & M4-78EP got a lot of publicity and seemed well received by Obsidian.

    A better idea would be to continue making a mod for both games and hope to get enough publicity to raise the issue.

    On 1/5/2019 at 10:25 PM, JediArchivist said:

    Is it ok if we just work on this for personal use only, eventually release only a tutorial here so that anyone with basic computer skills could create their own K2M Port?

    Eventually the final mod could be published on some other site non-affiliated with DeadlyStream, like Moddb...

    I may or may not pursue this, I will be focusing on my mod for the moment unfortunately, but there is always the future.

    On 1/5/2019 at 10:29 PM, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

    Yes, and you can do that and get help here without talking about that part of what you are doing.

    Pro-tip - you will fail miserably trying to port the games in one direction, and have success the other. I will not explain.

    The reason they could actually pursue a cease and desist would be a legitimate reason that I understand and agree with. It would stop Obsidian being able to release K2 mobile one day. But I am fully on-board with trying to make it official and hoping for enough recognition after making a decent enough mod with K1 & K2 maps.

    Unfortunately the legal implications may actually prevent me releasing the modders resources at all... ( I hope not, though I will definitely not be releasing the K2 to K1 maps until every single one works ) as for the K2 to K1 idea it is still my idea to pursue this, but it will require users to own a copy of both games in order to copy certain files from K1 to K2 and it's main focus will be an ease-of-access mod allowing users to have a singular 6+ GB Installation as opposed to two 4+ GB Installations.

    But this will also be the focus of my efforts long after a storyline focused mod meant to add the planets to both games which was my initial intention / the original reason I started working on all of this as well as having decent copies of all of the maps for an older project I was working on to re-use the original KotOR maps.

    I know it would only work this way as I am already struggling to port the maps to the first game and being built by Bioware is a stronger and safer system, too much editing of the files causes it to crash from what I have seen so far, it also has memory references to the sizes of some files, where as K2 by Obsidian is somewhat jerry rigged on top of the first game to work ( from what I have seen of the games file structure and build ).

    Maybe you think differently though?


    Thank you for suggestions and thoughts about everything, as previously mentioned I will not pursue a K2 to K1 mobile port without either an official go-ahead ( preferably after what I think could be years worth of work and recognition from Obsidian, depending on how in depth I go about it ) though I do have small-scale plans for basic re-introductions of every planet towards the end of the game and a new basic galaxy crawl for every planet and a main questline for it and then my thoughts were to request user made quests & side quests to place around the galaxy and to accept ideas / suggestions, maybe even vote for what quests to include in the end.

    Additional I will still back up both versions at some point as a "modders resource" but may or may not release them due to concerns raised.


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  16. The previous message from this post.


    Understood, though the reason for Aperion was because it was a COMPLETE remake of the original game, which meant if they ever planned to remake it themselves they could not, though it is definitely good to think about it in this sense, the thought already popped to mind, but no reason I couldn't just host it on ModDB or my own site when I finally make one..

    Given how this could prevent them releasing K2 for mobile, now I think about it the same kind of cease and desist order could be applicable.

    Note Perhaps this could actually be worth contacting Bioware & Obsidian to ask about ( as well as presumably Disney now > _ < ) I mean even if they were to take the work and release it officially I don't think I would mind.


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    • Thanks 1

  17. Of course, I am in no rush at all, I also have a lot of work to do on my own projects ^^

    I would not use it in personal testing, I would sooner just re-create the mod myself as my guess is it's just overwriting vo_alien.wav with the second games files.

    But either way I would give you credit for it being your idea and having spotted that it could be done.


    Note : I thought about replacing all the game's music and sound files in K1 with any of the same name from K2 but then thought best to avoid incase any sound files have been changed.

  18. Old message from this post.


    This actually falls perfectly in line with something I already had planned as I had this strange feeling K2 was not on the app store / android or ios and I had similar thoughts about porting one game to the better engine be it K1 or K2 and the files are pretty much ready for release, the K2 to K1 map pack will be my first release and should be available within the next few days, as I didn't originally have much planned for them, but I did think about porting the entire game to the better engine and or vice-versa as well as porting K2 to K1 mobile.

    Could be a great project to start, though it wouldn't surprise me if Obsidian popped up, took it and started selling K2 on the app store, but I guess that would be a good thing in a way.

    I am pretty sure all the scripts should also work fine, if not most of them, for example the Onderon Turret and Peragus Turret mini-games are currently working in K1.


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  19. That's awesome, a really good mod idea that I can imagine would definitely improve the overall immersion / feel of the game, with your permission I would like to include this with my K2 to K1 map pack ( alternatively I could just recreate the mod ( If I was to do this I would still credit you for the idea ) ), as I am looking to create a comprehensive mod-set that works together of the best mods I come across.

    As I can't imagine currently the amount of mods I may need to make compatibility patches for due to editing of the 2da files.


    Note I do remember quite a few species speaking the same alien language in the first game which always seemed a little off to me.

    Additional : I might have already done this as I ported all sounds and music from one game to the other, but without any replacements, so I guess I would just need to pick out the alien voice over clips and replace the K1 files with the K2 files, I was going to compare the files but there are a lot of audio files that are in both games.


    This is the one that I have seen that looks to be pretty good to me, sometime last year I got into modding BF2 as well and contacted CdtFox about porting KotoR maps into BF2, but I had some personal issues and ended up unable to get on my computer for the best part of a year, now that I have just done a load of work in porting the maps between kotor games I may look back into reconstructing them for BF2 as well, I still have all the tools and my old project files left on my hard drive.

    It is definitely great to see that modding for BF2 is still alive and well, I think primarily because of how big a let down the new Battlefront games were.

    I still have my modded version of BF2 which is over 10GBs with an incredible amount of new content, I also managed to get the alpha release of BF3, but that took a long time to find a legitimate file for.


  21. Notes about the conversion process for anybody interested in following my tutorial or having trouble converting maps.


    MDLEdit, Bulk Rename Utility & Kotor Tool, but bear in mind the conversion process fails on some maps and I had to individually pick them out.

    Primarily Telos Restoration Zone, Dxun and Dantooine from K2 and then one module from Korriban in K1 failed to convert properly over to K2, but I solved the Korriban map issue using NWN Model Viewer and resaving the file, but this has not helped with my K2 to K1 port issues.

    The tutorial is already up but only really covers how to do one at a time, those are the three programs I used to make everything happen at once, I have also been using DVD Video Soft Image Converter for easy converting of a lot of TGA screenshots to PNG.

    I completed porting all the K2 to K1 maps just yesterday, as I said everything will be unedited EXCEPT the .are & .ifo files because I need to remove entries for the scripts I am not using but in order to fix this all you would need to do is use kotor tool to re-extract the .are & .ifo files for each module, which really doesn't take too long, extract the .rim ( not _s.rim ) to a new folder ( name it m38aa or 001ebo ) to correspond with the map it actually is and extract all three there, you would then be able to combine with mine to include the original are and ifo.

    The process was exactly the same in reverse for K2 to K1 but as mentioned gave me more problems with Foliage than I was expecting.

    Knowing that you play on the Mobile version is good to know as I am going to be looking for Beta Testers for Android, Mac, Modded Xbox and PC, not sure if it is moddable on any other platforms ( ie : 360 or xbox one )

    also know that all files I have are already lower case ( I think ) so I am hoping to make a quick port for both modders resources to all platforms.

    I only have access to a PC, I have a friend playing on Linux to test for me and I may run an Android emulator to test the android version, but we will see.

    If you have a good look at my initial post it covers all tools used and roughly explains most of the process I believe, the process for map by map to bulk is pretty much the same, you just need to extract the entire models.bif at once to a folder, then convert to ascii in the relevant game mode, then back to binary in the mode for the game being ported to.

    then delete the original and the ascii and use bulk rename utility to remove "-mdledit-mdledit" from every file ( otherwise I would have given up )

    Note More than happy to help anybody with any issues they come across during the process, but I am nearly ready for a full release of the K2 to K1 maps, K1 to K2 maps I will be holding onto until I have made a good start on my project that uses them ( though this could easily change )

    Also looking for people to get involved with the project, being that it is nearly ready for me to start work on story content.

    Additional A note about the ifo files, I have had to modify spawn locations for some maps so as to prevent being stuck in cut-scene areas or behind walkmeshes so for anybody that needs the original positions you will have to extract the original ( .rim ) file not the ( _s.rim ) file, currently this has only been on one map ( Peragus Administration Level - Spawns inside the Kolto Tank ) but I am sure there are a few more I need to do it on.

    P.S. Also thanks should go to JCarter426 as without them this might not have been possible, they gave me a rough outline of how to port maps from one game to the other and I took it upon myself to try and port them all.


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  22. My old message with potentially relevant information about scripts kept, removed or edited.


    I have already changed my mind about including the scripts / triggers and decided to include them in the base release as I have now seperated out the model files for placeables and characters not in the first game.

    If you look through the spoilers at the screenshots I have posted I have already done a full port of K2 maps to K1 and K1 maps to K2, just having some problems with the Telos Restoration Zone, Dxun and Dantooine at the moment, vector calculations are off in the conversion causing foliage to get stretched across the entire map.

    After loading Korriban - Sith Temple and having accidentally left the creatures / git file intact and seeing it all work fine, I decided to make sure I had all odd models that the second game has which the first game does not.

    I will be re-extracting the git files for every module and leaving them intact, only changing what I need to in the are and ifo files, such as removing on enter scripts that will crash the game ( unless I actually include the script, but I do not plan to include it in the module file ) I will however include the scripts for each module as part of the modders resource.

    For example the Peragus Turret game and Onderon Turret mini-games both work in K1, I did this by leaving all the scripts there, I am now hoping to compare the Swoop scripts from K1 and K2 to make the swoop tracks work in both games as well.

    Though the Onderon Turret minigame works, the ships don't animate / explode or dissapear, my guess is I am missing another file for this.

    For example my folders contain the .are, .git, .ifo, .pth and .utd files, but the rest of the scripts are inside another folder as I do not know if I will want to include them in my mod, but they are there for anyone else that may want to reconstruct the modules with all of the scripts.

    New information : I removed all the scripts but will re-add them as I plan on using some of them.


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