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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. This wouldn't be possible... I mean it would, but by the sounds of it ( I havent played ) its a total conversion mod with a storyline, the amount of work would be insurmountable, you would be recreating the total conversion.

    I have currently been looking into and working on porting maps from K1 to K2 but the very concept of porting a total conversion from one game to the other is, crazy, I don't understand why you would want to do this? For what reason?

    The biggest project I have personally thought about is porting either K1 or K2 to the opposing engine after lengthy stress testing of both engines, factoring in, documenting and understanding the differences in the engine, though once again, the size of the task is ridiculous and I would be better off putting the time and effort into improving one engine over the other or both to a comparable standard.

    I am not entirely sure you understand the process, I don't like to be the "do you know how to mod" guy, but it seems like you don't understand the development process very well and though I am pretty sure what you are talking about is actually possible, it is just ridiculous, potentially a lot of work ( depending on the size of the mod ) and wouldn't work because the games are different and might feature or need a planet that isn't in one or the other.

    Again depending on what the mod is all about, I will look it up quick, having looked it up I understand what it is, a total conversion mod for K2, in order to do this, you would have to re-create the mod from scratch to work for KotOR or understand all the differences between K1 & K2 so well that you could edit them on the go to match up everything with the way K1 works, but its potentially too big a task to be worth undertaking and also completely pointless ( from my personal perspective / opinion ) you may as well just play the mod on K2 as it is meant to be, rather than trying to mess around with it.

    Oh yeah and you actually installed the mod to the KotOR directory when it is a K2 mod and just expected it to work?

    The lack of understanding is real, yes it would be possible, but it would be too much work and there is no reason nor need to do so, I also heavily doubt anyone would spend so much time porting a mod, just for you / with no release.

    Though I just wasted a lot of time typing this out / trying to make sure I am nice as I get the feeling you are not from a computer background / don't really understand what is going on.

    Off-Topic - is the mod any good? :)

    Oh I have just re-read your message and seen your reason for wanting to port it, which I guess I kind of understand, but is there not a K2 mobile version? If not then again, a hell of a lot of work would be needed to make this happen and I don't see it being feasable.

    Best place to start would be the size of the mod, what it does to the game, what does it add, is there an entirely new storyline or does it just make some changes? What does it actually do, as I haven't played it I don't understand but from reading it, it's an entirely new game, so making it work for K1 from the get go is impossible, ultimately what you would want to do is look to the developer or author of the mod and ask them to either work on a K1 version for mobiles, which I again doubt they would be interested in, or asking them for the source / files they used to prepare the mod so you could port it into K1, but I doubt they would give you the files, they may not even have them anymore, these things happen, you could also go about extracting everything and remaking it, but this honestly seems like too much hassle to even think about.

    I've typed this much out because I think reading your post hurt my head.

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  2. Ah you have solved my problem just with the mention of GenericType, I kept looking through the file for what might be a reference to the door numbers but couldn't work out which was which unless it was open in kotor tool, came to the conclusion it wasn't even there because of the way I could see it fine in kotor tool but it didnt stand out to me in K-GFF editor for some reason, probably spent too long staring at it.

    You've been a great help :D though if anything I am annoyed at myself for clearly over-looking the solution for the door, being unfamiliar with kotor modding and not knowing what GenericType was for some reason I didn't make the connection to it being GenericDoors.2da key reference for an item within the list.

    Big thanks to you :) the door now works fine, I can go about correcting all the door files / locations and carry on with my project.



    I am currently porting Manaan as well, have managed to port 26aa, 26ab, 26ac, 26ad and 26ae so far, but a, b, c & e all seem to crash regularly, d, does not, perhaps it is because I did that one first / followed a set of steps but have been making sure to look around / check for any leftover textures or files I might be missing.

    Probably another simple thing I am overlooking because I am ridiculously tired, will take another crack at them tomorrow, AD the hanger loads / players fine, all the doors work, animations work etc, skyboxes aren't there and some textures appear transparent but for the most part it's there.

    All I can say is wish me luck as I am bound to keep encountering regular problems :) half the fun though!

  3. Ah I see the confusion now, thank you very much once again for your input and great resources / information, I have just downloaded MDLEdit now, I thought I already had it along with all the other tools, but seems I only had MDLOps and ended up a little unsure whether or not they were even different programs, due to seeing MDLEdit / MDLOps referred to everywhere.

    Hopefully now I can make a bit of leeway on my project, should definitely make things less frustrating :D

    Have you had any luck porting doors? I have seen a tutorial on creating entirely new doors & animations, so it shouldn't be difficult / isn't impossible, unfortunately KotoR tool seems to corrupt the utd file for me and add extra entries.

    After editing every entry I could in K-GFF editor, it still doesn't change the door type, opening the utd in kotor tool shows why, there is a drop down / list that allows me to choose the door type from the genericdoors.2da file, however it is set to Peragus Door 01 instead of Yavin Door 01, they both exist in TSL's files, Yavin Door 01 is still there as #76, what was originally the end of the list for the first game.

    However I cannot seem to find an entry in K-GFF editor that refers to either #76, #77, related string references or PeragusDoor01/YavinDoor01, so it appears to me the field is unreadable through K-GFF editor but corrupts through Kotor tool, so I am seeking viable alternative.
    Any thoughts?

    I still have a whole bunch of kotor related tools that I haven't even tried yet, so it could very well be that I am using the wrong program, but I feel like I am taking the right path with the wrong tools, unless it is just a kotor tool bug / problem.


  4. For a little while I was unsure exactly what you mean, but the steps I need I think are as follows.

    1 Extract Binary with KotoR Tool.
    2 Load Binary from MDLOps with the kotor game it came from highlighted.
    3 convert from binary to ASCII with the same game highlighted.
    4 Change the selected kotor game in MDLOps to the one I wish to port the map over to and convert back into binary.

    I think I understand now. Converting out of K1 binary into ascii and then back into binary K2 can read.
    Thanks for help, I hope I understand / the way I have said it makes sense.


  5. Sorry to bump this but . . . ^ _ ^ lots more photos but chose one here that shows the nice shadows against the wall and a few others.
    It appears the lightmaps / txi / vis files were just hard to find.

    P.S. Big Thanks to JCarter426 for answering some questions and helping me fix the door for this map, for some reason I was not making the link between GenericType and the list in GenericDoors.2da.


    You can check out progress by following the link in my signature, for now I have removed the yavin files as I have fixed more since.


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  6. 37 minutes ago, JCarter426 said:

    The models must be converted because the games use slightly different formats. My usual procedure for this is to extract everything, convert the binary MDL/MDX to ASCII, then load the ASCII files and convert those back to binary. This isn't foolproof, though, as you can see here . I've put my area porting endeavors on hold until the next update to MDLEdit (plus I've got other projects anyway).

    I figured this must be the case but it's great to have confirmation!

    Any tips for converting back into binary?

  7. Very useful information here, thank you :) I have recently started work on porting some maps myself funnily enough and have also been trawling through both games files, it seems that dor_lyv01 the door for yavin is in both games, but I am unable to get it to load for the moment, either that or kotor tool didnt properly update after I deleted the file from the override folder and restarted kotor tool. ( even though I saw it reload the libraries as it does every startup )

    Will definitely come in handy ^^ and the batch tools could also prove to be useful for mod development.

    Great work!

  8. I haven't done item editing yet, but I get the feeling you might need to recompile the module through kotor tool.

    You would need the .are, .git and .ifo files as well as all the scripts you have extracted and edited, then using the ERF button on kotor tool you can package them into a module with the drop down selected to "MOD" and the file saved as "MODULE.MOD" Module being the name of level and ".mod" being required for it to save properly.

    You then add the .are, .git and .ifo files and the scripts you have edited and click "Build Mod"

    Though I am not 100% sure I am pointing you in the right direction, I get the feeling re-compiling the module would be better than trying to edit the module, I am sure I read somewhere that when editing a module it is better to recompile / rebuild it rather than edit the in-game modules.


  9. Wow it's like you didn't even look around :p :) only a few posts below this topic is my thread about what I am working on which is porting some locations from KotoR to TSL right now.

    Currently I am working on the Yavin - Orbital Station.

    However they don't port straight over with no issues, lightmaps need rebuilding for Yavin by the seems of it, anything like doors / triggers / npcs would most likely need to be re-scripted to be on the safe side. It appears the .mdl's / maps themselves need to be reconstructed also as my files appear to crash the game, but using the .mdx, .tga & .wok I extracted from the game but Effix's .mdl map files the game doesn't crash, I will ask Effix what they did with the map, my guess is it was just imported and re-exported into .mdl, or there is some info that needs changing due to KotoR 1 /2 engine differences, but it seems there are a fair few different people working on similar things at the moment.


  10. For most of the .exe mods I have come across ( most of which have been updated textures ) I usually install / extract them to a seperate folder, however with TSLRCM & M4-78EP I installed them first and then installed everything else which has no doubt caused some problems, I am currently learning to mod KotoR / TSL & I am looking into combining galaxymap files that make certain mods work together.

    Such as M4-78EP & the Coruscant mod as I believe they all replace the galaxymap_p.gui files, the animated textures also replace the galaxymap_p.gui file I think. So I will be looking into making many of these mods work together, I am also writing up a little guide for myself for my ultimate install of TSL that I may or may not share on here with links to all the mods I use, but I am more interested in making some mods with new areas.


  11. This is very interesting and something I am currently also looking at as well as a droid shop and wookie hut from kotor, but I am having similar problems though from your screenshot you managed to get further than me, though I only started on this the day before yesterday and have had work the last few days as well, but now I have some time spare I am going to continue looking into this.

    What changes did you make to the map / .mdl? As the files I export using KotoR tool don't load like yours do, my guess is you reconstructed them from ascii and re-exported them into .mdl. AS for the door, I have added new Dialog.tlk entries for it because the old ones were replaced, but cannot seem to change the door type from PeragusDoor01 to YavinDoor01.

    The only thing currently preventing me from adding the door is the "Door Type" in KotoR Tool. which is set to PeragusDoor01 in yavinarea.utd, however upon changing it, the file seems to corrupt / get some new entries added referring to date / time, even after deleting them it crashes the level, K-GFF editor will not show me the area relating to door type, somewhere #77 - PeragusDoor01 needs to be changed to #76 - YavinDoor01, but KotoR Tool & K-GFF editor seem unable to do this, KotoR tool, lists everything / provides all the options, just doesn't save it correctly somewhere along the line.


  12. Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords : The Expanded Galaxy Project

    The Expanded Galaxy Project aims to combine both games into one installation utilizing the second games engine and allowing the player to select whether to choose the first, or the second game, as well as the bonus option of Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge, an excellent mod for the first game which I have also ported over to the second game.

    All three parts of the project now have an installer! Which handles everything.

    The project is still very much a work in progress, I suggest just trying out the main project for most users as the port and brotherhood are likely to have a lot more bugs!

    Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge!



    This is a short trailer for the KotOR Port, a part of the Expanded Galaxy Project, the trailer was made for me by CatDaddy407, so a big thanks to them for that!

    I thought I would drop a link to the video here for people to see, though it doesn't show anything special, but it does highlight the state of the project quite well.

    NOTE : The port is currently not available on DeadlyStream and is only available on ModDB or from the GitHub repository.
    NOTE The port is an add-on for the Expanded Galaxy Project.


    Expanded Galaxy Project

    The goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to provide as much additional content for both games as possible utilising the second games engine.

    Please join the Discord to find out more about the project and to get access to the latest patches. ( Link at the bottom of this post )

    Install Instructions


    Install instructions can be found alongside the project on the GitHub repository readme.

    I have heard that people generally have success installing other mods alongside this but not always or entirely, there are also still many issues remaining in the project.

    For now it is still just a demo and there are currently no actual releases available, but the project can be downloaded directly from the GitHub repository and installed via the included installer.

    But be warned! This means you might end up downloading the project while I am actively working on it.

    I will work towards scheduling and publishing a new release as soon as I can.


    Keep an eye out for updates and check out my tutorials if you want to learn to mod KotOR2! as well as the tutorial section on DeadlyStream for other great tutorials!



    Progress & Plans

    Current progress for the Expanded Galaxy Project overall is as follows :

    1 : Expanded Galaxy Project : Main : Demo (Complete) <-- 100% -->

    The base of the project is complete. ( Early Demo )

    2 : Expanded Galaxy Project Port : Demo (Complete) <-- 100% --> 

    The base of the port is complete.

    3 : Expanded Galaxy Project : Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge : Demo (Complete) <--- 100% --->

    Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge has been ported in it's entirety and seems to work almost flawlessly. ( Early Demo )


    There is still a lot left to be done, much of which is not documented anywhere currently.


    Mod Compatibility

    Overall I have heard that people generally have success installing other mods alongside this but not always or entirely, there are also still many issues remaining in the project on it's own.

    Currently I do not know what mods do or do not work with my project but I do plan to try and provide compatibility for as many mods as possible in the future.

    Note : texture, model, item and many other simple mods should work if installed after the rest of the required or optional files for the project.


    KotOR Modding Tools

    Here is a list of tools that made this project possible.


    Contributions : 
    A big thanks to everybody that helped make this possible by creating the tools available and anybody that has helped or will help me along the way.

    Tools used that made this possible.
    Kotor Tool - @ Fred Tetra
    K-GFF Editor - @TK102
    MDLEdit - @bead-v
    TLKEdit - @Fair Strides
    2DAEditor - @VarsityPuppet
    KotOR Find Refs Utility - @TK102
    Bulk Rename Utility - @Bulk Rename Utility
    Simple Model Viewer - @Adinos
    Kotor Toolset - @Fair Strides
    KotOR Scripting Tool - @Blue
    ERFEdit - @Fair Strides
    DLG Editor @Fair Strides
    Xoreos Tools - @Xoreos
    DENCS Script Decompiler - @Fair Strides
    PyKotOR - @Cortisol
    PyKotORCLI - @th3w1zard1

    K2 Console - @lachjames ( Included with the Expanded Galaxy Project )
    KotOR Save Importer For TSL - @lachjames ( Included with the Expanded Galaxy Project )

    Dialog Patcher for adding missing entries to DLG files to update them for use in KotOR2. ( Used heavily awaiting a small update to fix some issues )
    Script Trimmer for trimming scripts so they can be decompiled. ( Created but not used yet )
    Conditional Script Patcher for updating conditional scripts. ( Planned but not made or included yet )
    Installer / Launcher for installing and launching the game and any Total Conversions. ( Planned but not made or included yet )

    Without many of these tools the project would not have been possible.

    Included Mods

    Below is a list of all mods that are included with the Expanded Galaxy Project.


    Mods arranged by Author and then by order of when they were added to the project.


            - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod
            - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes
            - Kreias Vibrosword
            - Rocket Launcher Sounds

    @Ashton Scorpius

            - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Idea used to unlock Ebon Hawk Map On Enter Instead.
            - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix
            - Twilek Head Fixes - Option A


            - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will use this as a base and update it to say the correct version numbers.


            - M4-78 Fog Fixes


            - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon
            - Extended Jedi Council Meeting


            - Malachor V Sideways opening doors.
            - Peragus Tweak
            - Trayus Rank Reform


            - Extended Carth Meeting
            - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses
            - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene
            - Sensor Droid Appearance Change


            - Re-scaled Trandoshans


            - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional )


            - KotOR Save Importer For TSL
            - K2 Overlay Console


            - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix
            - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional )
            - Robe Description Fix
            - Droid Anatomy Description Fix


            - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional )

    @ndix UR

            - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix


            - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix

    @Markus Ramikin

            - Kill The Ithorian


            - Model Repairs


    Here is a list of contributors that helped early on with advice on KotOR modding or who contribute to the project heavily.


    Users that helped make this possible.
    Credit to everybody that helped me along the way or contributed.


            - advice


            - advice


            - K2 Loadscreen Template

    @Stoney & @Sithspecter

            - Sleheyron Demo / Maps


            - advice


            - advice


            - Coruscant / Jedi Temple Mod

    The TSLRCM Team @zbyl2 @DarthStoney @Hassat Hunter & @VarsityPuppet

    The M478EP Team @zbyl2 @Stoney @Hassat Hunter & many more noted in the credits below.

    Credits From M478EP


    » Project Leaders
    - Zbyl2 - Project Leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, voice over auditions, texture editing and more
    - Stoney - Former project leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, texture editing, modeling and more
    - Hassat Hunter - dialog correction, scripting, bug fixing, patch lead

    » Storyline
    - Sharen Thrawn - former lead writer
    - Lord of Hunger - storyline ideas
    - JCarter426 - storyline writing/ideas for the Industrial Zone
    - Sith Holocron - input on storyline and planet's past

    » Modeling / Texturing
    - Stoney                Many new or edited placeable objects
    - Quanon                Archon models
    - Khrizby                New animations and fixed models
    - Redrob41                Droid re-skins
    - 90SK                    A LOT OF droid re-skins
    - Sith Holocron                Animated screen textures

    » Beta Testing
    - Stoney
    - Hassat Hunter
    - Qui-Gon Glenn
    - Atton Rand
    - Nsinger998
    - LDR
    - Zhaboka
    - drunklol
    - arekushu
    - twdarkeh
    - dashrendar
    - Sith Holocron

    Voice Acting
    Kaah Ohtok                        Zhaboka
    CS-36 (Central Zone Official Information Unit)        Danule
    M4-78's Main AI                        Sith Holocron
    ES-05 (Environmental Archon)                Louise du Cray
    IS-24 (Industrial Zone Archon)                90SK
    IS-02 (Maintenance Unit}                Nolan Tashijan
    IS-56/Researcher Droid/KL-92                Edwyn Tiong
    LS-44 (Greeter Droid)                    Ripulesyou
    IS-84 (Droid Designer Lead)                Runawayjam
    Random Design Droids                    Drew Mochak
    War Droids/Central Zone's Maintenance Unit/
    Force Field Operator/Escort Droids            Caleb Woodard
    Force Field Operator                    Trayusstudent
    Sith Soldier                        Mrcharlton
    CS-45 (Central Zone Original Information Unit)        James Beagon
    Accused Environmental Droid in Central Zone        Jerry C
    CS-28 (Central Zone Maintenance Droid Assistant)    Dylan
    Medical Units                        ABagOfVicodin
    Additional Construction Droid/
    Landing Arm Supervisor                    Sonbiru "Dr. Son"
    IS-43 (Supervisor of Cleaner Droids)            Daniel Conner
    Fight Witness                        Adam Brennecke
    I1-02 (Re-programmed Maintenance Unit)        Connaugh
    The Inquisitive Droid at the end of Industrial Zone    Thomo93
    Cleaning Droid Warning System                ReddHorrocks
    Main Manufacturing Unit                    Kevin Smets
    Additional Industrial Zone Droids                ThisIsSnaik
    Additional Environmental Units                 Tuomas "Iterator" Kuosmanen
    Droid with Missing Legs                    Dr. John Faller
    Black Market Droid                    CommissarBRO

    Voice Splicing
    - Sith Holocron
    - HK-47

    Special Thanks
    Geordyjones - For his excellent TSLRCM and M4-78EP run, which was entertaining and very useful as base to see what potential issues were still in the game, as seeing one actually play and react immediately generally was more of an aid than sometimes vague after-playthrough impressions. Many of the fixes in M4-78EP 1.3 were done due to this run.

    JCarter426 – voiceovers in previous versions and the new end credit movie
    Revan411 – voiceovers in previous versions
    Jaedar – voiceovers in previous versions
    Ghostlyhamburger – voiceovers in previous versions
    L0ki194 – voiceovers in previous versions
    Yceman (aka Darthycey) – For our original end credit movie
    Danule’s services can be contracted on (
    Reddhorrocks’ services can be contracted on (
    Connaugh’s services can be contracted on (
    JCarter426’s services can be contracted on (

    as well as many more for their contributions to the KotOR modding community including those still working to improve either game by creating tools or mods and any future modders.

    I wanted to say a big thank you to all the creators of the tools that made this project possible and I wanted to provide an accurate list of the tools I used to make this project possible here, I also want to say thank you to everybody that has supported or contributed ideas to the project, if your name is not found anywhere above please feel free to let me know and I will make sure to include you and your contribution above.


    Rate (ModDB), Like (Facebook & DeadlyStream), Watch & Follow (Twitch & Twitter), Watch, Like & Subscribe (YouTube) and get involved on or join the Discord to get the latest updates!


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  13. I wanted to start off by saying a big thank you to everyone for trying to collect as much as possible together in the way of tutorials after lucas forums has gone down so long ago, way back machine is definitely a good option to get access to some of the content on lucas forums.

    Great to see kotor modding still alive and well, I haven't even played TSLRCM yet, have been saving it for when I have the time, the time is now / probably after I make a mod or two.


    Edit : Has anyone found an alternative to KAuroraEditor? It doesn't run on 64bit, other than say a Virtual Machine.

    I have been noting down links that I have found helpful in a Topic I made recently, I am learning to make and remake modules for TSL.
    Hopefully somebody else finds it helpful, though some of the links are also around here, it's handy for my own personal reference to know what tutorials I have used and who I need to give credit to.