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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 14 hours ago, DarthTycho said:

    I realize this is an extremely preliminary, preview version of the mod, and that it will only improve with time. Again, it's really cool what you've done, and I'm eager to see what you do, less in terms of added story, but in more sandbox, side stuff! :)

    Thank you for the in-depth review of sorts it's really appreciated, these are definitely some things I will need to look into.

    Leaving the characters in place was just so that I had sets of co-ordinates to work with when placing new NPC's and so that it was not just a bunch of empty levels, though this is much easier now using the Kotor Toolset, but it is still good to have the Z Axis values as reference especially for placeables.

    One thing to note is that I don't remember modifying the main menu and wonder which files you are referring to? The only alteration to menus I believe was the TSLRCM / M478EP Animated Logo that I obtained permission to include.

    Making it so that dialog can all be skipped is definitely something I will change in future versions, I only tested the borders of Tatooine once and didn't think to make them skippable, though the same can be said for the rest of the dialog I have added into the game.

    As for the swoop tracks, the current versions are based off of the Telos Swoop Track but modified to have the relevant rooms, swoop bike and camera models from the first game, I really need to spend a bit of time diagnosing the problem properly ( such as the exit transition script / going through it step by step ), I also need to make sure it loads two different versions of each track for the upgradeable swoop bike mod by bead-v that I have permission to include.

    The Swoop Tracks are definitely an integral part of the mod that I need to get working, I haven't spent as much time on this project recently as I would have liked to but intend to sit down and work on it again properly for a few days sometime soon.

    Though I have the story ideas laid out now, I also have sets of test rooms to view all the placeables, characters and alien dialog to help me choose what I will want where.

    Using just alien dialog might be a bit of a setback in terms of quality it is the best option for the moment.

    I spent quite a while making changes to M478 because I felt the jumping transitions were really off-putting / disorientating, I have also played the game through a few times looking for odds and ends to fix ( distracting myself from the main part of the project ) I have since played M478 through quite a few times and found everything to work correctly, though I haven't been able to find two items to finish a quest there neither in the vanilla nor in my modified version, but this might just be that I have overlooked a container / placeable somewhere. ( Quest is Archon Communication - I obtained the schematics from one droid and didn''t find the other two items )

    But eventually I do intend this project to come bundled with various fixes, the extra areas and as many Quality of Life improvements as I can make, I am also looking for suggestions on anything that might need changing, fixing or editing in the main game, I have a large folder of screenshots that I need to go through pin-pointing things I have already located to modify, move, remove or fix.

    Again thank you for your kind words and notes on any issues, also apologies for my long-winded response.

    • Like 2

  2. 11 hours ago, DarthTycho said:

    It's amazing and fantastic that you are still working on this!

    I hope that you are able to enable the Swoop tracks! That would be awesome. Maybe even some pazzak players on Tatooine or Manaan?

    Thank You, I am still working on this regularly but slowly.

    I have had trouble getting the swoop tracks working but I am still trying and I will be adding Pazaak players to each planet at some point, trying to focus on laying out a decent storyline for each area that fits with the game and trying to make links between both games.

    Also pin-pointing things that need fixing throughout the main game.

    Currently the mod only has three HK-50 encounters and the mystery box ( which doesn't have a journal entry and no way to end the quest yet ) but this allows players to get HK-47 restored before visiting their first planet, it always annoyed me that players had to miss out on at least one planets worth of dialog for HK before they could restore them.

    Being that it is just me working on this it is likely going to take quite some time ( possibly years ) before I finish everything, but I am still holding out hope that others will begin to contribute, offering their expertise or fixes for the game to be bundled as one in the future, I have already reached out to some mod authors and been given permission to include some fixes / mods.

    I am trying to stay true to the original game and only include fixes / mods that feel like they should be in the game.

    • Like 1

  3. Previous Messages



    On 1/18/2020 at 3:05 PM, MAQS said:

    Glad yo see such a ambitious Mod still around, you can PM me whenever you need a tester.

    Can link this to R/kotor so people there know they can try this?

    I have linked it there before, but you are welcome to do so if you want, realistically it will be a while before there will be much to actually test.

    On 1/25/2020 at 7:52 AM, Grisham4life said:

    This mod is a dream come true for me, been playing kotor since it first released on the original xbox. :)


    A word of warning this is still very much a WIP, there is not really much content for the new areas yet.


    I really need to sit down and not only play both games again, but write a proper story and reason for being able to access the new areas.

    If anyone is interested in discussing the project or writing stories and quest lines for the project please message me here or on Discord.

    The latest release and patch still contains very little and is full mostly of the NPC's and Placeables from the first game, apart from the few interactions I noted in my last post, I will be removing all NPC's and Placeables from the first game soon, I kept them as reference for their co-ordinates in the level.

    Latest Story Ideas

    These are some rough drafts of the story ideas I have planned out for the areas I have added into the game, I have noted major plot points so that I can start planning out each level accordingly and trying to tie everything into the main game as best as possible, I have also added a group of HK-50s to each new location so as to offer even more chance to get the HK parts as well as more opportunities to track down the HK Factory ( Which I missed in my recent playthrough )


    Tatooine Rising


    As you touch down on Tatooine, upon leaving the ship you are harassed by a crowd.

    You see Jawa's, you see Humans ( Czerka ) and you see various aliens ( Twi'lek, Bith & Ithorian )

    Being confronted with the option to choose who to speak to, you can either speak to the

    [JAWAS]"Hey little guy, how can I help your clan?"
    [CZERKA]"I take it this is a Czerka owned starport?"
    [EXCHANGE]"Spice running comes out this far, does it still pay well?"

    This sets the scene for the rest of the planet, you are given the choice to side with any of the above.

    You can also decline to side with anyone, unless you side with the Exchange they will become your enemy.

    The Jawas and Czerka will try to remain neutral throughout the entire process anyway.

    Jawa Chieftain Izla
    Czerka Manager Kratos
    Exchange Leader Varlem

    Each group will have their say and make their way out of the starport.

    They all wish to purchase your services or ask you to help them with their local troubles.

    Jawas wish to reclaim their cave and sandcrawler ( West Dune Sea )

    Czerka wish to claim the entire planet if they can do so

    the Exchange just wish to keep their business going and ask you to take care of a few problems for them
    this will include the Jawa Camp which the Exchange are trying to use as slave labour
    as well as trying to oust Czerka from their control of Anchorhead.

    Kashyyyk Ruling


    Czerka are still active slaving on Kashyyyk, even after the events of K1.

    Depending on DS or LS Revan, the village will be ruled by Freyyr or Chuundar respectively.

    Zaalbar will have been banished to the Shadowlands if Chuundar Rules, or will be lost in the Shadowlands
    if Freyyr rules the village.

    This will also lead the player to either freeing or enslaving the wookies, regardless of who rules.

    The lower Shadowlands will be blocked off by Exchange forces.

    If Chuundar Rules, Zaalbar will be hunting the Exchange, if Freyyr Rules then Zaalbar will be captured by the Exchange.

    On enter of kas_m22aa, kas_m23aa and kas_m24aa a DS/LS check will occur for Revan.

    This will determine the layout of each area.

    The other areas will be relatively generic and contain extra sidequests, pazaak, merchants etc


    This might also be dependant on if you obtain Hanharr or Mira as a Companion!

    Manaan Reality


    With the crushing events of K1, Manaan restricted travel and trade for years to follow.

    They started trading with some Mercenaries in recent years and they have exclusive use of their hangers, the old Sith Embassy and have been working closely with the Selkath that attempted to restore the underwater base to it's former glory.

    This is subject to change as I feel it might not be right to re-use the underwater base and as such have not included the modules at the moment.

    Dantooine Grove - Turning Point


    Speaking to the local militia you are told to do anything you can to help out in the local area.

    If you speak to the Rodian situated by the blocked entrance to the grove, you will be able to lend a hand removing the mercenaries from the Sandral Grounds and it's Estate.

    Alternatively if you side with the mercenaries you won't be allowed access.

    Defeating the Mercenaries inside the Sandral Estate will greatly reduce the amount of mercenaries that attack the Matale Estate during the local questline.

    Yavin Orbital Station


    The Merchant on the Orbital Station is another Mandalorian Clan Leader that can be recruited by Mandalore, throughout the game will provide you with access to different speciality goods from swoop bike upgrades to equipment.

    Though he sends his clan to Dxun he pledges to remain behind and continue his work until he is needed.

    HK Factory Questline Journal Entry Update


    Please let me know what people think about this, I felt the HK Factory Questline was a bit out of place, it disappeared from the quest log and only takes place at a specific point in the game ( quite near the end ) which got me thinking about modifying it so that it can be visited by choice, this is just an idea at the moment.

    Very short and rough descriptions at the moment, trying to get a feel for how it will all tie together but at the same time not be mandatory for the player.

    This is a much more definitive outline of what is now planned for the project than any of the far-out ideas I had to begin with, I look forward to finding out what people think, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated.

    Visibility File Fixes


    I don't know how often people come across these, it is usually when I am running out of a room for just a split second but I find it really offputting so I decided to fix any that I come across in the game.



    These are images from before the .vis files were edited, I will be keeping an eye out for anything like this on my next play-through.


    If anybody comes across issues like this feel free to let me know.


    • Like 1
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    The Yavin Orbital Station


    The Upgradeable Swoop Bike mod by bead-v of DeadlyStream which I have obtained permission to include with my mod.


    Big thanks to bead-v for allowing me to include and update his Upgradeable Swoop Bike mod, I feel like it deserved some attention.


    Yavin IV - 4 Planets Demo Release 0.7.8 - KotOR II The Sith Lords

    The mod now includes 6 new planets for the game, Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Lehon, Yavin Orbital Station, Sleheyron and it also contains updates to M478 and the ability to manually travel to Malachor V instead of going through a whole host of cutscenes and being forced to travel there straight away.

    The foundation of the entire project is in place as of 0.7.5 and requires testing for anybody interested.

    This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8.5, M478EP 1.5.1 and the Jedi Temple / Coruscant mod to be installed in that order followed by the seven files below.

     - three files also need removing as noted below.

    0.5.9 Yavin Demo.7z

    [NOTE] - Please delete the three .ncs scripts contained in the "end_" folder within "override" in order to fix a conflict issue with the Royal Palace on Onderon.

    Yavin Demo 0.6.0 TO

    This is a patch not a "Demo", the above file is wrongly named "Yavin Demo" instead of "Yavin Patch".


    0.7.4 Includes an optional file that moves Korriban and Dantooine to the positions they had in the first game.

    0.7.5 Should fix every instance of being able to exit during hyperspace, as well queues the hyperspace movie during these new pit stops in hyperspace.

    0.7.6 Fixes most of Sleheyron, the doors and most of the buildings appear properly now but the skybox is still missing.

    0.7.7 Adds a new planet model and icon for Lehon to the galaxy map as well as some other small changes. - see patch notes.

    0.7.8 Adds Peragus back and makes the Galaxy Map accessible after Peragus, also now including Kexikus's Planet Texture and Icon for Coruscant.

    0.7.9 Fixes the Ebon Hawk, somehow I broke it applying fixes to prevent leaving the Ebon Hawk after the Ravager and Malachor V I will take a look into fixing this again at some point, it also fixes a number of other small issues and begins to populate Sleheyron.

    0.8.0 Further decorates Sleheyron and includes a preview of some of the questline I have started working on.

    Yavin Patch 0.7.4 TO

    0.8.1 Updates and fixes the Rodian Encounter, it also adds another HK encounter to Sleheyron and more placeables.

    Yavin Patch

    0.8.2 Fixes some things in Sleheyron and adds the Dialog / Lip files for the Mysterious Box Quest.

    Experimental Files


    This is the state of "end_m01aa" and "end_m01ab" at the moment and an example of how I would merge the 2DA and Journal files.

    The doors, music and sound 2da files are already merged in my project, these files also contain the same global categories and journal entries as 0.8.1 of Expanded Galaxy and are therefore compatible, I will possibly include these demo levels in the future. ( This is for K2 along with Expanded Galaxy )

    K1 Demo Install

    Extended Carth Meeting



    This simply plays the exit Telos cutscene at the moment and returns you to the Ebon Hawk but I will revise it, it also fires the same scripts as at the end of the cutscene, the player can now choose when to go to Malachor V. ( now including the Extended Carth Meeting Dialog by danil-ch )


    There is now a group of HK-50s on Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyyk and Sleheyron that are capable of contributing to the HK Factory Questline or dropping a HK part, I have also re-added the missing areas of Dantooine from K1, these can only be warped to at the moment.

    Prerequisites : I suggest using a fresh install combined with TSLRCM, M478EP and the Jedi Temple Mod followed by this to test it out.

    Due to the way I am publishing updates all of the above files are required to be installed in chronological order following the prerequisites.


    Motta (Tatooine), Swoop Registrars (Manaan & Tatooine), Thor(Yavin), Prisoner (Mysterious Box) and HK-50's (Tatooine).

    Bonus if you take Mandalore to speak to Thor on Yavin!

    The Mysterious Box makes a Surprise Return to the Ebon Hawk!


    I am slowly trying to write dialog and plan quest lines for these planets, please get in touch if you have any ideas or would like to join the project.

    Latest : 0.7.8 Patch

    Peragus has now been put back and the Galaxy Map can be accessed after Peragus, I am not sure it's possible to add it back to the tutorial without having a different planet selected, this is what the original Ebon Hawk was for, so that somewhere was selected first, but this way works just as well.



    The game also continues after completion and allows free roaming of the galaxy, though I will work on this a little bit and try to make sure quests can be handed in, I won't be giving the galaxy a whole new set of quests after the game is complete just yet, I will instead be focusing on the new planets introduced during the main game, I think it should give the game a bit more variety, I will also be making it possible to go to the HK Factory even after the Ravager, both before and after Malachor.

    This will be via one of the shuttles on Telos : Citadel Station, I have also added the option to deny Carth an audience after the Ravager which is listed as something that was originally intended, currently it just cuts to leaving Telos but I plan on making the guards walk away as they do anyway and then to fade out and leave Telos.



    • Like 3
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    • Light Side Points 1

  5. 7 hours ago, mrmann said:

    Small bump, curious to know if there’s been any new progress over the last few months

    Unfortunately I have not had the time to work on it, I was homeless for a little while earlier this year ( some 6 months odd, I can hardly remember ) but in the past few weeks I have been getting back to grips with the project, coming back to a whole mess of files all over the place I was a little lost at first.

    I am going to try building the demo I had planned some time back over the next few months, though I have a lot of other things to keep me busy at the moment, looking for work being my main focus.

    • Like 4
    • Light Side Points 2

  6. Thank you for spotting that, those are some nice screenshots you have there also that would work great for desktop backgrounds.

    I didn't notice as I have so many screenshots I just chose a handful and haven't taken the time to delete ones that don't work so well or have problems like this.

    Having had quite some enjoyment out of the screenshots I have taken from SWTOR was the general inspiration for the topic and it's great to see some more posted!


  7. Expanded Galaxy v0.4.0 [MODDERS RESOURCE]

    This is the release of the modders resource and overall expanded galaxy project, for the time being this mod does break most of the main game, so make sure to make a seperate modules and override folder for this mod and swap between them if you wish to have various versions of the game installed at once.

    Please do not re-distribute these files without permission, if you use them to create your own modules please strip them down to bear essentials for the modules in your project and do not re-distribute the templates without modification.


    There is a separate working release that does not require this on the Work In Progress topic for the Expanded Galaxy Project on page 4.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


    • Like 1

  8. Module Templates for v0.4.0 Full Update

    These are the files required to recreate the modules in the v0.4.0 Full Update Release of the K2 Expanded Galaxy Project.

    Please do not re-distribute these files without permission, if you use them to create your own modules please strip them down to bear essentials for the modules in your project and do not re-distribute the templates without modification.



  9. 56 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

    Forgive me if any of the following has been mentioned before as I don't wish to scour through multiple threads to find the answer.

    • When completed, will this set-up allow for a continuous play-through from KotOR1 through TSL without resorting to going to the menu or starting a new game?
    • If the last proves true, will the conversation between Atton and the Exile - the one where you set Revan's gender - be eliminated?

    This has not been brought up yet no, but you make some interesting points.

    I have thought about this before, but I think it will likely still need to remain two seperate K2 installations in order to preserve save integrity and eliminate the need to make the above changes.

    Given that I already had two free-roam type expansions planned for both games it seems unlikely that I could provide seamless gameplay or transition between them, thinking about the time frame between the two games also makes me think it doesn't need to be done.

    As well as this, both games follow different characters, so it wouldn't make much sense, or it would have to loop back to a new character creation screen, a lot of global variables would need re-writing, duplicating and possibly renaming, for the sake of development I believe the best choice is to go for making an installer that does the following :

    Verifies K1 & K2
    Duplicates K2

    Copies Necessary Files from K1
    Deletes K1 ( Optional )

    This would leave the user with two versions of the "kotor2.exe" in different folders pertaining to the K1 EG and K2 EG projects overall.

    So the short answer is no, it won't, but I did think about it.

    I still need to re-play the first game to see how well new planets would fit into the story-line as I get a strange feeling the first game is just as on-rails as the second, it has been some time since I played the first game.

    @JediArchivist Thank you for the example, there are many a mod that have taken this route, I personally would take this route to save space for the over-all download over any other reason, but it is also a safe way to avoid legal issues at the same time, serves two functions.


    • Like 1

  10. Currently it is still a template version that is being prepared for the seperate projects, so it isn't actually applicable to any potential projects just yet.

    As far as I am concerned as a developer, provided I can verify both installations there is nothing wrong with this.

    The installation of such a thing would most require an installer to verify the existing installation of both games.
    I also wouldn't upload it here without permission from DeadlyStream so as to avoid such issues and I thought the general consensus was that as long as it was done through an installer and verified the existence of both games, it would be fine?

    To be honest having gone back over the topic, I still feel the thoughts on this were still not made clear. But the kind of concern that just talking about the matter could get the site shut-down is just insane amounts of paranoia, the very fact this entire project got likened to Aperion I found laughable, Aperion wasn't even a port but a full remake that turned into a port to try and get around legal issues, where as this is wholesomely different.

    Feel free to get people to chime in and considering how long any of these projects are likely to take and how they may not even be started, finished or released, what does it ultimately matter for the time being? The Mods here have already made their views on the matter quite clear, basically that they aren't sure, if EA have a problem, it would have to be with me not the website.

    I am also only going to be porting the tutorial level of both main stories and seeing if I can gauge a potential reaction from EA / Bioware to begin with.

    I studied game development for two years, I am well aware of the in-s and out-s of the Game Industry, they will never shut down a project like this, it would be a waste of their time.

    Aperion got shut down because it was a FULL FLEDGED REMAKE not a port, they tried to change it to become a port once they encountered legal issues.

    Regardless my intentions are still clear for the time-being, to work on the Module Templates until reaching 0.5.0 Final Release of the template pack, then I will be porting the tutorial levels and seeing what happens, more than happy to keep that away from DeadlyStream and uploaded elsewhere.

    But unfortunately I forgot everybody was worried about doing something that has already been done...

    The JS KotOR engine remake is just as dangerous as a product to EA / Bioware as this is, if not more so.

    Anyway, it's still just a modules template / modders resource at the moment, apologies if my message startled anyone, forgot that everyone here was oh so worried about a repeat of Aperion ( Which actually isn't possible, both legally and technically ) due to the nature of this project as opposed to Aperions Remake.


    8 hours ago, LDR said:

    Wait a minute I thought we already went over this...?

    Apologies though you are right, but having been homeless and away from the project / forums for a few months, I somewhat forgot about this and am still unsure on the final conclusion.

    • Like 1

  11. I am glad to be back, I have released a new version of the Modders Resource and overall Expanded Galaxy Project for K2, on ModDB, NexusMods and finally here on DeadlyStream!

    This is the second to last version of the template pack that I will be releasing, when I reach 0.5.0 it will be finalised and being duplicated to be used for various different project.

    K1 Story Port into K2
    K1 Expanded Galaxy
    K1 + Free Roam
    K2 Expanded Galaxy
    K2 + Free Roam

    The above five projects would end up replacing Kotor 2 & Kotor 1 with 2 versions of Kotor 2 the k1 story port, expanded galaxy and free roam, then the k2 expanded galaxy and free roam.

    & hopefully if I am given access to the files, the continuation of the RoR mod and the TC Template Pack is the current and upcoming v0.5.0 resource release.

    A total of 6-7+ Projects with 2 Primary Projects as well as a launcher / download / config utility that I need to start work on and the tutorial series that I have been documenting while working on the projects.

    Template Module Construction Files

    Main Release v0.4.0 Expanded Galaxy

    Though the project and module files are compatible with the K1 Expanded Galaxy Project, everything is primarily tested with K2 and focused towards the K2 EG and K1 Port Projects which are my main two projects of the varying off-shoot projects created by this endeavour.

    As previously mentioned the overall focus of this project was initially just to port the Yavin Orbital Station into The Sith Lords, but it ended up making me set up templates for all of these projects.

    I hope to focus my efforts on the K1 Port and K2 EG projects for now as well as continuing work on the Swoop Demo for now.



    • Like 1

  12. I am sort of back around as a friend has put me up, though access to my PC will be irregular until I have some money to put towards the electricity where I am staying, I also have a lot of other things to focus on like trying to find work and a place to live of my own, but luckily I am in a better position now than I was a few weeks ago.

    Having now set up multiple GitHub projects and a NexusMods account as well as pages for both mods I have essentially resumed work on the project for both games, but I will be focusing on the K2 Expanded Galaxy starting with the Yavin Orbital Station Swoop Demo that will consist of 4-5 Modules.

    [ . yav_m50aa, . tat_m17mg, . man_m26mg, . tar_m03mg, . 510ond++ . ]

    I am not sure those module designations are correct, but Taris, Manaan and Tatooines Swoop Track as well as the Yavin Orbital Station, hopefully to include the Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod by bead-v and potentially an updated version of the Onderon Swoop Track that will allow access to the Onderon Swoop Track using the Modified Bike via the Yavin Orbital Station Merchant / Swoop Bike Mechanic.

    I think the option to not use the modified swoop bike should remain also, via dialogue it could be enabled or disabled, IE : "I would like to use the Modified Swoop Bike now" or "I am going to practice with the Regular Swoop Bike for a bit" this would also allow for an original playthrough even if the player decides to purchase or try the modified swoop bike as well as visit Yavin.

    The Expanded Galaxy Project is aimed at becoming a community project, an overall renovation of both original KotOR games for all platforms as well as compatibility for as many mods as possible, I also hope to include items, maps, stories and content from mods galaxy-wide given I can attain the relevant authors permissions, this should allow for both games to become heavily fleshed out.

    There is also plans to totally port K1 to K2, which would require an installer that would verify both games installations, this would be somewhat necessary to make the K1 Expanded Galaxy Project ( or K2 modules in K1 ) more relevant and worthwhile, giving the first game access to the second games engine, which would allow for more placeables, better cut-scenes and overall game-play.

    Along-side my project I am still writing a tutorial series that will cover everything I learn about KotOR 1/2 Modding ( primarily K2 ) that will be somewhat aimed at helping people make a Total Conversion for Obsidian's version of the Odyssey Engine, set in the Old Republic / Star Wars Universe or otherwise.

    I hope this inspires people to make more KotOR games ( following other characters in the old republic universe, perhaps even their own characters from, before or after SWTOR ) there is also the potential for non-sw related total conversions, point & click type story adventures and much more using the Odyssey Engine's Unique Features and innovate game-play mechanics.

    • Like 6

  13. Previous message.


    So, some bad news... I am going to have to shelve all of my projects in-definitely as I am going to be homeless within a matter of days.

    Wish me luck returning swiftly


    Luckily though this is still the case I am sort of around again now, read the latest post for more info.

    Next message.


    Thank you for all your messages and support, I have uploaded the latest version to moddb.

    I am doing my best to avoid this scenario but it may be unavoidable, I don't want to go into further detail as it is relationship / personal issues.

    Will still be looking for people to get involved in the long-run as my initial project is still nearly complete, which was a complete port of all of the maps, which turned out to be a little un-necessary as there has been a solution to this for a while, just tedious, but this way I have at the least provided a resource / template of all 255 odd modules for people to use as well as a short set of tutorials that I still hope to continue.

    My hopes are that the community would get involved as much as possible, being that it is of course going to be impossible for me to integrate all the planets through-out either game as well as add an extension to both stories on my own, so for the time-being the entire project has also been cut down to just the Yavin Orbital Station for a "Demo" and I hope to include Tatooine & it's swoop track as well as the ability to access other swoop tracks from one NPC on Tatooine.

    Wish me luck and while I may not be around so regularly for a little bit I am sure it won't take me too long to get back on my feet either way, hopefully I can return in a week and say everything will be ok and that I have managed to avoid difficulties in a break-up, hopefully continuing to rent the tiny space I occupy.

    Please feel free to message me any ideas that you think would be good for the Expanded Galaxy Project, the more ideas, the more chance of something good, I have already just cut my 47 page design document down to about 2 pages because most of it was drivel and ramblings / notes about editing the files or documenting where I had stopped for the night.

    As well as having begun to play both games again but not getting very far, with the amount of active Modders for these games and on-going projects, I just think it would be great for us all to get together and make a "mod team" maybe even under DeadlyStream, none of this would have been possible without many other people and the encouragement from people as well, allowing the creation of a modular installer / launcher that allows for extreme mod compatibility / user preference and the ability to integrate many more through a series of tutorials that help people make the changes and upload them to the community, I know TSLPatcher provides most of these capabilities, but a lot of users are lacking in these areas I myself have been offered money in person by real life friends to install mods for them, which I can not accept because it is such a simple process.

    Sorry for the long-messages, I hope to be back soon and partially active until the last possible moment, thing's are looking a little 50/50 at the moment so at the least I shall say don't worry about me, may the force be with you all too and if I do not return perhaps the project is worth salvaging, though I know I will not, I haven't felt as strongly about a project like this ever before so I will be back to complete a Yavin Orbital Station storyline about Suvam's Disappearance that leads to Tatooine and maybe more.

    Thank you for reading.

    • Sad 7

  14. I wondered if you might be including a Star Map in this mod and if not thought to suggest re-using the Tatooine Star Forge Ruins for this, removing the .vis file will allow it to render correctly ( though I am not sure how you might do this ) but could always override with a blank .vis file.

    Great work so far though and I really look forward to seeing Sleheyron re-introduced to the game!

    • Like 2

  15. I started taking a lot of these screenshots a long time ago for my 3840x1024 setup and other resolutions I have had along the way, so I thought I would share some of them in-case anybody liked or wanted to use them.

    This is my current desktop image.



    I have images from around the galaxy and did plan to take a lot more, but I won't be getting back to it anytime soon as I do have a LOT to choose from.




    Anchorhead from atop the Sandcrawler ( getting up there took a while and required several players )

    Anchorhead (2).jpg






    Dromund Kaas



    Nar Shaddaa



    Orbital Station



    Eternity Vault



    Balmorra ( I think? ) or Rishi I can't remember.





















    Some are better suited to desktop images than others and vary in resolution, but it wasn't too hard to take these, people can also post any they take here if they wish to do so.

    I do have a lot more, but not all are suited to desktop backgrounds, some are from missions, raids, fun around the galaxy and so forth. Like some of these!



    I also have quite a few of these lying around in my Legacy Cargo Bay, not sure what to do with them yet, might give some to people, they are from a specific anniversary. (Post some great screenshots, see what server we are both on and we'll go from there ( Darth Malgus Server = All My Characters ) ) the "3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial"


    Let me know your thoughts, if it was worth creating this thread, if you liked any of the images or have any of your own to post, as well as anything else, I won't post my characters here as there is another thread for that by @Sith Holocron / check it out if interested in looking at some great characters from SWTOR!

    Update : I have had a lot of fun getting out of the map bounds to get some images, here are some of my favourites!



    Getting to Anchorhead as an Imperial!



    Other areas of Kaas City!



    The Sith Academy on Korriban!



    Off of the map in the Tatooine Stronghold!



    Ilum - Gree Event, on top of the arena!



    Some of these Screenshots were taken by another player on one of my computers back when I had two. But in most cases you can see my main character Mustafett as well.

    Some screenshots from a space battle as viewed from a window in a flashpoint or mission.




    I look forward to seeing what images other people have taken and if people do this often, I found SWTOR was great to get some really nice desktop backgrounds from.

    The Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas!


    • Like 1

  16. It might be better to wait or note that people could ask this, rather than ask everybody to take it all down at first :) @Sith Holocron I have listed my Species, Classes, Roles and such, I will go on to list professions as well, listing gear might take time and be better upon request.

    I have updated images of my characters, their companions and their mounts!

    Throughout all my characters I have used all the species, a variety of companions and mounts, I also spent a lot of time recently re-gearing some of my alternate characters to make them look that little bit better / more customised, I like to make my own gear-sets out of individual pieces, taking time to match them together and make them fit, where as I see a lot of people just wear singular gear-sets, even with the new-ish costume designer interface.

    All of my Zabrak Characters are Brothers in the family tree that span mostly Imperial through to Republic with Artericon the only Brother that joined the Republic who is also allied to the rest of my Republic Characters of varying species, some of the Imperial Characters have Children, both legitimate, adopted and Apprentices, though I don't role play when I saw the Family Tree section way back when I first started playing I had to tie them all together somehow.

    Main Characters


    Mustafett - Bounty Hunter - Mercenary - Healer - Zabrak



    Korribanned - Sith Warrior - Juggernaut - Tank - Zabrak



    Hothawui - Sith Sorcerer - Damage ( Lightning ) - Zabrak - Rakghoul Event Themed Character / Gear



    MikeTython - Imperial Agent - Operative - Healer - Zabrak



    Artericon - Jedi Knight - Guardian - Damage ( Vigilance ) - Zabrak




    Republic Characters


    Diasyyk - Jedi Knight



    Zergil - Trooper - Commando - Cathar



    Odessaway - Jedi



    Oh'sev'blaze - Commando



    Bosderaan - Gunslinger



    Theomir - Vanguard



    Sifospin - Gunslinger - Twilek



    Nalucia - Commando - Chiss




    Imperial Characters


    Zakessen - Sith Assassin - Zabrak



    Ryiluum - Imperial Agent - Sniper - Cyborg



    Odessabit - Sith Sorcerer



    Clípper - Bounty Hunter - Powertech - Tank - Zabrak



    Embór - Bounty Hunter - Powertech - Damage - Zabrak



    Shottí - Bounty Hunter - Mercenary - Damage - Zabrak



    Korillia - Banking Toon - Twilek - Sith Warrior



    Odessicon - Extra Mercenary



    Odessalot - Extra Sith Warrior



    Hekkotamino - Extra Imperial Agent





    • Like 2

  17. 5 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

    I sent him the files.  He doesn't have to change his name but patience in the future might be advised.

    You are too nice! I would never consider a request as pointless as this.

    I don't even understand the logic in a request like this, but I guess there isn't any!

    • Haha 1
    • Light Side Points 1

  18. 4 hours ago, Ashton Scorpius said:

    Personally, I don't want any new KOTOR content to be in production until SWTOR's long gone. Gotta hold off until another canon (in this case KOTOR-canon) purge can happen.

    Making T3 explode was the cherry on top for me. So tacky to kill the family pet. 

    Oh, when did this happen :( I thought I had played SWTOR quite extensively, my guess is its part of the new content with HK-47 that I also haven't touched.

    I am not as familiar with the books and writers as some of you seem to be, but I enjoyed SWTOR as a generic star wars mmo, trying to ignore that it was tied to kotor.

    Unfortunately K3 will never happen and I doubt another Jedi Knight game will happen either, for that to happen they would have to somehow reconstitute the rest of the Jedi Knight series right? Or throw them all out and still make a "Jedi Knight" game, doesn't seem feasible.

    It is definitely a shame that Jedi Knight did not continue as it had awesome gameplay and multiplayer.

    I would love to be wrong about these things, but I won't let all this kill my love for these original games.

    • Like 1

  19. Though it's a shame I think we have all known for a long time there would not be a sequel, I think the fact it is set outside of the main Star Wars era might hold it apart from the rest and in high regards for the fans of such things, but it is a bit of an estranged thing for other / mainstream star wars fans.

    SWTOR being atrocious I personally believe is EA's fault, filling it with generic slapstick content and micro-purchases.

    Thanks to EA & Disney we can and should lose all hope in the future of the Star Wars franchise as a whole...

    I don't know if you have seen Solo for example, but Disney couldn't even spend the money to make all the Wookies look proper, instead they all look like they are wearing chimpanzee masks, Chewbacca is the only that looks right.

    The fact of the matter is they don't care about the fans anymore, though now we know they are not going to bother with a remake, this could hold hope for Aperions revival, but I highly doubt it.

    If we want to see more KotOR content we are going to have to make it ourselves :(

  20. Download the mod, find the TGA file, then edit the file, or find the clone texture you want from another game and edit it to match.

    I am not entirely sure why you would want clones in KotOR but I do like the armour so I can see some reason to it.

    Use GIMP or Photoshop to add the relevant purple lines, I also don't know about getting the new clone trooper armour as opposed to the original Attack of the Clones armour, you would have to make a new model or import a model from another game, perhaps BF2.

  21. Old messages.


    List of problems left.

    A little update on the progress so far, I have finished fixing up all the doors / transitions in all of the maps I am currently using. ( Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, Lehon & Yavin Orbital Station ) including to the Ebon Hawk.


    I have only noticed a few problems here and there so far, the main one being a missing portion of Kashyyk, cannot figure out why this is at the moment, feel like it would be missing textures but I have the entire texture pack in the game, so unless some are hidden in the gui texture pack as well I am not sure.



    Other than that the only issues I have noticed are white ships in the sky above Anchorhead & above Manaan also.

    All that is left to do after fixing these issues is add the planets to the galaxy map and try to bypass the 16 planet limit if possible.

    I think there are a few doors that lead off the map that need to be locked, but I will be leaving them open for testing as it could be possible to extend some of these areas by re-using pieces of modules, once I have added Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan & the Yavin Orbital Station to the galaxy map I will release 3_0_0 for people to have a look around in.


    Update! - Simple Story Ideas & things I am working on.



    SWTOR story prequelling the Imperial & Republic Conflict as well as Czerka's general operations
    on this planets, as well as smugglers, gangsters and anything else that might tie into KotOR or TSL.


    Look into any references to Kashyyk in SWTOR K1 / K2, include a Czerka follow up or remove them and
    place the Republic with Wookies in the old Czerka base.

    Swoop Racing, Pazaak, Merchants and Swoop Bike Mechanic on all relevant planets.

    Yavin - Orbital Station
    Merchant & Swoop Vendor or Upgradeable Swoop left by Suvam and made for Revan.

    Rakata continuuation or research Mandalorian Lehon Expansion to see how it plays out
    and make a following progression of that or seek assistance in this.

    Endar Spire, Harbinger, Leviathan, Ravager, Harbinger.
    There are also a large number of Sith Bases & odd cut-scene modules that could be used
    to create some interesting levels and simple dungeons.

    Any doors that can not be opened should be noted because they will be part of the actual
    model rather than a functional door object, there are also doors that lead out of the map
    altogether, these should also be noted.

    Or a similar made from Korriban, Kashyyk, Manaan, Tatooine & Other Czerka pieces
    throughout both games, or a Czerka Starship, such as a weapons research facility
    like mentioned on one of the Starships in the Imperial Fleet on SWTOR.
    Look into any references in SWTOR to K2 or K1, trying to exclude Revan's fate.

    Add more to the Dantooine Jedi Enclave in both K1 & K2.
    Expand upon every planet including extras like Coruscant & M478.

    Tie M478 into the Flashpoint from SWTOR on the similar Droid Planet.

    Finish the Upgradeable Swoop bike mod by bead-v.

    It is my hope the demo will include all 5 Planets / missing areas as well as Swoop Racing and vendors, as well as be fully accessible from the galaxy map once you have no story restrictions in game.

    I am also looking for people to get involved in the project, starting with a 3D modeller for making maps and fixing geometry errors on maps, the project will also need regular beta testers and more.


    New Ideas

    These are the ideas I had planned for the upcoming demo including re-introducing cut content.


    Ideas for the completion of the Demo

    1 - Thor Merchant for Upgradeable Swoop Bike

    2 - Travel to Planets via Galaxy Map

    3 - Swoop Track Access through conversation on each planet

    4 - Conversation Travel to Underwater Manaan Base from the Sith Base

    5 - Minimap Scaling & Large Map

    6 - Text on doors and transitions.


    1 - Terminal for viewing Cameras in every map

    2 - Downloadable maps for every map

    3 - Stunt Modules & More

    4 - Force Power for Co-Ordinates

    5 - VR Simulator for Swoop Tracks & Combat Training ( Taris Arena )

    6 - Add all characters to content re-introduced for the VR Combat Training Scenarios.

    Story Ideas

    1 - Yavin introduction to Revan's choices in K2 so as to allow for K1 story Cameos.

    2 - Tatooine Introduction from single Czerka Guard at the Landing Pad

    3 - Two Face Merchant Still there talks about Czerkas Decline.

    4 - Hutt offers mission to hunt down stolen supplies by Sand People

    5 - Cantina vendor offers tips and information about Anchorhead

    Change Yavin Orbital Station into a Swoop Bike & Droid Upgrade Shop

    VR Combat Areas Planned


    There is also the possibility to re-use every map in the game in this way multiple times just using .are, .git and .ifo files to construct new modules made accessible via the VR Simulator on the Ebon Hawk.

    Telos Hanger
    Telos Polar Plateau
    Taris Combat Arena
    Endar Spire Scenario
    Harbinger Scenario
    Leviathan Scenario
    Ravager Scenario
    Star Forge Scenario

    Lots of new ideas with great potential to re use all of the original maps from both games.

    As well as many scenarios and possibility to fight bosses from both games.

    Here are some screenshots of odd items in the game I would like to use in maps and ideas I have had.







    And some ridiculously sized map I thought about making for some sort of Cloud City type Refinery with a couple of levels. ( this will probably never happen but I converted all of the maps to PNG for easy editing and to jog my memory about certain map pieces around the game that could be re-used )


    Could also be a good idea to re-use this piece of coruscant in the background of the train chase scenario / mission I had planned ( again this might not happen, its just a thought I have noted down )

    Coruscant Landing Pad.png

    0_3_2 New Mod Resource & Expanded Galaxy Version, containing a total of 251 module files.

    • Like 2

  22. Ah now you have explained it like that I can see it, does look a little strange.

    I haven't seen it so not entirely sure, have you tried an un-modded game to see if it still occurs? IE : you wouldn't have had any mods that might have changed the models to begin with?

    Not sure why this is, but I remember reading something about characters having a lot of points on them for animations, most of which the cut-scene characters do not have, though this shouldn't be the case for the main character, but perhaps the head is lacking some of these rigging points.

  23. Not sure if I am blind or just very tired, but cannot actually see what visual error you are on about in any of the pictures except perhaps one of them I can see a strange line, but not sure, maybe open the screenshot in paint and put a circle around exactly what the issue is.

    I know there have been quite a few character model fixes made though.

  24. I believe that is what subscribing to them is on Steam, though I am not sure I was reading about steam workshop mods the other day and it did say just to subscribe in order to access the mod, so I believe this is the case.

    Being that I haven't actually used the Steam Workshop for anything yet, I cannot say for sure.

    I would also imagine some steam workshop content would not be mac compatible, but I would expect it to be listed on the content.

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