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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 4 hours ago, lachjames said:

    If you'd like to try it out, please follow the instructions on the linked GitHub page's README. Feel free to DM me, reply to this post, add an issue, etc. if you have issues.

    Glad to see KLE finally getting it's public release :) though I have been using it on and off for some time now it is an amazing project and I like many others eagerly await to see how it turns out in the near or far future :D at least now I have somewhere to point people to who ask me about KLE!

    Note : For anyone interested, it is more than worth using in it's current state. It is a very capable level editor for KotOR 1 & 2.

  2. 22 hours ago, Vexxedsoul said:

    Do you have any way I could get that off of you? I'm about to make a review of the game with and without mods to show what the game can look like, I'd love to have it fully updated if at all possible, and if you can link me the files what are the extra installation steps for the M4-78 fog fix you added?

    I am personally not sure how this version works but I use

     which I subsequently added into my own project with permission.

    Perhaps comparing the effects of the two versions, their fixes / changes and how they are applied could provide a better method to fix any more fog issues in the latest versions of the game.

    • Light Side Points 1

  3. On 10/15/2020 at 10:01 AM, John Doom said:

    🙂 Yes it's Brianna. These cutscenes are still WIP, she probably won't even wear her former outfit in k3 since she's moving on from her past, forging her own path.

    Back on mdlops, I decided it was taking too long porting it to C++, so I looked for other options. I found mdledit much faster, it still won't handle super-complex maps, but it's way faster than mdlops.

    I had to fix a couple of issues to make my tool compatible with mdledit but now it works... except for one thing: directional light is gone! tbh I kind of like this stylized look, but that's not how it's supposed to be. I'm still not very familiar with k2 maps and mdledit, but my first guess is that mdledit ignores "sunlight" and expects me to use lightmaps instead. Which I don't want to build now, since maps are still subject to change. Of course the game is playable even in pitch black like this, but I'll have to solve this issue sooner or later. Any idea?


    Looking good/some great work and quick progress you have been making, great to see somebody working on new maps and content for the game in general.

    Always good to have more KotOR :D

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  4. 2 hours ago, Bwardy said:

    I really want this mod why doesn't it work with tslrcm??

    Upon examination of the files I see no real reason why it wouldn't work with TSLRCM, I think it might have been added to the site before there was a TSLRCM Compatibility option for Mods in the Download Section, though if anyone knows otherwise feel free to correct me.

    • Like 1

  5. 58 minutes ago, Zed_Baron said:

    Is there an online resource where people have uploaded successfully decompiled scripts? If not, would it be possible for someone to try decompiling the scripts from Kotor I > RIM > Modules > M12ab_s.rim? Honestly I need pretty much all of them - there aren't many. 

    I have most of both games scripts decompiled but there is still a select set that cannot be decompiled properly due to various technical issues.

    Where I have been working on a total port of K1 to K2 I have the majority of both games scripts decompiled ( at least those that will decompile )

    Strangely enough I have encountered similar times when some scripts in a bundle of scripts won't decompile at the same time, but when I split them out or into chunks they would ( though I didn't meticulously test this, so it could be a matter of forgetfulness from repetition ) Ultimately though there are still quite a few scripts that cannot be decompiled and that probably won't change anytime soon.

    From a quick look at the M12AB folder / level from my Port, the only script I could not decompile is "k_heartbeat.ncs" the rest of the scripts from that level should decompile just fine.

    Is it just that script that doesn't decompile? If so, that's just a problem you will have to deal with / work around.

  6. On 8/17/2020 at 3:25 PM, LoneWanderer said:

    Very ambitious project and impressive results so far, @Thor110!

    Thank You, it is quite ambitious and may take years to complete.

    On 8/17/2020 at 3:25 PM, LoneWanderer said:

    Will visiting these planets be mandatory or optional?

    The new storyline / quests will all be optional.

    On 8/17/2020 at 3:25 PM, LoneWanderer said:

    Are you planning on creating entirely new side quests or reusing the majority of the side quests from K1?

    Entirely new main and side quests for the K1 planets set in the K2 era.


    Though I have been slacking a little bit recently ( taking a break ) I will be back to working on both Expanded Galaxy Projects soon, the Port is very nearly done and will require an Expanded Galaxy all of it's own to introduce the K2 planets into K1 in K2s engine.


    I am almost always on the Discord if anyone wants to get involved, ask me questions, offer suggestions, test or anything else etc


    Update : Check the first post in this topic or the Discord for more information and links to 0.9.4 & the 0.9.5 patch! ( Up to 0.9.8 patches available and a standalone release on the Discord sever for the project )

    Extra : YouTube Video below with a lengthy description of the state of the port part of the project! I have also finally been working on the main project again!

    Install Instructions for the project in the video below. ( Inside the spoiler box )




    • Like 1

  7. 4 hours ago, Magnetiicz said:

    Would it be possible to get the map to a close up resolution

    You could do that piece by piece but I think a better idea is to figure out the correct scaling for each map, you could use the minimap itself as a guide for that and then render the level as an image to either create the minimap from in Photoshop or I know through rendering techniques borders can be applied etc but again I am unfamiliar with that

    I still haven't done that much looking into it yet because I am not very good with 3D modelling.

    KotorMax and NWNMax have a Mini-Map maker button that according to forum posts only works in 3DSMax, I wonder has anybody tried it out?

  8. 51 minutes ago, Kexikus said:

    The problem is mainly the missing geometry when viewing the area from above and the issue of getting the lightmaps into Max. Doing this manually for each mesh would take forever.

    Luckily for the K1 minimaps they don't use the lightmaps so I don't need to worry about them, but for this idea modifying KotORMax to load the lightmaps as well when loading a level via the layout file is probably the best approach.

    I am not even sure how to manually apply them, perhaps that could be assigned to a macro as well.

  9. Interesting idea and correct me if I am wrong, but couldn't the entire map be rendered at once? Just import to Blender with KotorMax and use the .lyt file to arrange the level, then use top-down rendering techniques to make a map from it, I am almost certain I have seen a technique / tutorial somewhere for rendering a whole level to a minimap at once, I shall have to track it down.

    At some point I need to re-render the K1 maps for K2 anyway so I might look into this as well ( won't be any time soon though ) as for setting up the lightmaps, I do not even know how to apply the lightmaps myself, using GMax and KOTORMax it's relatively simple to get the whole level loaded in.


    • Like 1

  10. Coruscant Patch

    This makes the Coruscant Mod compatible with TSLRCM & M478EP.

    After Installing TSLRCM 1.8.5, M478EP 1.5.1 and the Coruscant mod, drop the files included into the Override folder for the game.

    If you encounter any issues feel free to let me know.


    Edit : It seems this patch is already available and widely tested, for those that requested it you might want to check that out, for those that requested it on Steam Workshop, I suggest not using the Steam Workshop. At all.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  11. 2 hours ago, Kexikus said:

    If so you can then maybe start checking for differences in the modules as it's obviously not the dlg file that's the issue.

    Damn I feel stupid now, I have analysed / compared the files so many times against vanilla levels and there are effectively 0 differences in the modules.

    Turns out it was the lack of a .vis file which will remain in my project until the models are fixed.

    Still it seems strange to me that it shows in vanilla resolutions without a vis file.

    Edit : I only had one level I could even compare against to check that which is Yavin Station thanks to @Effix who also toyed around with porting Yavin Station but fixed the models and their vis file as opposed to just converting them with MDLEdit as I did and allowed me to use those files.

    I basically dis-regarded the vis files because the dialogs worked in vanilla resolutions and as far as I could tell only affected the force speed blur, how foolish of me.

  12. 2 hours ago, Ashton Scorpius said:

    You've probably gotten the DLL entry point errors on startup.

    The Aspyr version's bug with lightsaber hilt textures is hard-coded. If nothing else works, then your dialogue issue likely is too.

    Yeah, I didn't expect it to work I just decided to play around with the files.

    M478 has working one-line dialogues in the Aspyr version, so I feel like I am missing something, but again copying a dlg file from M478 to test in levels I am working with gives the same problem.

  13. One Line Dialogues in the Aspyr Version of the game do not seem to work in my project's levels in any of the newer resolutions, but appear in all the original resolutions.

    I have searched high and low for an answer to this question, I have also tirelessly tried to figure it out myself but it doesn't make any sense to me.

    The way I have tested this is by taking a dialog from a level already in the game, that works in the new and old resolutions ( specifically 000twid.dlg from 207tel ) which I re-used in one of the levels I am working on, however it still doesn't work, I have compared the utc and dlg files as well as the levels in general and can't find a definite causal link.

    For a little while I was playing around with the Miles folder and thought that might be the issue, because replacing the Miles folder with the original Miles folder actually breaks all dialogs in the game removing all voiceovers, so theres a possible link to the dialog files. I tried various combinations of the files within the Miles folder to no such luck though I hardly expected it to work I just thought it was worth analying the files that are different between the 4CD and Aspyr versions of the game, most swaps cause error messages or the game to lag quite heavily on startup and in the dialogue menu itself.

    Thanks for any help provided.

  14. On 3/5/2019 at 7:18 AM, xtprojects said:

    Thanks for the response, Mephiles550! Once everything is working correctly I will try to make a video of this. I can say the black Vulkar module works great on Xbox! No issues at all!

    There is only one last thing to fix, and that is why do any new .mod or .rim files never work?, pretty much any new area on Xbox will not work. I have full faith it will be figured out.

    1 Have you created a custom ISO of the game and checked the ini flags so that it can load content from the console itself? Or included that custom content in the ISO itself?

    Also sorry to resurrect a possibly dead topic but March 5 2019 isn't that long ago to me.

    2 : I was also wondering did you create _a and _adx rim files for the new levels? these module files contain the various models associated with the levels, at least for KotOR2 this is the case and as I plan to try and get the main KotOR2 mods working along with my own project if possible.

    I am pretty sure no matter what you will either need to edit and build around the K1 DLC or create a custom ISO of the game, I was thinking about using the K1 DLC as a template to build a K2 DLC / Xbox installer file for K2 mods.

  15. On 6/18/2020 at 1:00 AM, Sithy_Kayse said:

    But, making Revan the main character wasn't the only suggestion and it was just a suggestion.

    I understand and just felt the need to clarify why that wouldn't work. ( maybe for some people it would ? ) but I don't see it myself.

    The name of your character would be possible to transfer across as it could be pulled from the save file.

    I believe the final love interest was not actually something we discussed though it seems so obvious now.

    As for same-sex that would make it rely on more mods but again it could be done.

    Having Revan have the same head as the player chosen head would also be possible.

    As for Revan being a companion or main character again, the only way that would fit into the story would be as a sequel. ( this is something I have actually considered for my Post-K2 project but is not something I will be working on until after my main two projects )

    I struggled to read through your suggestions as they are all bunched together ( I do this myself sometimes but I try not to in Forums / open discussion ) but I have tried to answer them for you and hopefully some of these ideas might be useful for lachjames or anyone else that makes mods that rely on this project.


    • Like 1

  16. 11 hours ago, Sithy_Kayse said:

    The possible ability to make Revan, not Revan.

    I believe you are misunderstanding the purpose of their mod.

    Their mod and the tool they made for it, currently allows players to skip Attons conversations in regards to the gender and force alignment of the player in the first game.

    Due to the fact that we are talking about Revan & The Exile and two different stories entirely, I don't think there is any plan to try and make both games use the same main character as a few people seem to have suggested / got the idea that it will work this way.

    At the moment it just makes it so that the player does not have to discuss Revan with Atton on Peragus, but there are plans to make it so that it effects other things that could be carried over from the first game, such as whether or not certain characters are alive in the second game.

    • Like 1

  17. Because it's a mod made for the first game not the second game and it is modifying the master AI script.. considering HK is an NPC & will use the script "k_ai_master.ncs" I am quite confident that will be the issue.

    Also in your other post you explicitly only mentioned M478 & TSLRCM, not listing the other mods would have made it impossible for the author of TSLRCM to diagnose your problem, hopefully this solves the issue for you anyway.

  18. "Repeating blaster attacks restoration" is a K1 mod as far as I can tell, so that is likely to be your issue.
    No guarantee / promises though.

    Having looked at the files for the mod and using the findrefs utility to search the second game, it seems using that mod you are overwriting "k_ai_master.ncs" which is present in both games.

    Removing that might / hopefully solve your issue.

  19. I am not 100% sure I will include the RoR heads with the project yet but I was thinking of both including it as an optional package and releasing it as a separate mod so that people can use the heads and races from RoR in regular K2 but I will see how it goes when I get around to it.

    On 6/3/2020 at 4:49 AM, Logan23 said:

    I have been talking to Thor110 lately,  and I am giving him permission to use the RoR heads in his project.

    In the meantime here are some story and design documents if anyone wishes to take a look, in truth it is a mess at the moment.

    A lot of different text documents and some images of stuff i've written on paper.

    It's not very well presented basically, there are also various design images possibly conflicting ideas who knows.


    I moved the spawn point on Malachor V to the following location in preperation for an idea to add either a cutscene on the Ebon Hawk making use of the Cockpit Background for the planet or just being there and having to use the elevator to get out onto the surface of Malachor V.


    I need to take the time to go through it and assess it's worth, I think it's all awful at the moment as I haven't properly gone through it.

    Story On Paper.7z Design Documents.7z Design Images.7z

    Below is an updated list of all mods that are included with the Expanded Galaxy Project by Author and then by order of when they were added to the project.



            - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod
            - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes
            - Kreias Vibrosword
            - Rocket Launcher Sounds

    Ashton Scorpius

            - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Idea used to unlock Ebon Hawk Map On Enter Instead.
            - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix
            - Twilek Head Fixes - Option A


            - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will use this as a base and update it to say the correct version numbers.


            - M4-78 Fog Fixes


            - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon
            - Extended Jedi Council Meeting


            - Malachor V Sideways opening doors.
            - Peragus Tweak
            - Trayus Rank Reform


            - Extended Carth Meeting
            - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses
            - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene
            - Sensor Droid Appearance Change


            - Re-scaled Trandoshans


            - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional )


            - KotOR Save Importer For TSL
            - K2 Overlay Console


            - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix
            - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional )
            - Robe Description Fix
            - Droid Anatomy Description Fix


            - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional )

    ndix UR

            - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix


            - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix

    Markus Ramikin

            - Kill The Ithorian


    • Like 3
    • Light Side Points 1

  20. Is this the quest to connect the pylons for Archon Communication?

    If so as of 1.5.1 I couldn't find it either, it's on my list of fixes to add to my own altered version of M478EP. ( though this doesn't mean it's not there for 100% I could have missed it too )

  21. 1) Here is an example script I use in one of the levels I am working on that should give you the basics, you will have to work your dialog so that it runs this script only for your NPC on whichever reply you want them to walk away on, you might also then want to use a camera so that the camera doesn't pan wherever it wants while the NPC walks away.


    void main() {
        object oRodian2 = GetObjectByTag("rodian2", 0);
        object oRodian1 = GetObjectByTag("rodian1", 0);
        object oRodian3 = GetObjectByTag("rodian3", 0);
        object oRodian4 = GetObjectByTag("rodian4", 0);

        location location1 = Location(Vector((0.1), -14.1, 0.1), 0.0);
        location location2 = Location(Vector((0.1), -11.5, 0.1), 0.0);
        location location3 = Location(Vector((-12.6), -10.5, 0.1), 0.0);

        vector struct4 = Vector(0.1, -15.5, 0.1);
        location location5 = Location(struct4, 0.0);

        AssignCommand(oRodian1, ActionMoveToLocation(location1, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian3, ActionMoveToLocation(location1, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian4, ActionMoveToLocation(location1, 0));

        AssignCommand(oRodian2, ActionMoveToLocation(location3, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian2, ActionMoveToLocation(location2, 0));

        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(1, oRodian2));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(1, oRodian1));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(1, oRodian3));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(1, oRodian4));
        AssignCommand(oRodian1, ActionMoveToLocation(location5, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian3, ActionMoveToLocation(location5, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian4, ActionMoveToLocation(location5, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian2, ActionMoveToLocation(location5, 0));

      //object oDoor = GetObjectByTag("sle99_exit01");
        AssignCommand(oRodian4, ActionOpenDoor(GetObjectByTag("sle99_exit01")));

        vector struct5 = Vector(0.1, -17.5, 0.1);
        location location6 = Location(struct5, 0.0);

        AssignCommand(oRodian1, ActionMoveToLocation(location6, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian3, ActionMoveToLocation(location6, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian4, ActionMoveToLocation(location6, 0));
        AssignCommand(oRodian2, ActionMoveToLocation(location6, 0));

        AssignCommand(oRodian1, ActionDoCommand(DestroyObject(oRodian1, 0.0, 0, 0.0)));
        AssignCommand(oRodian3, ActionDoCommand(DestroyObject(oRodian3, 0.0, 0, 0.0)));
        AssignCommand(oRodian4, ActionDoCommand(DestroyObject(oRodian4, 0.0, 0, 0.0)));
        AssignCommand(oRodian2, ActionDoCommand(DestroyObject(oRodian2, 0.0, 0, 0.0)));

        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(0, oRodian1));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(0, oRodian3));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(0, oRodian4));
        ActionDoCommand(SetCommandable(0, oRodian2));


    2) For a computer you just need to set your dialog type to "computer" instead of "human" on the main entry.

    3) The first script also opens a door when they get to a certain location. ( you would have to add the animation before opening the door as the NPC gets to the waypoint )

    Hopefully that helps.



  22. 5 hours ago, Kexikus said:

    Depending on what changes the two files contain it could also be possible to use TSLPatcher for that.

    Use TSLPatcher to create an installer by comparing one of the two to the vanilla version, then run that installer to patch the other one. But that only works if they change things in different places or only add entries and don't change them.

    Do you or does anyone else think it would be possible ( I might try now you have mentioned this ) to use TSLPatcher in order to update DLG files from K1 to K2 format. ( it can be done manually with K-GFF editor or they can be remade manually )

    All that needs doing is two entries need removing from the main section of every dlg file and a bunch of entries need adding to every struct in the lists, I have prepared a list / set of example files already that just contain what needs to be removed or added.

    But I might then need to make a changes.ini for every last dialog file with all the new entries for every struct in the lists, I am still hopeful a friend of mine will work on a program to update the dlg files to K2 format or that somebody will figure out a quick way to do so.

    This would be a lot of work either way, but I am looking for solutions.