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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 33 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    or my memory really has been playing tricks on me this entire time <.> I'll keep older saves around to try sciencing with.

    I am not sure to be honest, other than the encounter at the docks with five mercenaries when working for Czerka I am not aware of an encounter at the docks with the two killers seen in Jana Lorso's office. Maybe I never triggered it if it is there.

  2. 5 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    There's a reason I said relatively. I consider using KSE to forcibly activate the encounters that are supposed to happen anyway to be less of a cheat than using an exploit that doesn't actually resolve the quest; the killers appearing at the docks and then confronting you in the Restoration Zone is legitimately supposed to happen if you've done the prior steps in the quest, telling Grenn


    5 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    And people can at least point out what was or wasn't changed regarding this quest by TSLRCM (which might be better suited to a topic in that section, which I was on the cusp of making before my recent test.)

    There is no comprehensive change list of what was done to TSLRCM from what I remember seeing said somewhere around here, I think maybe it was on the KotOR modding discord.

    5 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    However, in this run they did not spawn there. I had them appear in the Lorso's office and run away as normal was able to have the conversation about that (where Grenn says he needs more solid evidence, but not the "matches our security footage" line), but no matter what I did or did not do to further advance the main quest after running into them in Lorso's office they never appeared in the shuttle bay. And so, I assumed the quest had once again borked... My attempts earlier in the year left me rather paranoid about this quest.

    Have you just made your way to the Restoration Zone to check they aren't spawning there? Also there is a tad more information on the Obsidian forums :

    Though still not all that much.

    5 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    I currently lack the skills to do anything more than adjust globals with KSE (which it turns out I didn't even need to do). My being a compulsive multitasker plus the busy semester I had has meant I've gotten basically nowhere in developing my skills, although I do hope to rectify that over the summer.

    Again I can understand that, perhaps I was a tad hot-heated earlier but I was essentially more than happy to sit and walk through the problem with you and probably even locate the variable for you to alter in KSE, but then I decided to go play some games instead and then get back to working on my own project.


    I believe these are the globals you need to alter, most likely the 200TEL_Killers_Dead, but you could try checking the other variables as well.


    • Light Side Points 1

  3. 27 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    3. Hope that as this is the KotOR modding hub, someone would know relatively offhand what things I'd have to edit in KSE to force them to spawn as they ought (both for the docks encounter and the Restoration Zone; I think the latter was spawn_killers but I'm not sure).

    Well these two statements conflict.

    28 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    I want to complete this stupid thing legit (or at least relatively so).


    28 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    2. I'm playing with TSLRCM installed (which I at least thought was obvious from the first post <.>), so I had no idea if orders of operations given for vanilla would be any good anyway.

    From what I have seen of your other posts you also have a large number of other mods installed, which can make it a pain to diagnose issues.


    What I know for certain is that once you see them talking to Jana Lorso of Czerka they run off to the shuttle bay and then you face them off at the Telos Restoration Zone.


    Dude you just replied to a comment from 11 years ago on GameFaqs... what the hell is wrong with you. Are you that majorly pissed off that the game doesn't work that you are going to go and whine at every corner of the damned internet? -


    That is not going to help your situation in the slightest.


    It sounds like you ought to get off your ass and fix it yourself... That's my thinking, heck I did.

    • Like 2

  4. 2 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals.

    This blasted sidequest is officially my arch-nemesis.

    I had hoped that TSLRCM would fix this buggy trainwreck of a sidequest that's practically luck-based to make work right in vanilla. But no, even with the RCM it breaks. Screw Obsidian's useless sloppy incompetent bozo programmers, and screw the LucasArts exec who insisted on rushing the smegging game out. 😡 They never appeared in the Dock Module after I told Dol Gren I'd seen them in the Czerka office, no matter what I took care of. And now I'm at the point where I can take the shuttle down to the Restoration Zone. Lovely...

    What's the order of operations to make this work while helping the Ithorians? If there isn't actually one, what do I need to tinker with in KSE to make this damn quest work?

    Oh this is an awkward one, you have to catch them in the Czerka compound before the final fight there when helping Czerka.

    As for while helping the Ithorians I believe you run into them at the Restoration Zone...

    UPDATE : A quick google search could have solved your problem also...

    All I googled was "ithorians escaped criminals kotor 2" and there were a lot of answers / links and a lot of people with the same problem as you.

    • Like 2

  5. 2 hours ago, LoneWanderer said:

    What is your version of WinRAR? I already explained to you before (and it seems you chose to ignore it) that files archived with new compression method of WinRAR can be opened only in modern WinRAR. Older versions and 7zip won't work.


    Can your 7zip open this archive? My version can't.

    7zip extracted the "Movie Robe Reskin" fine for me.

    1 hour ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    You explained... but five months ago - a lot of time for someone to forget in, especially if they have, say, a busy college semester. And it was on a completely different file, so it's not like looking at this one would have reminded me.

    And evidently a lot of people still aren't using this new compression method, because I've downloaded and opened archives that were made this year with my copy of WinRAR (which is version 4.10).

    Just get 7zip.

    • Like 1

  6. 8 hours ago, Sith Holocron said:

    Might I suggest asking @Logan23about this? He had to do recolor GUI elements for ROR so he's a good person to ask.

    The RoR GUI is not fully coloured, it is even less so than the above examples with a lot more of the original KotOR2 green remaining. Thanks for the heads up though.

  7. So I have been working with the KotOR 2 GUI files for sometime now.

    Thanks to another user for making a tool that can replace all the colour values in a .gui file in one go I have recoloured the majority of the menu's to be blue to match KotOR1's GUI for the port I have been working on.

    However it seems somethings are either hard-coded or difficult to locate, there are also issues with some textures that cause the item list to be slightly wrong.

    Given that this will eventually be a template for others to use to make the GUI into any colour they want, I wanted to reach out and see if anybody could help solve or determine for certain whether or not they even can be altered and if not, I may look into hex editing the .exe if it is even possible to locate the colour value amongst the compiled binary.

    So far I have recoloured nearly everything in the gui files, including the textures that are used.

    The following images detail what elements of the GUI I have not been able to recolour so far, though I haven't looked in a little while now I was hoping somebody else might have more luck tracking them down.



    The items menu.


    Save & Load Game Menu.


    The map marker, which although it is a texture file, seems to not effect it in-game.


    The party selection window.


    The quests log.


    The character sheet.


    Feedback in the settings.


    Movies from the main menu.


    Auto Pause from the settings.


    & finally the gameplay options in the settings.

    For the best part, pretty much everything has been recoloured with next to no issue.

    But many of the lists have some green from the original menu's showing through, I think some are the highlight colours in the .gui files which I need to track down.


    Such as in the Equipment menu, green still bleeds through a little bit on the equipment slot icons.

    I believe some of it is down to the textures that are used to overlay parts of the menu under certain conditions such as when they are highlighted.

    As well as that I was hoping for feedback on the idea of releasing a simple modified gui-set that is say white as well as provide a guide and possibly the tools to easily recolour all of them to your liking.


    I will continue to go through them in my own time and figure out what I can, but I was hoping a fresh set of eyes to look at the problem might help as well as get feedback on if it would be worth releasing variations or a tutorial for colouring the gui.

    UPDATE : Something I forgot to note was that all of the mouse icons / pointers are baked into the .exe, but I believe replacing the icons with those from the first game shouldn't be too difficult.

    NOTE : The following are the colour values used for the default green's seen in the game's menu's.

    Dark Green


    Light green


    Text Green


    These are the colour values displayed in the KotOR GUI Editor and contained within the GFF filetype .gui file's.

    When I have recoloured all of the icon's again I will release a basic template GUI for people to use to make their own GUI recolours for KotOR2.

    As for the mouse pointers, this will require a direct hexedit of the .exe which might not be so straightforward for everybody. Again I will work out the details and provide a tutorial to follow.


    The sample GUI I am working on and plan to release for people to use as a template to work off of to create any colour GUI they want will be using the following colour values.

    Very Light Grey


    Light Grey


    Dark Grey



    Once I have sat down and recoloured all of the icons and textures that are used in the .gui files I will release it. ( no eta as of yet, just whenever it happens )


    • Like 2

  8. 1 minute ago, JDub96 said:

    Hm. I was going to try and figure out a way to alter 2 or 3 of them so one of them turns into a Republic armor set for the player and the others become disguises for Carth, Bastila, Juhani, and Jolee since them walking around in their distinctive outfits on Taris and Korriban is a little... out of place.

    Interesting idea, I am sure it could be done.

    There is a mod called "Operation Kill Bastila" that gives Bastila a disguise she must wear, but it uses new armour altogether.

  9. 1 hour ago, JDub96 said:

    So... when I went through the files of KotOR, I found that there are around 8 different versions of the basic clothing. Would it be possible to make it so each one provides a different look from one another. For example, the default has the same look as the default Scout clothing while another looks like the NPC Republic armor?

    I would imagine a lot could be done in the way of differentiating characters using armour/clothing.

    For a while I have been thinking about turning some of the basic clothing types into armours but it would be quite a lengthy task to get into.

    So in short, it's definitely possible. At least I am pretty sure!

  10. 15 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    note the textures do not show.

    It could just be that you need to pan across to the texture paint window, though they will not show if they were not inside the folder from which you imported the ascii model.

    I found the easiest way to do this for my own project where I sometimes need access to any old random model in either game was to create a folder for both games and then fill them up with the .mdl/.mdx/.wok/.lyt & the .tga textures. ( .lyt files incase I want to load an entire level )

    In order to obtain every texture in .tga format I had to extract them all in .tpc format using KotOR Tool and then use Xoreos Tools to convert them all at once.

    Otherwise you would have to manually locate and re-apply the textures every time.

  11. 2 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    Unfortunately I can't, because with the poison unstoppably depleting my health multiple times... I got too frustrated to make a save while poisoned. That being said, the medpacs were definitely doing nothing - they heal for 16 points (at my current Treat Injury) normally, far outstripping the poison loss. Yet each time I used one the poison loss was the only change in my health bar - including when I was no longer in combat and thus able to use medpacs freely.

    I think you might be right about it being a base-game issue, that would explain the inconsistency. When trying with one of my backup save files I seemed to have it at first, but after I bailed from combat I was able to actually heal. When I reloaded to try the fight again I wound up not getting poisoned at all, so there's also randomness with the droids' attacks to complicate testing...

    Speaking of save files though, I had the "all save files have the same image" glitch pop up. Well programmed, Obsidian! *applause*

    I returned to my main save for now, after the tests on the backup - those gave me hope that maybe the game would behave now.

    The dormitory has some poison traps in it - much more consistent than fighting the mining droids - so I'll be sure to do further testing on the main save there.

    I don't experience it much and I think if you make sure that your character actually uses the item it isn't a problem.

    Where as if you use it in the menu sometimes it bugs out and doesn't apply, at least I think.

    Since I first played this game a long time ago, I became use to regularly saving in case of save corruption and bugs because I had heard that saves corrupted regularly on xbox though I played on PC I was still sure to save regularly lol

    and since I started modding it I made sure to save even more, just because it makes sense to.

    My suggestion would be less mods or more mods, there is a super large working build list / guide on reddit.

  12. I have heard some people say that medpacs not working is a base-game issue, though I always feel like it is because the medpac is applied at the end of the round which can sometimes make it feel as if it hasn't been applied because by the time it has you have also taken damage.

    But I might be wrong about this, you would have to review the combat logs and check to be sure.

  13. On 6/26/2021 at 2:14 PM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    1. A second or more of input lag is still a problem IMO.
    2. I am not imagining things:

    I am not certain on the timing or how it is on the original Xbox, but I find it isn't as delayed if you force it by say clicking both mouse buttons or clicking a mouse button and pressing a movement key.

    What I usually do is use a mouse button to swing the camera around and then press the direction I want to change to going after I have clicked on an object, I find that works better than just trying one key.

    Maybe not, I will have to properly try it out on the original Xbox at some point but overall it seems to work fine for me and a second might even be me overstating it.

    Perhaps it is where an Analog would usually be in play on the Xbox but is not on the PC.

    On 6/26/2021 at 2:14 PM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    I made sure to test from as far away as I could on things like the Workbench and Sparking Wires in the garage. I would hold the key down immediately after clicking, and T3 would refuse to deviate course every single time. And heck, before the deliberate testing I had tried holding down movement keys for sustained periods during the incident of T3 getting hung up on the ledge trying to reach the quadlaser (which counts as a container) - no response then either.

    Thank you for testing all the same, that gave me hope that the issue could be fixed.

    Maybe it is just T3, I can't say I have tested or played that level in a while to be honest. No worries.

    On 6/26/2021 at 2:14 PM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    And in fact... while I was writing this post, it occurred to me to test something I saw mentioned in connection with a similar issue (being unable to move after combat): Making sure Vsync was enabled. It's off by default, at least in the GOG version.

    I tried turning it on, and lo and behold suddenly movement canceling was working properly.

    ...Things like this make me want to see the Odyssey engine's code be released to the public domain, just so we can figure out what the crap even.

    Oh well that would make sense, I am surprised it wasn't and that you hadn't tried tweaking the settings. Either way it works now.

    That certainly would be great, but their are alternatives or open source engine reimplementation's for KotOR that are looking to be quite promising.

    I would say maybe one day they will but it is attached to the Star Wars IP so it is unlikely.


  14. 4 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

    That.... is some severe jank. The Xbox versions of TSL and K1 don't have this problem. The PC version of K1 (at least as found in the Best of PC collection) also doesn't have this problem, although it can be a bit sticky about canceling out of the auto-movement.
    Is this a vanilla issue with TSL for PC, or did some mod combo break things? I'll answer the bug report questionnaire just in case

    I think you are imagining things.

    I find that you need to press the next movement button for at least a second before it will let you cancel the movement.

    I just ran a quick test with a footlocker, a swoop bike and an NPC and I have no problems cancelling out of the movement.

    So in short, I have never experienced this issue, but I have certainly noticed that it doesn't always feel like it lets you, but that's probably more down to the timing of everything than it is the game.

    • Light Side Points 1

  15. 56 minutes ago, Neville said:

    I know you use different modeling tools (I have MDLOPS0.6, NWMAX 0.7 and GMAX), but I merged the mask and goggle hooks from an imported ASCII model of PFHC01 with an imported ASCII model of COMM_W_F for Sarna. I changed the name/Aurora Base for original format with MDLOPS 0.6 to P_SarnaH and I labeled the exported ASCII file P_SarnaH-ASCII . I checked the ASCII model code, but the hooks were not present. This has happened with multiple attempts. Do you know what could be the cause?

    I have absolutely no idea as I don't do 3D modelling for the game, at least not yet. The most I have done is some simple edits and I messed them up myself lol

    • Like 1

  16. 2 minutes ago, Neville said:

    It was an update regarding my modelling work. I have had to go into NWMAX/GMAX to place a mask hook and a goggle hook. I was told the head model was used by other characters. I know it is used by Sarna, a Tarisian noble, and Selven in KotOR. I have not had success with creating a helmet model to match the ones in my posts. A different helmet should be the last model I need.

    Yes, but you can edit your updates into previous posts as opposed to bumping them, otherwise your topic will end up nothing but posts by you and nobody is going to want to follow a thread written entirely or for the most part by one person.

    For example, I have countless updates for my project that I could post in my WIP topic, but I don't bump it unless there is really important information, such as a new patch, release or major bug fixes.

    Adding a row to a chart does not constitute an update regarding your modelling work.

    28 minutes ago, Neville said:

    I may have to create a new entry in "heads.2da" to avoid Sarna's head model interfering with such characters as Selven.

    If the above message constitutes an update regarding your modelling work, then I must be blind.

    Look, it certainly sounds like you are slowly getting there, so keep it up.

    But if I updated my topic everytime I altered a 2DA file, I would be posting every five minutes.

  17. 1 minute ago, Neville said:

    I may have to create a new entry in "heads.2da" to avoid Sarna's head model interfering with such characters as Selven.

    Edit your previous posts in future perhaps? Especially seeing as you have had so much flak for spamming already.

    Perhaps you ought to properly fill out your initial messages with your project details all tied up into one post?

    I know myself early on I did similar and had information all across my topic in varying posts by myself, but I tried to consolidate it into the initial message as well as that it makes it easier for others to follow.

    Also you really are stating the obvious here, you were actually told this the other day by another user...


    All you have to do is...

    Add New Entry, Copy existing Row to new Row, then alter as necessary.

    Literally a seconds worth of work and you made a post about it.

  18. 2 hours ago, FemmeIFatale said:

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help! Please have a wonderful day! 

    You're welcome, I wouldn't usually take on random requests but this took like 2 seconds and I wanted to avoid you or anyone else unfamiliar with kotor modding taking the time to cut up the audio only to realise that there was a much easier way to use that characters soundset.

    Guess I might release it in future as well, seems trivial / pointless, but I guess new soundsets probably change the game up a nice amount for some people.

    • Like 3

  19. 48 minutes ago, FemmeIFatale said:

    I was wondering if anyone could make clips of the Czerka Protocol Officers dialogue and set them as the player soundset?

    There is a much easier way to achieve this than cutting up the sounds from their dialogue, especially considering they already have their own soundset.

    I replaced the male and female player character sounds with the czerka officer sounds in the soundsets.2da file.



  20. 31 minutes ago, Salk said:

    Problem is: unlike what I see when I encounter enemies that use an energy shield, in my version the NPC doesn't use the ACTIVATE animation but rather the HAND animation, as if it was a Force Power. I guess it is because that is the animation assigned in SPELLS.2DA but then how does the game make NPC use the correct one?

    scroll along spells.2da and take a look "conjanim", there is also a "castanim" as well as an impact script that comes into play.

    This is set to hand for the conjure animation and self for the cast animation on #104

    There is also an impact script which contains the following. ( below is part of the script that references 104 )


        else if(nIndex == 104)
            nShield = SHIELD_MANDALORIAN_POWER;
            nIcon = 50;

    After the if/else statements is this


    effect eShield = EffectForceShield(nShield);
    eShield = SetEffectIcon(eShield, nIcon);
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eShield, GetSpellTargetObject(), fDuration);

    It could be worth taking a look at the impact script, or trying the above effect instead of the talent you are applying.

    I am not sure why the hand animation is used, but it could be that the above overrides it by the time it has begun playing, I am not 100% certain but thought I would have a look into it quickly for you.



    • Like 1

  21. 2 minutes ago, JDub96 said:

    Well I know ERFEdit is supposed to let me modify RIM and MOD files. Those are all in the Modules folder in the directory and I've installed all my mods. I just can't seem to get ERFEdit to let me actually do anything.

    Have you tried double clicking the rim/mod filetypes and getting those filetypes to be associated with ERFEdit? That is what I did. ( What operating system are you on? )

  22. 24 minutes ago, JDub96 said:

    I was just more hoping for a crash course

    Excuse the odd distraction around the middle, but there is an hour or so of me going over some of the very basics, as well as other streams of me working on my project.

    24 minutes ago, JDub96 said:

    I'm trying to also remember what the best tool for modding the .uti/.utc files were.

    K-GFF Editor is the best for modifying the general feature format filetypes from .dlg, through .utc/.uti/.utp/.are/.git/.ifo and a fair few more

    24 minutes ago, JDub96 said:

    EDIT: I'm also having a hard time getting ERFEdit to work. I hit the 'Open' option and go into the Modules folder in my directory but the application isn't recognizing any files to open.

    The vanilla game doesn't come with any .mod files I don't think anyway, you'd have to check to be certain.

  23. 5 hours ago, JDub96 said:

    So... I recently decided to get back into the modding scene and was hoping for some info. I use a number of mods, including K1 Community Patch and SotOR, and was looking for ways to unpack and repack modules so I can edit the inventories of NPCs so the mods all work in tandem. Can anyone give me a refresher on what I need to do it?

    ERFEdit is what you are looking for, but I would suggest taking a look at the Tutorials section as there is some good info in there. As well as browsing the other available modding tools on the site.

  24. 12 minutes ago, Jj117 said:

    Thank you let me try this for myself. 

    Heh, see! You thought of a quicker way than I did, I don't know why I didn't think of just replacing the 2DA lines themselves instead of the number in the .utc's, I think it's because for my project I intend to keep every appearance in both games if possible, so I sort of skipped over the obvious solution! You should be done in no time! :D

    • Thanks 1

  25. On 6/1/2021 at 2:21 PM, Jj117 said:

    hey one problem. I am using the Kotor 2 mobile version. So how do i check it? Is this process very long to make? if so then would you be able to make them?

    hey one problem. I am using the Kotor 2 mobile version. So how do i check it? Is this process very long to make? if so then would you be able to make them?


    It would take a while to track down each and every TSF soldier and it's not something I want to spend my time making, sorry. You wouldn't be able to make it on a phone no.