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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 14 hours ago, Samriel said:

    I hope my cynicism and dickish bluntness had not brought too much toxicity into this thread though. Perhaps I'm too immature for my own good.

    I think we all understand your position, it's just generally better to leave mods to die as opposed to complaining, at least in my opinion.

    14 hours ago, Samriel said:

    P.S. I wish that you are right in the end and once this mod is completed you give me a "I told you dude" notification with my depressing post/s attached. I will eagerly eat humble pie and admit that I was wrong about thinking that this mod was dead. Maybe my faith in very long projects will also be at least partially restored.

    Patience, go play another mod for a bit :)

  2. On 9/22/2023 at 4:07 PM, Samriel said:

    That said devs/modders need some actual proof that things are actually moving along and its not just their hopes that maybe "eventually" they will find time to work on the mod while for years they couldn't manage to find said time and/or motivation.

    Why does anyone need to prove anything to anyone in regards to something they are working on in their own time to give away to people for free?

    On 9/22/2023 at 4:07 PM, Samriel said:

    If Logan released a big update with lots of new content or at least posted a video (or even some pictures) showcasing at least a few minutes of new content that he keeps adding then it would make it more believable that the mod is actually being worked and not in Limbo/zombie status level/development hell sans progress.

    So your suggestion is that the devs take time away from working on the mod to showcase some fancy video that wows you?

    On 9/22/2023 at 4:07 PM, Samriel said:

    A dev diary of what has been done lately released at least twice a year wouldn't hurt either.

    Which would again, take time away from actually developing the project.

    While in some cases it's easy enough to keep track of things being done, some people aren't used to it and it can be annoying to have to stop developing just to go and write "fixed this" or "updated that" or "added this" to some log.

    On 9/22/2023 at 4:07 PM, Samriel said:

    Its a free mod so Logan owes us nothing but if one does not have the means/resources/time/motivation to get things done then maybe it would be wise to admit it instead of giving others false hope for many years while potentially lying to yourself.

    Yet you are speaking as if they owe everyone an explanation.

    You've been informed by multiple people that have actively helped develop the project with Logan that it is still being worked on, if that isn't enough, I don't know what is.

    On 9/22/2023 at 4:07 PM, Samriel said:

    Still...I apologize if I offended anyone with what I said.

    I think for everyone it's more pertinent that the latest comment isn't "mod is dead" especially when it was preceded by an update from the developer regarding work being done to the mod.

    With all that being said, these things take time and unfortunately everybody has lives to live, bellies to fill and work to do.


    P.S. I am sure there will be something to show off sooner or later.

  3. Convert it to a .bik and replace the intro movie biologo.bik or leclogo.bik, you won't be able to add an entirely new video without more hassle than it's worth so if the loss of leclogo.bik is a problem you would have to combine them into one.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 2 hours ago, Samriel said:

    even if a mod is in development for a decade or more is kinda weird I think.

    Have you ever made a mod for anything?

    2 hours ago, Samriel said:

    Would silence and disinterest be all that much better?

    No, but outright saying it's dead leads others to believe it is.

    2 hours ago, Samriel said:

    Sigh...perhaps I've grown too cynical by seeing waaaay too many EA projects where the devs are actually paid and yet all to often abandoning their projects after many as you put it "its not dead, we're working on it" messages/news.

    Oh! We can all understand that! Money doesn't always seem to get the job done does it!

    2 hours ago, Samriel said:

    Maybe your optimism and positive thinking will prove correct at the end. We will see.

    It'll get there! I really enjoyed the demo myself as I am sure many did, all in good time!

    2 hours ago, Samriel said:

    And way too many free mods with great potential being abandoned too either to a busy job, HD crash, starting a family, health problems or just mysterious sudden vanishing.

    This happens from time to time, there can be countless reasons but I have to say in recent times I have seen some incredible projects that are absolutely breathtaking!

    Including many that would be considered impossible due to legal issues, thankfully many have managed to properly defend themselves.

    So be patient :D take a look around, sometimes some of the coolest stuff pops up out of nowhere!

  5. On 9/4/2023 at 11:30 PM, Mawrak said:

    Guys, you need to understand that these kinds of projects take a lot of time, and there are often periods of routine development where important work is being done, but there isn't much to show publicly, so the only thing the devs can say is "Its not dead, we're working on it". It pretty normal stuff, especially for a hobby project.

    Logan, I appreciate the small update on how things are going, and thank you for still working on this project.

    I have to second this, rest assured they are still working on it and I help them out from time to time.

    On 9/4/2023 at 7:19 AM, Samriel said:

    Mod is pretty much dead despite the dev best intentions.

    Not all mods end up completed or get even past the demo stage.

    Too bad.

    It's comments like this that probably lead to 95% of big mods not being finished.

    Some of us just throw our arms up in the air and go, well don't have it then. DELETE.


  6. 2 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    That robe model problem has existed for more or less the entirety of TSLRCM (and was fixed in K2CP). It's not the cause of OP's Dantooine bug.

    A black screen issue is either a script or cutscene bugging out, presumably after having initially fired HoldWorldFadeInForDialog() and never gotten to firing the fade-in due to the sequence break.

    Ah of course! though from what I remember that error can cause the game to minimize so I wondered if perhaps it could cause a black screen as well.

    Still, those file name mismatches are something I have been fixing in my own project so I thought I would post it.

    Though I should have probably asked if they have any other mods installed etc

  7. 12 hours ago, tenkainan said:

    hi i have a problem with return to dantooine when kreias says we have go to enclave to see jedi counsil 

    when i land dantooine get blackscreen  a nothing happen 

    i see an error file and says : names differ: pmbmn pmbnm 
     i dont know what to do to fix it please help me 

    Drop this file in your override, it should fix the problem. Though it is a quick hexedit and not a fully rebuilt model, so please get back to me and let me know if that resolves the issue.


  8. Short Answer : Yes

    Long Answer : You would have to make it.

    Still a short answer, but you would have to determine the way to make it work and ensure that any conflicts are taken care of.

    As I don't think this is the kind of request anyone would want to take on, if they do though, more for them.

    • Like 1

  9. On 7/25/2023 at 4:25 PM, DarthParametric said:

    It's from Cortisol, creator of Holocron Toolset. It's still a work in progress, but so far it can handle installing 99% of most TSLPatcher setups. Hopefully its capabilities will be expanded in the future as well (like adding new TLK patching functionality, for example). The fact that it is open source and in Python, a popular language, means there is potential for cobbling together a custom installer as I suggested above.

    It's recently been updated by th3w1zard1 th3w1zard1/PyKotor:

    requested by DarthParametric by th3w1zard1

    Though given that you requested it, I figure you might already be aware of this.

    On 7/25/2023 at 4:25 PM, DarthParametric said:

    I don't think anyone is using it as their primary installer right now (although technically HoloPatcher is designed to be standalone and work with existing INIs). But in the future I can see abandoning TSLPatcher and migrating K1CP to it once new features are added. Plus it offers native multi-platform support.

    I am using the modified version from the3w1zard1 as my primary installer, for the Expanded Galaxy Project.


    It works well for my project currently, but it's definitely still a work in progress.


    As for this mod, unfortunately I am unfamiliar with both mods in question so don't have much to say other than agreeing with DarthParametric's comments regarding the fact you could just release a compatibility patch.

    • Thanks 1

  10. The Expanded Galaxy Project for Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords

    Main : The Expanded Galaxy Project
    Port : The Expanded Galaxy Port of KotOR1 for The Expanded Galaxy Project
    Hood : Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge for The Expanded Galaxy Port

    "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic" in "Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords"


    This is mainly still all for testing purposes, so very much consider this all still a work in progress. So expect bugs!

    TSL Expanded Galaxy ( Main ) - v1.2.3

    TSL Expanded Galaxy Port of KotOR ( Port ) - v1.2.3 ( OPTIONAL )

    Now includes a batch file called "launcher.bat" in the main game directory, that lets you pick between playing KotOR1 or 2!

    TSL Expanded Galaxy Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge Port from KotOR ( Port ) - v1.2.3 ( EXPERIMENTAL )

    Now includes a batch file called "launcher.bat" in the main game directory, that lets you pick between playing KotOR1 or 2 and or Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge!


    TODO :

    MAIN :

    PORT :

    HOOD :

    Join the Discord server and let me know what bugs you encounter!

    Discord :







    Dreshdae - Korriban


    Unknown World



    Update : The GitHub repositories have been updated so that the project can be downloaded directly from them now and installed without need to use the Releases tab or for me to prepare a specific version of the project.

  11. 5 hours ago, The Slick Obi said:

    I know, I know, dev mode - but is there a way to kind of... fudge it in retail mode? I know modding is practically impossible on the new consoles but is it there a way? Could I theoretically use some combination of a file explorer, ftp, USB stick to get the necessary files on my system?

    In theory yes, in practice probably not without a serious amount of knowledge concerning the internal architecture and operating system for the xbox series w.e

    Perhaps start by getting a full trace / print out of the games directory and files you can access, if you can access any that is, if you can make it to where you can see the Override folder, you could certainly start trying, but all it would take is a file list hidden somewhere to prevent that from firing up, maybe even crash, damage or get your online account banned, all speculation from me unfortunately as I don't own any new age consoles.

    In general though, I don't recall coming across anyone that has done so without modding their console or dev mode or dev console etc and I do try to keep an eye out for these kinds of things as I have plans to get my own mod onto the original xbox one day.

    • Like 1

  12. 2 hours ago, LadyTevish said:

    It would be nice if Bao-Dur and Mandalore could join the party on Malachor.  There is enough space in the atrium where they confront Kreia for two more people, and they could say their standard phrases like 'let's do this' or whatever if they needed to have lines, but just being there would be enough.  Kreia wouldn't need to even acknowledge them, just incapacitate them.  That would explain how Mandalore ended up in the prison cell.  And Bao-Dur could be in one of the other empty cells when the Exile rescues her party.

    I just thought it might be something someone would be interested in doing, since Bao-Dur's absence at Malachor has always seemed a little strange and there's no real in-game explanation for it.  Grenn makes a comment on Citadel Station (how do Grenn and Bao-Dur even know each other?  I don't recall a conversation option between them.  Anywho).  it's presumed he died getting HK onto the droid planet but that's never confirmed.   And if you don't activate HK, he's literally the only missing person.


    Apologies if there is already a mod like this, I couldn't find one.


    Thanks! ^-^

    I don't think there is a mod that covers this, but I am not sure it would make logical sense, given that they are busy with what is essentially the backup plan to destroy Malachor, at least that's how I saw it.

    My memory is a little hazey as I haven't played in a while and I am not as knowledgeable about the lore as some people.

    "it's presumed he died getting HK onto the droid planet" - I don't think this is entirely accurate either, the droid factory is not on the droid planet, it is on Telos. ( though how they miss you making a racket upstairs is beyond me )

    But that's my thoughts.

  13. 26 minutes ago, JackInTheBox said:

    So i'm getting blender modeling(again), baby steps. So far so good. When i try to port armor models from K2 to K1, sometimes animations break(like half break). Ok, so i searched the forums, used MDLOps and fixed the model. Ok but why. Why cant Kotor Blender figure things out on its own, why cant it export it right. Is MDLOps mandatory for ports? Where is the problem. Some node(s) misnamed. Doesnt even seem to break every model, just ones that need separate supermodel.

    They need to be recompiled using the supermodel from each game as a reference, not sure if there is a way to do so in KotORBlender but there might be, hopefully someone else can shed more light on the situation though.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mephiles550 said:

    So you just want the model and texture edits in the NPC overhaul mod that change the Sith Officers, but not the rest of the stuff in the mod?

     Which as far as everybody has said they cannot provide, maybe they can point them out but...

    at a certain point, somebody needs to come out and say it. Don't you think it's rude to be asking somebody to make you a mod every other day? @Revanbeta50

    15 minutes ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    I wanted basically what the guy who made the npc mod did he made each Sith Imperial uniform by rank and class

    So... the NPC Overhaul Mod + ???

    As people mentioned before in your previous threads, reach out to the authors and get permission to do so, or do it yourself.

    There is more than enough knowledge around here to get literally anybody started modding the game.

    6 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    I suspect, based on his previous threads, that he wants to use both the K1 NPC Overhaul + K1 Community Patch but they're incompatible so he just wants to rip the Imperial Officer models/textures from the NPC Overhaul for independent use.

    It's clear as day.

    38 minutes ago, Mephiles550 said:

    That certainly did add to the confusion at first, I'll admit.

    Not to mention the one word replies.

  15. 38 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

    If 2DA edits are involved, it would still be possible to "get" the Imperial Officers and make them a separate mod but again we can't do that publicly without permission which means someone would have to leave instructions on how this user can do it themselves.

    So they outright lied to me when they said no mods. - _ -

    Nice, kind of suspected as much, but was fed up with the constant questions by this person and wanted to find out for certain if something like this was the case, also thought I would drop enough information that perhaps it would be of use to somebody else in the future that might actually make the effort.

    3 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:


    Why lie?

  16. Once more I am not entirely certain on what you are showing.

    But at a guess you are confirming that you want the Sith Officers clothes from the Leviathan Bridge to be on the Sith Officer outside the hideout on Taris as well as maybe any other Sith Officers in the game.

    Is your game already running any mods that might alter their uniform?


    In short change 8001 to 9001 on each of the Sith Officers you wish to edit under their "Equip_ItemList" ( "g_a_class8001" to "g_a_class9001" )

  17. 29 minutes ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    There only one sith officer there

    I just want to replace all the low quality sith officer textures with the Imperial officer uniform 

    Still, I just wanted to be certain that you were on about the Sith Officer.

    Regardless of which character you were referencing, the process is as I just described.

    Maybe watch my crash course video in kotor modding where I cover the basic file types, what programs open them and what they do. ( in my tutorial series )

    I am pretty sure there is an exact step by step tutorial to changing an NPCs clothing around here somewhere anyway. ( on DeadlyStream ) : 

    Though that actually covers changing a few other things, such as the texture variation and the appearance.2da, but for the most part it still should highlight what it is you need to change.

    • Light Side Points 1

  18. 21 minutes ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    can someone send me the files to put this on all sith officers845f48e2a51ae48d1fd7db9eff2acfcd-fvi3sj8.png.4b11fdbfcd3707ebbb6792d2c2bae354.png

    You really do need to work on the way you ask questions.

    What is "this"? There are five characters in the scene...

    Open the level with ERFEdit, find the NPC you want with KotOR Toolset or Holocron Toolset ( easier to locate them with the top down map in these programs ) from there open the NPC's character sheet with K-GFF Editor as well as the other character sheets you wish to edit and change their equipment list accordingly.

    • Haha 1
    • Light Side Points 1

  19. 1 hour ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    So is there anyone that can teach me 

    I just need to know where to start and what tools I need

    There is a tutorials section on the site.

    I have also written a short tutorial series covering some of what I learnt while working on my own project.

    The first thing I would suggest you do, is get KotOR Tool, ERFEdit, K-GFF Editor, 2DA Editor and the Dialog Editor, there are a lot of programs available but these are what I use. ( KotOR Tool can work with most files, but it has always been described to me at least as quite buggy and should generally just be used to extract files from the game )

    Though saying that, you might be better off starting with the Holocron Toolset, because it has everything built into one package, realistically you want to figure out what is best for you throughout the course of learning to mod the game.

    The second thing I would suggest doing is familiarising yourself with the games file types and folder structure.

    From there it's usually just a matter of opening up levels, editing files and repackaging the module, be it manually or using TSLPatcher to inject files into existing levels.

    Then from there, peruse the tutorials and site, there is a lot of quite advanced and specific tutorials if you do enough digging around here.


    • Light Side Points 2

  20. As others have asked around here before, perhaps you could provide a little more context and information in your requests...

    This also isn't in the requests section...

    By the looks and sounds of it you just need to add Carth's head number to one of the player character entries in the appearance.2da

    Given how many requests you make, perhaps it would be wise to dive into the tutorials section of this site and learn how to yourself.