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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 22 hours ago, Jonlion said:

    Thank you. I believe it was selected, but I'm going to try one more time. Also I'm going to try 3Dmax approach if this doesn't work.

    Do you know any good guides/tutorials/methods concerning turning models into a more smooth high poly version? What approach and program would be recommended and somewhat easy to use?

    Best wishes

    Though I can't say for sure, I had a quick flick through this video and it looks pretty decent. : 

    Hopefully that helps.

    • Light Side Points 1

  2. 3 hours ago, Todd Hellid said:

    Can someone make a registry edit file of Kotor 2 64 bit 11 GOG version for me please? So it will automatically point to the game folder.

    While I am not 100% sure, from a quick glance, it looks like you would be able to use a registry edit fix from W10 if you have one.

    Alternatively if you could export and send me the registry entry you currently have I could edit it for you, but then again so could you.

    Track it down, export it, edit it with notepad, update the directory, save, then double click.

    Or upload it here so someone else can fix it for you.

  3. Tutorial Model Fix

    Warning : don't authorise or download yet, further inspection is needed to fix the issue.

    Tutorial Model Fix

    This mod fixes the model “001ebo5.mdl” from the level 001ebo, or the Tutorial level.


    Previously it had a black box surrounding the model which when shown while in the room 001ebo3 would preven the stars from being visible through the damaged part of the Ebon Hawk.


    To uninstall just delete these three files from your override folder







    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  4. End Game Free Roam

    End Game

    This mod adds free roam to Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic

    Simply finish the game and instead of the credits playing you will be warped back to the Ebon Hawk and will be able to continue your adventures or finish any quests that you might not have finished before travelling to the Star Forge System.


    thanks to tk102 for pointing out the original programmers syntax error in k_inc_ebonhawk.nss

    Known bugs

    The North & South beaches on the Unknown World have some issues and entering the Temple shows a warning about the force field which is no longer there. ( though this could just be due to the way I tested the mod )


    I have no idea what mods this will be compatible with, but it definitely won't work with any mods that alter the same files as this. ( Check Uninstalling to see what files this mod alters )

    Source files are included so compatibility patches can be made.


    Install using TSLPatcher.exe and for installation during a playthrough, you will have to go back to a point in the game where you have not set foot on the Ebon Hawk. ( so Taris ) simply because I had to alter a script in the Ebon Hawk module.


    to uninstall the mod simply delete the following files from your override folder.


    and the following files from the modules folder.


    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • K1R Compatible


  5. 8 hours ago, Gimmick5000 said:

    This is not a mod persé but a replacement .tlk file in which I've edited about 8000 dialog lines

    If it is just a .tlk file replacement it should work with Android and any other version of the game just fine. Provided it is installed to the correct location.

    On 9/16/2022 at 5:42 PM, Revanbeta50 said:

    Could it work with android and will this 

    See my reply above.

    • Light Side Points 1

  6. Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - K2


    Modder's Resource - Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - Source

    These are all of the second games textures upscaled by Topaz GigaPixel AI.

    While they are intended for use eventually with my overall project, for the time being I have handed them off to a texture artist to clean up beforehand, after which they will also be released for the standalone game as well.

    It was also suggested to me that I should upload them here as a Modder's Resource and backup for people to use when repainting any textures for the game.

    So here they are.

    The images shown aren't from the game, but they are the only reference imagery I have to show the upscaling in action.

    All TXI files as well as the few textures that had issues being upscaled in their own packages.


    • Like 2

  7. Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - K1


    Modder's Resource - Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - Source

    These are all of the first games textures upscaled by Topaz GigaPixel AI.

    While they are intended for use eventually with my overall project, for the time being I have handed them off to a texture artist to clean up beforehand, after which they will also be released for the standalone game as well.

    It was also suggested to me that I should upload them here as a Modder's Resource and backup for people to use when repainting any textures for the game.

    So here they are.

    The images shown aren't from the game, but they are the only reference imagery I have to show the upscaling in action. ( added some screenshots of the actual textures )

    All TXI files as well as the few textures that had issues being upscaled in their own packages.


    • Like 1

  8. For mods that don't have text you will be lacking edits to the dialog.tlk file

    For those that do have the text the text will be contained in the .dlg files

    As for models I believe they need to be formatted slightly differently, there's some information about it around here somewhere.

  9. 56 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    Ah, the foreman droid's eye flash is a lot easier to see, given the size. I guess the construction droid's eye meshes need a little more surface area.

    Edit: Created new eye lens mesh, although there's not much to work with in terms of the texture. Also tweaked the position of the camerahook.

    Here is the video for these edits, looks a lot better now.

    • Like 1

  10. 9 minutes ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    If u can test it it would be awesome man

    I am kind of saying it has already been tested as it is a part of my KotOR2 project and I have heard no complaints about it not working.

    As for actually testing it, I don't think my current phone would run it, unfortunately I broke my other phone a little while back.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Revanbeta50 said:

    I tried already and it crashes 

    Maybe something is missing, admittedly I could be wrong about it working as I don't really play on Android but I do own it on mobile for testing my own project, which actually contains this mod.

    And I don't recall having it brought up as an issue by anyone testing my project on mobile.

  12. 4 hours ago, spideyseth said:

    I've been modding Kotor for years, but stuff like Kotor tool in my opinion are absolutely some of the worst tools I've ever used. It was good for the time but I will never go back to it even if it's helpful, but thanks for the response.

    KotOR Tool as described by many in the community is a great can opener, but not a great tool as it's incomplete and has bugs here and there.

    Ultimately that is all I use KotOR Tool for, to unpack the original files, other than that K-GFF Editor and a few other tools are really useful to have.

    KotOR GUI Editor is also another new tool, very much worth having in my opinion.

    My point is realistically you can't rely on one tool to do it all, though I think we all have high hopes for the Holocron Toolset to do it all in the near future.

    • Like 1

  13. On 9/3/2022 at 7:44 AM, AvatartheAvatar said:

    I do not like Aspyr which I am forced to use it as the Legacy version is gone.


    The legacy version is still available on Steam, you just have to set it in the options.

  14. I would suggest not relying on Holocron Toolset to do everything for you, could be something is missing or an issue exists in the program somewhere, it's still relatively new as amazing as it is.

    Perhaps compare the git/are/ifo files to that of the original to see if something is missing, perhaps it didn't populate the room list.

    There are lots of tutorials available that are worth checking out, pretty much everything is covered in-depth if you dig deep enough.

    What I did when I started around here was grabbed every tool available and then got started learning my way around the game.


    • Like 1

  15. Above is DarthParametric's Edit.

    Below is how it looked originally ( no edits ) so it seems they already had flickering eyes, though it's not very prominent. ( update : no it's just my eyes playing tricks on me I believe, the reflection as the head moves made me think there already was a slight flicker )


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  16. Something I just mentioned to another user, I have created a set of testing rooms that contain every NPC in the game.

    Quick and easy access to seeing them all in action without having to load any saves : 

    I also created a set of rooms for Placeables and Doors, I find them very helpful for testing and quickly picking an appearance for an NPC to place in a module.

    This is the result of the files provided by DP


    And this is the result of the files uploaded by Malkior


    Though I don't have a .dlg file attached to test actual dialog / flickering, I can easily attach one, or they might exist already in the testing rooms I was starting to setup for every type of dialog / alien language, but I don't think I got too far in setting that room up.


    • Like 1

  17. 47 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

    So there's a droid type that I have seen mostly seen on M4-78 but may exist elsewhere in the game.  Unlike HK droids, this droid doesn't have lighted eyes that flash when they speak.  Is there a way to add that feature to a model?  And here's the type that I'm talking about. 2KUrePV.png

    And here's the model type:

    If this is something that interests you but you don't have the ability to work on, please add a like to show your support. 

    Didn't you write a tutorial on adding animated textures?

    Wouldn't you just be able to animate it and add the parameters to the .txi?
