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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. Go check out the tutorials section, or download my test rooms, find the appearance number you need and go hunt down each of the .utc files for the soldiers whose appearance you wish to change.

    You will need K-GFF Editor, KotOR Tool & ERFEdit, plus possibly KotOR Toolset to more easily track down the soldiers you wish to alter.

    • Like 1

  2. 45 minutes ago, Neville said:

    I had the CD version installed, but the script should have compiled anywhere.

    Scripts compile in the folder/directory of the first opened script in kotor scripting tool, for example if you open one script and then another in another folder, they will compile to the first folder, I find this frustrating but am use to it now.

    If you had the CD version installed then I am guessing you uninstalled it, which would have deleted the registry entry for it. lol

    You can either recreate the registry entry as shown in one of the links I posted or you can reinstall it.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Neville said:

    I have been looking all day. I have "nwscript.nss" in my Override folder, and I do not understand why the program stopped recognizing the Steam version.

    Just correct the registry entry or add another one specifically for KotOR Scripting Tool.

    Did you happen to install it from disc the other day and uninstall it? Pretty sure I read that you did in one of your posts from the other day.

    Also as for

    6 hours ago, Neville said:

    I do not understand tutorials on destroying the original NPC,


    void main() {
        if ((IsAvailableCreature(0) == 0)) {
            AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(0, "end_trask");
            DelayCommand(0.1, ShowPartySelectionGUI("k_pend_reset", 0, 0xFFFFFFFF));
            DelayCommand(0.1, DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, 0.0));
            ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(), "end_trask01", 0, 0, 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0);

    Depending on what is firing

    If the character that you want to delete fires the script for example from a dialog initiated with them you would simply use the following line

    DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, 0.0);

    the above example is from the Endar Spire.

    It checks if slot 0 is free

    then adds trask to slot 0

    then sets the area to be unescapable ( can't change party )

    the next two lines are set to a short delay of 0.1 seconds.

    the first delayed line shows the party selection screen via a script and forces you to select slot 0, then sets the second forced slot to -1 or 0xFFFFFFFF

    the second delayed line then destroys itself ( this would be Trask )

    before starting the conversation with the player character using the dialog "end_trask01"

    which will start the dialog with yourself but because Trask is now present behind you after being added to the party, the conversation is started with them.

    I cut out a few lines from the above example that won't be relevant to you.

    The solution is fix the registry or install to the original directory. ( alternatively you could try dumping dialog.tlk, chitin.key and the override + nwscript.nss ) into the original directory, I am not sure how much of the game it actually needs.

  4. Just now, Neville said:

    How do I do that?

    Try following one of the links I sent you and forget about the fact it mentions kotor tool for a moment, read some of the other comments and see that people have the same problem as you, then continue reading to the comments that mention how to solve said issue...

  5. 30 minutes ago, Neville said:

    KotOR Tool is set to the proper directory. KotOR Scripting Tool will not recognize it, and now will not compile my original source script. I tried uninstalling the CD version of the game and the Scripting Tool, then reinstalling Scripting Tool. Scripts will not compile. KotOR Scripting Tool states it needs C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR

    This is my script.

    void main()
    object oTarget;
    oTarget = GetObjectByTag("tar02_sarna022");

       DelayCommand(1.5,DestroyObject(oTarget, 0.0));
         AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(0, "p_sarna");
         DelayCommand(1.5, ShowPartySelectionGUI(0));

    Then follow the instructions to correct your registry like I linked to with my first reply...

    Or add another registry entry that matches the one required but points to your actual install location.

  6. 1 minute ago, Neville said:

    My spawn script compiled correctly with KotOR Scripting Tool, which uses NWNNSSComp. It had errors when I attempted to compile recruit script.

    Then presumably something is written wrong in the script... why don't you post the code for your recruit script instead.

    From reading your main post from what I can tell all you are trying to do is a few simple lines of code.


    void main() { 
    AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(0, "end_trask");
    ShowPartySelectionGUI("", 0, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    The first line adds the NPC by the template file named to slot 0

    The second line shows the party selection screen with slot 0 forcefully selected.

    The above script definitely compiles as I just checked it.

    Try recompiling your spawn script to see if kotor scripting tool itself is still set up properly, it sounds like you need to alter your registry.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Neville said:

    KotOR Tool is working. KotOR Scripting Tool will not allow scripts to be compiled, and there are other problems. I cannot clearly determine why recruit script will not compile.

    Again try looking around, there are multiple answers to the same question as well as suggestions to not be using the compiler you are using and to instead use nwnnsscomp.

    The above topic points to the first topic and both suggest updating your registry for the failed to find NWNStdLoader issue.

    I use KotOR Scripting Tool with NWNSSComp.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

    Which Coruscant one? I edited the galaxy map_gui file from Coruscant_Map_and_Textures mod.

    The one that contains gal_cor, the last one in the extent list which was set to 11 needs to be changed to 20.

    Not both of those in the list that are set to 11, it is a single list, if 2 number 20s would break it, 2 number 11s would too.

  9. 2 hours ago, Todd Hellid said:

    I'm confused neither of my galaxy map_gui files from Coruscant_Map_and_Textures and Jedi Temple Mod 1.0 look like yours. I don't know what to change?

    Upload the file here and I will take a look, only galaxymap_p.gui. Best thing to do is View > Fold All and then find what you are looking for alphabetically.

    So View > Fold All

    Struct + Controls + StructID ( likely the last one in the list )

    then ensure that it has the left/top values.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

    How do I fix it with K-GFF ?

    Go to struct ID 20 and check that it has the LEFT / TOP fields under EXTENT, if it does not copy and paste them from another struct or create them with the relevant names / numbers / field types as shown in the above image. Essentially from the error log it appears the two entries highlighted inside a red box are missing.


  11. I don't know where that is quoted from, nor the relevance to the topic or the differences in version between 1.0 and whatever other versions might exist.

    It seems your galaxymap_p.gui is missing either the entire entry or just the left / top fields under EXTENT. ( I included a full screenshot of Coruscant's information, but things will probably be different for your file.


    You could open it up with K-GFF and attempt to fix it yourself, alternatively you could try or see if any of the other fixes work as there are many Coruscant compatibility patches.

    If I am honest I do not know what the expansion actually adds to Coruscant, I thought it was just a new planet icon and texture.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

     • Installation started 5/15/2021 6:02:01 PM...
     • Installing unmodified files...
     • Replacing file gal_cor_2.tga in the override folder...
     • Replacing file Gui_coruscnt.tga in the override folder...
     • Copying file Gui_coruscnt.txi to the override folder...
     • Copying file CM_coruscant.txi to the override folder...
     • Copying file CM_coruscant.tga to the override folder...
     • Modifying GFF format files...
     • Modifying file "galaxymap_p.gui" found in Override folder...
     • Modifying GFF file galaxymap_p.gui...
     • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\LEFT" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
     • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\TOP" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
     • Warning: No changes could be applied to GFF file galaxymap_p.gui.
     • Done. Changes have been applied, but 3 warnings were encountered.

    Did you install everything required for it / mentioned on the page for it?


    In order for this mod to work, you need to have deathdisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple installed, that can be found here:
    You'll also need HK-42s Jedi Temple Expansion mod for the New Icon and Planet Texture mod to work. You can find it here:
    If you have M4-78 EP installed as well, you'll also need to install the compability patch before installing this mod:
    And last but not least, you'll want to install bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix, or installing the Coruscant AddOn would be pretty pointless:

    Sounds like a missed step.


  13. To be honest I hardly looked into it, I just wanted to give it a go and then decided to take a prod at Republic Commando because I have already been tinkering with the cooperative levels.

    1 hour ago, Malkior said:

    I see. I just looked up both of those upscaling techniques, and it might be easier to vary which is used on which type. For example, ESERGAN was trained to use Manga images (Which probably explains the oil painting results)

    Good to know I should definitely look into some of the other models available. If you know of any feel free to drop a link.

    1 hour ago, Malkior said:

    However, I understand that this would interfere with how quickly you accomplish these, so hopefully there's just an AI algorithm out there that can handle metal rather than adjusting them by hand. If not, at the very least your work on smaller things like switches and more natural decorations like the Kashyyk greenery will be able to be upscaled.

    This is essentially the plan, though either way picking and choosing what turns out the best is going to be a lengthy process.

    I am not so great with GIMP or Photoshop anyway, though once a technique is nailed down for the game's textures hopefully I can work through them all quite quickly.

    That looks good.

    The lengthy part at the moment is just me figuring out how to do things in GIMP that are probably really easy / simple to do.

    Specifically cutting out colour channels and recombining them after upscaling.

    Now I think back on reading up when ESRGAN came out, I remember reading that it was trained on Manga also, so thanks for checking that out / mentioning it as I may have just forgotten about what it was trained on and kept going.


  14. 8 minutes ago, Malkior said:

    Which upscale program are you using? I know some of them come with tweakable features, and while they generally sharpen fine details quite well, the algorithm will sometimes guess a little too much on what gradients look like and you're left with that oil painting look. 

    You could also open the before and after in Photoshop and remove the strange patterning by using a mask layer. (Gimp also has similar features, but I'm not as familiar with it)

    Always good to see Republic Commando getting a fresh coat of paint, though. :)

    I have been using Cupscale and ESRGAN.

    Currently toying around with it on stream ( )

    For now I have split the textures into three categories, those that need the alpha channels removed or separated and eventually need recombing

    and then the bumpmaps,

    as well as those that don't need altering.

    For now I have just been upscaling them, applying a mean curvature blur and then the sharpen filter ( unsharp mask ) then exporting and importing them.

    Those with transparency or at least some of I have been able to upscale using the transparency option in Cupscale, however it doesn't play nice with all of them.


  15. Another favourite game of mine alongside the KotORs that I felt deserved some attention and upgrades.

    Slowly I have been working on AI Upscaling the textures for the game.

    Unfortunately many come out looking like oil paintings, however some appear to look a lot better than the originals.

    So it will take some time for me to pick and choose between the best upscales vs the original textures which look better in-game.

    Comparison Screenshots




    Computer Console


    Geonosian Starship


    Unfortunately it will take me quite some time to get through it all and being that I am not a texture artist they may still need some work.

    Transparency Issues


    As ESRGAN doesn't handle transparency so well ( though there is an option and it has worked for some textures ) many textures will require manually editing in order to correct the transparency.


    Though some textures have managed to upscale just fine even with transparency using ESRGAN which I find to be a little odd, nevermind.


    I am also hoping to fix up the existing COOP levels for the game.


    Currently I have compiled a mod-list / build list of existing mods that heavily improve the game, introduce cooperative levels etc which is available on my Discord :

    It still needs a little work before it's ready for people to use.

    As for the texture pack I am not entirely sure if I will even release it yet, simply because so many textures come out looking kind of nasty or very much like an oil painting.


    Which for some textures isn't noticeable but for others it stands out a mile off.

    It has also been brought to my attention that the BSP for many textures needs remaking by hand.



  16. On 5/14/2021 at 4:36 AM, ebmar said:

    Thor110 might have best answers to resource in question [as the author], but in general perhaps this particular post can helps --

    Unfortunately I have been unable to figure out where @Whyp is going wrong with this module or why parts of the map are not showing up.

    As I understand it they have ported it from scratch several times and tried to use the files from my modders resource but everytime it comes around to changing the textures, parts of the map are no longer there and I am not sure why.

  17. 1 hour ago, Obi Wan Pere said:

    Some time ago I used this tutorial for make my own Loadscreen. It's for KotOR 1 and can't assure it works for TSL but I guess it's the same process. I hope it helps you.

    They are looking to add custom loading screen hints which are story specific, these are listed in loadstoryhints.2da and seem to be unlocked by area / planet, but I couldn't determine which numbers corresponded to which planet / area or how the game determines / checks if / when you have been there.

    I need to do it at some point so when I look into it I will let you know for sure.

  18. 25 minutes ago, Neville said:

    KotOR Items in TSL

    View File

    It always bothered me that TSL changes textures and stats of weapons from KotOR. I have restored most ranged weapons and some armors. I will try to change more. Put the .uti files in your Override folder to have these items back.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


    Congrats / that's ironic I was considering releasing this myself as I just ported all KotOR items to TSL that were not present. Did you make them upgradeable as well?

  19. For creating a portrait I think most people load the model up in Blender and place a simple shaded / coloured background behind them.

    Though you could always use gimp or photoshop to edit it and give it a similar background to the other portraits in the game.

    As far as I know portraits are listed in the portraits.2da file


    and then referenced by the associated number in .utc files by PortraitID


    I use K-GFF Editor and 2DA Editor to access these filetypes, the above is an example of the Yuthura Portrait added in my port of KotOR1 to KotOR2.

    This should be everything you need to add a custom portrait besides the making of the portrait itself.

    Perhaps you could edit one of these.



    Hopefully that helps, you may need to edit it somewhat.

    • Like 1

  20. Expanded Galaxy Project 1.0.7 Update ( Project & Patches available on ModDB, NexusMods & Discord ) Demo Available on DeadlyStream.

    Currently that I know of RoR, K1 & K2 can now all be played through in full under the same installation using the templates I provide to swap between them. ( I haven't tested the RoR demo in a little while now but it should still all work fine, I have tested K1 in full multiple times throughout the course of working on 1.0.6 & 1.0.7 as well as have tested K2 up to leaving Telos Academy and tested the latter half of the game multiple times before )

    I also have a template that works and allows you to install TJM at the same time as well, but I am awaiting permission to release it.


    It is also now possible to use the RoR heads in K1 & K2, by installing the Expanded Galaxy Project ( you don't have to install the port, but the templates will be required to swap between K1, K2 or RoR.



    To do this simply install Expanded Galaxy Project for K2, then install RoR on top of that, then use the template from the Port to swap back to K2 ( K2E Install Template )

    Then copy appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da from the RoR template or install over to the override folder.

    The above template allows you to swap back to playing RoR.


    Hopefully this makes sense to people and is a valid enough excuse to bump my own topic.

    The overall goal of the project once again is to improve both games as much as physically possible within the limitations of the original engine.


    K2 Main Expanded Galaxy Project ( 1.0.7 )



    Bao-Dur now uses his arm properly on all the force fields in the military base?.!

    Patch Notes


    the damaged section of the ebon hawk has been converted into a placeable object

    Ebon Hawk Armband Added ( given during council quest starter on coruscant or the ebon hawk )

    one of the unused doors has been restored to genericdoors.2da

    galaxy map should be correctly set to telos after leaving the academy now

    K1 Port Expanded Galaxy Project ( 1.0.7 )



    What lies behind Freyyr in the new patch!.?

    Patch Notes


    Manaan, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Lehon, the Leviathan and the Star Forge balancing issues have been resolved

    Trask set back to Level 4 on the Endar Spire

    Alien Dialog should be fixed on all planets now

    Taris & Ebon Hawk Armbands now allow you to select your party when returning to your previous location.

    liv_m99aa - Suvam Tan on Yavin Station now has the correct appearance

    tar_m02ac - Kebla Yurt on Taris now has a placeholder appearance

    tar_m02ab - T3-M4 joining now has the correct dialog

    tar_m03ae - Canderous joining now has the correct dialog

    tar_m04aa - Mission joining now has the correct dialog

    tar_m05aa - Zaalbar joining now has the correct dialog

    Dantooine Enclave Sublevel added

    korr_m33aa Appearances for various characters fixed

    tar_m08aa - ebon hawk ramp dialog fixed

    Dantooine Kath Hound Sounds Fixed

    all journal entries planet id's updated and various dialog.tlk file strings updated to contain mission location
    to make up for the lack of an associated planetid for places like the Star Forge, the Ebon Hawk, Endar Spire or the Leviathan

    ebo_m12aa - dialog for galaxy map fixed

    kas_m25ab - lost shadowlands level and entrance to/from added

    kas_m24aa - When Jolee joins it now has the correct dialog

    Kashyyyk - katarns now have the right death sounds

    danm17 - dantooine enclave sublevel added ( the laigrek, containers and items remain from k2 )

    lev_m40ac - canderous dialog now has voiceover

    after leaving the leviathan it no longer plays the animation taking off from the planet you just left

    correct planet destination is now set on the galaxy map and leaving movie is set correctly also

    can no longer leave dantooine early

    dantooine is now stricken from the galaxy map after the leviathan sequence

    A lot of the basic problems have now been worked out and though there is a lot left to fix and improve still, construction is well underway.

    Random Desktop Backrounds!





    Thanks to everybody that has helped the project so far and continues to do so, though it is still just me working on the project for the best part I continue to see new and interesting releases every day as well as receive useful / helpful advice from many, now with the majority of the issues out of the way I can finally begin building on the first game as much as possible and importing variables over from savedata that will allow for changes to be made to the second game using the save importer by lachjames which can easily be modified to import other variables.

    It is my hope to have the overall outlook of each planet in the first game reflect the initial outlook of each planet in the second game.

    As well as have a strong story revolving around the main character / companions and another simple galaxy crawl and search for this or that.

    In the case of K2 that will be the Padawans to the Masters that were on Katarr during the devastation of the Jedi, or something along those lines.

    For K1 that will be something surrounding getting in contact with the Council for better or for worse to discuss what happened to you.

    For now the RoR heads / species is optional and do not have specific stat boosts in K1 or K2.

    Thanks for reading and keeping up with the project.

    This is a short trailer for the KotOR Port a part of the Expanded Galaxy Project, made for me by CatDaddy407, so a big thanks to them for that! I thought I would drop a link to the video here for people to see, though it doesn't show anything special it does highlight the state of the project quite well.

    Note : The port is currently not available on DeadlyStream and is only available on ModDB or NexusMods.
    Note : The port is an add-on for the Expanded Galaxy Project.


    UPDATE : Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomons Revenge Preview


    Upcoming Port Patch Notes ( Dialogs Fixed, Missing Scripts Decompiled & Recompiled + Animations Fixed & More )



    some scripts cleaned up and recompiled


    scripts cleaned up / recompiled
    dialog NodeIDs sorted


    scripts cleaned up / recompiled
    dialog NodeIDs sorted


    dialog NodeIDs sorted


    dialog break fixed on the bridge with trask
    dialog NodeIDs sorted


    journal entry added at correct time
    door to carth now opens properly
    dialog NodeIDs sorted


    dialog NodeIDs sorted

    with the NodeIDs sorted for all the dialog files in the above levels
    everything for Endar Spire through the Stunt cutscene and all of Upper Taris
    should be free of dialog skipping, further testing is required.

    Star Forge NodeIDs Sorted

    Yavin Station NodeIDs Sorted

    Leviathan NodeIDs Sorted

    Stunt Module NodeIDs Sorted

    tar_m03af - swoop announcer dialog fixed

    tar_m02ac - lab station added to Zelkas Medical Facility

    All Relevant K1 Items Updated to be Upgradeable

    tar_m02ac - cantina door no longer shows security

    endar spire - doors now have appropriate health values

    zaalbars global dialog is fixed

    t3m4s global dialog is fixed

    hk47s global dialog is fixed

    any scripts that exist in the override have been removed from modules to reduce install size by not much at all

    Zone Catalogue Scripts Triggers & Placeables Removed from all levels

    consular and sentinel classes should be properly granted now

    Unknown World Temple Force Field can no longer be blasted with mines

    Kashyyyk Force Field can no longer be blasted with mines

    Dantooine correctly locked out after the leviathan sequence

    Manaan is no longer absent from the galaxy map

    Workbench in temple on unknown world now has K2 functionality

    Taris workbench now properly opens after the initial dialog

    airlock doors on Manaan can no longer be blasted with mines

    The mission by the name of "Energy Emitter Mk 3" is now correctly titles "Premium Merchant"
    strings 49998 & 49999 are used in global.jrl instead of the previous strings 42??? & 43???

    Saving Hendar in the Taris undercity now correctly grants light side points when speaking to Hendar

    Letting the Vulkar / Ex-Bek live in the Vulkar base now correctly grants light side points

    Bastila now rejoins the party when added back to the party towards the end of the game

    Ebon Hawk is now in space after leaving the leviathan

    A lab station is now available on Manaan in the Kolto Distribution Center

    A lab station is now available on Kashyyyk at the Czerka Facility

    A lab station is now available on Dantooine at the Aratech Mercantile Store

    A lab station is now available on Tatooine in the Droid Store

    A lab station is now available on Korriban in the Sith Academies Interrogation Room

    A lab station is now available in the Temple on the Unknown World in the Armory

    A lab station is now present on the Ebon Hawk

    The workbench on the Ebon Hawk now has the correct appearance of a workbench instead of a lab station

    Sith Base Passcard is no longer a stack or an upgrade item and has its own unique strings 49996 & 49997

    ebo_m12aa - Zaalbar, T3-M4 & Sasha now have audio for their dialog on the ebon hawk
    ebo_m40aa - Zaalbar & T3-M4 dialog audio
    ebo_m40ad - Zaalbar & T3-M4 dialog audio
    ebo_m41aa - Zaalbar & T3-M4 dialog audio

    more NodeIDs sorted ( entry, reply & starting lists in each entry of each dialog file )
    Endar Spire, stunt_00 & All of Taris have the NodeIDs sorted properly
    Hopefully dialog skipping will not occur anymore and I will also fix the rest eventually

    repute.fac removed from levels where it was still present

    all of the global dialog nodeid's sorted

    NodeIDs sorted up to the first level of Dantooine...

    k2 workbnch.dlg NodeIDs sorted

    doors appropriately locked with a key required to prevent security being usable when it isn't needed
    001ebo / end_m01aa

    100% of the port's dialogs NodeID's sorted

    000_medstation.dlg NodeIDs sorted

    Some Animations Fixed and all models that contain animations have been reconverted with the proper supermodels

    four files added to both templates ( these will be removed in future if possible to minimise bloat )
    galaxymap_x.gui ( might not be needed )
    l_drdprot02.mdl ( sort of fixes the protocol droids model on Taris )
    l_drdprot02.mdx ( etc extension data for the above model file )
    swoopup_p.gui ( coloured gui for the swoop upgrades )

    all levels recompiled with many missing scripts added

    galaxy map script updated again

    Construction Complete!


    The Expanded Galaxy Project or at least it's foundations are finally! no longer under construction...

    This means a lot of things.

    It has also come to my attention that many people think Shadow should be voiced due to being such a main character.

    Which means I might be starting to look for voice actors to help with the project. ( Primarily to voice Shadow and replace Voiceover from Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomons Revenge )

    As well as Writers, Modders, Modellers, Texture Artists and Testers.

    From here on out I am looking to write a story or set of stories that tie both games together.

    As well as continuing to enhance what already exists in both games as much as possible.

    And beginning to focus on implementing new content and merging content from all three parts of the project in order to allow for greater freedom in future mods.

    I will also be releasing all of the source from both projects or rather I will continue to package the .nss scripts with each and every module as well as the Override folder until the project is much more complete which means people can use all of it to learn from and use to make mods for the game.

    If and where possible I will write more tutorials and continue to document whatever I work on for the project to the best of my ability.


    Quick Update

    I have fixed the broken walls of Sleheyron and Manaan!


    Kashyyyk's broken level was fixed some time ago.


    The only level that remains broken isn't even a part of the Port project, which is Taris from Brotherhood.


    In which you get to play a random Twi'lek Jedi Captain of the Republic instead of a main character of BoSSR because I have not ported all of the characters yet.


    UPDATE : I have finally got the Sleheyron Arena's working, I don't know why I stopped trying before must have been busy with other levels.


    Basic Arena


    Walled Arena


    Tower Arena


    Awesome to finally run around these arena's myself too!

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