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Posts posted by Thor110

  1. 19 minutes ago, Snigaroo said:

    That's great, I'm glad it's out before the next version of the K2CP is finalized, I'm hoping JC might want to integrate it. It's such a small thing but it's always bugged me.

    I've given permission for it and a range of my other mods to be used if they wish to do so.

    Surprised no one had covered this yet to be honest, but there's so much to fix it's easy to overlook things.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    For now, classes.2da, classpowergain.2da, dan13_dorak.dlg, feat.2da, featgain.2da, npc.2da, skills.2da, tar03_brejik031.utc, and the party members have all been modded.

    Should be simple enough then, TSLPatcher's ChangeEdit can automatically generate the differences for the 2DA files and from there you can probably just add the dialog and character sheets to the override folder.

    4 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I almost forgot that I need to figure out how edit Darkside Bastila, I need to change her class and build. Then I'll either do an early release or I'll move onto base items.2da, and then start editing the weapons individually.

    Just edit her character sheet accordingly after tracking down which level contains the correct character sheet.

    • Like 1
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  3. 15 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    That's way more than I want to do. I'm perfectly fine with her having a yellow lightsaber in that scene. Care to recommend a good tutorial for assembling my mod with Holopatcher or TSLpatcher?

    TSLPatcher comes with a readme and a program for generating the changes.ini file for various filetypes.

    One thing to note is that there is an outdated version of it floating around which is worth avoiding.

    As for HoloPatcher, there is a readme on the GitHub page here.

    How much does your mod change exactly?

    • Thanks 1

  4. 16 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I'm not sure what the issue was exactly but it went away when I downloaded a new copy of DLGE and I was able to make my edits.

    Do you know if it's possible to change that cutscene where Bastila fights Revan? I want to change her lightsaber from yellow to green. Is it a video that has to be edited or is there a file where I can swap out the character model?

    That's a .bik movie file in the Movies folder. "02.bik" so you would have to do some video editing or reconstruct the scene in-game.

    I was looking at reconstructing that sequence in-game a while back for my port of the first game, but it will probably be a long time before I look at the idea properly.

    • Thanks 1

  5. No Mines On Malachor, Only Gas!

    Another request by @Snigaroo that I thought was worth taking on because it is something that has always bothered me too.

    This mod removes the appearance of mines on Malachor by adding a new trap type to the game that uses a new model that doesn't contain a mine.



    This mod should be compatible with any and all other mods, unless they happen to change the mines on these levels ( 901MAL & 902MAL ) or replace k_trp_generic.ncs


    Installation : HoloPatcher

    Use HoloPatcher to install the mod.


    Uninstallation : HoloPatcher

    HoloPatcher also generates an uninstall script after installation, use this to uninstall, you can also access that feature under Tools -> Uninstall in HoloPatcher itself.



    Please do not redistribute or release anywhere without my express permission.


    Tools used that helped make this possible.

    Kotor Tool - @ Fred Tetra
    KotOR Scripting Tool - @Blue
    HxD - @Maël Hörz
    HoloPatcher - @Wizard & @Cortisol

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  6. 1 hour ago, Snigaroo said:

    Did you read the details of the request in the thread OP? The name of the request definitely makes it sound like I wanted a wholesale change and I could've picked a much better shorthand, but the OP description talks about the specifics in the case of each request. I try to do it that way to keep the thread from being cluttered with a bunch of details within the comments.

    Thanks very much for the work, I appreciate it.

    I apologize I did not look at the request in the OP, though I have just read it.

    If there is anything else you feel should be added or changed about it, feel free to let me know and in the meantime I will take a look at your other requests.

    Edit : Malachor Mine Visibility Fix I have also taken care of and will be available at once it has been approved.


    • Light Side Points 1

  7. 25 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    Edit: nvm. I figured out how to do it the conversation editor in KotOR Tool.

    I would suggest not using KotOR Tool for much besides extracting files, even then it's usually easier to just use ERFEdit, HolocronToolset is also an option to consider.

    Though I don't know what it might mess up when it comes to dialog files but it has been known to cause issues when it comes to editing files.

    Also I would suggest looking into TSLPatcher and HoloPatcher for applying your changes when releasing your mod so that changes can be properly applied to the games files.

    29 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    Thanks for showing me this so clearly. Removing the dialogue options for the other 2 classes is actually an elegant solution that keeps the dialogue tree intact. I like it.

    You're welcome and as I mentioned, there are probably a few other branches within that specific dialog that would need removing.

    30 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use this app. I get the little pop-up window that tells me that I don't have TSL installed and then nothing. The actual app never launches... What am I doing wrong?

    I'm not sure what the issue is here, I always have both installed so I have never encountered this problem.

    • Like 1
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  8. 8 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I'm dumb. I should have specified. I'm modding KotOR 1. So I'm referring to the scene on Dantooine where you cross-class to Jedi.

    Ah, well in that case you would have to edit the dialog files in question to remove those options accordingly.

    This would be for Dorak, which is "dan13_dorak.dlg" that is located within the level file "danm13_s.rim"


    Though it's highly likely that there might be other entries that you might want to delete.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  9. 5 hours ago, Snigaroo said:

    That would change every appearance of Traya in the game to Kreia, correct? I don't want her appearance on Malachor changed--much as I think it's likely an artifact of LucasArts mandating there be a big bad at the end, it would be much too significant a thematic alteration for mod build inclusion. If the description of the request wasn't clear enough I apologize, but I only wanted the change for the vision appearance in the tomb.

    It certainly wasn't very clear but never mind.

    This just changes her appearance in the level 711KOR.


  10. 13 hours ago, Snigaroo said:

    To change her appearance on Korriban? The Malachor appearance and the Ludo Kressh vision share the same .utc file?

    I forgot about those. Not sure if her .utc file is identical but the same file name is used for the one on Korriban and one of the one's on Malachor, so it still might be feasible that way.

    Malachor 904mal uses n_darthtraya001.utc

    Malachor 907mal uses p_kreia_evil001.utc and p_kreia_evil002.utc

    Korriban 711kor uses p_kreia_evil001.utc

    Is there another module that has Darth Traya in it?

    Though I just checked in-game how changing just her appearance number looked for the Kreia's Fall Cutscene (in-game) by danil-ch and it wasn't perfect.

    So instead here is a version that just directly changes the model to use her original texture, not really sure what the best approach is to be honest, probably this.

    Looked alright to me in-game in the fall cutscene, will work on Korriban as well.


  11. On 5/5/2024 at 10:41 AM, Snigaroo said:

    I've added a new request (Traya-to-Kreia). This one is pretty easy, I think.

    Easy would be an understatement, that took fifteen minutes to make and it only took that long because I had to make compatibility for the Kreia's Fall Cutscene (in-game) by danil-ch

    It's 10.5mb's as it uses HoloPatcher

    All this does is change the .utc files to Kreia's regular appearance value, I tested an install, which went fine, I manually verified the files had been updated, but I did not play through the cutscenes in question, so let me know how it plays out.

    The info.rtf is practically non-existent.


    Edit / Note : I think the Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene would actually need updating because of a slightly different model used with a custom animation, might be possible to just update the texture, I will take a closer look at it later on.

  12. Don't use Steam workshop, it doesn't actually install the mods to the game, it tries to side load them in according to the order you installed them, which means things almost always go wrong when using more than one mod, because there are often file conflicts and the latest mod installed gets priority over the previous mods.

  13. Dantooine & Coruscant Model Fix

    Just fixed these models for my project and decided that I would post them as well for anyone that might care about the small holes in the level geometry at the far end of the Enclave catacombs or Coruscant temple. 610DAN & 952COR


    Add the files in the 7zip archive to your override folder.

    Note : If you are not using the Coruscant mod, don't copy the following files.



    Delete the following files from your override folder.


    Fixing this took longer than it should have!


    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • TSLRCM Compatible


  14. Given that they are textures, if those textures exist in the second game, they will use the same name and you will probably just be able to use them in K2 without any need to port them.

    It's possible but unlikely that they have different names though, so it would be best to check.

    My suggestion would be, make a list of the texture files you want to put into K2, put them in the override, see if it works, if it doesn't, use the list to find and remove them.

    Alternatively you could check if those textures exist in K2's files first using KotOR Tool.

  15. While it is a bit late and my previous response neglected to mention this, you can simply turn it off in screenshots though I don't know if this helps you but it might help someone. ( swkotor.ini in the game directory ) -> change "GUIsInScreenShot" to equal 0


    [Game Options]


    Edit : you also need to change "EnableScreenShot" to equal 1 and from there the print screen button on your keyboard will create a .tga file in the games directory.

    Further edit : oh you can actually disable it altogether using "Hide InGame GUI=1" under Game Options.

  16. 4 hours ago, Vampir999 said:

    Yes, Feat Icons and Force Power Icons

    I’m also making a completely changed HUD, I plan to post it next week

    But in principle the problem is only on the leveling screen, but in combat or movement the sizes are normal and quite beautiful

    So maybe we shouldn't pay attention to this problem.

    It's just a matter of finding the correct .gui file which I think is ftchrgen_p.gui but it looks like it's a hard-coded set of values where they are all displayed and exist inside of a container.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Vampir999 said:

    If you replace them with GUI style, they will turn out to be of very poor quality. Then this makes absolutely no sense
    If there is such a point, can you show with a screenshot where such a point is, otherwise I’ve already lost my mind
    thank you for quick response

    May the Force be with you!

    The only GUI edits I have done in recent times are simple recolours so unfortunately I have no examples that I can show, but I was in part referring to what you were referencing where some screenshots show the icons to be bigger in existing Icon overhauls.

    Perhaps take a look at their releases in order to see what changes they made to the .gui files.

    Alternatively try increasing the width and height values of the Icons you wish to alter the size of and see what the results are in-game.

    For the most part here I am just guesstimating on what has been done because I haven't looked at any of the Icon overhauls myself.

    I know there are a lot of .gui files to go through and tinkering with them takes time.

    Presumably you are after either the Feat Icons or Force Power Icons? Without knowing which icons in specific you are referring to, I can't even take a look at the problem, but the best bet is to just tinker with the values and see what works best for your circumstances.

    Best of luck figuring out a solution.

  18. 11 hours ago, Vampir999 said:

    Hello. I need help with TSL, I'm making new icons for GUI and I'm 95% done, but one problem turned out to be no use for them, since the icons themselves in the game are very small, no matter how much I searched for different GUI, but the same situation is everywhere, however, somewhere in the vastness of YouTube, I saw in the review when the player went to the abilities\powers tab, he had quite large icons

    I have already downloaded the visual GUI editor /, there is a field for finding icons, but there is no size of the icons themselves, or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please help me, in response I will fill in the tests for GUI in 256 and 128 quality

    What icons in specific are you seeking?

    From what I recall there are width and height values that can be accessed through the Visual KotOR GUI Editor, however screen space and aspect ratio's have to be taken into account when modifying something like this of which there are many variants, I believe most people just replace them as they are in order to match the original GUI style.

  19. 1 hour ago, Nm6k said:

    Is this still being work on?

    Other Projects

    Yes, though progress has been slow lately as I have been busy with another project that aims to automate conversion of old Unreal Engine games to UE4/5.

    Currently it's just a series of batch scripts that utilise existing tools to extract and convert the game files in preparation for UE4/5 but I am preparing to go through the source code for each of the tools and re-work them to deal with any issues present at the moment.

    Expanded Galaxy

    That aside, the last update to the Main Expanded Galaxy Repository was 16 days ago, a lot of my time has been spent reaching out to other mod authors and looking for people who wish to join the project, as well as testing which consumes quite a lot of my time unfortunately.

    The project recently overwent a major overhaul to bring it over to the new HoloPatcher installer, which took quite a while to prepare, it is no longer a drag & drop replacement install and is now a dynamically handled installation similar to TSLPatcher installs, which should make the project compatible with other mods, though I give no guarantees on that because mods can easily cause conflicts with one another.


    Currently the project could do with a few more hands on deck, as expected it is far too grandiose for me to handle alone, though I think I have done well getting it this far on my own.

    Looking for Testers, Modellers, Texture Artists and finally Writers to join the project, though I did plan to do it all on my own I am starting to think finishing it will be unlikely without a team, I am still holding out hope that as a community we can pool our efforts and resources to unify all of the best content into a single canonical overhaul of both games under the Expanded Galaxy branch.

    End Goals

    My end goal would be to create a singular install that totally overhauls both games as well as an additional optional install that overhauls the textures and models for both games.

    Though it might be better that I wait for one of the open source engine re-implementations to be finished in order to better accommodate the needs of this project.

    Road Blocks

    Currently there are still a few roadblocks for me to overcome in order to fully realise the goal of this project, primarily forming a team and keeping things better organised, but additionally I need to work out what the best way forward is for the project, recently I have been reminded of the infamous dialog skipping bug that is present in TSL and I feel like it really is something that needs solving in order to make the project the best it possibly can be.

    This is however a difficult task and a bug or problem that has plagued the game since it's release and has gone unsolved for a long time.

    I also initially intended to try and finish the Port of KotOR1 to TSL before shifting my focus back to TSL itself, due to the need to incorporate a launcher and save importer that allows players to carry over their choices from the first game into the second game, but this is becoming increasingly difficult for me to swap between the games and playtest as well as work on both of them, for the time being I have set the Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge port aside in order to help reduce the workload, but the reduction is barely noticeable as that was just a side-project or venture to see how quickly I could get the majority of it reworked for TSL.

    In Conclusion

    In short, there's lot's to do and the project may never reach a stage where it is to be considered completed, but I very much hope this isn't the case and intend to continue working on it for as long as I can, getting it all this far has been physically and mentally exhausting, while the majority of the work is fairly easy, I started this project back when I was homeless for a short period of time and at times I find it debilitating to be reminded of that part of my life.

    However, rest assured I will be continuing work on the project indefinitely, it's very much a life-long project which seeks to revitalise the original games as much as physically possible within the constraints of the TSL iteration of the odyssey engine.

    Initially I had hoped to get a forum section for the project here on DeadlyStream and to raise regular discussions about what needs improving in the game as well as creating polls that the community could vote on in order to try and determine what changes are best, what fixes should or shouldn't be included and allowing the community to guide Expanded Galaxy to it's final destination.

    However that didn't happen, keeping up with everybody's thoughts, ideas and opinions on the games is difficult enough, let alone everybody's suggestions for improving the game!

    There is a Discord server for the project where people can discuss things, though it's been a little quiet as of late, it's very easy to discuss the possibilities for these games endlessly and while that can be helpful at times in order to bring forth ideas and suggestions that might help the project, at times it can leave me whiling away hours simply discussing the semantics of why I don't intend to include or add something to the project.

    My Thanks

    Thanks for checking in on the project and many thanks to all those who have helped support or contributed to the project so far.

    Apologies for the super long response, but I felt it would be best to give a proper summary of what's what regarding the status of the project.


    • Like 2

  20. You can always switch back to the LegacyPC version on Steam via Settings/Beta Versions.

    Both the GOG version and the LegacyPC version is the same as the disc version. ( so I don't know what you mean by limited )

    I mod the Steam/Aspyr version. But I also make mods for the game.

    The reason it's best to avoid the Steam workshop is because it doesn't actually install the mods.

    It installs them to their own folder and patches them into the game on runtime.

    Which essentially limits the user to having one mod installed at a time depending on what the mods change.

    For example : if you install two mods that both replace or alter the same file, the second mod you subscribe to on the Steam workshop will take priority for that file.


    Where as if you install the mods manually yourself this won't be an issue.


    That does not however mean that you can just install all the mods and they will work together, it all depends on what the mod does, what files it alters and how it alters them.


    As I understand it, most people just default to using the reddit mod build while other users resort to trial and error and some of us, inspect the mods contents to see how they work.


    Regarding what's best, that's all down to the user in question and their level of understanding on the issue at hand.


    Hope that helps. ( Though I know it will probably just raise more questions )

  21. 12 hours ago, Sentrelius Primus said:

    What would I do with the file? Open it in the game folder?

    Just double click it and add it to the registry provided you are on a Windows system and have the game on Steam, then try running the Save editor and see if it works.

  22. 2 hours ago, Sentrelius Primus said:

    Still having issues myself with KSE 338. It points exactly where my saves are but says "No save games detected. Terminating." Then it closes.

    I can't even get 3.3.7a to work for me either. None of the versions detect either the INI nor the save games.

    You could potentially use these to update you registry entries or update them manually yourself if you know how.

    These are my own backups that I use to update my registry for the KotOR games in order to ensure that KotOR Tool and other tools such as the savegame editor work.

    They are only compatible with the Steam version of the game and mimic the location of the original registry entries.

    KotOR1.reg KotOR2.reg