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Everything posted by Thor110

  1. View File Deny Carth an Audience This is another edit for my main project that I decided to package separately. It adds a very simple dialog option allowing the player to deny Carth an Audience on Telos. Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences ) Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  2. View File HK Factory Cleanup This mod lines up the HK-50 and HK-51 droids at the HK Factory on Telos. I felt they looked out of place all slightly out of line so I lined them up with one another. All of these small changes are included with the Expanded Galaxy Project but somebody suggested that I package them separately so here they are. I am also looking for suggestions for things to fix throughout the course of the main game, so if you know of anything feel free to message me. Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences ) Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  3. Thor110

    HK Factory Cleanup

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod lines up the HK-50 and HK-51 droids at the HK Factory on Telos. I felt they looked out of place all slightly out of line so I lined them up with one another. All of these small changes are included with the Expanded Galaxy Project but somebody suggested that I package them separately so here they are. I am also looking for suggestions for things to fix throughout the course of the main game, so if you know of anything feel free to message me. Thor110
  4. View File M478EP Level Fixes It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here are the changes I made to M478. I combined the level that is usually split into three chunks into one and added some new doors to separate the areas, I also edited the positions of a lot of computer panels that were previously at odd rotations of positions and generally looked out of place on a droid planet, I also adjusted a few of the doors that were slightly out of line with the scenery. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes worth making to M478. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. View File Missing Door - Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels This adds in a missing door from the Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels that is either absent from TSLRCM or was never there in the first place, though I believe it was there in my un-modded playthrough but it was some time ago. Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences ) Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  6. View File Turret Placement This mod literally just lines up the two turrets shown in the preview image, somebody suggested that I release all fixes / changes that are not specific to my main project separately so I have even included this. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/30/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. View File Academy Cleanup This mod literally just removes the holographic planet present in the Polar Academy, it is not there in the original game but was added in TSLRCM, so I decided to remove it as I think it looks out of place. Note : made using TSLRCM module files, so TSLRCM required as opposed to compatible. ( though I think it would work without my guess is there might be dialog file differences ) Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  8. View File Visibility File Fixes It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here is my first set of fixes for two levels on Nar Shaddaa and two levels on Dantooine. The preview images show what happens before applying these fixes. Let me know if you find anywhere else in the game that this occurs and I will look into fixing it. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. Thor110

    Turret Placement

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod literally just lines up the two turrets shown in the preview image, somebody suggested that I release all fixes / changes that are not specific to my main project separately so I have even included this. Thor110
  10. Thor110

    Academy Cleanup

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod literally just removes the holographic planet present in the Polar Academy, it is not there in the original game but was added in TSLRCM, so I decided to remove it as I think it looks out of place. Thor110
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This adds in a missing door from the Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels that is either absent from TSLRCM or was never there in the first place, though I believe it was there in my un-modded playthrough but it was some time ago. Thor110
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is another edit for my main project that I decided to package separately. It adds a very simple dialog option allowing the player to deny Carth an Audience on Telos. Thor110
  13. Thor110

    M478EP Level Fixes

    Version 1.0.1


    It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here are the changes I made to M478. I combined the level that is usually split into three chunks into one and added some new doors to separate the areas, I also edited the positions of a lot of computer panels that were previously at odd rotations of positions and generally looked out of place on a droid planet, I also adjusted a few of the doors that were slightly out of line with the scenery. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes worth making to M478. Thor110
  14. Version 1.0.4


    It was suggested to me that I release some of the fixes I have made separate from my main project, so here is my first set of fixes for two levels on Nar Shaddaa and two levels on Dantooine. The preview images show what happens before applying these fixes. Let me know if you find anywhere else in the game that this occurs and I will look into fixing it. Thor110
  15. Thanks for checking it out, always good to know that it works, it alters various levels throughout the game now and a lot of M478, I am still looking for many things to fix or alter, I need to give it another playthrough at some point soon. There are likely missing .txi files for the transparent textures on Lehon, I will hunt them down when I get a moment, I have recently reconverted Sleheyron and got it working, though the sky box does not work yet but most of the buildings / floor all works, I also added the correct doors. I will fix the relevant transitions to and from the Rakatan Bases as well as unlock the doors to the temple, as well as lower the health of enemies in many areas. Unfortunately I haven't got the swoop track levels working but I will try again at some point, there is a lot to do in the ways of actually writing dialog files, placing characters, enemies, placeables and triggers to use, though I am trying to make use / re-use and alter what already exists in many areas. Being able to manually travel to Malachor V should make a nice difference to the way the game plays I am toying with the idea of using the Taris Lower City areas for a new floor to Coruscant as well as using the Taris Sewers for exiting Visquis Base on Nar Shaddaa, I have prepared the relevant levels but am not sure on if I will use them without getting them reskinned.
  16. v.0.7.4 of the Expanded Galaxy Project Demo for the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords is out and available on the Work In Progress page on page 4, I have tested it as best as I can using saves, but I am looking for testers and people to get involved with the project.

    1. djh269


      I'm free tomorrow so I'll download it and come back to you boss :D


    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      BTW, I've just approved your other mods posted today.

    3. Thor110


      @Sith Holocron Thanks! I wasn't initially going to release them but somebody suggested I offer them as standalone mods for anybody that might not be interested in my main project, which includes all of them.

  17. I had similar problems at some point where I had two versions of KotOR2 installed, I simply ran the swupdate.exe and it fixed the issue, I tried it because I was trying to save myself hassle messing around in the registry.
  18. What are peoples thoughts on removing the Ebon Hawk Icon and Peragus in favor of Sleheyron and Lehon? There is also the possibility of using Malachor V for another planet, Telos Polar Regions could also be used to replace Peragus or for another planet, I could also make it so the player has to manually travel to Malachor V, allowing the player to finish their quests.


    1. Thor110


      How do you mean? @djh269 "without the use of the Galaxy map" yeah that is the one planet you can travel to without the galaxy map, other than Malachor V which I have already changed, but it still occupies an entry in the relevant scripts / files in order to appear on the galaxy map in the first place / trigger the relevant cut-scenes.

    2. djh269


      You can script traveling to areas using the warp function, but it causes problems with getting back on the Ebon Hawk though :)



    3. Thor110


      Yeah I know, luckily I don't have any more areas to add at the moment, I might consider porting Ord Mandell in the future for the spare planet slot, but for the time being I am going to leave it as it is.

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  19. There is no plans to include Lehon as of yet, but I might look into replacing Malachor IV on the planet list because the cutscene makes you travel there. Taris cannot be included for obvious reasons. I did have thoughts of using the Taris Sewers for Kiras getaway through the Escape Tunnel on Nar Shaddaa, but it depends how well it would fit in. I have just uploaded 0.7.1 which is the latest and I have tested quite thoroughly, there are a few bugs that I know of but there shouldn't be anything game breaking. After completing the game all these levels can be travelled by the player, I will slowly be adding in the ability to complete / hand in any quests that the player might have left as well as possibly pick up new ones, but this will be after making use of the new planets during the main game. It's a slow process but I am still working on it all. So it seems your comment got me thinking about it, so I decided to dive into the galaxy map scripts again, I have now managed to enable the final four slots making use of the Ebon Hawk, Peragus, Malachor V and Telos Polar Academy Slots. For the moment I have set it up so that the tutorial galaxy map dialog skips over actually using the galaxy map, it also does the same for when leaving peragus. Sleheyron & Lehon can be travelled to. I might end up removing Sleheyron as it is converted from the Demo and the models didnt convert properly, perhaps in future if the new Sleheyron gets released I could add it in, if not it is another planet slot that could be used, but for the moment it exits to the Sleheyron Demo Docking Bay, which for the best part works. Malachor V only appears on the galaxy map when you have defeated Nihilus. There is a duplicate version of the Yavin Orbital Station for the extra planet slot, Malachor V is also removed from the galaxy map after completing the game. All of this is available on page 4 of this topic, it still requires TSLRCM, M478EP and the Jedi Temple / Coruscant mod. All this means is the player never sees the galaxy map until leaving the Academy on Telos and getting the Ebon Hawk back. Malachor V remains selected after completing the game. Sleheyrons docking level mostly works, the rest dont. Kashyyyk & Manaan still have slight map problems. Exiting Kashyyyk enters Hyperspace for the Ebon Hawk. Leaving the Ebon Hawk in Hyperspace exits to the previous planet. The End Game Levels are duplicates of the main game levels so will be a little buggy, but work for the most part. That should be the majority of bugs that I know of for the moment, I have tested heavily with a playthroughs worth of saves in depth but not played the game all the way through so there are bound to still be problems to found.
  20. Thank you for the in-depth review of sorts it's really appreciated, these are definitely some things I will need to look into. Leaving the characters in place was just so that I had sets of co-ordinates to work with when placing new NPC's and so that it was not just a bunch of empty levels, though this is much easier now using the Kotor Toolset, but it is still good to have the Z Axis values as reference especially for placeables. One thing to note is that I don't remember modifying the main menu and wonder which files you are referring to? The only alteration to menus I believe was the TSLRCM / M478EP Animated Logo that I obtained permission to include. Making it so that dialog can all be skipped is definitely something I will change in future versions, I only tested the borders of Tatooine once and didn't think to make them skippable, though the same can be said for the rest of the dialog I have added into the game. As for the swoop tracks, the current versions are based off of the Telos Swoop Track but modified to have the relevant rooms, swoop bike and camera models from the first game, I really need to spend a bit of time diagnosing the problem properly ( such as the exit transition script / going through it step by step ), I also need to make sure it loads two different versions of each track for the upgradeable swoop bike mod by bead-v that I have permission to include. The Swoop Tracks are definitely an integral part of the mod that I need to get working, I haven't spent as much time on this project recently as I would have liked to but intend to sit down and work on it again properly for a few days sometime soon. Though I have the story ideas laid out now, I also have sets of test rooms to view all the placeables, characters and alien dialog to help me choose what I will want where. Using just alien dialog might be a bit of a setback in terms of quality it is the best option for the moment. I spent quite a while making changes to M478 because I felt the jumping transitions were really off-putting / disorientating, I have also played the game through a few times looking for odds and ends to fix ( distracting myself from the main part of the project ) I have since played M478 through quite a few times and found everything to work correctly, though I haven't been able to find two items to finish a quest there neither in the vanilla nor in my modified version, but this might just be that I have overlooked a container / placeable somewhere. ( Quest is Archon Communication - I obtained the schematics from one droid and didn''t find the other two items ) But eventually I do intend this project to come bundled with various fixes, the extra areas and as many Quality of Life improvements as I can make, I am also looking for suggestions on anything that might need changing, fixing or editing in the main game, I have a large folder of screenshots that I need to go through pin-pointing things I have already located to modify, move, remove or fix. Again thank you for your kind words and notes on any issues, also apologies for my long-winded response.
  21. Thank You, I am still working on this regularly but slowly. I have had trouble getting the swoop tracks working but I am still trying and I will be adding Pazaak players to each planet at some point, trying to focus on laying out a decent storyline for each area that fits with the game and trying to make links between both games. Also pin-pointing things that need fixing throughout the main game. Currently the mod only has three HK-50 encounters and the mystery box ( which doesn't have a journal entry and no way to end the quest yet ) but this allows players to get HK-47 restored before visiting their first planet, it always annoyed me that players had to miss out on at least one planets worth of dialog for HK before they could restore them. Being that it is just me working on this it is likely going to take quite some time ( possibly years ) before I finish everything, but I am still holding out hope that others will begin to contribute, offering their expertise or fixes for the game to be bundled as one in the future, I have already reached out to some mod authors and been given permission to include some fixes / mods. I am trying to stay true to the original game and only include fixes / mods that feel like they should be in the game.
  22. Much more settled on a direction for the project now, latest story descriptions can be found in my latest post on page 4 of my WIP topic, much more realistic than some of the outlandish ideas I had to begin with.

  23. Previous Messages Latest Story Ideas These are some rough drafts of the story ideas I have planned out for the areas I have added into the game, I have noted major plot points so that I can start planning out each level accordingly and trying to tie everything into the main game as best as possible, I have also added a group of HK-50s to each new location so as to offer even more chance to get the HK parts as well as more opportunities to track down the HK Factory ( Which I missed in my recent playthrough ) This is a much more definitive outline of what is now planned for the project than any of the far-out ideas I had to begin with, I look forward to finding out what people think, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated. Visibility File Fixes
  24. Sorry about that, it is currently and will likely only remain as a "modders resource" as it includes way too many new maps for me to figure out how to use and implement properly all at once, I am working on a smaller version for proper release though. The intention was that the modules here could help others make mods using maps that were previously unavailable.
  25. Screenshots Yavin IV - 4 Planets Demo Release 0.7.8 - KotOR II The Sith Lords The mod now includes 6 new planets for the game, Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Lehon, Yavin Orbital Station, Sleheyron and it also contains updates to M478 and the ability to manually travel to Malachor V instead of going through a whole host of cutscenes and being forced to travel there straight away. The foundation of the entire project is in place as of 0.7.5 and requires testing for anybody interested. This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8.5, M478EP 1.5.1 and the Jedi Temple / Coruscant mod to be installed in that order followed by the seven files below. - three files also need removing as noted below. 0.5.9 Yavin Demo.7z [NOTE] - Please delete the three .ncs scripts contained in the "end_" folder within "override" in order to fix a conflict issue with the Royal Palace on Onderon. Yavin Demo 0.6.0 TO This is a patch not a "Demo", the above file is wrongly named "Yavin Demo" instead of "Yavin Patch". 0.7.4 Includes an optional file that moves Korriban and Dantooine to the positions they had in the first game. 0.7.5 Should fix every instance of being able to exit during hyperspace, as well queues the hyperspace movie during these new pit stops in hyperspace. 0.7.6 Fixes most of Sleheyron, the doors and most of the buildings appear properly now but the skybox is still missing. 0.7.7 Adds a new planet model and icon for Lehon to the galaxy map as well as some other small changes. - see patch notes. 0.7.8 Adds Peragus back and makes the Galaxy Map accessible after Peragus, also now including Kexikus's Planet Texture and Icon for Coruscant. 0.7.9 Fixes the Ebon Hawk, somehow I broke it applying fixes to prevent leaving the Ebon Hawk after the Ravager and Malachor V I will take a look into fixing this again at some point, it also fixes a number of other small issues and begins to populate Sleheyron. 0.8.0 Further decorates Sleheyron and includes a preview of some of the questline I have started working on. Yavin Patch 0.7.4 TO 0.8.1 Updates and fixes the Rodian Encounter, it also adds another HK encounter to Sleheyron and more placeables. Yavin Patch 0.8.2 Fixes some things in Sleheyron and adds the Dialog / Lip files for the Mysterious Box Quest. Experimental Files Extended Carth Meeting There is now a group of HK-50s on Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyyk and Sleheyron that are capable of contributing to the HK Factory Questline or dropping a HK part, I have also re-added the missing areas of Dantooine from K1, these can only be warped to at the moment. Prerequisites : I suggest using a fresh install combined with TSLRCM, M478EP and the Jedi Temple Mod followed by this to test it out. Due to the way I am publishing updates all of the above files are required to be installed in chronological order following the prerequisites. I am slowly trying to write dialog and plan quest lines for these planets, please get in touch if you have any ideas or would like to join the project. Latest : 0.7.8 Patch Peragus has now been put back and the Galaxy Map can be accessed after Peragus, I am not sure it's possible to add it back to the tutorial without having a different planet selected, this is what the original Ebon Hawk was for, so that somewhere was selected first, but this way works just as well. The game also continues after completion and allows free roaming of the galaxy, though I will work on this a little bit and try to make sure quests can be handed in, I won't be giving the galaxy a whole new set of quests after the game is complete just yet, I will instead be focusing on the new planets introduced during the main game, I think it should give the game a bit more variety, I will also be making it possible to go to the HK Factory even after the Ravager, both before and after Malachor. This will be via one of the shuttles on Telos : Citadel Station, I have also added the option to deny Carth an audience after the Ravager which is listed as something that was originally intended, currently it just cuts to leaving Telos but I plan on making the guards walk away as they do anyway and then to fade out and leave Telos. Thor110